

2017-10-13 30页 doc 468KB 17阅读




三相交流电动机三相交流电动机 三相交流电动机的旋转磁场(三相交流电动机系列之一) 应用最广泛的电动机就是三相交流电动机,三相交流电动机是用三相交流电产生的旋转磁场来带动电机转子旋转的。 三相交流电由A、B、C三相组成,按每个交流周期360度算,每相间距120度,下面是三相交流电的波形图, 黄色为A相波形,绿色为B相波形,红色为C相波形,我国使用的三相交流电频率是50赫兹。 三相交流电通过三个线圈来产生旋转磁场,线圈嵌在定子铁芯上,下面是一个三相交流电动机模型的定子,在定子内圆有6个嵌线槽,分别嵌有A、B、C三相线圈,三个线圈按12...
三相交流电动机 三相交流电动机的旋转磁场(三相交流电动机系列之一) 应用最广泛的电动机就是三相交流电动机,三相交流电动机是用三相交流电产生的旋转磁场来带动电机转子旋转的。 三相交流电由A、B、C三相组成,按每个交流周期360度算,每相间距120度,下面是三相交流电的波形图, 黄色为A相波形,绿色为B相波形,红色为C相波形,我国使用的三相交流电频率是50赫兹。 三相交流电通过三个线圈来产生旋转磁场,线圈嵌在定子铁芯上,下面是一个三相交流电动机模型的定子,在定子内圆有6个嵌线槽,分别嵌有A、B、C三相线圈,三个线圈按120度分布, 黄色是A相线圈,绿色是B相线圈,红色是C相线圈。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 在三个线圈通上三相交流电后,在定子铁芯中间会形成一个旋转磁场,下图展示三相交流电与旋转磁场的动画截图。在A相线圈端口输入的是A相电流IA,在端口有箭头标明电流的方向;在B相线圈端口输入的是B相电流IB,在端口有箭头标明电流的方向;在C相线圈端口输入的是C相电流IC,在端口有箭头标明电流的方向。在定子铁芯中间有A相电流形成的黄色磁场箭头,其长度代表磁场强度,指向为磁场的方向;同样绿色与红色箭头分别代表B相与C相的磁场强度与方向;紫蓝色的箭头是A、B、C三相的合成磁场,其长度代表磁场强度,指向为磁场的方向。在动画中可看到三相电流的变化、三相磁场的变化及合成的旋转磁场。 这里展示四幅截图,以A相起点为0度,第1幅是是0度的截图: 第2幅是是105度的截图: equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 第3幅是是180度的截图: equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 第4幅是是255度的截图: 第5幅是是300度的截图: equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 交流电每变化一周磁场旋转一周,输入的三相交流电是50赫兹,产生的旋转磁场是每秒50周。 三相交流电与旋转磁场的动画见下载视频文件。 三相交流电与旋转磁场的动画还有用磁力线表示的动画,下图为其截图 三相交流同步电动机原理(三相交流电动机系列之二) 三相交流电动机是用三相交流电产生的旋转磁场来带动电机转子旋转的,有关旋转磁场的介绍在前面已作介绍,在这里介绍电机转子是如何在旋转磁场的作用下旋转的。 最简单的方法是在产生旋转磁场的空间放一永久磁铁,该磁铁就会跟着磁场旋转了。下图就是这样一个永久磁铁转子。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 把永久磁铁转子放在有旋转磁场的定子铁芯中,它将跟随旋转磁场一同旋 转,其转速与旋转磁场一致,故称之为同步电动机,下图便是这样一个模型的示 意图。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 下面是该三相交流同步电动机模型的动画截图,为看清线圈与磁力线,定子与转子用半透明显示。动画中有输入三相电流的变化波形,有旋转磁场与跟着旋转的永磁转子。 需要观看永磁转子同步电动机原理模型动画请下载动画文件观看 实际上的三相交流同步电动机转子多数是电磁的,转子上有励磁绕组,用直流励磁电源产生固定磁场,下图是一个三相交流同步电动机原理模型旋转动画的截图。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 需要观看动画请点击下载按钮下载动画文件观看 三相交流同步电动机的起动较麻烦,因为三相交流旋转磁场的速度很快,起动时转子不可能立即加速跟上磁场旋转,所以是转不起来的。比较简单的办法是在转子上加上鼠笼,使之有异步电动机功能,在起动时励磁绕组不通电,相当异步电动机起动,待转速接近磁场转速时再接通励磁电源,就进入同步运行。 三相交流异步电动机原理(三相交流电动机系列之三) 三相交流异步电动机也是用三相交流电产生的旋转磁场来带动电动机转子旋转的,转子不是永磁的也不是线绕电磁的,在转子铁芯上镶嵌着一个“鼠笼”。下图是一个铜制的鼠笼,由多根铜条与两个铜端环组成,铜条与铜端环有良好的电连接。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 把鼠笼放在有旋转磁场的定子铁芯中间,在定子芯绕组通上三相交流电产生旋转磁场,会看到鼠笼会跟着旋转磁场旋转。因为磁场旋转时,鼠笼的铜条切割磁力线产生电流,而有电流的铜条又受到磁力的作用,于是鼠笼便旋转起来。 下面四幅图是鼠笼随磁场旋转的动画截图,为使画面清楚,仅显示旋转磁场与鼠笼电流的方向。感生电流的方向可用右手定则判断,铜条受力方向按左手定则判断。图中标有磁力线与旋转方向,铜条的颜色代表电流的方向。绿色表示电流指向屏幕外,红色表示电流指向屏幕内,黄色表示无电流,电流变化用颜色变化表示。第一幅是电流变化周期为0度时磁场与电流方向: equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 第2幅是电流变化周期为90度时磁场与电流方向: 第3幅是电流变化周期为180度时磁场与电流方向: equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 第4幅是电流变化周期为270度时磁场与电流方向: 显然,鼠笼是不可能与磁场同步旋转的,鼠笼比磁场转的慢时,才有鼠笼与磁场的相对转动,才能感生电流。鼠笼与磁场转速之差称为转差,转差大则感生电流大,电流大则力大,力大则增加鼠笼转速。转差与力会形成平衡,鼠笼转速将稳定在某一转差值。 (观看鼠笼随磁场旋转动画) 为增大导磁率,鼠笼是嵌装在转子铁芯内的,下图是一个嵌有铜制鼠笼的转子: equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 把鼠笼转子插入定子铁芯中,组成一个三相交流异步电动机原理模型。 通上三相交流电,电机就旋转了,由于转子旋转速度比旋转磁场慢,故称之为异步电动机。 需要观看三相交流异步电动机原理模型旋转动画请单击下载按钮下载动画文件 三相交流异步电动机结构(三相交流电动机系列之四) 前面章节已经介绍三相交流旋转磁场与三相交流异步电动机的原理,这里介绍实际的三相交流异步电动机的结构。 三相交流异步电动机的定子铁芯由硅钢片叠成,在铁芯内圆有许多槽,嵌放着定子绕组,即三相交流线圈。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 定子铁芯固定在机座上,机座外面有散热筋(散热片)帮助定子散热,机座 由铸铁或铸钢铸造。下图是剖面的定子与机座图。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 三相交流异步电动机的转子铁芯也由硅钢片叠成,在铁芯外周也有许多槽, 用来嵌放着转子绕组,即鼠笼。 鼠笼由铜条(铝条)与铜端环(铝端环)组成,但应用最广的小型异步电动 机采用在转子铁芯上直接浇铸熔化的铝液形成鼠笼转子,并同时铸出散热的风 叶,简单又结实。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 给转子装上转轴,在转轴上还有电动机散热的风扇,这就是异步电动机的转 动部分。 把转子插入定子中间,装上轴承,用端盖把转子支撑起来,装上风扇与风罩, 一个三相交流异步电动机就组成了。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements 机座装上端盖后,转子与定子与定子绕组都密封在机座内,能较好的防尘。定子与转子产生的热量由机座外壳散热,转子上的风叶搅动机内空气使热量尽快传到外壳上,外壳上的散热片加大了散热面积。这还不够,在电机端盖外还装有风扇,并有风罩,风罩端部开有通风孔,风扇旋转时就像离心风机,空气从风罩端部进入,从风罩与端盖之间的空隙吹出,吹向机座上的散热片,大大加速了电机的散热。 三相交流异步电动机以其结构简单,密封性好,维护容易,价格低廉而广受欢迎,应用非常广泛。 请下载动画文件观看三相交流异步电动机剖面模型的运转。 equipment, components, equipment, temporary construction facilities, processed with strict compliance with provisions of construction floor plans, smooth roads and drainage, site formation. ----3, the site looks dignified and elegant and tidy, advertising slogans to write eye-catching appearance, walls to be clean and tidy. 4, "six-second figure"----cards to complete, custom, eye-catching, hanging in the obvious place. Management----5, district administration, "launch of Qing dynasty" focuses on managing the "cleaning, recycling, use," four Central Bank; the work is finished, clean, clear, work product protection in all procedures to periodically check the appraisals in a timely manner. 6, clean health----engineering work sites, temporary facilities clean and tidy inside and outside. 7, mechanical health----engineering machinery, vehicles are maintained in good condition, looks clean, and free from dirt, dust, electrical switchgear (box) complete with lock, mechanical safety protection equipment and complete, sensitive and reliable. 8, fire, defend----perfect fire system, set in accordance with requirements of fire equipment, set up obvious fire safety signs and signage, provide effective fire-fighting equipment, establishment of a security system, and out of the site staff to wear to work, marks and signs, implements
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