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西方经典现代诗野玫瑰 野玫瑰 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 我知道 野玫瑰生长的地方 在那湖畔 小精灵们过来玩耍 粉色与白色 在光线里翩翩起舞 迎接那一日之初! 旭日升起,携着金色的热力 玫瑰尽情盛开---而后凋零…… 这就是故事的全部…… 只除了我听到响声: 在那地面之上 众多细碎的脚步…… 走在湖畔 我那往昔的野玫瑰 再也不见踪影 又是如何嬉戏 毫不丧气 在她身边恭候她美丽的出席! 已死的玫瑰恢复生气,在她与我之间升起! 她转过身去,微笑着响应他的召唤…… 这就是故事的全部…… 只除了我的不舍离去 在那湖畔--- 自由自在的野玫瑰尽情盛开…… Wi...
野玫瑰 野玫瑰 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 我知道 野玫瑰生长的地方 在那湖畔 小精灵们过来玩耍 粉色与白色 在光线里翩翩起舞 迎接那一日之初! 旭日升起,携着金色的热力 玫瑰尽情盛开---而后凋零…… 这就是故事的全部…… 只除了我听到响声: 在那地面之上 众多细碎的脚步…… 走在湖畔 我那往昔的野玫瑰 再也不见踪影 又是如何嬉戏 毫不丧气 在她身边恭候她美丽的出席! 已死的玫瑰恢复生气,在她与我之间升起! 她转过身去,微笑着响应他的召唤…… 这就是故事的全部…… 只除了我的不舍离去 在那湖畔--- 自由自在的野玫瑰尽情盛开…… Wild Roses By Agatha Christie I know Where the wild roses grow Beside the lake. The little spirit come and play, And pink and white Dance in the light Before the break of day! The sun comes up in golden heat, The roses open wide…and fall… And that is all… Except I think I hear a sound Along the ground, Of many little pattering feet… No more Shall my wild roses of yore Walk by the lake. She told me where the rose spirits were And how they played All undismayed By her sweet presence there! Then death rose up twixt her and me! She turned her, smiling, to his call… And that is all… Except I cannot bear to go Where roses grow Besides the lake-so wild and free… Robert Frost (1874–1963) The Road Not Taken TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. 一条未走的道路 深黄的林子里有两条岔开的路,   很遗憾,我,一个过路人,   没法同时踏上两条征途,   伫立好久,我向一条路远远望去,   直到它打弯,视线被灌木丛挡住。   于是我选了另一条,不比那条差,   也许我还能说出更好的理由,   因为它绿草茸茸,等待人去践踏——   其实讲到留下了来往的足迹,   两条路,说不上差别有多大。   那天早晨,有两条路,相差无几,   都埋在还没被踩过的落叶底下。   啊,我把那第一条路留给另一天!   可我知道,一条路又接上另一条,   将来能否重回旧地,这就难言。   隔了多少岁月,流逝了多少时光,   我将叹一口气,提起当年的旧事:   林子里有两条路,朝着两个方向,   而我——我走上一条更少人迹的路, 于是带来完全不同的一番景象。 Nothing Gold Can Stay 纯金难留 Nature’s first green is gold, 自然的新绿是纯金, Her hardest hue to hold. 她这种色彩最难保存。 Her early leaf’s a flower; 她的新叶像一朵花; But only so an hour. 但只能持续一刹那。 Then leaf subsides to leaf, 然后就还原成为叶片, So Eden sank to grief, 乐园就这样沉入哀愁, So dawn goes down to day. 曙光就这样堕入白昼, Nothing gold can stay. 凡是纯金都难留。 Hawk Roosting By Ted Hughes I sit in the top of the wood, my eyes closed. Inaction, no falsifying dream Between my hooked head and hooked feet: Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat. The convenience of the high trees! The air's buoyancy and the sun's ray Are of advantage to me; And the earth's face upward for my inspection. My feet are locked upon the rough bark. It took the whole of Creation To produce my foot, my each feather: Now I hold Creation in my foot Or fly up, and revolve it all slowly - I kill where I please because it is all mine. There is no sophistry in my body: My manners are tearing off heads - The allotment of death. For the one path of my flight is direct Through the bones of the living. No arguments assert my right: The sun is behind me. Nothing has changed since I began. My eye has permitted no change. I am going to keep things like this. 栖息着的鹰 我坐在树的顶端,把眼睛闭上。 一动也不动,在我弯弯的脑袋 和弯弯的脚爪间没有弄虚作假的梦: 也不在睡眠中排演完美的捕杀或吃什么。 高高的树真够方便的! 空气的畅通,太阳的光芒 都对我有利; 地球的脸朝上,任我察看。 我的双脚钉在粗砺的树皮上。 真得用整个造化之力 才能生我这只脚、我的每根羽毛: 如今我的脚控制着天地 或者飞上去,慢悠悠地旋转它—— 我高兴时就捕杀,因为一切都是我的。 我躯体里并无奥秘: 我的举止就是把别个的脑袋撕下来—— 分配死亡。 因为我飞翔的一条路线是直接 穿过生物的骨骼。 我的权力无须论证: 太阳就在我背后。 我开始以来,什么也不曾改变。 我的眼睛不允许改变。 我打算让世界就这样子下去。 Love at First Sight by Wislawa Szymborska They both thought that a sudden feeling had united them This certainty is beautiful, Even more beautiful than uncertainty. They thought they didn't know each other, nothing had ever happened between them, These streets, these stairs, this corridors, Where they could have met so long ago? I would like to ask them, if they can remember - perhaps in a revolving door face to face one day? A "sorry" in the crowd? "Wrong number" on the 'phone? - but I know the answer. No, they don't remember. How surprised they would be For such a long time already Fate has been playing with them. Not quite yet ready to change into destiny, which brings them nearer and yet further, cutting their path and stifling a laugh, escaping ever further; There were sings, indications, undecipherable, what does in matter. Three years ago, perhaps or even last Tuesday, this leaf flying from one shoulder to another? Something lost and gathered. Who knows, perhaps a ball already in the bushes, in childhood? There were handles, door bells, where, on the trace of a hand, another hand was placed; suitcases next to one another in the left luggage. And maybe one night the same dream forgotten on walking; But every beginning is only a continuation and the book of fate is always open in the middle. Translation from Polish by Roman Gren Translation from French by Sarah Hardenberg 一见钟情by辛波斯卡 他们彼此深信 是瞬间迸发的热情使他们相遇 这样的确定是美丽的 但变幻无常更为美丽 他们素未谋面,所以他们确定彼此并无瓜葛。 但是自街道、楼梯、大堂传来的话语... ... 他们也许擦肩而过一百万次了吧。 我想问他们 是否记得... ... 在旋转门 面对面那一刹 或是在人群中喃喃道出的“对不起”, 或是在电话的另一端道出的“打错了”。 但是我早知道答案。 是的,他们并不记得。 他们会很惊讶,原来缘分已经戏弄他们多年。 时机尚未成熟变成他们的命运, 缘分将他们拉近,驱离。 阻挡着他们的去路 忍着笑声 然后闪到一旁... ... 有一些迹象和信号存在, 即使他们尚无法解读。 也许在三年前 或者就在上个星期二, 有某片叶子飘舞于 肩与肩之间? 有东西掉了又捡了起来? 天晓得,也许是那个 消失于童年灌木丛中的球? 还有事前已被触摸 层层覆盖的 门把和门铃。 检查完毕后并排放置的手提箱。 有一晚,也许同样的梦, 到了早晨变得模糊。 每个开始 毕竟都只是续篇, 而充满情节的书本 总是从一半开始看起。 花瓣by艾米 洛威尔 生命是一条溪流 我们在上面洒播 心之花朵,一瓣又一瓣 婉蜒到梦里 花瓣漂出视线 我们仅目睹那畅美的开端 充盈着希望 欢愉而鲜妍 我们将盛放的玫瑰叶子撒在水面 那逐渐扩散的距离 未来的用舍 我们一无所知。流动的溪水 将它们袭卷 每一片都流向 渺不可知的方位 只有我们留在原处 年光如梭 花朵漂泊,唯余暗香一缕 Petals Life is a stream On which we strew Petal by petal the flower of our heart; The end lost in dream, They float past our view, We only watch their glad, early start. Freighted with hope, Crimsoned with joy, We scatter the leaves of our opening rose; Their widening scope, Their distant employ, We never shall know. And the stream as it flows Sweeps them away, Each one is gone Ever beyond into infinite ways. We alone stay While years hurry on, The flower fared forth, though its fragrance still stays 出租车 当我离开你, 世界的心跳停了, 好像松弛的鼓皮。 对着凸起的星星,我呼唤你, 向着狂风的浪尖,我高喊你。 街道飞奔而来, 一条接着一条, 把你挤开。 城市的灯光刺我的眼, 使我再看不到你的脸。 为什么我非得离开你, 在夜的利刃上劈伤自己? To His Coy Mistress Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, Lady, were no crime We would sit down and think which way To walk and pass our long love’s day. Thou by the Indian Ganges’ side Shouldst rubies find: I by the tide Of Humber would complain. I would Love you ten years before the Flood, And you should, if you please, refuse Till the conversion of the Jews. My vegetable love should grow Vaster than empires, and more slow; An hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes and on thy forehead gaze; Two hundred to adore each breast, But thirty thousand to the rest; An age at least to every part, And the last age should show your heart. For, Lady, you deserve this state, Nor would I love at lower rate. But at my back I always hear Time’s wingèd chariot hurrying near; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity. Thy beauty shall no more be found, Nor, in thy marble vault, shall sound My echoing song: then worms shall try That long preserved virginity, And your quaint honour turn to dust, And into ashes all my lust: The grave’s a fine and private place, But none, I think, do there embrace. Now therefore, while the youthful hue Sits on thy skin like morning dew, And while thy willing soul transpires At every pore with instant fires, Now let us sport us while we may, And now, like amorous birds of prey, Rather at once our time devour Than languish in his slow-chapt power Let us roll all our strength and all Our sweetness up into one ball, And tear our pleasures with rough strife Thorough the iron gates of life: Thus, though we cannot make our sun Stand still, yet we will make him run. 致他娇羞的女友 By 安德鲁 马维尔 我们如有足够的天地和时间, 你这娇羞,小姐,就算不得什么罪愆。 我们可以坐下来,考虑向哪方 去散步,消磨这漫长的恋爱时光。 你可以在印度的恒河岸边 寻找红宝石,我可以在亨柏之畔 望潮哀叹。我可以在洪水 未到来之前十年,爱上了你, 你也可以拒绝,如果你高兴, 直到犹太人皈依基督正宗。 我的植物般的爱情可以发展, 发展得比那些帝国还辽阔,还缓慢。 我要用一百个年头来赞美 你的眼睛,凝视你的娥眉; 用二百年来膜拜你的酥胸, 其余部分要用三万个春秋。 每一部分至少要一个时代, 最后的时代才把你的心展开。 只有这样的气派,小姐,才配你,  我的爱的代价也不应比这还低。 但是自我的背后我总听到 时间的战车插翅飞奔,逼近了; 而在那前方,在我们的前面,却展现 一片永恒的沙漠,辽阔,无限。 在那里,再也找不到你的美, 在你的汉白玉的寝宫里再也不会 回荡着我的歌声,蛆虫们将要 染指于你长期保存的贞操, 你那古怪的荣誉将化作尘埃, 而我的情欲也将变成一堆灰。 坟墓固然是很隐蔽的去处,也很好, 但是我看谁也没有在那儿拥抱。 因此啊,趁那青春的光彩还留驻 在你的玉肤,像那清晨的露珠, 趁你的灵魂从你全身的毛孔 还肯于喷吐热情,像烈火的汹涌, 让我们趁此可能的时机戏耍吧, 像一对食肉的猛兽一样嬉狎, 与其受时间慢慢的咀嚼而枯凋, 不如把我们的时间立刻吞掉。 让我们把我们全身的气力,把所有 我们的甜蜜的爱情揉成一球, 通过粗暴的厮打把我们的欢乐 从生活的两扇铁门中间扯过。 这样,我们虽不能使我们的太阳 停止不动,却能让他们奔忙。 Spirits of the Dead   by E.A.Poe   Thy soul shall find itself alone   'Mid dark thoughts of the grey tomb-stone;   Not one, of all the crowd, to pry   Into thine hour of secrecy.   Be silent in that solitude,   Which is not loneliness- for then   The spirits of the dead, who stood   In life before thee, are again   In death around thee, and their will   Shall overshadow thee; be still.   The night, though clear, shall frown,   And the stars shall not look down   From their high thrones in the Heaven   With light like hope to mortals given,   But their red orbs, without beam,   To thy weariness shall seem   As a burning and a fever   Which would cling to thee for ever.   Now are thoughts thou shalt not banish,   Now are visions ne'er to vanish;   From thy spirit shall they pass   No more, like dew-drop from the grass.   The breeze, the breath of God, is still,   And the mist upon the hill   Shadowy, shadowy, yet unbroken,   Is a symbol and a token.   How it hangs upon the trees,   A mystery of mysteries!   亡灵   [爱伦·坡 著]   你的灵魂将感到茕茕孑立   置身于阴沉的墓碑的愁绪——   你的邻居谁也不会来打听   你那秘而未宣的忌辰;   你在孤独之时请别作声。   那孤独并非寂寞——因为   活着时站在你前面的人。   他们的灵魂现在将会   再次围绕你——他们的心意   将把你遮蔽:——你请安息。   夜——虽清朗——将紧锁眉头——   星星将不会俯瞰人问尘垢,   不会从高高星座灿灿天堂   为浊世凡尘投下希望之光——   但那些红球体,虽无光辉,   于你的困顿、你的劳累,   将像是一种炽热一团燃烧,   _它将永远永远把你缠绕。   现在是你赶不走的思想——   现在是永不消散的幻象——   它们再不会从你心中消失——   不会像露珠从小草上散去。   微风——上帝的呼吸——微风悠悠——   路笼罩朦胧的山头   朦胧——朦胧——未打破的朦胧,   是一种符号,象征——   它如何悬挂在树梢,   一个迷中之迷! 白朗宁夫人抒情十四行诗集第三十二首 EBB "Sonnets from the Portuguese",no. XXXII The first time that the sun rose on thine oath To love me, I looked forward to the moon To slacken all those bonds which seemed too soon And quickly tied to make a lasting troath. Quick-loving hearts, I thought, may quickly loathe; And, looking on myself, I seemed not one For such man's love! -- more like an out-of-tune Worn voil, a good singer would be wroth To spoil his song with, and which, snatched in haste, Is laid down at the first ill-sounding note. I did not wrong myself so, but I placed A wrong on thee . For perfect strains may float 'Neath master-hands, from instruments defaced, -- And great souls, at one stroke, may do and dote. 当金黄的太阳升起来,第一次照上 你爱的盟约,我就预期着明月 来解除那情结、系的太早太急。 我只怕爱的容易、就容易失望, 引起悔心。再回顾我自己,我哪象 让你爱慕的人!--却象一具哑涩 破损的弦琴、配不上你那么清澈 美妙的歌声!而这琴,匆忙里给用上, 一发出沙沙的音,就给恼恨地 扔下。我这么说,并不曾亏待 自己,可是我冤了你。在乐圣的 手里,一张破琴也可以流出完美 和谐的韵律;而凭一张弓,真诚的 灵魂,可以在勒索、也同时在溺爱。 第43首 How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. 让我说说,我有多么爱你? I love thee to the depth and breadth and height 爱你—宽广深厚无可比拟— My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight 我爱你—尽我灵魂之所及— For the ends of Being and ideal Grace. 虽不见完美神恩的边际。 I love thee to the level of everyday's 我爱你—日常最纯之希冀, Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. 靠的是太阳、蜡烛的光力。 I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; 倾心爱你,似奋斗为正义; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. 只爱你,如人们向上帝皈依。 I love thee with the passion put to use 我用激情和往日的辛酸— In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith 爱你,并以我童年的信念— I love thee with a love I seemed to lose 爱你,我似曾随圣徒沉湎— With my lost saints, -- I love thee with the breath, 于博爱,用生命、热泪、笑颜, Smiles, tears, and all my life -- and, if God choose, 毕生爱你—若上帝有意愿, I shall but love thee better after death. 来生,我只会对你更迷恋 。 The Lost Mistress by Robert Browning All's over, then: does truth sound bitter As one at first believes? Hark, 'tis the sparrows' good-night twitter About your cottage eaves! And the leaf-buds on the vine are woolly, I noticed that, to-day; One day more bursts them open fully ---You know the red turns grey. To-morrow we meet the same then, dearest? May I take your hand in mine? Mere friends are we,---well, friends the merest Keep much that I resign: For each glance of the eye so bright and black, Though I keep with heart's endeavour,--- Your voice, when you wish the snowdrops back, Though it stay in my soul for ever!--- Yet I will but say what mere friends say, Or only a thought stronger; I will hold your hand but as long as all may, Or so very little longer! 失去的恋人 罗伯特·勃朗宁 那么,一切都过去了。难道实情的滋味 真有预想的那么难咽? 听,麻雀在你家村居的屋檐周围 唧唧喳喳地道着晚安。 今天我发现葡萄藤上的芽苞 毛茸茸地,鼓了起来; 再一天时光就会把嫩叶催开,瞧; 暗红正浙渐转为灰白。 最亲爱的。明天我们能否照样相遇? 我能否仍旧握住你的手? “仅仅是朋友,”好吧,我失去的许多东西, 最一般的朋友倒还能保留: 你乌黑澄澈的眼睛每一次闪烁 我都永远铭刻在心; 我心底也永远保留着你说 “愿白雪花回来”的声音! 但是,我将只说一般朋友的语言, 或许再稍微强烈一丝; 我握你的手,将只握礼节允许的时间 或许再稍微长一霎时! 《世界上最远的距离》 世界上最远的距离 不是生与死的距离 而是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我站在你面前 你不知道我爱你 而是爱到痴迷 却不能说我爱你 世界上最远的距离 不是我不能说我爱你 而是想你痛彻心脾 却只能深埋心底 世界上最远的距离 不是我不能说我想你 而是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起 世界上最远的距离 不是彼此相爱 却不能够在一起 而是明知道真爱无敌 却装作毫不在意 世界上最远的距离 不是树与树的距离 而是同根生长的树枝 却无法在风中相依 世界上最远的距离 不是树枝无法相依 而是相互了望的星星 却没有交汇的轨迹 世界上最远的距离 不是星星之间的轨迹 而是纵然轨迹交汇 却在转瞬间无处寻觅 世界上最远的距离 不是瞬间便无处寻觅 而是尚未相遇 便注定无法相聚 世界上最远的距离 是鱼与飞鸟的距离 一个在天,一个却深潜海底 其次是英文版本: The most distant way in the world The most distant way in the world is not the way from birth to the end. it is when i sit near you that you don't understand i love u. The most distant way in the world is not that you're not sure i love u. It is when my love is bewildering the soul but i can't speak it out. The most distant way in the world is not that i can't say i love u. it is after looking into my heart i can't change my love. The most distant way in the world is not that i'm loving u. it is in our love we are keeping between the distance. The most distant way in the world is not the distance across us. it is when we're breaking through the way we deny the existance of love. So the most distant way in the world is not in two distant trees. it is the same rooted branches can't enjoy the co-existance. So the most distant way in the world is not in the being sepearated branches. it is in the blinking stars they can't burn the light. So the most distant way in the world is not the burning stars. it is after the light they can't be seen from afar. So the most distant way in the world is not the light that is fading away. it is the coincidence of us is not supposed for the love. So the most distant way in the world is the love between the fish and bird. one is flying at the sky, the other is looking upon into the sea. William Wordsworth:Daffodils- - I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils。 咏水仙 by华兹华斯 我好似一朵孤独的流云, 高高地飘游在山谷之上, 突然我看到一大片鲜花, 是金色的水仙遍地开放。 它们开在湖畔,开在树下 它们随风嬉舞,随风飘荡。 它们密集如银河的星星, 像群星在闪烁一片晶莹; 它们沿着海湾向前伸展, 通往远方仿佛无穷无尽; 一眼看去就有千朵万朵, 万花摇首舞得多么高兴。 粼粼湖波也在近旁欢跳, 却不如这水仙舞得轻俏; 诗人遇见这快乐的旅伴, 又怎能不感到欢欣雀跃进; 我久久凝视--却未领悟 景象所给铁精神至宝。 后来多少次我郁郁独卧, 感到百无聊赖心灵空漠; 这景象便在脑海中闪现, 多少次安慰过我的寂寞; 我的心又随水仙跳起舞来, 我的心又重新充满了欢乐 阿佛瑞德•丁尼生:(Alfred Tennyson, 1809-1892) 英国诗人,其作品包括《悼念集》(1850年)和《国王叙事诗》(1854年)等,反映了维多利亚时期的情感和美学思想。1850年他获得桂冠诗人的称号。 《公主》 城堡的围墙突然间一片辉煌 还有故事里古老的雪峰: 悠长的光线晃过湖泊, 而狂野的瀑布光荣地跃动。 吹呀,军号,吹呀,令狂野的回声飞驰, 吹呀,军号;应答,回声消逝,消逝,消逝。 噢,听,注意听!多么尖细、清泠, 然后更加尖细、清泠,不断远去! 噢,真甜润,远离悬崖与裸岩之处 仙境的号角在隐隐吹起! 吹呀,让我们听听紫色峡谷的答词: 吹呀,军号;应答,回声消逝,消逝,消逝。 噢,爱人,它们消逝在那富丽的空中, 它们晕倒在山丘,田野,或河上: 我们的回声从心灵滚向心灵, 并且永远永远地成长。 吹呀,军号,吹呀,令狂野的回声飞驰, 然后应答,回声,应答,消逝,消逝,消逝。 The Splendour Fallsfrom The Princess The splendour falls on castle walls And snowy summits old in story: The long light shakes across the lakes, And the wild cataract leaps in glory. Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying, Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying. dying, dying. O, hark, O, hear! how thin and clear, And thinner, clearer, farther going! O, sweet and far from cliff and scar The horns of Elfland faintly blowing! Blow, let us hear the purple glens replying: Blow, bugle; answer, echoes, dying, dying, dying. O love, they die in yon rich sky, They faint on hill or field or river: Our echoes roll from soul to soul, And grow for ever and for ever. Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes flying, And answer, echoes, answer, dying, dying, dying. 跨越沙棱 日落,晚星, 唤我的呼声清澈! 但愿我出海时, 沙棱不会呜咽, 而这移动的汐潮像是睡了, 满得既无泡沫也无声响, 此时自无垠深海涌来的 又一次掉头还乡。 薄暮,晚钟, 之后便是黑暗! 但愿我上船时, 不会有辞别的伤感; 虽然自我们的时空范围 潮水或将载我远涉, 我只希望跨过沙棱后 会面见我的领航者。 译者注: 沙棱指沙滩上由风浪造成的条状凸起的部分。 Crossing the Bar Sunset and evening star, And one clear call for me! And may there be no moaning of the bar, When I put out to sea, But such a tide as moving seems asleep, Too full for sound and foam, When that which drew from out the boundless deep Turns again home. Twilight and evening bell, And after that the dark! And may there be no sadness of farewell, When I embark。 For though from out our bourne of Time and Place The flood may bear me far, I hope to see my Pilot face to face When I have crossed the bar. 《悼念集》选段 二十七 无论什么心情下,我都不会 羡慕全无义愤的囚徒, 笼中出世的红雀,我不羡慕, 它都未见过夏季的林子; 那在时光的原野间 放肆的野兽,我不羡慕, 虽然它不为负罪所束缚, 而它的良心也从不会发现; 我也不羡慕那自以为有福的, 它的心从未立下山盟海誓, 只是在懒散的野草中沉滞; 也不羡慕随心所欲的安歇; 无论如何,我坚信这一条; 我最悲痛的时候,体验过, “情愿爱过而失落, 也比从未爱过要好。” From In Memoriam A.H.H. 27 I envy not in any moods The captive void of noble rage, The linnet born within the cage, That never knew the summer woods; I envy not the beast that takes His license in the field of time, Unfetter'd by the sense of crime, To whom a conscience never wakes; Nor, what may count itself as blest, The heart that never plighted troth But stagnates in the weeds of sloth: Nor any want-begotten rest. I hold it true, whate'er befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'Tis better to have loved and lost Than never to have loved at all. 一封未发出的英文情书:《但是你没有》 记得那天,我借用你的新车,我撞凹了它 我以为你一定会杀了我的 但是你没有 记得那天,我在你的新地毯上吐了满地的草莓饼 我以为你一定会厌恶我的 但是你没有 记得那天,我拖你去海滩,而它真如你所说的下了雨 我以为你会说“我告诉过你” 但是你没有 记得那天,我和所有的男人调情好让你嫉妒,而你真的嫉妒了 我以为你会离开我 但是你没有 记得那天,我忘了告诉你那个舞会是要穿礼服的,而你却穿了牛仔裤 我以为你一定要抛弃我了 但是你没有 是的,有许多的事你都没有做,而你容忍我钟爱我保护我 有许多许多的事情我要回报你,等你从越南回来 但是你没有 Remember the day I borrowed your brand new car and dented it? I thought you'd kill me, but you didn't。   And remember the time I dragged you to the beach, and you said it would rain, and it did? I thought you'd say, "I told you so." But you didn't。   Do you remember the time I flirted with all the guys to make you jealous, and you were? I thought you'd leave, but you didn't。   Do you remember the time I spilled strawberry pie all over your car rug? I thought you'd hit me, but you didn't。   And remember the time I forgot to tell you the dance was formal and you showed up in jeans? I thought you'd drop me, but you didn't。   Yes, there were lots of things you didn't do。 But you put up with me, and loved me, and protected me。 There were lots of things I wanted to make up to you when you returned from Vietnam。 But you didn't。 《Funeral Blues》 Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone, Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone, Silence the pianos and with muffled drum Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come. Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead. Put crepe bows round the white necks of public doves, Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves. He was my North, my South, my East and West. My working week and my Sunday rest, My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song; I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong. The stars are not wanted now: put out every one; Pack up the moon and d
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