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英语句型学口语教程Showyou English 1(All in all... 总的来说?????? 用法透视 在你说了很多观点之后,用这一短句,进行总结,表示你的讲话即将结束。 支持范例 1. All in all, things worked out for the better. 总的来说,情况好转了。 2. All in all, it was less than satisfactory. 总之,那无法令人满意。 3. All in all, the weather this year has been quite m...
Showyou English 1(All in all... 总的来说?????? 用法透视 在你说了很多观点之后,用这一短句,进行示你的讲话即将结束。 支持范例 1. All in all, things worked out for the better. 总的来说,情况好转了。 2. All in all, it was less than satisfactory. 总之,那无法令人满意。 3. All in all, the weather this year has been quite mild. 总之,今年的气候蛮温和的。 会话记忆 A: You know... I did very poorly on that test. 你知道的,那次测验我考砸了。 B: Cheer up! It's not the only chance in life to do well on a test. There'll be many more. 别泄气~又不是一辈子只有一次机会考试得好成绩。以后还有嘛。 A: Well, you know how I am about exams. I'm a perfectionist. 你了解我对考试的态度。我是个完美主义者。 B: Don't worry about it. All in all, you've done very well in school. 别担心了,总的来说,你在学校的表现很不错 2. All you have to do is... 你所要做的只是?????? 用法透视 这个句型用来说明某事很简单易行,"你所要做的一切只不过是??????"。 支持范例 1. All you have to do is to push the button and wait. 你所要做的就是按下这个按钮然后等待。 2. All you have to do is to sign here. 你只要在这里签字就行了。 3. They promised that all I have to do is to tell the truth and leave. 他们答应我只要我说出真相就可以走了。 会话记忆 A: Do you know how to play go? 你知道围棋怎么下吗, B: It's easy. All you have to do is to use your pieces to surround the opponent's pieces and then take over all of his territory. 很简单。你所要做的只是用自己的子去围对方的子,然后 占下他所有的地盘就行了。 A: But I heard it is very difficult to play. 可我听说围棋很难下。 B: It's easier said than done. When you actually play, it can be very frustrating. 说当然比做容易。你真下起来的时候就很伤脑筋了 3. As a matter of fact... 不瞒你说?????? 1 Showyou English 用法透视 这个句型的含义接近"in fact",意思是"不瞒你说;其实;实际上"。做插入语单独使用。 支持范例 1. As a matter of fact, we were just talking about you when you came in. 不瞒你说,你进来时我们正谈论你呢。 2. As a matter of fact, I was the one who did it. 其实,那件事是我做的。 3. I finished it yesterday, as a matter of fact. 实际上,我昨天就完成了。 会话记忆 A: I wish I could unsay the sharp words to him. He must hate me very much. 真希望我没说那些过分的话,他一定恨死我了。 B: He doesn't mind. As a matter of fact, he's very pleased. 他没介意。事实上,他还挺高兴的。 A: Really? Oh, thank Goodness! 真的吗,噢,谢天谢地 4. As far as I... 就我所?????? 用法透视 as far as的意思是“根据......而言”,这个句型中可以根据情况加入各种不同的动词。如:as far as I remember / recall / collect...:就我回忆......,as far as I know / tell...:就我所知......,as far as I can see...:依我所见......, as far as I can feel...:就我的感觉......。 支持范例 1. As far as I recollect, there were few people in the village then. 据我回忆,那时候村子里几乎没人。 2. As far as I recall, they quarreled very often at that time. 就我回忆,那时他们经常吵架。 3. As far as I can see, he's a big liar. 就我所知,他不过是个大话精。 会话记忆 A: Have you seen Harry? 你见过哈利了吗, B: No. As far as I can remember he was supposed to be on a business trip to Lisbon. 我记得他应该去里斯本出差了。 A: Yes, but he was supposed to be back by now. 是的,可他该回来了。 B: Maybe you'll call his home. 或许你该给他家打电话 5. as far as ...is concerned... 就??????而言,?????? 用法透视 这个句型用来引出个人的观点与看法,也可以说"so far as...is concerned" 支持范例 1. As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind that you wear this mini-skirt. 就我个人而言,我不介意你穿这件迷你裙。 2. The coat is fine as far as color is concerned, but it is not very good quality. 这件上衣就颜色来说还不错,但质量不太好。 3. So far as he's concerned, nothing is as important as his daughter. 对他来说,什么也比不上他女儿重要。 会话记忆 A: Have you seen the movie, Scream? 你看过电影《惊声尖叫》了吗, B: Yes. It gave me the creeps. 看了。它让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩。 A: Come on, it wasn't that bad. 2 Showyou English 算了,哪有那么惨啊。 B: Yes, it was. As far as I'm concerned, I'm never going to see another movie like that again. 真的。对我而言,我再也不想看那种电影了 6. Be a good sport. 做个有风度的人。 用法透视 这个句子引申自"有运动家风度"。用来劝人要有雅量。 支持范例 1. Be a good sport and help me with this problem. 做个有风度的人,来帮我解决这个问题。 2. Come on. Be a good sport. You just lost a race. 算了。做个有风度的人。你不过输了场比赛。 3. You've been a good sport to laugh at the trick we played on you. 你真是个有雅量的人,对我们的恶作剧一笑置之。 会话记忆 A: You are not being a good sport about this. 你在这件事上没有风度。 B: That's because you cheated. 那是因为你作弊。 A: I never cheat. 我从来不作弊。 B: Yes, you do. 有的,你有 7. be fed up with... 对??????腻了 用法透视 这个句型用来表示极其厌倦或不满。意思是"对......够了,烦了"。 支持范例 1. We're fed up with listening to his story. 他的故事我们已经听腻了。 2. She's fed up about it. 她对此非常不满。 3. Mother will be fed up that you didn't telephone. 若你不打电话,妈妈会不高兴的。 会话记忆 A: I didn't see you at Mr. Johnson's class today. 今天约翰逊先生的课上我没见到你。 B: Yeah, I quit. 是啊,我不上了。 A: Why? 为什么, B: I'm fed up with his boring lectures. 我对他无聊的课厌烦透了 8. Believe it or not... 信不信由你?????? 用法透视 该句用来引出让人惊讶的事情,其字面意义和用法都与中文"信不信由你"一致。 支持范例 1. Believe it or not, I didn't get into trouble for being late for class today. 信不信由你,我今天上课迟到了,但没受罚。 2. Believe it or not, I saw your house on fire on my way here. 信不信由你,我来这里的路上看到你家失火了。 3. Believe it or not, I'm going to America tomorrow! 信不信由你,我明天就要去美国了。 会话记忆 A: Believe it or not, one of the narrowest street in the world is only 49cm wide. 3 Showyou English 信不信由你,世界上最窄的街道中有一条只有49厘米宽。 B: Unbelievable! How do people go through it? 难以置信~人怎么走啊, A: That's what I'm wondering, too. 是啊,我也正为此纳闷呢。 B: I wish I had a chance to see it with my own eyes. 真希望我能去亲眼看看 9. Can you give me a hand? 你能帮助我吗, 用法透视 "give a hand"的意思是"出手帮忙",这个句型可用来要求帮助。 支持范例 1. Can you give me a hand? Sure. What do you need? 你能帮我吗,当然,你需要什么, 2. Everybody gave a hand, so that the work was finished ahead of schedule. 每个人都帮了忙,因此工作提前完成。 3. He's always willing to give a hand to anyone who asks. 任何人有求于他,他总是乐于帮助。 会话记忆 A: Can you give me a hand with the dishes? 你能帮我洗碗吗, B: Sure. Should I wash or dry? 当然。我应该洗还是应该擦干, A: I wash and you'll dry. 我来洗,你来擦干。 B: OK. Let's do it. 好。我们干起来吧 10. Could I have a word with you? 我可以私下和你谈谈吗, 用法透视 你如果有某些事要与某人私下说一下,尤其是一些你不希望大家都听到的话,你可以用这个句型。对方一听到你这么说,就会跟你到没人的地方去。也可以说I'd like a word with you. 支持范例 1. Could I have a word with you? Sure, what's on your mind? 我可以私下和你谈谈吗,当然,你心里在想什么, 2. As a matter of fact, I'd like a word with you. 实际上我想和你谈谈。 3. Mr. Johnson would like a word with you. 约翰逊先生想和你谈谈。 会话记忆 A: Could I have a word with you? 我可以跟你谈谈吗, B: Sure, what is it? 当然,什么事, A: I am disappointed with your work lately. 我对你最近的工作感到失望。 B: I'm sorry. I've been having some problems. 对不起,我有一些麻烦 11. Couldn't be better. 再好不过了。 用法透视 这个句型的字面意思是"不能更好了",也就是"最好,很好"。可以用来评论某食物,也可以用来回答别人的问好。 支持范例 1. It couldn't be better. 很好。 4 Showyou English 2. My work this month couldn't be better. 我这个月的工作很好。 3. Hi. How are you? Couldn't be better. 嗨,你好吗,很好。 会话记忆 A: How is your business going? 生意怎么样, B: Business couldn't be better. 生意很好。 A: Really? Maybe I should work for you. 是吗,我似乎应该替你做事。 B: Welcome. I could use the help. 欢迎。我会需要你的帮忙 12. Count me in. 算我一个。 用法透视 当有人想去做某事,而你也想参加,就说"Count me in",意思是"把我也算进去,让我也参加吧"。 支持范例 1. If the cost of the trip is no more than 1000 yuan, you can count me in. 如果这次旅行的花费不超过一千元,就算我一个。 2. Please count me in this project. 请让我参加这个项目。 3. If you are going to a movie, count me in. 如果你们要去看电影,我也要一起去。 会话记忆 A: Are you coming or not? 你到底要不要跟我们一起来, B: I haven't decided yet. 我还没决定。 A: Well, make up your mind. We need to know. 那就下定决心吧。我们必须知道你来不来。 B: Ok, count me in. 好吧,算我一个 13. Do you have... available? 你们还有??????吗, 用法透视 在商业服务行业中询问"还有......吗"的时候,这个句型要比"do you have..."显得地道。"available"的意思是"可以买到的,可用的,能够得到的",有时也可以指某人在。 支持范例 1. Do you have any single rooms available? 你们有单人房吗, 2. Do you have any shoes in size 22 available? 还有20码的鞋吗, 3. I'd like to see Mr. Johnson. Ok. Let me see if he is available. 我想见约翰逊先生。好的,我看看他在不在。 会话记忆 A: Good morning. Can I help you? 早上好。我能帮您吗, B: Yes. Do you have any seats available on a flight for Beijing leaving at 15:16? 是的。你们还有3点16分飞往北京的机票吗, A: Sure we do. First-class or economy? 当然有。头等舱还是经济舱, B: One economy, please. 一张经济舱 14. Do you mind if... 您介意??????吗, 5 Showyou English 用法透视 当你想做某件事,但这件事可能会妨碍到别人,或这件事与别人有关,你不愿自顾自去做时,可以问一下对方do you mind, 再接你想做的那件事。Do you mind 之后一般跟从句,但也可跟动名词或名词短语。 支持范例 1. Do you mind if I turn on the radio? 你介意我开收音机吗, 2. Do you mind if I smoke here? 我抽烟你介意吗, 3. Do you mind me smoking here? 我抽烟你介意吗, 会话记忆 A: Do you mind if I sit here? 你介不介意我坐在这里, B: Of course not, help yourself. 不,你请坐吧。 A: What are you studying? 你在学什么, B: I have a test tomorrow. 明天我有考试 15. Don't tell me... 我才不信?????? 用法透视 这个句型用于表示惊讶和不相信,相当于"I can't believe"或"I'm shocked"。 支持范例 1. Don't tell me! 我才不信呢~ 2. Don't tell me you failed the test! 我才不信你考试不及格~ 3. Don't tell me your car broke again. 别告诉我说你的车又坏了,我才不信呢~ 会话记忆 A: I'm back, buddy. 我回来了,老兄。 B: Did you get everything? 所有东西都买回来了吗, A: Everything except the vegeburger. 除了素汉堡都买回来了。 B: Don't tell me they had no vegeburgers! What sort of fast-food restaurant is it anyway! 别告诉我说他们竟没有素汉堡~这算什么快餐店呀 16. Get involved in... 被卷入?????? 用法透视 这个句型可以用来表示某人"与......有牵连;卷入......",也可以说"be involved in... "。 支持范例 1. I got involved in the trouble. 我被卷入麻烦之中。 2. He was involved in a lawsuit because of his heedless remarks. 他因冒失的言论而卷入一场官司。 3. We're all involved in it, whether we like it or not. 不管我们愿意不愿意,我们都卷进去了。 会话记忆 A: I'll never ever work together with him! 我绝不再跟他共事~ B: What happened? Quarrel again? 怎么了,又吵架了, 6 Showyou English A: Will you take my materials back from him for me? Please! 你能帮我把材料从他那儿拿回来吗,拜托~ B: Don't ask me. I don't wanna be involved in your quarrel. 别问我,我可不想卷进你们的争吵当中 17. Give my regards to... 向??????问好。 用法透视 这是让对方代自己向别人问好时的用语。也可以说"send my regards to"。 支持范例 1. Do give my regards to Harry. 请一定代我问候哈利。 2. We're sorry not to have seen Mary. Tell her we send her our regards. 很遗憾我们没能见到玛丽。告诉她我们问她好。 3. Please give my sincere regards to all the members of your family. 请代我向你全家致以诚挚的问候。 会话记忆 A: How are your parents these days? 最近你父母身体好吗, B: Oh, they're fine, still very active and enjoying their retirement. 哦,都很好。他们依然很活跃,退休生活过得很愉快。 A: Oh, good. That's nice to hear. Please give my best regards to them when you're home. 那太好了。这真让人高兴。你回家时请代我向他们问好。 B: Sure, thank you. 一定。谢谢你 18. Go ahead. 可以,做吧。 用法透视 这个句型用来对对方的要求表示允许,根据不同的情况有不同的含义,如"进行;开始;往下说......"。 支持范例 1. Go ahead. We're all listening. 请讲,我们都在听。 2. If you want to open the window, go ahead. 如果你想开窗,就开吧。 3. Can I borrow your dictionary for a while? Go ahead. 我可以借用一下你的字典吗,可以。 会话记忆 A: Would you mind if I use your tape-recorder? 我用一下你的录音机行吗, B: I don't mind. Go ahead. 行。拿去吧。 A: I'll give it back to you in a couple of days. 我过两天还你。 B: OK. You can keep it as long as you need. 好的。你想用多久都行 19. Good enough for... 好到足以?????? 用法透视 如果要表示"足以做......",就可以在形容词后面加上"enough"。也可以说"enough to do" 。 支持范例 1. The movie is good enough for the Oscar Award. 这部电影好得足以赢得奥斯卡奖。 2. He is capable enough for this dangerous job. 他的能力足够应付这件危险的工作。 3. I was fortunate enough to get a free ticket 我的运气好到得到了一张免费票。 7 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: What musical instrument do you play? 你会演奏什么乐器, B: I can play the piano a bit. 我会弹一点钢琴。 A: Then we can have one more program at our party? 那么我们的晚会能多个节目了, B: No, no. My playing isn't good enough for me to perform in public. 不行,不行。我的演奏还没好到可以当众表演的程度 20. Guess what! 你猜猜看~ 用法透视 这个句子是要告诉人家某件事之前常用的口语。说话者并无意要对方真的去猜,听者也不会真的去伤脑筋。通常对于该句型都是以"What?"回答。 支持范例 1. Guess what! What? 你猜猜看~什么, 2. Guess what! I won a free ticket! 你猜怎么着~我赢了一张免费票~ 3. Guess what! I saw Harry today. 你猜怎么样~我今天看见哈利了~ 会话记忆 A: Guess what! 你猜猜看~ B: What? 什么, A: I am going to the mountains with my family this weekend. 这个周末我和我家人要去山上。 B: That sounds like fun. 听起来很有趣 21. Have to do with... 和??????有关系。 用法透视 这个句型表示与某事某人有牵连,有关系,有瓜葛。 支持范例 1. I had nothing to do with the murder. I was at home all night. 我跟那谋杀一点关系都没有。我整晚都在家。 2. Harry said he didn't want to have anything to do with the new comer. 哈利说他不想与那新来的扯上关系。 3. The book has to do with computers. 那本书与计算机有关。 会话记忆 A: Don't you have too much to do with him. 别跟他扯上太多关系。 B: Why not? 为什么, A: His father is a prisoner. 他爸爸是个犯人。 B: So what? His father is in prison, not he. 那又怎么样,他爸是犯人,他可不是 22. Help yourself to... 请随便吃?????? 用法透视 招待客人时,我们经常对他们说"不要客气,请随便吃......",学了这个句型以后,就不要再说"please eat..."。 支持范例 1. Make yourself at home. Help yourself to some fish. 8 Showyou English 不要客气。请随便吃点鱼。 2. Help yourself to the refrigerator. 请随便在冰箱里拿。 3. Help yourself to some steak. I made it especially for you. 请吃点牛排。我特意为你做的。 会话记忆 A: Thanks for inviting me over for dinner this evening. 谢谢你今晚请我来吃饭。 B: You're welcome. 不客气。 A: It looks delicious. 看起来很好吃。 B: Well here. Help yourself to some shrimp. It's fresh. 来,请吃虾,是新鲜的 23. Here come... 看,??????来了。 用法透视 看见某人、某物正朝自己这边来时用该句。此句语序是倒装,"come"应与其后面的名词保持主谓一致,有时名词也可以放在"come"前面。另外也可以说"there come..."。 支持范例 1. Look! Here comes the bus. 瞧~公车来了。 2. Here comes Miss Lee, with her charming smile. 李小姐走来了,脸上带着迷人的微笑。 3. There they come. 他们来了。 会话记忆 A: Hi, Mary! You're here already. Where's Harry? 嗨,玛丽~你已经先到了。哈利呢, B: He isn't a punctual person. We may have to wait for a little while. 他不是个准时的人。我们可能得等一会儿。 A: That should give us time for a cup of coffee. I'll go and get some. 那我们有时间喝杯咖啡了。我去买。 B: Make it three cups. Here comes Harry. 买三杯吧,哈利来了 24. How/what about ...? ??????怎么样, 用法透视 可以表示随便的"建议",有征求对方意见的意思,多数情况是"建议和对方一起做某事"。How about/what about之前还常常加 I抣l tell you what, I say等表达法。 支持范例 1. I'll tell you what, how about playing badminton now? 我有一个主意,现在来打羽毛球好吗, 2. I say, what about sending him a copy? 我说,给他寄一本去怎么样, 3. How about another cup of tea? 再来一杯茶怎么样, 会话记忆 A: Would you and your wife care to come to our place and have tea with us some afternoon? 您和您太太找个下午到我家来喝茶好吗, B: Why, that's very kind of you, Mrs. Johnson. I'm sure my wife will be glad to. 好呀~谢谢你了,约翰逊夫人。我太太一定会很高兴来。 A: How about tomorrow afternoon? 明天下午怎么样, 9 Showyou English B: Tomorrow afternoon would be fine. 明天下午没问题 25. How / What do you think of...? 你认为??????怎么样, 用法透视 这个句型用来询问对方对某事的看法,也可以说"How do you like..."。当然对这样的问题不能简单地用"yes"或"no"来回答,而要具体说明理由。 支持范例 1. What do you think of your new apartment? 你认为你的新公寓怎么样, 2. What do you think of the food here? 你觉得这里吃得怎样, 3. How does your mother like your new boyfriend? 你妈妈认为你的男朋友怎样, 会话记忆 A: How long have you been in China? 你来中国多久了, B: A few months. 几个月。 A: How do you think of living here? 你觉得这儿的生活怎么样, B: Great! I'm having a great time. 不错~我很开心 26. I can make it. 我能做到。 用法透视 这里的"make"是"成功,做成"的意思。这句话用来表达信心很合适。 支持范例 1. Give me a chance. I can make it. 给我个机会,我会做到的。 2. If you try your best, you'll make it. 如果你尽力,你就会成功。 3. I believe that you'll make it. 我相信你能做到。 会话记忆 A: Do you think we can get to the airport by 8:00? 你看我们能在八点前到达机场吗, B: We should make it, if there isn't too much traffic. 如果交通不太拥挤,我们可以赶到。 A: Is it the rush hour now? 现在是高峰时间吗, B: Yes, but don't worry. We'll make it. 是的。不过别着急,我们会赶到 27. I can't afford to... 我负担不起?????? 用法透视 这里的"负担"多指金钱,但也可以指精神或状况。 支持范例 1. I can't afford to be absent from school. 我不能不上学。 2. I can't afford to go away three weeks from work. 我可不能三个星期不上班。 3. I can't afford to take any risk. 我不能冒任何风险。 会话记忆 A: We're going out to dinner and then to the movies. 10 Showyou English 晚餐出去吃,然后去看电影吧。 B: Hold on! I can't afford to pay for both. 等一下~我无法同时付这两笔钱。 A: Don't worry. I've got money. It's my treat. 别担心,我有钱。我请你。 B: Gee, that's really nice of you. 啊~你真好~ 28. I can't figure out... 我搞不懂?????? 用法透视 "figure out"是理解的意思,这句话的含义相当于"I don't understand"。 支持范例 1. I can't figure out the rules of football. 我不懂足球的规则。 2. I can't figure out how to break the news to them. 我想不出怎么把这事跟他们说。 3. I can't figure out what color to paint the house. 我想不出用什么颜色刷这房子。 会话记忆 A: Hurry up. We're going to be late. 快点~我们要迟到了。 B: I am hurrying. 我已经很快了。 A: What are you doing? 你在做什么啊, B: I can't figure out which dress to wear. 我不知道该穿哪件衣服 29. I can't follow you. 我没听懂。 用法透视 如果对方说话语速太快或内容艰深,你不太能跟得上,就用这句话告诉他吧。 支持范例 1. I can't follow you when you speak fast. 你说得太快了,我没听懂。 2. Hold it. I can't follow you. 等一等,我没听懂。 3. Do you follow what I'm saying? 你听懂我在说什么了吗, 会话记忆 A: Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗, B: Yes, a little. 会一点。 A: Can you tell me how to get to the Jade Buddha Temple? 你能告诉我玉佛寺怎么走吗, B: I'm sorry. I can't quite follow you. Would you mind speaking slowly? 对不起,我听不懂你的话。请你说得慢一点行吗, 30. I can't help... 我忍不住?????? 用法透视 这个句型的意思是"忍不住,情不自禁,不可避免地",要注意的是"help"后面要跟名词或动名词。 支持范例 1. I can't help laughing every time I think of that. 每次一想起那件事,我就会忍不住笑起来。 2. I couldn't help noticing your ring, it's beautiful. 我没法不注意到您的戒指,太漂亮了~ 11 Showyou English 3. I can't help remembering how beautiful she looked. 我无法忘记她有多漂亮。 会话记忆 A: So how long have you known Mary? 那你认识玛丽多久了, B: Only four days. 只四天。 A: Only four days! That's so short, and you seem so crazy about her. 只四天~这么短时间你就对她如此痴迷。 B: I know. I can't help thinking about her. She's always on my mind. 我知道。我无法不想她,她总在我脑海里 31. I can't say... 我说不准?????? 用法透视 当对某件事情不太有把握的时候,"I can't say"能表达你的这种不确定性,意思是"我说不准......"。 支持范例 1. I can't say for certain. 我说不准。 2. I can't say who did the best. 我说不准谁干得最好。 3. I can't say with any certainty that eating less can be a cure for obesity. 我不能断言节食能治疗肥胖症。 会话记忆 A: Who do you think will win the championship? 你认为谁能赢得冠军, B: I really can't say. Both teams this year seem really good. 我说不好。今年两个队看来都不错。 A: There's a game on tonight. You want to watch it with me? 今晚有场比赛,你想和我一起看吗, B: That sounds great! 好主意~ 32. I couldn't ask for more. 我不能要求更多了。 用法透视 这个句型用否定的语气表达了肯定的意思。表面上说"不能要求更多",其实就是说对一切都非常满意。 支持范例 1. I couldn't ask for a more helpful friend than you. 我不可能找到比你更帮忙的朋友了。 2. You couldn't have asked for a better place to hold your exhibition. 你不可能要求更好的地方来举办你的展览了。 3. You couldn't ask for a more qualified man for the work. 你不可能找到更能胜任这个工作的人了。 会话记忆 A: I can't believe the weather is so gorgeous for your wedding. 我不能相信你婚礼时天气会那么好。 B: Yes. It's perfect. 是啊。太完美了。 A: And all of the flowers are in bloom. 还有所有的花都盛开着。 B: I couldn't have asked for more. 我不能要求更多了 33. I don't see any point in... 我觉得没必要?????? 用法透视 这里的"point"表示"意义"。这个句型的意思是"做......是没必要的,没意义的"。 12 Showyou English 支持范例 1. I don't see any point in asking him. 我认为问他也没意义。 2. There's no point in wasting time. 没必要浪费时间。 3. I don't see much point in protesting. 我觉得抗议也没多大意义。 会话记忆 A: Why you are so crazy about Beijing Opera? It's so boring. 你怎么会对京剧那么着迷呢,它太无趣了。 B: But I think it's fantastic and charming. Well, you have your opinion and I have mine. 可我觉得京剧非常精彩,有魅力。哎,你有你的观点,我有我的观点。 A: Maybe you're right. But I just still can't understand... 或许你是对的,但我还是弄不懂...... B: Come on. I don't see any point in arguing about this. Everyone has a right to his own opinion. 算了。我觉得没必要为此辩论。每个人都有权保留自己的意见 34. I didn't catch... 我没听清楚?????? 用法透视 这里的"catch"意思是"听清楚,弄懂"。这个句型用来表示没弄懂,请对方重复一遍。 支持范例 1. I didn't catch your name. 我没听清你叫什么名字。 2. I didn't catch what you said. Please repeat it. 我没听清楚你说什么,请重复。 3. He spoke so rapidly that I didn't catch the meaning of what he said. 他说得太快了。我没听懂他的意思。 会话记忆 A: The answer for number 6 is C, 7 is B, 8 is A... 第六题的是C,第七题是B,第八题是A...... B: Ms. Lee, could you tell me what number 7 is again? I didn't catch you. 李老师,您能再说一遍第七题是什么吗,我没听清楚。 A: Sure. 7 is B. Any others? 当然。第七题是B。还有其它没听清的吗, B: No, thank you. 没了,谢谢 35. I hope you'll be yourself soon. 祝你早日康复。 用法透视 这里的"be yourself"的意思是"身体正常,恢复常态"。 支持范例 1. You have not been yourself these past few weeks. 这几个星期你一直都不太对劲。 2. Are you very tired? You don't seem yourself today. 你是不是很累,今天你好像不舒服。 3. I'll forgive you; I know you weren't yourself when you said that. 我会原谅你。我知道你说这话时并不是真心。 会话记忆 A: Hi, Mary. You look pale today. What's the matter with you? 玛丽,你今天脸色不好,怎么了, B: I think I've caught a cold. Now I'm aching all over. 我想我是感冒了。现在浑身疼。 A: You'd better take some medicine and have a good rest. I hope you'll be yourself pretty soon. 你最好吃点药,好好休息。祝你早日康复。 13 Showyou English B: Thank you. I suppose I should go to see a doctor. 谢谢你。我觉得我得去找医生看看 36. I wouldn't count on it. 我不会寄予期望的。 用法透视 "count on"是"信赖,仰仗"之意。如果不想让对方对某事抱有太大希望,就可以用这个句型。 支持范例 1. If I were you, I wouldn't count on it. 如果我是你,我是不会抱太大希望的。 2. You can't count on the weather being fine. 你不要对天气变好寄予期望。 3. You can't count on Harry in any emergency. 如果有紧急情况,哈利是靠不住的。 会话记忆 A: I hope the teacher decides to curve our test grades. 我希望老师决定把考试成绩按比例加分。 B: I wouldn't count on it. 我不会寄予期望的。 A: She did last time. 她上次就这么做了。 B: Yes, but I'll bet she won't again. 是的。但我打赌她再不会了 37. I'd appreciate it if ... 感谢您?????? 用法透视 这个句型的意思是"如果......我将非常感谢",是请求别人帮助的客套话,所以用虚拟语气。"if"后面接从句,指出需要对方做的事情。 支持范例 1. I'd appreciate it if you turned down the radio. 请把收音机声音关小一点,谢谢。 2. I'd appreciate it if you could speak to the boss for me. 如果你能帮我去跟老板说的话,我会很感激。 3. I'd appreciate it if we didn't stay too long. 如果不呆太久的话,我会感激你的。 会话记忆 A: Oh, no! Now I'll be late. 糟了~快迟到了。 B: Can I give you a hand? 要我帮忙吗, A: Yes, I'd appreciate it if you could drive me downtown. 要,如果你能开车送我进城,我会感激不尽。 B: Sure thing. I've got time. 没问题~反正我有时间 38. I'd hate for you to... 我不愿意你?????? 用法透视 这个句型的结构与"I抎 like to..."相近,但含义相反。这里"hate"不作"憎恨"解,而取"不愿意;遗憾"之意。 支持范例 1. I'd hate for you to leave our company. 我不愿意你离开我们公司。 2. I'd hate for you to miss the party. 我不愿意你错过这次晚会。 3. I'd hate for you to get sick. 我不想你生病。 14 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: Do you have the five dollars I lent you yesterday? 你带了我昨天借你的五块钱了吗, B: Oh I forgot! I'll run home real quickly and bring you the money. 噢,我忘了。我会很快跑回家去给你拿。 A: You don't have to go right away. 你不必现在就去。 B: I'd hate for you to think I was lazy in returning your money. 我不想你认为我懒得还你的钱 39. I'd like to ... 我想?????? 用法透视 "I'd like to..."是"I would like to..."的缩写,是一种客气地表达自己想法的说法。 支持范例 1. I'd like to buy a one-way ticket to Beijing. 我想买一张去北京的单程车票。 2. I'd like to invite you to my birthday party this weekend. 我想邀请你参加周末我的生日晚会。 3. I'd like to have your suggestions. 我想听听你的建议。 会话记忆 A: Have you ever made any plan for your future? 你曾过未来吗, B: Of course I have. I'd like to marry a handsome man and have two children if possible. 当然啦。我想嫁一个帅哥然后生两个孩子,如果可能的话。 A: Not me. I'd like to be a bachelor forever. 我可不想那样。我想单身一辈子。 B: I don't believe you can make it when you meet your Mrs. Right. 我可不觉得等你遇到你的"真命天子"时还能做到单身 40. I'd like you to... 我想请你?????? 用法透视 我们都知道"I'd like to..."是"我想......"的意思,那么"I'd like you to..."也就不难理解了,它意为"我想请你......",用于你向别人提出请求。 支持范例 1. I'd like you to fetch some boiled water. 我想请你去倒点开水来。 2. I'd like you to send for a doctor. 我想请你叫人找医生来。 3. I'd like you to look after my baby for a while. 我想请你照看一会儿我的孩子。 会话记忆 A: I'd like you to do me a favor. 请帮我个忙。 B: What is it? 什么事, A: Can you mail this at the post office for me? I have to go to the doctor for an appointment and I don't have enough time to go to the post office. 你能帮我去邮局发一下这个吗?我跟医生约好了,没时间去邮局 B: Sure. And I'd like you to get some cold medicine for me when you go to the doctor's. 当然。我也想请你去看医生时给我拿些感冒药 41. I'd like to propose a toast. 我提议敬一杯酒。 用法透视 这个句型用来在酒会上提议为......干杯,给......敬酒。 15 Showyou English 支持范例 1. I'd like to propose a toast to all of you. 我提议大家为所有人干杯。 2. May I have your attention, please? I'd like to propose a toast to Harry. 请大家听我说,我提议大家为哈利干杯。 3. I'd like to propose a toast to our new secretary. Mary, welcome on board! 我想请大家为我们的新秘书敬一杯酒。玛丽,欢迎加入我们~ 会话记忆 A: Everybody, I'd like to propose a toast to Mary Johnson, Teacher of the Year. She worked hard all year. She really deserved the honor. 各位,我提议大家为"年度最佳教师"玛丽?约翰逊敬一杯 酒。她一整年辛勤工作,这份荣誉她当之无愧。 B: Yes, we're all proud of her! 对,我们都为她骄傲~ A: Here's to you, Mary! 敬你,玛丽~ B: Cheers! 干杯~ 42. I'd rather... 我宁愿?????? 用法透视 这个句型表示"更愿意做......",也可以加上"than...",表示"宁愿......,而不愿......"。 支持范例 1. I've read some of Hemingway's stories in translation, but I'd rather read them in the original. 我读过一些翻译的海明威的小说,但是我更愿看原著。 2. I'd rather not go out tonight, it's too cold. 今晚我宁愿不出去,太冷了。 3. I'd rather have the red than the green one. 我宁愿要红色的,而不要绿色的。 会话记忆 A: Hey, look at my new shirt. What do you think about it? 嘿,看我的新裙子,怎么样, B: Just so-so. Where did you get it? 一般。从哪儿买的, A: I bought it on a street market. A real bargain! 在街市上买的,真的很便宜。 B: I'd much rather buy expensive but good quality clothing, because it is not only nice but lasts a long time. 我宁愿买贵而质量好的衣服,因为那既好又耐穿 43. I'd strongly recommend that... 我强烈建议?????? 用法透视 又是一个表示建议的句型,但语气上要强得多。 支持范例 1. I'd strongly recommend that you (should) take the TOEFL test before you study in the U.S. 我强烈建议你去美国念书前应该先考托福。 2. I'd strongly recommend that you call before going to his office. 我建议你去他公司前最好先打电话。 3. I'd strongly recommend that you see it, too. 我大力推荐你也去看。 会话记忆 A: let's go swimming. 走,游泳去。 B: But, we just finished eating lunch. 可是我们才刚吃过午饭。 A: I know, but I'm really hot. 我知道,不过真的好热。 16 Showyou English B: I'd strongly recommend that you wait for a while before going swimming. 我强烈建议你先等一下再去游泳 44. I don't blame him for... 我不会为了??????责怪他。 用法透视 blame是责备和埋怨的意思,所以一般用人做宾语。若是要特别指出为了什么事而责怪,就在人之后加上for那件事。 支持范例 1. No, I don't blame him for it. 不,我并不为那事责怪他。 2. You needn't say sorry. I don't blame you. 你没必要道歉,我不怪你。 3. I don't blame you for losing my keys. 我不会怪你丢了我的钥匙。 会话记忆 A: Aren't you staying for the party? 你不留下来参加晚会吗, B: No. I'm tired and I've got to work tomorrow. 不,我累了。而且明天还得上班。 A: I don't blame you for getting some rest. 我不能因你要多点休息而埋怨你。 B: Yeah. I need to. 是啊。我真是需要休息的 45. I feel as if... 我觉得好像?????? 用法透视 这个句型的含义与"I feel..."相同,但要注意"as if"后的从句中多用虚拟语气。 支持范例 1. I feel as if my head were bursting. 我觉得头好像要炸开了。 2. I felt as if I had lost the most precious thing forever. 我觉得好像永远地失去了最珍贵的东西。 3. I feel as if I had waken from a nightmare. 我觉得好像刚从噩梦中醒来。 会话记忆 A: Why are you so crazy about bird-watching? What do you get out of it? 你为什么对赏鸟那么喜爱,你能从中得到什么, B: Looking at the beautiful creatures and listening to their songs are such wonderful experiences. I feel as if I'm in direct contact with nature. 观赏这些美丽的生物,聆听它们的歌唱是极美妙的经历。我觉得就像与大自然直接接触。 A: Really? 真的吗, B: You bet. You should try it yourself. 当然。你应该亲自体验一下 46. I have a feeling that... 我有感觉?????? 用法透视 这个句型可用来表示对尚未表面化的事情有预感,含义与"I feel..."相同。只不过该句后面只能接从句。 支持范例 1. I have a feeling that your mother doesn't like me. 我有种感觉好像你妈不太喜欢我。 2. I have a feeling that this place is a little dangerous. 我觉得这地方有点危险。 3. I have a feeling that this dress will be too formal for the party. 我感觉穿这件裙子参加那聚会太正式了。 17 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: It's awfully quiet around here. 这附近好安静啊。 B: Yeah. There's nobody in sight. 是啊,不见半个人影。 A: I have a feeling that we're not supposed to be in here. 我有个感觉,我们不该待在这里。 B: I think you're right. Let's go. 我也这么想。走吧~ 47. I hate to bother you, but... 抱歉打扰一下?????? 用法透视 这是一个非常客气地提出要求时的用语。 支持范例 1. I hate to bother you, but this is a non-smoking area. 抱歉打扰了,可是这里是无烟区。 2. I hate to bother you, but would you help me carry this suitcase? 抱歉打扰一下,能帮我提这个手提箱吗, 3. I hate to bother you, but I have many problems I need to talk about. 很抱歉,但我有很多问题必须和你谈。 会话记忆 A: I know you're sleepy and I hate to bother you, but I think you're late for work. 我知道你很困,不过很抱歉,我想你要迟到了。 B: Oh, no. I forgot to turn the alarm clock on! 糟了~我忘了定闹钟~ A: Don't worry. I can give you a lift. 别急,我可以让你搭我的车。 B: Thank you. You save me. 谢谢你。你救了我一命 48. I'm afraid... 我恐怕?????? 用法透视 这个句型通常用来表达一些不好的情况和事实,或表示某种疑虑和歉意。 支持范例 1. I'm afraid I am late. 恐怕我迟到了。 2. I'm afraid you don't see my point. 我想你没明白我的意思。 3. I'm afraid I've taken too much of your time. 对不起,占用了你很多时间。 会话记忆 A: Excuse me. I'm afraid you're in my seat. You've moved my books. 对不起,你坐的是我的座位,你把我的书拿开了。 B: Oh, dear. 哎呀。 A: You must have realized somebody was here. 你一定知道这里是有人的。 B: Oh, well, I looked around. There wasn't any other space. I waited a while and nobody came. I'm sorry if I've taken your place. 我找了一下,一个空位都没有。我又等了一会,见没人来。如果我占的是你的座位,对不起了 49. I'm concerned about... 我很担心?????? 用法透视 这个句型用来表示关切之意,"对......担心"。 支持范例 1. I'm really concerned about my parents' health. 18 Showyou English 我真的很担心父母的健康。 2. I'm really concerned about her job. 我真的很担心她的工作。 3. I'm concerned about your final exam. 我很担心你的期终考试。 会话记忆 A: I'm concerned about your car. 我很担心你的汽车。 B: It will be fine. 它会没事的。 A: But I think I can help to fix it. 但我想我能帮忙修好它。 B: No, don't give it another thought. 不用,不要再想它了 50. I'm in the middle of... 我正忙着?????? 用法透视 这里的"in the middle of..."表示正在做某事的过程中。 支持范例 1. I'm just in the middle of coordinating the press conference. 我正忙着协调安排记者招待会。 2. I was in the middle of making a pie for dinner when the telephone rang. 我正忙着做正餐吃的馅饼,这时电话响了。 3. They were in the middle of a party when the parents came back suddenly. 父母突然返回时,他们正在开晚会。 会话记忆 A: Marry; Mr. Johnson wants these documents to be copied. 玛丽,约翰逊先生需要这些文件的复印件。 B: Oh, no. You see I'm in the middle of something. Could he wait? 噢,不。你看我正忙着呢。他能不能等会儿, A: I'm afraid... 恐怕...... B: All right, all right. He'll get them as soon as possible. 好吧,好吧。我会尽快让他拿到复印件 51. I'm just in the mood for... 我只是很想?????? 用法透视 mood是心情,I'm just in the mood 是"我有这样的心情",接for 也就是"我只是很想去做......"。 如果in no mood for,则表示"我很不想去做......"。 支持范例 1. I'm just in the mood for a change tonight. 只是今晚我很想改变一下。 2. I'm just in the mood for a movie right now. 只是我现在很想看场电影。 3. I'm just in no mood for arguments. 只是我现在不想吵架。 会话记忆 A: You're acting weird tonight. 你今晚举止怪怪的。 B: I'm just in the mood to act goofy. 我只是想装疯而已。 A: What brought this on? 什么事让你这样呢, B: I guess I'm glad exams are over. 我猜想我是很高兴考试都过去了 19 Showyou English 52. I'm just a little... 我只是有点?????? 用法透视 该句用于表达自己的心情和感受"只是有点......"。 支持范例 1. Why the long face? I'm just a little sad. 为什么拉长脸,我只是觉得有点悲哀。 2. I'm just a little afraid of you. 我只是有点怕你。 3. I'm just a little out of my mind. 我只是有点疯狂而已。 会话记忆 A: I've just been a little depressed lately. 我最近有点沮丧。 B: What's wrong? 怎么了, A: Nothing really. 其实也没什么。 B: Then just keep your chin up. 那就打起精神来啊~ 53. I'm looking forward to... 我盼望着?????? 用法透视 表示满心欢喜的期待某样东西时用该句型,"to"是介词,后面跟所期待的东西。 支持范例 1. I'm looking forward to your visit. 我盼望着你来拜访。 2. I'm looking forward to your new book. 我盼着你的新书。 3. I'm looking forward to your friendship. 我期待着成为你的朋友。 会话记忆 A: I couldn't wait to meet you in person. 我都等不及跟你见面了。 B: Me, too. I've heard so much about you. 我也是。我久仰你的大名。 A: Same here. 我也是。 B: I was looking forward to your arrival. 我盼望着你的到来 54. I'm not sure, but I think... 我不能确定,但我觉得?????? 用法透视 自己有看法,但又不是十分肯定的时候,就可以用该句型了。 支持范例 1. I'm not sure, but I think we should have more discussion on this. 我不确定,但我认为这件事还应该多加讨论。 2. I'm not sure, but I think the final exam is on the morning of next Monday. 我不太肯定,但我记得期末考试是在下个周一早晨。 3. I'm not sure, but I think we can have a bargain with the owner. 我不太确定,但我想我们可以跟老板再讲讲价。 会话记忆 A: Wow! That's a fantastic movie! 哇~真是场精彩的电影~ B: Yes. I love it, too. 是啊,我也很喜欢。 20 Showyou English A: Who was the director? 导演是谁, B: I'm not sure, but I think it must be directed by Zhang Yimou. That's typical of him. 我记不清了,但我想是由张艺谋导演的,只有他才拍得出这样的电影 55. I'm not sure if... 我不确定是否?????? 用法透视 该句在表示怀疑,或者有不太有把握的反对意见时使用。也可以说"I'm not sure whether..."。 支持范例 1. I'm not sure if the book you mentioned is still available. 我不知道你说的那本书还有没有了。 2. I'm not sure if he is qualified enough to be our representative. 我不确定他是否够格做我们的代表。 3. I'm not sure whether he is still living in the city. 我不确定他是否还住在城里。 会话记忆 A: In my opinion, it may be necessary to charge for participation. 我的意见是有必要让参加者付些费用。 B: I'm not sure if that would be wise. 这么做好不好,我没有把握。 A: Then what is your opinion? 那你的意见是什么, B: Well, maybe we'll go to ask Mr. Johnson. He has the final say. 或许我们该去问一下约翰逊先生,他可以做决定 56. I prefer... 我更愿意?????? 用法透视 这个句型的意思是"认为......更可取,宁愿......"。 支持范例 1. I prefer coffee to tea. 比起喝茶,我更喜欢喝咖啡 2. I prefer to read rather than watch TV. 我更愿意读书而不是看电视。 3. I'd prefer that she act the young lady. 我倒认为她演那个年轻女子更好。 会话记忆 A: At last! The weekend comes again! 终于又到周末了~ B: Yes. What will you do these two days? 是啊。这两天你干嘛, A: After five days' hard work, I'm surely going to have some fun. 辛苦工作了五天,我当然要去找些乐子。 B: But I'd prefer to stay at home and have a good rest. 但我倒更愿意呆在家里好好休息一下 57. I really go for ... 我真喜欢?????? 用法透视 这个句型表达对人和物的极其喜爱,其否定句"I don't go much for..."则与"I don't think much of..."意义相同。 支持范例 1. I really go for Chopin. 我真喜欢肖邦的作品。 2. I really go for this house. It's terrific. 我真喜欢这房子,棒极了。 3. I don't go much for modernism. 我不太喜欢现代派的作品。 21 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: Hey, I'm hungry. How about you? 嗨,我饿了,你呢, B: Yeah, I can really go for some Chinese food right now. 我也饿,我真想马上去吃中国菜。 A: That's a great idea. Let's go to a Chinese restaurant. 好主意。我们去找一家中国餐馆。 B: I know one. Let's go. 我知道一家。走 58. I should say... 我得说?????? 用法透视 这个句型用来表达自己的看法,但这看法多少有些遗憾、感叹或出乎意料。 支持范例 1. What do you think of the city? It's very busy and crowded, I should say. 你觉得这个城市怎么样,我得说,这是个非常繁忙拥挤的城市。 2. I should say it's really beyond my expectation. 我得说这确实出乎意料。 3. Well done, I should say. 干得好,我得说。 会话记忆 A: Do you know that scientists replicated a sheep into an identical clone. 你知道吗,科学家复制了一头一模一样的克隆羊。 B: I heard about that. It was successful. 我听说过,很成功。 A: It's a big jump in science. Maybe more like a leap. 这是科学上的一大跃进,也许说成飞跃更合适。 B: I should say, it stunned me. I can't imagine what they will think of next. 我得说,我很吃惊。我不能想象下一步科学家们想做什么 59. I've got to... 我必须得?????? 用法透视 这个句型的含义相当于"I have to",表示"必须、一定、不得不",也可表示建议或推荐,多用肯定句。 支持范例 1. I've got to let you know. 我一定得让你知道。 2. I've got to see you about something. 我必须要见你有要紧事。 3. You've got to try this dish, it's tasty. 你一定得尝尝这个菜,味道好极了。 会话记忆 A: Have you seen the news that there is a serious flood in the South? 你看新闻了吗,南方发洪水了。 B: Yes. I've got to cancel my traveling plan. 看了。我不得不取消我的旅行计划。 A: What a pity! I know you've been longing for it these months. 太遗憾了。我知道这几个月来你一直盼着这次旅行。 B: The only thing I can do now is waiting for another chance. 现在我唯一能做的就是等下一次机会了 60. I was quite impressed by... 我对??????的印象很深刻。 用法透视 这个句型用"impress"的被动语态来表达自己对某事物印象深刻。 支持范例 1. I was quite impressed by the facilities at the new school. 那所学校的设备令我印象深刻。 22 Showyou English 2. I was quite impressed by your typing ability. 你的打字能力令我十分佩服。 3. I was quite impressed by the cleanliness of the hospital. 我对那所医院的清洁印象很深。 会话记忆 A: Would you like to go to the natural history museum with me? 要不要一起去自然历史博物馆, B: Have you ever been to it before? 你以前去过吗, A: Yes, lots of time. I was quite impressed by the wide variety of exhibitions they have. 去过好几次。那些种类繁多的展品让我印象深刻。 B: Let's go. It sounds interesting. 走吧,好像蛮有趣的 61. I would if I could. 如果我能的话我会的。 用法透视 这是一个虚拟语气句型。含义是"不是我不这么做,而是我没办法做"。虚拟语气中说"如果我能的话"要用"if I could",表示事实上"I can't"。 支持范例 1. I would if I could, but I can't go with you. 如果我能的话我会的,但是我不能跟你去。 2. I would if I could, but I really have no idea. 如果我能的话我会的,但我真的不知道。 3. I would if I could, but I have to say sorry. 我不得不跟你说抱歉。如果我能的话我一定会的。 会话记忆 A: Please switch work shifts with me. 我请你跟我换班。 B: I would if I could. 假如我能的话,我会的。 A: Why can't you? 你为什么不能, B: Because I have other obligations. 因为我还有另外的职责 62. If I were you... 如果我是你?????? 用法透视 这是一个假设句,用来给别人提建议。 支持范例 1. I wouldn't wear a sweater in such hot weather if I were you. 换做我是你,我不会在这样的大热天穿毛衣。 2. If I were you, I would explain to Harry what happened. 如果我是你,我会去向哈利解释事情的经过。 3. If you were me, would you study English or go to the movie? 如果你是我,你会去学英语还是去看电影, 会话记忆 A: I can't decide what I should do. 我无法决定该怎么做。 B: What's the problem? 什么事啊, A: Should I date Tom or should I date Harry? 我到底该和汤姆约会还是跟大卫约会, B: That's easy. If I were you, I'd date me! 这很简单,如果我是你,我会跟我约会 63. If there is one thing that... me, it's... 如果有什么使我??????的话,那就是?????? 23 Showyou English 用法透视 这是一个比较复杂的句型,意思是"如果有什么使我......的话,那就是......"。"that"引导的定语从句里的谓语一定是及物动词。 支持范例 1. If there is one thing that annoys me, it's people who don't keep their promises. 如果有什么使我恼火的话,那就是不遵守诺言的人。 2. If there is one thing that disappoints me, it's his failure to arrange his time responsibly. 如果有什么使我失望的话,那就是他没有科学地安排时间。 3. If there is one thing that interests me, it's fashion design. 如果有什么使我感兴趣的话,那就是时装。 会话记忆 A: Is that pesky lady coming to the office again? 那个讨厌的女人又来办公室啦, B: Yeah, I'm afraid so. 恐怕是的。 A: If there's one thing that bugs me, it's her critical attitude. 如果有什么让我烦的,那就是她尖刻的态度。 B: Yes, it is annoying. 是太烦人了 64. I'll... for a change. 我想换换口味?????? 用法透视 你某天突然想不按惯例来点变化,就可用for a change(换换口味)表示。 支持范例 1. Today I'll go to the KFC for a change. 今天我换换口味去吃肯德基。 2. Let's eat out for a change. 今天我们出去吃。 3. This summer vacation I'll find a part-time job for a change. 今年暑假,我想变换一下找个兼职。 会话记忆 A: Hi, waiting for the bus? Where are you going? 嗨,等车呢,你去哪, B: China Hotel. 中国饭店。 A: Why don't you take a taxi? It'll get you there much faster. 为什么不打车,那要快得多。 B: Well, I think I'll take the bus this time just for a change. 哦,我想这次我还是换一下走法,乘公车 65. It all depends. 这得看情况。 用法透视 要表达"很难说,得看情况而定"的意思,就可以用该句型。 支持范例 1. Sometimes we're busy and sometimes we're not. It all depends, you see. 有时我们很忙,有时不忙,这很难说。 2. Are you going? That depends. 你去吗,看情况再说。 3. I'm not sure. It all depends. 我不确定,得看情况。 会话记忆 A: Do you like to dance? 你爱不爱跳舞, B: Sometimes, if there's music playing. 偶尔会跳,如果有音乐的话。 24 Showyou English A: What kind of dancing do you like? 你都跳什么舞, B: It all depends. If it's rock music I'll do disco, and if it's romantic music I'll do ballet. 这得看情况。如果是摇滚乐就跳迪斯科,如果是抒情音乐就跳芭蕾舞 66. It can't be helped. 那是没办法的。 用法透视 这个句型的意思是"事情就是这样,没办法了"。 支持范例 1. You've broken it now. It can't be helped. 你已经把它打破了,只好这样了。 2. Don't cry over your loss any more. It can't be helped. 别再为损失哭泣了。已经这样了,没办法。 3. There's no way to change the plan. It can't be helped. 计划没办法改变,只能这样了。 会话记忆 A: Do you really have to work today? 你今天真的一定要工作吗, B: Yes. I'm afraid so. 是,恐怕是的。 A: But you'll miss out on the football game. 可是你会错过足球赛的。 B: Oh. Well, it can't be helped. 哦,那也没办法 67. It'd be foolish to... ??????很傻。 用法透视 这个句型通过说"做某事很傻"来劝阻别人。当然,口气不很友善,限于熟人之间使用。 支持范例 1. It'd be foolish to go to the beach on such a stormy day. 暴风雨天还要去海滩太不明智了。 2. It'd be foolish to continue your relationship with such a violent man. 继续与这么暴力的男人交往,你太傻了。 3. It'd be foolish to eat all that cake - you'd probably get sick. 吃掉整块蛋糕实在太蠢了--你可能会觉得不舒服。 会话记忆 A: So did you get in touch with your brother? 联络到你弟弟了吗, B: No, not yet. I'm really worried. 还没有,我好担心。 A: Well, it'd be foolish to call the police. He probably just went away overnight. 报警太蠢了吧,他大概只是在那里过夜而已。 B: Maybe you're right. But I'm still worried. 或许你是对的。不过我还是担心 68. It's a deal. 一言为定。 用法透视 这句话的含义和用法与汉语的"一言为定"相同。 支持范例 1. It's a deal. I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. 一言为定。我明早来接你。 2. You can use my car this weekend. It's a deal. 你周末可以用我的车。一言为定。 3. I'll let you know as soon as she comes back. It's a deal. 她一回来我就告诉你。一言为定。 25 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: How about a game of tennis? 来比一场网球如何, B: Okay. Loser has to take out the trash for a month. 好哇~输的人罚倒垃圾一个月。 A: It's a deal. 一言为定。 B: See you in the court. 咱们球场上见 69. It's about time... 该是??????的时候了 用法透视 也可以说"it is high time",后面的句子中的动词要用虚拟语气。 支持范例 1. It's about time that he learned to look after himself. 现在该是他学会照顾自己的时候了。 2. It's high time that he was taught a lesson. 现在该是教训他的时候了。 3. Now you are talking, and about time too. 你这话说对了,早就该这么说嘛。 会话记忆 A: I have a complaint to make. The bill you sent me was incorrect. What's more, it isn't the first time 我要投诉。你们寄给我的帐单错了。况且,这也不是第一次了。 B: Well, I must apologize, madam. We have new computers here, you know. 啊,我向您道歉,夫人。我们这里刚用了新电脑。 A: Don't you think it's about time you got them working properly? 难道你们不认为是时候让它们正常工作了吗, B: I agree entirely. I assure you it won't happen again. 我完全同意。保证不会再发生这种事了 70. It's ages since... 很久没……了。 用法透视 这里的"ages"意思是"很长时间"。该句的含义是"从上次以后已经很久没......了"。 支持范例 1. It's ages since I last saw you. 已经很久没见你了。 2. It's ages since we went to the show. 我们很久没看电影了。 3. It's ages since we were apart at school. 从学校分开后已经很久没见了。 会话记忆 A: Have you seen any good movies lately? 你最近有没有看什么好电影, B: It's ages since I went to see a film. 我已经好久没去看电影了。 A: Why? You were a real movie buff when you were a student. 怎么,你当学生时可是个地道的电影狂。 B: But now I would stay at home watching TV. 而现在我愿意呆在家里看电视 71. It's kind of... 这有点儿?????? 用法透视 要表达看法,但又不想把话说得太绝对,"kind of(有点儿,有些)"就很有用了。 支持范例 1. I'm feeling kind of tired. 我觉得有点累。 26 Showyou English 2. I kind of hope to be invited. 我有点想受到邀请。 3. It's kind of late. 有点晚了。 会话记忆 A: Hi, welcome to the Belt Department. Can I help you today? 你好。欢迎到皮带部,我能帮您吗, B: Yes. I need a belt that is kind of casual and kind of dressy. 是的。我需要一条腰带,不要太随意也不要太正式。 A: Then, perhaps a leather belt would work. Come here. Let me show you some. 那么,也许皮制腰带可以应付得上。到这边来,我拿几条给你看看。 B: All right. Thanks a lot. 好。多谢 72. It's my treat. 我请客。 用法透视 这里的"treat"就表示"请客"。该句的意思和用法与汉语相同。 支持范例 1. It's my treat, what would you like to drink? 我请客,想喝什么, 2. This is to be my treat, so I'll pay for everything. 该我请客了,一切由我来付钱。 3. Taking everyone to the movie is my treat. 我请大家看电影。 会话记忆 A: Here's 30 yuan for my ticket. 这是三十元买票的钱。 B: Keep it. I'm buying tonight. 收着吧,今晚我付钱。 A: No, you can't do that. 不,这可不行。 B: Sure I can, my treat. 当然行,我请客 73. It's no use. 那是没有用的。 用法透视 告诉对方"那没有用",就这么简单。 支持范例 1. It's no use. The car won't start. 没用的,这车发动不起来。 2. It's no use. They won't forgive me. 没用的,他们不会原谅我的。 3. It's no use crying over spilt milk. 事已至此,哭也没用。 会话记忆 A: Maybe you should talk to the teacher. 或许你该跟老师谈谈。 B: No, it's no use. 不,那没用。 A: You never know unless you try. 除非你试,否则你永远不知道。 B: I know. She won't change my grade. 我知道。她不可能更改我的分数 74. It's not that..., but... 不是因为??????而是因为?????? 用法透视 27 Showyou English 这是一个对称句型,表示"不是因为......而是因为......"才干什么。 支持范例 1. It's not that I don't like the car, but I think it is too expensive. 不是我不喜欢这辆车,而是它太贵了。 2. It's not that I am unwilling to help you, but I'm tied up with extra work these days. 不是我不愿意帮你,而是因为这段时间我工作太忙了。 3. It's not that he doesn't need your help, but he thinks it will be an inconvenience to you. 不是他不需要你帮忙,而是他怕给你带来麻烦。 会话记忆 A: You have to finish your dinner before you leave the table. 你离开饭桌之前必须把饭吃完。 B: But, Mom, I can't eat anymore. I'm stuffed. 可是妈,我吃不下了,我饱了。 A: What's the matter? It doesn't taste good? 怎么了。不好吃吗, B: It's not that I don't like your cooking, but I ate some cookies before we had dinner. 不是我不喜欢你做的饭,而是我在晚饭前吃了些曲奇 75. It's out of the question. 这是不可能的。 用法透视 "out of the question"的含义是"不可能的;不容讨论的;不会被允许的"。注意和"out of question"的区别.上者意为"不可能的",下者意为"没问题的". 支持范例 1. The boys had no money. So it was out of the question for them to go to the movies. 那些男孩子没钱,所以根本不可能去看电影。 2. It's out of the question to leave the country without a passport. 没有护照是不可能离开一个国家的。 3. Sunday is unfortunately out of the question, as I have a meeting on that day. 很不幸,星期天是不可能的。那天我开会。 会话记忆 A: Can I stay out all night with my friends? 我可以跟我的朋友整晚在外吗, B: No way. 不行。 A: But we'll be careful. 但我们会小心的。 B: It's out of the question. 那是不可能的 76. It's supposed to... 应该?????? 用法透视 该句表示"按道理讲应该......",可用来表达猜想或命令(相当于should)等含义。 支持范例 1. He is supposed to arrive on the 5 o'clock train. 他应该乘五点的火车到达。 2. Summer is supposed to come during May. 夏天应该在五月来临。 3. It was supposed to be ready last week. 这件事上星期就该做好的。 会话记忆 A: Hey, how was the show? 嗨,那场演出怎么样, B: Not great. It's a kind of boring. 不怎么样。有点乏味。 A: Really? I heard it was supposed to be great. 28 Showyou English 是吗,我听说它应该很棒的。 B: Yes, me too. But I'm disappointed. 我也这么听说。但我很失望 77. It's the most... that I have ever... 这个??????是我最??????的 用法透视 这个句型用来表达某事物是你在同类事物经历中的之最。 支持范例 1. It's the best movie I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。 2. You're one of the nicest persons that I've ever met. 你是我见过最好的人之一。 3. This is the first English world that I have ever read. 这是我读的第一本英文小说。 会话记忆 A: Do you often go to watch sports games? 你常去看体育比赛吗, B: I go occasionally when there's a game on near home, but usually I watch it on TV. 我家附近有比赛时,偶尔去看。但我通常看电视里的。 A: Can you recall the games? 你还能忆起这些比赛吗, B: Sometimes. But I'll never forget the game in which our Chinese Women's Volleyball Team won the World Cup. It is the most thrilling and exciting game I have ever seen. 有的能记住。但我永远都忘不了我们中国女排赢得世界杯的那场比赛。那是我看过的最惊心动魄的比赛 78. It's up to... 由??????来决定 用法透视 "to"后面接代词宾格或名词,表示"由......来做决定;取决于......;是......的职责"。 支持范例 1. Do you want to eat a Western or Chinese meal? It's up to you. 吃西餐还是中餐,由你来决定。 2. It's up to us to help those in need. 我们有责任帮助那些有困难的人。 3. It's not up to you to tell me how to do my job. 用不着你来告诉我怎样做我自己的工作。 会话记忆 A: I'm looking forward to our son's graduation this weekend. 我盼着这个周末儿子毕业呢。 B: Yes. So am I. But what will he do after graduation? He really needs to go to college. 我也是。不过他毕业后做什么呢,他需要上大学。 A: Well, dear, we can't force him to go to college. It's up to him. 可是亲爱的,我们不能强迫他上大学啊,这得由他决定。 B: I know that but he has to learn to be independent. He can't just keep living at home. 我知道,但他得学会自立,他不能老待在家里 79. It's worthy of... 它是值得?????? 用法透视 这个句型与"it is worth"意思相同,不过比那个句型更强调一些价值感、报酬感。 支持范例 1. I think the book is worthy of a lot more praise than it's getting. 我认为这本书应该值得更多的推崇及赞美。 2. But you know, I'm not really worthy of her. 但你知道,我配不上她。 3. All these are matters worthy of attention. 所有这些问题都值得关注。 29 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: I don't like the merry-go-round. 我不喜欢这个旋转木马。 B: But, I want to ride it, Daddy. 可是我想去坐它,爸爸。 A: Ok, I guess it's worthy of two yuan. 好吧,我想花两元钱去玩值得。 B: Great. Let's go. 太棒了。咱们去吧 80. It's your turn. 轮到你了。 用法透视 该句型的意思是"轮到你做某事了;该你做某事了"。可以单独使用,也可以在后面接动词不定式。 支持范例 1. It's your turn to sweep the floor. 轮到你扫地了。 2. It's your turn to give a presentation. 轮到你发言了。 3. Mary, it's your turn now. 玛丽,轮到你了。 会话记忆 A: I have been washing the dishes for over a week now. 我洗盘子都有一周多了。 B: Well, I think you are very good at doing the dishes, so maybe you should do them for another week. 哦,我觉得你洗盘子洗得很好,所以或许该多洗一周。 A: No. We made an agreement that we would take turns doing the dishes. Now it's your turn to do them. 不行,我们商量好的,每人洗一周,现在该你了。 B: OK, I'll do them. 好吧,我来洗 81(It is said that... 据说?????? 用法透视 要表达你听来、看来的没有确凿证据的事情,用这个句型最方便了。这个句型也表示你开始陈述。 支持范例 1. It is said that we'll have a new manager. 听说我们要有新经理了。 2. It is said by the Bible that Adam is the very first human being in the world. 据《圣经》说亚当是世间的第一个人。 3. It is said that drinking much pure water is good for health. 据说多喝净水有益健康。 会话记忆 A: Why don't we Chinese have our own Valentine's Day? 我们中国为什么没有自己的情人节呢, B: Of course we have. It's on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. 我们当然有,是在农历七月初七。 A: Oh? Why is that day? 哦,为什么是那天, B: It is said that the Cowherd and the Spinster, the lover stars in heaven, can only meet on the seventh Eve, so this day has become the Lover's Day. 据说牛郎星、织女星只能在七夕相会,所以这天就成了情人节 82. It makes sense. 有道理。 用法透视 说某事有道理,讲得通,有意义时,可以用该句型。当然"没意义,讲不通"就可以说"It doesn't make sense."或"it makes no sense"。 30 Showyou English 支持范例 1. It makes sense to take care of your health. 注意自己的健康是明智的。 2. It doesn't make sense to read such a boring novel. 读这种无聊的小说毫无意义。 3. It makes (no) sense to keep it as a secret. 保守这个秘密(没)有意义。 会话记忆 A: Harry, do you like the opera? 哈利,你喜欢歌剧吗, B: No, not really. 不,不怎么喜欢。 A: Why is that? It is called real art. 为什么,它可是被称为"真正的艺术"。 B: Well, it's very expensive and they're usually singing in another language. That kind of gets on my nerves. 噢,歌剧票价很贵,而且一般都是用别的语言演唱。那让我有点心里发毛。 A: Yeah, that makes sense. 是啊,也有道理 83. It seems like... 那好像是?????? 用法透视 "It seems like..."的意思是"好像,仿佛感到"。"it"是形式主语,具体的内容在"like"后面。也可以说"it seems that..."。 支持范例 1. It seems like there are hundreds of people in the room, it's too crowded and noisy. 屋里好像有几百人,又挤有吵。 2. It seems that nobody knew what had happened. 好像没人知道发生了什么事。 3. It seems that something is wrong. 好像有什么事不对劲。 会话记忆 A: Mary, do you remember when we met? 玛丽,你还记得我们认识的时候吗, B: I won't ever forget it! I was sitting in the cafeteria all by myself... 我永远也忘不了~我当时一个人坐在自助餐厅...... A: And I came up and asked to sit by you... 而我走过来,要求坐在你旁边...... B: Oh, it seems like it was just yesterday. 哦,那好像是昨天刚发生的事一样 84. It will do. 行了。 用法透视 这个句型意思是"可以了,行了",用来表示认可和肯定。可单独使用也可跟从句。 支持范例 1. It will do to set the clothes tree in the corner. 把挂衣架放在墙角就行。 2. Will it do? 这样行吗, 3. It will do. You may leave. 这样就行。你们可以走了。 会话记忆 A: How would you like your hair cut? 您的头发想理成什么式样的, B: I want it short. 剪短就行。 31 Showyou English A: Then, I'll just trim it. 那我就给您修剪一下。 B: It will do. 行 85. Just because.. 只是因为?????? 用法透视 "just",使语气更强烈。 有时为了加以强调,可以在"because"前加 支持范例 1. We didn't stay just because the weather was bad. 我们没留下只是因为天气不好。 2. I bought the book just because I wanted to learn English. 我买这本书只不过是因为我想学英语。 3. Just because I was a little bit late, I was severely punished. 就因为我迟到了一小会儿,就受到了严厉的惩罚。 会话记忆 A: Hey, Mary, nice to see you again. I heard you're going back home to the U.S.. 嘿,玛丽,又见到你真好。我听说你要回美国的家了。 B: Yes. I'm leaving tomorrow. I came here just because I want to say good-bye to you. 是,我明天就动身。我来这儿是跟你们道别的。 A: You're so thoughtful. Wish you a good trip home. And we'll miss you. 你想得太周到了。祝你旅途愉快。我们会想你的。 B: I'll miss you too, my friends. 我也会想念你们这些朋友的 86. Just between you and me... 我只告诉你?????? 用法透视 这句话的本意是"仅限于你我之间",是在说闲话时常用的口吻,表现出信任对方,跟对方很亲密的感觉。 支持范例 1. Just between you and me, I think your brother is handsome. 别告诉别人哦,我觉得你兄弟很帅。 2. Just between you and me, I cheated on yesterday's exam. 这是我们之间的秘密,我昨天考试作弊了。 3. Just between you and me, she wears too much make-up. 别告诉别人哦,我觉得她的妆太浓了。 会话记忆 A: Do you think Mr. Johnson is a good worker? 你认为约翰逊先生是个好员工吗, B: Just between you and me, I think he's lazy. 别告诉别人哦,我觉得他很懒。 A: Haven't you ever seen him working late? 你没看见过他加班吗, B: No, I haven't. 没见过 87. Know better than... 应该知道不该?????? 用法透视 该句的意思是"懂得,明事理而不至于做......"。可用来对某人做某事表示不满、后悔、劝阻等。 支持范例 1. You should know better than to go swimming right after eating. 你应该知道饭后不能立即去游泳。 2. You are old enough to know better than to spend all your money on clothes. 你年纪足够大了,应该知道不该把钱全花在买衣服上。 3. I know better than to lend him any money to gamble. 我知道不能借钱给他去赌博。 32 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: Harry, come here immediately! 哈利,立刻到这儿来~ B: What? 有什么事吗, A: Don't take that tone with me! I saw you hit your brother. 别给我来这样的腔调。我看见你打你弟弟了。 B: No! He hit me first. 不是的~是他先打我的。 A: I don't care. You know better than to hit him. Go sit on your bed for 10 minutes. 我不管。你知道你不该打他的。去,到你房间床上静坐十分钟 88. Let it be. 顺其自然吧。 用法透视 这个句子表达的含义是"让......继续按原样存在,不去理会"。 支持范例 1. I decide to just let it be. 我决定顺其自然。 2. Let him be, he's doing no harm. 别理他,他不要紧,没事的。 3. Let the poor dog be. 别惹那可怜的狗儿。 会话记忆 A: Did you hear what she said to me? 你有没有听见她对我讲的话, B: I heard it. 我听见了。 A: What do you think I should do about it? 那你认为我该怎么办, B: Just let it be. Her rudeness will come back to haunt her. 不理它。她的那种无理迟早会让自己倒霉的 89. Let's make a bet... 咱们来打赌?????? 用法透视 用邀别人打赌来表示自己的信心是不是显得更有说服力, 支持范例 1. If you don't believe. Let's make a bet. 如果你不相信,咱们来打赌好了。 2. Let's make a bet. But I'll surely win. 咱们来打个赌。但我肯定赢。 3. Let's make a bet on the election. 关于选举咱们来打个赌吧。 会话记忆 A: Do you think Tom will be elected president? 你认为汤姆会选上总裁吗, B: No, I think Harry will get it. 不,我觉得哈利会选上。 A: Let's make a bet on who gets it. 那我们就来打个赌看谁会当选。 B: OK, loser buys pizza tomorrow night. 好,输的人明天晚上请客吃比萨饼 90. Let's split the difference. 让我们折中一下。 用法透视 买东西时,与对方讨价还价,各不相让,最后就可以用这句话来建议各让一步,达成一致。 33 Showyou English 支持范例 1. OK. Let's split the difference, and then I'll take it. 好吧,我们折中一下,我就买。 2. In that case, let's split the difference. 这样的话,让我们折中一下。 3. Let's split the difference. I'll give you 100. 我们折中一下,我出一百。 会话记忆 A: This blouse is a special offer today. You can have it at 10% off the regular price. 这件衬衫是今天的特别推荐商品,价钱可以打九折。 B: It's nice, but still too expensive. Can you give me a 20% discount? 是不错。但还是太贵了。能打八折吗, A: No. 10% is my last word. 不行,最多打九折。 B: Come on. Let's split the difference, 15%. 算了,让我们折中一下,八五折吧 91. Look out! 小心~ 用法透视 该句用来在紧急情况下提醒别人注意。也可以说"watch out"。 支持范例 1. Look out! There's a car coming! 小心~有辆车来了~ 2. Look out! You could fall off the edge here. 当心~你别从边上掉下去。 3. Look out, Harry, that step's not safe! 当心,哈利,那个台阶不安全~ 会话记忆 A: Look out! A small boy is rushing out blindly. 注意~一个小孩乱跑出来了。 B: Gee, how dangerous! I've almost knocked him down. 哎呀,好险啊~我差一点撞倒他。 A: You stopped just in time. Good for you! 你停得及时。太好了。 B: I braked as hard as I could. 我拼命地刹车 92. Needless to say... 不用说?????? 用法透视 这个句型除了有"不用说"的意思之外,也有of course / naturally(当然)的意思。 支持范例 1. Needless to say, one should be dressed neatly when being interviewed for a job. 不用说,参加面试时应该穿上正式的衣服。 2. Needless to say, it's difficult to do manual labor on an empty stomach. 不用说,空着肚子劳动是很难的。 3. Needless to say, we should fill up the gas tank before starting on our trip. 不用说,启程旅行之前应该要先将车子加满油。 会话记忆 A: Is it true that rice is the staple food in most of Southeast Asia? 大部分东南亚国家人民是以米为主食吗, B: I'm not an expert, but that's the impression I have. 我不是专家,不过我的印象是如此。 A: Is rice your staple food, too? 你的主食也是米吗, 34 Showyou English B: Needless to say, as a Westerner, it's bread. 不用说,身为西方人,我的主食是面包 93. Not only..., but also... 不仅??????而且?????? 用法透视 表达"和,也"之意,除了用"and",还有很多方法,这就是一个。 支持范例 1. She is not only a singer but also an actress. 她不仅是歌手,还是演员。 2. Not only your father but also I don't approve of your plan to travel alone. 不只是你父亲,我也不赞成你独自旅行的计划。 3. He is good at planning his time, so he has enough time not only for work, but also for play. 他很善于安排自己的时间,所以他既有足够的时间工作,也有足够的时间玩儿。 会话记忆 A: Do you do morning exercises? 你早晨锻炼吗, B: Yes. I do one set of shadow-boxing every morning after I get up. 是的,我每天早上起来都打一趟太极拳。 A: Shadow-boxing? How interesting! Do you think it really helpful for your health? 太极拳,有意思~你真以为它有助于你的健康吗, B: Definitely. It not only keeps me fit but also helps me concentrate on my soul. 当然。它不仅使我保持健康,而且也帮助我集中精神 94. Not really. 并不完全?????? 用法透视 如果你认为某事并不是百分之百正确,就可以用该句型来表达。 支持范例 1. Do you hate other's smoking in the office? Not really. 你讨厌别人在办公室抽烟吗,不完全是。 2. Do you think we can get to the station on time? Not really unless we take a taxi. 你觉得我们能按时到火车站吗,不坐出租车的话不行。 3. Your parents must be worried about you. Not really. I'm not a little girl, anyway. 你父母一定很担心你。不完全是这样。我毕竟不是小孩子了。 会话记忆 A: The road ahead is blocked. There might have been an accident. 前面的路被堵住了。也许出了事故。 B: Are there many accidents in the city every day? 城里每天有很多交通事故吗, A: Not really, but they are on the rise. 并不是很多。不过正在不断上升。 B: Please drive slowly, we've got lots of time. Safety first. 请慢慢开,我们有很多时间。安全第一 96. On second thought, ... 仔细想了之后,?????? 用法透视 如果你想改变主意,就可以用这句"经过第二思考之后",表示你做了新决定。 支持范例 1. On second thought, I'm going home on this vacation. 仔细想了之后,我打算回家休假。 2. I'll do it, on second thought. 仔细想了之后,我干。 3. On second thought, I won't tell her the truth. 仔细想了之后,我还是不告诉她真相。 会话记忆 A: Would you like a cup of coffee? 你要不要喝一杯咖啡, 35 Showyou English B: No, thank you. 不,谢谢。 A: I'm going to get one for myself. They make really good coffee here. 我自己要一杯,他们这里的咖啡很好。 B: On second thought, I will have a cup. 仔细想过之后,我想我还是要一杯 98. ... only too well... ??????很?????? 用法透视 "only too"表示"very"之意。但有时在语气上也有"太过分了"的含义,应予以注意。 支持范例 1. I know only too well how you feel. 我很了解你的感受。 2. I'm only too pleased to help you. 我很乐意帮助你。 3. The holiday was only too short. 假期太短了。 会话记忆 A: Harry is so down that he won't talk to anyone. 哈利好沮丧,不和任何人说话。 B: I know only too well what that's like. 我很能知道那种感受。 A: What do you mean? 你什么意思, B: I was very sad when I was laid off last year. 去年我被解雇时我也很沮丧 99. ... or / otherwise... 否则?????? 用法透视 在祈使句后面加上"or/otherwise",意思相当于汉语中的"否则,要不然的话"。两个句子是并列句,前面使用逗号,"or"是连接副词,前面有时用句号。 支持范例 1. Hurry up or you won't make the train. 快走,要不然你赶不上火车了。 2. Put on your jacket, or you'll catch a cold. 穿上衣服,不然你会感冒的。 3. Do it now. Otherwise, it will be too late. 马上干,否则就太晚了。 会话记忆 A: I'm very sorry, sir. My car has broken down. 非常抱歉,先生。我的车坏了。 B: Sorry to hear that. Can we do anything about it? 真遗憾。还有办法吗, A: I'm afraid not. 恐怕不行。 B: Then I have to call another taxi, or I'll be late. 那我只好叫另一辆车了,不然我就晚了 100. People say that..., but I think... 人们都说??????,但我却认为?????? 用法透视 这个句型可以用来引出你与众不同的看法或经历。 支持范例 1. Some people say that music has gone downhill since Beethoven, but I don't really agree. 有人说从贝多芬以后音乐就走下坡路了,但我不很同意。 2. People say that boys usually do better work than girls on exams, but I think it is not necessarily the case. 人们说男孩子的考试成绩通常比女孩子好,但我却认为不一定这样。 36 Showyou English 3. Some people say that older persons are no use for the world, but I entirely disagree with them. 有些人说老年人对这个世界没用,但我完全不同意。 会话记忆 A: People say that you never have a real winter in the South China, but I don't think so. 人们都说中国南方没有真正意义上的冬天,但我却不这样认为。 B: Why? 怎么, A: I did experience a winter with snow in Kunming, the Spring City. 我真的在"春城"昆明度过了一个有雪的冬天。 B: With snow in Kunming? That's crazy! 昆明下雪,难以置信 101. Should have done... 本应该?????? 用法透视 这个句型表示本来应该做什么,但事实上没做成的事。 支持范例 1. She shouldn't have gone sightseeing. 她本不应该出去玩的。 2. We should have gone swimming, but it rained. 我们本来应该去游泳的,但下雨了。 3. We should have offered our help to him. 我们本来应该帮他忙的。 会话记忆 A: You should have been at home and enjoyed a big meal. 你本应该呆在家里享受丰盛大餐的。 B: Yes. I should have gone to buy the ticket in advance. But now... 是啊。我当时应该提前去买票的,但是现在...... A: But now you can stay with friends and enjoy a holiday too. 但是现在你可以与朋友一起过节。 B: Right. Let's go and find some fun. 对。走,我们找点儿快乐的事去 102. Someone is in the way. 有人挡住我。 用法透视 "in the way"的意思是"在路中央阻碍",它可能是指真实的被阻挡,或是抽象的事物受到阻碍,无法进行某种举动。 支持范例 1. We can't move. Someone is in the way. 我们动不了。有人挡住我们了。 2. Someone is in the way. Let him move away. 有人挡住我了。叫他走开。 3. Someone was in the way. I didn't finish it. 有人妨碍我。我没做完那件活。 会话记忆 A: Did you see that? 你看见了吗, B: No, I missed it. 没,我没看见。 A: How could you miss that? 你怎么能没看见呢, B: Someone was in the way. 因为有人挡住我 103. So what? 那又如何, 用法透视 表示不在乎,不服气,不甘示弱,就用这个反问句。 37 Showyou English 支持范例 1. He doesn't like you. So what? 他不喜欢你。那又怎样, 2. He's won $1000. So what? 他赢了一千美金。那又如何, 3. You say his father's very rich. So what? He wouldn't accept any help from his father. 你说他父亲很富有,那又怎样,他不会接受他父亲的任何帮助。 会话记忆 A: She is so stupid. 她太笨了。 B: Who cares? She is pretty. 谁管她笨不笨,她很漂亮。 A: So what? 那又怎么样, B: You're just jealous. 你只不过是嫉妒罢了 104. So that... 结果?????? 用法透视 该句可以表达做了什么事情后的结果如何,含义相当于"so(因此,所以)"。 支持范例 1. I left early this morning, so that I caught the first bus. 今早我出发得很早,所以赶上了头班车。 2. The hall was crowded with people, so that they couldn't get in. 大厅里挤满了人,结果他们没能进去。 3. Harry always tells a lie, so that no one believes him. 哈利老说谎,因此没人相信他。 会话记忆 A: What sort of things do you grow in your garden? 你在自家花园里都种些什么, B: I grow a variety of things, so that something is in bloom all year round. 我种好多种东西,所以一年到头都有花开。 A: When is your garden at its best? 你的花园什么时候最漂亮, B: It looks best in spring, when the plum and cherry blossoms are out. 春天看起来最美。那时梨花、樱花都开了 105. Speak of the devil. 说曹操,曹操到。 用法透视 本句是一句老话,但却仍是常用的话。在讲话中提到某人时,该人正好出现,这时就可以用这句话来欢迎他的出现,比单纯的How are you?或 It's you.好多了。 支持范例 1. Speak of the devil. We were just talking about you. 说曹操,曹操到。我们刚才正谈到你呢。 2. Talk of the devil! 说曹操,曹操到~ 3. Speak of the devil. Why? What were you talking about me? 说曹操,曹操到。怎么,你们在说我什么, 会话记忆 A: Well, speak of the devil. 哇,真是说曹操,曹操到。 B: What do you mean? 你是什么意思。 A: I was just thinking about you the other day. 我日前才刚刚想到你。 38 Showyou English B: You were? 你真的想到我, 106. Speaking of ... 说起?????? 用法透视 当对方讲起某个话题,而你对此感兴趣,就可以用"speaking of / talking of...(说起......,谈到......)"来接 过话题。 支持范例 1. Speaking of honesty, I know a lot of people who don't pay bus fares. 谈到诚实,我知道许多人乘公车不买票。 2. Speaking of Harry, have you seen him recently? 说到哈利,你最近见过他吗, 3. Talking of bicycles, China is called "he Kingdom of Bicycles". 说起自行车,中国可是被誉为"自行车王国"。 会话记忆 A: I have some photos here taken by myself. Would you like to see them? 我有些自己拍的照片,你想看吗, B: Sure. Speaking of photos, what type of film will be the best? You know, I'm planning a tour to Jiuzhaigou Valley. 当然想看。说起照片,你觉得什么胶卷最好,我正打算去九寨沟旅游。 A: I would get Fuji 200 film for taking photos of natural beauty. 拍自然美景我喜欢用富士400。 B: Thank you so much. You're an expert. 多谢,你真是个专家 107. Take it or leave it. 要就拿走,不要拉倒。 用法透视 用在向对方提出最后的条件,要对方在接受和拒绝之间做出决定。表示不想再讨价还价了。另外,口语 上,还可以表示"有无皆可"。 支持范例 1. It's the best offer I can make . Take it or leave it. 这是我能出的最低价,不要拉倒。 2. He said the house was 2 million, take it or leave it. 他说那房子要二百万,不还价。 3. Do you like sugar in your coffee? I don't care. I can take it or leave it. 咖啡你要加糖吗,无所谓。要不要都行。 会话记忆 A: Do you watch a lot of TV? 你看电视多吗, B: Not really. I could take it or leave it. 不一定,可看可不看。 A: Not me. I have to have my TV and watch whatever comes on. 我可不一样。我必须有电视看才行,而且我什么都看。 B: How can you do that? 你怎么能这样呢, 108. Take my word for it. 相信我的话,准没错。 用法透视 对你所说的话表示十足的信心和有把握,就用这句话。 支持范例 1. Don't ask me how I know it. Just take my word for it. 别问我怎么知道的,相信我的话,准没错。 2. He'll come. Don't worry--take my word for it. 他会来的,别担心--相信我的话,准没错。 3. Take my word that she is innocent. 她是清白的,相信我的话,准没错。 39 Showyou English 会话记忆 A: Are you sure you heard right? 你确定你听见的是正确的吗, B: Yes, he is running for class president. 是的,他要竞选班长。 A: I don't believe you. 我才不相信你的话。 B: Take my word for it. 相信我的话,准没错 109. Thanks for having me. 谢谢你邀请我。 用法透视 当别人邀请你参加某活动时...... 支持范例 1. Thanks for having us. It抯 a great party. 谢谢你邀请我们,晚会棒极了。 2. Thanks for having me. It's a trip I've been dreaming of. 谢谢你邀请我同行,这可是我一直梦想的旅行。 3. I'm afraid I can't go this evening, but thanks for inviting me. 我恐怕今晚我去不了,但多谢你的邀请。 会话记忆 A: Thanks a lot for having us. We had a good time. 真感谢你邀请我们来。我们过得很愉快。 B: I'm glad you came. You're welcome anytime. 我很高兴你们来。随时欢迎你们来。 A: Thanks. By the way, tell your wife she throws a great party. 多谢。还有,请告诉尊夫人她办了一个很成功的宴会。 B: I will. See you later. 我会转告她。再见~ 110. That's more like it. 这还差不多。 用法透视 这句话用在"得了便宜还要卖乖"的情形最多。"more like it"的意思是"比较像样"。当别人因你的抗议而做出对你比较有利的行动时,就可以用上它。 支持范例 1. You finished your homework? That's more like it. 你作业写完了,这还差不多。 2. That's more like it. Good boy. 这还差不多。好孩子。 3. Eat up the spinach, little Marry. That's more like it. 把菠菜都吃了,小玛丽。这还差不多。 会话记忆 A: Our team just scored a goal. 我们队刚进了一个球。 B: That's more like it. 这还差不多。 A: Tell me about it. 就是这么说嘛~ B: They might actually win the game. 他们还真的很可能赢这场比赛 111. That sounds like... 听起来好像?????? 用法透视 该句用来表达对某事的看法和意见,这里的"sound"是个连系动词,当然后面也可以跟上形容词。 支持范例 1. That sounds like fun. 40 Showyou English 听起来挺有趣。 2. That sounds no good. 听起来不好。 3. That didn't sound like a child of eight talking. 听起来不像是个八岁的孩子在讲话。 会话记忆 A: Would it be all right if I went home next weekend? 我下个周末回一趟家可以吗, B: For What? 去干嘛, A: Well, I want to surprise my brother showing up for his birthday. 喔,我想在我兄弟的生日会上现身,让他惊喜一下。 B: Well, that sounds like it would be OK. Just be careful. 是么,那听起来好像还可以答应,只是要小心一点 112. That's the last straw. 真是忍无可忍了。 用法透视 这句话来源于一句谚语"最后一根稻草压死一只骆驼",意指极限已到,表示忍无可忍。 支持范例 1. She told everybody my secret. That's the last straw. 她把我的秘密告诉所有人。真让人忍无可忍。 2. That's the last straw. She won't be my friend any more! 真让人忍无可忍。她不再是我的朋友~ 3. It's raining again! That's the last straw. 又下雨了~真让人忍无可忍。 会话记忆 A: When he told me I had to work overtime, that was it. 当他告诉我我必须加班的时候,我受够了。 B: The last straw, huh? 你是忍无可忍了,是吗, A: Yes, he's really pushed me too far. 是的,他对我太过分了。 B: I know what you mean. 我知道你的意思 113. There's no need to... 没有那个必要?????? 用法透视 当你要表示"拒绝"或"反对",而不想用那些强烈的字眼,就可以用这句话开头使语气缓和许多,而你的话就更有建设性。 支持范例 1. There's no need to send your son to give it back. 没必要让你儿子来送还它。 2. There's no need to let them know. 没必要让他们知道。 3. There's no need to take a taxi. It's not far away. 没必要坐出租车,又不远。 会话记忆 A: I'm sorry for spilling my drink on your rug. 对不起,我把饮料打翻在你的地毯上了。 B: There's no need to apologize. 没必要道歉。 A: But I ruined your rug. 可是我把你的地毯弄坏了。 B: Forget it. It was an accident. 没关系。这只是个意外 41 Showyou English 114. This is too much. 太过分了。 用法透视 "too much"的意思是"过多;太过分了"。常用来表达恼怒、厌烦、不满等。 支持范例 1. This is too much. 这太过分了。 2. This is too much. I can't stand that. 这太过分了。我无法忍受。 3. You really were too much today. 今天你真的太过分了。 会话记忆 A: Too much, Harry. Don't blame her anymore. 够了,哈利,别再责怪她了。 B: But it was her that makes us so embarrassed. 就是她让我们那么难堪。 A: I know. But there's no point in making her feel worse, isn't there? 我知道。但让她更难过也没意义,对吗, B: I don't care. 我才不管呢 115. To tell the truth... 老实说?????? 用法透视 该句用来表达自己的真实想法。同类的表达形式很多,如:"truth to tell...; frankly speaking...; to be honest..."。 支持范例 1. To tell the truth, I forgot it was your birthday last week. 说实话,我忘了上星期那天是你的生日。 2. Frankly speaking, I don't like Beijing Opera. 老实说,我不喜欢京剧。 3. To be honest, that red blouse does not match your skin. 说实话,那件红色上衣与你的肤色不配。 会话记忆 A: May I have a look at that vase, please? 我可以看一下那个花瓶吗, B: Of course. It's the best one I have here---and it's only 300 yuan. 当然。这是我最好的存货--只要三百元。 A: Oh, it's really nice, but to tell the truth, that's far too expensive. 的确不错。不过老实说我觉得太贵了。 B: Really? Even for such an excellent one? 是吗,这么好的东西你也嫌贵 42
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