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破产姐妹破产姐妹 第一季 第一集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11. 十二 四 十一号桌上菜 Got it. 来了 Hey, when you get a second, 等你丫有空... stop looking at my boobs. 麻烦把淫眼从我奶上移开 Excuse me. 麻烦一下 Waitress? 服务生 Dude? 小二 Hi, what can I get ya? 您好 请问要点什么 We need...
破产姐妹 第一季 第一集 感谢人人影视提供字幕, www.yyets.com Pick up! Tables 12, 4, 11. 十二 四 十一号桌上菜 Got it. 来了 Hey, when you get a second, 等你丫有空... stop looking at my boobs. 麻烦把淫眼从我奶上移开 Excuse me. 麻烦一下 Waitress? 服务生 Dude? 小二 Hi, what can I get ya? 您好 请问要点什么 We need some... 我们要... Is that annoying? 看了会不爽吗 Is that obnoxious and rude? 觉得对方又欠扁又无礼吗 Would you find it distracting if someone did that to you 你工作时有人这么弄你 while you were working? 你会觉得烦吗 Oh, you don't have a job. Sorry. 哎呀 忘记你没工作了 抱歉 Damn, dude, she burned you. 靠 伙计 她完胜呀 No, hipster. 别搞错了 小痞子 Do not think we're on the same team. 别以为我跟你是一国的 We have nothing in common. 咱俩到死都不是同路人 I wear knit hats when it's cold out. 姐戴帽子挡酷寒 You wear knit hats cause of Coldplay. 二货戴帽学酷玩[乐队] You have tattoos to piss off your dad. 你的纹身是想气死你爹 My dad doesn't know he's my dad. 我爹压根不知他是我爹 And finally, 最后 you think... 你觉得 this is the sound that gets you service. 一声穿云指 我千军万马来服务 I think... 要我说 This is the sound that dries up my vagina. 一声穿云指 我如瀑下阴也干枯 The other waitress disappeared, the Russian one. 那位俄国服务生呢 怎么不见了 We need horseradish. 我们想要山葵酱 Please. 拜托您了 That, ladies, is how you treat a waitress. 妹妹真乖 这样才有礼貌嘛 Paulina! 宝莲娜 Oh, so... so good, oh... 爽 爽死了 Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were on break. 抱歉 不知道你在休息 I just need some horseradish. 我要山葵酱 - Here. - Oh, cool. -给 -收到 Excuse me, where's my waitress? 请问 服务生去哪了 She's coming. 她马上来[高潮] 本字幕由YYeTs人人影视 原创翻译制作 ■ 仅供学习 禁止用于任何商业盈利行为 更多影视更新 请登陆 www.YYeTs.com 第一集 第一季 姐妹花 姐妹花 打工 打工 第一集 第一季 \h翻译 猎人D \h翻译 猎人D \h校对 卯吃寅粮赛太公 \h校对 卯吃寅粮赛太公 后期 鱼骨头\h 后期 鱼骨头\h 时间轴 总监 寅吃卯粮YY猫\h 时间轴 总监 寅吃卯粮YY猫\h Earl. 厄尔 Earl! 厄尔 I made your favorite, red velvet. 我做了你最爱的红丝绒蛋糕 My little cupcake brought me a cupcake. 我的蛋蛋妹给我带来了小蛋糕 Let me pay you for that. 我还是把钱给你吧 Oh, no, no. It's on the house. 不用 我请客 It's your birthday. 你生日嘛 How old are you gonna be? 过完生日要几岁了啊 75. 七十五岁 Oh, Earl, if you were just three years younger. 厄尔 你要小个三岁 咱俩就成了 Max, Max, big news. 麦克斯 麦克斯 大新闻 The new boss fired that Russian waitress, Paulina. 新老板炒了俄国妞宝莲娜 Turns out chesty Kournikova was Vladimir Puttin' it out. 大胸金丝猫被发现其实是个死间谍 Hello today. I have paycheck for you. 早安 我带了你的工资来 I need to talk to you. You fired Paulina, Han? 我有话问你 你炒了宝莲娜吗 阿憨 I am no longer Han Lee. 我已经不叫李憨了 I have new American name 我取了新的英文名字 to go with changing neighborhood. 好适应新时代"得"社会 To go with the changing neighborhood. 是新时代"的"社会 You need to remember this for your immigration exam. 移民考试的时候别又说错了 Correct. To go with the changing neighborhood. 行 好适应新时代"的"社会 Bryce? 小笼 Your name is Bryce Lee? 你改名叫李小笼啊 Wait, wait, um, um, um... 等等 等一下 Don't hire a new waitress, okay? 别再招新人来了 好吗 I've been doing all the work anyway, 反正活儿总是我全包 and I really could use the extra money. 让我多拿一份工资 补贴家计吧 You need help. 你需要帮手 - No, I don't. - Everyone need help sometimes. -不用 -谁都需要帮手 I don't. I've been waiting my whole life, okay? 我不用 我当了一辈子的侍应 I've waited on tables, I've waited in bars, 在餐厅 酒吧都做过侍应 I've waited on home pregnancy tests. 甚至在家等验孕结果 [Waited: 等待 侍应 一词多义] I already hire new waitress. 我已经雇新人了 She work in all top restaurants in Manhattan. 她以前在曼哈顿顶级餐厅工作过 I gave her Paulina's uniform. 我都把宝莲娜的制服给她了 Mr. Lee, not to complain, 李先生 有点事情想问问 but I think someone wore this uniform before me, 这件制服好像有人穿过了呢 like right before me. 而且是刚刚才穿过 Is it possible that I could get another one? 可不可以帮我换一件全新的呀 Maybe one that's a little less moist. 换件没这么湿漉漉的 Also this mustard color doesn't really go with my skin tone, 另外 我的肤色跟黄芥末色不太搭 neither do the mustard stains... 跟芥末渍也不搭 And these various other stains, and smells. 跟这各式污渍 异味更是不搭 I hope that's clam chowder. 白白的是蛤蜊浓汤渍吧... So... 所以 I think it'd be better for everyone, 为了大家 including my immune system, 以及我的免疫系统着想 if I just keep on wearing what I'm wearing, 我就穿自己这身就好了 and not the apron,'cause this is chanel. 那件就省了 我这身可是香奈儿 So thank you, 感谢聆听 and let's waitress. 本小姐要上岗啦 Whatever that is, 这娇娇女明显就是 it does not belong in this diner. 来错地方打错工了 It belongs in a show on Bravo. 她应该去演电视 But she blonde, hair so shiny, 她是金发妞 金发闪闪 good for business. 有助财源广进啊 Where do you even find these people? 你都去哪找到这些歪瓜裂枣的啊 The Russian hooker, the one before that was a meth addict. 俄罗斯妓女 再前一位还是吸毒妹 You train her, I am boss. 你去训练她 我可是老板 Da boss. 老板中的老板 Fine, but make her wear the uniform. 好 那你先去命令她穿上制服 Are you sure we can't get the meth addict back? 真不能让吸毒的回来吗 She was really good at cleaning. 她是毁尸灭迹打扫神人呢 But her teeth fall out. 可她吸毒到牙掉光了 You are really judgmental, you know that? 你也太以貌取人了吧 I'm only gonna say this once, so pay attention. 我就说一回 仔细听 I'm Caroline, by the way. And you're Max? 我是卡洛琳 你叫麦克斯 对吗 Don't get attached. 先别建立感情 This is the Williamsburg diner, owned by Han Lee, 这间威廉伯格餐厅 老板是李憨 Who just changed his name to Bryce Lee, 最近刚改名叫李小笼 because I guess he wants people to take him even less seriously. 他应该是患了不被当笑话会死的病 Eight months ago he bought it from the Russian mob. 八个月前他向俄国黑帮顶下这餐厅 Clientele used to be all eastern bloc criminals and crack whores, 以前客源通常是东欧小流氓 吸毒妓女 but then he took it over and ruined it. 他顶过来之后 客源就跑光了 Hey, sexy woman. 哟 性感辣妹 You look so pretty today. 今儿个性感动人啊 You look so beautiful, I forgot how bad your personality is. 美得我差点忘了你是悍妇了 Thanks, Oleg. 承蒙夸奖 奥列格 Hey, Barbie. 嗨 芭比小妞 That's Oleg. 他是奥列格 He will hit on you aggressively and relentlessly. 他将会不停地用烂招泡你 He doesn't realize he looks like that, 他的自信多到爆棚 and I don't have the heart to tell him. 可惜我没多余的善心点醒他 Miss, could we have some menus? 小姐 可以给份菜单吗 Oh, sure. 当然 Don't smile. 不要微笑 Cause it raises the bar, and then I have to smile, 你拉高服务 我就得跟上 and I can't be doing that. 那样太累人了 It's exhausting and I have a bad back. 微笑又累人又有害健康 That's Earl, we're in love. 那是我的恋人厄尔 Do not talk to him, 别跟他多讲话 unless you want to feel whiter than you already are. 除非你想显得更"白"痴 Oh, and that stain? 还有那块污渍 Not clam chowder. 其实是男人"精"华 Go marry the ketchups. 去把番茄酱连一起 Marry the ketchups. I'm on it. "联姻"起 马上好 Okay. Now divorce the ketchups. "联姻"完 弄离婚吧 Stop! Stop! Stop! 停 停 停 There's no such thing as divorcing the ketchups. 让番茄酱离婚纯属我鬼扯 You've never waitressed a day in your life. 你压根就没当过服务生对吧 Yes, I have. 我真的做过 You expect me to believe you 看完你这出 after watching that whole Temple Grandin routine? 奇葩的演出后 鬼才信你 - I'm telling Lee. - Okay, okay, -我去跟老板检举你 -别 求你了 I may have enhanced my resume. 我的确稍微美化了我的简历 Enhanced? What, are we in Paris? 美化 你当参加巴黎时尚展啊 Please, I really need this job, okay? 求你了 我真的很需要这份工 We lost all of our money. 我们家一无所有了 My trust fund was taken for legal fees. 我的信托基金被拿去支付律师费 My dad is in jail. 老爸又入狱了 What? What are you, Martin Channing's daughter? 干嘛 难不成你是马丁•钱宁的女儿啊 Where's the paper? 报纸在哪 Martin Channing? 马丁•钱宁 The guy who ripped off the entire city is your father. 骗光整座城的人是你老爸 He told us we were having a good year. 他只跟我们说今年生意挺好 You're Caroline Channing. 你是卡洛琳•钱宁 You're like a billionaire. 你可是亿万富翁 Was. Was a billionaire. 曾是 曾是亿万富翁 They froze all our assets, everything's gone. 所有资产都被冻结了 全没了 I only have what I could grab, 我只能拿几样东西走 and I grabbed all the wrong things. 可我全拿了没用的东西 - So do you know the president? - I've met him. -你认识总统吧 -见过 - He's hot. - He's the president. -他很性感吧 -他就是个总统 - Have you been to Switzerland? - Yes. -你去过瑞士吧 -去过 - Do you have a horse? - Yes. -你有马吗 -有 - Do you know Paris Hilton? - No, she's a hundred. -认识帕丽斯•希尔顿吗 -不认识 她太老了 Excuse me, uh, two hot chocolate, please. 麻烦一下 两杯热巧克力 Comin' up. 马上好 Let me do that, please. 让我来吧 I'm a really fast learner. 我学东西可快了 I went to Wharton business school. 沃顿商学院毕业 I got 2,300 on my SAT. SAT考了两千三百分 Can you make a hot chocolate, or not? 那你做得出热巧克力吗 Nailed it. 搞定 We split the tips. Give me yours. 小费均分 把你的拿来 You did better than I thought you would. 比我预计的好多了 Listen, tonight I thought of a way 我刚想到了一个 we could make some extra money. 赚外快的办法 They've totally underestimated the price 那些红丝绒蛋糕 point on those red velvet cupcakes. 定价实在低的离谱 In Manhattan the asking price is at least seven, 在曼哈顿这至少卖七块 so we could sell them for seven, and then pocket the difference. 我们就卖七块 赚价差中饱私囊 Nothing about that sounds wrong to you? 难道你不觉得有什么不对吗 It's not our fault that the idiot who makes the cupcakes 做蛋糕的傻子定价这么低 doesn't know their worth. 又不是我们的错 I'm the idiot who makes the cupcakes. 我就是做蛋糕的那傻子 New information. 我才知道嘛 That's stupid. 这肯定不行 No one would pay $7 for one of my cupcakes. 谁会花七块买我的蛋糕啊 Really? 'Cause... 你确定吗 看这... Well, at least we know you're not adopted. 果然有遗传你爸弄钱的基因啊 So how'd you even end up in Brooklyn? 你怎么会沦落到来布鲁克林打工 Oh, I went on monster.com. 我去招工网站 Typed in "place where nobody 输入 上东区的人[富人区] from the Upper East Side would ever go, ever," 这辈子绝对不会去的地方 and this diner came up. 就出现这家店了 You can't wear a fancy leather jacket outside 这里治安差 穿高级皮衣 in this neighborhood. 铁定会被抢 You have to turn it inside out. 反着穿 露出丑的那面 Fur. Cool. Turn it back. 皮草 算了 再翻回来吧 So where do you live? 你住哪儿呀 Our townhouse was taken and bolted up by the bank, so... 我家大宅被银行没收查封了 Is this where I'm supposed to feel sorry for you? 我需要表达一下同情吗 I mean, I don't want you to, 我是不想逼你啦 but just so you know, a well-adjusted person would. 不过正常的好人都会同情的 I'm dead inside. 我是没同情心的坏人 You make that pretty obvious. 是人都看得出来 Anyway, I'm just gonna stay in the city with a friend. 好吧 我要去市中心的朋友家了 I live a couple of blocks that way. 我就住附近 I'd walk you to the subway, 我照理该陪你走去地铁站的 it's just that I don't want to. 不过我真的没这么好心 Got it. 完全理解 Okay. 就这样吧 Robbie! 罗比 Why is the music so loud? 放这么大声干嘛呢 It's 3:00 in the morning. 现在都凌晨三点了 I'm sorry. 对不起嘛 It's cool. So what are you doin'? 原谅你吧 你们在干嘛呢 The band's practicing. 乐队在练习呢 But you're not playing any instruments. 怎么没看到乐器呢 Yeah, that's how we practice. 这是我们独门秘技 We, like, listen to other good music, 听着别人的音乐 and play it in our head. 然后在自己脑海演练 It's like the secret. 这好比不能弹的秘密 Well, I have a secret for you guys. 是吗 我也有个秘密要跟你们说 Get out! 给我滚出去 - Uh, you guys better go. - We should go. -伙计们先走吧 -好的 Sorry guys, I still have to make the cupcakes. 抱歉了 我还得做小蛋糕呢 Cupcakes? For why? You can just buy 'em at the store. 干嘛自己做 去店里买一个不就得了 You can do that in the morning, babe, come to bed. 起来再做吧 宝贝 现在是滚床单时间 No, I can't. I have to be in the city by 10:00. 不行 我明早十点要到市中心 Fine. You can have three minutes. 好吧 给你三分钟 Fine, you can have eight, one for each ab. 好吧 看在八块腹肌的份上 给你八分钟 Stand clear of the closing doors. 关门请注意 Well, I can cross that off my bucket list. 太好了 死前心愿又完成了一样 I have a taser! 我有电击棒 Oh, my God. 天啊 I am so sorry. 真是万分抱歉 I didn't think it would hurt so much. It's pink. 我以为这只是粉红小电棒 It didn't feel pink. 我都要被电成炭粉了 I didn't know it was you. 我刚真不知道是你 I thought I was being raped. 我还以为自己被人强奸了呢 That's not what rape feels like. 摸你的手算个屁强奸啊 Did you... did you sleep on the subway? 昨晚...你是在地铁上睡的吗 I had nowhere else to go, 我没地可去 and I'm too afraid to sleep outside on the street. 又不敢睡大街上 God, you're spoiled. 天啊 还真是娇生惯养 Next stop, Greenpoint. 下一站 格林中心 Ugh, get your stuff, come on! 快拿好你的行李 I'll take you to my place, but hurry. 我带你去我家吧 快点 Cause I have to be in the city in 30 minutes. 我要三十分钟内赶回市中心 Call me. 要打给我哦 Oh, my god, you've been robbed! 天啊 你家进贼啦 This is how it always looks. 我家本来就这样 Oh, my God, totally cute! 天啊 你家真不错 All right, I'll be back at 4:00, 好了 我四点回来 and we can go to work together. 然后我们一起上班 Bathroom, bedroom, 卫生间 卧室 boyfriend sleeps till 4:00, yard. 睡到四点才醒的男友 院子 Oh, you have a yard. 你还有个院子 Looks like a really nice place to relax and do crack. 感觉是放松吸毒两相宜的好地方 It is. 那可不 I gotta go, I'm gonna be late for my other job in the city. 我得走了 不然我打工要迟到了 You have two jobs? 你打两份工吗 Yes, I babysit for a Manhattan socialite diva. 对 还给一个曼哈顿社交女王看孩子 Now I have a set. 现在又多了一个 Sorry I'm late. 抱歉来晚了 Oh, thank God you're here, 谢天谢地 你终于来了 there is a bridge and tunnel smell over by the babies 宝宝身上有一股地下臭水沟的味儿 that's stressing me out. 快把我熏死了 Their diapers probably need to be changed. 应该是要换尿布了 Again? I swear, the morning nanny just did that. 又要换啊 我肯定上午保姆才换了 Motherhood is for reals. 当妈可真不容易 Max, remind me, what's my Twitter password? 麦克斯 我的推特密码是什么 Twitter password. "推特密码" Yes! 对啦 Hi, Brad. Hi, Angelina. 嗨 布莱德 安洁莉娜 Max, I need to tell you something because we're family. 麦克斯 你也是家人 我有话想跟你说 Now get me room temperature water and come over here. 先给我拿瓶常温的水 We are victims of the Channing Ponzi scheme. 我们是钱宁骗局的受害者 Me, David, and Brangelina. 我 大卫 还有布莱洁莉娜 How much money did you lose? 你们损失了多少 Hold my hands. 握紧我的手 Nothing. 分毫未损 But it really scared me. 不过吓死人家了 Open that? 帮我打开吧 So do you know Caroline Channing? 你认识卡洛琳•钱宁吗 No, but she lost everything. 不认识 她什么都没有了 She has no money. 她一分钱都没有了 Can you imagine having no money? 你能想像没钱的滋味吗 I mean, you wouldn't even have any money. 我是指 穷的连钱都没有了 You should twit that. 金句快发推特啊 And no one will even talk to her. 树倒猴孙散 墙倒众人推 I heard she went to six different friends' houses 据说她为了找安身之地 for a place to stay, 去敲了六个朋友的家门 and they all had to pretend they weren't home. 可他们都假装不在家 - That's not cool. - Yeah. -这太过分了 -对啊 - That's really sad. - So sad. -真是不幸 -对啊 Breaks my heart. 听的都心碎了 I guess motherhood has really opened me up emotionally. 当妈带孩子 人都多愁善感了 Max, I need to hold one of the babies, 麦克斯 我想抱抱我的宝宝 bring me one. 帮我抱个过来 No, the other one. That's not the good one. 我要另一个 这个是次品 - Hello. - Oh, hi. -你好 -你好 Oh, I'm so sorry if I woke you up. 抱歉吵醒你了 - Who are you? - I'm Max's friend. -你是谁啊 -麦克斯的朋友 Uh, don't tell her I said that. 这话你可别跟她说 I have a feeling if she heard me call her my friend, 她要知道我自称是她的朋友 she'd stab me. 她会冲过来杀我 What are you doin' over there? 你在这干嘛呢 Just washing my uniform, 洗我的制服 trying to make it a little more cute 让它变美美 and a little less crusty. 洗去那层污垢 Oh, watch out! 小心 Oh! Sorry, oh, my... 抱歉 我的错 Do you have a towel or a rag? 你有毛巾或抹布 -Or something? - No, I... I got it. -之类的吗 -没关系 我来搞定 Oh, okay. 好吧 I'm Robbie. 在下罗比 I'm uncomfortable. 在下不舒服 You're getting me wet. 你害人家都湿了 That's the point. 正有此意 You're Max's boyfriend. 你是麦克斯的男友 It's cool. 没关系的 No, it's not. 不 有关系 Back up, Jersey shore. 走开 卖肉男 You're pathetic, 你真可悲 and that's coming from someone who's homeless 而且还是被一个无家可归 and wearing white after a labor day. 无衣可换的人说 And I've seen better. 姐见过身材更好的 No, you haven't. 才怪 你骗人 Hey. Why didn't you wait for me? 你怎么没等我 I thought we were coming over together. 不是说好一起过来的吗 Oh. Um, I wanted to get here early to marry the ketchups. 我想早点来把番茄酱"联姻"起 Listen, I heard something really upsetting about you today. 今天我听说了你的惨况 What did he say, that I came on to him? 他怎么说的 说我投怀送抱吗 Him who? "他"是指... Nothing. 没啥 Him, Robbie? 你是说罗比 对吧 It's none of my business, 这事与我无关 but you deserve better than that guy. 但我觉得那家伙跟你配不上 Yeah, it is none of your business. 对 这事的确与你无关 Ooh, I was just starting to feel sorry for you. 唉 我刚刚对你起了一丝怜悯之情 I'm just saying, you're worth more than that. 我是说 你可以找个更好的 What, I'm supposed to believe you about this? 是吗 我该相信你的话吗 The person who lied on their resume, 你连简历都作假 and lied about the cupcakes... you're a liar. 还用蛋糕赚差价 你就是个大骗子 - I'm just trying to help. - You know what? -我是想帮你啊 -那好吧 Since you seem to know so much about everything, 既然你什么都懂 why don't you take your wharton degree, 干嘛不带着你的沃顿学位 and your ridiculous coat, and figure this all out yourself. 跟可笑的外套 找一个能收留你的地方 - Max.Max, wait. - Oh, look, -麦克斯 等等 -瞧 The Arcade Fire concert just let out across the street, 对街的拱廊之火乐队演唱会刚结束 good luck with that. 祝你好运 She's coming back, right? 她会回来的吧 She's not gonna leave me here alone 这满屋子的顾客 with a restaurant full of people? 她不会丢下我一个人的 对吧 Let me put it to you this way. 我就这么跟你说吧 You might as well be a night maid 你就跟晚上在施瓦辛格家 at the Schwarzenegger house. 落单的女佣一样 You got screwed. 要被狠操一顿了 - Oh. - Oh, yeah. -爽 -太爽了 That feels so good. 爽死我了 Now put your tambourine around it. 把铃鼓换来这个位置 Hi, honey, I'm home. 亲爱的 我回来了 I want you gone by the time I get back. 在我下班前滚蛋 Babe! Babe, I can explain. 宝贝宝贝 听我解释 You weren't supposed to be home. 你回家太早了嘛 People say I deserve better than you. 人家说你配不上我 Who? That blonde girl? 谁 那个金发妞吗 She doesn't know what she's talkin' about. 她懂个屁 就会瞎说 She went to Wharton 人家是沃顿毕业的 and Switzerland. 还去过瑞士呢 Yo, yo. Look at that. 快看快看 That girl is workin' harder than Stephen Hawking 那妞儿干起活来比史蒂芬•霍金 史蒂芬•霍金有肌肉萎缩症 全身只有几根手指能动 tryin' to put in a pair of cufflinks. 扣袖口还努力呢 Here, let me help you with that. 来 我来帮你 I don't need any help. 我不要人帮 Everyone needs help sometimes. 每个人都有需要帮忙的时候 This isn't what I ordered. 你们上错菜了 This is Caroline. 她叫卡洛琳 She may have gotten your order wrong, 她可能会下错单 but she does get some things right. 但她起码有些事情没做错 Thank you. 谢谢 No, thank you. 不 是我要谢谢你 What'd you see in that guy, anyway? 你到底看上那家伙哪点 He had these muscle thingies. 他这里的肌肉不错 - Oh,those things? - Yeah. -那里呀 -是啊 I don't know what those are called, 我不知道那里怎么叫 but they make smart girls stupid. 但是好女孩看了就会意乱情迷 Max! 麦克斯 I thought your tight ass wasn't coming in tonight, 还以为今晚见不到你的小翘臀呢 and my heart broke in half. 我的心都快碎了 You know what, Oleg? 奥列格 I needed that. 这话我爱听 So I... 如果 I need a roommate, if you wanna crash. 你要找地方住的话 咱俩可以当室友 Not gonna lie, the subway's cleaner than your couch. 真不是我说 地铁都比你家干净 I just felt myself starting to like you. 我好像对你有些好感了 Really? Because I really feel like we could... 真的吗 我真觉得我们可... I knew that wouldn't last. 我就知道纯属错觉 Come on. 走吧 Tomorrow we can go into the city 明天我们去市里 and get the rest of your stuff. 把你剩下的东西搬回来 Everything's locked up. 全部都锁起来了 What, you have nothing that you care about that we can get? 没有一样你喜欢的东西是可以拿回来的吗 Well, there is one thing. 好像还真有一样 The weirdest thing is that nobody stopped us. 居然没人拦我们 真是奇了怪了 I'm gonna save a fortune, 把它养在这里 keeping him here instead of in the stables. 比养在马厩里省钱多了 When did you put this whole horse-in-my-yard thing together? 什么时候想到这养马大计的 I can't help it. 这就是我 I see an opportunity, and I make it happen, 只要有机可乘 我绝不让它溜走 like with your cupcakes. 比如你的纸杯蛋糕 Like what with my cupcakes? 关我的小蛋糕啥事 Ready? To open a bake shop, 听好了 开一家蛋糕店 all we need is 250 grand start-up money, 只需要二十五万启动资金来 for the real estate, and the basic equipment... 租店面 和买一些基本设备 Yeah. Oh. 是嘛 - 250 grand,that's all? - Yeah. -二十五万就够了吗 -对 Did freakin' Chestnut here kick you in the head 我去星巴克的时候 while I was in Starbucks? 你的脑子让栗宝给踢了吗 Hear me out. 听我说完 If we both worked two jobs 要是我们两人同时打两份工 and made $2,000 a week, 一周进账两千块 we could open a cupcake business in a little over a year. 我们就可以在一年后开蛋糕店了 In the past two days, we've made $387, 过去两天我们赚了三百八十七块 and that's a good start. 这是个不错的开始 We can make extra money at other jobs, 我们还能兼职别的工作赚外快呀 like publicists, advertising executives... 比如做公关 广告行政 janitors, drug mules. 看门 运毒 We really need to work on your self-esteem. 看来得先提升你的自尊 So... 所以说 You, cupcakes, me, business background, 你的美味小蛋糕 加上我的商科背景 us, success. What do you think? 我们就等于成功 怎样 I think you have a horse. 你还有匹马 I think we have a horse. 是我们有匹马 Don't get attached. 不要爱上我
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