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2014索契冬奥会索契冬奥会 索契冬奥会 Sochi, a Russian city, locates on the east coast of the Black Sea and it is 1500 kilometers south from Moscow, the capital city. Sochi is one of the best seaside resorts of Russia and it has the population of 400,000. It is the longest and narrowest city...
索契冬奥会 索契冬奥会 Sochi, a Russian city, locates on the east coast of the Black Sea and it is 1500 kilometers south from Moscow, the capital city. Sochi is one of the best seaside resorts of Russia and it has the population of 400,000. It is the longest and narrowest city of the country. The roads and houses are built according to the mountain. If you go sightseeing there, you would enjoy the visual pleasure of path winding along mountain ridges.   俄罗斯的索契地处黑海东部沿岸,位于俄罗斯首都莫斯科以南大约1500公里,是俄罗斯首屈一指的海滨疗养地,人口40万,是俄罗斯最狭长的城市,其道路和楼房均依山势而建,在这里乘车观光,最能体会峰回路转的视觉愉悦。 The Russian president Putin lights the cauldron in the Red Square in Moscow.   俄罗斯总统普京手持火炬点燃莫斯科红场火炬台。   The Olympic flame is in the former Soviet Union for the first time in more than 30 years. The ceremonial flame will travel thousands of kilometers across Russia before ending up in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi for the Winter Games.   奥运圣火第一次在前苏联燃起距今已有30余年。此次奥运圣火将在俄罗斯跨越上万公里,最终在冬季奥运会开幕前归于黑海沿岸城市索契。   The ceremonial flame began its journey on Red Square in Moscow. Prince Albert of Monaco, a former Olympic bobsledder and a member of the International Olympic Committee, was one of the first runners to carry it.   此次奥运圣火的传递始于莫斯科红场。具有前奥运会雪橇运动员以及国际奥委会成员双重身份的摩纳哥亲王阿尔贝尔二世位列首批火炬传递手之一。   "It is my eighth time carrying the Olympic flame, so it is a lucky number. I hope it is lucky today," since Prince Albert. "But it is a - you do not really prepare for it - you know what to expect, but it is still a great joy and a great sense of pride, to share this with everybody here in Moscow. Leading up to the games in Sochi, I think that it is a wonderful thing and a wonderful feeling."   阿尔贝尔亲王说:这已经是我第八次参与传递奥运圣火了,这是一个幸运的数字,我希望今天也有好运。不是说你要真的为此准备什么,你知道你的期望是什么,和莫斯科人民分享这一刻仍然是巨大的快乐和骄傲。在索契奥运会召开前的日子,我认为这是一件很棒的事,我的感觉很好。”   The flame will spend a couple of days touring the city via the Moscow River and will even take a spin on the capital’s metro. About 13,000 volunteers will carry the Olympic torch across Russia for its biggest journey yet - 65,000 kilometers. Some of the highlights of the relay include Europe’s highest point, Mount Elbrus, and the bottom of the deepest lake in the world, Lake Baikal.   奥运圣火将沿莫斯科河在莫斯科传递一些日子,还会围绕莫斯科的地铁线路进行传递。约有一万三千名志愿者将会承担奥运会火炬传递的任务,此次奥运圣火传递路程为六万五千公里,为有史以来最长的传递距离。在此次奥运圣火传递中还将有许多值得关注的地方,在传递过程中圣火将到达欧洲最高峰-厄尔布鲁士峰,还将下潜至地球最深处-贝尔加湖底。   Even the mode of transport for the flame will be unusual, at times as it will take a ride on a camel, a dog sled, and even a trip in a Soyuz rocket into space.The flame will end up in the Black Sea resort town of Sochi on February 7, just in time for the Winter Games.   即使是此次圣火的运输方式也会很特别,奥运圣火将会出现在骆驼背上,雪橇上,甚至还会被联合号火箭带至太空。 Sochi Olympic Stadium   索契奥林匹克运动场   This is the first time Russia has hosted the games since the collapse of the Soviet Union. In 1980, the Summer Games were held in Moscow. 索契冬奥会是俄罗斯在前苏联垮台后第一次举办奥运会。在此之前,莫斯科曾于1980年举办夏季奥林匹克运动会。 会徽(Emblem) The emblem of the 2014 Winter Olympics, unveiled in December 2009, carries a minimalistic style, and unlike previous Olympic emblems, consists of typefaces with no drawn elements at all. The "Sochi" and "2014" lettering is designed to mirror each other vertically (particularly on the "hi" and "14" characters), "reflecting" the contrasts of Russia's landscape (such as Sochi itself, a meeting point between the Black Sea and the Western Caucasus). 2014年冬奥会的会徽于2009年12月公布,会徽采用极简风格,与之前历届奥运会徽不同的是,本届会徽只使用了打印字体,未包含任何绘画元素。Sochi和2014呈上下相互映照样式(尤其是hi和14这两组字符),反映了俄罗斯地形相互对照的特点(比如索契就是黑海和西高加索的交汇点)。 吉祥物(Mascots) For the first time in Olympic history, a public vote was held to decide the mascots for the 2014 Winter Olympics. On February 26 2011, the official mascots were unveiled, consisting of a polar bear, a European hare, and an Amur leopard. 2014年冬奥会的吉祥物由公众投票决定,这在奥运历史上还是第一次。2011年2月26日,官方吉祥物正式公布,由一只北极熊、一只欧洲兔和一只远东豹组成。 口号(Motto) Hot. Cool. Yours. 冰火激情属于你 索契冬奥会开幕式现失误 奥运五环变四环 A technical hitch during the lavish opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics in Sochi meant that the last of the five rings making up the Olympic symbol failed to open. 索契冬奥会开幕式日前隆重举行,但开幕式上出现技术故障,奥运象征的五环中最后一环没有打开,奥运五环尴尬变四环。 Five giant snowflakes descended into the stadium and were then meant to open up to form the rings. 在索契奥林匹克公园菲什特主体育场,五朵巨型的雪花徐徐下降,按照原设计,这五朵雪花将打开变成环状组成奥运五环。 The fifth snowflake did appear to open on some TV feeds, sparking questions as to whether the footage was edited. 不过在一些电视转播画面中,第五朵雪花是正常打开的,这也造成人们猜想开幕式的的转播片段是不是被剪辑过。 The ceremony's producer Konstantin Ernst dismissed the malfunction. "It would be ridiculous to focus on this ring that never opened, it would be simply silly," he said. 索契冬奥会开幕式导演康斯坦丁·恩斯特淡化这一技术故障的影响。他示:“把所有的注意力都放在一朵没有展开的雪花上,这太傻太搞笑了。” Mr Ernst said as producers had known several seconds in advance that the ring would not pop up they were able to alert the Russian channel, which broadcast some pre-shot footage instead. 恩斯特承认在得知出现技术故障后,他们立刻通知俄罗斯电视台,把画面切换到了事先准备好的备播带上。 The missing ring caused amusement on social media, with tweeters joking that it was afraid to come out due to Russia's stance on gay rights. 消失的一环在社交媒体上引起调侃,好多网友都发推表示这没有出来的一环是因为俄罗斯对同性恋的严厉政策。 冬奥会项目中英对照 三个滑冰项目: 花样滑冰 (figure skating) 速度滑冰 (speed skating) 短道速滑 (short track speed skating) 六个滑雪项目: 高山滑雪 (alpine skiing) 越野滑雪 (cross-country skiing) 自由式滑雪 (freestyle skiing) 北欧两项 (Nordic combined) 跳台滑雪 (ski jumping) 单板滑雪 (snowboarding) 两个雪橇项目: 有舵雪橇 (bobsleigh) 俯式冰橇 (skeleton) 四个其他项目: 冬季两项 (biathlon) 冰壶 (curling) 冰球 (ice hockey) 无舵雪橇 (luge) 2014索契冬奥会开幕式 场景的一些代表俄罗斯的多样性的七个岛屿漂浮过去的索契冬奥会开幕式Fisht奥林匹克体育场在索契2月7日。 运动员执法官点燃形成俄罗斯国旗在2014年索契冬奥会的开幕式Fisht奥林匹克体育场2月7日,在俄罗斯索契的。 烟花是在奥林匹克公园在2014年索契冬奥会的开幕式,2月7日。 舞者执行大型氦就创建的圣巴西尔大教堂的元素在2014年索契奥运会的开幕式。 Scissor-lift平台和横幅创建一个城市景观在2014年索契奥运会的开幕式在Fisht奥林匹克体育场。 艺术家在2014年索契冬奥会开幕式 2014年索契冬奥会的吉祥物,一只熊和一只豹子,参加2014年索契冬奥会的开幕式,2月7日。 花车代表圣罗勒大教堂被认为在2014年索契冬奥会的开幕式。 索契冬奥会闭幕式四环终于变五环 From the opening ceremony with a malfunctioning ring, to police officers singing Get Lucky, the Sochi Winter Olympics have been a games to remember.   从开幕式因故障未绽放的第五环,到俄罗斯内务部合唱团激情演唱神曲Get Lucky,索契冬奥会值得铭记。   Showing that the country has a sense of humour, dancers during the opening section of the show mocked the moment a ring failed to open during the opening ceremony.   在闭幕式的开头,舞者们模仿了开幕式中因技术故障未能绽放的第五环,展现出俄罗斯的幽默感。   The joke was followed by an opulent show of ballet, circus performances and classical music, an ode to the country's rich literary history - before the Olympic flame was finally extinguished.   在四环变五环的表演之后,芭蕾舞、马戏表演、古典音乐等异彩纷呈的节目纷纷登场,汇成一曲歌颂俄罗斯丰富文学历史的颂歌。最后奥运圣火熄灭。   Russia's head of Olympics said in English: 'It is a great moment in our history a moment to cherish and pass on to the next generation, a moment which will never be forgotten. This is the new face of Russia, our Russia. And for us these Games are the best ever.'   俄罗斯奥委会主席用英语说道:“这是我们历史上伟大的时刻,这是值得珍惜、传承给下一代的一刻,俄罗斯人民永将难忘。它展现出俄罗斯、我们伟大俄罗斯的新面貌,对我们来说这是史上最好的奥运会。”   In Russian, he added: 'We did it, we conquered the Olympic summit and these Games will be with us forever.'   然后他用俄语补充道:“我们成功了,我们攀登了奥林匹克高峰,本次冬奥会将永远与我们同在!”   But tonight marks the end for the highly controversial games, which are also the most expensive in Olympic history.   不过今晚(北京时间24日凌晨)标志着这次饱受争议冬奥会的结束,索契冬奥会也成为史上最贵的奥运会。   The $51billion (£30bn) investment in the Games - topping even Beijing's estimated $40 billion layout for the 2008 Summer Games.   索契冬奥会总投入共计510亿美元(300亿英镑),甚至超过了2008年北京奥运会的预计支出400亿美元。 日本选手羽生结弦夺得索契冬奥会男子花样滑冰金牌 Japan's Yuzuru Hanyu became the first Asian to win the men's Olympic figure skating title, in competition Friday at the Sochi Winter Games.在索契冬奥会星期五的比赛中,日本选手羽生结弦为亚洲男子夺得奥运历史上第一枚花样滑冰金牌。 The 19-year-old Hanyu recorded a point total of 280.09, topping three-time world champion Patrick Chan of Canada and Kazakhstan's Denis Ten.19岁的羽生结弦的总分是280.09,超过了三次获得世界冠军的加拿大选手帕特里克.陈和哈萨克斯坦的丹尼斯.腾。 The medalists had flawed performances that included crash landings. But Hanyu held on largely because of his 3.93-point lead after Thursday's short program. The competition took place without Russian skating star Yevgeny Plushenko, who withdrew after injuring his back in warmups Thursday.这个项目的比赛没有俄罗斯滑冰高手普鲁申科参加,他因为星期四热身时背部受伤而退出比赛。 Earlier, athletes from Switzerland and Belarus each captured their second gold medals.早些时候,瑞士和白俄罗斯分别夺得各自的第二枚金牌。 Switzerland's Dario Cologna, skiing in short sleeves on another warm and sunny day in Sochi, was outstanding in the men's cross-country 15-kilometer classic. Sweden's Johan Olsson took silver, while Cologna's teammate, Daniel Richardson, won bronze.瑞士的达里奥.克伦加在又一个阳光灿烂的温暖天气里短袖上阵,夺取男子15公里滑雪越野项目金牌。 Cologna also won the 30-kilometer skiathlon in Sochi.他还获得了30公里越野滑雪混合式项目的金牌。 In the women's individual 15-kilometer biathlon, Darya Domracheva of Belarus finished first with a dominant showing of her own. Domracheva earlier won the women's 10-kilometer biathlon pursuit, becoming the first female Belarusian to capture a Winter Olympic gold.在女子15公里越野射击项目中,白俄罗斯选手达雅.杜姆拉契娃获得冠军。她早些时候还获得了女子10公里越野滑雪追逐项目的金牌,成为白俄罗斯女子在冬奥会中赢得金牌的第一人。 索契冬奥会短道速滑女子1500米周洋卫冕 摘要:在索契冬奥会短道速滑女子1500米比赛中,中国选手周洋以2分19秒140的成绩获得冠军,成功实现了自己在这个项目上的卫冕,也为中国代表团摘得了索契冬奥会上的第三枚金牌。   Two gold medals at two consecutive Winter Olympics — but claimed with two different sets of feelings.   Having experienced ups and downs after the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympic Games, China's Zhou Yang successfully defended her Olympic title in the women's 1,500m short track speed skating at the Sochi Winter Olympic Games on Saturday. Her victory came after years of trials following the 2010 Games.   "It had been very difficult for me in the past four years, and this moment finally came. I finally made it," the 22-year-old said after her win.   "I was in very bad condition after the last Olympics, and I used to think of giving up. But the whole team supported me, and my coach has never given up on me. I still had the dream to pursue. So, I came here to win."   At the final in Sochi, Zhou — the world record holder — skated near the front for the race's duration and avoided a three-skater collision mid-race.   She took the lead with one lap to go, edging out archrival Shim Suk-hee of South Korea.   Zhou finished in 2 minutes, 19.140 seconds and was followed by Shim, who took silver. The 500m silver medalist Arianna Fontana of Italy took the bronze.   It was China's third gold at the Sochi Games and the second one from short track speed skating.   China's Li Jianrou won the women's 500m on Thursday. Li did not finish the 1,000m race due to the collision.   "I was nervous at the beginning, but after I finished it I felt so thrilled," Zhou said.   "When I won four years ago, it was a dream come true, and I knew I could help my parents live better lives. But now, after experiencing a lot during the past four years, I didn't expect I could come back to the Olympic Games.   "I just wanted to do my best during training and competition. I'm very happy that I've stepped on the highest podium again."   The native of Northeast China's Jilin province was selected by a local coach for speed skating at the age of 8 and soon turned to short track. She entered the national team in 2006 and won the World Junior Championships immediately afterward with a gutsy display of power and pride.   Her form improved en route to the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Games.   She blazed a new world record in the 1,500m in 2008. In addition to her gold in Vancouver, she also helped the Chinese team win the women's 3,000m relay.   But Zhou's performance bottomed out after Vancouver because of an injury and poor physical condition. She did not compete in any international competitions until the 2013-14 season, when she claimed two bronzes at the World Cup Series.   Coach Li Yan said Zhou has beaten herself.   "Being persistent is the spirit of China's short track speed skating team. We will never give up in the face of difficulties," Li said.   "Everyone could see Zhou's persistence. She conquered the injuries and the weak mindset to win."   Zhou vowed to continue the team's dominance in Sochi.   【新闻快讯】   15日的短道速滑赛场,中国队又传喜讯:在索契冬奥会短道速滑女子1500米比赛中,中国选手周洋以2分19秒140的成绩获得冠军,成功实现了自己在这个项目上的卫冕,也为中国代表团摘得了索契冬奥会上的第三枚金牌。   比赛中,韩国选手金雅朗在内道过人时出现失误,在她摔倒的同时也将中国选手李坚柔和美国选手斯考特带出了赛道,三人提前退出了奖牌争夺。后半程,韩国名将沈石溪一直占据着领先位置,周洋几次尝试超越都未能找到合适的时机。比赛还剩最后两圈时,周洋终于在内道找到了反超机会,突然加速抢到首位,并保持住了优势,最终她以不到0.1秒的优势战胜了沈石溪。 中国在索契冬奥会的战果 A total of 26 countries made it onto the medals table, with China winning three golds, four silvers, and two bronze medals and most of those medals, as you probably know by now, came in the speed skating events. 本届索契冬奥会共有26个国家进入奖牌排行榜,其中中国共获得3块金牌,4块银牌和2块铜牌,而大多奖牌来自速滑项目。 China's very first gold on the long track came from Zhang Hong, with her 1,000-meter triumph 5 days into the competition. And on the short track, Li Jianrou seized the women’s 500-meter title on the same day. 中国代表队的第一块金牌是由张红在1000米长轨滑雪项目上获得的。同一天,李建柔在女子500米短道滑雪项目上获得另一块金牌。 Skater Zhou Yang was the sole medalist with Olympic experience prior to Sochi. And she successfully defended her 1,500-meter title. 滑雪运动员周洋是唯一一个在索契冬奥会比赛上曾有过奥运得奖经历的运动员。而且,她成功卫冕了1500米滑雪项目冠军头衔。 For the men, Han Tianyu emerged as a surprise medalist in the 1,500-meter short track event, taking silver, while Wu Dajing finished runner-up in the 500-meters. Those two then teamed up with Shi Jingnan and Chen Dequan to take bronze in 5,000-meters relay. 在男子项目方面,韩天宇成为1500米短道速滑项目上的一匹黑马,获得银牌,同时吴大景获得500米亚军。该两位运动员与另外两位选手——石静楠和陈德权一道在5000米接力滑雪赛上摘得铜牌。
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