
贝聿铭建筑师 Architect_I.M._Pei(宝山130314N)

2013-08-28 50页 ppt 3MB 27阅读




贝聿铭建筑师 Architect_I.M._Pei(宝山130314N)nullnullHand Play 手動翻頁*nullPresented by Eddie Lee 李常生 2013/2/21 *nullIeoh Ming Pei (born April 26, 1917), commonly known as I. M. Pei, is a Chinese American architect often called a master of modern architecture.[1] Born in Canton (Guangzhou) and raised in Hong Ko...
贝聿铭建筑师 Architect_I.M._Pei(宝山130314N)
nullnullHand Play 手動翻頁*nullPresented by Eddie Lee 李常生 2013/2/21 *nullIeoh Ming Pei (born April 26, 1917), commonly known as I. M. Pei, is a Chinese American architect often called a master of modern architecture.[1] Born in Canton (Guangzhou) and raised in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Pei drew inspiration at an early age from the gardens at Suzhou. In 1935, he moved to the United States and enrolled in the University of Pennsylvania's architecture school, but quickly transferred to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was unhappy with the focus at both schools on Beaux-Arts architecture, and spent his free time researching emerging architects, especially Le Corbusier. After graduating, he joined the Harvard Graduate School of Design (GSD) and became friends with the Bauhaus architects Walter Gropius and Marcel Breuer. In 1939, he married Eileen Loo, who had introduced him to the GSD community. They have been married for over seventy years, and have four children, including architects C.C. "Didi" Pei and L.C. "Sandi" Pei. Pei spent ten years working with New York real estate magnate William Zeckendorf before establishing his own independent design firm that eventually became Pei Cobb Freed & Partners. Among the early projects on which Pei took the lead were the L'Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington, DC and the Green Building at MIT. His first major recognition came with the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Colorado; his new stature led to his selection as chief architect for the John F. Kennedy Library in Massachusetts. He went on to design Dallas City Hall and the East Building of the National Gallery of Art. *nullHe returned to China for the first time in 1974 to design a hotel at Fragrant Hills, and designed a skyscraper in Hong Kong for the Bank of China fifteen years later. In the early 1980s, Pei was the focus of controversy when he designed a glass-and-steel pyramid for the Musée du Louvre in Paris. He later returned to the world of the arts by designing the Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center in Dallas, the Miho Museum in Japan, the Suzhou Museum in Suzhou, and the Museum of Islamic Art in Qatar. Pei has won a wide variety of prizes and awards in the field of architecture, including the AIA Gold Medal in 1979, the first Praemium Imperiale for Architecture in 1989, and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum in 2003. In 1983, he won the Pritzker Prize, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of architecture. *nullPei‘s style is described as thoroughly modernist, with significant cubist themes.[146] He is known for combining traditional architectural elements with progressive designs based on simple geometric patterns. As one critic writes: “Pei has been aptly described as combining a classical sense of form with a contemporary mastery of method.” In 2000, biographer Carter Wiseman called Pei “the most distinguished member of his Late-Modernist generation still in practice”. At the same time, Pei himself rejects simple dichotomies of architectural trends. He once said: "The talk about modernism versus post-modernism is unimportant. It's a side issue. An individual building, the style in which it is going to be designed and built, is not that important. The important thing, really, is the community. How does it affect life?" Pei‘s work is celebrated throughout the world of architecture. His colleague John Portman once told him: “Just once, I’d like to do something like the East Building.” But this originality does not always bring large financial reward; as Pei replied to the successful architect: “Just once, I‘d like to make the kind of money you do.” His concepts, moreover, are too individualized and dependent on context to give rise to a particular school of design. Pei refers to his own "analytical approach" when explaining the lack of a "Pei School". "For me," he said, "the important distinction is between a stylistic approach to the design; and an analytical approach giving the process of due consideration to time, place, and purpose ... My analytical approach requires a full understanding of the three essential elements ... to arrive at an ideal balance among them." *nullIn the words of his biographer, Pei has won “every award of any consequence in his art”, including the Arnold Brunner Award from the National Institute of Arts and Letters (1963), the Gold Medal for Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and Letters (1979), the AIA Gold Medal (1979), the first Praemium Imperiale for Architecture from the Japan Art Association (1989), the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, and the 2010 Royal Gold Medal from the Royal Institute of British Architects. In 1983 he was awarded the Pritzker Prize, sometimes called the Nobel Prize of architecture. In its citation, the jury said: “Ieoh Ming Pei has given this century some of its most beautiful interior spaces and exterior forms ... His versatility and skill in the use of materials approach the level of poetry.” The prize was accompanied by a US$100,000 award, which Pei used to create a scholarship for Chinese students to study architecture in the US, on the condition that they return to China to work. In being awarded the 2003 Henry C. Turner Prize by the National Building Museum, then-museum board chair Carolyn Brody praised his impact on construction innovation: "His magnificent designs have challenged engineers to devise innovative structural solutions, and his exacting expectations for construction quality have encouraged contractors to achieve high standards." *null 貝聿銘建築師 貝聿銘(「聿」,拼音:yù ,注音:ㄩˋ ,粵拼:leot9,英文名:Ieoh Ming Pei,署名:I. M. Pei,1917年4月26日-),美籍華人建築師,1983年普利茲克獎得主,被譽為「現代主義建築的最後大師」(the last master of high modernist architecture)。 貝聿銘為蘇州望族之後,出生於民初廣東省廣州市,父親貝祖貽曾任中華民國中央銀行總裁,也是中國銀行創始人之一,生母姓莊,清廷國子監祭酒之後,於貝氏13歲時罹癌過世,繼母蔣士雲,為中華民國駐外使節之女。貝氏有一個姐姐,兩個弟弟、兩個妹妹,妻子盧淑華(Eileen Loo)為中國留美學生,他們育有3兒1女(貝定中/貝建中/貝禮中),其中貝建中(Chien Chung (Didi/弟弟) Pei)與貝禮中(Li Chung (L.C.) (Sandi/三弟) Pei)皆是美國著名建築師。[1] 貝聿銘作品以公共建築、文教建築為主,被歸類為現代主義建築,善用鋼材、混凝土、玻璃與石材,代表作品有美國華盛頓特區國家藝廊東廂、法國巴黎羅浮宮擴建工程、中國香港中國銀行大廈、1970年日本萬國博覽會中華民國館,近期作品有卡達多哈伊斯蘭藝術博物館。Pavillion designed by I.M. Pei at Oare House in Wiltshire*null民國初年,貝聿銘之父貝祖貽參與籌組中國銀行。民國四年(1915年),貝祖貽調任中國銀行廣東分行,攜妻女離開故鄉蘇州,遷往廣州市,兩年後(1917年)的4月26日,貝聿銘於廣州出生。 民國七年(1918年),貝祖貽為逃避政爭,舉家移居香港[2],設立中國銀行香港分行,出任總經理,貝聿銘的弟妹皆在香港出生,他在香港度過童年,入讀聖保羅書院。 民國十六年(1927年)貝祖貽獲政府諒解,出任中國銀行上海分行經理,一家人就搬到上海。貝聿銘初中就讀上海青年會中學,高中畢業自聖約翰大學附屬中學,應祖父貝理泰要求,貝聿銘每年暑假會回蘇州,入住祖宅獅子林。蘇州園林的生活經驗,影響到貝聿銘日後的設計哲學:「人與自然共存」、「家庭的真正含義:內聚力和歷史」。 貝祖貽公務繁忙,貝聿銘與姊弟妹主要由母親負責照顧教養。貝祖貽之母是虔誠的佛教徒,待人熱情,交友廣闊,貝聿銘深受其影響。民國十八年(1930年)貝聿銘13歲時,母親罹癌過世,對他及其家人帶來重大打擊,其父為忘亡妻傷痛遠走歐洲,後奉派出任中華民國駐義大利公使。 民國二十四年(1935年),18歲的貝聿銘負笈美國,先在賓州大學攻讀建築學,後轉往麻省理工學院,1940年取得麻省理工學院建築學士學位,1946年取得哈佛大學建築碩士學位,1954年成為美國公民。 *null職業生涯 貝聿銘自哈佛大學畢業後,1948年加入地產商齊氏威奈公司(Webb and Knapp),擔任建築部總監(Architecture Director)一職。1955年,貝聿銘取得齊氏集團的協議成立I.M. Pei & Associates聯合事務所,經兩度更名後成為Pei Cobb Freed & Partners聯合事務所。事務所共從事過114件設計案,其中66件是貝聿銘負責。 貝聿銘早期的作品有路德維希·密斯·凡德羅的影子,不過他不像密斯以玻璃為主要建材,而是採用混凝土,如紐約富蘭克林國家銀行,鎮心廣場住宅區,夏威夷東西文化中心。到了中期,歷練累積了多年的經驗,貝聿銘充分掌握了混凝土的性質,作品趨向於柯比意式的雕塑感,其中當以全國大氣研究中心,達拉斯市政廳,等皆屬此方面的經典之作。貝聿銘擺脫密斯風格當以甘迺迪圖書館為濫觴,幾何性的平面取代規規矩矩的方盒子,蛻變出雕塑性的造型。身為齊氏威奈公司專屬建築師,貝聿銘有機會從事大尺度的都市建設案,並從這些開發案獲得對土地使用的寶貴經驗,使得他的建築設計不單考慮建築物本身,更關切環境提陹到都市設計的層面,著重創造社區意識與社區空間,其中最膾炙人口的當屬費城社會嶺住宅社區一案,而他們所接受的案子是以辦公大樓與集合住宅為主。 建築融合自然的空間觀念,主導著貝聿銘一生的作品,如全國大氣研究中心,伊弗森美術館、狄莫伊藝術中心雕塑館與康乃爾大學姜森美術館等。這些作品的共同點是內庭,內庭將內太空間串連,使自然融於建築。到晚期內庭依然是貝聿銘作品不可或缺的元素之一,唯在手法上更著重於自然光的投入,使內庭成為光庭,如香山飯店的常春廳, 紐約阿孟科IBM公司的入口大廳,香港中銀大廈的中庭,紐約賽奈醫院古根漢館,巴黎羅浮宮的玻璃金字塔與比華利山創意藝人經濟中心等。光與空間的結合,使得空間變化萬端,「讓光線來作設計」是貝聿銘的名言。 *null身為現代主義建築大師,貝聿銘的建築物四十餘年來始終秉持著現代建築的傳統,他堅信建築不是流行風尚,不可能時刻變花招取寵,建築是千秋大業,要對社會歷史負責。他持續地對形式,空間,建材與技術研究探討,使作品更多樣性,更優秀。他從不為自己的設計辯說,從不自己執筆闡釋解析作品觀念,他認為建築物本身就是最佳的宣言。 貝聿銘個人所獲的的重要獎項包括1979年美國建築師學會金獎,1981年法國建築學院金獎,1989年第一屆日本高松宮殿下紀念世界文化獎,1983年第五屆普利茲克獎,及年雷根總統頒予的自由獎章(Medal of Liberty),2009年獲得英國皇家建築師學會金獎等等。 勳章 1984年,獲法國政府授與藝術及文學勳章司令勳位 1988年,獲法國密特朗總統授與法國榮譽軍團勳章騎士勳位 1993年,升格為軍官勳位 1988年,獲美國雷根總統授與美國國家藝術勲章 1993年,獲美國喬治·布希總統授與美國總統自由勳章 *null*nullArchitect IM Pei’s Portfolio.*null131 Ponce de Leon Avenue, also known as the Gulf Oil Building, is both a building in Midtown Atlanta, at the southeast corner of Ponce de Leon Avenue and Juniper Street, as well as the name of a planned mixed-use development which would incorporate the Pei building and add 321 apartments and 8,600 square feet (800 m2) of retail space. The building was architect I. M. Pei‘s first project, built in 1949, a 50,000 square feet (4,600 m2) two-story “box that invoked the lean rectilinearity of Mies van der Rohe”. 貝聿銘設計的第一幢建築 「海灣石油大廈」,位於亞特蘭大。*nullRoosevelt Field (shopping mall)Roosevelt Field is a leading American shopping mall. It is the second-largest high-end shopping mall in the state of New York (following only Destiny USA in Syracuse) and eighth in the country as measured by gross leaseable area at 2,189,941 ft² (203,452 m²). 1956年貝聿銘設計的羅斯維爾購物中心。*null16th Street MallThe 16th Street Mall opened in 1982, originally from Market Street to Broadway, and was designed by Pei Cobb Freed & Partners, in collaboration with the urban design firm, OLIN. 貝聿銘設計,1982年開幕的16街購物中心,地點在丹佛市。*null16th Street Mall in July 2006 2006年7月時的16街購物中心 *nullL‘Enfant Plaza is a complex of one governmental and three commercial buildings, as well as the “La Promenade” shopping mall, in the Southwest section of Washington, D.C. 恩法大廈是一幢綜合建築,包括政府辦公大樓、購物中心、旅館、地鐵站等。貝聿銘設計,1968年完工使用。*nullL‘Enfant Plaza Mall & Metro Stop at the L’Enfant Plaza Hotel 恩法旅館內有購物中心和地鐵站。*nullKips Bay Towers is a large two-building condominium complex in the Kips Bay neighborhood of Manhattan with a total of 1,118 units. The complex was designed by architects I.M. Pei and S. J. Kessler, with the involvement of James Ingo Freed, in the brutalist style and completed in 1965.[1] The project was developed by Webb & Knapp. The complex occupies an area of three city blocks, or approximately 7.5 acres (3.0 ha), bounded by First and Second avenues and East 30th and 33rd streets. The complex includes two residential high-rise buildings each with 20 floors. Additionally, there is a three-acre private garden between the two towers featuring landscaped lawns as well as recreational spaces. Kips Bay Towers is home to more than 4,000 residents. 貝聿銘設計,1965年完工的基普灣大廈。 *nullSociety Hill Towers is a three-building condominium development located in the Society Hill neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The complex contains three 31-story skyscraper buildings on a 5-acre (2.0 ha) site. The towers, originally apartment buildings, were designed by I.M. Pei and Associates and were completed in 1963. 貝聿銘設計,1963完工的“社會山大廈”。費城。*null1 Place Ville Marie (PVM), formerly Royal Bank Tower taken from its anchor tenant, is a 188 m (617 ft) with 47-storey, cruciform office tower built in the International style in 1962, arguably the most distinctive building in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. It was built in the 1960s as the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Canada. Place Ville Marie was one of the first designs of Henry N. Cobb and I. M. Pei. 貝聿銘設計魁北克威瑪大廈 1962年完工。*null魁北克威瑪大廈*nullThe Cecil and Ida Green Building, also called the Green Building or Building 54, is an academic and research building at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States. It was designed by noted architect I. M. Pei, who received his bachelor's degree from MIT in 1940. Principal donor Cecil Howard Green received a bachelor's degree and master's degree from MIT and was a co-founder of Texas Instruments. The Green Building was constructed during 1962-1964. 貝聿銘設計,1962-1964年施工的“綠建築”。美國麻州。 *nullIn 1959, he helped design the Luce Memorial Chapel in Taiwan. 1959年,協助設計台灣東海大學教堂。*null*nullPei was able to return to hands-on design when he was approached in 1961 by Walter Orr Roberts to design the new Mesa Laboratory for the National Center for Atmospheric Research outside Boulder, Colorado. The Mesa Laboratory of the National Center for Atmospheric Research is a research center located in Boulder, Colorado. The building complex was designed by modernist architect I. M. Pei in 1961 as his first project outside of city building design. It has been noted for its Anasazi-inspired architecture and use of bush-hammered concrete to blend in to the surrounding area. The laboratory was named the 1967 Industrial Research Magazine's Laboratory of the Year. 1967年設計位於科羅拉多州的梅莎實驗室。*nullThe Sundrome was the name for the terminal of National Airlines at John F. Kennedy International Airport. It was designed by I. M. Pei & Partners (now Pei Cobb Freed & Partners). Opened in 1970, it is now known as Terminal 6. 1970年使用的甘迺迪國際祭場地6號航廈。*nullThe John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum was dedicated on October 20, 1979. 1979年設計的甘迺迪圖書館及紀念館。*nullThe Pei Plan was an urban redevelopment initiative designed for downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the 1960s and 1970s. 1970年代,貝聿銘被邀請參加奧克拉荷馬市的鬧區規劃。*nullThe Pei Plan was an urban redevelopment initiative designed for downtown Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, in the 1960s and 1970s. 1970年代,貝聿銘被邀請參加奧克拉荷馬市的鬧區規劃。*nullDallas City Hall,1978 "When you do a city hall, it has to convey an image of the people, and this had to represent the people of Dallas... The people I met – rich and poor, powerful and not so powerful – were all very proud of their city. They felt that Dallas was the greatest city there was, and I could not disappoint them." – I.M. Pei 1978年設計“達拉斯市政大廈”*nullIt was influenced by Le Corbusier‘s High Court building in Chandigarh, India; Pei sought to use the significant overhang to unify building and plaza.印度裴勒·柯布西耶的高等法院大樓,1978年。*nullIt was influenced by Le Corbusier‘s High Court building in Chandigarh, India; Pei sought to use the significant overhang to unify building and plaza.印度裴勒·柯布西耶的高等法院大樓,1978年。*nullThe John Hancock Tower, officially named Hancock Place and colloquially known as The Hancock, is a 60-story, 790-foot (241 m) skyscraper in Boston. The tower was designed by Henry N. Cobb of the firm I. M. Pei & Partners and was completed in 1976. 新英格蘭州 1977年。*nullThe Des Moines Art Center is an art museum with an extensive collection of paintings, sculpture, modern art and mixed media. It was established in 1948 in Des Moines, Iowa. The architecture of the original museum wing was designed in a combination of Art Nouveau and Art Deco styles by Eliel Saarinen in 1945 and completed in 1948. The second addition, originally intended for large-scale sculpture, was designed in a Modernist style by I.M. Pei in 1966 and completed in 1968. 1968年完成”德摩尼藝術中心“的擴建。*nullThe Johnson Museum of Art was designed by architect I.M. Pei. It can be characterized by its fifth floor, which cantilevers over the open aired sculpture garden. It was designed so that it would not block the view of Cayuga Lake, and offers a panoramic view of the same from its north and west sides. It also houses a room for meetings on the sixth floor, which was used for many years by Cornell's Board of Trustees. New York. 紐約詹森藝術館,1975年獲得美國學院建築獎。 *nullLooking from the Mall toward the front of the East Building, massive towers with connecting bridges mark the exhibition spaces. At the entrance, Knife Edge Mirror Two Piece, a colossal abstract bronze by Henry Moore, announces the modern art within. The dramatic geometry of architect I. M. Pei's great "H"-shaped façade matches the equally severe walls of the West Building, which is situated across the plaza seen in the photograph above. To correspond in texture and color to the original building, the new one is faced inside and out with lavender-pink marble from the same quarry in Tennessee. 美國國家藝術中心“東建築”*nullIn 1978, after giving a series of lectures of architecture in China, Pei was asked to imagine a project for his home country. After surveying a number of different locations, Pei fell in love with a valley once used as an imperial garden and hunting preserve, known as Fragrant Hills. The site housed a decrepit hotel; Pei was invited to tear it down and build a new one. As usual, he approached the project by carefully considering its context and purpose. Likewise, he considered modernist styles inappropriate for the setting. Thus, he said, it was necessary to find "a third way". 香山飯店,1984年開業。*null*nullJacob K. Javits Convention Center is a large convention center located on Eleventh Avenue, between 34th and 40th streets, on the West side of Manhattan in New York, United States. It was designed by architect James Ingo Freed of I. M. Pei and partners. 紐約賈維特會展中心,1986*nullJacob K. Javits Convention Center *nullA writer in Le Quotidien de Paris wrote: "The much-feared pyramid has become adorable."[115] The experience was exhausting for Pei, but also rewarding. "After the Louvre," he said later, "I thought no project would be too difficult." The Louvre Pyramid has become Pei's most famous structure. 羅浮宮“玻璃金字塔”,貝聿銘,1988年*null*nullThe Morton H. Meyerson Symphony Center is a concert hall located in the Arts District of downtown Dallas, Texas (USA). Ranked one of the world's greatest orchestra halls, it was designed by architect I.M. Pei and acoustician Russell Johnson's Artec Consultants, Inc. and opened in September 1989. 達拉斯麥耶生交響樂中心,全世界最大的交響樂演奏中心之一,貝聿銘,1989年。 *null*nullThe design that Pei developed for the Bank of China Tower was not only unique in appearance, but also sound enough to pass the city‘s rigorous standards for wind-resistance. 香港中國銀行大廈。1990年啟用。*nullThe Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum is a museum located on the shore of Lake Erie in downtown Cleveland, Ohio, United States. It is dedicated to archiving the history of some of the best-known and most influential artists, producers, engineers and others who have, in some major way, influenced the music industry through the genre of rock music. The museum is part of the city‘s redeveloped North Coast Harbor.搖滾名人堂,貝聿銘,1983,克利夫蘭。 *null*nullThe German Historical Museum (Deutsches Historisches Museum), DHM for short, is a museum in Berlin devoted to German history and defines itself as a place of enlightenment and understanding of the shared history of Germans and Europeans. 德國歷史博物館,貝聿銘,柏林,1995。 *nullThe Miho Museum is located southeast of Kyoto, Japan, near the town of Shigaraki, in Shiga Prefecture. The museum was the dream of Mihoko Koyama (after whom it is named), the heiress to the Toyobo textile business, and one of the wealthiest women in Japan.日本 美秀美術館 ,1997年開幕。*null*nullThe Suzhou Museum (Chinese: 蘇州博物館; pinyin: Sūzhōu Bówùguǎn) is a museum of ancient Chinese art, ancient Chinese paintings, calligraphies, and handmade crafts, situated in Suzhou, Jiangsu, People‘s Republic of China. It is free to visit. 貝聿銘,2006年開幕。*null*nullThe Museum of Islamic Art is a museum located in the Qatari capital Doha and designed by architect I. M. Pei. The museum‘s interior gallery spaces were designed by a team lead by JM Wilmotte of Wilmotte Associes. 伊斯蘭藝術博物館。卡達,杜哈。 *null*nullThe Macao Science Center also known as Macau Science Center (in Portuguese: Centro de Ciência de Macau) is a science center in Macau. The project to build the science center was conceived in 2001 and completed in 2009. The building was designed by Pei Partnership Architects in association with I. M. Pei and construction started in 2006. The center was opened in December 2009 by the Chinese President Hu Jintao. 澳門科學中心,貝聿銘,2009年。*null*null*
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