

2017-09-25 22页 doc 104KB 15阅读




上海LG冰箱维修上海LG冰箱维修 上海LG冰箱维修中心,LG冰箱上海维修点 冰箱常见故障维修: 不制冷、制冷差、不停机、不开机、冷藏室结冰、冷冻室正常冷藏室制冷差、灯不亮冰箱、不通电、冰箱通电跳闸 冰箱存放食品有讲究 一、熟食品进入冰箱前须凉透 食品未充分凉透,突然进入低温环境中,食物中心容易发生质变。食物带入的热气引起水蒸气凝集,能促使霉菌生长,导致整个冰箱内食品霉变。 二、冰箱中取出的熟食品必须回锅 冰箱内的温度只能抑制微生物的繁殖,而不能彻底杀灭它们。如食前不彻底加热,食后就可能致病。 三、食物解冻后不宜再进冰箱 反...
上海LG冰箱维修 上海LG冰箱维修中心,LG冰箱上海维修点 冰箱常见故障维修: 不制冷、制冷差、不停机、不开机、冷藏室结冰、冷冻室正常冷藏室制冷差、灯不亮冰箱、不通电、冰箱通电跳闸 冰箱存放食品有讲究 一、熟食品进入冰箱前须凉透 食品未充分凉透,突然进入低温环境中,食物中心容易发生质变。食物带入的热气引起水蒸气凝集,能促使霉菌生长,导致整个冰箱内食品霉变。 二、冰箱中取出的熟食品必须回锅 冰箱内的温度只能抑制微生物的繁殖,而不能彻底杀灭它们。如食前不彻底加热,食后就可能致病。 三、食物解冻后不宜再进冰箱 反复冷冻可使食品组织和营养成分流失。 四、冷冻食品宜缓慢解冻 需解冻的冷冻食品宜换置常温冰箱内缓慢解冻,一般不宜采用温热水浇浸等方式强制解冻。若急速解冻,由于冰晶体很快溶化,营养汁液不能及时被纤维和细胞吸收而外溢,会使食品质量下降。 冰箱清洁 清洁冰箱的9个步骤 1、清洁冰箱外壳最好每天进行,用微湿柔软的布每天擦拭冰箱的外壳和拉手。 2、清理内胆前先切断电源,把冰箱冷藏室内的食物拿出来。 3、软布蘸上清水或食具洗洁精,轻轻擦洗,然后蘸清水将洗洁精拭去。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 4、拆下箱内附件,用清水或洗洁精清洗。 5、清洁冰箱的“开关”、“照明灯”和“温控器”等设施时,请把抹布或海绵拧得干一些。 6、内壁做完清洁后,可用软布蘸取甘油(医用开塞露)擦一遍冰箱内壁,下次擦的时候会更容易。 7、用酒精浸过的布清洁擦拭密封条。如果手边没有酒精,用1:1醋水擦拭密封条,消毒效果很好。 8、用吸尘器或软毛刷清理冰箱背面的通风栅,不要用湿布,以免生锈。 9、清洁完毕,插上电源,检查温度控制器是否设定在正确位置。 冰箱的保养 定期适当保养可以延长冰箱的使用寿命。保养冰箱前务必拔下电源插头。 1.经常清理冰箱背面或底部冷凝器和压缩机上的灰尘。可使用吸尘器或毛刷除尘。注意不要用湿布去擦冷藏器和压缩机上灰尘。 2.冰箱长期停用时,应先切断电源,取出箱内一切食品,将箱内外清理干净,敞开箱门数日,使箱内充分干燥并散掉冰箱内的异味。 3.检查排水管。如果排水管堵塞,水就会漏到冰箱内。要用铁丝捅一捅排水管,除去积在排水管上的东西。 不要忽略门封胶条的清洗,将漂白剂用10倍的水稀释后用牙刷蘸湿清洗,4. 最后用水将漂白剂冲去。胶条脏污易老化,会影响冰箱的密封性,增加耗电量。 5.检查振动、噪音以及压缩机的温度。运行中摸压缩机外壳,不应有明显的振动感,白天不应听到压缩机明显启动的声音。 6.注意检查电源线上是否有裂缝,防止漏电。 7.用温水或中性洗涤剂将冰箱内外清洗并擦干,敞开冰箱门通风干燥一天。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 冰箱这样用可以省电 保护环境,节约资源,低碳生活。如何让我们的电冰箱更省电呢?赶紧来学习下以下的小窍门吧! 1. 冰箱省电最重要的方法是冰箱食物储存量宜为八分满。 由于每台冰箱都有其特定的额定温度,所以冰箱里面的食物储存过少时,容量会因此变小。冰箱门一打开,冷气就会加快释放,这样就容易增加压缩机启动次数,因此增大用电量;储存食品如果过满则不利于冷空气循环,冰箱内容易结冰,从而增加压缩机运行时间,消耗不必要的电能。所以,冰箱内部存放食物容积以80%为宜。这样才能最省电。 2. 要想省电,应切忌将热的食品放进电冰箱内。 因为,热食品含热量比较高,放进冰箱后,将会使箱内温度急剧上升,同时增加蒸发器面结霜厚度,压缩机工作时间过长,耗电量也会增加。 3. 此外,要往冰箱里面放东西。 首先要注意的是冰箱内物品的摆放,要做到两侧留有空隙,在20厘米为宜,使空气能够流通,以利于冰箱散热;其次是冰箱内部食物的摆放,既不要放东西过多过满,也不要过空。 其他小窍门 1、冰箱应放在凉爽避光的地方。 2、不需要冷藏的东西,不放冰箱里。 3、调节最适当的温度。冬天冰箱温度可以调高一些,因为外面带回来的东西,本来细菌就少。 4、建议在冰箱冷藏室,用保鲜膜做个小门帘,可以减少开门时空气对流。 冰箱的奇妙用途 大多数人把冰箱买回家,一般只会用它来冷藏和保鲜食物,殊不知,冰箱其实还有很多妙用之处,这些新的用途可以给你生活带来更多的方便。 1. 丝袜延寿命 不少女生为丝袜常破伤脑筋,新买的丝袜不要拆封,直接放入冰箱冷冻库放个1,2天。之后拿出来半天左右再穿上,温度的变化可增加丝袜的韧度,冰过的丝袜较不容易破损。 2.受潮可恢复 若有饼干受潮,吃起来不香脆,但尚未超过保存期限丢了可惜,可将饼干放入冰箱冷冻约24小时。将饼干取出,吃起来的口感也恢复原来的酥脆。 3. 平整真丝衣 真丝衣服洗后皱皱巴巴,质地太软的衣物烫起来很麻烦,可把衣服装进塑料袋放入冰箱里几分钟,拿出来再熨就容易多了。 4. 切蛋黄不碎 刚煮好的白煮蛋或茶叶蛋用刀一切蛋黄就碎了,可先放入冰箱冷藏保存1小时。待蛋黄稍冷固后再来切,蛋的切口平整,蛋黄也不会碎掉。 5.豆类快煮烂 红豆如果没有经过浸泡很难煮透,可先将红豆和水一起煮,待冷却后放入冰the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 箱冷冻库2小时左右,取出后水表层会有出现些许结冰现象。此时再将锅子加热,水与红豆受热程度不同,温度变化让红豆约20分钟后就煮烂。 6.蜡烛耐烧不滴蜡 使用蜡烛前4小时,先将蜡烛放进冰箱冷冻,冰冷的蜡烛点火后,会烧的比较慢比较久,而且也比较不容易滴蜡。 8.去除口香糖 口香糖不小心沾黏在物品上时,可以先连同沾黏到的物品一起放在冰箱冷冻,约1小时后,口香糖就会变得脆硬,此时将物品取出,并轻轻用指甲就能将口香糖剥离。 9.去除辛辣味 洋葱及葱蒜等辛香料直接切,辛辣味会让人流泪,不妨先放冰箱冷冻1小时,待其中辛辣物质较为稳定后再切,就不会被熏的流眼泪。 10.杀书籍蛀虫 家中收藏的书籍,时间长了会生虫,把书用薄膜塑料袋包好,放入冰箱冷冻室12小时,蛀虫会全被冻死。书籍万一被水浸湿,不论晒干还是晾干,都容易变皱变黄。可将湿书抚平,放入冰箱冷冻室内,两天后取出,即恢复原样,既干又平整。 11.淡化苦瓜味 苦瓜有清火的作用,但有人吃不惯它的苦味,把苦瓜放到冰箱里放一段时间后再取出食用,苦味就会淡很多。 12.防兔毛掉毛 兔毛衣服爱掉毛,穿之前放冰箱里几天,掉毛的烦恼就会无影无踪。 13.肥皂复硬度 肥皂遇水软化后,会变得黏黏软软的使用起来相当不便,可放冰箱的冷冻约30分钟。冰箱可吸取肥皂中多余水份,让其恢复硬度。 14.炒米饭更美味 做好的米饭放凉后放入冷冻库,冻2个小时后再拿出来炒,炒好的米饭就会粒粒分开,并且每粒都会很有嚼劲呢! 15.烫伤后防止起泡 手脚被烫后,将烫伤的手脚立即伸入冰箱内即可减轻疼痛,又能避免起泡。 16.煮熟栗子易剥壳 栗子煮熟后不易剥壳,只要冷却后在冰箱内冻2小时,可使壳肉分离,剥起来既快栗子肉又完整。 17、茶叶保质 茶叶、香烟、药品存放于冰箱内,可18个月不变质。 18、冰箱内养鱼 在冰箱果盘盒内养鱼,不换水可保持数天不死,可随食随取,既方便又鲜活。 19、猪肝保鲜 猪肝切碎拌上植物油后,放冰箱中可保持几天的新鲜。 20、啤酒制冰块 啤酒、红酒和白兰地,倒在制冰盒中制成固体冰酒块,吃起来别有一番风味。 怎样让冰箱保持干净 作为人们生活的好帮手,冰箱每天除了兢兢业业工作之外,还要被迫忍受各the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 种污染的袭击——饭菜汤汁、蔬果的尘土、滋生的细菌以及难闻的气味。如何让食物在冰箱中处于安全的境地呢?下面告诉你答案。 1.蔬果买回后先筛选、再处理。 首先筛选出哪些蔬菜不适合放在冰箱里,萝卜、马铃薯、土豆、等根茎类蔬菜和油菜、芹菜等绿叶菜就得先挑出来。这是因为, 第一,这类蔬菜一般都带有泥土,直接放进冰箱会污染其环境。第二,就蔬菜本身的营养和保存来说,也不宜放在冰箱中,比如小油菜放在冰箱里不仅叶片会更快腐坏,还可能由于酶和细菌的作用,生成亚硝酸盐。 2.生肉类先清洗再存放。 鲜肉买回后,最好先用清水稍加冲洗,冲去上面的浮尘等脏东西,晾一会后再装进保鲜盒或保鲜袋中,放入冷冻室。 3.冰箱要分区管理。 想要让冰箱内长时间保持清洁、一目了然,食物必须分区放置。冷藏室中,蔬果放底下,熟肉、奶制品放最上面,中间一层可以放剩菜、剩饭。而剩菜、剩饭又是冰箱环境的最大杀手,放之前要注意,有汤汁的要放在深底的碗盘中,以免汤汁渗漏;绿叶蔬菜不能过夜;奶制品或酱类食物一旦开封,存放时瓶口一定要拧紧。 4.运用保鲜盒和保鲜袋。 不同种类的食物在存放时,最好放进保鲜袋中,分开放置。这样拿食物时既一目了然,又能避免交叉感染。食物在冰箱里的保存时间长短也是有限的,熟食长一些,生食就稍短一些,但时间太长也可能变质,会对冰箱造成一定的污染。 注意:掉一滴菜汁 也得马上擦 冰箱是存放食物的地方,但这样一个与生活密切相关的物品,却在家庭最脏场所中排名第二。一项由全球卫生理事协会执行的《2010年家庭卫生报告》公布的调查数据显示,46%的家庭冰箱,如果直接将食物放入其中,就会被污染。因此使用冰箱时,时刻保持干净是基本原则。 即使上面掉了一滴饭菜汤汁,也要马上擦掉。别小看这滴菜汁,在冷冻的环境中,它会快速变硬,不但变得更难清洁,还会滋生细菌。除了随时清洁,每周给冰箱做一次大扫除也很有必要。 1.首先,应先切断电源,用软布蘸上清水或洗洁精轻轻擦洗,然后蘸清水将洗洁精拭去。 2.其次,发现冰箱零件积垢时,应拆下用清水或洗洁精清洗。插销表面应用干布擦拭。清洁完毕,将电源插头插好,检查温度控制器是否设定在正确位置。 3.此外,为防止损害冰箱外涂层和冰箱内的塑料零件,请勿用洗衣粉、去污粉、碱性洗涤剂、刷子等清洗冰箱,也不要用热水擦洗冰箱或者用锐器刮除污垢。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 工作原理 构造 1)压缩式电冰箱:该种电冰箱由电动机提供机械能,通过压缩机对制冷系统作功。制冷系统利用低沸点的制冷剂,蒸发汽化时吸收热量的原理制成的。其优点是寿命长,使用方便,目前世界上91,95%的电冰箱属于这一类。目前常用的电冰箱利用了一种叫做氟利昂的物质作为热的“搬运工”,把冰箱里的“热”“搬运”到冰箱的外面。红色魅力 三星BCD-252MJGR 2)吸收式电冰箱:该种电冰箱可以利用热源(如煤气、煤油、电等)作为动力。利用氨,水,氢混合溶液在连续吸收,扩散过程中达到制冷的目的。其缺点是效率低,降温慢,现已逐渐被淘汰。 3)半导体电冰箱:它是利用对PN型半导体,通以直流电,在结点上产生珀尔帖效应的原理来实现制冷的电冰箱。 4)化学冰箱:它是利用某些化学物质溶解于水时强烈吸热而获得制冷效果的冰箱。 5)电磁振动式冰箱:它是用电磁振动机作本动力来驱动压缩机的冰箱。其原理、结构与压缩式电冰箱基本相同。 6)太阳能电冰箱:它是利用太阳能作为制冷能源的电冰箱。 7)绝热去磁制冷电冰箱。 8)辐射制冷电冰箱。 9)固体制冷电冰箱。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were 使用方法 1、冰箱温度补偿开关使用方法奥克斯家用冰箱是根据我国南北地区温差较大的特点而的宽气候带电冰箱,在环境温度较低情况下(10?以下),请你打开温度补偿开关以便正常使用。当环境温度较低韩国时尚 LG GR-Q27NCLE 时,如果不打开温度补偿开关使用,压缩机的工作次数会明显减少或者不工作,开机时间短,停机时间长,造成冷冻室温度偏高,冷冻食品不能完全冻结,因此必须打开温度补偿开关使用。(其原理是当环境温度低于10摄氏度时,需要你打开该开关,为冰箱冷藏室加温,使冰箱被动工作,以便于冷冻室温度保持低温结冰状态。)打开温度补偿开关并不影响冰箱的使用寿命。当冬季过去,环境温度升高,环境温度高于15?时,请你将温度补偿开关关闭,这样,可以避免压缩机频繁启动,节约用电。 2、冰箱温控器使用方法冰箱在使用过程中,其工作时间和耗电受环境温度影响很大,因此需要我们在不同的季节要选择不同的档位使用,冰箱温控器夏季应开低挡冬季开高档。夏季环境温度高时,应打在弱挡2、3档使用,冬季环境温度低时,应打在强挡4、5使用,原因:在夏季,环境温度较高(达30?),冷冻室内温度若打在强挡(4、5),达-18?以下,内外温度差大,因此箱内温度每下降1?都很困难,再则,通过箱体保温层和门封冷气散失也会加快,这样开机时间很长而停机时间很短,会导致压缩机在高温下长时间运转,既耗电又易损坏 、3档),就会发现开机时间明显变短,又减少了压压缩机。若此时改在弱挡(2 缩机磨损,延长了使用寿命。所以夏季高温时就将温控调至弱挡。当冬季环境温度较低时,若仍将温控器调至弱挡,因此时内外温差小,将会出现压缩机不易启动,单制冷系统的冰箱还可能出现冷冻室化冻的现象。 3、冰箱冷藏室正确的设置温度设定为5-7度,即可以保证食品的保鲜效果,也避免的温度设置过低造成资源浪费。 the provisions of Hunan province safety production supervision and management responsibilities > (Hunan Zhengban made 2013 No. 4), resolutely implement the safety production of the party with responsibility, a pair of responsibility. "Two is issued safety production administration and inspection to promote the responsibilities bear safety production supervision departments strictly and effectively assumed responsibility. The three is the establishment of enterprise production safety hidden With self correction self reporting system, promote the enterprises to implement the main responsibility for production safety. The four is the introduction of strengthening county safety production supervision ability construction work, promote safe production responsibility to the grassroots. 3, strict accountability and target management. Adhere to the "who is in charge, who is responsible for the pipe industry must pipes, pipe production and management must control safety management business must be safe" principle, the implementation of safe production supervision and stagnation to cure. "The leadership responsible system. Production safety of key towns, key enterprises and key problems, by the township government and the Department responsible for the stagnation led the lump sum, to tackle tough. To further increase the production safety index assessment, strict implementation of safe production of "one vote veto" award and recognition system, strengthen production safety incentive mechanism (four). Adhere to the political principles against unwholesome tendencies existence of the problem is not strict internal supervision. Over the years, the global leadership team members do not have any illegal and other bad records, but there are still not strict, the implementation does not survive the problem. A few leading cadres not strictly in accordance with the county Party committee, county government On strengthening style construction requirements and style construction safety supervision system of "ten prohibitions", to solve the people most concerned, the most direct, the most realistic problem of production safety as the starting point and goal of all work, to strengthen internal supervision on the way, in the perfect power control mechanism on "let things drift", get free in the political norms of leading cadres, some involving major principle problems of ambiguous attitude, major issues issues of right and wrong, it cannot stand up bravely, face to face, resolute struggle and discredit the views of the party in 2012. The style of the big consolidation activities, cadres and workers 6 people were
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