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用想象训练说话能力用想象训练说话能力 江苏省兴化市中堡中心校 王萍 邮编:225779 小学低年级说话教学是学习作文的基础,在这个阶段,教师引导得法,学生就会“望文生趣”,乐此不疲,受益终生。 如何培养学生的写作兴趣呢,我认为可以结合课文学习,在充分发挥学生想象力的基础上,让学生多说话,善于说话。从而达到提高学生语言表达能力。课程标准提出:“鼓励学生写想象中的事物,激发他们展开想象和幻想。”“减少对学生写作的束缚,鼓励自由表达和有创意的表达。”“降低起始阶段的难度,重在培养学生的写作兴趣和自信心。”“让学生易于动笔乐于表达。”在学生有了一...
用想象训练说话能力 江苏省兴化市中堡中心校 王萍 邮编:225779 小学低年级说话教学是学习作文的基础,在这个阶段,教师引导得法,学生就会“望文生趣”,乐此不疲,受益终生。 如何培养学生的写作兴趣呢,我认为可以结合课文学习,在充分发挥学生想象力的基础上,让学生多说话,善于说话。从而达到提高学生语言达能力。课程提出:“鼓励学生写想象中的事物,激发他们展开想象和幻想。”“减少对学生写作的束缚,鼓励自由表达和有创意的表达。”“降低起始阶段的难度,重在培养学生的写作兴趣和自信心。”“让学生易于动笔乐于表达。”在学生有了一定的识字量后,努力培养学生说话写话的心理愿望。我从以下三方面入手,引导学生展开想象,说话写话。 一、 利用文中省略号引导学生想象说话 课文中的省略号往往能给读者以更多的想象空间,从而更能深入理解课文内容。在教学过程中,我引导学生对省略部分展开想象,就更容易培养学生学会说话写话的兴趣。提高学生说话写话的能力。《世界多美呀》一文有这样一段话:“他看见天空是蓝湛湛的,树木是绿茵茵的,小河是碧澄澄的„„”对于这段话最后的省略号,我引导学生进行想象说话: 师:小鸡看到的世界太美太美了,美的都说不完了 ,你们能把小鸡没说完的话补充完整吗, 生:五光十色的明珠,五颜六色的花儿,非常好看。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 生:五彩缤纷的彩虹。 生:火红火红的太阳,金黄金黄的稻子,雪白雪白的梨花。 生:小鸟在天上自由的飞翔。 生:河里有活蹦乱跳的小鱼。 生:知了在树上不停地叫。 生:池塘里开满了荷花。 生:美丽的鲜花。 生:许多花儿都盛开了,真是好看极了~ 生:勤劳的农民伯伯。 „„ 看到他们频频举起的小手,脸上洋溢着的笑容,我知道学生真的是想象到了世界的美。 二、利用文中的图片想象说话 看图说话写话是培养学生观察能力、想象能力、表达能力的综合训练,也是作文教学的基础。如《春到梅花山》课文最后一段“人们喜欢报春的梅花。一到休息日,通往梅花山的大道上,便涌动着看花的人流,梅花山成了欢乐的海洋。” 师:请小朋友们看这段文字下面的插图,为什么说梅花山成了欢乐的海洋呢, 生:老师,我感觉满山的梅花给人们带来了美,人们很欢乐~所以梅花山成了欢乐的海洋。 生:老师,我觉得这句话还有一点意思是说来看花的人很多,他protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 们都很快乐~ 师:你俩的理解都很独特~那么,假如你也在这群看花的人中,眼望着这美丽的梅花,尽情享受着阵阵清香,你会怎么说,怎么做呢, 生:如果我是看花的人,我希望自己也变成一朵晶莹透亮的梅花,努力散发出清香,给人们带来美的享受。 生:如果我是看花的人,我真忍不住想要摘一朵插在头上。 生:我想把这美景拍下来带回家好好看看。 生:我会跑过去闻一闻,摸一摸,然后说:“梅花啊梅花,你不但很美,还很香,我真喜欢你啊~” 生:这里的梅花又香又漂亮,我真想一直留在这里,不想回去了。 生:如果我的家能在这里那该有多好啊~ 其他学生说我也是这样想的,我也是这样想的„„ 师:小朋友们说得真好~春天一到,来梅花山看梅花的人很多,人们一边看一边在赞美梅花的美和清香,所以梅花山成了――(学生齐说)欢乐的海洋。 我是从“欢乐的海洋”入手,让学生利用挂图充分理解春天的梅花山是欢乐的海洋,在此基础上,引导学生畅谈想象到的、观察到的,进一步揭示了“梅花山成了欢乐的海洋”的内涵,加深了学生对这句的理解,学生的观察力和想象力都得到了提高。 三、利用文中的句子想象说话 课文中好词好句的积累会提高学生想象和说话能力。《这儿真好》课文中有这样一句话“啊,这儿真好~我就住在这儿吧~” protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 师:小动物们都喜欢到那儿去,我们来听听小鸟是怎么说的, 师:小鸟说:“啊,这儿真好~有许多大树,我可以在这安家落户。我就住在这儿吧~” 师:你喜欢哪个小动物呢,你能学着小鸟说的也来说句话呢, 生:小羊说:“啊,这儿真好~有我吃不完的青草,我就住在这儿吧~” 生:小马说:“啊,这儿真好~有好多小动物可以跟我一起玩呢~我就住在这儿吧~” 生:小猴说:“啊,这儿真好~有我喜欢吃的桃子,我就住在这儿吧~” 生:小鹿说:“啊,这儿真好~有许多大树,我可以在大树下乘凉呢,我就住在这儿吧~” 生:蜜蜂说:“啊,这儿真好~这里有许多好看的花儿,我可以在这采蜜。我就住在这儿吧~” 生:小鸡说:“啊,这儿真好~这里有许多大树,刮台风时我就不怕被大风刮走了。我就住在这儿吧~” 生:蝴蝶说:“啊,这儿真好~这里有好多漂亮的花儿,我可以在花丛中跳舞。我就住在这儿吧~” „„ 巧妙地利用了课文中的句子,让学生进行补充,不仅加深学生对“这儿真好”的理解,,而且更加发挥学生的想象与说话能力。 四、利用文中的情境互换角色进行想象说话 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 创设有效的语言情境,把说话训练巧妙地融于课文情境,生动而形象地展现语文本真。如《陈毅探母》一文中“以进家门,陈毅就来到母亲的床前,拉着她的手,细心地询问病情。” 师:小朋友们,你们平时生病的时候,妈妈是怎样关心你的, 生:孩子你哪里难过啊, 生:你什么时候受凉的, 生:孩子,妈妈倒杯水给你喝好吗, 生:别害怕,妈妈带你去看医生 „„ 师:那如果是你妈妈生病了,你会怎样呢, 生:我也会像妈妈关心我一样的关心妈妈。 师:如果你是陈毅,在好久好久没回家看看望妈妈的情况下,听说妈妈生病了,你会怎样询问病情呢, 生:娘,是我不好,不能经常回家看你。你什么时候生病的啊, 生:娘,你痛不痛啊, 生:娘,娘,你得的是什么病啊, 生:娘,你哪里不舒服啊, 生:娘,你有看医生了吗, 生:娘,医生怎么说的,重不重啊, 生:娘,你怎么不早点告诉我啊, „„ 能够让学生走进课文情境,深刻体会了陈毅一听说母亲生病的焦protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 急心情,为下文的教学做下铺垫,更好地教育了学生应该孝顺长辈,又为练习四读读背背下面的一幅图的写话提供了话题。 五、利用童话寓言故事进行想象说话 语文课本中有许多生动有趣的童话故事。有《狼和小羊》、《狐狸和乌鸦》、《小动物过冬》等。故事里的小动物们个性鲜明,形象生动,故事的寓意深刻,深入浅出,故事的结尾含而不露,令人回味。如《狐狸和乌鸦》的结尾“狐狸叼起肉,一溜烟跑掉了。”而乌鸦会想些什么,做些什么呢,留给读者无限遐想。学完课文,我请孩子们当回小作家,发挥想象,续编故事,孩子们都很乐意地编起故事来。孩子们的丰富想象开出了朵朵鲜花,编的故事可精彩了: (一)狐狸叼起肉,一溜烟跑掉了。乌鸦呆呆地站在树枝上半天才恍然大悟,原来自己被狐狸骗了,心想:我太爱听好话了,怎么没有留意狐狸是骗我的,他说的是花言巧语,我还去信他。乌鸦想着想着,又想到家里还有几个孩子没有饭吃,难过地流下了眼泪。乌鸦没精打采地回到了家里。小乌鸦问妈妈:“我们的午饭呢,”乌鸦难过地说:“我们的肉被狐狸骗走了,以后你们要吸取教训,千万不要光听好话,不要再上狐狸的当了。” (二)狐狸叼起肉,一溜烟跑掉了。乌鸦上了狐狸的当,就去追狐狸,他飞到树林里,看见一块红红的石头,很像一大块肉,想到了一个好办法。乌鸦就飞去找狐狸,对他说:“树林里有一块肉,比这块大多了。”狐狸跑到树林里,去叼那块大肉,用力一咬,哎呀,牙齿都掉了。乌鸦趁机叼起肉飞走了,心想:从今以后,我不能爱听花言巧语,protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound 要头脑清醒,别再上当了。 爱因斯坦曾说过“想象力比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,而 想象力概括着世界上的一切,推动着进步,并且是知识进化的源泉, 严格地说,想象力是科学研究中的实在因素”科学有时是从想象开始 的。帮助学生插上想象的翅膀,说出更多的话,写出更美的话。 protection design of tall buildings GB50045-95 the construction interior trim design fire protection standard GB50222-95 6, building curtain wall design code for lightning protection lightning protection standard building GB50057-94 7, building curtain wall technical standards for lighting architectural lighting design standard GB/T50033-2001 optical properties of glass curtain wall GB/ T18091-2000 8, physical inspection and technical standards of architectural curtain wall construction performance testing method for in-plane deformation of curtain wall GB/T18250-2000 classification GB/T15225-94 wind pressure of building curtain wall building curtain wall physical properties deformation performance test method GB/T15227-94 curtain GB/T15226-94 curtain air permeability test methods rainwater seepage performance test methods GB/T15228-94 9, Windows testing technical standards of architectural curtain wall House Windows airtight, watertight and wind resistance performance test method JG/T211-2007 House Windows lighting performance graduation and test method for GB/T11976-2002 wind pressure resistance performance of building exterior Windows graduation and test method for GB/T7106-2002 House Windows sound
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