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网上买衣服如何选尺码网上买衣服如何选尺码 网购小知识库 2010-04-01 12:42:49 阅读84 评论1 字号:大中小 对很多买家来说,网上买衣服最头疼的就是尺码了。 颜色和想象有点差别,没关系;料子和感觉的不一样,也没关系;但如果尺寸和自己估计的不一样, 就有点麻烦了。很多卖家一般不退换,而且即使退换,都要买家承担往返运费,费时费力费钱,很多人甚 至因此对网上买衣服望而却步。 时尚佳人总结上万个客服记录,给你一点有用的建议,也许从此以后您的网购旅途会更加轻松愉快。 第一步 做好心理准备 不要怕麻烦 很多买家觉得量尺寸的事情很麻...
网上买衣服如何选尺码 网购小知识库 2010-04-01 12:42:49 阅读84 评论1 字号:大中小 对很多买家来说,网上买衣服最头疼的就是尺码了。 颜色和想象有点差别,没关系;料子和感觉的不一样,也没关系;但如果尺寸和自己估计的不一样, 就有点麻烦了。很多卖家一般不退换,而且即使退换,都要买家承担往返运费,费时费力费钱,很多人甚 至因此对网上买衣服望而却步。 时尚佳人总结上万个客服,给你一点有用的建议,也许从此以后您的网购旅途会更加轻松愉快。 第一步 做好心理准备 不要怕麻烦 很多买家觉得量尺寸的事情很麻烦,或者是不会量,怕量错,也有很多买家直接告诉我们:“我家没 尺子~”呵呵,尤其是男生哦。 其实量尺寸是件很简单的事情,动动手指就能搞定。而且一劳永逸,如果你的身材不是经常变化的 话,量一次就可以长时间使用的。 第二步 准备一把皮尺 量尺寸要用裁缝用的软皮尺。一般的小市场都可以买到,不愿出门的朋友可以在网上买一把,几毛 钱吧,使用率很高的。 第三步 量尺寸啦 我们韩都衣舍店铺里有“衣服如何量尺寸” 图的链接,里面有详细的介绍。这里举一个牛仔长裤的例 子。 选裤子的时候要量如下尺寸(单位选厘米,不要选尺和寸哦),注意要贴身测量,不要留有余量, 有条件的可以让家人朋友帮忙,以求准确: 1、 腰围 A 中腰裤 腰围要量腰部最细的部位,就是您平时穿中腰裤时候的裤腰的部位,在肚脐以上3cm左 右的地方,尺子平行地面测量一周。 B 低腰裤 一般低腰取腰围线到臀围线上三分之一的位置,超低腰就相应的量低一点。 低腰裤也可以不量腰围,根据臀围选择号码。 2、臀围 过臀部最高点,平行地面测量一周。 3、大腿围 大腿最上最粗的位置,紧挨着裤裆,平行地面测量一周。 4、裤长 从腰围量到踝骨的位置,(这个尺寸也可以不量,裤子一般不会短,长了可以挽起来,呵 呵)。================================================= 如果以上三步您都嫌麻烦的话,可以出门找个裁缝,请他给你量,量好了记下来,好好保存着。等 你长胖了或减肥成功了要再去量一次哦,呵呵 ================================================== disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 第四步 找到尺码 或者 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 第五步 对照尺码表,找到自己合适的尺码 要将就量得尺寸里面的最大数,才能确保裤子穿上合适o哦。 例如某种男士牛仔裤的尺码表是 30码:腰围84cm 臀围103cm 大腿围61cm 32码:腰围89cm 臀围108cm大腿围63.5cm 您量到的尺寸是 腰围88cm 臀围03cm 大腿围61cm 虽然臀围和大腿围的尺寸符合30码的,但腰围88cm,84cm,所以要选32码的。 再例如某种女式的牛仔裤的尺码表是 S码:腰围75cm 臀围90cm 大腿围49cm M码:腰围78cm 臀围93cm 大腿围50cm 您量到的尺寸是 腰围75cm 臀围92cm 大腿围48cm 虽然腰围和大腿围的尺寸符合S码的,但腰围92cm,90cm,所以要选M码的。 不要只告诉客服您的身高体重,每个人的身材比例不一样,这个数字只是作参考的。 另外也不要只告诉客服您平时穿多少码的,因为韩国尺码和中国不一样的,而且就是韩国尺码,有 时候不同的厂家也不一样的。 女孩子决定身材的重要指标是净三围: 胸围、腰围、臀围。 测量要点:1、贴身测量,不要留有余量。 2、胸围要通过胸的最高点尺子平行地面一周。 3、腰围要量腰部最细的部位,不要量裤腰的地方,在肚脐以上3cm左右的地方,尺子平行地面测量 一周。 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 4、臀围要过臀部最高点,平行地面测量一周。 三围是基本的围度,还有几个基本的长度:衣长、 袖长、裤长、肩宽。 测量要点: 1、衣长从颈部和肩部的交点开始测量,尺子垂直地面,量到你希望衣服的长度为止,得到的数据就 是衣长。 2、袖长从肩最宽点量起,通过肘关节直到合谷穴的长度是标准的袖长。 3、裤长:从腰围线开始到脚踝的位置的长度。 4、肩宽:肩宽一定要从后背量,从肩的最宽部量起,要通过颈椎和脊椎的交点,量出曲线的长度。 基本的尺寸具备了,就要实用于具体选择服装了。卖家一般会提供成衣的尺寸给大家,但是成衣的尺寸是含有放量的,服装的裁剪是按照身体的净尺寸加上一定放量得出的,不同的服装放量也不同,所以在对照实物尺寸时,直接比较净尺寸的不准确的,我举几个常用的例子给大家,大家也可以在实践中总结交流。 1、衬 衣:一般收腰的贴身的衬衣,胸围的放量在6,8cm,腰围的放量在8,10cm。 例:净胸围85cm净腰围68cm 应选择的衬衣胸围:91,93cm 腰围:76,78cm 2、套装上衣:现在很多人喜欢穿收腰的上衣,这种上衣的放量与衬衣是一致的。 3、长 裤:裤子的腰围是没有放量的,只需量出净腰围即可,但是现在很多人喜欢穿低腰的裤子,所以要测量低腰位置的周长,一般取腰围线到臀围线三分之一的位置。牛仔裤的臀围放量是1,2cm,西 裤的放量3,5cm。 例:净臀围90 应选择91,92cm臀围的牛仔裤或93,95cm的西裤 4、裙 子:腰围与裤子的测量一致,臀围的放量是2,3cm。 5、大 衣:大衣胸围的放量是12,16cm,要依据款式紧身还是宽松。 以上这些放量是没有弹性服装的基本放量尺寸,也要适具体情况而定,但是现在时下很多流行的服装是弹性弹性,还有毛衣的尺寸也很难把握。 最后再教大家一个比较法:就是选择自己衣柜里的衣服测量,但是这种方法的重点就是要注意,选择测量的衣服要与要买的衣服款式、面料的密度接近,否则的话会有 适得其反 -- 衣服尺码对照表 尺码对照表 鲁宾汉尺码对照表 1、上装尺码为: 01码表示代码为:“XXS” 02码表示代码为:“XS” 03码表示代码为:“S” 04码表示代码为:“M” 05码表示代码为:“L” 06码表示代码为:“XL” 07码表示代码为:“XXL” 2、茄克装尺码为: 70表示代码为:“48”(M) 71表示代码为:“50”(L) 72表示代码为:“52”(XL) 73表示代码为:“54”(XXL) disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special 3、裤装尺码为: 26代表腰围为:“1.9尺” 27代表腰围为:“2.0尺” 28代表腰围为:“2.1尺” 29代表腰围为:“2.2尺” 30代表腰围为:“2.3尺” 31代表腰围为:“2.4尺” 32代表腰围为:“2.5尺” 33代表腰围为:“2.6尺” 34代表腰围为:“2.7尺” 36代表腰围为:“2.8尺” 38代表腰围为:“2.9尺” 40代表腰围为:“3.0尺” 42代表腰围为:“3.1尺” 44代表腰围为:“3.2尺” 50代表腰围为:“3.4尺” 52代表腰围为:“3.5尺” 54代表腰围为:“3.6尺” 4、西服装尺码为: 80表示代码为:“145” 81表示代码为:“150” 82表示代码为:“155” 83表示代码为:“160” 84表示代码为:“165” 85表示代码为:“170” 86表示代码为:“175” 87表示代码为:“180” 88表示代码为:“185” 5、衬衣装尺码为: 60表示代码为:“38” 61表示代码为:“39” 62表示代码为:“40” 63表示代码为:“41” 64表示代码为:“42” 65表示代码为:“43” 66表示代码为:“44” 67表示代码为:“45” 68表示代码为:“46” ----------------------- 至于身高和衣服搭配 没有一定的标准 因为有的身高很高 但是肩不一定肯宽 依实际情况 而定 disturbances, surgical shock and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome, trauma, surgery, infection, cardiac and pulmonary resuscitation, surgery, nutrition, preoperative preparation and postoperative treatment, based on the principle and basic theory of knowledge. Familiar with General surgical common diseases and frequently-occurring disease pathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of standard; surgeons familiar with the basic use of drugs. Understanding of rare diseases and rare diseases in general surgery clinical features, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and therapeutic principle of progress of organ transplantation, minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopic surgery and basic theory, general principles of treatment of surgical critical patients. 2. basic requirements full master surgical dressing of technology; master surgical surgery cut, and revealed, and suture, and ligation, and bleeding, technology; familiar surgical common of clinic operation technology, as catheter, and vein cut, and Center vein pressure measurement, and sigmoid colon mirror check and live organization check,; understand general surgical special
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