

2013-12-25 16页 pdf 196KB 40阅读




简称 8 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Acronyms (English) / 缩略词(英文) AADFI Association of African Development Finance Institutions 非洲开发金融机构协会 AADT annual average daily traffic 年度日平均交通流量 ABEDA Arab ...
8 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Acronyms (English) / 缩略词(英文) AADFI Association of African Development Finance Institutions 非洲开发金融机构协会 AADT annual average daily traffic 年度日平均交通流量 ABEDA Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa 非洲经济发展阿拉伯银行 ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific States 非洲、加勒比及太平洋国家 ACP African, Caribbean and Pacific 非洲、加勒比及太平洋地区 ACSAD Arab Center for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands 阿拉伯干旱地区和陆地研究中心 ADAB Australian Development Assistance Bureau 澳大利亚开发援助局 ADB African Development Bank 非洲开发银行 ADB Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行 ADC Andean Development Corporation 安第斯开发公司 ADF African Development Fund 非洲开发基金会 ADFAED Abu Dhabi Fund for Arab Economic Development 阿布扎比争取阿拉伯经济发展基 金 ADT average daily traffic 日平均交通流量 AEO agricultural extension officer 农业技术推广官员 AfDB African Development Bank 非洲开发银行 AfDF African Development Fund 非洲开发基金会 AFESD Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development 阿拉伯经济与社会发展基金会 AGCD Belgian Administration for Development Cooperation 比利时开发合作署 AIC average incremental cost 平均增量成本 AID (United States) Agency for International Development (美国)国际开发署 AIDS acquired immune-deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺损综合症(艾滋病) ALADI Latin American Integration Association 拉丁美洲一体化协会 AMSC African Management Services Company 非洲管理服务公司 AMTIESA Association of Management Training Institutes of Eastern and Southern Africa 东部和南部非洲管理培训学院协 会 APD agricultural price deflator 农业价格缩减指数 9 ____________________________________________________________________________________ APDF African Project Development Facility 非洲项目发展基金 APPER Africa's Priority Program for Economic Recovery 非洲经济复兴重点 ARD agriculture and rural development 农业与农村开发 ARI accounting rate of interest 会计利率 ASAL agricultural sector adjustment loan 农业部门调整贷款 AsDB Asian Development Bank 亚洲开发银行 AT appropriate technology 适用技术 AU animal unit 牲畜单位 BCEAO Central Bank of West African States 西非国家中央银行 bdoe barrels per day of oil equivalent 日产石油桶当量 BEAC Bank of Central African States 中非国家银行 BIS Bank for International Settlement 国际清算银行 BOAD West African Development Bank 西非开发银行 BOD biochemical oxygen demand 生化物需氧量 BOD5 biochemical oxygen demand over five days 生化物五天需氧量 boe barrels of oil equivalent 石油桶当量 BTO back-to-office report 出差情况汇报 BTU British Thermal Unit 英国热量单位 CABEI Central American Bank for Economic Integration 中美洲经济一体化银行 CACM Central American Common Market 中美洲共同市场 CAD cash against documents 交单付款 CAD computer aided design 计算机辅助设计 CAI computer aided instruction 计算机辅助指导 CAM computer aided manufacture 计算机辅助制造 CAM country assistance management 国别援助管理 CARIBANK Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比开发银行 CARICOM Caribbean Community 加勒比联盟 CB current blend 现时混合比率 CBF Central bank Facility 中央银行融通资金 CBR crude birth rate 总出生率 10 ____________________________________________________________________________________ CCCE Caisse Centrale de Coopération Economic 中央经济合作银行 [法] CCF consumption conversion factor 消费换算系数 CCL critical consumption level 临界消费水平 CDB Caribbean Development Bank 加勒比开发银行 CDC Commonwealth Development Corporation 英联邦开发公司 CEM country economic memorandum 国家经济备忘录 CEMLA Center for Latin American Monetary Studies 拉丁美洲货币研究中心 CES constant elasticity of substitution 不变替代弹性 CESW country economic and sector work 国别经济和部门研究 CGCED Caribbean Group for Cooperation in Economic Development 加勒比经济开发合作集团 CGE computable general equilibrium model 可计算的总体平衡模型 CGIAR Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research 国际农业研究磋商小组 CHW community health worker 社区保健人员 CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture 国际热带农业中心 CIDA Canadian International Development Agency 加拿大国际开发署 CIF cost, insurance and freight 到岸价格 CILSS Permanent Inter-State Committee for Drought Control in the Sahal 萨赫勒旱灾国际干旱委员会 CIMMYT International Center for Maize and Wheat Improvement 国际玉米和小麦改良中心 CIP International Potato Center 国际马铃薯中心 CIR country implementation review 国别项目执行情况检查 CKD completely knocked down 全部拆散的,整车拆散的 CMEA Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经济互助委员会 CMS World Bank Capital Markets System 世界银行资本市场体系 c.o.b. close of business 截止时间 CODAM Committee on Director's Administrative Matters 董事行政事项委员会 COLTS Continuously Offered Longer-Term Securities 连续上市的长期证券 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________ COMECON Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经济互助委员会 c/p charter party 租船契约,租船 CPE centrally planned economy 中央经济 CPI consumer price index 消费物价指数 CPM critical path method 关键工序线路法 CPP country program paper 国别方案报告 CRF capital recovery factor 资本回收系数 CRI consumption rate of interest 消费利率 DAC Development Assistance Committee (OECD) 发展援助委员会(经济合作与发 展组织) DACON Data on Consulting Firms 咨询公司数据 DANIDA Danish International Development Agency 丹麦国际开发局 DCF discounted cash flow 现金流量贴现 DEL direct exchange line 直接汇兑额度 DFC Development Finance Company 开发金融公司(新西兰) DFI Development Finance Institution 开发金融研究所(菲律宾) DOD debt outstanding and disbursed 已支付的未偿还债务 DRC domestic resource cost 国内资源成本 DRCC domestic resource cost coefficient 国内资源成本系数 DUP directly unproductive profit seeking activities 直接谋求非生产性利润的活动 DWT deadweight tonnage 载重吨位 EAL export adjustment loan 出口调整贷款 EC European Communities 欧洲联盟 ECA Economic Commission for Africa 非洲经济委员会 ECE Economic Commission for Europe 欧洲经济委员会 ECLAC Economic commission for Latin American and the Caribbean 拉丁美洲及加勒比地区经济委员 会 ECU European Currency Unit 欧洲货币单位(埃居) EDC Export Development Corporation (Canada) 出口发展公司(加拿大) EDF European Development Fund 欧洲开发基金 EDF export development fund 出口开发基金 12 ____________________________________________________________________________________ EDI Economic Development Institute 经济发展学院 EDT total external debt 外债总额 EEC European Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体 EEZ exclusive economic zone 专属经济区 EFT electronic funds transfer 电子资金转帐 EGS exports of goods and services 货物与劳务出口 EIB European Investment Bank 欧洲投资银行 EIRR economic internal rate of return 经济内部收益率 EMGF Emerging Markets Growth Fund 新兴市场发展基金 ENVP net present value in efficiency prices 净现值的效率价格 EPC effective protection coefficient 有效保护系数 EPP equivalent purchasing power 购买力等值 EPS Executive Project Summary 项目提要 EPZ export processing zone 出口加工区 ERL emergency reconstruction loan 紧急复兴贷款 ERP Export Rehabilitation Project 出口恢复项目 ERR economic rate of return 经济收益率 ESAMI Eastern and Southern African Management Institute 东部和南部非洲管理学院 ESCAP Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 亚洲及太平洋经济和社会理事会 ESMAP Energy Sector Management Assistance Program 能源部门管理援助计划 ESW economic and sector work 经济与部门研究 EUA European unit of Account 欧洲会计单位 FAC Fond d'Aide et de Coopération 援助与合作基金 FAO Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations 联合国粮食和农业组织 FAS free alongside ship 船边交货价格 FCL full container load (集装箱)整箱货 FFB fresh fruit bunch 鲜果束 FIAS Foreign Investment Advisory Service 外国投资咨询服务 FIFO first in, first out 先进先出法 FIL financial intermediary loan 13 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 金融中介机构贷款 FINNIDA Finnish Department of International Development Cooperation 芬兰国际开发合作部 fio free in and out 船方不负担装卸费用 FIRR financial internal rate of return 财务内部收益率 FOB, fob free on board 船上交货价格 foq free on quay 码头交货价格 fow free on wharf 码头交货价格 FSR farming systems research 耕作制度研究 FTZ free trade zones 自由贸易区 GAMS General Algebraic Modeling System 通用代数模型系统 GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 关税及贸易总协定 GCI General Capital Increase 普遍增资 GDI gross domestic investment 国内总投资 GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值 GDY gross domestic income 国内总收入 GFCF gross fixed capital formation 固定资本形成总额 GMP gross material product 物质生产总值;工农业生产总值 GNI gross national investment 国民总投资 GNP gross national product 国民生产总值 GNY gross national income 国民总收入 GRIP Guaranteed Recovery of Investment Principal 投资本金保收 GRT gross (register) tonnage 总(注册)吨位 GSP Generalized System of Preferences 普遍优惠制;普惠制 GTZ German Agency for Technical Cooperation 德国技术合作公司 GW gigawatt 十亿瓦,十万万瓦 HABITAT United Nations Center for Human Settlements 联合国人类居住中心 HDM Highways Design and Maintenance Model 公路设计和养护模型 HES household expenditure survey 家庭开支调查 HFCS high fructose corn syrup 高果糖玉米糖浆 14 ____________________________________________________________________________________ HYV high yielding variety 高产量品种 IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency 国际原子能机构 IARC international agricultural research centers 国际农业研究中心 IBF international banking facility 国际银行基金、便利 IBPGR International Board for Plant Genetic Resources 国际植物遗传资源委员会 IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行 ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民用航空组织 ICARDA International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas 干旱地区农业研究国际中心 ICAs international commodity agreements 国际商品协定 ICB international competitive bidding 国际竞争性招标 ICIPE International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology 国际昆虫生理学及生态学中心 ICOR incremental capital-output ratio 资本-产出增量比例 ICOs international commodity organizations 国际商品组织 ICP International Comparison Project 国际比较项目 ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics 国际半干旱热带地区作物研究所 ICSID International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes 解决投资争端国际中心 IDA International Development Association 国际开发协会 IDB Inter-American Development Bank 美洲开发银行 IDC interest during construction 建设期利息 IDF industrial development and finance 工业开发与融资 IDRC International Development Research Center 国际开发研究中心(加拿大) IDS International Development Strategy 国际发展战略 IEA International Energy Agency 国际能源机构 IEC information-education -communication (loan) 信息-教育-通讯(贷款) IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development 国际农业发展基金 IFC International Finance Corporation 国际金融公司 15 ____________________________________________________________________________________ IFIs international financial institutions 国际金融机构 IFPRI International Food Policy Research Institute 国际粮食政策研究所 IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture 热带农业国际研究所 ILCA International Livestock Center for Africa 国际非洲牲畜中心 ILO International Labor Office 国际劳工局 ILO International Labor Organization 国际劳工组织 ILRAD International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases 国际动物疾病研究实验室 IM initiating memorandum (项目)初始备忘录 IMF International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织 IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 IPF Indicative Planning Figures 指导性计划数字 IPPF International Planned Parenthood Federation 国际计划生育联合会 IRR internal rate of return 内部收益率 IRRI International Rice Research Institute 国际水稻研究所 IsDB Islamic Development Bank 伊斯兰开发银行 ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities 全部经济活动的国际产业分 类 ISNAR International Service for National Agricultural Research 国家农业研究国际服务中心 ITPA industrial and trade policy adjustment 工业与贸易政策调整 ITPAL industrial and trade policy adjustment loan 工业与贸易政策调整贷款 ITU International Telecommunications Union 国际电信联盟 KFAED Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development 科威特争取阿拉伯经济发展基金 KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau 复兴信贷银行(德国) LBO leveraged buyout 杠杆收购 LCB local competitive bidding 国内竞争性招标 LCL less than carloald freight 零担货运 LCL less than container load 拼箱装运 16 ____________________________________________________________________________________ LDC less developed country 欠发达国家 LER land equivalent, equivalent ratio 土地等值,等值比率 LIB limited international bidding 有限国际招标 LIBOR London interbank offered rate 伦敦银行同业往来贷款利率,伦 敦银行同业拆放利率 LIFO last in, first out 后进先出法 LLDCs least developed countries 最不发达国家 LMBO leveraged management buyout 杠杆管理收购 LMIC lower middle income country 中低收入国家 LNG liquefied natural gas 液化天然气 LPG liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气 LRAIC long-run average incremental cost 长期平均增量成本 LRMC long-run marginal cost 长期边际成本 LTB long-term blended cost rate 长期混合成本比率 LTPR long-term prime rate 长期优惠利率 M & E monitoring and evaluation 监测与评价 MAI mean annual increment 年平均增长量 mbdoe millions of barrels per day oil equivalent 日产石油百万桶当量 MBO management by objectives 目标管理 MCC marginal capacity cost 边际生产能力成本 MCH maternal and child health 妇幼保健 MCH mother and child health 妇幼保健 MFA Multifibre Arrangement 多种纤维协定 MFN most-favored-nation 最惠国 MGS imports of goods and services 货物与劳务进口 MIBOR Madrid interbank offered rate 马德里银行同业拆放利率 MIGA Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency 多边投资担保机构 MIIA Multilateral Investment Insurance Agency 多边投资保险机构 MIS management information system 管理信息系统 MOF multioption facility 多种选择贷款 MON motor octane number 马达辛烷值 17 ____________________________________________________________________________________ MOV maintenance of value 保值 MSAs most seriously affected countries 受影响最严重的国家 MSY maximum sustainable yield 最高可持续收益 MTN multilateral trade negotiations 多边贸易谈判 MTR Midterm Review 中期检察 MUV (World Bank) Manufacturing Unit Value (世界银行)制造单位值 MYRA multiyear rescheduling arrangement 多年债务调整安排 n.a. not applicable 不适用 n.a. not available 无资料可引,不详 NER net energy ratio 净能源比例 n.e.s. not elsewhere specified 未另 n.f.s. non-factor services 非要素服务 NGL natural gas liquids 液态天然气 NGO non-governmental organization 非政府组织 NIC newly industrialized country 新兴工业化国家(地区) NIC newly industrializing country 新兴工业化过程中的国家(地区) NIEO New International Economic Order 国际经济新秩序 n.i.e. not included elsewhere 别处未包括的,未另外列明的 NIF note issuance facility 票据发行资金 NMDC Netherlands Ministry for Development Cooperation 荷兰开发合作部 NMP net material product 物质生产净值 NORAD Norwegian Agency for International Development 挪威国际开发局 NPC nominal protection coefficient 名义保护系数 NPV net present value 净现值 NPW net present worth 净现值 NRR net reproduction rate 净生育率 NRT net register tonnage 净注册吨位 O & M Operations & Maintenance 经营与维修 O & M organization & methods 组织与方法 OAS Organization of American States 美洲国家组织 18 ____________________________________________________________________________________ OAU Organization of African Unity 非洲统一组织 OCAM Common African and Mauritian Organization 非洲与毛里求斯共同组织 OCT overseas countries and territories 海外国家和地区 ODA Overseas Development Administration (United Kingdom) 海外开发署(英国) ODA official development assistance 政府开发援助,官方开发援助 OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作与发展组织 OECF Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (Japan) 海外经济协力基金(日本) OECS Organization of Eastern Caribbean States 东加勒比海国家组织 OEOA Office for Emergency Operations in Africa 非洲紧急行动办公室 OFR on-farm research 农场研究 OLADE Latin American Energy Organization 拉丁美洲能源组织 OLS ordinary least squares 普通最小平方 OMA orderly marketing arrangements 有序销售安排 OMS Operational Manual Statement 业务手册条例 OOF other official flows 其他官方资金流量 OPAS Operational Assistance 业务援助计划 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织 ORT oral dehydration therapy 口服补液疗法 o/w of which 其中 PAG Preparatory Assistance to the Government (Mission) 对政府的预备援助(团) PAHO Pan American Health Organization 泛美卫生组织 PAYE pay-as-you-earn 现收现付 PCR project completion report 项目完成报告 PEARL public enterprise administration and reform loan 公共企业管理与改革贷款 PEM protein-energy malnutrition 蛋白能量营养不良 PER price-earning ratio; P/E ratio 价格收益比率 PERL public enterprise rationalization loan 公共企业合理化贷款 PERL public enterprise reform loan 19 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 公共企业改革贷款 PERL public enterprise rehabilitation loan 公共企业恢复贷款 PERL program evaluation and review technique 方案评审法 PFP Policy Framework Paper 政策框架报告 PIB Project Information Brief 项目情况简要介绍 PIR project implementation review 项目实施情况检察 PKD partly knocked down 部分拆散的 PMU project management unit 项目管理单位 PPAM project performance audit memorandum 项目实施情况审计备忘录 PPAR project performance audit report 项目实施情况审计报告 PPBS planning, programming, budgeting system 计划、规划和预算系统 PPF Project Preparation Facility 项目准备基金 PPR Performance Planning and Review 工作计划与考核(制度) PPR project performance report 项目实施情况报告 PQLI Physical Quality of Life Index 物质生活质量指数 PTO power take-off 动力输出装置 PTR pupil-teacher ratio 学生教师比例 PVO private voluntary organization 私人自愿组织 R & D research and development 研究与开发 RFP request for proposal 要求提出建议 RIC reconstruction import credit 建设用进口信贷 RMSM revised minimum standard model 修正的最低标准模型 ROA return on assets 资产收益 ROC return on capital 资本收益 ROE return on equity 股本收益 ROI return on investment 投资收益 ro/ro roll-on/roll-off 滚装/滚卸法 RTA reimbursable technical assistance 可偿还技术援助 RUF revolving underwriting facility 循环包销措施 SAD sector adjustment loan 部门调整贷款 SADCC Southern African Development Co-ordination Conference 20 ____________________________________________________________________________________ 南部非洲发展协调会议 SAL structural adjustment lending 结构调整贷款 SAM social accounting matrix 社会核算矩阵 SAMA Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency 沙特阿拉伯货币局 SAP (World Bank) Program of Special Assistance (to Member Countries) (世界银行)(对成员国提供的) 特别援助方案 SAR staff appraisal report 工作人员评估报告 SBC social benefit-cost ratio 社会效益成本比率 SCF standard conversion factor 标准换算系数 SCI selective capital increase 选择性增资 SCI special capital increase 特别增资 SDC Swiss Development Corporation 瑞士开发公司 SECAL sector adjustment Loan 部门调整贷款 SES socio-economic status 社会经济状况 SFA Special Facility for Africa 非洲特种贷款 SFD Saudi Fund for Development 沙特开发基金 SFSA Special Facility for Subsaharan Africa 撒哈拉以南非洲特种贷款 SIBOR Singapore interbank offer rate 新加坡银行同业往来利率 SID Society for International Development 国际开发学会 SIDA Swedish International Development Authority 瑞典国际开发署 SIL specific investment loan 特种投资贷款 SIM sector investment and maintenance loan 部门投资和维持贷款 SIR sector implementation review 部门执行情况检查 SITC Standard International Trade Classification 标准国际贸易分类 SKD semi-knocked down 部分拆散的 SLL sustainable level of lending 可持续的贷款水平 SME small and medium enterprises 中小型企业 SMI small and medium industries 中小型工业 SMS subject matter specialist 专题专家 SMSE small- and medium-scale enterprises 中小型企业 21 ____________________________________________________________________________________ SMSI small- and medium-scale industries 中小型工业 SNPV social net present value 社会净现值 SOE statement of expenditure 费用报表 SOE state-owned enterprise 国有企业 SPAAR Special Program for African Agricultural Research 非洲农业研究特别计划 SPPF Special Project Preparation Facil
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