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压裂设计方案从优度模糊物元决策分析 收稿日期: 2003- 10- 10; 修回日期: 2004- 06- 01 作者简介: 肖芳淳,教授, 1949年 7月毕业于南京国立中央大学土木系。解放后先后在重庆大学、重庆建筑工程学院和西南石油学院任教 40多年。专著有 4部,论文有 200余篇,出席国际学术会议 12次和国内学术会议多次。地址: ( 637001)四川南充西南石油学院 41宿舍 2- 304。 开采工艺 压裂设计方案从优度模糊物元决策分析 肖芳淳 (西南石油学院) 摘 要: 在模糊物元分析的基础上,结合决策概念, 对压裂设计方案进行评价...
收稿日期: 2003- 10- 10; 修回日期: 2004- 06- 01 作者简介: 肖芳淳,教授, 1949年 7月毕业于南京国立中央大学土木系。解放后先后在重庆大学、重庆建筑工程学院和西南石油学院任教 40多年。专著有 4部,论文有 200余篇,出席国际学术会议 12次和国内学术会议多次。地址: ( 637001)四川南充西南石油学院 41宿舍 2- 304。 开采工艺 压裂#设计#从优度模糊物元决策 肖芳淳 (西南石油学院) 摘 要: 在模糊物元分析的基础上,结合决策概念, 对压裂设计方案进行评价优选,提出了一种新的方法, 称 其为从优度模糊物元决策分析。文中实例表明运算结果与其它方法相同, 符合实际。 关键词: 压裂设计方案; 模糊物元; 从优度; 评价优先; 决策分析 中图分类号: TE 357111 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1006- 768X( 2004) 04- 0031- 02 目前摆在石油工程工作者面前的是如何利用技 术经济指标去合理解决油气田开发方案, 特别是压 裂设计方案的决策问题。为了解决这类问题, 文中 基于模糊物元决策分析, 提供了一种新颖方法,称其 为从优度模糊物元决策分析[ 1, 2] , 其中计算采用了 Visual Basic语言。实例表明结果与其它方法完全一 致,符合实际,并取得了较好的经济效益,文献[ 3]就 足以证实,有一定的参考价值。 理论基础 11方案模糊物元 方案模糊物元就是以/方案、指标、模糊量值0组 成有序三元组作为描述方案的基本元[ 1, 2]。 如果 m 个方案用 n 项指标及其相应的模糊量 值来描述,则称为 m 个方案n 维复合模糊物元, 记 为Rmn[ 1]。 21建立模糊物元决策模型 若在 m 个方案 n 维复合模糊物元Rmn中, 模糊 量值用从优隶属度 Lji ( j = 1, 2, ,, m ; i= 1, 2, ,, n )表示,并以 Mj 表示第j 个压裂设计方案, C i 表示 第j 个压裂设计方案第 i 项指标,则有 Rmn= M1 M 2 , Mm C1 L11 L21 , Lm1 C2 L12 L22 , Lm2 s s s , s Cn L1n L2n , Lmn (1) 式中: Lji ) 第 j 个压裂设计方案第 i 项指标相应的 从优隶属度,由式(2)加以确定[ 1, 2] : 越大越优型 Lji= X ji / X max , j = 1, 2, ,m; i = 1, 2, ,, n 越小越优型 Lji= Xmin/ X ji (2) 式中: Xj i ) 第 j 个压裂设计方案第 i 项指标相应的 量值; X max、Xmin ) 分别表示所有 X ji中的最大值和最 小值。 若以 RW 表示权重复合物元, 并以 Wi 表示每一 压裂设计方案第 i 项指标的权重,则有 RW= C1 C2 , Cn Wi W1 W2 , Wn (3) 经过推导,由Rop = RW。Rmn得到从优度复合模 糊物元,用Rop表示,于是有 Rop= M1 M 2 , Mm Sj S1= E n i= 1 WiL1 i S 2= E n i= 1 WiL2 i , Sm= E n i= 1 WiLmi (4) 式中: Sj= E n i= 1 WiLji , j= 1, 2, ,, m (5) 这里 Sj 表示第j 个压裂设计方案的从优度。式 (4)就是文中所建立的压裂设计方案模糊物元决策 模型,由此就可确定压裂设计的最佳方案。 从优度系指各事物间从优性大小的量度,记为 S ,以确定压裂设计方案的优劣。 31选定最佳方案 在压裂设计方案模糊物元决策模型中, 根据各 个方案从优度大小排序, 以其中最大值所对应的压 裂设计方案选定为最佳方案,可付诸实施。 实例分析 本文借用文献[ 3]的压裂设计方案及其技术经 济指标和相应的数据, 为了使物元表示得简洁, 特用 文字符号表示,除方案、权重在前面都已注明外, 在 #31# 第 27卷 第 4 期 钻 采 工 艺 此特将指标表示,加以详细介绍。 C1 ) 采油速度, % ; C2 ) 扫描效率, % ; C3 ) 导流能力, 10- 3Lm2#cm; C4 ) 支撑缝宽, mm; C5 ) 铺置浓度, kg/ m2; C6 ) 总投入,万元; C7 ) 压后平均日产油量, t / d; C8 ) 压后平均日产水量, t / d; C9 ) 年累计净增油量, t; C10 ) 压后 1年净收益,万元。 这些指标中,除了 C 4、C5、C6、C8这四项为越小 越优型指标外, 其余均为越大越优型指标。 由此建立与 5个方 10维复合物元 R510和建立 权重物元 RW 如下: Rmn= M 1 M 2 M3 M4 M5 C1 2123 2143 2170 2163 2176 C2 63 68 69 59 51 C3 912 1514 2012 2417 2818 C4 1153 1199 2128 2152 2172 C5 3176 4187 5159 6118 6167 C6 1110 1410 1710 2010 2310 C7 913 1018 1110 915 615 C8 715 818 910 1013 1114 C9 1668 2188 2261 1731 665 C10 5518 20510 20910 153 4315 RW= W i C1 W1= 0115 C2 W2= 0115 C3 W3= 0107 C4 W4= 0107 C5 W5= 0106 C6 W6= 0110 C7 W7= 0108 C8 W8= 0107 C9 W9= 0110 C10 W10= 0115 把 R510和 RW 中诸值分别代入式 ( 1) ~ 式 (4) 中,采用 Visual Basic语言编程计算, 运行结果为 Rop = Sj M 1 S 1= 017621 M 2 S 2= 018781 M 3 S 3= 018862 M 4 S 4= 017717 M 5 S 5= 016059 显然 S 3> S 2> S 4> S 1> S 5 故有 M3 9 M2 9 M4 9 M 19 M5 这里/ 9 0表示优于的符号。 从以上分析得知第 3号压裂设计方案为最佳方 案,可付诸实施。文中结果与压裂设计方案排序,均 与文献[ 3]完全一致,并与实际相符, 这足以说明本 文理论正确,方法可靠,既适用于压裂设计方案的优 选,也适用于石油工程方案的综合评价。 结 论 ( 1)本文介绍的方法, 与文献[ 3]的压裂优化设 计方案的模糊决策方法结论完全相同, 可说是殊途 同归,有其实用意义。 ( 2)本文理论正确, 方法可靠, 计算简便,符合实 际,文献[ 3]用传统优选出的方案, 介于方案 3和方 案 2之间, 与最优方案相比, 两者基本吻合, 也就足 以证实这一结论。 ( 3)本文矩阵化, 系统化, 规格化, 易于上机实 现,计算简捷, 结果准确, 不失为评价优选方案的一 种新方法,有其参考价值。 ( 4)文中所列公式, 不仅适用于压裂设计方案的 优选,也适用于石油工程油气田开关方案的综合评 价,有其推广价值。 参考文献 [ 1] 张斌, 雍歧东,肖芳淳1 模糊物元分析 [ M]1 北京:石油 工业出版社, 1997: 47~ 751 [ 2] 张效羽, 李伟,雍歧东, 赵宁,肖芳淳1 模糊灰元分析及 其应用[ M]1 北京: 石油工业出版社, 1997: 32~ 681 [ 3] 蒋廷学,田占良 1 模糊数学在压裂设计中的应用[ J]1 天然气工业, 1998, 16 ( 3) : 61~ 641 (编辑:黄晓川) #32# 钻 采 工 艺 2004 年 cementing measures and compounds ultrahigh density cement slurry with 2. 6g/ cm3. Through adopting a set of correspond- ing surface operat ion technique in well Huo 10, the field ce- menting operation results are very good. Key words: well Huo 10, ultrahigh density cement slur- ry, cement ing. TECHNIQUE DIFFICULTYAND COUNTERMEA- SURES OF ANTI - DEVIATION WHILE FAST DRILLING IN HIGH AND STEEP STRUCTURE OF DIANQIANGUI AREA LIAO Yangqiang ( Zhongyuan Oilfield NO. 3 Drilling Co. , Lankao, Henan 475300, China) , DPT 27( 4) , 2004: 23 ~ 24 Abstract:Dianqiangui area belongs to marine bed. It has large formation dip and high rock hardness, so, controling wellbore quality and improving drilling speed is difficult dur- ing drilling operation. The paper analyses the difficulty of anti - deviation while fast drilling in the area and sums up the ex- isting anti- deviation technique while fast drilling. Based on the geological property of well Wulong 1, a set of rational technique measures is adopted and the good results on con- troling deviation and improving drilling speed are obtained. Key words: Dianqiangui area, high and steep struc- ture, anti- deviat ion while fast drilling, application effect THE ANALYTICAL APPROACH OF THE ECO- NOMIC YIELD OF CRUDE OIL CHEN Wu ( Southwest Petroleum Institute, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China ) , ZHONG Shuiqing and ZHANG Yuanze et al. ( Sichuan Petroleum Administration ) and TANG Jiagui ( Dian- Qian- Gui Petroleum Exploration Bureau) , DPT 27( 4) , 2004: 25~ 27 Abstract: According to the definition of the economic yield, the paper research the economic yield analytical meth- ods of the old well, the new well and improved well. The eco- nomic yield of old well is researched through the marginal theory of western economics. At the same time, the calculation and analysis principle of the economic yield of old well are foundations of the new well and improved well. Economic yield of new well is analysed by adopting technical economics method calculation principle and method of improved well e- conomic yield are essentially identical with new well. Key words: old well, new well,measure well, economic yield APPLICATION OF PLUNGER GAS- LIFTING PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY IN WENDONG OIL- FIELD LI Xiaoqi, WANG Hai, LI Lin, TANG Peiyu and LI Fulin ( NO. 1 Oil Production Plant, Zhongyuan Oilfield, Puyang,Henan 457172, China) , DPT 27(4) , 2004: 28~ 30 Abstract: Plunger gas- lift ing production technology is important component part of gas- lifting production technolo- gy. It is suitable to low productivity gas lift well with paraffin deposit and salt deposit. It has advantage on paraffin removal and broken down and decreasing liquid slippage losses as well as saving high pressure injecting- gas. 10 gas lift wells was selected to proceed plunger gas- lifting production exper-i ment in Wendong Oilfield in 2003 year. It has gained obvious effectiveness. Average single well product liquid from 6. 35t/ d of prior working to 13. 6t/ d of later working, increase liquid 7. 25t/ d, average single well injecting - gas from 9959m3/ d of prior working to 6892m 3 / d of later working, save injecting - gas 3067m3/ d. Key words: plunger, structure, principle, design, appl-i cation,Wendong oilfield DECISION ANALYSIS OF OPTIMAL GRADE FUZZY MATTER - ELEMENT FOR FRACTURING DESIGN PROGRAM XIAO Fangchun( Southwest Petroleum Inst itute, Nan- chong, Sichuan 637001, China) , DPT 27( 4) , 2004: 31~ 32 Abstract: In this paper, based on the fuzzy matter- ele- ment analysis and combined with concept of decision- mak- ing, a new method is proposed for evaluation and optimization of fracturing design program, which is called the decision analysis of optimal grade fuzzy matter- element. An example shows that the calculation result is coincidental with other methods and correspondent to practise in this paper. Key words: fracturing design program, fuzzy matter - element, optimal grade, evaluation and optimizat ion, decision analysis FRACTURING TECHNIQUE FOR LOW PERME- ABILITY AND SENSITIVITY RESERVOIR IN JIANG SU OILFIELD TANG Haijun, GAO Chun, ZHOU Jidong ( Petroleum Engineering lnstitute of Jiangsu Oilfield, Yangzhou, Jiangsu 225009, China) , DPT 27( 4) , 2004: 33~ 34 Abstract:Hydraulic fracturing is one of the most stimu- lations for the low permeability reservoir. The paper introduces the research of the whole block Hydraulic fracturing technique for the low permeability and sensitivity reservoir(Kav< 20 @ 10- 3Lm2) in JiangSu Oilfield. Simultaneously, select the frac- turinq fluid with low damage, low filtrate loss, low friction and small residue suited for the high water sensitivity reservoir and proppant adapted to formation fracture and promote fracture parameters according to pattern arrangement and economic e- valuation, and works out whole block fracturing scheme. Through field application, good fractnring effect is obtained. The rate of oil production of low permeability and sensitivity reservoir in Jiangsu Oilfield is greatly improved. Key words: low permeability, sensit ivity, reservoir, fracturing, technique USING THE S - 2000 SPHERIC GRAIN IM- PROVER IN MICROSCOPIC FLOWING TO EN- HANCE I RESERVOIR RECOVERY EFFICIENCY TECHNOLOGY LINWeimin, YANG Zhihua, LEI Ting, CHEN Feng and DENG Deting( Zhongyuan Oilfield No. 5 Oil Production Facto- ry, Sinopec, Puyang, Henan 457001, China) , DPT 27 ( 4) , 2004: 35~ 37 Abstract: Based on the geologic characteristics of het- erogeneous reservoir in Huzhuang oilfield, carry out the ap- plied research of deep flooding of S- 2000 spheric grain im- prover in microscopic flowing. The application results show that the technique has solved the probems of poor injectability and driving index existent in conventional profile control a- gent, alleviated efficiently the interlayer contradiction and ob- tained better increase oil and precipitation effect. Key words: remaining oil, deep flooding, Huzhang oilfield, recovery efficiency, field application THE NEWEST PROGRESS OF ENHANCED OIL RECOVERY FOR LOW- PERMEABILITY OILFIELD LIU Hua, ZHANG Ningsheng, WANG Zhiwei and #2# DRILLING&PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY Vol. 27 No . 4 July 2004
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