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轻松学习英语语法 轻松学习英语语法 目录 1、冠词 2、名词 3、代词 4、动词 5、非谓语动词 6、形容词和副词 7、介词及介词短语 8、连词 9、数词 10、主谓一致 11、反意疑问句 12、感叹句 13、名词从句(包括主语从句和宾语从句) 14、定语从句 15、状语从句(包括时间、地点、方式、比较、原因、结果、目的、条件和让步状语从句) 16、时态 17、语态 18、虚拟语气 19、语序 20、倒装 英语花絮 元音字母发音 1.开音节 1)...
轻松学习英语语法 目录 1、冠词 2、名词 3、代词 4、动词 5、非谓语动词 6、形容词和副词 7、介词及介词短语 8、连词 9、数词 10、主谓一致 11、反意疑问句 12、感叹句 13、名词从句(包括主语从句和宾语从句) 14、定语从句 15、状语从句(包括时间、地点、方式、比较、原因、结果、目的、条件和让步状语从句) 16、时态 17、语态 18、虚拟语气 19、语序 20、倒装 英语花絮 元音字母发音 1.开音节 1)以发音的元音字母结尾的音节。 例:be,he。公式:辅音+一个元音 2)以辅音字母(r,w,y 除外)+不发音的e结尾的音节。 例:make,like, cake。公式:辅音+一个元音+一个或几个辅音+不发音的e 2.闭音节 以一个或几个辅音字母(r 除外)结尾而中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为闭音节。 例:map,desk,is。在重读的闭音节中元音字母读作短元音。 将陈述句变为一般疑问句 例: I am a student. Are you a student? We are nurses. Are you nurses? I like apples. Do you like apples? I can drive a car. Can you drive a car? 注:主语为第一人称,应将其改为第二人称。 There is , must, may 和need 一般疑问句的问答 例: Is there a post office near here? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t. Must I go to bed? Yes, you must/you have to. No, you needn’t /you don’t have to. May I play games on Sunday? Yes, you may/can. No, you mustn’t/can’t/may not. Need I stay at home on Sunday? Yes, you must. No, you needn’t. On the tree 与in the tree 的区别 例: There are a lot of apples on the tree.(树上长出来的) There are lots of birds in the tree.(外来的) On, over 和above的区别(在…上面) on指在接触面上面 Over指在正上方 Above 不一定在正上方 Be made of 与be made from 的区别 Be made of 用…制成(看得出原料) 例:Ships used to be made entirely of wood. Be made from(看不出原料) 例:Soy sauce is made from soybeans. Like to do与 like doing 的区别 肯定区别 Like to do 具体,短时间 例:I like to climb mountains. Like doing 长时间 例:I like climbing mountains. 否定没区别 Used to 与be used to 的区别 Used to do 过去常常 例:I used to get up at seven in the morning. Be used to doing 习惯于 1、冠词分为不定冠词(a或an)、定冠词(the)和零冠词。 不定冠词(a或an) 1.a与an的用法区别 a用在辅音前;an用在元音前。 例:A university university这个单词的第一个发音是j所以前面用a。 There is an “m” in the word “team”. m 这个字母的第一个发音是e所以前面用an。 2.泛指人或物 例:He is a student. 定冠词(the)的用法 1.特指人或物 例:The boy in green is his brother. 2.说话人与听话人都知道的人或物 例:Take the green one, it looks good in quality. 3.第二次提到的人或物 例:There was once a king. The king treated people kindly. 4.世界上独一无二的事物 例:The moon goes around the earth.. 5.形容词最高级、序数词和方位名词前 例:The car is the best one in the world. 6.乐器前 例:He is playing the guitar. 7.定冠词与某些形容词连用示一类人 例:the poor(穷人), the rich(富人), the sick(病号), the disadvantaged(弱势群体) 8.某些专有名词前 例:the US, the PRC 9.一家人 例:the Greens(格林一家人) 10.固定词组 例:in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon 零冠词的用法 1.节假日、季节、月份、星期等前,一般不用冠词。 例:in Spring Festival, in Spring, in July, on Monday 2.复数名词表示一类人或物时,不用冠词 例:Thieves always hide themselves in the crowds. 3.称呼、头衔和职务前,一般不用冠词。 例:Manager Liu 4.三餐、球类、棋类前,不用冠词。 例:have breakfast, play football, play chess 5.学科、报纸和文章标常省去冠词。 例:I am interested in English. 6.固定词组 例:by sea, at night, in fact 冠词习题 1.What a heavy/light rain it is! (用于形容词之后)单数,表示某种类型的雨。 抽象名词和物质名词前一般不用冠词,但是抽象名词具体化后,常与冠词连用。 a/an+描述性形容词+抽象名词 2.What’s wisest is to get informed about the situation first. The stars are brightest when there is no moon. 定冠词常与形容词最高级连用,但是形容词最高级表示“十分”、“非常”和“极其”时或形容词所修饰的名词同自 身不同情况相比较时,一般不用定冠词。 3.“This is the chairman of the Students Union of our department.” “Who is monitor of your class?” 职位前一般不用冠词,但是表示担任该职位具体人时,常与定冠词连用。 4.Both old and young took part in the run. 定冠词常与名词化形容词连用,表示一类,但是表示对比、相互关联或连续概念的并列名词化形容词前,一般 不用冠词。 5.He looked both south and north before deciding which way to go. 定冠词常与表示方位单数可数名词连用,但是单独作副词时,不与冠词连用。 6.Scientists hoped to send an expedition to Mars during the 1990s. 数词前一般不用冠词,但是在逢十的复数数词前要用定冠词。 7.There is a horse and cart in front of the house. 两个单数可数名词成对表示一物体时,只在前一个名词前使用冠词。 8.Mary was a hairdresser before she turned painter. 在turn 或 go 当变成讲时,其后作表语的单数可数名词前不用冠词。 9.What make of car are you planning to buy? 在sort of, type of等表示类别的词组后面的单数可数名词前不用冠词。 10.Child as Tom is, you can’t fool him. 在普通名词+as开头的让步状语从句中,该单数普通名词不用冠词。 2、名词 名词大致分为可数名词(包括个体名词和集体名词)和不可数名词(包括物质名词和抽象名词)。 名词的数 名词的格 -’s所有格的构成方法 (1) 一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾-s的复数名词)加-’s: children's paradise 儿童乐园 (2) 带词尾-s的复数名词只加省字撇(’): the Greens’ car 格林家的小汽车 带词尾-s的单数名词,通常仍加-’s: the boss’s plan 老板的计划 (3) 带词尾-s的人名,可加’s 或只加省字撇(’): Dickens’ novels 狄更斯的小说 不带词尾-s却以咝音结尾者,一律加-’s: Marx's works 马克思的著作 (4) 用and连接的并列名词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列名词后加-’s,表示 共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-’s: Tom’s and Tim’s rooms 汤姆和蒂姆(各自)的房间 Tom and Tim’s room 汤姆和蒂姆(共同)的房间 注:有生命的名词所有格(’s或’)和无生命的名词所有格(of)。 3、代词包括人称代词、物主代词、反身代词(myself, ourselves, yourself, yourselves, himself, herself, itself, themselves)、指示代词(this ,that, these, those, it, such)、不定代词(some, any, no, every, none, many, few, little, all, both, one, either, neither, other, a few, a little, another, )和疑问代词(who, whom, whose, what, which)) 人称代词和物主代词 注:人称代词主格做主语,人称代词宾格做宾语。形容词性物主代词加名词做主语等于名词性物主代词做主语。 4、动词,从其含义来分,动词有实义动词、连系动词(be, am, are, is, were, was, become, get, turn, look, sound, smell, feel, seem )、情态动词(shall, should, will, would, can, could, may, might, must, have to, need)和助动词 (do, dose, did)。从是否需要宾语来分,实义动词又可分为及物动词和不及物动词intransitive verb(独立作谓 语)。 5、非谓语动词(包括不定式和Ing分词) 不定式做主语 例: It is important for us to study hard from now on. 注:It(形式主语) is(was) adj. (for sb.(逻辑主语)) to do (真正主语)sth. 不定式做表语 Be to do 例: My dream is to be a translator. My work is to upload data every day. 不定式做宾语 动词+不定式 例: I intend to give a banquet tonight. 动词+it(形式宾语)+形容词+不定式 例: I find it boring to stay at home all day long. 不定式做介宾 介词but, besides, except, save 和instead of 等等。 but, besides, except和save。 例: There is nothing for it but to console her. The clerk can do nothing but agree to the boss’s suggestion. Instead of 例: She wants to open a firm by herself instead of take over her mother’s. 不定式做宾补 allow (permit, admit, advise, encourage, recommend等等) sb(宾语) to do(宾补)或allow doing(宾语) 例: Allow me to introduce myself. 不定式做定语 不定式做定语修饰名词 例: The forum to take place tomorrow morning is bound to be a great success. Do you have any chance to win the game? I have not got a bench to sit on. 不定式做状语 例: Let’s hurry so as not to be late for the wedding ceremony.(目的) He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.(结果) She is anxious to see her son.(原因) Ing分词做主语 It be 表语ing分词 例: It is no use talking too much. Ing分词做表语 例: The story is very interesting.(指物) I am interested in science fiction films.(指人) Ing分词做宾语 例: I mind smoking inside. They feel like smoking inside. I am afraid of being beaten by myself. Regret, remember, go on 和mean 加to do与doing的区别 Regret to do 因要做某事而感到遗憾;doing 因做了某事而感到遗憾。 Remember to do 记得要去做某事;doing 记得曾做过某事。 Go on to do 做完原来的动作以便继续做某事;doing 继续进行原来的动作。 Mean to do 打算做某事;doing 意味着做某事 注:一般来讲,to do 有表将来的含义而doing 有表已经完成的含义。 6、形容词和副词 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 规则变化形容词+er和+est(以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,双写辅音字母+er和+est。以辅音字母+y结尾 双音节词,变y为i后+er和+est。多音节和部分双音节形容词,在其前加more和most) 不规则变化形容词单独记忆(good/well-better-best,bad/ill-worse-worst,little-less-least,far-farther/further- farthest/furthest,many/much-more-most) 形容词原级 As+形容词原级+as(和…一样) Not as/so+形容词原级+as(…不如…) 形容词比较级 (much, even, still, a little, a bit, a lot, any, far表示…的多,甚至…,更…)形容词比较级+than(…比…更…) 形容词最高级 The 形容词最高级+of或in表示范围的短语。 7、介词及介词短语((日常积累)in, at, on) 8、连词((日常积累)and, or, but, for, not only…but also, as well as, both…and…, neither…nor…, while, yet, however, or else, either…or…, otherwise) 9、数词(包括基数词(twenty 二十)和序数词(twentieth 第二十)) 注:序数词前加the。 10、主谓一致 语法原则(单三不离s)、意义原则(集体名词指整体用单数,具体成员用复数。)、就近原则(or, either…or…, neither…nor…, but, not only…but also)和固定词组(many a 单数可数名词、more than one 单数可 数名词等等用单数。) 例: He goes to school. (语法原则) Today the Chinese football team beat the Japanese football team. (意义原则) The Chinese football team wins the title. (意义原则) Neither all of the cookies nor all of the fruit has been eaten. (就近原则) More than one nurse has been infected with the disease.(固定词组) 11、反意疑问句 反意疑问句(used to) 例: She used to go to bed at nine in the evening, didn’t she (usedn’t she) ? There used to be a cherry tree in the backyard, wasn’t there ? 反意疑问句(祈使句) 例: Let’s go shopping, shall we ? 注:Let us, Let him, Let me 开头的祈使句用“will you”。 Open the window for me, will you ? Don’t interrupt him, will you ? 大家可以看出除了Let’s引导的祈使句用“shall we”外都可以用“will you”。 反意疑问句(have) 例: She has two sisters, hasn’t she (doesn’t she)? She doesn’t have any brothers, does she? 注:have (经历、吃或得到)疑问句尾只能用do的适当形式。 例: We have to get up now, don’t we? She had to be there before seven, didn’t she? 大家可以看出都可以用do 的适当形式。 反意疑问句(ought to) 例: He ought to study hard, shouldn’t he(oughtn’t he)? 反意疑问句(need和dare) 例: You don’t need to work on Sundays, do you?(实意动词) You needn’t work on Sundays, need you?(情态动词) You don’t dare to do it, do you?(实意动词) You dare not do it, dare you?(情态动词) 反意疑问句(must) 例: I must go on business tomorrow, mustn’t I?(必须) You must be very thirsty, aren’t you?(表示推测) You must have watched the TV series last night, didn’t you?(表示推测) You must go right away now, needn’t you?(有必要) 反意疑问句(had better, would rather 和would like) 例: You’d better study hard from now on, hadn’t you? You’d rather die than compromise, wouldn’t you? You’d like to play the guitar, wouldn’t you? 反意疑问句(复合句) 例: I don’t think it is funny, is it?(否定转移) What she says is wrong, isn’t it?(主语从句) 反意疑问句(everybody) everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nobody, no one 等做主语。 例: Everyone wants to know the secret, don’t they(doesn’t he)? 反意疑问句(everything) Everything, something, anything, nothing, this, that 等做主语。 例: Everything seems to be well, isn’t it? 反意疑问句(one) 例: One can’t be too careful, can you? 反意疑问句(否定或半否定词) No, never, hardly, scarcely, rarely, seldom, few, little, nowhere, nothing等等。 例: He seldom got drunk, did he? 反意疑问句(感叹句) Be的否定式加you或he(指人)。 Be的否定式加it(指物)。 例:What a beautiful picture, isn’t it? 12、感叹句 What (a/an) 形容词 名词 (陈述句(即主语+谓语))! 例:what a beautiful scenery! How 形容词/副词 陈述句(即主语+谓语)! 例:How hard they are studying! 带such和so 的感叹句。 例:The girls look so pretty! He is such a good man! 一般疑问句否定开头的感叹句。 例:Isn’t it a nice day! 13、名词从句(包括主语从句和宾语从句) 主语从句引导词(that或wh-) It + be + 形容词/名词词组/过去分词/不及物动词/固定短语 + 主语从句 例: That the seas are being overfished has been known for years. It is essential that everybody know what to do. It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. It is proved that Mary is the best singer in the school. It happened that I remembered the address. It doesn’t matter too much whether they will come. 宾语从句(陈述句,一般疑问句变为宾语从句用if 或 whether, 特殊疑问句变为宾语从句用特殊疑问词。) Assume, believe, fancy, guess, imagine, suppose, think 引导两个分句时,第二个分句不可省略that。 例: Does she have any money? I wanted to know… I wanted to know if/whether she had any money. Who teaches you English? He asked me… He asked me who taught me English. I think you have done your best and that things will improve. 注:主句和分句之间有插入语时,不可省略that。 14、定语从句 定语从句引导词包括who, whom, whose(指人), which(指物), that(指人或物), where(地点), when(时 间), why(原因) Which可引导非限制性定语从句 例: His new car, for which he paid 30000 RMB, has already had to be repaired. 注:that不能引导非限制性定语从句。 15、状语从句(包括时间、地点、方式、比较、原因、结果、目的、条件和让步状语从句) 时间状语从句引导词 When, before, after, while, since(自从), as(当…时,一边…一边), till(直到…时为止), as soon as(一…就), the moment(一…就), the minute(一…就), once(一…就), no sooner…than, (一…就)hardly…when(一…就), whenever When主从句谓语动词动作同时发生或从句动作发生在主句动作之前。 while主从句谓语动词动作同时,不能表示一点时间。 as主从句谓语动词动作同时,可以表示一点时间。 before从句动作发生在主句动作之后。 after从句动作发生在主句动作之前。 当hardly, scarcely, rarely和no sooner位于句首时,主句应用倒装语序。 地点状语从句引导词 Where, wherever 注:地点状语从句位于句首时,常用逗号与主句隔开;位于句尾时则不用逗号。 where引导定语从句与状语从句的区别:作状语,则是状语从句;作定语修饰名词,则是定语从句 。where引导 定语从句时,从句前应有一个表示地点的名词作先行词;而状语从句前则无需先行词。 方式状语从句引导词 As(照…方式,正如), as if(像…,好像…), as though(像…,好像…), just as…so…(正如), the way (that)( 照…方式) 注:As if 和as though从句的时态用过去时(虚拟语气与现在事实相反) 比较状语从句引导词 Than, the+比较级…the+比较级, as+原级+…as, not as(so)+原级+…as 原因状语从句引导词 Because(因为), since(既然), as(既然), now that(既然), seeing that(既然), considering that(既然), in that(既然), not that…but that(不是(因为)…而是(因为)…), on account of the fact that(由于,因 为), in view of the fact that(由于,因为), owing to the fact that(由于,因为)等等 结果状语从句引导词 So, so that, so…that, such…that 目的状语从句引导词 That, so, so that, in order that, lest, for fear that, in case 条件状语从句引导词 If(如果), unless(除非), as/so long as(如果, 只要), in case(假如), if only(只要), provided that(假 如), given that(如果,假如) 让步状语从句引导词 Though, although, even if, even though, however, whatever, no matter who 16、时态 一般现在时 单三不离s 1.表示习惯性动作。He often gets up at seven o’clock. 2.表示能力。Fishes swim. 3.表示客观真理。The moon moves around the earth. 4.表示将来。(最典型的是起始动词)The coach leaves at eight o’clock. 5.表示过去。(叙述过去事情) 一般将来时和过去将来时(表示动作在将来或过去将来发生) Be to do, be about to do, be going to do, be due to do 注:起始动词用一般现在时(表一般将来)、现在进行时(表一般将来)或过去进行时(表过去将来)表将 来。 现在完成时 1.过去的动作对现在的影响 2.刚刚结束的动作 3.过去的动作或状态一直持续到现在 现在完成时的状语和固定句型 1.介词短语:由since, for, during, over, in等引出的短语。 2.副词:already, just, yet, ever, now, before, today, often, lately, recently等。 3.状语词组:this week(morning, month, year 等等), so far, up to now, many times, up to the present, all this year, all one’s life 等。 4.固定句型:This/That/It is the first(second, third等等)time(that/when)现在完成时;This is (one of)the最高级名词 (that) 现在完成时;This is the only名词 (that) 现在完成时 注:在“It is…since从句”中,一般不用现在完成时,也不可用否定形式。 过去完成时 表示过去的过去,用在过去范围内。 by the time, by the end of,before, since, until, when等等加上过去时的短语或句子,主语谓语用过去完成时。 注:hardly(scarcely)过去完成时when过去时;no sooner过去完成时than过去时。 将来完成时 将来某一确切时间点将完成的事件、推测或猜想。 by the time, by the end of, when, after, before等等加将来时间的短语或句子,主语谓语用将来完成时。 现在进行时、过去进行时和将来进行时。 1、表示某一时刻正在发生的动作。He is working now. 2、表示动作的暂时性、必然性和生动性。He is usually wicked, but he is being kind now. (暂时性) I will be meeting my brother at the railway station at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. (必然性) Look at the picture. The children are playing soccer on the playground. (生动性) 3、起始动词的进行时表示将来。The train is arriving in nine minutes. 4、用来表达某种情感。He is always complaining about his job. 17、语态分为主动语态和被动语态。及物动词(vt)做谓语时,才有被动形式。英语的被动态往往由"by"引 出,而有用介词"by"的短语往往又不是被动语态,而是主系表结构。 注:一般来说物作主语时要使用被动语态。 18、虚拟语气大致分为(should)be型和时态前推型 表示建议、要求、意志和命令时,从句要用(should)be 型。 例: Jean’s uncle insists that he not stay in this hotel. 虚拟条件句是最典型的时态前推型。 例: If you hadn’t watched that movie last night, you wouldn’t be sleepy now. 19、语序 人称排序 单数人称 你他我(第二人称、第三人称和第一人称) 复数人称;在承认错误,承担责任时;在长辈对晚辈,长官对下属说话时;并列主语只有第一人称和第三人称 时;当其它人称代词或名词被定语从句修饰时。 我你他(第一人称、第二人称和第三人称) 语序(地点状语和时间状语) 地点状语在前,时间状语在后。 例:We had Chinese classes in school every other day last term. 语序(前置定语) 一般顺序为:(限定词)、(一般描绘)、(大小、长短、高低)、(形状)、(年龄、新旧、温度)、(颜 色)、(国籍、地区、出处)、(物质、材料)、(操作)、(动力)、(目的、用途、类别)名词中心词。 例:He bought a beautiful old Chinese vase. 语序(后置定语) 以any, every, no, some 等开头的复合词的定语一般都后置 例:The dish is nothing special. 语序(all和even) Be 动词后,其它动词前。 例: “They are all engineers, aren’t they?” “Yes. They all work there.” 语序(带ly与不带ly副词的位置) 带ly副词用在动词前,不带ly副词用在动词后。 例:He wrongly answered the question. 语序(频度和程度副词) 频度或程度副词一般放在动词前。 例:He had almost given up hope of ever looking for a good job. 语序(状语) 状语将短语动词分开。 例:This part will deal specifically with passive voice. 状语(非谓语动词否定词位置) 一般放在非谓语动词前。 例:I told her of my not being able to finish the homework in an hour. 20、倒装 一般来说包括以下三种情况 否定词、半否定词提前引起倒装 例:Little did they realize that they had passed the test. 条件句引起倒装 例:Should you require anything make a phone call to me.(If you should…) 强调引起倒装 例:Seated on the ground are a group of old people. 联系人:刘博 地址:辽宁省锦州市松山新区 手机:15940611951
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