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夏天喝绿茶的12大好处春天喝花茶、夏天喝绿茶、秋天喝乌龙、冬天喝红茶,听过这句话后至于夏天喝什么茶大家应该都已经清楚了吧。夏天的脚步渐渐临近,下面我们再来看看夏天喝绿茶的好处。 1、抗衰老 有助于延缓衰老,茶多酚具有很强的抗氧化性和生理活性 ,是人体自由基的清除剂。研究证明1毫克茶多酚清除对人肌体有害的过量自由基的效能相当于9微克超氧化物歧化酶,大大高于其它同类物质。茶多酚有阻断脂质过氧化反应,清除活性酶的作用。据日本奥田拓勇试验结果,证实茶多酚的抗衰老效果要比维生素E强18倍。 2、抑疾病 有助于抑制心血管疾病茶多酚对人体脂肪代谢有着重要作用。人...
春天喝花茶、夏天喝绿茶、秋天喝乌龙、冬天喝红茶,听过这句话后至于夏天喝什么茶大家应该都已经清楚了吧。夏天的脚步渐渐临近,下面我们再来看看夏天喝绿茶的好处。 1、抗衰老 有助于延缓衰老,茶多酚具有很强的抗氧化性和生理活性 ,是人体自由基的清除剂。研究证明1毫克茶多酚清除对人肌体有害的过量自由基的效能相当于9微克超氧化物歧化酶,大大高于其它同类物质。茶多酚有阻断脂质过氧化反应,清除活性酶的作用。据日本奥田拓勇试验结果,证实茶多酚的抗衰老效果要比维生素E强18倍。 2、抑疾病 有助于抑制心血管疾病茶多酚对人体脂肪代谢有着重要作用。人体的胆固醇、三酸甘油脂等含量高,血管内壁脂肪沉积,血管平滑肌细胞增生后形成动脉粥样化斑块等心血管疾病。茶多酚,尤其是茶多酚中的儿茶素ECG和EGC及其氧化产物茶黄素等,有助于使这种斑状增生受到抑制,使形成血凝黏度增强的纤维蛋白原降低,凝血变清,从而抑制动脉粥样硬化。 3、抗致癌 有助于预防和抗癌 茶多酚可以阻断亚硝酸铵等多种致癌物质在体内合成,并具有直接杀伤癌细胞和提高肌体免疫能力的功效。据有关资料显示,茶叶中的茶多酚,对胃癌、肠癌等多种癌症的预防和辅助治疗,均有裨益。 4、防辐射 有助于预防和治疗辐射伤害茶多酚及其氧化产物具有吸收放射性物质锶90和钴60毒害的能力。据有关医疗部门临床试验证实,对肿瘤患者在放射治疗过程中引起的轻度放射病,用茶叶提取物进行治疗,有效率可达90%以上;对血细胞减少症,茶叶提取物治疗的有效率达81.7%;对因放射辐射而引起的白血球减少症治疗效果更好。 5、抗病毒菌 有助于抑制和抵抗病毒菌 茶多酚有较强的收敛作用,对病原菌、病毒有明显的抑制和杀灭作用,对消炎止泻有明显效果。我国有不少医疗单位应用茶叶制剂治疗急性和慢性痢疾、阿米巴痢疾、流感,治愈率达90%左右。 6、美容护肤 有助于美容护肤 茶多酚是水溶性物质,用它洗脸能清除面部的油腻,收敛毛孔,具有消毒、灭菌、抗皮肤老化,减少日光中的紫外线辐射对皮肤的损伤等功效。 7、醒脑提神 有助于醒脑提神 茶叶中的咖啡碱能促使人体中枢神经兴奋,增强大脑皮层的兴奋过程,起到提神益思、清心的效果。对于缓解偏头痛也有一定的功效。 8、利尿解乏 有助于利尿解乏,茶叶中的咖啡碱可刺激肾脏,促使尿液迅速排出体外,提高肾脏的滤出率,减少有害物质在肾脏中滞留时间。咖啡碱还可排除尿液中的过量乳酸,有助于使人体尽快消除疲劳。 9、缓解疲劳 绿茶中含强效的抗氧化剂以及维生素C,不但可以清除体内的自由基,还能分泌出对抗紧张压力的荷尔蒙。绿茶中所含的少量的咖啡因可以刺激中枢神经、振奋精神。也正因为如此,我们推荐在上午饮用绿茶,以免影响睡觉。 10、护齿明目 有助于护齿明目茶叶中含氟量较高,每100克干茶中含氟量为10毫克——15毫克,且80%为水溶性成份。若每人每天饮茶叶10克,则可吸收水溶性氟1毫克——1.5毫克,而且茶叶是碱性饮料,可抑制人体钙质的减少,这对预防龋齿、护齿、坚齿,都是有益的。在小学生中进行“饮后茶疗漱口”试验,龋齿率可降低80%。在白内障患者中有饮茶习惯的占28.6%;无饮茶习惯的则占71.4%。这是因为茶叶中的维生素C等成份,能降低眼睛晶体混浊度,经常饮茶,对减少眼疾、护眼明目均有积极的作用。 11、降低"三高" 研究明,绿茶能够帮助改善消化不良,比如由细菌引起的急性腹泻,喝绿茶可减轻病况。绿茶还有减肥的功效,经常接触油漆、电脑等群体可多饮绿茶;喜欢抽烟喝酒的人可多饮绿茶。而对于老年人来讲,如果你是个老茶客,最好选用冷泡法泡茶,即用凉白开泡茶,这样可降“三高”。绿茶不能空腹喝,否则会“茶醉”;感冒者、肠胃不好者不宜喝绿茶。 12、降血脂 有助于降脂助消化唐代《本草拾遗》中对茶的功效有“久食令人瘦”的记载。我国边疆少数民族有“不可一日无茶”之说。因为茶叶有助消化和降低脂肪的重要功效,用当今时尚语言说,就是有助于“减肥”。这是由于茶叶中的咖啡碱能提高胃液的分泌量,可以帮助消化,增强分解脂肪的能力。 The spring to drink tea, drink Green Tea summer, autumn, winter drink Oolongdrink Black Tea, heard the words after http://www.516j.net/post/1528.html the summer drink what tea we should allhave been clear. The summer is approaching, we'll have a look Green Tea benefitssummer drink. 1, anti aging Contribute to aging, tea polyphenols with strong antioxidant and physical activity,the body's free radical scavenger. Studies show that 1 excess free radicals harmful to human body clearance mg tea polyphenol efficiency equivalent to 9 micrograms of superoxide dismutase, much higher than other similar material. Tea polyphenols have blocking lipid peroxidation, scavenging activity of enzymes. According to the Japanese Okuda Takuyong test results, confirmed the anti-aging effects of tea polyphenols of vitamin E than the 18 times stronger. 2, anti disease Help to inhibit cardiovascular disease of tea polyphenols on human fat metabolismplays an important role in. The www.xgjhc.com body's cholesterol, triglycerides and other high levels, blood vessel wall fat deposition, vascular smooth muscle cells formed after the atheroma plaque and other cardiovascular disease. Tea polyphenols,especially tea polyphenols catechins in ECG and EGC and its oxidation product oftheaflavins, help make this porphyritic proliferation was inhibited, so that the formation of fibrin enhanced coagulation of blood viscosity reduce, coagulationbecame clear, thereby inhibiting atherosclerosis. 3, anti carcinogenic Contribute to the prevention and anti-cancer tea polyphenols can block a variety of sub - nitrate synthesis of carcinogenic substances in the body, and can directly kill the tumor cells and improve the effectiveness of the body immunity. According to statistics, tea polyphenols, prevention and adjuvant therapy for gastric cancer,colon cancer and other cancer, are both good. 4, anti radiation Have the ability to contribute to the prevention and treatment of radiation injury of tea polyphenols and its oxidation products with the absorption of radioactivestrontium 90 and cobalt 60 poison. According www.zjblqh.com to the health department confirmed in clinical trials, to mild radiation sickness caused by tumor patients during radiotherapy, were treated with the tea extract, the efficiency is above 90%; right pancytopenia, tea extract effective rate of treatment 81.7%; radiation due to radiation induced leukopenia treated better. 5, anti bacteria Contribute to the inhibition of bacteria and virus resistance of tea polyphenols have strong convergence effect, significant inhibition and killing effect on pathogenic bacteria, virus, has obvious effect on the anti-inflammatory diarrhea. Our country has many medical units in application of tea preparation for treating acute and chronic dysentery, amoebic dysentery, influenza, a cure rate of about 90%. 6, beauty and skin care Help beauty polyphenols are water-soluble substances, can remove oily face,convergence pores www.xcjlygw.com and use it to wash your face, with disinfection, sterilization, anti skin aging, reduce the sunlight in the ultraviolet radiation damage effects on the skin. 7, Xingnao refreshing Caffeine helps refreshment in tea can promote the human central nervous excitement, enhance the excitement of the cerebral cortex, play a refreshing beneficial thinking, the effect of pure heart. Also has certain effect for the relief ofmigraine. 8, diuretic Contribute to the diuretic, the caffeine in tea can stimulate the kidneys, promote urine excreted rapidly, improve the kidneys filter out the rate, reduce the residence time of harmful substances in the kidney. Caffeine can also eliminate excess lactic acid in urine, helps the body eliminate fatigue as soon as possible. 9, relieve fatigue In Green Tea contains potent antioxidants and vitamin C, not only can remove free radicals, can secrete antagonism stress hormones. The Green Tea containingsmall amounts of caffeine can www.soueou.com stimulate central nervous, hearten spirit. Also because of this, we recommend in the morning drinking Green Tea, so as not to affect the sleep. 10, mouthguard Mingmu Help mouthguard Mingmu tea in the high fluorine content, per 100 grams of driedtea fluorine content of 10 mg -- 15 mg, and 80% for water soluble component. If theper person per day to drink 10 grams of tea, can absorb water soluble fluorine 1mg -- 1.5 mg, and tea is alkaline beverage, reduce can inhibit the body of calcium,the prevention of dental caries, dental, teeth, is beneficial. "Drink tea after mouthwash treatment" test in the primary school students, dental caries can reduce the rate of 80%. In the cataract patients have the habit of tea drinking accounted for 28.6%; no tea drinking www.jy290.com habits accounted for 71.4%. This is because the vitamin C in tea and other ingredients, can reduce the eye lens turbidity, often drink tea, to reduce eye disease, eye protection have a positive role. 11, reduce the "three high" Research shows that, Green Tea can help improve indigestion, such as acute diarrhea caused by bacteria, drink Green Tea can reduce the condition. Green Tea can lose weight, regular contact with paint, computer and other groups candrink more Green Tea; loving people who smoke and drink drink Green Tea. Forolder people, if you are an old tea drinkers, the best selection of cold brewing tea,tea with plain boiled water, it can reduce the "three high". Green Tea fasting does not drink, otherwise it will "drunk"; cold, gastrointestinal bad person should not drinkGreen Tea. 12, reducing blood fat Contribute to lowering digestive Tang "herbal supplements" of tea "food for a long time is thin" records. China's frontier minority is "not a day without tea" say.Because tea helps digestion and reduces the effectiveness of fat, with today's fashion language, is helpful to "lose weight". This is because the caffeine in tea canenhance the secretion of gastric juice, can help digestion, enhance the ability tobreak down fat.
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