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世界卫生组织(WHO)颁布的口腔健康标准是:牙齿清洁、无龋齿、无疼痛感、牙龈颜色正常。很多人希望拥有一口洁白的牙齿,超过一半以上的朋友认为自己的牙齿发黄不够白,而愿意采取对牙齿进行美白。牙齿着色、发黄有很多原因,大体上可以分为内源性和外源性牙齿着色两方面的原因。外源性着色是由于牙齿表面存在着多种口腔细菌,分泌黏性物质,结合日常饮食中的茶垢、烟渍以及饮用水中的某些矿物质吸附在这些黏性物质上,逐渐使牙齿发黄、变黑。内源性着色是在牙齿发育过程中形成的,如四环素沉积在牙本质内,就会使得牙齿变成黄色、棕色或暗灰色,称为四环素牙;如果饮用水中含氟过多,也可能导致氟斑牙,牙面呈白粉笔色、棕褐色斑块;长期的虫牙未得到及时治疗,感染导致牙髓神经坏死,与细菌分解产物结合后也会使牙齿发黄变黑。   一、牙齿发黄的原因   1、发育因素   牙齿在发育过程中由于营养不良、传染病、高烧、重病,会使牙齿的釉质发育不全和钙化受到影响,牙齿会变黄而松脆,这种情况下的牙齿表现为釉质失去光泽、不透明,可呈黄褐色,重者可使牙齿表面粗糙斑点状,外形不完整,常左右对称,发育因素导致的牙齿营养障碍引起钙化不良,反映的是过去的健康状况对牙齿的影响,后天补充钙、维生素D已毫无意义。   2、药物因素   这是我们绝大都数人都知道的“四环素牙”,四环素类药物可导致黄牙的发生,六、七十年代,比较广泛使用四环素类药物,使用这类药物过量可以在牙齿组织中积蓄,使牙齿内层染色变黄,牙齿钙化时期(乳牙在母亲怀孕时期,恒牙在儿童七岁以前)服用过量四环素容易导致四环素牙,儿童一般要等到7岁换牙以后黄牙才表现出来。   3、卫生因素   不注意口腔卫生,没有养成良好的刷牙习惯,牙齿表面堆积一层食物残渣、软垢、牙石、烟渍、红酒、黄酒、茶渍、咖啡、中药,这些情况下的牙齿变黄不是牙齿本身发黄,是不注意口腔卫生造成的,只影响牙齿的表面色泽,比较易于清除。   4、水质因素   有些地区,尤其是山区,水中含氟量高,饮用这类含氟水质会使牙齿会发黄,涉及到全口牙齿。氟有防龋的作用,这种牙齿不易生蛀牙,我们叫它为“氟牙症”或“氟斑牙”,是牙齿发育钙化期,人体摄入过量氟造成的,天然水中含氟量过高,容易导致氟牙症,属地方性氟中毒的一种表现。   二、牙齿发黄的处理方法   根据牙齿颜色变黄的深浅、形成原因,应采取洗牙、增白牙膏、牙齿漂白、洁白牙贴以及烤瓷修复等不同的方式来进行美白,无论采用哪种美白牙齿的方法,都必须保证龋齿和牙周病都已经治疗完毕,牙齿健康的情况下进行。否则,会加重牙齿疾病。   1、洁白牙贴   最新流行的牙齿美白方法,方便、快捷、简单、便宜,国外已经普及了很长时间,临床效果还是比较明显,有逐渐取代漂白的趋势。但是,洁白牙贴同样不适用于四环素牙、氟斑牙等牙本质已变色的牙齿。   2、冷光美白技术   通过特殊冷光源照射覆盖在牙面的漂白剂,使之短时间内渗入牙齿硬组织中来达到改变牙齿颜色的目的,其优点是不损伤牙齿硬组织,操作治疗时间约30~45分钟,但不足之处是由于药物作用漂白,漂白效果因人而异。   3、洗牙   很多人以为洗牙就是牙齿美容变白,其实,洗牙主要的作用并非美白,而是一种牙齿常规保健的方法,主要预防龋齿、牙龈、牙周疾病的常规保健方法,针对的是牙齿表面的牙结石、牙菌斑。通过半年一次的定期洗牙来清洁牙齿是维护牙齿健康的良好习惯。虽然洗牙目的不是美白牙齿,但是牙齿清洁了看上去自然就比较白。   4、增白牙膏   基本上起不了太大的增白作用,主要是通过摩擦剂与牙齿表面的色斑发生物理性摩擦,有些增白牙膏也加入了氧化剂,但由于其中化学成分含量少、一般刷牙时间短、长时间放置后容易失效等原因,所以增白的效果很小。如果牙齿本来颜色并不太黑过黄,使用增白牙膏还有一定的保持和促进作用;但是,如果牙齿表面有明显的色斑、烟渍、酒渍、茶渍、咖啡、中药等色素,用增白牙膏就完全没有效果。   5、牙齿漂白   适合于中轻度变色牙齿,漂白美容的方法适用的人群和范围比较广,18岁以上的人都可适用。但是,四环素牙、氟斑牙等牙本质已变色的牙齿,使用普通的漂白方法也很难达到良好的增白效果。漂白是根据牙齿形状取模做一付牙托套,每天晚上睡前把漂白剂置于牙托,戴在牙齿上。漂白剂的成分是浓度为30%的过氧化氢,会与牙齿上的黑色素产生还原反应,使牙齿恢复本来的颜色。风险小、见效快、对牙龈和牙髓没有损害,疗程一般一个月左右,最长不能超过3个月;部分人群在漂白过程中会觉得牙齿酸痛,对冷热敏感,这是正常的反应,治疗完成后会恢复正常。每个人牙齿漂白的效果不一样,为了达到最好的美白效果,可以反复漂白几次,最多不要超过三个疗程,否则对牙齿还是有一定伤害的。   6、修复治疗方式   烤瓷贴面或烤瓷牙修复的方法针对牙齿本身有裂纹、残缺是一种理想的美化方式。需要引起注意的是,如果仅为了美白将正常的牙齿磨小,再套上烤瓷牙套,这种情况得不偿失,对牙齿本身还是有一定影响的,因为修复治疗的方法是需要磨除一部分自然牙齿,用人造烤瓷贴面或烤瓷牙覆盖在牙齿相应部位,优点是牙齿颜色改变明显,缺点是必须磨除一部分自然牙齿,也有可能因为磨牙刺激牙髓引起并发症。 注意事项:重度变色牙齿和对改变牙色较高的人不宜用漂白方式处理;很多人片面追求牙齿洁白漂亮,殊不知正常牙齿本来就是淡黄色的,这种色泽的牙齿牙釉质矿化好、钙化程度高,透过半透明的牙釉质显示出来的牙本质颜色多。 WHO (WHO) oral health standards are: teeth cleaning, no pain, no dental caries,gingival color normal. Many people want to have white teeth, more than half of thefriend that his yellow teeth not white enough, and willing to take measures for teeth whitening. Tooth colored, yellow for many reasons, generally can be divided intotwo aspects of reasons of endogenous and exogenous tooth colored. Exogenous coloring is due to the tooth surface there are a variety of oral bacteria, secrete sticky substances, with the daily diet of tea, smoke stains and water absorption of certain minerals in the viscous material, the yellow teeth, black. Endogenous coloring is formed during tooth development, such as tetracycline deposited in the dentin, could make the teeth become yellow, brown or dark gray, known astetracycline stained teeth; if too much fluoride in drinking water, may also lead to dental fluorosis, tooth surface is white chalk color, brown color patches; longdecayed tooth has not been timely treatment, infection causes dental pulp nervenecrosis and bacterial decomposition products, will also combine the teetwww.wxjy568.com h yellowblack. One reason, yellow teeth 1, growth factors The teeth during development due to malnutrition, infectious disease, fever,serious illness, can make a tooth enamel dysgenesis and calcification is affected,the teeth will turn yellow Ersong brittle, this case teeth showed enamel loses luster,opaque, can be brown, or can make the tooth surface rough spots, the shape is not complete, often symmetrical, teeth nutrient obstacle development factorsinduce calcification bad, reflected the effect of past health status on the teeth, to replenish calcium, vitamin D has no meaning. 2, drug factors This is our most of people know the "tetracycline stained teeth", tetracyclines can lead to the occurrence of yellow teeth, six, seventy time, more extensive use of tetracyclines, www.gutewang.com use this kind of drug overdose may accumulate in dental tissues, theinner layer stained yellow teeth, tooth calcification period (deciduous teeth in pregnant mothers period, the permanent teeth in children before age seven) an overdose of tetracycline easily lead to tetracycline stained teeth, children generally have to wait until 7 years after the Yacai shown yellow teeth. 3, health factors Do not pay attention to oral hygiene, do not develop good habit of brushing teeth,tooth surface accumulation layer www.nhstm.netof food debris, debris, calculus, smoke stains,tea stains, red wine, Yellow Wine, Coffee, traditional Chinese medicine, these cases of yellow teeth teeth yellow is not itself, is not pay attention to oral hygienecause, affect only the surface color of teeth relatively easy to remove. 4, the water quality factors In some areas, especially mountainous, the high fluoride content in water, drinkingthe fluorinated water will make the teeth will be yellow, the teeth. The role of fluoride anti caries teeth, this is not prone to decay, www.vdesignco.com we call it "fluorosis" or"fluorosis", is developing teeth calcification stage, the body of excessive fluoride intake caused, natural water fluorine content is too high, easily lead to dental fluorosis, is a manifestation of the endemic fluorosis. Processing method of two, yellow teeth According to the tooth color yellow shades, cause of formation, should take theteeth, whitening toothpaste, tooth bleaching, white porcelain tooth paste anddifferent way of whitening, whichever method is used for whitening teeth, mustensure that dental caries and periodontal disease have treatment is completed,dental health condition. Otherwise, will increase the tooth disease. 1, white tooth paste The most popular method of teeth whitening, www.jich.net convenient, fast, simple, cheap,have been popular for a long time, the clinical effect is obvious, the trend is gradually replacing the bleaching. However, pure white tooth paste is also not suitable for tetracycline stained teeth, dental fluorosis dentine has been discoloredteeth. Technique 2, cold light whitening Through special cold light irradiation covered in tooth bleaching agent, so that to achieve the purpose of alteringwww.maka7.com the color of teeth in a short period of time into thedental hard tissues, its advantage is not to damage the teeth hard tissue, operationtreatment time is about 30~45 minutes, but the disadvantage is due to the medication bleaching, bleaching effect differ from man to man. 3, scaling Many people think that wash a tooth is teeth beauty white, in fact, is not the maineffect of teeth whitening teeth, but a routine care, routine care mainly to prevent dental caries, gingival, periodontal disease, www.jintongkaxiu.comis aimed at the surface of the teeth,dental plaque, dental calculus. Through the half year a time scaling on a regular basis to clean the teeth is a good habit to maintain healthy teeth. Although thescaling is not teeth whitening teeth clean, but the look is white. 4, whitening toothpaste Whitening effect basically not too much, mainly through the spot friction agent andtooth surface physical friction, www.sanalinyn.comsome whitening toothpaste also joined the oxidant,but due to the chemical composition content of less, generally brushing time short,placing a long time to failure, so the whitening effect is very small. If the tooth wasnot too dark yellow color, the use of whitening toothpaste and some maintain and promote the role; www.jnqy-zj.com however, if the tooth surface has obvious stains, smoke stains,tea stains, wine stains, Coffee, traditional Chinese medicine, pigment, with noeffect of whitening toothpaste. 5, tooth bleaching Suitable for mild discoloration of teeth, the crowd and applicable method for bleaching beauty widely, people over the age of 18 can apply. However, four Tetracycline stained teeth, dental fluorosis dentine has been discolored teethbleaching methodwww.yulematou.com, using ordinary is also very difficult to achieve a good whitening effect. Bleaching is according to the tooth shape modulo do a denture sleeve,every night before going to bed to bleach in denture, wear on the teeth. Bleachcomposition is the concentration of 30% hydrogen peroxide, and the teeth of the generation of melanin reduction reaction, so that the teeth to restore the originalcolor. The risk of small, quick, on the gums and dental pulp without damage,treatment is usually about a month, no longer than 3 months; some people will feelthe tooth ache in the bleaching process, sensitive to heat and cold, this is a normalreaction, after completion of therapy will return to normal. Each tooth bleachingeffects are not the same, in order to achieve the best whitening effect, can be repeatedly bleach several times, up to no more than three courses, or a certain dwww.biboxiang.comamage to the teeth. 6, rehabilitation treatment Method of porcelain laminate veneers or porcelain tooth restoration for tooth to have crack, incomplete is a kind of ideal landscaping. We should pay attention to is,if only for the sake of whitening the normal tooth small, and a ceramic braces, thisThe loss outweighs the gain., or have a certain influence on the tooth itself,because the restorative treatment approach is needed to grind a part of naturalteeth, teeth covered in the corresponding parts with artificial porcelain veneers orporcelain teeth, advantages is the tooth color change significantly, www.pibaowg.com disadvantage is the need to grind a part of natural teeth, because there is probably a molarcomplications caused by stimulation of dental pulp. Note: not severe tooth discoloration and higher requirements for the change in tooth color people use bleach manner; a lot of people pretty one-sided pursuit of white teeth, but normal teeth are yellow, the color of teeth enamel mineralization is good, a high degree of calcification, www.road5.netdentin color through the translucent enamelshow much.
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