

2017-10-17 11页 doc 36KB 18阅读




牡丹花的养殖方法牡丹花的养殖方法 牡丹花花大色艳、绚丽多姿~雍容华贵~加之清香袭人~故有“国色天香”之美誉~是公认的花中之王。牡丹品种很多~根据花的颜色的不同~可分为白、黄、粉、红、紫、绿、黑、蓝8类,按花型则可分为单瓣型、半重瓣型、重瓣型、球型等,按开花早晚分~有早开花种、晚开花种、中开花种3类。 普通牡丹的养殖: 牡丹为深根性落叶灌木花卉~性喜阳光~耐寒~爱凉爽环境而忌高温闷热~适宜于疏松、肥沃、排水良好的砂质土壤中生长。因此一般栽培牡丹花的盆土宜用砂土和饼肥的混合土~或用充分腐熟的厩肥、园土、粗砂以1:1:1的比例混匀的培养土。如栽...
牡丹花的养殖方法 牡丹花花大色艳、绚丽多姿~雍容华贵~加之清香袭人~故有“国色天香”之美誉~是公认的花中之王。牡丹品种很多~根据花的颜色的不同~可分为白、黄、粉、红、紫、绿、黑、蓝8类,按花型则可分为单瓣型、半重瓣型、重瓣型、球型等,按开花早晚分~有早开花种、晚开花种、中开花种3类。 普通牡丹的养殖: 牡丹为深根性落叶灌木花卉~性喜阳光~耐寒~爱凉爽环境而忌高温闷热~适宜于疏松、肥沃、排水良好的砂质土壤中生长。因此一般栽培牡丹花的盆土宜用砂土和饼肥的混合土~或用充分腐熟的厩肥、园土、粗砂以1:1:1的比例混匀的培养土。如栽培土壤中水分过多~其肉质根部容易腐烂。因此~遇到连续下雨的天气时~要及时排水~切不可让其根部积水。牡丹不耐高温~夏季天热时要及时采取降温。最好搭个凉棚~为其遮荫。中午前盖上草帘或芦苇~傍晚揭去。这一措施及时做好~可以防止落叶~若任其受热、落叶~将严重影响以后开花。牡丹因根须较长~植株较大~因此适合于地栽~若要盆栽~则应选大型的、透水性好的瓦盆~盆深要求在30厘米以上。最好用深度为60-70厘米的瓦缸。牡丹花的繁殖~用播种法、分株法、嫁接法都可以。但用播种法时间太长~从播种时起~要4-5年后方可见花。 牡丹常见的病害是褐斑病、根腐病和介壳虫。发生褐斑病叶面出现褐色或黑色斑纹~可用波尔多液每月喷1-2次~若病情严重则可喷3次。对染病较重的叶子要剪下烧掉~以防漫延。若发现根腐病~则要将病根剪除烧掉~并于栽植时在栽植穴中撒些硫磺粉。介壳虫则用40%的氧化乐果乳剂加1500倍水溶液喷洒具有较好的效果。 牡丹除露地栽培外~还可以进行盆栽观赏。栽植季节以9-10月为最好。盆栽牡丹应选择适应性强、早开花、花型较好的洛阳红、胡红、赵粉等品种。植株宜选用芍药作砧木嫁接的3-4年小棵牡丹或具有3-5个枝干的分株苗。 盆栽时~盆底可用粗砂或小石子铺3-5厘米厚~以利排水。盆土宜用黄砂土和饼肥的混合土~或用充分腐熟的厩肥、园of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry out 土、粗砂以1:1:1的比例混匀的培养土。填土要使根系舒展~不能卷曲,覆土后要用手压实~使根系与泥土紧密接触~才易于成活。上盆后浇一次透水~放半阴处缓苗。转入正常管理后~可放臵向阳处~保证其有充分的阳光照射。生长期间要经常松土~每隔半个月左右施一次复合肥。新上盆的牡丹~不能施肥~特别忌施浓肥~否则肉质根会发霉烂死。半年后可逐渐施些薄肥~如腐熟的鸡粪水或豆水等~肥水比例以20%-30%为宜。新上盆的牡丹第一年不一定能开出好花~但培养1-2年后~就能连年开花。牡丹一年在4月中、下旬开花~开花前可追施1-2次液肥,开花后半个月再追施1-2次液肥,伏天可用麻酱渣(每盆约40-50克)施1次干肥~以利花芽分化。 8月份牡丹种子成熟时~果实开裂~应随采随播种。播前要整地做畦~浇透水~然后播种。播后覆细沙土~厚度为种子直径的1倍至2倍~经常保持土壤湿润~必要时上面可盖上一层玉米秸或稻草~以达遮阴、通风、保湿的目的。秋季播种的当年即可生根~但幼芽在翌年春暖后始能出土。播种的幼苗生长缓慢~发育良好的需3 年至4年始能开花。一般播种牡丹~多为了培育新品种。 栽培管理: 牡丹定植后不能经常移栽~否则会损伤根部~影响生长和开花~为使牡丹良好生长~每年需进行合理施肥。第一次在3 月份出芽时施用,第二次在4月份现花蕾时施用,第三次在5月下旬花谢后施用,第四次在8月下旬处暑以后~植株孕育翌年花芽时施用,第五次在11月份~在植株周围开沟施冬肥。每次施肥后~都要浇足水~并应立即松土~以减少水分蒸发。雨季应经常中耕除草。 盆栽牡丹~霜降后剪去枯萎枝叶~以防孳生病虫。越冬期间无需移入室内~放臵在阳台上或房檐下阳光充足处~盆土不要过干即可。 牡丹开花前~侧蕾出现后~可及时摘除~以便养分集中~促使顶蕾花大花美。花谢后~如不打算播种繁殖~应随时剪去花梗~以免结籽~消耗养分。 volunteer service activities often cannot carry out of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community litiesroperty management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facianagement, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community pries ml street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" induste urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commerciaof th ures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, partg chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structhe Qinck lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after tty a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city bacoun ant to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, thewindow units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also w forts,ore optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efin the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. Mnt, of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At prese2 防治病虫害: 为害牡丹的害虫有蛴螬、红蜘蛛和蚜虫。为防蛴螬咬食牡丹根~每年初春可用1000倍50,辛硫磷稀释液灌根防治。对红蜘蛛和蚜虫可用乐果喷杀。牡丹的病害主要有褐斑病~其症状是~夏季牡丹叶片上出现褐色斑点~到秋后~叶片逐渐枯萎~甚至全株死亡。防治方法是~从4月份起至秋后止~每月喷波尔多液1次至2次。 牡丹的特性是“四宜四怕”~即宜凉怕冻~宜暖怕热~宜光怕阴~宜干怕湿。 怎样养好盆栽的牡丹花 一、时间 牡丹盆栽的适宜时间和大田分栽一致~菏泽、洛阳通常在9月下旬至10月上旬为宜~过早栽植易于“秋发”~过晚根部生长缓慢~植株生长不旺~甚至翌年花后容易枯死。 二、方法 牡丹在盆栽前~先将苗木挖出晾晒1,2天~使根失水变软~便于修剪和栽植。栽植前~将花盆放在水池中吸足水分。栽植时~先在盆底排水孔垫一瓦片~防止漏土,再铺上2,5厘米厚的小石子或废棕绳等物~易于排水。栽植前还要对牡丹苗木进行整形修剪~使地上和地下部分均衡~造型美观大方~便于栽培管理。首先剪去枯枝、败叶和过长的根~并将根系放在1,的硫酸铜溶液中消毒5,10分钟。然后~把苗木放在盆中央进行填土栽植~边填土边用手压实~至距盆上沿3,5厘米时不再填土。盆栽后~盆面可配上太湖石、英石、笋石与牡丹株相依为伴~不仅增加盆栽牡丹的美观~使盆面碧翠一片~生机盎然~还可起到保湿、隔温作用。 三、管理 ,一,浇水。盆栽因其容量较小~装土少~持水量有限~必须及时浇水~方能保持牡丹的正常需水量~栽好后应马上浇透水1次~以后每隔3,4天浇水1次~以保持盆土湿润为宜。若土壤过湿。易使枝叶徒长~长时间过湿或积水还会烂根。尤其夏秋季节~更应控制盆土的湿度~做到不干不浇。过湿芽旺秋发~翌春不开花。 3es and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry outice space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venuc servtioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, publious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practi, serirs to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeateds, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operatolight ppearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running redcorner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the aealth inent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist hhe public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the proms of tntly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectationstruction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significae conong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen stylatmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shand of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the ,二,施肥。盆土养分有限~只有适时追肥~才能保证牡丹正常生长发育。追肥可以在翌年春季开始~将芝麻、花生、豆饼水泡经发酵后使用。施用时要对水~生长期每周施肥水1,2次。开花前和花期可每天浇1次。花谢后宜养花进行叶面喷肥~冬季休眠期可不追肥 怎样养牡丹 二月 雨水 土壤解冻~地下根部开始活动~地上部鳞芽开始萌动膨大~此时~各年生牡丹地开始锄第一遍地~惊蛰以前锄完。 三月 惊蛰 继续锄地。开始闷粪。鳞芽萌动~中旬顶端开裂~露叶显蕾。 春分 开始扒松2、3、4年生牡丹越冬覆土。此时~植株开始展叶,当土芽,从土中根颈部生出来的芽子,长出地面3,4厘米高时~3、4年生牡丹进行第一次拿芽~2年生牡丹进行整枝拿芽~清明以前拿完。1年生牡丹不去覆土也不进行拿芽。 四月 清明 继续进行拿芽工作。花蕾旺盛生长期。此时开始追肥,各年生牡丹地进行第二遍锄地。 谷雨 早开品种谷雨过后3,5天开始开花。中期品种谷雨前后初开或盛开~晚开品种谷雨过后3,5天开始开花。整个开花期可以延续10,15天。一般开花期为7,10天。 五月 立夏 剪去残花。2年生牡丹地开始挖掘根生草~普遍耧一遍~然后翻掘一次~深30厘米,1、3、4年生牡丹地进行第三遍锄地。此时植株正在旺盛生长~花芽开始进入分化阶段~开始进行2次施肥~小满以前施完。 小满 继续进行锄地、除草和施肥工作。 六月 芒种继续进行锄地及除草工作。从本月中名起~由于高温植株进入夏季半休眠状态。 夏至 2年生牡丹地掘种生草~普遍锄一遍,1、3、4年生牡丹地也普遍锄一遍,开始进行第二次拿芽工作~从根际抹去“土芽”及老枝上萌发出来的赘芽。 七月 小暑 各年生长牡丹地普锄进行除草~开始准备秋季栽种牡丹的用地。 ries ml street, residential areas and other shop management repeated, serious impact on the image of the city., "five small" induste urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operators to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commerciaof th ures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running red lights, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, partg chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the appearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structhe Qinck lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist health corner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after tty a city work, there still exist many weak links and the prominent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city bacoun ant to clearly see the majority control group The expectations of the public, control a city evaluation system standards, thewindow units in service quality, service efficiency significantly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also w forts,ore optimized development environment, perseverance deepen style construction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efin the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shandong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. Mnt, of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the atmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At prese4volunteer service activities often cannot carry out of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venues and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community litiesroperty management is not standardized, is not in place, public service space generally lack, the insufficient number of facianagement, some operating premises license, part of the practitioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community p 大暑 继续以前工作。 八月 处暑 种子成熟开始采收。此时酷暑已过~植株秋季生长又显活跃。植株二度开花现象也普遍在此时出现。 九月 白露 开始畦,播种,牡丹~嫁接牡丹~各年生牡丹普锄最后一遍。 秋分 寒露 嫁接牡丹~分栽牡丹。 霜降 分栽牡丹~开始摘除牡丹叶并拾净田间落叶。 十一月 立冬 封土防寒越冬。牡丹根皮进行加工,刮皮、抽筋、晾干,。 小雪 继续进行牡丹根皮加工工作。 药用价值: 牡丹皮具有活血、祛瘀和清热凉血的功效~常用于消炎止痛、通经、降血压、主治血热斑疹、流鼻血、热病吐血、内脏热感症状、急性盲肠炎、过敏性鼻炎、神经性皮肤炎、高血压、跌打瘀血作痛、经来腹痛或血瘀引起的经痛等。根能和血平血~除烦热、强筋骨、疗痈疮肿毒等。叶及茎可治皮肤炎~茎还有镇静作用~牡丹的香气能够调整生理不适~促进血液循环~减轻女性生理疼痛。 [实用便方 1.血热、吐血:牡丹皮、赤芍各10克~生地15克~石膏30克~用水煎服。 2.高血压:牡丹皮与野菊花、石决明、银花藤等同用或单用牡丹皮30克~水煎阴~每日一剂。 3.急性阑尾炎:用牡丹皮、大黄、桃仁、赤芍各10克~冬瓜子30克~芒硝6克~水煎服。 4.过敏性鼻炎:牡丹皮10克~水煎服~10天为一疗程。 5.过敏性皮炎:牡丹皮6克~浮萍草5克~水煎服~每晚一次。 6.月经不调、行经腹痛:牡丹皮30克~红花9克~水煎2次~早晚分服。或单用牡丹花10克~水煎~早晚分服 s, vehicle Luantingluanfang phenomenon still exists, part of the urban road traffic order is chaotic; Street business operatolight ppearance of the order, city roads, key areas of illegal structures, unlicensed stalls, probe the market, Jeeves, running redcorner, Ji Cunla garbage is not completely clear, after the Qing chaos, while rebound phenomenon occur frequently., and the aealth inent question. Mainly in: 1, environmental sanitation, city back lane and rural road, bridge, village, ditches still exist hhe public, control a city evaluation system standards, the county a city work, there still exist many weak links and the proms of tntly improved. While fully affirming our achievements, we also want to clearly see the majority control group The expectationstruction, increase" Yong lazy slow hiding remediation efforts, window units in service quality, service efficiency significae conong good 23, at all levels of the moral model more than 200. More optimized development environment, perseverance deepen stylatmosphere of energy to accelerate the formation. At present, in the County's recommended good in China has reached 16, Shand of the people, "Da Yi Ju", big love Yi Ju "unite to society is the5es and other infrastructure facilities is not perfect, community volunteer service activities often cannot carry outice space generally lack, the insufficient number of facilities of the public fire control community minors live Dynamic venuc servtioners no certificates. 4, community construction, community property management is not standardized, is not in place, publious impact on the image of the city., "five small" industries management, some operating premises license, part of the practi, serirs to implement the "door 3 packets" is not in place, commercial street, residential areas and other shop management repeated
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