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英语语气词英语语气词(Interjection) 英语语气词(Interjection) 几乎所有的语言中都有许多的感叹词,而在这些感叹词中有很多大同小异的东西。不过,由于文化习俗语言的不同,感叹词又有很多不同的东西。 在日常生活中,美国人其实很少说脏话,尤其在不是很熟的人之间。因为美国人觉得说脏话很不礼貌,同时也是没有教养的表现。但这并不意味着美国人不说脏话,而只不过是没有像我们在电视电影里看到的那么多罢了。而很多脏话又都有委婉的代替形式,脏话也就没有那么“脏”了。如果你听到美国人说脏话,那么要么是在特别亲密的人之间,要么是桀骜不驯的...
英语语气词(Interjection) 英语语气词(Interjection) 几乎所有的语言中都有许多的感叹词,而在这些感叹词中有很多大同小异的东西。不过,由于文化习俗语言的不同,感叹词又有很多不同的东西。 在日常生活中,美国人其实很少说脏话,尤其在不是很熟的人之间。因为美国人觉得说脏话很不礼貌,同时也是没有教养的现。但这并不意味着美国人不说脏话,而只不过是没有像我们在电视电影里看到的那么多罢了。而很多脏话又都有委婉的代替形式,脏话也就没有那么“脏”了。如果你听到美国人说脏话,那么要么是在特别亲密的人之间,要么是桀骜不驯的年轻人,要么就是讲话的人气愤至极。很多人在讲完脏话后,还会不好意思地说声“对不起”。所以和老美交流的时候,最好不讲脏话,尤其是不要先讲脏话。脏话有很多微妙的用法,用不好,不仅会被人暗暗嘲笑,还会被人看不起,可一定要多注意。 英语有很多感叹词,大家都比较熟悉的可能是Oh my God,它的中文意思就是“我的老天!我的上帝!”一般用于表达惊奇,喜悦,或愤怒。如: Oh my God! I've never seen a spider like that!! (老天爷!我从没有见过那样的蜘蛛!) Oh my God! Oh my God! I was accepted by Yale University! (噢,我的上帝!我被耶鲁大学录取了!) Oh my God! How many times do I need to tell you not to eat with your mouth full?(天哪,我得告诉你多少遍不要在嚼东西的时候说话?) 还有一个和它用法几乎一样的短语:Oh my Gosh!有时简略为Gosh!如: Oh my gosh! This room is a mess! (天!这屋子真是乱死了!) Gosh! Would you stop screaming like that! People try to study here. (天哪,你能别那么嚷嚷吗?这儿可有人要学习。) Gosh!This room is a mess! 表达惊讶等语气,还可以用Holy Cow!意思和Wow!差不多。不过这个短语用的不如上面两个那么广泛。比如说下面的例句里,讲话的人就使用了这个感叹方式: Holy cow!Your new Jag is so cool!(哇!你这辆新美洲虎可真酷!) 当用英文说“该死”,“倒霉”时,大部分人会想到Shit!或者Damn,这两个词的确可以表达“该死”“倒霉”的意思,但它们都是脏话,用时容易引起麻烦。可用Shoot!它只有很轻微的诅咒意义,可以放心大胆使用。如:几个哥们商量周六去钓鱼,这时候突然有人说:“Shoot!I promised my wife I will take her to her folks’ on Saturday.” 那么他的意思就是:该死!我答应周六带我老婆去她娘家的。再比如说,一个有点丢三落四的女孩刚到家,突然说:Shoot! I left my purse in the car! 那么她就得赶紧回到车那边去,因为她竟然把手袋都落下了! 在我们眼里,美国人可算是表情丰富至极,动不动就大呼小叫的,好像特别喜欢夸张。其实,这只不过是他们表达感情的方式罢了。因为大多数美国人都愿意把情绪表现在脸上,尤其是快乐的时候,总是想让全世界都知道。微笑对美国人来说,是非常重要的。在很多地方,就算陌生人打了照面,也会微笑着和对方打个招呼,既让对方有个好心情,也让自己快快乐乐的。他们不喜欢Poker Face(面无表情的脸)和Stone Face(表情僵硬的脸,总是在和谁生气的样子),觉得这两种人要不就是很不友好,要不就是心怀鬼胎(哈哈,当然还没那么严重)。所以,在面部表情如此重要的国家里,表达心情的感叹词也就大有用处了。不过,凡事都不能过头,感叹词也千万不要滥用,用的过多,会给人一种过分Emotional和靠不大住的感觉。因此,除了了解这些感叹词的用法外,更重要的还是观察,看看老美是怎么用的,然后就会慢慢有感觉了。 有一个短语,大概是我们一学习英语就会接触到的,就是All Right。它除了作感叹词外,还有其他的用法。 All Right的第一个用法和Ok, Yes一样,比如一位母亲在向孩子交待任务:Walk the dog after finishing your homework, ok? All right, I'll do it.(你写完作业后去溜狗,行吗?好吧,我会去的。) 在这个对话里,Walk the Dog的意思就是“溜狗”。 All Right的另一个意思是“for Sure”,“肯定”。比如在一次审讯中,一个疑犯对警察说,“He was the one who did it, all right.”他的意思就是,“是他干的,我肯定。” All Right还可以当“还行”,“不错”讲,当它修饰名词时,All Right之间要用一个连线连接起来,变成All-Right。我们可以看看下面两段对话:   “I heard you had a car accident. Are you ok?” “I'm all right now.”   (“我听说你发生车祸了。你还好吗?” “我现在还行。”)   “How do you like that man?” “Well, he is an all-right guy.”   (“你觉得那个人怎么样?” “嗯,他还可以吧。”) All Right的最后一个用法就是作为感叹词,表示赞许,“好啊!”“太棒了!”如:When the guitarist began his solo,the entire audience explodedsintosa roaring ‘All right!’(当吉他手开始独奏时,全场轰鸣,观众高喊“太棒了!”) P.S.:部分英语语气词 Ah! / ɑː / used to show surprise, happiness, agreement etc. (表示惊奇、高兴或同意等)啊 Ah, I see.啊,我明白了。 Ah! There you are! Aha! / ɑːˈhɑː / used to show that you understand or realize something (表示突然理解或发现某事物)啊哈,噢,嘿 Aha, now I see what you mean.噢!我现在明白你什么意思了! Aha! So you planned all this, did you? Ahem! / mˈhm ; spelling pronunciation əˈhem / a sound like a cough that you make to attract someone’s attention, or when you are saying something embarrassing 轻声咳嗽,用于表示有一点尴尬、好笑、怀疑、不同意或吸引注意力 Ahem, I wonder if I can raise this problem with you now. 呃哼,我现在能否向您提及这问题。 Alas! / əˈlæs / used to express sadness, shame, or fear(表示悲伤或遗憾)哎呀,唉 "Will you be able to come tomorrow?" "Alas, no."“你明天能来吗?”“唉,不行。” Bah! / bɑː / used to show disapproval of something(表示恼怒、不赞同)呸 Bah! That’s stupid. Bah! You've wasted my time. Goodbye. 呸!你在浪费我的时间,再见。 Bingo / ˈbɪŋɡəʊ $ -ɡoʊ / used when you have just done something successfully and are pleased. (表示惊讶、得意)瞧,嘿 Jay:Bingo. I think Mom will love it. Jay.答对了。我认为妈一定会很喜欢的。 Bingo! That’s the one I’ve been looking for. Brrr! 阿,啊,寒冷 Jessie:Brrr! It's already March, but it's so cold today! I can't stand it. 洁西:呼!都已经三月了,今天还这么冷!真受不了。 Damn (Damn it, Dammit) / dæm / ①used when you are very annoyed or disappointed. Damn! I’ve left my keys in the office. Damn, I have spit coffee down my blouse! 真倒霉,我把咖啡洒到衬衫上了! ②used when something is impressive or surprising. Damn,she is old. Darn! (Darn it/him/them etc!) / dɑːn $ dɑːrn / used to show that you are annoyed or disappointed(用于替代damn)可恶,可恨,讨厌, Darn! I forgot my keys! Darn it! I’ll have to do it at all myself! Darn it! There goes my bus! 讨厌!我要坐的公共汽车刚刚开走! Eek! / iːk / an expression of sudden fear and surprise Eek! A mouse! For God’s/Christ’s/goodness’/Heaven’s/Pete's sake! 1used when you are telling someone how important it is to do something or not to do something For goodness' sake, don’t be late! 2used to show that you are angry or annoyed What is it now, for God’s sake? Gee! / dʒiː / used to show that you are surprised or annoyed → wow惊奇,赞美 Tips:Gee! 是英语里面很常见的一个语气词,请看下面一段对话: L: 你是说gee放在句子里,可以表示惊奇或是怀疑。可要是拖长了调,说geeeeee,这说话的人啊就是假装他感到惊奇。等等,那要是我问你,纽约今年的冬天会冷吗?这个问题当然是很傻啦,因为纽约的冬天总是冷的,那,你会怎么样带着讽刺的口气来回答呢? M: I would say, "Gee..., I don't know... Winter here has been cold every year for the last ten thousand years, but maybe this year will be different." L: 几千年来纽约的冬天都是冷的,今年可能会不同,哎,Michael, 你也真是能说反话哎! M: Now, Li Hua, why don't you give me an example using "Gee" without sarcasm to show that you are surprised. L: 举个不带讽刺意思的例子啊... 哎,要是你告诉我你得到一大笔让你到中国去学习的奖学金,我就会说:Gee, that's great!。 Gee, everything seems so good. 哇!每样好像都很不错 Gee, thanks. you make my day.哈,谢谢。你(这么说)叫我非常高兴。 Aw, gee, Mom, do we have to go? God! (Good god! Great God! ) 惊奇,恐惧 Oh, my God! Goddamn(God damn, Goddamned, Goddam) / ˈɡɒdæm $ ˌɡɑːdˈdæm◂ / a word used to show that you are angry or annoyed, considered offensive by some Christians Goddamn (it), how much longer will it take! 该死,这还要再花多长时间? Don’t drive so goddamn fast!别他妈的开这么快! Where’s the goddamn key? gracious (me)!/good gracious!/goodness gracious! used to express surprise or to emphasize ‘yes’ or ‘no’ Good gracious! What on earth has happened to your feet? ‘Did you ever go back?’ ‘Good gracious, no.’ my goodness!/goodness (gracious) me!/Goodness! said when you are surprised or sometimes angry My goodness, you have spent a lot! Gosh! / ɡɒʃ $ ɡɑːʃ / used to express surprise Gosh, it’s cold. Oh, my gosh, you're delirious. 噢,我的天哪,你都开始乱说话了 Barbara: Gosh! What did you do? 芭巴拉:天啊!你干了些什么呀? Ha(Hah) / hɑː / used when you are surprised or have discovered something interesting Ha! I thought it might be you hiding there! God/Heaven forbid! used to emphasize that you hope that something will not happen ‘Supposing I had an accident.’ ‘God forbid!’ Heaven forbid! I'd be the last person to say anything like that about you. 但愿不要这样!我是最不愿意那样说你的。 Heaven help somebody! 1 used to express sympathy for someone who is in a dangerous or difficult situation ‘The two boys are going to the dentist on Thursday.’ ‘Heaven help the dentist.’ 2 used to say that you will be very angry with someone if they do something Heaven help him if he ever comes back here again! (Good) Heavens! 惊奇,害怕 Help! 求助 Hey! / heɪ / 1 a shout used to get someone’s attention or to show surprise, interest, or annoyance Hey, wait a minute! 2 hello Hey, what’s up? 3 but hey said when you do not think something is important I would have liked to go, but hey, it's no big deal. Hmmm! / m, hm / a sound that you make to express doubt, a pause, or disagreement Hmmm, maybe I'll check it out.嗯,也许我需要去看看。 Hip, Hip, Hurray/Hooray/Hurrah! / hʊˈreɪ, ˌhuːˈreɪ◂ / used as a shout of approval 万岁!(喝彩声) Ho(a)! 惊奇,满足,喜悦或唤起注意 Ho Ho used to represent the sound of laughter Ho-hum used to say that you are bored(表示厌烦或接受不愉快的事实)哼 So I’ve got to do it at again .Ho-hum.这么说我得从头再来了。哼。 Huh(uh-huh)/hʌ / What does that tells you, huh? 那告诉你什么,你说呢? BILL: Uh-huh. Fifteen minutes. 是的, 迟到了十五分钟. I’ll be darned! / dɑːnd $ dɑːrnd / used when you are surprised about something Did they really? I’ll be darned! Jesus (Jesus Christ)! used to express anger, surprise, or shock (表示惊讶、震惊或恼怒)天哪 Jesus, just look what a mess they’ve made!天哪,看看他们搞得一团糟! Jesus! That was close! Tips: Be careful about using Jesus in this way, because Christians find it offensive. LOL( lol ) “LOL”是首字母缩略字,指Laughing Out Loud或Laugh Out Loud,意即大声地笑。 Tips:LOL是常见的网络语言用语,最初在Usenet上流行,及后在其他电脑辅助沟通工具中广泛使用,甚至在其他媒体也有使用。 Look out! used to warn someone that they are in danger Look out! There’s a car coming. Mmmm! 品尝满意 Oho! used to show that you are surprised or happy about something Oh-oh! 遇到不顺心的事 Ouch / aʊtʃ / a sound that you make when you feel sudden pain 如果你被什么东西刮碰蹭,或被什么东西弄伤了,用什么感叹词合适呢?Ouch!是最好的选择之一。如: Ouch!You are hurting me!哎哟,你弄疼我了! Ouch! That hurt! Ow! / aʊ / used to express sudden pain ‘Ow, that hurts!’ Psst! / pst / a sound people make when they want to attract someone’s attention without other people noticing Psst! Guess what? Say! used to express surprise, or to get someone’s attention so that you can tell them something Say, haven’t I seen you before somewhere? Shit! used to express anger, annoyance, fear, or disappointment Shit! I’ve left my purse at home. Tsk-tsk! a way of writing a sound that is made to show disapproval Tut!(Tut-tut!)/ tʌt / the sound that you make by touching the top of your mouth with your tongue in order to show disapproval Ugh! / ʊx, ʌɡ / the sound that people make when something is extremely unpleasant Ugh! That’s disgusting! Uh-oh / ˈʌ əʊ $ -oʊ / a sound that you make when you have made a mistake, or when something bad is going to happen Uh-oh, I think I just deleted all my work. Uh-oh! Here she comes. Watch it! used to warn someone to be careful Watch it, there’s a car. Well! 1 used to emphasize something you are saying Well, I think it’s a good idea anyway. Well, I’ve had enough and I’m going home! ‘James doesn’t want to come to the cinema with us.’ ‘Well then, let’s go on our own.’ 2 used to pause or give yourself time to think before saying something Well, let’s see now, I could meet you on Thursday. 3 ( also oh well ) used to show that you accept a situation even though you feel disappointed or annoyed about it Well, I did my best – I can’t do any more than that. Oh well, we’ll just have to cancel the holiday, I suppose. 4 ( also well, well, (well) ) used to express rise or amusement Well, so Steve got the job? Well, well, well, I didn’t think I’d see you here. 5 used to express anger or disapproval Well, she could at least have phoned to say she wasn’t coming! 6 used to show that you are about to finish speaking or doing something : Well, that’s all for today. Well, that’s the last one done. 7 used to show that you are not sure about something ‘Will you be in on Friday evening?’ ‘Well, it depends.’ 8 used to slightly change something that you have said He’s rolling in money! Well, he’s got a lot more than me, anyway. 9 very well used to show that you agree with an idea or accept a suggestion ‘Very well,’ he said. ‘I accept.’ 10 used to continue a story you are telling people, especially in order to make it seem more interesting You know that couple I was telling you about the other day? Well, last night I saw a police car in front of their house! 11 Well? used to ask someone to answer a question you have asked them, when you are angry with them Well? What have you got to say for yourself? Whew! / hjuː / used when you are surprised, very hot, or feeling glad that something bad did not happen SYN phew Whew, it was hot. whoop / wuːp, huːp / verb 1 to shout loudly and happily Hundreds of people ran past them, whooping joyously. 2 Whoop it up to enjoy yourself very much, especially in a large group — whoop noun [ countable ] whoops of victory whoop-de-do / ˌwuːp diː ˈduː, ˌhuːp- / used to show that you do not think something that someone has told you is as exciting or impressive as they think it is ‘He says he’ll give me a $20 raise.’ ‘Well, whoop-de-do.’ Whoopee! / wʊˈpiː / a shout of happiness Whoopee, it’s the holidays!哈哈,假期来了 Whoops!/ Oops! / wʊps / 1 said when someone has fallen, dropped something, or made a small mistake Whoops! I nearly dropped it. Whoops! I nearly dropped it. Oops, I’ve spelt that wrong. Oops! I locked my key in the car. 2 whoops-a-daisy said when someone, usually a child, falls down Tips:Woops!通常是讲话的人不小心做错了什么事或忘了什么事时用的。比如一个孩子洗碗时不慎打破了盘子,他可能就会说:“Woops!”如:Woops! I accidentally deleted all the files in this folder. (糟糕!我不小心把这个文件夹里文件都给删除了。) 但是如果你被什么东西刮碰蹭,或被什么东西弄伤了,用什么感叹词合适呢?Ouch!是最好的选择之一。一个人突然被虫子咬了一口,他就可以说,“Ouch! I was bitten by a bug!” Whoop it up to enjoy yourself very much, especially in a large group Wow! used when you think something is very impressive or surprising Wow! Look at that! Yuck, Yuk / jʌk / used to show that you think something is very unpleasant Oh yuck! I hate mayonnaise. 对比:Yuck! 好难吃!Yum!真好吃! yum / jʌm / said when you think something tastes very good yum-yum 唔唔(用以表示满足,愉快之感叹词) The little bear's face gets covered with honey. ” Yum, yum, yummy!” His mother, father, and sister lick his face. 小熊满脸糊满了蜂蜜。“吧唧!吧唧!吧唧!“熊妈妈、熊爸爸和熊姐姐都开始舔小熊脸上的蜂蜜。
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