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黄瓜有食用美容双重功效黄瓜原名胡瓜。黄瓜肉质脆嫩,汁多味甘,生津解渴,有特殊芳香。黄瓜中含有多种营养物质,含水量达98%,每100克鲜黄瓜,含蛋白质0.6克、脂肪0.2克、碳水化合物2.0克。蛋白质含有精氨酸等必需氨基酸;碳水化合物的种类较多,有葡萄糖、半乳糖、甘露糖、果糖、木糖。此外,黄瓜还含有粗纤维、维生素B1、核黄素、烟酸、维生素C等多种维生素。黄瓜入药始载于《本草拾遗》,中医认为其性凉味甘无毒,入脾、胃、大肠三经。有生津止渴,除烦解暑,消肿利尿,治咽喉肿痛,四肢浮肿、热痢便血。 一、黄瓜的神奇功效与作用: (一)黄瓜的美容功效: 1、黄瓜的...
黄瓜原名胡瓜。黄瓜肉质脆嫩,汁多味甘,生津解渴,有特殊芳香。黄瓜中含有多种营养物质,含水量达98%,每100克鲜黄瓜,含蛋白质0.6克、脂肪0.2克、碳水化合物2.0克。蛋白质含有精氨酸等必需氨基酸;碳水化合物的种类较多,有葡萄糖、半乳糖、甘露糖、果糖、木糖。此外,黄瓜还含有粗纤维、维生素B1、核黄素、烟酸、维生素C等多种维生素。黄瓜入药始载于《本草拾遗》,中医认为其性凉味甘无毒,入脾、胃、大肠三经。有生津止渴,除烦解暑,消肿利尿,治咽喉肿痛,四肢浮肿、热痢便血。 一、黄瓜的神奇功效与作用: (一)黄瓜的美容功效: 1、黄瓜的功效之减肥:黄瓜是一味可以美容的瓜菜,被称为“厨房里的美容剂”,经常食用或贴在皮肤上可有效地抗皮肤老化,减少皱纹的产生,并可防止唇炎、口角炎。黄瓜是很好的减肥品。希望减肥的人要多吃黄瓜,但千万记住,一定要吃新鲜的黄瓜而不要吃腌黄瓜,因为腌黄瓜含盐反而会引起发胖。黄瓜有降血糖的作用,对糖尿病人来说,黄瓜是最好的亦蔬亦果的食物。黄瓜中的苦味素有抗癌的作用。《本草纲目》中记载,黄瓜有清热、解渴、利水、消肿之功效。 2、黄瓜的功效之抗衰老:黄瓜含有较多维生素E,可抗过氧化和抗衰老作用。黄瓜所含葫芦素C,能激发人体免疫功能,对原发性肝癌可消除病痛,且延长生存期,所含纤维素,可促进胃肠蠕动,易使肠道内败物残渣排泄,可预防大肠癌。 3、黄瓜的功效之美白消斑:黄瓜还含有丰富的黄瓜酶,能促进机体新陈代谢,收到润肤护发的美容效果,常用黄瓜汁搓洗脸孔,或捣烂敷面一小时后洗净,既舒展皱纹,又润肤消斑。黄瓜是一味可以美容的瓜菜,被称为“厨房里的美容剂”,经常食用或用来做面膜可有效地抗皮肤老化,减少皱纹的产生。如果因日晒引起皮肤发黑、粗糙,用黄瓜粉敷脸,有良好的改善效果。 (二)黄瓜的食用功效: 1、抗肿瘤:黄瓜中含有的葫芦素C具有提高人体免疫功能的作用,达到抗肿瘤目的。此外,该物质还可治疗慢性肝炎和迁延性肝炎,对原发性肝癌患者有延长生存期作用。 2、抗衰老:黄瓜中含有丰富的维生素E,可起到延年益寿,抗衰老的作用;黄瓜中的黄瓜酶,有很强的生物活性,能有效地促进机体的新陈代谢。用黄瓜捣汁涂擦皮肤,有润肤,舒展皱纹功效。 3、防酒精中毒:黄瓜中所含的丙氨酸、精氨酸和谷胺酰胺对肝脏病人,特别是对酒精性肝硬化患者有一定辅助治疗作用,可防治酒精中毒。 4、降血糖:黄瓜中所含的葡萄糖甙、果糖等不参与通常的糖代谢,故糖尿病人以黄瓜代淀粉类食物充饥,血糖非但不会升高,甚至会降低。 5、减肥强体:黄瓜中所含的丙醇二酸,可抑制糖类物质转变为脂肪。此外,黄瓜中的纤维素对促进人体肠道内腐败物质的排除和降低胆固醇有一定作用,能强身健体。 6、健脑安神:黄瓜含有维生素B1,对改善大脑和神经系统功能有利,能安神定志,辅助治疗失眠症。 二、小心吃黄瓜的4个禁忌: 1、不要把“黄瓜头儿”全部丢掉 黄瓜尾部含有较多的苦味素,不要把“黄瓜头儿”全部丢掉。味素对于消化道炎症具有独特的功效。可刺激消化液的分泌,产生大量消化酶,可以使人胃口大开。苦味素不仅健胃,增加肠胃动力,帮助消化,清肝利胆和安神的功能,还可以防止流感。 2、黄瓜不能和花生一起吃 在很多家庭、餐馆都有这道凉菜。然而黄瓜和花生搭配是非常不科学的。黄瓜性味甘寒,常用来生食,而花生米多油脂。一般来讲,如果性寒食物与油脂相遇,会增加其滑利之性,可能导致腹泻,所以不宜同食。特别是对于肠胃功能不是太好的朋友,最好不要两者同食,即使同食最好不要多食。 3、不宜生食不洁黄瓜 黄瓜当水果生吃,不宜过多。黄瓜中维生素较少,因此常吃黄瓜时应同时吃些其他的蔬果。此外,生吃不洁黄瓜容易感染细菌,影响身体健康。农贸市场买来的黄瓜,最好先浸泡后去皮再吃。 4、不宜加碱或高热煮后食用 食用碱并不是一种常用调味品,它只是一种食品疏松剂和肉类嫩化剂。烹制黄瓜不需要使用碱,此外,黄瓜不宜高温加热,高热加热会使口感变差,同时黄瓜的营养价值会减少。 Cucumber cucumber. Cucumber succulent crisp, sweet and juicy, quench, has a special aroma. Cucumber http://lianhejob.com/post/20.html contains a variety of nutrients, water content of up to 98%, each 100 grams of fresh cucumber, containing 0.6 grams of protein, 0.2 grams fat, 2 grams carbohydrates. The protein contains arginine, essential amino acids; many kinds of carbohydrate, glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, xylose.In addition, cucumber also contains crude fiber, vitamin B1, riboflavin, niacin,vitamin C and other vitamins. Cucumber www.yofotoark.com medicine was first recorded in "Chinese Materia Medica", the Chinese believe that the cold sweet non-toxic, into the spleen,stomach, large intestine by three. Shengjinzhike, Chufan Jieshu, diuretic swelling,throat swelling and pain, swelling of the limbs, heat dysentery with bloody stool. Magic and the function, cucumber: (a) cucumber cosmetic effect: 1, the efficacy of weight loss of cucumber: cucumber is to the beauty of the vegetables, known as the "cosmetic" kitchen, often edible or attached to the skin to be effective against skin www.zjiajias.com aging, reduce wrinkles, and prevent cheilitis, angular cheilitis. Cucumber is a good weight-loss products. Those who want to lose weight should eat cucumber, but remember, must eat and not eat fresh cucumbers pickledcucumber, pickled cucumber salt because it will cause weight gain. Cucumber have hypoglycemic effect, for people with diabetes, cucumber is the best food is vegetables are fruits. The bitter cucumber known as anti-cancer effect. "Records"Compendium of Materia Medica, cucumber has the effect of clearing heat, thirst,diuresis, detumescence. 2, the efficacy of anti-aging cucumber: cucumber contains a lot of vitamin E, can resist oxidation and www.jixieinfo.net aging old. Cucumber contains cucurbitacin C, can stimulate the body's immune function, the primary liver cancer can eliminate pain, and prolong the survival period, the content of cellulose, can promote gastrointestinal motility,easy to make intestinal failure residue excretion, can prevent colorectal cancer. 3, the efficacy of cucumber whitening Xiaoban: cucumber cucumber enzyme alsocontains rich, can promote the body The new supersedes the old. received, skin and hair care cosmetic effect, common cucumber juice wash face, or www.zhuzhucun.com smashedFumian one hour after cleaning, can remove wrinkles, and skin xiaoban. Cucumber is the beauty of the vegetables can be blindly, known as the "cosmetic" kitchen,often edible or used to do mask can be effective against skin aging, reduce wrinkles. If because of the sun cause skin dark, rough, with cucumber powder at attaining, a good improvement effect. (two) the nutritional effects of cucumber: 1, tumor: cucumber contains cucurbitacin C can improve human body immunityfunction, achieve the purpose of anti tumor. In addition, the substance also can cure the chronic hepatitis and hepatitis persistent, can prolong the survival time ofpatients with primary liver cancer. 2, anti aging: cucumber is rich in vitamin E, can rise to prolong life, anti-aging effect; cucumber cucumber enzyme, a strong biological activity, can effectively promote the body's The new www.shtypf.com supersedes the old. Daozhi Tuca skin, cucumber skin,remove wrinkles efficacy. 3, the anti alcoholism: contained in Cucumber alanine, arginine glutamic acid amideon the liver of a patient, especially has certain auxiliary therapeutic effect on patients with alcoholic cirrhosis, prevention and treatment of alcoholism. 4, lowering blood sugar: contained in Cucumber glucoside, fructose is not normally involved in glucose metabolism, generation of starchy food to eat cucumber so diabetics, blood sugar does not rise, even can reduce. 5, strong body weight: cucumber contains alcohol acid, can inhibit carbohydrate into fat. In addition, cucumber in cellulose to promote elimination of human intestinal putrefactive substances and lower cholesterol have a certain effect, can improve the health. 6, brain nerves: cucumber contains vitamin B1, beneficial to the improvement of the brain and nervous system function, can Anshen Dingzhi, auxiliary treatment of insomnia. Two, watch 4 taboo to eat cucumber: 1, do not put "cucumber boss" all lose Bitter cucumber tail contains more elements, not the "cucumber boss" all lose.Monosodium glutamate has unique effects on digestive tract inflammation. Can stimulate the digestive www.xbooo.org juice secretion, produce large amounts of digestive enzymes, can make person appetite. Bitter principle not only stomach, increase the stomach power, help digestion, Qinggan Lidan and tranquilizing function, also can prevent flu. 2, can not eat cucumber and peanut Is this dish in many families, restaurants. However, cucumber and peanutcollocation is very unscientific. Cold cucumber and sweet, often eat the next life, but more than peanut oil. Generally speaking, if the sexual encounter cold food and oil,will increase its sliding profits, may cause diarrhea, so should not the same food.Especially for gastrointestinal function is not good friends, it is best not to both with food, even with the food is best not to eat. 3, should not be eating unclean cucumber When the fruit eaten raw cucumbers, should not be too much. Cucumber vitamin less, so eat cucumber should eat some of the other Vegetable & Fruitsimultaneously. In addition, eating unclean cucumber easily infected with bacteria,health effects. The farmers market to buy a cucumber, the best first soaked peeled. 4, do not add alkali or high temperature cooking after eating Edible alkali is not a common condiments, it is a kind of food osteoporosis agentand meat tenderizer. Cooked cucumber does not require the use of alkali, in addition, cucumber should not be heated to high temperatures, high heating will make the taste, nutritional value will be reduced and cucumber.
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