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Desperate Housewives S1 E12·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本

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Desperate Housewives S1 E12·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 看绝望的主妇学英语看绝望的主妇学英语 Desperate Housewives 第一季第一季 12集:集:Every Day a Little Death -NARRATOR: Previously on Desperate Housewives previously: 先前,以前 desperate: 绝望的,不顾一切的 前情提要 -MIKE: These are nice people. 我们弄错了, 他们是好人 -MR. SHAW: My money says one of 'em isn't. of...
Desperate Housewives S1 E12·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本
看绝望的主妇学英语看绝望的主妇学英语 Desperate Housewives 第一季第一季 12集:集:Every Day a Little Death -NARRATOR: Previously on Desperate Housewives previously: 先前,以前 desperate: 绝望的,不顾一切的 前情提要 -MIKE: These are nice people. 我们弄错了, 他们是好人 -MR. SHAW: My money says one of 'em isn't. of’em: of them 我的钞票告诉我其中一个不是 -SUSAN: How creepy is Mrs. Huber's sister? creepy: 古怪的 Huber夫人的妹妹好古怪啊 -NARRATOR: Promises were made. make promise: 作出承诺 诺言许下了 -FELICIA: I'm going to find out exactly what happened to her. be going to: 将要 find out: 发现,揭穿 exactly: 确切地 happen to sb.: 发生在…身上 我会查明她到底发生了什么事 -NARRATOR: Marriages came undone. marriage: 婚姻 come: 变得 undone: 解开的;毁灭的, 破落的 婚姻破裂了 -CARLOS: We are starting a family. Gabrielle和我打算要个孩子了 -GABRIELLE: We're not negotiating my uterus. negotiate: 商量, uterus: 子宫 生小孩的事没得商量 -BREE: Would you go out to dinner with me? go out (to): 出去;参加社交活动 George, 你想和我一起吃晚饭吗? -GEORGE: Like a date? date: 约会 你的意思是像约会那样? -REX: a date? 约会? -NARRATOR: And the truth... 而事实... -MARTHA you burned her house down. burn down: 烧毁 你把你对手的房子烧了 -NARRATOR:...was denied. deny: 否认,拒绝 被否认了 -SUSAN: I absolutely did not do that thing you accused me of. absolutely: 绝对地 accuse of: 控告 我绝对没做过你说的那件事 -NARRATOR: Martha Huber waited her whole life whole: 整体的,全部的 Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 Martha Huber一辈子都在等待 for something to happen to her, something exciting. wait for: 等侯,等待 exciting: 令人激动的 一些令她激动的事情发生在她身上 As a child she hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates. kidnap: 绑架 band: 一伙 pirate: 海盗 在孩提时代, 她希望被一群海盗绑架 As a teenager she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout. teenager: 青少年 dream of: 梦想,渴望 discover: 发现 Hollywood: 好莱坞 scout: 侦查员 talent scout: 人才发掘者 在少女时期, 她希望被好莱坞的星探发掘 As a young woman she fantasized fantasize: 幻想 在她正值妙龄之时, 她幻想着有个 a handsome millionaire would sweep her off her feet. handsome: 英俊的 millinore: 百万富翁 sweep: 席卷 sweep off one’s feet: 把某人一下迷住,使某人神魂颠倒 英俊的百万富翁会拜倒在她的石榴裙下 But the years had flown by and still nothing exciting flow: 流逝 但是随着岁月的流逝, 依然没有 had ever happened to Martha Huber. happen to: 发生在…身上 任何令她激动的事情发生 Until the night she was murdered. until: 直到 murder: 谋杀 直到她被谋杀的那晚 -PAUL: Hello, Mrs. Huber. 你好, Huber夫人 -MARTHA: Paul. Paul -PAUL: Let me give you a hand. give sb a hand: 帮助某人 我来帮你吧 -MARTHA: That's really not necessary. 不用了 -PAUL: I insist. insist: 坚持 请让我来吧 -NARRATOR:In those last moments it occurred to her, moment: 时刻 occur to: 意识到,被想起 在最后的时刻, 她意识到生活 in addition to being boring, in addition to: 除…之外 boring: 单调的,乏味的 不仅仅是单调乏味的 life could also be very cruel. cruel: 残酷的 也可以是很残酷 -NARRATOR:Luckily for Mrs. Huber, 对于Huber而言幸运的是 Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 death was far more merciful. merciflu: 仁慈的 死亡要仁慈得多 -OFFICER JACKSON: What do you think? 你怎么认为? -POLICE CHIEF: That's our missing woman all right. missing: 失踪的,找不到的 all right: 正确的 是失踪的那个女人 Oh, jeez. Didn't take the media long to get wind of this. jeez: 呀,天啊 media: 媒体 get wind of: 得到…风声 天啊. 媒体很快就会得到消息了 Make sure no one contaminates my crime scene. make sure: 确保,保证 contaminate: 弄脏,污染 crime: 犯罪 scene: 现场 确保没人破坏案发现场 -OFFICER JACKSON: Hey, little lady. 嗨, 女士 A lot of people are looking for you. You know that? a lot of: 许多,大量 look for: 寻找 你知道吗, 一大群人在找你呢 Your face is gonna be on the front page of every paper in this state. gonna: going to 将要 front page: 头版 state: 州 你马上就要上这个州里所有报纸的头版了 How's that for exciting? exciting: 兴奋的,刺激的 那样够刺激了吧? -NARRATOR: Officer Jackson couldn't be sure, but for a brief moment, brief: 简短的 for a moment: 片刻,一会儿 Jackson警官不敢肯定, 但在一瞬间 he thought he saw the corpse of Martha Huber smile. corpse: 尸体 他觉得他看到Martha Huber的尸体...笑了 Death had come once again to Wisteria Lane. once again: 再次,又一次 死神又一次降临了Wisteria Lane -POLICE CHIEF: I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. afraid: 害怕的,担忧的 实在抱歉我要告诉你一个坏消息 We found your sister’s body. body: 尸体 我们找到了你姐姐的尸体 -NARRATOR: Word of the tragedy would soon spread throughout the neighborhood. word: 消息 tragedy: 悲剧 spread throughout: 传遍 neighborhood: 邻居 悲剧的消息会很快在邻里散布开 But for now, people went about their lives as they always did, for now: 暂时,眼前,现在 go about: 做,忙于 但现在人们过着和往常一样的生活。 blissfully unaware. blissfully: 幸福地 unware: 不知情 -- 充满喜悦地毫不知情。 -SUSAN: Hello, anybody home? Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 你好. 有人在吗? -MIKE: In the kitchen. kitchen: 厨房 我在厨房。 -SUSAN: Good news. I finished my book, so I thought to celebrate, finish: 完成 celebrate: 庆祝 有个好消息,我画完了我的书, 所以我想庆祝一下。 you could take me out to lunch. take…out: 把…带出去;邀请某人外出 你可以带我出去吃午饭。 -EDIE: Hey, Susan. 嗨, Susan。 -MIKE: Uh, could we do a rain check? uh=huh: 嗯check: 支票 rain check:延期举行 我们改天好吗? Edie and I are just looking over the plans to rebuild her house. look over: 仔细检查 rebuild: 重新建造 Edie和我正在检查重造她房子的计划。 -EDIE: My insurance company is finally cutting my check next week, insurance: 保险 finally: 最终,终于 cut: 减少 check: 支票【这里指保险公司减少了Edie自己修房子的费用】 我的保险公司终于在下周付我钱了。 and there’s only one plumber I want. plumber: 管道工 只有一个管道工是我想要的。 So don't expect to see this guy for a few months. expect: 期望 guy: 男人 所以在以后几个月里都别想见这家伙了。 I'm gonna be riding him hard. gonna(=going to): 将要 ride: 控制,缠住;骑 hard: 辛苦的,努力的 我会好好管教他的 -SUSAN: Well, if anyone can go the distance, he can. I should know. go the distance: 自始自终 如果说有任何人能坚持到底, 他能。我应该知道。 -EDIE: Uh, Mike? 嗯, Mike? Mike? We're on the clock. on the clock: 很忙 Mike?我们赶时间呢 Hey Felicia, what’s up? 嗨, Felicia. 什么事? -MIKE: Edie? Edie? -EDIE: They found Martha. 他们找到Martha了。 -LYNETTE: Here, blow. Good, all right. Come on, it’s going to be fun. Follow me. all right: 好,行 come on: 赶紧,快点 fun: 有趣的事 follow: 跟随 喔, 好, 好的,来吧. 这会很有趣的. 跟我来 -LAUREN: Excuse me. You can't do that. 不好意思。你不能这么做。 Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 -LYNETTE: I'm here for the 10 a.m. yoga meditation class. a.m.:(缩写)上午 yoga: 瑜伽 meditation: 沉思,冥想 我来参加上午10点的瑜珈冥想课 -LAUREN: Unfortunately, the day care center is full. unfortunately: 遗憾地,不幸地 day care: (托儿所的)日托 不好意思, 日托中心满了 -LYNETTE: Yeah, I noticed that, but every time I come here, it’s full. notice: 注意 是啊, 我注意到了, 但我每次来都是满的 -LAUREN: It’s a popular class, and the other moms come early. 那课很热门, 而且其它的妈妈来得更早 Look, all I can tell you is plan ahead next time. plan: 计划 ahead: 在…前面 plan ahead: 提前计划 你看, 我能告诉你的就是下次早点来 -LYNETTE: Uh, Lauren? I'm a mother of four. Lauren, 我是四个孩子的母亲 Today I had to get up at five, have to: 不得不,必须 get up: 起床 今天我不得不5点起床 make lunches, make breakfast, drop the twins off at school, drop off: 让…下车 做中饭, 做早饭, 送双胞胎上学 and get across town lugging a baby and a sick child. get across: 穿越 lug: 拖着 sick: 生病的 拖着一个生病的孩子和一个婴儿穿越城市 Telling me to plan ahead is like telling me to sprout wings. sprout: 使发芽,长出 wing: 翅膀 要我再早点来就像是要我长出翅膀 And it’s things like being told to plan ahead that make me so crazy, crazy: 疯狂的 诸如此类的事情已经让我的头都大了 that yoga is the only thing that relaxes me, yoga: 瑜伽 relax: 使轻松 瑜珈是唯一能使我放松的 except I show up here, and I can't get in, except: 把…除外 show up: 出现 get in: 进去 但我来到这儿却不能进去 and you tell me to plan ahead. plan ahead: 提前计划 而你要我再早点来 It’s a vicious cycle. See how that works? vicious: 恶毒的,恶意的 cycle: 循环 work: 起作用 那是个恶性循环,明白了吧? -LAUREN: I get it, but if I broke the rules for you, I'd have to break them for the other moms too, get: 明白,理解 break: 打破 我明白了,但如果我因为你而违规,那么我也要为其它的妈妈违规。 and then the moms who actually follow the rules would get all pissed at me, actually: 事实上 follow: 遵照,听从 pissed: 愤怒的 be pissed at: 生某人的气 而那些遵守规则的妈妈就会对我很生气 and I'd have to get pissy right back, Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 have to: 必须 pissy: 低劣的,令人恼火的 然后我也会变得很生气 and before you know it, I don't have time to read my magazine. magazine: 杂志 在你知道前, 我没有时间看杂志了 See how that works? 明白了吧? -LYNETTE: I hope someday, you have lots of children. lots of: 许多,大量 我希望有一天你也会有很多的孩子 Hello? Oh, hey Susan. Listen, I can't talk, I'm in the middle of something here. in the middle of: 在…中间 喂? 嗨, Susan. 我现在不能和你多说,我正在 -- What? 什么? -GEORGE: I had a wonderful time today. wonderful: 美妙的 我今天很开心。 -BREE: Thank you. I did too. 谢谢. 我也很开心。 Sorry I can't invite you in for coffee. invite in: 请(某人)进入(房间、房屋等) 抱歉我不能请你进来喝咖啡或是... -GEORGE: Oh, I get it. Rex still lives in the house. It would be awkward. get: 理解 awkward: 奇怪的,尴尬的 不, 我明白. Rex还住在家里,那会很尴尬。 -BREE: Yeah, and I would rather cut off my hand than hurt his feelings. would rather: 宁愿,宁可 cut off: 切掉,砍掉 hurt: 伤害 feeling: 感情 是啊, 我宁愿切掉我的手也不愿伤害他的感情。 It'll, um, it'll be a lot easier once he gets well enough to move out. um: (表示迟疑)嗯 a lot: 许多 once: 一旦…就 move out: 搬出 那个, 嗯... 一旦他康复到可以搬出去了,就会变得轻松很多。 -GEORGE: Do you want to have lunch tomorrow? 那么明天一起吃中饭吗? -BREE: I'd love to. 乐意至极 -GEORGE: Okay. Wow! wow: (表示惊讶、羡慕等)〈非正〉哇 好的. 太好了 -BREE: Pick me up at one and we'll do something fun. pick out: 接乘 fun: 有趣的人或事 一点来接我, 我们找些乐子。 -GEORGE: See you then. 到时候见 -BREE: Oh, packages! Thank you. package: 包裹 哦, 包裹,谢谢。 Hello! Oh, hi Lynette! What? 喂,哦, 嗨, Lynette。什么? -GABRIELLE: Hi, honey! Welcome home! Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 嗨, 亲爱的,欢迎回家。 -CARLOS: Thanks, guys. Take it easy. take it easy: 慢慢来 谢谢,慢走。 -GABRIELLE: Come on, honey, let’s celebrate! come on: 来吧 来吧, 亲爱的, 让我们庆祝一下。 Sorry it’s the cheap stuff. I had to economize. stuff: 物品 economize: 节约,节省 不好意思那是便宜货, 我得节约开支。 Now that you're back, we can restock the wine cellar. Let’s toast. now that: 既然 restock: 重新贮藏 wine: 红酒 cellar: 地窖 toast:: 干杯 但现在你回来了, 我们能重新储存酒窖了,干杯。 -CARLOS: Very good to be back。 回来真好。 -GABRIELLE: What’s that? 那是什么? -CARLOS: It transmits to this. My electronic monitoring device. transmit: 传输,传送 electronic: 电子的 monitor: 监管,监控 device: 装置 它发送信号到这儿 -- 我的电子监控系统。 didn't the lawyer tell you? 律师没告诉你吗? -GABRIELLE: Tell me what? 告诉我什么? -CARLOS: I'm on house arrest. It's a condition of my bail. arrest: 拘捕 house arrest: 软禁 condition: 条件 bail: 保释 我在被软禁, 这是保释的条件之一。 -GABRIELLE: Uh, no! No, he neglected to tell me that. uh=huh: 嗯 neglect: 忽略 哦, 不, 不, 他忘了告诉我 -CARLOS: Yeah, if I move more than a hundred feet from that telephone, an alarm sounds. feet: 英尺 alarm: 警报 如果我离开那个电话100英尺远,警报器就会响。 If I keep going, it transmits a signal to the FBI, and I'm back in jail. transmit: 传送 signal: 信号 FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation 联邦调查局 jail: 监狱 如果我继续离开, 它会传送信号到联邦调查局, 那么我又进去了 -GABRIELLE: But, how are you gonna work? gonna: going to 将要 那你怎么工作啊? -CARLOS: I can't. I can't do anything. 我不能. 我什么都不能做。 -GABRIELLE: Uh, no! No, no! That’s unreasonable. unreasonable: 不合理 哦, 不, 不, 不, 那太不合理了。 What do they expect us to do for money? expect: 希望,期望 他们让我们怎么赚钱啊? -CARLOS: The lawyer's working on unfreezing the accounts. work on: 致力于 unfreeze: 解冻 account: 账户 Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 律师正在努力解冻账户。 In the meantime, I mean, haven't you been working modeling jobs? in the meantime: 同时 model: 模特 另外, 我说, 你不是在接模特工作吗? -GABRIELLE: Carlos, this is not like New York where I made thousands of dollars a day modeling haute couture. haute: 时髦又昂贵的,高级的 couture: 服装 Carlos, 那可不像是我在纽约为高级女装做模特时一天能赚上千美元那样。 I'm doing boat shows. show: 展览 我在做船展, I spend eight hours a day doing this! spend: 花费时间 每天像这样工作8小时 -CARLOS: I'd buy two boats from you. Come on. come on: 拜托 那我从你那儿买两条船,拜托。 Where’s my toast? toast: 干杯 不为我干杯了吗? -GABRIELLE: Welcome home. 欢迎回家。 Hello. Hi Bree. What? 喂,嗨, Bree,什么? -POLICE CHIEF: If you find anything in your sister’s belongings that might shed some light on her death, belonging: 所有物 shed: 使…流出 shed light on: 为...提供线索 如果你从你姐姐的物品里找到任何可能对她的死因有线索的东西, um, letters or a date book, please, call me immediately. um: (表示迟疑)嗯 immediately: 马上 信或者记事册, 请立即打电话给我。 -FELICIA: I believe she did keep a diary of something. I'll look around for it. diary: 日记 look around for: 四处寻找 我相信她曾经在写日记, 我找找看。 Look at them all. Vultures. Pretending to care when all they really want are the sordid details. vulture: 秃鹰 pretend to: 假装 care: 关心,在意 soedid: 肮脏的 detail: 细节,详情 看看他们,一群秃鹫, 假装关心,而他们真正想要的是肮脏的详情 -POLICE CHIEF: I don't know, I think they just want to show their support. show: 表现出 support: 支持 我不知道. 我想他们只是想要表现他们的支持。 -FELICIA: Please. Human beings feed on misery. feed on: 以…过活 misery: 痛苦的事,不幸 拜托. 人类以悲惨为食。 Well, we might as well give the people what they want. as well: 也 我们最好给他们那些他们想要的东西。 Hello. I want to thank you all for coming out here and expressing your genuine sorrow and disbelief. thank sb. for sth.: 因…感谢某人 come out: 出来,出现 express: 表示 Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 genuine: 真实的 disbelief: 不信 sorrow: 悲伤 大家好,我想对你们大家的到来和表现出的真诚悲伤和不信表示感谢。 My sister, Martha, would have been so touched. touched: 感动的 我姐姐Martha会很感动的。 I know that many of you have questions. 我知道你们中的很多人有问题想问, -FELICIA: I've just spoken with the police who are still putting together the details of what happened. speak with: 和…谈话 put together: 拼凑 我刚和警察谈过, 他们仍然在整理事件的细节。 What they do know is, Martha died a violent death. violent: 暴力的 他们目前知道的是Martha是被暴力致死。 Yes, I know. It’s hard to hear. hard: 困难的 hear: 听说,得知 哦,是的, 我知道。那很难令人接受。 Apparently, there was a struggle. apparently: 显然地 struggle: 打斗,搏斗;挣扎 看上去, 有过一场搏斗, They found scratching and bruising on her body, scratch: 抓痕 bruise: 瘀伤 他们在她身上发现了抓痕和瘀伤, several broken bones, and traces of dirt in her lungs, broken: 破裂的,被打坏的 bone: 骨头 trace: 痕迹 dirt:: 土 lung: 肺 几块断了的骨头, 和肺部中的粘土... which leads us to believe that she was still alive at the time of her burial, and probably in great pain. lead to: 把…带到,领到 alive: 活着的 burial: 埋葬 probably: 可能,也许 pain: 痛苦 这些使我们相信她是被活埋的,很有可能经受了巨大的痛苦, But the good news is, there are no signs that she had been molested. sign: 迹象 molest: 折磨,调戏,对…进行性骚扰 但好消息是没有迹象表明她曾被性侵犯, Now, I think it's time that you return to your homes, to your loved ones. it’s time that: 到时间 return to: 返回到 我想你们现在应该回家,回到你们所爱的人身边去了, Oh, in lieu of a memorial service, I'll be holding an estate sale the day after tomorrow. lieu: 代替 in lieu of: 代替 memorial: 纪念的 service: 服务,接待 hold: 举办 estate: 房产 哦, 作为纪念仪式的替代,我会在后天举办一个房产销售会, Please, no personal checks. personal: 私人的,个人的 check: 支票 请 -- 不要使用私人支票 -NARRATOR: By the next morning, everyone on Wisteria Lane 到第二天早上, Wisteria Lane的每个人, was aware of Martha Huber’s demise, with no exceptions. be aware of: 知道 demise: 死亡 exception: 例外 都知道了Martha Huber的死讯...无人例外。 -LYNETTE: Okay, boys. Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 好了, 孩子们。 -TWIN: Hey, mom. 嗨, 妈妈。 -LYNETTE: You see this gum? If you promise to be quiet while I am downstairs playing cards, gum: 口香糖 promise to do: 承诺做… quiet: 安静的 down stair: 楼下 play card(s): 打牌 你们看到这口香糖了吗?如果我在楼下玩牌的时候你们能保持安静, it’s all yours. Deal? deal: 成交 这就是你们的了。成交? -All THREE CHILDREN: Yeah! 好的。 -LYNETTE: Yeah, okay. That’s what I like to hear. 成交,好的. 那正是我想听到的。很好。 -BREE: I mean, what are the odds? odds: 可能性 我是说, 到底是怎么回事? First Mary Alice and then Mrs. Huber? I mean, it’s shocking. shocking: 令人震惊的 先是Mary Alice, 然后是Huber夫人,真是令人震惊。 -GABRIELLE: Yeah, but this is different. Someone was actually murdered on our street. actually: 确实 murder: 谋杀 是啊, 但这次不同,有人在我们街道被谋杀了。 -LYNETTE: I remember talking to her right before she disappeared. talk to sb.: 与…交谈 right: 刚好 disappear: 消失,不见 我记得就在她失踪前和她谈过。 -SUSAN: You did? What'd you talk about? talk about: 谈论 是吗? 你们谈了什么? -LYNETTE: Oh, actually, she yelled at me for not bringing my garbage cans in. actually: 事实上 yell at: 对…,吼叫,喊叫 garbage: 垃圾 can: 桶 bring in: 把…拿进来 事实上, 她因为我没有把垃圾桶拿进去。而冲我嚷嚷。 -BREE: I'm gonna miss her. 我会想她的 -LYNETTE: Edie! Edie。 -EDIE: Hi. 嗨! -LYNETTE: Hi. Come on in. 进来吧 -EDIE: Oh, you're all here. 哦, 你们都在这儿。 -LYNETTE: Yeah. Tuesday’s poker day. poker: 扑克 是啊, 周二是扑克日。 -EDIE: Really. 真的? -LYNETTE: Yeah. 是啊。 Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 -EDIE: Oh, you know, I love poker. 哦, 我爱扑克。 Okay, then. Well, here’s the deal. 好吧,那么, 听我说。 Since the Ice Queen isn't doing anything to memorialize her sister, I have decided to carry Martha’s ashes up to Torch Lake Queen: 女王 memorialize: 纪念 decide to do: 决定干… ash: 骨灰 既然那个冰女王不准备纪念她的姐姐,我决定把Martha的骨灰带去Torch湖, and scatter them myself. It's where her husband proposed. scatter: 洒 propose: 求婚 并把它们撒到水里,那是她丈夫向她求婚的地方。 -LYNETTE: That’s so sweet. 那真是太好了。 -EDIE: I know. So, I thought that some of the neighbors could caravan up there, neighbor: 邻居 caravan: 乘拖车度假 是啊,所以我想也许找一些邻居一起去, and we'd have a little ceremony. I've printed out maps if anyone needs one, ceremony: 仪式 print out: 打印 我们可以举行一个小小的仪式。如果有人需要地图, 我已经印好了。 and the dress is semi-formal. semi: 半 formal: 正式的 服装半正规的就可以了。 -GABRIELLE: You know, Edie, I'd love to go, but, um, I just got back into modeling, um: (表示迟疑)嗯 get back: 回到…上来 modeling: 模特 你知道, Edie, 我很想去,但是, 嗯, 我刚刚重新开始模特工作, you know, just for fun, and I have a gig tomorrow. I can't leave 'em hanging. just: 只是,仅仅 gig: 演出 leave’em: leave them hang: 挂着【这里指放鸽子】 只是因为好玩, 我明天有个展览会,我不能放他们的鸽子。 -LYNETTE: I wish I would have known earlier. I would have arranged a sitter. arrange: 安排 sitter: 保姆 真希望我早点知道, 那我就可以找个照看孩子的人了。 -BREE: Darn, I have to take Rex to his angiogram. angiogram: 血管造影片 Darn, 我必须带Rex去拍血管造影片。 -EDIE: Hmmm. Well, Mayer, what’s your excuse? excuse: 借口 嗯,那么, Mayer? 你的借口是什么? -SUSAN: I'm just, you know, busy. Stuff. stuff: 事情 嗯, 就是, 你知道, 太忙了。 -EDIE: Well, your friends are much better liars. liar: 骗子 你的朋友们撒谎的水平可比你好。 -LYNETTE: Okay, Mommy’s friends are gone now and you can - 好了, 妈妈的朋友们走了, 你们可以 -PARKER: Ow! Ow! ow: 喔唷! 喔哟! (表示疼痛) 哦! 哦! -LYNETTE: Well yeah, I know it hurts, 是啊, 我知道那很疼, Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 but that’s what you get when you let your brothers put bubble gum in your hair. bubble: 泡泡 gum: 口香糖 但那是你让你兄弟们把泡泡糖粘到你头上所应得的。 Pain and misery. pain: 疼痛 misery: 悲惨 痛苦和悲惨。 -PARKER: Are you mad at me? be mad at: 对…生气 你在生我的气? -LYNETTE: Yes! Yes! I am mad at you. 是的. 是的, 我在生你的气 -PARKER: Ow! 哦! 哦! -LYNETTE: And I'm also cranky. You know how you get when you haven't taken a nap? cranky: 脾气暴躁的 nap: 打盹 我还很暴躁. 你们知道不睡觉的后果吧? Well mommies are the same way. We need our down time, and if we don't get it - down time: 停机[停歇,故障,中断运转]时间 妈妈们也一样。我们需要停工期, 如果得不到, -PARKER: Ow! 噢! -LYNETTE: - sorry, we end saying and doing things which we don't normally do. normally: 通常地 对不起,我们就会说着和做着通常不会做的事 -PARKER: Ow! 哦! -LYNETTE: And it’s frustrating for me too, ‘cause I do want to be the best mommy I can be. frustrate: 使沮丧 ‘cause: because 因为 那也让我很沮丧, 因为我希望尽可能成为最好的妈妈。 -PARKER: I think you're the best mommy in the world. 我想你是世界上最好的妈妈。 -LYNETTE: Oh. That’s sweet of you, but it's not exactly true. sweet: 悦耳的 exactly: 确切地 那真中听, 但... 那个不是真的。 -BREE: I was so afraid when I suggested a picnic, that you'd make fun of me, suggest: 建议,提议 picnic: 野餐 make fun of: 取笑 我很担心如果我建议野餐, 你会取笑我, but I just think it’s such a lovely, old-fashioned way to spend an afternoon. lovely: 可爱的 old-fashioned: 老式的 spend: 度过 但我想那样过一下午会多么可爱和老式。 -GEORGE: Well, as it happens, I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy. as it happens: 碰巧 我碰巧是个老式的人。 -BREE: Oh, and we got so lucky with the weather, it’s just absolutely – lucky: 幸运地 absolutely: 绝对地 而且天气也很好, 那绝对是- You know, your lunch hour is almost up. We should probably be getting you back to the pharmacy. almost: 几乎,差不多 probably: 可能,也许 get back to: 回到… pharmacy: 药房 你的午饭时间快结束了。你该回药房去了。 Desperate Housewives S1·绝望主妇第一季·中英文带注释剧本 -GEORGE: Wait. I've had such a good time, these last few days, I just want to show my appreciation. appreciation: 感激 等等,过去几天里我是如此的快乐,我只是想表示我的感激。 -BREE: Another gift? I hope it’s not another orchid, they're so expensive. orchid: 兰花 expensive: 昂贵的 另一个礼物? 希望不再是兰花了,它们太贵了。 -GEORGE: Relax, this didn't cost me a dime. relax: 放松 cost: 花费 dime: 一角硬币 没事. 这个我没花钱。 -BREE: George, you shouldn't have. George, 你不必这样 This is a 9-mm Luger PO8! Luger: [德国] 鲁格尔(德国造半自动手枪名) 这个... 是一把9毫米鲁格尔P08手枪。 -GEORGE: The moment you said you were in the NRA, I knew I wanted to give it to you. the moment: 一…就 NRA: The national Rifle Association 国家步枪协会 当你说你曾在NRA时, 我就知道我想把它给你。 -BREE: I can't accept this, George! This is an antique. It’s too valuable. accept: 接受 antique: 古董 valuable: 珍贵的 我不能接受这个, George。这是个古董. 它太珍贵了。 -GEORGE: It’s okay. My grandfather gave it to me. 没关系. 我爷爷留给我的。 It was surrendered to him by a soldier during World War II. surrender to: 向…投降,让与 soldier: 士兵 那是二战时一个士兵投降了交给他的。 Since I don't know how to shoot... shoot: 开枪 而且我也不知道怎么开枪.
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