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中英版 通用航空飞行管制条例

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中英版 通用航空飞行管制条例 通用航空飞行管制条例 Regulations for General Aviation Flight Control of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) effective May 1, 2003 第一章 总则 Chapter 1: General Rules 第一条 为了促进通用航空事业的发展,规范通用航空飞行活动,保证飞行安 全,根据《中华人民共和国民用航空法》和《中华人民共和国飞行基本规则》,制 定本条例。 Article 1. This R...
中英版 通用航空飞行管制条例
通用航空飞行管制条例 Regulations for General Aviation Flight Control of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) effective May 1, 2003 第一章 总则 Chapter 1: General Rules 第一条 为了促进通用航空事业的发展,规范通用航空飞行活动,保证飞行安 全,根据《中华人民共和国民用航空法》和《中华人民共和国飞行基本规则》,制 定本条例。 Article 1. This Regulation is formulated in accordance with “Laws and Regulations for Civil Aviation of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)” and “Regulations for Flight of the People’s Republic of China (PRC)” in order to promote the smooth development of China’s general aviation business, regulate China’s general aviation activities and ensure flight safety. 第二条 在中华人民共和国境内从事通用航空飞行活动,必须遵守本条例。在 中华人民共和国境内从事升放无人驾驶自由气球和系留气球活动,适用本条例的有 关规定。 Article 2. General aviation activities in China are subject to the terms of this Regulation. This Regulation also applies to the release of unmanned free balloons and to tethered balloons. 第三条 本条例所称通用航空,是指除军事、警务、海关缉私飞行和公共航空 运输飞行以外的航空活动,包括从事工业、农业、林业、渔业、矿业、建筑业的作 业飞行和医疗卫生、抢险救灾、气象探测、海洋监测、科学实验、遥感测绘、教育 训练、文化体育、旅游观光等方面的飞行活动。 Article 3. General aviation, with the exception of those activities related to the military, the police, customs and public transportation, refers to all aviation activities, including industrial, agricultural, forestry, fishery, medical, rescue and emergency, mining, construction, weather survey and maritime monitoring and survey. It also includes flights related to scientific experimentation, remote sensing survey, education, sports, recreation and sightseeing. 第四条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人,必须按照《中华人民共和国民 用航空法》的规定取得从事通用航空活动的资格,并遵守国家有关法律、行政法规 的规定。 Article 4. Units and individuals engaging in general aviation flight activities must obtain flight licenses according to “Laws and Regulations for Civil Aviation of the People's Republic of China (PRC)” and abide by the terms of this Regulation. 第五条 飞行管制部门按照职责分工,负责对通用航空飞行活动实施管理,提 供空中交通管制服务。相关飞行保障单位应当积极协调配合,做好有关服务保障工 作,为通用航空飞行活动创造便利条件。 Article 5. Depending on the activity involved, Flight Control Departments will assign appropriate responsibility for managing general aviation activities and for providing air traffic control service. Relevant flight support units should aggressively coordinate support services in order to create a safe and convenient environment for general aviation flight activities. 第二章 飞行空域的划设与使用 Chapter 2: Assignment and Usage of Flight Airspace 第六条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人使用机场飞行空域、航路、航 线,应当按照国家有关规定向飞行管制部门提出申请,经批准后方可实施。 Article 6. Units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities, whether using airports, airspace, or air routes must apply to the relevant flight control department for permission to conduct private flight according to the terms of this Regulation and may implement flight after gaining the department’s approval. 第七条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人,根据飞行活动要求,需要划设 临时飞行空域的,应当向有关飞行管制部门提出划设临时飞行空域的申请。 划设临时飞行空域的申请,应当包括下列内容: (一)临时飞行空域的水平范围、高度; (二)飞入和飞出临时飞行空域的方法; (三)使用临时飞行空域的时间; (四)飞行活动性质; (五)其他有关事项。 Article 7. Units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities, when needing temporary airspace assignment, must apply to the relevant flight control department for that assignment. The application for requesting temporary airspace assignment must include: 1. Horizontal boundaries and altitude 2. Method of flight in and out of temporary flight airspace 3. Date(s) and time(s) of usage 4. Nature of flight activities 5. Other related issues 第八条 划设临时飞行空域按照下列规定的权限批准: (一)在机场区域内划设的,由负责该机场飞行管制的部门批准; (二)超出机场区域在飞行管制分区内划设的,由负责该分区飞行管制的部 门批准; (三)超出飞行管制分区在飞行管制区内划设的,由负责该管制区飞行管制 的部门批准; (四)在飞行管制区间划设的,由中国人民解放军空军批准。 批准划设临时飞行空域的部门应当将划设的临时飞行空域报上一级飞行管制 部门备案,并通报有关单位。 Article 8. The approval or disapproval of temporary flight airspace assignment will be done according as follows: 1. In airport zone - The airport flight control department will approve/disapprove the assignment. 2. Outside of airport zone but in sub-region - The sub-region flight control department will approve/disapprove the assignment. 3. Outside of sub-region but in region - The regional flight control department will approve/disapprove the assignment. 4. Between regions - The Chinese People’s Liberation Air Force will approve/disapprove the assignment. Any flight control department that approves a temporary airspace assignment must report the assignment to the flight control department at the next higher level for recording and to keep all relevant departments informed. 第九条 划设临时飞行空域的申请,应当在拟使用临时飞行空域 7 个工作日 前向有关飞行管制部门提出;负责批准该临时飞行空域的飞行管制部门应当在拟使 用临时飞行空域 3 个工作日前作出批准或者不予批准的决定,并通知申请人。 Article 9. The application for temporary flight airspace assignment must be submitted to the relevant flight control department at least 7 working days before the planned use of the temporary flight airspace; the flight control department should make decision to approve/disapprove and inform the applicant 3 working days before the planned use. 第十条 临时飞行空域的使用期限应当根据通用航空飞行的性质和需要确定, 通常不得超过 12 个月。 因飞行任务的要求,需要延长临时飞行空域使用期限的,应当报经批准该临时飞行 空域的飞行管制部门同意。 通用航空飞行任务完成后,从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人应当及时报告有关 飞行管制部门,其申请划设的临时飞行空域即行撤销 Article10. The time limit on a temporary flight airspace assignment will be determined by the nature of the flight activity and the needs of general aviation. The length in time, generally, will not exceed 12 months. If the flight activity needs more time in the assigned temporary flight airspace, a request for an extension should be made to the flight control department that is in charge of the temporary flight airspace for approval/disapproval. After completing the flight activities requiring temporary airspace assignment, units and individuals who were engaging in the general aviation activities must report the completion to the relevant flight control department; the assignment of the temporary flight airspace will be immediately cancelled. 第十一条 已划设的临时飞行空域,从事通用航空飞行活动的其他单位、个人因 飞行需要,经批准划设该临时飞行空域的飞行管制部门同意,也可以使用。 Article11. Units and individuals other than the approved applicant and engaging in general aviation activities may request permission to use the airspace from the relevant flight control department in charge of it. 第三章 飞行活动的管理 Chapter 3: Management of General Aviation Flight Activities 第十二条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人实施飞行前,应当向当地飞行管 制部门提出飞行计划申请,按照批准权限,经批准后方可实施。 Article12. Units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities must submit flight plans to the local flight control department before beginning their flights. The local flight control department will submit flight plans to higher levels of authority if necessary. 第十三条 飞行计划申请应当包括下列内容: (一)飞行单位; (二)飞行任务性质; (三)飞行员(机长)姓名、代号(呼号)和空勤组人数; (四)航空器型别和架数; (五)通信联络方法和二次雷达应答机代码; (六)起飞、降落机场和备降场; (七)预计飞行开始、结束时间; (八)飞行气象条件; (九)航线、飞行高度和飞行范围; (十)其他特殊保障需求。 Article13. Applications for flight plans must include: 1. Name of unit or individual 2. Nature of the flight activity 3. Name and call sign of the pilot (captain) and the number of flight crew members 4. Aircraft model and number 5. Communication method and code of secondary radar transponder 6. Airport(s) for takeoff, landing and standby 7. Estimated time of beginning and end of flight 8. Restrictions on weather conditions for flight 9. Route, flight altitude and boundaries 10. Other special support requirements 第十四条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人有下列情形之一的,必须在提出 飞行计划申请时,提交有效的任务批准文件: (一)飞出或者飞入我国领空的(公务飞行除外); (二)进入空中禁区或者国(边)界线至我方一侧 10 公里之间地带上空飞行的; (三)在我国境内进行航空物探或者航空摄影活动的; (四)超出领海(海岸)线飞行的; (五)外国航空器或者外国人使用我国航空器在我国境内进行通用航空飞行活动 的。 Article 14. Units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities must submit valid approval documents when submitting a flight plan if any of the following situations apply: 1. Flight in and out of China's airspace (except for official mission flight) 2. Flight within restricted airspace or over the terrain within 10 km of China's borders 3. Aerial survey or aerial photography within China's borders 4. Flight beyond the coastline 5. Foreign registered aircraft or foreigner using aircraft registered in China to conduct general aviation activities 第十五条 使用机场飞行空域、航路、航线进行通用航空飞行活动,其飞行计划 申请由当地飞行管制部门批准或者由当地飞行管制部门报经上级飞行管制部门批 准。 使用临时飞行空域、临时航线进行通用航空飞行活动,其飞行计划申请按照下列规 定的权限批准: (一)在机场区域内的,由负责该机场飞行管制的部门批准; (二)超出机场区域的飞行管制分区内的,由负责该分区飞行管制的部门批 (三)超出飞行管制分区在飞行管制区内的,由负责该区域飞行管制的部门批准; (四)超出飞行管制区的,由中国人民解放军空军批准。 Article 15. When using flight airspace and air routes and at airports to engage in general aviation activities, flight plans must be approved/disapproved by the local flight control department or be reported to the next higher level flight control department for approval/disapproval. When using temporary flight airspace and temporary air routes to engage in general aviation activities, flight plans will be approved as follows: 1. In airport zone - To be approved/disapproved by the relevant flight control department in charge of the airport 2. Outside of airport zone but in sub-region - To be approved/disapproved by the relevant flight control department in charge of the sub-region 3. Outside of sub-region but in region - To be approved/disapproved by the relevant regional flight control department 4. Between regions - To be approved/disapproved by the People's Liberation Air Force 第十六条 飞行计划申请应当在拟飞行前 1 天 15 时前提出;飞行管制部门应当 在拟飞行前 1 天 21 时前作出批准或者不予批准的决定,并通知申请人。 执行紧急救护、抢险救灾、人工影响天气和其他紧急任务的,可以提出临时飞行计 划申请。临时飞行计划申请最迟应当在拟飞行 1 小时前提出;飞行管制部门应当 在拟起飞时刻 15 分钟前作出批准或不予批准的决定,并通知申请人。 Article16. Flight plans must be submitted by 15:00 of the day before the flight, and the relevant flight control department will approve/disapprove by 21:00 at the latest on the same day and notify the applicant. For emergencies, rescue and disaster relief, weather-making and other urgent tasks, flight plans should be submitted at least an hour before the flight; the relevant flight control department will approve/disapprove by 15 minutes before the flight and notify the applicant. 第十七条 在划设的临时飞行空域内实施通用航空飞行活动的,可以在申请划设 临时飞行空域时一并提出 15 天以内的短期飞行计划申请,不再逐日申请;但是每 日飞行开始前和结束后,应当及时报告飞行管制部门。 Article 17. For general aviation activities within an assigned temporary flight airspace, flight plans covering up to 15 days may be submitted along with an application for a temporary flight airspace assignment, and not submitted day by day. However, the dynamic flight situation from take off to landing must be reported in a timely manner to the relevant flight control department. 第十八条 使用临时航线转场飞行的,其飞行计划申请应当在拟飞行 2 天前向 当地飞行管制部门提出;飞行管制部门应当在拟飞行前 1 天 18 时前作出批准或者 不予批准的决定,并通知申请人,同时按照规定通报有关单位。 Article18. For use of temporary air routes to position aircraft, flight plans must be submitted 2 days before the flight to the local flight control department, which will approve/disapprove by 18:00 of the day before the flight and notify the applicant as well as other relevant units according to relevant regulations. 第十九条 飞行管制部门对违反飞行管制规定的航空器,可以根据情况责令改正 或者停止其飞行。 Article19. The relevant flight control department, according to the situation, will order correction of or cancellation of flights by aircraft that violate this Regulation. 第四章 飞行保障 Chapter 4: Flight Support 第二十条 通信、导航、雷达、气象、航行情报和其他飞行保障部门应当认真履 行职责,密切协同,统筹兼顾,合理安排,提高飞行空域和时间的利用率,保障通 用航空飞行顺利实施。 Article20. Communication, navigation, radar, weather, flight information and other flight support departments should earnestly perform their responsibilities, closely coordinate with each other, and plan comprehensively to take all factors into consideration for reasonable arrangement and full use of flight airspace and time to ensure general aviation activities proceed smoothly. 第二十一条 通信、导航、雷达、气象、航行情报和其他飞行保障部门对于紧急救 护、抢险救灾、人工影响天气等突发性任务的飞行,应当优先安排。 Article21. Communication, navigation, radar, weather, flight information and other flight support departments should give priority to flights associated with emergencies, disaster relief, weather-making and other unexpected but vital missions. 第二十二条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人组织各类飞行活动,应当制定安 全保障措施,严格按照批准的飞行计划组织实施,并按照要求报告飞行动态。 Article22. For all flights, units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities must prepare safety and security measures, organize flight activities strictly in accordance with approved flight plans, and report dynamic flight situation according to this Regulation. 第二十三条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人,应当与有关飞行管制部门建立 可靠的通信联络。在划设的临时飞行空域内从事通用航空飞行活动时,应当保持空 地联络畅通。 Article23. Units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities must set up reliable communication with the relevant flight control department and must also maintain good air-ground communication when conducting activities within temporary airspace. 第二十四条 在临时飞行空域内进行通用航空飞行活动,通常由从事通用航空飞行 活动的单位、个人负责组织实施,并对其安全负责。 Article 24. Generally, units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities are responsible for the organization and implementation of operations and of safety measures when conducting activities within temporary airspace. 第二十五条 飞行管制部门应当按照职责分工或者协议,为通用航空飞行活动提供 空中交通管制服务。 Article 25. The relevant flight control department should provide air traffic control services for general aviation activities according to the nature of the activity and according to other agreements. 第二十六条 从事通用航空飞行活动需要使用军用机场的,应当将使用军用机场的 申请和飞行计划申请一并向有关部队司令机关提出,由有关部队司令机关作出批准 或者不予批准的决定,并通知申请人。 Article 26. If use of military airports is needed when engaging in general aviation, applications for such use and flight plans may submitted at the same time to the relevant military command departments, which will approve/disapprove and notify applicants. 第二十七条 从事通用航空飞行活动的航空器转场飞行,需要使用军用或者民用机 场的,由该机场管理机构按照规定或者协议提供保障;使用军民合作机场的,由从 事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人与机场有关部门协商确定保障事宜。 Article 27. The relevant airport management authorities should provide support according to relevant regulations or agreements when aircraft engaging in general aviation activities need to use either military or civil airports for positioning flights; units and individuals engaging in general aviation activities should consult with the relevant airport departments to ensure availability of support when using civil-military airports. 第二十八条 在临时机场或者起降点飞行的组织指挥,通常由从事通用航空飞行活 动的单位、个人负责。 Article 28. Generally, units or individuals engaging in general aviation activities are responsible for organizing and controlling flights at temporary airfields or other takeoff and landing points. 第二十九条 从事通用航空飞行活动的民用航空器能否起飞、着陆和飞行,由机长 (驾驶员)根据适航标准和气象条件等最终确定,并对此决定负责。 Article 29. Decisions about whether civil aircraft engaging in general aviation activities can, according to airworthiness standards and weather conditions, take off and land or fly or not will be ultimately made by, and are the responsibility of the pilot (captain). 第三十条 通用航空飞行保障收费标准,按照国家有关国内机场收费标准执行。 Article 30. Flight support fees for general aviation activities shall be assessed according to the State fee standard for domestic airports. 第五章 升放和系留气球的规定 Chapter 5: Regulation for the Launching of Free and Tethered Balloons 第三十一条 升放无人驾驶自由气球或者系留气球不得影响飞行安全。 本条例所称无人驾驶自由气球,是指无动力驱动、无人操纵、轻于空气、总质量大 于 4 千克自由飘移的充气物体。 本条例所称系留气球,是指系留于地面物体上、直径大于 1.8 米或者体积容量大 于 3.2 立方米、轻于空气的充气物体。 Article 31. The launching of unmanned free balloons and of tethered balloons is not permitted to have any effect on flight safety. “Unmanned free balloon” refers to any free floating, non-powered, unmanned, lighter-than-air, inflated object with a total weight of more than 4 kg. “Tethered balloon” refers to any tied-to-the-ground, lighter-than-air, inflated object with a diameter of more than 1.8m or with a volume of more than 3.2 cubic meters. 第三十二条 无人驾驶自由气球和系留气球的分类、识别标志和升放条件等,应当 符合国家有关规定。 Article 32. For classification, identification and conditions for launching of unmanned free balloons and of tethered balloons, refer to the relevant State regulations. 第三十三条 进行升放无人驾驶自由气球或者系留气球活动,必须经设区的市级以 上气象主管机构会同有关部门批准。具体办法由国务院气象主管机构制定。 Article 33. Before launching unmanned free balloons or tethered balloons, approval must be obtained from the municipal weather department or higher- level weather department and other relevant departments; details of requirements have been established by the State Weather Department. 第三十四条 升放无人驾驶自由气球,应当在拟升放 2 天前持本条例第三十三条 规定的批准文件向当地飞行管制部门提出升放申请;飞行管制部门应当在拟升放 1 天前作出批准或者不予批准的决定,并通知申请人。 Article 34. Applications for permission to launch unmanned free balloons must be submitted to the local flight control department, along with the approval document cited in Article 33 of this Regulation, at least 2 days before the launch; the relevant flight control department should approve/disapprove the application by the day before the release and notify the applicant. 第三十五条 升放无人驾驶自由气球的申请,通常应当包括下列内容: (一)升放的单位、个人和联系方法; (二)气球的类型、数量、用途和识别标志; (三)升放地点和计划回收区; (四)预计升放和回收(结束)的时间; (五)预计飘移方向、上升的速度和最大高度。 Article 35. Application for launching unmanned free balloons should generally include: 1. Name of unit or individual and contact information 2. Type, quantity, usage and identification or call sign of balloon(s) 3. Launch location and recovery location 4. Estimated times of launch and recovery 5. Estimated wind drift direction and speed, rate of ascent and maximum altitude 第三十六条 升放无人驾驶自由气球,应当按照批准的申请升放,并及时向有关飞 行管制部门报告升放动态;取消升放时,应当及时报告有关飞行管制部门。 Article 36. Launching of unmanned free balloons must be in accordance with approved applications; timely report of launch situations must be made to the relevant flight control department, as well as timely report made of cancellation of launches. 第三十七条 升放系留气球,应当确保系留牢固,不得擅自释放。 系留气球升放的高度不得高于地面 150 米,但是低于距其水平距离 50 米范围内建 筑物顶部的除外。 系留气球升放的高度超过地面 50 米的,必须加装快速放气装置,并设置识别标 志。 Article 37. Tethered balloons must be firmly tied down and not released without permission. The height of tethered balloons cannot exceed 150m above ground level unless the ground tether point is 50m or less from a building that is higher than 150m. Rapid-deflation equipment must be installed in tethered balloons along with identification or call sign if the height of the balloon is 50m or more above ground level. 第三十八条 升放的无人驾驶自由气球或者系留气球中发生下列可能危及飞行安全 的情况时,升放单位、个人应当及时报告有关飞行管制部门和当地气象主管机构: (一)无人驾驶自由气球非正常运行的; (二)系留气球意外脱离系留的; (三)其他可能影响飞行安全的异常情况。 加装快速放气装置的系留气球意外脱离系留时,升放系留气球的单位、个人应当在 保证地面人员、财产安全的条件下,快速启动放气装置。 Article 38. Units or individuals must make timely reports to the relevant flight control department and the local weather authority when situations develop that will possibly endanger flight safety during the launch of unmanned free balloons and of tethered balloons follows: 1. Unmanned free balloons with abnormal operation 2. Tethered balloons accidentally breaking tethers 3. Other abnormal situations with possible effect on flight safety. Units or individuals must quickly activate rapid-deflation equipment, under the condition of ensuring ground crew and property safety, when tethered balloons accidentally break tether. 第三十九条 禁止在依法划设的机场范围和机场净空保护区域内升放无人驾驶自由 气球或者系留气球,但是国家另有规定的除外。 Article 39. Unmanned free balloons and tethered balloons are not to be launched within the restricted area of an airport or within the perimeter of an airport’s protected airspace except as stipulated by the State. 第六章 法律责任 Chapter 6: Legal Responsibilities 第四十条 违反本条例规定,《中华人民共和国民用航空法》、《中华人民共和 国飞行基本规则》及有关行政法规对其处罚有规定的,从其规定;没有规定的,适 用本章规定。 Article 40. Units or individuals violating "Civil Aviation Law of the People's Republic of China", "Regulation for Flight of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant administrative laws and regulations will be dealt with as set forth in the respective regulations and laws. Otherwise, units or individuals shall abide by this Regulation, under penalty for violation as set forth in this chapter. 第四十一条 从事通用航空飞行活动的单位、个人违反本条例规定,有下列情形之 一的,由有关部门按照职责分工责令改正,给予警告;情节严重的,处 2 万元以 上 10 万元以下罚款,并可给予责令停飞一个月至三个月、暂扣直至吊销经营许可 证、飞行执照的处罚;造成重大事故或者严重后果的,依照刑法关于重大飞行事故 罪或者其他罪的规定,依法追究刑事责任: (一)未经批准擅自飞行的; (二)未按批准的飞行计划飞行的; (三)不及时报告或者漏报飞行动态的; (四)未经批准飞入空中限制区
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