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洗发露和身体洁肤液洗发露和身体洁肤液 1. Shampoo & Body Wash 1( 洗发露和身体洁肤液 1. ) California Baby Shampoo & Body Wash - Calming - 8.5 oz 加利夫尼亚幼儿洗发露和身体洁肤液 开尔明(Calming)-8.5oz系列 Age: Newborn and older For Use: Use for baby's first bath! For hair, face & body. Scent: Our special Calming aromat...
洗发露和身体洁肤液 1. Shampoo & Body Wash 1( 洗发露和身体洁肤液 1. ) California Baby Shampoo & Body Wash - Calming - 8.5 oz 加利夫尼亚幼儿洗发露和身体洁肤液 开尔明(Calming)-8.5oz系列 Age: Newborn and older For Use: Use for baby's first bath! For hair, face & body. Scent: Our special Calming aromatherapy blend that includes French lavender 适用年龄:新生儿和年龄稍长点的幼儿 用 途:用于幼儿的第一次洗浴,如洗头,洗脸,洗身体。 芳香气味:我们特殊的开尔明(Calming)系列产品,是从天然植物中(其中就包括法国薰衣草)萃取的香料混合物。 Product description: A concentrated, gentle, non-stripping cleanser. California Baby's light & fresh Calming essential oil blend adds to the bathing experience. Leaves hair noticeably shiny, soft, and manageable. Our customers have reported excellent results with this shampoo & body wash in their fight against eczema and other skin sensitivities. Great travel size. 产品说明:作为一种浓缩,温和,质地柔和的洗洁剂,加利夫尼亚幼儿洗浴系列产品中的温和新鲜的开尔明 (Calming) 精华油混合物,让您充分体验洗浴的舒适。使您的头发格外光亮,柔软,并易于梳理。对有湿疹及其他皮肤过敏症 状的客户来说,我们的洗发露和身体洁肤液都有着非常好的效果。赶快来试一下吧。 For Grownups: A great non-drying facial wash for adults (and teenagers!) with sensitive or problem skin. Thinning hair? Use in place of harsh shampoos that can contribute to hair loss. Safe for chemically treated hair 对于成年人: 对于患有皮肤过敏或其他皮肤问题的成年人和十几岁的青少年来说,它是一种非常好的保湿洁面乳 用我们的产品替代一些质量低劣的洗发露,对于防止脱发很有益处。该产品对于经过化学处理的头发也是非常安全 适用的。 Benefits & Features: Contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients Cleansing agent: 100% Decyl polyglucose, No Sodium lauryl sulfate, DEA, or numbing agents, No tears, non-irritating, non-stripping formula. Safe and gentle, Two products in one--use head to toe. May be used for hair, face and body, Great for babies, kids, or adults with chemically sensitive skin. Will not irritate eczema or cradle cap reports of healing even stubborn cases 优势和特点: 富含头发持续生长所需的有机成分。 洗洁剂主要成分:100%聚癸葡萄糖。不含十二烷基硫酸钠,二倍乙醇胺泡沫增稠剂或使皮肤麻木的成分。不流泪, 无刺激性, 非常柔和的配方。产品二合一,可以给您带来从头到脚的清洁。对于婴幼儿或患有皮肤化学过敏的成人 来说,都是非常适用的。不会影响湿疹或顽固性胎腻的治疗康复。 2.) California Baby Shampoo & Bodywash- Calming - 17.5 oz 加利夫尼亚幼儿洗发露和身体洁肤液 开尔明(Calming)-17.5oz系列 excellent for sensitive skin and for eczema. No tears, two products in one - No: SLS, DEA, or numbing agents. Convenient heavy-duty pump dispenses a big glob of product in one easy push. 对于皮肤过敏和患有湿疹的人来说是绝佳的洗浴产品。不流泪,产品二合一,不含十二烷基硫酸钠,二倍乙醇胺泡 沫增稠剂或使皮肤麻醉的成分。 批量产品由很方便的重型泵一次配方而成。 3.) California Baby Shampoo and Body Wash - Super Sensitive - 8.5 oz 加利夫尼亚幼儿洗发露和身体洁肤液 Super Sensitive-8.5oz系列 Scent: No fragrance or scent masking agents 芳香气味: 不含芳香或香味隐蔽剂。 Product description: California Baby's concentrated, extremely mild, no fragrance formula is made to gently cleanse and soothe the most sensitive skin. Highly recommended by leading dermatologists and allergists for their patients with chemical sensitivities and fragrance intolerance. 产品说明:这种浓缩的,十分温和的,不含芳香剂的加利夫尼亚幼儿系列产品配方就是用来清洁和抚慰敏感的肌肤的。 由皮肤科医生和过敏症专科医师为皮肤过敏或香味过敏的病人专门推荐的产品。 For Grownups: Nationally-renowned NYU allergist and dermatologist, Dr. David Cohen, recommends our Super Sensitive Shampoo & Body wash to his patients with allergies and chemical sensitivities 对于成年人: 纽约大学全美最著名的皮肤和过敏症医师大卫.科恩博士都向他的皮肤过敏症患者推荐我们的超级敏感的洗发露和 身体洁肤液。 Benefits & Features: No fragrance, scent masking agents, clear formula chemicals, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, or DEA。May be used by those following a homeopathic regimen, Non-stripping of natural oils. 优势和特点: 不含芳香和香味隐蔽剂的清洁配方,不含十二烷基硫酸钠,二倍乙醇胺泡沫增稠剂,可以被那些接受顺势疗法的人 广泛使用。是一种不含原油的温和洗剂。 4.) California Baby Shampoo and Body Wash - Tea Tree & Lavender - 8.5 oz 加利夫尼亚幼儿洗发露和身体洁肤液 茶树和薰衣草-8.5oz系列 For Use: Our therapeutic blend is effective against cradle cap, dandruff, dermatitis, eczema and lice. No tears, two products in one - No: SLS, DEA, or numbing agents. Scent: A clean and beautiful blend that includes organic tea tree and French lavender with sweet citrus and floral base notes 用 途:我们的有益于健康的混合物对于胎腻,头皮屑,皮炎,湿疹,和头虱都有很好的治疗作用。无刺激性, 产品二合一,不含十二烷基硫酸钠,二倍乙醇胺泡沫增稠剂或使皮肤麻木的成分。 芳香气味:一种混合了有机茶树,法国薰衣草和甜柠檬的清新舒适的味道。 Product description: Even the most finicky child will love the fresh & clean fragrance of California Baby's Tea Tree & Lavender Shampoo & Bodywash. Gentle enough to use everyday, and it is effective against dandruff, cradle cap, dermatitis, and lice. Tea tree has anti-bacterial and healing properties, while French lavender is calming and soothes frazzled feelings and irritated skin and scalp. Anti-oxidant protection of vitamin E and evening primrose along with herbs of calendula and rosehips complete this fantastic product! Great travel size. 产品说明:即使是最挑剔的小孩,也会喜欢上我们有着清新新鲜香味的加利夫尼亚茶树和薰衣草洗发露和身体洁肤 液的。温和的足以每天使用并且对于胎腻,头皮屑,皮炎,湿疹,和头虱都有很好的治疗作用。茶树有抗菌之功效, 而法国薰衣草有镇静和抚慰缓解疲劳的肌肤之功效。夜来香和金盏菊以及玫瑰等中草药的抗维他命氧化的功效使得 我们的产品更加完美。值得一试。 A note from Jessica, developer of California Baby: Many of our customers love our Calming Shampoo & Bodywash because it smells beautiful and leaves one feeling serene. Our Tea Tree & Lavender Shampoo & Bodywash is sure to become a family favorite too! What makes it so terrific is that it's perfectly balanced; our essential oil blend is brimming with a fresh, clean, zippy scent that is therapeutic and also a gentle head-to-toe cleanser. May be used after a day at the pool or the beach to help remove chlorine and salt residues from hair and body; follow with our hair conditioner that can be left in for extra conditioning. It even works on the family pet! Enjoy. 加利夫尼亚幼儿用品研发者杰希卡的一点提示:因为我们的Calming洗发露和身体洁肤液闻起来非常好,并且用后 还会使人感到舒适安详,所以有许多我们的客户都非常喜欢这种产品。因此我们的茶树和薰衣草洗发露和身体洁肤 液也就理所当然地成为家居必备的洗浴用品。更了不起的是它非常的均衡,其中的精华油混合物充盈着对身体有益 的清新的,洁净的,舒适的芳香,是一种非常温和的洗洁剂。当你在泳池里或沙滩上休闲锻炼之后,我们的这种产 品可以用来帮你除去你身上或头发里残留的氯化物或盐分。并且还能对头发起到持续的护理的作用。它甚至可以用 在家庭宠物的身上。还等什么呢,享用吧。 p.s. Our tea tree oil is organically grown and contains high levels of the actives that make this oil highly desirable. 另外:我们的茶树油是有机栽培的,富含活性物质,使这种茶树油更加令人满意。 For grownups: Works on flaky scalp and dandruff Anti-fungal/bacterial--Moms, use to soak during manicures or pedicures A proven hit with dads and we know how picky they can be! An excellent facial wash for oily, problem, and teenage skin 对于成年人: 有效的治疗头皮碎屑和头皮屑 抗菌消炎,修手指甲或脚趾甲的时候可以用来浸泡。 Benefits & Features: Contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients Smells great and it's therapeutic too! No tears, no numbing agents Cleans and loosens cradle cap and works to heal irritated scalp An effective cleanser for oily skin types Our aromatherapy essential oils are tested for purity and guaranteed pesticide free Leaves hair clean and shiny, non-stripping of delicate mucous membranes Anti-fungal/bacterial Our cleansing agent, Decyl polyglucose, is non-invasive, gentle, and extremely biodegradable Safe, gentle, and effective No Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or DEA Gentle enough for baby's first bath. May be used everyday by all ages Our Tea Tree is organically grown in Australia 优势和特点: 富含头发持续生长所需的有机成分。 有很好的芳香气味,有益身体健康。 不含刺激性和麻醉性成分。 清洁缓解胎腻,并可治愈令人烦恼的头皮碎屑 对于油性皮肤的人来说是一种非常有效的清洁产品 我们萃取的香料精华油经过严格的纯度测试,并且保证无毒 令您的秀发光洁闪亮,不会损伤脆弱的皮肤粘膜 产品的主要成分是100%聚癸葡萄糖,聚癸葡萄糖是一种无创的,温和的,可分解的物质 安全,温和,有效 不含十二烷基硫酸钠,二倍乙醇胺泡沫增稠剂 非常适用于幼儿第一次洗浴。也适用于各个年龄段的人的日常洗浴。 我们的茶树是在澳大利亚有机栽培的。 5.) California Baby Hair Conditioner - Calming 加利夫尼亚幼儿护发素 开尔明(Calming)系列 Product description: California Baby's non-chemical, plant-based, no tears formula is an all-natural botanical blend of herbs, rich emollients, and natural sunscreens that combine to leave delicate hair shiny and smooth. Light and fresh aromatherapy essential oils add a pleasant, calming effect. Works to protect from damage caused by chlorine, salt water, and the sun's harmful rays. 产品说明:加利夫尼亚幼儿洗浴系列产品是基于植物的不含化学物质的无刺激性配方,是一种纯天然的中草药混合物,富含天然的柔顺和遮光复合物成分,使秀发闪亮柔顺。 闪亮清新的精华油使您倍感惬意安详。保护秀发免受氯化物,盐水,和有害阳光辐射的损害。 For Grownups: Excellent conditioner for chemically treated or overprocessed hair 对于成年人: 对于经常焗油的头发是一种很好的调节产品 Benefits & Features: Contains organic and sustainably grown ingredients Non-irritating, non-chemical formula No tears, no numbing agents Safe and gentle Rinse out or leave in for extra curly or difficult hair Conditions with plant waxes and herbs Leaves hair smelling great May be used on cradle cap 优势和特点: 富含头发持续生长所需的有机成分。 无刺激性,无化学物质配方 无刺激性,麻醉性成分 安全,温和 可清洗卷发或难以打理的头发 在植物蜡和中草药的共同作用下,可以使秀发保持更好的状态 使您的秀发清新迷人 对胎腻有一定的治疗作用 6.) California Baby Hair Conditioner - Super Sensitive 加利夫尼亚幼儿护发素 Super Sensitive系列 A note from Jessica, developer of California Baby: A wonderful complement to our Super Sensitive Shampoo & Bodywash for those who have chemical sensitivities, prefer unscented products or like to add their own fragrance to a high quality base. The texture is great and rinses out easily; leave in for extra conditioning. Give our no fragrance products a try even if you can tolerate scent, don't have allergies or ingredient restrictions. I appreciate their simplicity and like to use them to change 'scent gears!' 加利夫尼亚幼儿洗浴用品研发者杰希卡的一点提示:对于那些对化学物质过敏的人来说,选择没有香味的产品或想 要把他们自己的芳香提高到更高的层次,加利夫尼亚Super Sensitive系列产品是一个很好的补充。它的结构合理, 易于清洗头发深层污渍,并对秀发给予持久呵护。 即使您不对香味过敏,也请您试一下我们的没有香味的产品。我 很欣赏它的简单,并且想尝试一下不同的香味。
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