

2013-03-26 36页 doc 344KB 35阅读




《先知》Knowing 《先知》 [Miss Taylor is standing on the elementary school steps ] -Miss Taylor: Everyone inside now! Inside: 在…里面 大家现在进来上课啰! (Lucinda is watching the sun.) -Miss Taylor: Lucinda, we're going in. go in: 进入 Lucinda,我们都要进去了 Lucinda, we're going in. Lucinda,...
Knowing 《先知》 [Miss Taylor is standing on the elementary school steps ] -Miss Taylor: Everyone inside now! Inside: 在…里面 大家现在进来上课啰! (Lucinda is watching the sun.) -Miss Taylor: Lucinda, we're going in. go in: 进入 Lucinda,我们都要进去了 Lucinda, we're going in. Lucinda,我们都要进去了 [In classroom] -Miss Taylor: Now, you remember tomorrow is our official opening day, don't you? official: 官方的 opening day: 开放日 好了,大家都记得明天是学校的开放日吧? -Students: Yes, Miss Taylor. 是的,Miss Taylor -Miss Taylor: And you remember Principal Clark ran a competition last month principle: 校长 run a competiotion: 发起比赛 那么大家一定还记得上个月克拉克校长发起了 to find the best ideas to celebrate this very special day. idea: 创意 the best ideas: 最佳创意 celebrate: 庆祝 special: 特殊 寻找最佳创意来庆祝这一特殊日子的比赛 -Students: Me! Me! Me! 我!我!我! -Miss Taylor: Well, yesterday, the staff selected the winning idea, staff: 员工总称 select: 选出 winning: 胜利的 其实,就在昨天老师们选出了获胜的创意 and it came from this class. come from: 来自 就来自我们班 The winner is our own winner: 获胜者 our own: 自己的 优胜者就是我们其中一员 Lucinda Embry. Lucinda Embry -Students: Lucinda? Why her? Lucinda?怎么会选她? Lucinda? Lucinda? Lucinda?Lucinda? -Miss Taylor: Come on, everyone. come on: 来吧 大家祝贺她吧 We'll be closing our dedication ceremony with the burial of a time capsule. ceremony: 仪式 dedication ceremony: 落成仪式 burial: 埋葬 capsule: 胶囊 我们会在仪式最后埋下时间囊 -Miss Taylor: Yes? 请说 - Students: What's a time capsule? 什么是时间囊? -Miss Taylor: This is a time capsule. time capsule: 时间囊 这就是时间囊 -Students: Wow. That's incredible. incredible: 难以置信的 哇真酷 -Miss Taylor: Now, I need you to put your thinking caps on, cap: 帽子 thinking:思考 thinking cap: 思考状态 现在,我要你们戴上智慧之帽 because I want each of you to draw because:因为 draw: 绘制 因为接下来我要你们描绘出 what you think the future is going to look like. future: 未来 look like: 看上去像 你们脑海中未来的样子 Then we'll put the pictures in the capsule, and 50 years from today, put…in:把…放入 capsule: 胶囊 然后我们会把图画放进时间囊里,在50年之后 a group of children just like yourselves will open it up to see what you drew. a group of: 一群 children: 孩子们 yourselves: 你们自己 一群和你们一样大的孩子们会打开这个时间囊,一窥你们的图画 Doesn't that sound exciting? sound: 听起来 exciting:令人兴奋的 这不是很有趣么? -Students: Yes, Miss Taylor. 是的,Miss Taylor Miss Taylor: Let's begin. begin: 开始 开始吧 That is a lovely spaceship there, Dawn. lovely: 可爱的 spaceship: 宇宙飞船 这真是艘漂亮的宇宙飞船,Dawn -Dawn: Thank you, Miss Taylor. 谢谢,Miss Taylor -Miss Taylor: Well done. 不错 -Miss Taylor: And that is a nice robot, Andrew. Very good. robot: 机器人 很棒的机器人,Andrew,非常棒 Time's up. Everyone hand your work in. work: 作品 hand… in: 交上 时间到了,同学们把画交上来吧 And make sure you write your name on the envelope. envelope: 信封 记得一定要把自己的名字写在信封上 -Students: My name's over here. 我的名字就在这 -Miss Taylor: Thank you, Harold. 谢谢,Harold -Harold: Thank you, Miss Taylor. 谢谢,Miss Taylor -Miss Taylor: Lucinda, you need to finish up now. finish up: 结束 Lucinda,你该停笔了 - Miss Taylor: Thank you. 谢谢 -Student:Thank you. 谢谢 -Miss Taylor: Oh, Lucinda. 噢,Lucinda The assignment was to draw a picture. assignment: (分配的)任务 我们说好要画画的 This was your idea. 这可是你想出来的啊 Okay, I want you all to finish, please. finish: 完成 好了,你们都停下别画了 [During a dedication ceremony for Williams Dawes Elementary] -President: Welcome to all our friends and esteemed colleagues. president: 校长 esteemed:受尊敬的 colleague: 同事 欢迎所有敬爱的朋友和同事们 We, the students and faculty of William Dawes Elementary, faculty: 全体教员 我们William Dawes的学生们和全体教员 hereby bury this time capsule in dedication of our new school, hereby: 据此 bury: 埋葬 dedication: 建成 特此埋下时间囊来庆祝即将落成的新学校 and we charge our descendents charge: 把担子加在…上 descendent: 子孙 并且由我们的后代 to open this vault of history 50 years from today. 在50年之后打开这历史之囊 To the future and the promise that it holds promise: 希望 . 让我们为未来及其希望而欢呼 [In the gym] -Miss Taylor: Lucinda? Lucinda -Police A: Lucinda? Lucinda? -Police B: Lucinda? Lucinda? -President: I'm certain Lucinda is simply being over curious. certain: 确定的 simply: 仅仅 curious: 好奇的 我确信Lucinda只是好奇心太足 -Miss Taylor: Can you please help find her? 你们能帮忙一起找她么? The cloakroom. Check the cloakroom. cloakroom: 衣帽存放处 check: 检查 衣帽间,检查衣帽间 -Police C: Lucinda. Henry, come on. Lucinda,亨利,来吧 Lucinda? Come on out now. Lucinda?出来吧 -Police C: Lucinda? Lucinda? -Miss Taylor: Lucinda. Lucinda Oh, my God. 噢我的天啊! -Lucinda: Make them stop. Please make them stop whispering. whisper: 耳语 让他们住口,让他们别再我耳边说话了 [50 years later, on Present day, John is observing the universe outside.] observe: 观察 -John: Caleb? Take a look at this. take a look at: 看一看(检查) Caleb,来看看这个 -Caleb: (to a bunny) There you go. bunny: 小兔子 你留在这喔 What is it? 看什么? -John: Saturn's rings await your approval. Saturn: 土星 ring: 环 await: 等候 approval: 认可 土星光环正等待你的认证 -Caleb: Has anyone found life on other planets? planet: 行星 有人在其他星球上发现生命了么? -John:Not yet. Guess it's just us for now. guess: 猜想 for now: 暂时 还没呢,或许暂时就只有我们了 -Caleb: Okay. Then how many that might have life? 好吧,那么有多少星球可能有生命呢? -John: Well, if you count the number of stars similar to our sun in this galaxy, count: 计算 similar to: 跟...类似的 galaxy: 银河 如果你把银河系中和我们的太阳相似的星球都数一遍 then you factor in the probability that they have Earth-like planets orbiting them.. factor: 因素 probability: 可能性 orbit: 绕轨道而行 再算上它们也许拥有和地球一样的行星绕其运转… -Caleb: There are 10 million possible worlds 那就是可能有一千万个地球 with four million mature enough for life to evolve. mature: 成熟的 evolve: 进化 其中有400万颗已经可以进化出生命 -John: Why do you even ask? 知道了你还问? -Caleb: Just making sure if you're listening. 只是想确定你是有留心听 - John: Where you going? 你到哪去? - Caleb: To watch that Discovery program. discovery: 探索 program: 频道 看探索频道 -John: But it's Dad's famous Sunday night hot dogs on the run time. on the run time: 在运行时间 但是老爸著名的热狗周日之夜还在进行中啊 -Caleb: I can't consume that. I've decided to become a vegetarian. consume: 饮食 vegetarian:素食者 我吃不下了,我已经决定要做一个素食者了 -John: Well, when were you planning on telling the guy guy: 家伙,(男)人 那你打算何时把这个决定告诉那个 who buys the groceries around here? grocery: 杂货(店) 到处跑买这些食物的人? -Caleb: Are you deaf? I just told you now, Dad. deaf: 聋的 你听不到么?我刚告诉你了,爸 [Caleb is watching Discovery program in his bedroom] -Announcer: The cubs are now six months old and bounding with energy, cub: 幼兽 bound: 跳跃 energy: 活力 小老虎已經六個月大而且充滿了活力 but, any parent knows, this is also a mixed blessing. mixed: 混合的 blessing: 祝福 mixed feeling: 好坏参半之事 但也是喜忧参半对它们的父母而言 -John: Off. 关了它 -Caleb: No, it's almost over. over: 结束 不,它差不多要完了 -John: You're not gonna be able to concentrate in class tomorrow. gonna: <美>=going to be able to:能够 concentrate: 专心 in class: 上课中 明天你上课没精神专心 -Caleb: I don't have class tomorrow. It's the 50th anniversary, remember? have class: 上课 anniversary: 周年纪念(日) remember: 记得 我明天没有课,是50周年校庆,记得吗? -John: I remember. 我记得 Caleb, Caleb when I said it was just us out there, out there: 在那里 刚才在外面我说只有我们 you know I was talking about space, right? space: 太空 你是知道我在说关于太空的对不对? I didn't mean heaven, or anything. heaven: 天堂 我不是指天堂,或其他什么的 I'm sure wherever Mom is... wherever: 无论在哪里 我肯定妈妈无论是在哪里... -Caleb: Dad, you don't even believe in heaven. 爸,你根本就不相信在天堂 -John: I never said that, Caleb. never: 从来没有 我没有这样说过,Caleb I just said we can't know for sure, that's all. for sure: 确定 我只是说我们无法确定而已 If you want to believe, you go ahead and believe, okay? (then Caleb nods) believe: 相信 go ahead: 开始 如果你愿意相信,那么你就相信它,好吗? Okay. Bedtime bedtime: 就寝时间 好了,睡觉时间 -John: (John is saying and doing sign languages) Hey, you and me, sign language: 符号语言 嘿,你和我 -John: Together 在一起 -John and Caleb (they are doing the sign language together):Forever. 永远 -John: I love you. 我爱你 -Caleb: I love you, too. 也爱你 [At Massachusetts Institute of Technology, John is in the classroom.] Massachusetts Institute of Technology: (美国)麻省理工学院 -John: (saying to the students) We're going to pose a topic pose: 提出…讨论 我们今天要讨论的话 to get you thinking along the right lines for your term paper. term paper: 学期 将会成为你们的论文主题 It's the subject of randomness versus determinism in the universe. subject: 主题 randomness:随机性 versus: 与…相对 determinism: 决定论 主题就是万物的随机性和决定论 Who's jumping in? Jessica? jump in: (踊跃或热切地)加入 谁先来?Jessica? -Jessica: Determinism says that occurrences in nature occurrence: 事件 决定论说的是自然界中所有即将发生的事 are causally decided by preceding events or natural laws, causally: 有原因地 preceding: 在前的 natural law: 自然规律 只是正在发生的事或自然规律的必然结果 that everything leading up to this point has happened for a reason. lead up to: 作为…的准备 reason: 原因 也就是说一切皆有原因 -John: That's right. That's what determinism says. determinism: 决定论 没错,这就是决定论的观点 -John: (throwing the model to Spencer) Spencer? Tell me something about the sun. Spencer?告诉我一些有关太阳 -Spencer: It's hot. 它很热 -John: Elaborate. elaborate: 详细地 详细描述 -Spencer: Temperature's about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit on the surface, temperature: 温度 degree: 度数 Fahrenheit: 华氏温度 表面温度在一万华氏度左右 -Spencer: 27 million degrees at the core. million: 百万 core: 核心 而核心温度有2700万华氏度 -John: Good. 不错 -John: Stacey? (John is about to throw the model to Stacey) Stacey? A word or two about the composition. a word or two: 一两句话 about: 关于 composition: 成分 简短形容一下它的组成 -Spencer: (looking at the model) Mostly hydrogen. hydrogen: 氢 大部分是氢 Also helium with some carbon and nitrogen thrown in there. helium: 氦 carbon: 碳 nitrogen: 氮 还有氦和一些碳、氮等 -John: Excellent. Now, I want you to think about the perfect set of circumstances excellent: 极好的 think about: 考虑 perfect: 理想的 circumstance: 环境 非常好,现在,我要你们想想这样一种理想状态 (holding the model) that put this celestial ball of fire celestial: 天上的 ball: 球 fire: 火 将这团高高在上的大火球 at just the correct distance from our little blue planet correct: 正确的 distance: 距离 放在一个距离我们蓝色小星球的最佳位置上 for life to evolve, evolve: 进化 恰好能使生命演化 making it possible for you to be sitting here in this riveting lecture. lecture: 讲课 能让你们安然坐在这里聆听这堂生动的讲课 But that's a nice thought, right? thought: 想法 这想法很有意思吧,不是么? Everything has a purpose, an order to it, is determined. purpose: 目的 order: 命令 determine: 决定 所有的事情都有原因,而有了这个原因,它必然发生 But then there's the other side of the argument, (Phil comes and stands near the door.) side: 方面 argument: 论据 但同时也有与之相对的一种理论 the theory of randomness, which says it's all simply coincidence. theory: 理论 randomness: 随机性 simply: 仅仅 coincidence: 巧合 偶然性理论,它的观点是万事皆巧合 The very fact we exist is nothing but the result of a complex exist: 存在 nothing but: 只有 result: 结果 complex: 复杂 我们的存在仅仅是一连串复杂 yet inevitable string of chemical accidents yet: 还 inevitable: 无可避免的 string: 一串 chemical: 化学的 accident: 事故 而又无可避免的化学反应 and biological mutations. biological: 生物学的 mutation: 变化 和生物突变的结果 There is no grand meaning. grand: 重大的 meaning: 意义 没有意义 There's no purpose. 没有目标 -Spencer: What about you, Professor Koestler? 那你呢,Koestler教授? - John: What? 什么? -Spencer: Well, what do you believe? 那么,你相信什么? -John: I think shit just happens. happen: 发生 我觉得“意外总会发生” But that's me. Class dismissed. dismiss: 解散 个人观点,下课 -Phil: Now, that's some very heavy shit for a Monday morning, by the sounds of it. heavy: 沉重 sound: 声音 好了,就听你语气,这鬼话题对于周一的课来说,有点过于沉重了 -John: Since when does the cosmology department audit my lectures? since: 自从 cosmology: 宇宙学 department: 系 audit: 旁听 什么时候开始宇宙哲学科的人来旁听我的课了? -Phil: Since my esteemed colleague in astrophysics owes me a latte. esteemed: 受尊敬的 astrophysics: 天体物理学 owe: 欠 latte: 拿铁咖啡 是从我这备受敬重的天体物理科同僚欠我一杯拿铁(咖啡)开始的 [John and Phil are walking on campus.] -John: So what's on your scientific mind today? scientific: 科学的 mind: 思想 今天你那科学家的头脑里有什么想法? -Phil: Do you remember Kim's little sister? Ph-double D's? Remember her? double: 两倍 D’s: Doctor’s 博士(学位) 还记得Kim的妹妹么?那个胸大无脑的博士,还记得么? -John: Is it ethical to say things like that about your sister-in-law? ethical: 道德的 sister-in-law: 嫂 这样说你的小姨子不会不道德么? -Phil: What? It's factual. It's peer-reviewed. I mean, it's like... Anyway, whatever. factual: 事实的 peer review: 同行审查 anyway: 不管怎样 whatever: 不管什么 怎么会?这是事实,就对等来讲我是说,就像…算了 She's in town this Friday. town: 城镇 她周五会到城里来 -John: Okay. – 嗯 -Phil: And she thinks that you're intriguing, which I thought was code for gay, intriguing: 有趣的 code: 密码 gay: 同性恋 而她觉得你挺有趣的,说得好像是同性恋的暗语 but apparently not because she's asked if you would join us for dinner. apparently: 显然 join: 加入 dinner: 主餐 但明显不是因为她邀请你和我们一起用餐 -John: Yeah, I... I don't know, Phil. 这个…我得想想,Phil –Phil: Come on, John. 别这样,John Come on, you owe me for last time you skipped out on me. skip: 跳过 skip out on: 逃脱 来吧,上次你也没来,推脱过去了 -John: Caleb was panicking. panicky: 慌张的 Caleb那时情绪不好 -Phil: Yeah, look, I know. 是的,我知道 And the time before that, he had a sore throat. sore: 疼痛的 throat: 喉咙 再上一次他喉咙疼 -John: Oh, no. 噢,不好 -Phil: What? 怎么了? -John: (looking at the wristwatch and became restless) Damn it! Damn it! wristwatch: 手表 restless: 焦虑的 糟了!糟了! -Phil: What? 怎么了? -John: Caleb's ceremony. I'm sorry, Phil. ceremony: 典礼 Caleb的庆典,我很抱歉,Phil -Phil: Hey! Hey! Friday! 嘿!嘿!记得周五! -John: (running) I'll think about it! think about: 考虑 我会考虑的! [At William Dawes Elementary School] elementary: 初级的 elementary school: 小学 -Students: (Singing) ~This little light of mine ~ light: 轻的 不起眼的我 ~ I'm gonna let it shine ~ gonna: <美> going to将要 shine: 使发光 一定会发光发亮的 ~ This little light of mine ~ 不起眼的我 ~ I'm gonna let it shine ~ 一定会发光发亮的 ~ This little light of mine ~ 不起眼的我 ~ I'm gonna let it shine ~ (Caleb saw John and waved to him.) 一定会发光发亮的 ~ Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine ~ 发光发亮,发光发亮,发光发亮 -President: Fifty years ago, the students and faculty of William Dawes Elementary president: 校长 faculty: 全体教员 elementary: 初级的 50年前,William Dawes小学的全体师生 imagined what the future might hold. imagine: 想象 future: 未来 有着他们未来的梦想 Today, we unveil their legacy. unveil: 揭开 legacy: 遗赠物 今天,我们将要开启这些梦想 Now, I'd like to introduce you to someone very special, introduce: 介绍 special: 特别的 现在,我要向你们介绍一位特别来宾 Miss Priscilla Taylor. (with warm applause.) applause: 鼓掌 Priscilla Taylor小姐 Since Miss Taylor was there for the original dedication, since: 因为 original: 最初的 dedication: 奉献 Miss Taylor见证了建校的历程 it's only fitting that we have her do the honors today. (Miss Taylor cut the ribbon for the anniversary) fitting: 合适的 honor: 荣誉 ribbon: 缎带 cut the ribbon: 剪彩 惟有她才有此殊荣 -Students: (seeing the time capsule) Wow! time capsule: 时间囊 哇! -Caleb: You almost forgot again. 你这次又忘了吧 -John: I made it in time to hear you sing. in time: 及时 我正好赶上听你唱歌啊 You were the best one up there. 就你唱的最好了 -Caleb: You could not hear me. 你根本分不出我的声音 -John: I could. I swear. swear: 发誓 我听到了,我发誓 -Caleb: (running) Gotta go. They're starting! gotta: <美俚> have got to必须 start: 开始 快去,他们要开启了! -Teacher: All right, easy, easy! No pushing. easy: <美俚>别急 push: 推 好了,慢些,慢些!别推挤 -Miss Taylor: Everyone is going to receive an envelope. receive: 收到 envelope: 信封 所有人都会得到一封的 Open them gently now. They're very old. gently: 轻轻地 开信时小心些,它们都很旧了 -Students: (holding out hands to asking the pictures) Miss Taylor! Miss Taylor! hold out: 伸出 ask: 索要 Miss Taylor!Miss Taylor! -Student: Thank you. 谢谢 -Teacher: Everyone's gonna get one. gonna: <美> going to将要 所有人都有份 -President: Hello again, John. 你好,John –John: Hello. How's it going? how is it going: 怎么样? 你好,近来好么? -Student: (to Caleb) Hey, what'd you get? get: 获得 嘿,你的是什么? Boring. Everyone else got a picture. boring: 无聊 好无聊,其他人的都是画 [John and Caleb are in their dining room] dining room: 餐厅 -John: Caleb, could you please watch where you put this? Caleb,这个东西请不要随便放 I don't want you to lose another one. lose: 遗失 我可不想你再弄丢一个了 -Caleb: (looking at his hearing aid) It's making funny noises. hearing aid: 助听器 funny: 有趣的 noise: 声音 这东西在发出奇怪的声音 -John: Try turning the volume down. turn down: 关小 volume: 音量 试试把音量降低 -Caleb: Hey, Dad? You know that kid, Jason, from soccer practice? soccer: 足球 practice: 练习 嘿,爸,你还记得足球营的杰森么? -John: Mmm-hmm. 嗯 -Caleb: He's having a sleepover this weekend, sleepover: 过夜 weekend: 周末 他周末会去野游 and he was wondering if I can come. wonder: 想知道 问我能不能一起去 -John: Sounds like fun. fun: 有趣的事 听起来挺不错 -Caleb: They have a boat. boat: 船 他们有艘游艇 Jason's dad said he might take us out on the lake. lake: 湖 Jason的爸爸说他可以带我们游湖 -John: (washing the dish) I'll think about it. dish: 碟 我会考虑的 -Caleb: That means no. mean: 意谓 那就是说不行了 -John: It means I'll think about it. 我是说我会考虑的 (catching the picture drawn by Lucinda) What are you doing with this? 你拿这个回来干什么? You weren't supposed to bring this home. It belongs to the school. be supposed to: 应该 belong to: 属于 这东西你不该拿回家的,是学校的东西 -Caleb: But maybe it means something, like a math puzzle or something like that. Puzzle: 难题 但这东西或许有特殊含义,就像拼图或者什么的 -John: Yeah, that's good, I don't know, but it's not ours to keep. 嗯,有意思,谁知道呢,但是我们不应该带它回来 Now, you return this as soon as you get to school tomorrow. Got it? as soon as: 一…就 好了,明天就把它还给学校,明白么? Okay, let's go. Bedtime. bedtime: 就寝时间 好了,走吧,睡觉了 [In Caleb’s bedroom, Caleb was watching the video recording his mother] video: 录像 record: -Caleb’s mother: Goodnight, baby. 晚安,宝贝 -Caleb: Goodnight, Mom. 晚安,妈妈 [In the hall] hall: 大厅 -Announcer: Our tigress lives in Kanha National Park announcer: 播音员 tigress: 雌虎 我们的雌虎们住在Kanha国家公园 in the forests of Kipling's Jungle Book jungle: 丛林 而在Kipling丛林丛书中 where dawn elephant patrols dawn: 破晓 elephant: 大象 patrol: 巡逻 晨象会保卫着这里 ensure this is one of the safest places for tigers to roam ensure: 保证 safest: 安全的 tiger: 老虎 roam: 徜徉 让老虎们可以安全地在这里生息 Year after year... 一年一年过去了 -John: Damn it. 糟了 2009-11-1 2009-11-1 In memory of the 2996 lives that were lost that day. in memory of: 纪念 (9/11/01:难忘的一天为了纪念在那天逝去的2996个生命) Two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six. 两千,九百,九十六 (surprised) Come on. surprised: 感到惊讶的 不会吧 What the hell is this? 是什么鬼东西? -Announcer: In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina... aftermath: 不幸事件之后果 hurricane: 飓风 1577,在Katrina飓风事后的统计(纪念1577个逝去的生命) There could be thousands of bodies here... 这里可能有上千具尸体(229866人死亡,2004年印尼海啸) -John: Oh, my God. (John feel astonished and broke the glass into pieces unconsciously) astonished: 惊讶的 break into pieces: 成为碎片 unconsciously: 无意识地 噢老天 [In the morning] -Caleb: Dad? 爸? Dad, we're gonna be late! Dad, we're gonna be late! 爸,我们要迟到了! [Outside the elementary school] -Parent: (to his child) Do you have your knapsack all set? knapsack: 背包 书包都拿好了吗? -Students: (to John) Thanks for the ride, Mr. Koestler. ride: 搭便车 谢谢送我们上学,凯斯特勒先生 -Caleb: Dad, are you sick? sick: 有病的 爸,你不舒服么? -John: I'm fine. 我没事 -Caleb: Don't you think you're acting kind of awkward today? awkward: 笨拙的 你今天怎么怪怪的? -John: Am I awkward? I just had a lot of work to do last night. 怪怪的?我只是昨晚工作到很晚 -Caleb: Okay. 好吧 -Caleb: Bye, Dad. 再见,爸 -John: Bye. 再见 [At MIT Haystack Observatory Westford,Massachusetts] observatory: 天文台 -John: Look at this. 看看这个 Look at the numbers beside the date. beside: 在…旁边 date: 日期 看看日期旁边的数字 -Phil: Yeah. 嗯 -John: Two thousand, nine hundred and ninety-six. 两千,九百,九十六 -Phil: Right. 没错 -John: That's how many people died in the attacks that day. attack: 攻击 这就是那天的遇难者数目 -Phil: Yeah. 嗯 -John: All right, stay with me. stay with: 继续听讲 好了,专心听我说 I know how this sounds, 我知道这听起来不可思议 but I've matched these numbers to the dates match: 使…相配 但我把这些数字都查过了 of every major global disaster for the last 50 years in perfect sequence, major: 主要的 global: 全球性的 disaster: 灾难 sequence: 序列 它们和过去50年中全球的每个灾难事件都能一一对应 except for three. except for: 除了…外 除了三个 And these events haven't occurred yet, starting with this one. event: 事件 occure: 发生 not yet: 尚未 这些事件是还没有发生的,从这个开始 So tomorrow, somewhere on the planet, this number string predicts planet: 行星 string: 串起 predict: 预测 所以,明天地球上某个地方,这串数字预示着 that 81 people are gonna die in some kind of tragedy. tragedy: 悲剧,灾难 81个人会在某个意外中惨死 -Phil: (laughing) Whoa. I mean, have a listen to yo
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