

2018-01-08 43页 doc 107KB 117阅读




大学英语B级考试大学英语B级考试 阅读与翻译 一、 阅读理解 1(概述 阅读理解(Reading Comprehention)是试卷的第三部分( Part III ),该章 节包含五个任务(task),前两个任务的测试形式是“四选一”(36-45题),后 三个任务以实用阅读为主(46-60题),分别采用“填空,匹配和简答”的形式。 阅读理解的第一任务是阅读,只有具备了一定的词汇量才能通读全文。 高等学校英语应用能力考试的总阅读量在1000-1500词之间,那么要求具备的 词汇必须在3500词左右。尽管实用阅读的理解难度不深,但是对于...
大学B级考试 阅读与翻译 一、 阅读理解 1(概述 阅读理解(Reading Comprehention)是试卷的第三部分( Part III ),该章 节包含五个任务(task),前两个任务的测试形式是“四选一”(36-45),后 三个任务以实用阅读为主(46-60题),分别采用“填空,匹配和简答”的形式。 阅读理解的第一任务是阅读,只有具备了一定的词汇量才能通读全文。 高等学校英语应用能力考试的总阅读量在1000-1500词之间,那么要求具备的 词汇必须在3500词左右。尽管实用阅读的理解难度不深,但是对于文章主旨 大意的把握,句中某些词汇的所指极其含义也是不容忽视的。 2(讲解 对文章或段落进行理解,不外乎从两方面入手:一是谋篇,二是谋句。“谋 篇”注重对文章的概括,明白文章的主旨大意,了解作者的观点与态度。“谋句‖ 侧重细节,根据上下文正确理解句义和词义,能够迅速查找出所需信息。只有清 楚了解进行阅读理解测试的目的,考生才能不惧任何考试形式,从容面对考试。 下面分别对这五个任务进行举例说明。 样题一 ( Task 1 ) ―Someday, when I have time, I’d like to…‖ Heard that lately? I think I use that phrase at least 10 times a week. And you’ve probably said something similia. After all, we all have things we’d like to do ―when we have time.‖ However, ―someday‖ never seems to arrive. Let’s face it: you may never have the time to do anything extra. But maybe you can make the time. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. Plan your day. Make a checklist of the work you need to get done everyday. When you’ve finished the day’s tasks, you may find some time left to do those extra activities. Set goals. Decide on the goals for your time. Write these goals down and put them where youwill srr them every day. Make healthy decisions. Eat quality food, get plenty of sleep, and exercise regularly. Yes, this will cost you a few of your precious minutes. But you’ll also have more energy. That means you’ll be more lkely to spend your evenings effectively instead of wtching TV at home. 36 According to the author, all of us complain that ________. A) we don’t have enough time to do things we’d like to do B) we have too much leisure time to spend a day C) we don’t have much time to work at home 1 D) we have too many things to worry about 37 To get your work done, the writer suggests that you should first _______. A) find time for extra activities B) finish the work immediately C) get the work done on time D) make a work checklist 38 Th second piece of advice given by the writer is that you should _______. A) review the goals every day B) decide on the goals for your time C) set goals for extra activities D) write down the work in your notebook 39 According to the third suggestion, quality food, plenty of sleep and regular exercise will enable you to ________. A) be stronger physically B) enjoy more leisure time C) be more efficient in work D) watch more TV programs 40 From the passage, the author intends to tell us how to ________. A) organize your time B) do your extra activities C) make use of your time D) set goals for your time 例题分析 从“make the time‖这一词组不难看出,本文谈论的是有关时间的安排问 题。测试内容先从“谋句”开始,按写作顺序先理解 “complian‖的含义,再找 出三个‖suggestion‖的所指,最后再 “谋篇”—了解文章的主旨和作者的写作目 的。 答案:36 ―complain‖ --- we don’t have enough time to do things we’d like to st37 1 suggestion ---make a work checklist nd38 2 suggestion --- decide on goals for your time rd39 3 suggestion --- be more efficient in work 40 ―intend to‖ --- make use of time Key: A D B C C 样题二 ( Task 2 ) Recordable CD-ROM Drive Everyday more and more people are joining a new kind of digital revolution, that of the recordable CD-ROM Drive. The recordable CD-ROM Drive has just been trust into the mainstream, and people have been burning (刻录) their own copies of their favorite music, computer games, and programs. In fact, in 1999 over 21 million recordable CD-ROM Drives were sold in the United States alone; that’s three times 2 as many as in 1998. The drive has even become standard on many PC models. A decent CD-RW drive can be purchases separately for about $ 250. One reason for its immense(巨大的)popularity is the ability to store MP3 files on CD. MP3 files are the new standrd format for online music. MP3 can be burned onto a CD-R disc that holds about 650 MB of data, which will work in your PC, laptop, or portable CD player. The CD-RW drive can also be used to back up data saved on the hard drive or to copy computer programs. With program like Adaptec’s Easy CD Creator, burning CDs requires only a few clicks of the mouse and about an hour. Another option is the CD-RW discs, which have the same capacity as the CD-Rs but can be recorded on multiple times. 41 With a recordable CD-ROM people can burn copies of _______. A) computer games B) programs C) music D) all of the above 42 Approximately how many CD drive were sold in the US in 1998? A) 250 B) 21 million C) 7 million D) 3 million 43 A good CD-RW drive can be sold separately at the price of _______. A) $250 B) $650 C) $300 D) 200 44 According to the passage, which is one reason for the immense popularity of th CD-RW drive? A) The discs can be recorded for many times. B) CDs can be made of online music files. C) Personal CD players are too heavy. D) It is very cheap. 45 How long does it take to burn a CD. A) Half an hour B) A few minutes C) An hour and a half D) About an hour 例题分析 这是一篇有关CD-ROM磁盘驱动器的介绍。乍看上去陌生的术语和单词不 少,考生会很容易产生畏读的情绪。要知道,这一类科技文章的考查重点往往 在细节信息的查找和辨认上,考生不妨先从后面的题目与选项着手,然后回到 文章中去查找核实,本文41,43,45题就可以采取这种方法。但有时查找到 信息后还需要多做些功课,譬如42题,要进行除法运算;44题则要知道multi- 前缀与multiple单词的含义 答案: 41 D, 42 B, 43 A, 44 A , 45 D 样题三 ( Task 3 ) With just one click, you can sign in (登录)safely to Expedia.com and have all your business protected by powerful technology. The technology encrypts(加密)your credit card number, name, address, and telephone number before they travel over the 3 Internet. This makes doing business over the Internet as safe as purchasing by telephone. The safe powerful technology has effectively protected hundreds of thousands of Expedia.com in October 1996. If you feel uncomfortable sending your credit card information over the Internet, just call us at 1-404-728-8787 and ask us to ep your number on file. Once we store your number, you’ll never have to send us ke sensitive credit card information again. Instead, you’ll only need to supply the last 4 card number to purchase travel online. Expedia.com Website Method to sign in: _______46_________ on the website Starting date : _______47_________ Purpose of the Website: _______48_______ on the Internet. Online business safety: protected by _____49_________ Contact telephone numer: ______50__________ 例题分析 本文采用填空的方式对文章进行理解,考查的重点仍在细节信息的辨认与查找上,因此阅读方法从后向前为佳。考生在做题时,首先要明确题目的要求,本文46的method, 47的date, 50的number都是重要的提示词,按图索骥直接去找就可以了;但是网站的purpose(目的)到底是什么,文中没有明确说出,不过可以找到这样一句话:This makes doing business over the Internet as safe as purchasing by telephone. 要知道,在表达“上网”时,over和on均可,这就透露出该网站的目的是doing business. 答案: 46 one click 47 October, 1996 48 doing business 49 powerful technology 50 1-404-728-8787 样题四 ( Task 4 ) A ___ Business Envirionment B ___ Entertaining a Client C ___ Ordering Goods D ___ Brand Power E ___ Public Relations F ___ Health and Safety G ___ Rights at Work H ___ Human Resources I ___ Going Global J ___ Marketing Disasters K ___ Company Performance L ___ Work and Leisure 4 M ___ Terms of Payment N ___ Research and Development O ___ Adervertising Strategy P ___ Sales Contracts Examples: ( P ) 销售 (M)支付条款 51( ( )公司业绩 ( )订购商品 52( ( )公共关系 ( )人力资源 53( ( )健康与安全 ( )走向全球 54( ( )广告策略 ( )商务环境 55( ( )品牌力量 ( )营销灾难 例题分析 这是一道信息匹配题,一般是从15,16或17个选项中挑选10个正确答案。 该题由于答案已给出,因此可采用对比或猜测的方法去完成。但是,由于该题考 查内容涉及学术、科技、商贸、标识等实用性术语,范围较广,考生还需平时多 留意,多积累这些方面的词汇。 答案: 51 K C 52 E H 53 F I 54 O A 55 D J 样题五 ( Task 5 ) The whole organization — all the members of the staff — must acknowledge and understand this: selling is the most important activity of the organization. From the chief executive to the office cleaner, everyone must accept this as the first priority over everything else in the company. The telephone operator, the accounts clerk, the storekeeper, and everyone else must know how to handle inquiries and customers politely and correctly. If the appropriate person is not around, other staff should take orders if necessary. The deliveryman must be willing to serve and please customers. Whether you are selling shoes, hotel rooms, building contracts or exhibition services, you must ensure that you and your organization get enough sales, customers, clients, contracts or business to ensure a goood regular inflow of income for your company. Everybody in the organization must understand that sals are the oxygen in the air that the organizational body breathes. Without sals the body dies quickly; with insufficient (不足) sales it dies slowly. 56. Who is mentioned as head of the whole organization? __________________________________________. 57. What must everyone accept selling as in the company? __________________________________________ 58. How many types of work are given to emphasize that selling involves All the members of the staff? 5 __________________________________________ 59. What is selling compared to or just like for the company? _____________________ in the air. 60. What happens to the organizational body if there are not enough sales? ___________________________________________ 例题分析 任务五采用问答的形式对文章的理解进行测试,考生在做直接回答时一定 切记:要简答,而且不能超过三个单词。一般情况下,问什么就直接答什么,譬 如问who就写人名,问what就写事物,问how many就写数字。本文前四题基 本如此。如果遇到答案超出三个单词,你需要对原句进行修改。60题如果这样 回答:The organizational body dies slowly.显然不行,字数超过了,应该利用代词 it 去替代the organizational body. 答案: 56. The chief executive 57. The first priority 58. Six 59. The oxygen 60. It dies slowly. 3. 解题策略 在实考中,考生在做阅读理解题时,经常会犯以下的错误: 1)答非所问,凭想当然。尤其当选项里出现了文章中的词汇时,往往不再审 题就直接选择。 2)凭直觉,凭猜测,忽略细节查找与辨认。 3)信息遗漏。这种错误常发生在做填空和简答时,往往刚查找到信息就写下 来,没有注意信息完整与否。 4)信息混淆。匹配题中会有些类似的选项,一定要仔细推敲与对比。 针对上述错误,考生在实考时要多提醒自己: 1)注意审题,细心查找,确保信息的完整和正确。 2)不要慌张,不必匆忙。40分钟的阅读时间足以让你轻松面对每一个task. 3)书写要清晰,笔迹要工整。 4)完成后随即再检查一遍。 4(真题训练 ( 06年12月B级 ) Task 1 People who work night shiftts are cinstantly fighting against an ―internal clock‖ in their bodies. Quite often the clock tells them to sleep when their job requires them to remain fully aawake. It’s no wonder that more accidents happen during night shifts than at any other time. Light therapy(照光治疗法)with a bright box can help night-shift workers adjust their internl clock. However, many doctors recimmended careful planning to help improve sleep patterns. For examole, night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep in the morning when they get off work because the body’s natural rhythm (节律) fights back, no matter how tired they are. Some experts 6 recommend that night-shift wrkers schedule two smaller sleep periods—one in the morning after work, and another longer one in the afternoon, closer to when the body would naturally need to sleep. It’s also helpful to ask friends and family to cooperate by avoiding visits and phone calls during the times when you are sleeping. 36. Night –shift workers are those who __________. A) have to rely on their internal clock B) need to readjust their clock C) fall asleeplate at night D) have to work at night 37 In order to remain fully awake at work, people working night shifts should ____________. A) have long periods after work B) make the light darker than usual C) try to reset their ―internal clock‖ D) have to work at night 38 Many doctors thinks it is helpful for night-shift workers ____________. A) to sleep with a bright light on B) to plan sleep patterns carefully C) to avoid being disturbed at work D) to sleep for a long time after work Night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep in the morning because 39 _______________. A) their internal clock will not allow them to B) they are often disturbed by morning visits C) they are not trying hard enough to do so D) they are too tired to go to sleep well 40 According to the passage, some doctors recommend that night-shift workers should _____________. A) have frequent visits and phone calls B) improve their family relationship C) have two smaller sleep periods D) rely mainly on light therapy Task 2 A few ways Greyhound can make your next trip even easier Tickets By Mail. Avoid lining up altogether; by purchasing your tickets in advance, and having them delivered right to your mailbox. Just call Greyhound at least ten days before your departure ( 1-800-231-222). Prepaid tickets. It’s easy to purchase a ticket for a friend or family member no matter how far away they may be. Just call or go to your nearest Greyhound terminal (车站) and ask for details on how to buy a prepaid ticket. Ticketing Requirement. Greyhound now requires that all tickets have travel dates fixed, at the time of purchase. Children under two years of age travel free with an adult who has a ticket. 7 If your destination is to Canada or Mexico. Passengers traveling to Canada or Mexico must have the proper travel documents, U.S., Canadian or Mexican citizens should have a birth certificate, passport or naturalization (入籍) paper. If you are not a citizen of the U.S., Canada or Mexico, a passport is required. In certain cases a visa may be required as well. These documents will be necessary and may be checked at, or before, boarding a bus departing for Canada or Mexico. 41(From the passage, we can learn that ― Greyhound‖ is probably the name of ____ A) an airline B) a hotel C) a website D) a bus company 42. Why should people call Greyhound for tickets in advance? A) To avoid waiting in lines at the booking office B) To hand in necessary traveling documents. C) To get tickets from the nearest terminal. D) To fix the traveling destination in time. 43. What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets? A) They are not available for traveling outside the U.S. B) Travelers should buy their tickets in person. C) Babies can not travel free with their parents. D) They have exact travel date on them. 44. When people travel to Canada or Mexico, a passport is a must for ________. A) American citizens B) Japanese citizens C) Mexican citizen D) Canadian Citizen 45(This passage mainly offers information about ________. A) how to prepare documents for traveling with Greyhound B) how to purchase a Greyhound ticket and travel with it C) how to make your trip with Greyhound interesting D) how to travel from the U.S. to Canada and Mexico Task 3 Dear Sirs, I know that your compay has a reputation for quality pruducts and fainess toward its customers. Therefore, I’m writing to ask for a replacement for a lawn mower(割草 机). I bought the mower about half a year ago at the Watchung Discount Center, Watchung, Nebraska. I’m enclosing a copy of a receipt for the mower. A month after I bought the lawn mower, the engine failed, and it was repaired under warranty(保修期). So far, I have had the engine repaired four times. Now the engine has broken down again. I have already spend more than $300 on repairs, and I am beginning to seriously question the quality of your mowers. I am requesting that you replace that mower with a new one. I hope that you will live up to your reputation of good customer service that has made your business successful. Faithfully, 8 Rod Green Letter of Complaint Purpose of the letter: requesting a ___________(46) for a lawn mower. Time of purchase: about ___________(47) ago Trouble with the machine: ___________ (48) Times of repairs so far: _____________ (49) Money spent on repairs : more than ___________ (50) Task 4 A ___ employee turnover B ___ life-long employment C ___ role conflict D ___ profit sharing E ___ scientific management F ___ comparable worth G ___ flexible working hours H ___ social support I ___ survey feedback J ___ core competence K ___ public relations L ___ group culture M ___ wage and salary survey N ___ honesty testing O ___ human resouce planning Examples: ( I ) 调查反馈 (A)人员流动 51( ( )测谎 ( )工薪调查 52( ( )社会支持 ( )终身聘用制 53( ( )团队文化 ( )公共关系 54( ( )利润分享 ( )人力资源策划 55( ( )科学管理 ( )弹性工作时间 Task 5 Dear Sirs, For the past 8 years I have been a statistician (统计员) in the Research Unit of Baron & Smallwood Ltd.. I am now looking for a change of em ployment which would broaden my experience. A large and well-known organization such as yours might be able to use my services. I am 31 years old and in excellent health. I majored in advertising at London 9 University and I am particularly interested in working involving statistics(统计). Although I have had no experience in market research, I am familiar with the methods used for recording buying habits and trends. I hope that you will invite me for an interview. I could then give you further information. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Mike Smith 56. What’s Mike Smith’s present job? He’s working as a ___________________________. 57. What was Mike Smith’s major at London University? __________________________________________ 58. What kind of work does he like to do? Work involving _____________________________ 59. In what area does he lack experience? He has no experience in ______________________ 60. What’s the purpose of the writer in sending this letter? To be invited for _____________________________. ( 06年12月A级 ) Task 1 We don’t have beds in the spacecraft, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, when we are working, we leave th bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bedtime we untie them and take them wherever we’ve chosen to sleep. On most spacecraft flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch over the spacecraft; the craft’s computers call us on the radio. On the spacecraft, sleep-time doesn’t mean nighttime. During each ninety-minute orbit (轨道) the sun ―rises‖ and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes, then it ―sets‖ as the spacecraft takes us around the dark side of the Earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks. It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut (宇航员) sleeps differently: some sleep upside down, some sideways, and some right side up. When it’s time to sleep, I take my bag, my sleep mask and my tape player with earphones and float up to the flight deck (驾驶舱). Then I get into the bag, and float in a sitting position just above a seat, right next to a window. Before I pull the mask down over my eyes, I relax for a while, listening to music and watching the Earth go by under me. 36. When the astronauts are working, sleeping bags are fastened _______. A) on the wall B) to their seats C) onto the flight deck C) anywhere they like 37. Why can all the astronauts sleep at the same time? A) They have to follos the same timetable B) The radio will take care of the aircraft for them. C) There are enough sleeping bags in the spacecraft. 10 D) There is no need for them to watch over the spacecraft. 38. To relax himself before sleep, the writer often ____________. A) makes a bed B) gets into his bags C) listens to music D) wears a sleep mask 39. How long dies it take the spacecraft to go round the Earth? A) Forty minutes B) Fifty munites C) Ninety minutes D) Twenty-four hours 40. The best title for this passage is _____________. A) Traveling in Space B) Sleeping in the Spacecraft C) Equiment Used by Astronauts D) The Earth Seen from Outer Space Task 2 Whenever traling on Shanghai Airlines (SAL) flights with paid tickets, you will earn air miles according to the class shown o your tickets. When you have accumulated enough air miles, you can apply for a premiun (奖励) ticket of other premium items. Passagers (12 years old and over) are eligible (合格的) to join SAL FFP (Frequent Flying Passager) Club unless it is banned (禁止) by the law of the country where they live. Please fill out the application form on the back and mail it to the Customer Service Center of SAL. SAL Customer Service Center will mail the membership card and manual to you within 30 working days after receiving your Application Form. Please show your membership card when you check in at an airport. Please retain a photocopy of the ticket, the original boarding pass as well as photocopy of your receipts after traveling or making purchases at SAL partner businesses until you confirm the record has been charted to your account. If you flew SAL 3 months beford your registration of SAL FFP Club, please mail to SAL Customer Service Center a copy of your ticket and the original boarding pass with your card number on it for recording air miles. The Application Form can be used by one person only, and copies are void (无 效) . For more information, please refer to the SAL FFP Program Guide. 41. What does SAL stand for in this passage? A) Shanghai Airporr B) Shanghai Airlines C) Shenzhen Airport C) South Airlines 42. Who can apply for a premium ticket from SAL accoding to the passage? A) A passenger who has traveled several times by plane. B) A passenger who wants to travel on any airlines flights C) A passenger who has traveled on Shanghai Airlines flights. D) A passenger who has accumulated enough air miles on SAL flights. 43. What’s the legal age to join SAL FFP Club according to the passage? A) 11 and under B)12 and under 11 C) 12 and over D) 18 and over 44. Whom should the application form be sent to if you want to apply for SAL FFP Membership? A) SAL FFP Club B) The SAL ticket office C) The SAL headquarters D) SAL Customer Service Centere 45. When they check in at an airport, Club members should show _______. A) their boading pass B) their membership card C) a photocopy of the ticket D) an application form Task 3 DISCLAIMER: This e-mail is confidential and should not be used by anyon who is not the original intended recipient ( 收件人 ). If you have received this e-mail in error , please inform the sender and delete it from your mailbox or any other storage mechanism (存储器), Neither Macmillan Published Limited nor any of its agents accept any responsibility for any statements which are clealy the sender’s own and not expressly(明确无误地) made on behalf of Macmillan Publishers Limited nor any of its agents. Please note that neither Macmillan Publishers Limited nor any of its agents accept any responsibility for viruses that may be contained in this e-mail or its attachments and it is your responsibility to scan the e-mail and attachments (if any). No contrats may be concluded on behalf of Macmillan Publishers Limited or its agents by means of e-mail communication. Macmillan Publishers Limited Registered Offi Brunei Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke RG2 6XS E-mail Disclaimer From: ___________(46) User of the e-mail: the ____________ (47) No responsibility accepted by Macmillan for:; 1. any __________(48) which are the sender’s own 2. ____________(49) possibly contained in this e-mail 3. contracts concluded by means of ___________ (50) Task 4 A ___ Advanced mathmatics B ___ Experiment in Collegy Physics C ___ Fundamentals of Law D ___ Theory of Circuitry E ___ Circuit Mesurement Technology F ___ Optimum Control G ___ Signal & Linear Systems 12 H ___ Electrical Engineering Practice I ___ Experiment in Electronic Circuitry J ___ Principles of Microcomputers K ___ Motor Elements and Power Supply L ___ Auto-Measurement Techniques M ___ Automatic Control System N ___ Microcomputer Control Technology O ___ Basis of Software Techniques P ___ Principles of Mechanics Q ___ Digital Image Processing Examples: (A) 高等数学 (J)微机原理 51(( )自动控制系统 ( )法律基础 52(( )数字图象处理 ( )电路测量技术 53(( )软件技术基础 ( )信号与线性技术 54(( )自动技术 ( )大学物理实验 55(( )电工实习 ( )微机控制技术 Task 5 Sunburst Hotel Location: On Waikiki Beach facing the ocean on one of the main beaches on the island of Oahu. Accommodation: A large complex including 32 houses, two 12-storey towers with 245 rooms and a 16-storey tower with 300 rooms. Room choice include one or two king or queen size beds or 2 double beds. Each room has a shower, hair-dryer, coffee maker, mini-fridge, in-room safe, phone, TV with pay movies and radio. Facilities: Two retaurants, three bars and four lounges(休息厅) provode excellent food, reflaxtion and entertainment 24 hours a day. There are also a tour desk, gift shops, laundry facilities and pay parking. Our room service is prompt and reasonable. Special features: Children under 16 stay free when sharing with an adult (one adult per child). More than one child per adult is half price. Coupon(优惠券): All guests receive a coupon book upon chech-in. It offers discounts on dining, shopping, entertainment and other activities. 56. Where is the hotel located on the island of Oahu? On _____________________________________________________. 57. How many rooms are there altogether in the tower buildings? There are altogether __________________________________ rooms. 58. How is the room service in the hotel? _________________________________________________________. 59. How much will you pay for your second child if you take two children along? __________________________________________________________. 60. What’s the use of the coupon book? 13 With the coupon book, guests can get _____________ on dining, shopping,etc. in the hotel. 二( 英译汉 1(概述 英译汉(Translaton – English into Chinese)是试卷的第四部分(Part IV),它 -65),前四题是四选一的客观题,即根据所给选择结合题目,选由五题构成(61 出最佳译文;65题则是段落自由翻译,内容主要涉及实用篇章,例如科普、商贸、广告、说明书、应用文函件等。该部分分值为20分,其中65题占12分。 2(讲解 A 61-64题主要是单句翻译,所给的英语句子多半为复合结构或较长的句子, 考查点基本有三:较难或易混淆的表达式,各种复合结构和句型。 下面举例说明: 样题一 Review the important points discussed in class as well as any points you remain confused about. A) 除了回忆课堂上谈到的重点,还要搞清楚你没有弄懂的地方。 B) 复习课堂上讨论过的要点,还有你仍然感到混淆不清的地方。 C) 搞清课堂上提到的要点,你也就能纠正自己搞错了的地方。 D) 复习在课上提出的要点,你就可以弄清你误解的地方。 例题分析 该句首先要清楚两点:review的词义和词性,以及as well as的词义和作用。 此句的主要结构是:Review为动词,它连带的宾语是两个points,由as well as将它们连接起来。其他都是修饰成分。 答案: B 样题二 A man who doesn’t try to learn as much as possible from others cannot hope to achieve very much. A)一个人不愿意从别人那里学到东西,就无法实现他的愿望。 B)一个不想向别人多学点东西的人,是没有什么希望的。 C)不努力尽可能多地学习一些其他知识的人,就没有什么希望。 D)一个不肯尽力向别人学习的人,是不能指望会有多大成就的。 例题分析 该句为复合结构,所以首先要将who引导的从句找到(who…others); 然后在理解时,明确learn as much as possible的翻译;当然,achieve的词义必须明白,它与“成就”有关。 答案: D 样题三 The villagers would not have survived the earthquake without the continuous careful search efforts of the soldiers. 14 A)没有救援队的耐心和努力,所有村民都不能从地震中得救。 B)没有战士们仔细努力的救援,村民就不可能躲过这场地震。 C)要不是救援队及时赶到,村子就不可能在这场地震中幸免于难。 D)没有战士们坚持不懈的搜救,村民们就不可能在地震中活下来。 例题分析 首先要注意句子谓语的表达,would not have survived与without告诉考生: 这是一个虚拟语气的句子,此外, survive的词义以及对于词组continuous careful search efforts的理解也至关重要。 答案: D B 65题为段落翻译,要做好该题,考生除了应具备一定的语言理解能力和 基本的实用业务知识外,还需大致通晓基本的翻译技巧,这样译出的汉语才 能准确通畅自然。 下面介绍除顺译法外的几种常见的翻译技巧: 1) 分句译法。 当遇到一个较长的英语句子时,可以考虑将一句分成两句或多句去译, 尤其是句中含有较长的定语或者非限定性定语从句时,用分句译法比较好。 1(“SPPA”___Siemens Power Plant Automation Ltd. is a joint venture set up by Siemens Power Generation Group in Germany and Binhai Electric Power Automtion Equipment General Factory. 译文: “SPPA”___西门子电站自动化有限公司,是一家合资企业,由德 国西门子发电集团与滨海电力自动化设备总厂(投资)兴建。 2. An expert recommended using the newer digital phones, which have less radiation than analog. 译文:专家建议使用新式的数字手机,它比模拟手机的辐射量要小。 (比较:专家建议使用比模拟手机的辐射量要小的新式数字手机。) 3( FeeNet is the first free Internet service that gives you the deals that you really want from local businesses. 译文:免费网是第一家提供免费服务的网站,它能让你从本地的商家处得 到自己真正需要的好生意。 (比较:免费网是第一家能让你从本地的商家处得到自己真正需要的好生 意的提供免费服务的网站。) 2) 倒译法。 这种方法是将位于后面或句尾的成分调整到前面先译,常针对状语或状 语从句。 4 Visitors are required to leave Hong Kong on or before the date when the limit of stay expires. 译文:当逗留期满时,游客必须于当天或之前离港。 5. This will see approximately 130 additioanal female athletes competing in China 15 in 2008. 译文:这将使2008年在中国(赛场上)竞赛的女运动员增加约130名。 6. Notice is hereby given that the water supply is not available from 7:00a.m. to 11:00 p.m. tomorrow, owing to the repairs of the water pipes. 译文:由于自来水管检修,明天从早上七点至晚上十一点停水。特此通知。 3) 转态译法。 在英语应用文以及科技文章中,经常会出现被动语态的句子,除了直接 译成“被、受、由”等,较好的处理方式是将其转译成主动语态。 7. A highly developed physical science is characterized by an extensive use of mathematics. 译文:一门高速发展的自然科学的特点是数学的广泛运用。 8. It is reported that most of the questions have been settled satisfactorily. 译文:据报道,大部分问题都已经令人满意地解决了。 9 The decision to cut down the oil productions was not taken lightly by OPEC. 译文:欧佩克组织没有轻易做出削减石油产量的决定。 4) 重组法。 顾名思义,这是将句子结构顺序打乱,按照汉语思维把意群重新排列。 10. We would also like to acknowledge the special contributions of the Marketing Science Institute, which supported much of the recent research, and especially Steve Greyster, and Diane Schmalensee for their willingness to cimmit MSI’s energies and resources to the study of sales management before the book became a fashionable topic. 译文:市场营销科研所对于近期的研究给予了很多的支持,尤其是Steve Greyster和Diane Schmalensee 二人,他们为了销售管理的研究自愿 从MSI项目中抽出精力和资源,从而使这本书成为了(人们)时尚 的话题,对于他们的特殊贡献,我们也要承认。 3(真题详解 样题一 (04年6月B级) Production Planner Wanted Applicants for the post of Production Planner should be college graduates with at least two years’work experience in production management. Being fluent in English and excellent at mathematics are essential. Applicants must have strong communication and team building skills. Our company offers good salary and other benefits. Please send a complete resume in English with one recent photo and expected salary to Post Office Box 67809, Hong Kong. 分析讲解: 1. 词汇准备:applicant 申请者 graduate 毕业生 management 管理 16 essential 基本的communication 交流 benefit 利益resume 简历 2(这是一篇招聘生产策划的广告。该篇章句子结构并不复杂,需要注意的是 with在第一句和最后一句的作用,意义为“具有,带有”,翻译时,可以 考虑单独成句。此外,招聘的词语要简洁,表达要清楚。 参考译文: 招聘生产策划员 申请生产策划员岗位者,要拥有大学学历,同时具有在生产管理方面至少两 年的工作经验,英语流利,数学优秀。申请者必须有极强的交际能力和团队建设 技能,本公司提供优厚的薪金和福利。请附上一张近照,把一份完整的英文简历 以及期望的薪水寄往香港67809邮局信箱。 样题二 (05年12月A级) We offer a wide range of information on the website, from detailed information to general buying guides in categories(种类) such as digital cameras, home theater, clothes and watches. Whether you make your purchase online or print out the information to take into any of our chain stores, we want you to feel confident in your purchase decision. If one item you order does not meet your expectations, simply return it to our store at no cost. 分析讲解: webside 网站digital camera 数码相机 1. 词汇准备:a range of 大量的 purchase 购买chain store 连锁店confident 自信的 expectation 期待;期望 at no cost 没有损失 2. 这是一家连锁店向顾客介绍其产品和购买方式的文章。全篇共有三句 话,第一句虽然较长,但并不复杂,可以采取分句法,注意一下from…to… 的搭配。第二句是个复合句,whether引导的从句意为“无论,不管”, 引入选择的可能性。第三句较短,但if从句中还含有一个you order小从 句,修饰item. 参考译文: 我们在该网站上提供大量的商品信息,从详细介绍到一般导购,涉及的商品 种类有:数码相机,家庭影院,衣服,手表等。无论你是在线购买,还是携带 打印出的购买单去任何一家我们的连锁店,我们都会让您对你的购买决定充满 自信。如果您订购的商品没有满足您的期望,可以退回,不必花钱。 样题三 (06年12月A级) New York Student Housing Center We have got what students are looking for in off-campus housing. Come and see our houses —safe,affordable and convenient for living. All the facilities that you are concerned about are available, such cableTV, Internet access, fully furnished(提供家 具的)and ready for moving! We also have comfortable apartments or rooms for roommate share. The rent may be paid weekly, monthly or yearly. Contact us at 800-298-3579 if you are interested. 分析讲解: 17 1(词汇准备:off-campus 校外affordable 负担得起的convenient 方便的 facility 设施,设备 available acces可利用的,可获得的 access 接口comfortable 舒适的apartment公寓 contact 与…联系 2(这是一则招贴,介绍了纽约学生房介中心为打算在校外租房的学生提供住 房的一些信息和事宜。全文共有六句话,只要词汇没有问题,翻译比较容易, 其间注意一下词义的选择和通顺就可以了。 参考译文: 纽约学生房介中心 我们有学生们在寻找的校外房源,请来看看我们的房子吧 — 安全,实惠,居住舒适,拥有你所关心的一切设施,譬如,有线电视,英特网接口,全套家具,随时便可以入住~我们还有舒适的公寓或房间,可供合租,租金按周,按月或按年来付均可以。如果有兴趣,请拨打电话800-298-3579联系我们。 4(真题训练 1((04年12月B级) Not only I but also Jane and Mary are tired of having one meeting after nother. A) 我,珍妮和玛丽都很疲倦,无法在一次会议后再参加一次会议。 B)一个会议接着一个会议,不仅我厌倦,珍妮和玛丽也都厌倦。 C)除我之外,珍妮和玛丽先后参加了两次会议,觉得很劳累。 D)不仅我,还有珍妮和玛丽有开不完的会,搞得筋疲力尽。 2((03年6月B级) Not all the new drugs have been sufficiently tested for safty. A) 所有的新药都未能进行必要的安全检查。 B) 所有的新药都未必进行充分的安全检查。 C) 并非所有的新药都进行了必要的安全检查。 D) 并非所有的新药都经过了充分的安全检查。 3((05年6月B级) Candidates who are not contacted within four weeks after the interview may consider their application unsuccessful. A) 面试后四周内仍未接到通知的求职者可以考虑再申请。 B) 未在面试后四周内来联系的求职者则可考虑申请是否已失败。 C) 求职者在面试后四周内不来签订合同则被认为是放弃申请。 D) 求职者如果在面试后四周内尚未得到通知,则可认为未被录用。 4((06年12月B级) For safety, all the passengers are required to review this card and follow these instructions when needed. A) 为了安全,请各位乘客反复阅读本卡片,务必按照各项规定执行。 B) 为了保险起见,请各位乘客反复阅读本卡片,并参照相关内容认真执行。 C) 为了保险起见,要求所有乘客在需要时都能看到这张卡片及以下这些内 容。 18 D) 为了安全,要求所有乘客仔细阅读本卡片各项内容,必要时照其执行。 5((06年12月A级) 1)A large percentage of e-commerce business went bankrupt in 2000, mostly due to indequate business plans and excessive spending on advertising and marketing. A) 2000年有大批网络公司倒闭,极可能是因为中的资金不足以及 过量的广告和营销花费。 B)2000年大多数网络商务企业出现亏损,严重影响了资金的充分利用 以及广告营销的合理开支。 C)2000年有很大一部分电子商务企业破产,主要是由于商务规划不周 密以及广告和营销开支过多。 D)2000年大批公司的电子商务部门有银行债务,大大导致了预算资金 不足以及广告和营销费用短缺。 2)Many economists believe that advertising helps increase competition, which leads to lower prices, thus benefiting consumers and the economy as a whole. A) 许多经济学家认为,广告增加了竞争的成本,使商品质量不断下降, 这就使消费者的经济利益受到损害。 B)许多经济学家相信,广告加剧了竞争,又降低了商品的价格,所以 消费者和整个经济都从中得到好处。 C)许多经济学家坚信,广告会加剧竞争,过度的竞争致使商品质量低 劣,从而影响消费者整体的经济利益。 D)许多经济学家认为,广告有助于竞争,而竞争的加剧会降低商品价 格,从而使消费者和经济在整体上受益。 3)Backed by loans from the Asian Development Bank, the local government ia aiming to teach the farmers how to run a successul business with farming technique. A) 为了偿还亚洲开发银行的贷款,当地政府努力教导农民如何成功地 利用农业技术。 B)为了获取亚洲开发银行的贷款,当地政府教导农民如何发展农业技 术来办好农业。 C)偿还了亚洲开发银行的贷款后,当地政府力求教导农民如何依靠农 业技术成功地进行生产。 D)在亚洲开发银行的贷款支持下,当地政府致力于教会农民如何依靠 农业技术成功地经营。 4)As your complaint does not agree with the result of our test, please conduct another examination to show if there is any ground for your claim. A) 因你方投诉与我方检验结果不符,请再次检验,以证实你方索赔是 否有根据。 B)因你方的试验结果与我方的结果不同,请重新检查你方索赔的理由 是否能成立。 C)由于你方不同意我方的检验结果,如果能出示任何结果,请你们重 新提出要求。 19 D)因你方的申诉与我方检验结果不一致,请你方另行考虑,以表明有 求赔偿的理由。 6(( 05年6月 B级) Card-holders of Holiday Sunshine Hotel automatically become registered members of its Reservation Network. They are able to enjoy the services offered by its memberhotels. We encourage card-holders to use the card as often as possible, and they will be awarded with prizes when their marks(积分) reach a certain amount. Before checking into a hotel, please always reserve your room first. When you check out, you will only have to pay the member price. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. ( 05年12月B级 ) We are writing this letter to tell you that up to now no news has come from you about ththe goods we ordered on May 25. As you have been informed in our letters, our customers are in urgent need of those machines. They are asking repeatedly for an early delivery(交货). We hope that you will try your best to arrange all this without furtherdelay. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. ( 05年6月A级) Caravan Inn (凯乐温旅店) The Caravan Inn is located on the way to Sunlight Hill and only ten blocks south of the shopping center on Grand Avenue. Its modern rooms and plenty of additional facilities guarantee family satisfaction. A heated water pool and hot bath are open year round and provide fun of everyone after a day of mountain climbing. A big breakfast is served daily in the Caravan Inn, but suites (套房) with kitchens are also available for families who would rather prepare their own meals. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. (06年6月A级) We have learned from our Embassy that you are interested in importing Chinese silk products. We are long-established exporter of silk products in China and we have a very good reputation both at home and abroad. Our products sell well all over the world 20 and are highly valued by our customers for their excellent quality and fine workmanship (工艺). Enclosed are our catalogue and price list covering all the products. We are looking forward to your early reply. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21 阅读理解参考答案 4(真题训练 ( 06年12月B级 ) Task 1 36 – 40 D C B B C Task 2 41 – 45 D A D B B Task 3 46 new one 47 half a year 48 engine failure 49 four times 50 & 300 Task 4 51 N M 52 H B 53 L K 54 D O 55 E G Task 5 56 statistician 57 advertising 58 statistics 59 market reseach 60 an interview ( 06年12月A级 ) Task 1 36 – 40 A D C C B Task 2 41 – 45 B D C D B Task 3 46 Macmillan Publishers Limited 47 the original intended recipient 48 statements 49 viruses 50 e-mail communication Task 4 51 M C 52 Q E 53 O G 54 L B 55 H N Task 5 56 Waikiki Beach 57 545 58 prompt and reasonable 59 half price 60 discounts 英译汉参考答案 4(真题训练 1 – 4 B D D D 5 C D D A (参考译文) 6 假日酒店的持卡人会自动成为网络预定的注册成员,能够享受会 员酒店提供的服务。我们鼓励持卡人尽可能地使用该卡消费,当积分 达到一定量时,您将会获得奖品。 入住酒店前,请先预定;退房时,您只需支付会员价格。 7 谨写此信是要告诉贵方,我们在5月25日订购的货物时至今日没 有任何来自你方的消息。我们在信中已告知,我们的顾客迫切需要那 些机器,一直在要求早点交货。希望贵方尽最大努力安排好这一切, 不要再拖延。 8 凯乐温旅店 凯乐温旅店坐落于去阳光山的路上,离购物中心大街的南边只有 十个街区。现代化的房间,许多的附属设施,保证令家庭满意。热水 池和热水浴常年开放,并且在你爬了一天山之后提供娱乐。凯乐温旅 店每天供应丰盛的早餐。带厨房的套房可供愿意自己准备饭食的家庭 使用。 9 我们从大使馆处获悉,你们对进口中国丝绸产品感兴趣。 我们是中国长期从事丝绸产品出口的商家,在国内外拥有很好的 信誉,产品畅销全世界,并且凭借良好的质量和精湛的工艺受到顾客 的高度评价。 随函附上产品目录和所有产品的价目表。 期盼着您的早日答复。 22
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