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2017-06-05 10页 doc 64KB 80阅读




锻炼的好处大湿带你学习题源文章 It’s now clear that emotions can affect our physical health, but what about the reverse? Can physical activity affect the health of our minds? Hippocrates thought so. He advised melancholy Greeks to get out and walk, and modern science suggests he was o...
大湿带你学习题源文章 It’s now clear that emotions can affect our physical health, but what about the reverse? Can physical activity affect the health of our minds? Hippocrates thought so. He advised melancholy Greeks to get out and walk, and modern science suggests he was on to something. In fact, getting off the couch may help some people as much as Prozac or psychotherapy. “Exercise can improve anyone’s mood and mental performance,” says Carl Cotman, director of the Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia at the University of California, Irvine. “It’s free, it’s fun and it doesn’t take a whole lot of time.” Whether they survey children or adults, researchers find that active people are happier than sofa jockeys, and less prone to depression and suicide. That doesn’t prove that exercise makes people happy (it could be that happiness makes people exercise), but studies are now confirming the therapeutic effects. When Duke University psychologist James Blumenthal placed depressed patients on a supervised exercise regimen, 60 percent of them got better within four months----the same proportion that recovered on antidepressants. And though 30 percent of the medicated became depressed again within 10 months, only 9 percent of the exercisers relapsed. The research on mental performance tells a similar story. Researchers have long noticed that active seniors suffer less cognitive decline than sedentary ones, and recent studies suggest that aerobic exercise may make us sharper at any age. When sedentary people become active, they perform better on tests of executive function----the ability to focus on important things and tune out distractions----says Art Kramer, a University of Illinois neuroscientist who uses magnetic resonance imaging to see how exercise affects the brain. They also get better at switching from one task to another, and their memories improve. The benefits accrue quickly, but they require constant reinforcement. In one recent study, Ohio State University psychologist Charles Emery tested volunteers’ ability to fire off words that start with a particular letter. Then he placed them on a supervised exercise program for 10 weeks. The result: more words. A year later, only the ones who had stuck with the regimen retained their “enhanced cognitive function”, says Emery. Exercises that challenge the brain as well as the body may provide further benefits. In a study published in the journal Nature, German researchers reported that people who practiced juggling for three months actually enlarged a region of the cerebral cortex that handles the processing of motion. How does exercise work these wonders? Besides improving circulation, it causes an array of chemical changes within the brain. It boosts the activity of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. It increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a chemical that helps neurons multiply and form new connections. And it triggers the release of endorphins----morphinelike chemicals that blunt pain and foster relaxation. Studies show that even 10 minutes of vigorous exercise (producing a pulse rate of 100 to 120 beats per minte, depending on your age) can raise endorphin levels for an hour. “You feel tired, but you feel good,” says John Morley, professor of internal medicine and geriatrics at St. Louis University. “It’s the endorphin high.” Exercise may be a tonic for the psyche, but that doesn’t mean more is always better. Competitiver simmers and other endurance athletes can become gloomy and irritable during periods of intense training, notes Jack Raglin, professor of kinesiology at Indiana University. Their moods typically improve when they taper off before a big competition. Five to 10 percent develop “staleness syndrome”, a condition in which even a taper doesn’t ease the depression. If you want to avoid overexertion, experts recommend taking the “talk test”----that is, making sure you can still speak comfortably during a workout. Then all you’ll have to worry about is getting hooked. Athletes often “become dependent on those chemical messenger levels in the brain”, says Dr. JoAnn Manson of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Many experience a kind of withdral when they can’t work out. Ed Ryan, director of sports medicine for the U.S. Olympic Committee, confirms that impression, noting that his players are “more grouchy than normal” when they’re sidelined. But dependency is no vice when the habit is healthful----and you don’t have to be an Olympian to benefit. So pick an activity you enjoy, and stick with it. You have nothing to lose but you sorrows, your fogginess and a few extra pounds. 锻炼改善心智 导读:适当的锻炼可以改善人的情绪和智力表现,这已经得到了科学家们的初步验证。同时,过度的锻炼也可能会损害你的健康。 It’s now clear that emotions can affect our physical health, but what about the reverse? Can physical activity affect the health of our minds? Hippocrates thought so. He advised melancholy Greeks to get out and walk, and modern science suggests he was on to something. In fact, getting off the couch may help some people as much as Prozac or psychotherapy. “Exercise can improve anyone’s mood and mental performance,” says Carl Cotman, director of the Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia at the University of California, Irvine. “It’s free, it’s fun and it doesn’t take a whole lot of time.” 情绪会影响我们的身体健康,现已不容置疑,但究其相反情况又如何呢?体力活动对我们的精神健康会有影响吗?希波克拉底对此持肯定态度。他建议患抑郁症的希腊人到户外去走走,而现代科学表明,他的主张颇有见地。事实上,少躺少坐多活动对某些人来说,也许像“普罗扎克”或心理疗法一样有效。“锻炼可以改善任何人的情绪和智力表现。”加州大学欧文分校脑老化及痴呆研究所所长卡尔·可特曼说,“锻炼不花钱,使人愉悦,而且只用点零星时间。” Whether they survey children or adults, researchers find that active people are happier than sofa jockeys, and less prone to depression and suicide. That doesn’t prove that exercise makes people happy (it could be that happiness makes people exercise), but studies are now confirming the therapeutic effects. When Duke University psychologist James Blumenthal placed depressed patients on a supervised exercise regimen, 60 percent of them got better within four months----the same proportion that recovered on antidepressants. And though 30 percent of the medicated became depressed again within 10 months, only 9 percent of the exercisers relapsed. 无论是对儿童或成人的调查,研究人员都发现活跃的人比老坐沙发的家伙快活,不易患抑郁症或自杀。那并不证明锻炼会使人快活(可能是快活会使人去锻炼),而当前的研究是要证实锻炼的治疗效果。当杜克大学的心理学家詹姆斯·布鲁门萨尔将一批抑郁症患者放在有指导的常规锻炼环境中时,其中60%的患者在4个月内症状即得到改善--与用抗抑郁药物治疗的康复者比例相同。但在10个月内有30%的药物治疗者再度变得抑郁,而经常锻炼的患者只有9%的人旧病复发。 The research on mental performance tells a similar story. Researchers have long noticed that active seniors suffer less cognitive decline than sedentary ones, and recent studies suggest that aerobic exercise may make us sharper at any age. When sedentary people become active, they perform better on tests of executive function----the ability to focus on important things and tune out distractions----says Art Kramer, a University of Illinois neuroscientist who uses magnetic resonance imaging to see how exercise affects the brain. They also get better at switching from one task to another, and their memories improve. 对精神状态的研究显示出类似的情况。研究人员长期以来就注意到,爱活动的老人比久坐不动的老人认知能力下降得较少,而最近的研究表明有氧健身运动可使任何年龄段的人反应更灵敏。用磁共振成像术研究锻炼如何影响人的大脑的伊利诺伊大学神经科学家阿特·克雷默说,当老爱坐着的人变得喜欢活动时,他们在执行机能--专注于重要事情和排除干扰的能力--的测试中表现得更好。他们也能更好地适应进行工作的转换,而且记忆力得到改善。 The benefits accrue quickly, but they require constant reinforcement. In one recent study, Ohio State University psychologist Charles Emery tested volunteers’ ability to fire off words that start with a particular letter. Then he placed them on a supervised exercise program for 10 weeks. The result: more words. A year later, only the ones who had stuck with the regimen retained their “enhanced cognitive function”, says Emery. Exercises that challenge the brain as well as the body may provide further benefits. In a study published in the journal Nature, German researchers reported that people who practiced juggling for three months actually enlarged a region of the cerebral cortex that handles the processing of motion. 锻炼的好处立竿见影,但需不断地巩固加强。在最近一次研究中,俄亥俄州立大学心理学家查尔斯·埃默里检测了志愿者连续说出以某一特定字母开头的一连串单词的能力。然后他然他们参加一个为期10周的有指导的锻炼项目。结果他们都能说出更多的单词。埃默里说,一年以后,只有坚持常规锻炼的人保持了他们的“增强的认识机能”。对脑和身体产生激励作用的运动可能给人带来更多的益处。据德国研究人员发表在《自然》杂志上的一篇研究报告说,练习手机杂耍3个月的人竟然扩大了其专司处理运动的大脑皮质区。 How does exercise work these wonders? Besides improving circulation, it causes an array of chemical changes within the brain. It boosts the activity of mood-enhancing neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. It increases the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a chemical that helps neurons multiply and form new connections. And it triggers the release of endorphins----morphinelike chemicals that blunt pain and foster relaxation. Studies show that even 10 minutes of vigorous exercise (producing a pulse rate of 100 to 120 beats per minte, depending on your age) can raise endorphin levels for an hour. “You feel tired, but you feel good,” says John Morley, professor of internal medicine and geriatrics at St. Louis University. “It’s the endorphin high.” 锻炼何以能产生如此奇效?除了改善体液循环之外,它还能引起人脑内一系列化学变化。它会增强提高情绪的多巴胺、血清素之类神经递质的活力;增加大脑衍生的神经营养因子--帮助神经元增殖和形成新的连接物的一种化学物质--的产出;还能激发释放内啡肽--能减弱疼痛、促进放松的类吗啡化学物质。研究表明,即使只有10分钟的剧烈运动(界定心律为100~120跳/分钟,视年龄不同而有别),也能提高内啡肽水平达1小时之久。“你会疲倦,但感觉良好,”圣路易大学内科学及老年医学教授约翰·莫利说,“那是高含量的内啡肽所致。” Exercise may be a tonic for the psyche, but that doesn’t mean more is always better. Competitive swimmers and other endurance athletes can become gloomy and irritable during periods of intense training, notes Jack Raglin, professor of kinesiology at Indiana University. Their moods typically improve when they taper off before a big competition. Five to 10 percent develop “staleness syndrome”, a condition in which even a taper doesn’t ease the depression. If you want to avoid overexertion, experts recommend taking the “talk test”----that is, making sure you can still speak comfortably during a workout. Then all you’ll have to worry about is getting hooked. Athletes often “become dependent on those chemical messenger levels in the brain”, says Dr. JoAnn Manson of Harvard Medical School and Brigham and Women’s Hospital. Many experience a kind of withdrawal when they can’t work out. Ed Ryan, director of sports medicine for the U.S. Olympic Committee, confirms that impression, noting that his players are “more grouchy than normal” when they’re sidelined. 锻炼可以使精神振奋,但并不意味着总是越多越好。印第安纳大学运动学教授杰克·拉格林指出,游泳选手和其他耐力运动员在大运动量训练期间会变得情绪低落、急躁易怒。在大赛之前减少运动量后,他们的情绪普遍得到改善。5%~10%的人显现出“疲惫综合症”--一种即使减少运动量也不能缓解的抑郁症。如果你想避免用力过度,专家建议采用“谈话试验”--即确保你在训练期间仍能与人轻松地交谈。那么,唯一值得你担心的就是你沉迷于某事物中而不能自拔了。运动员经常“变得对大脑中那些化学递质的数量有依赖性”,哈佛医学院和布里格姆女子医院的乔安·曼森博士说。很多运动员在不能训练的时候都有过情绪低落的经历,美国奥委会运动医学指导埃德·瑞安证实了那种影响,并指出他的运动员上不了场时,“变得比平时爱发牢骚”。 But dependency is no vice when the habit is healthful----and you don’t have to be an Olympian to benefit. So pick an activity you enjoy, and stick with it. You have nothing to lose but you sorrows, your fogginess and a few extra pounds. 但依赖性也并非坏事,只要它是有益健康的--你不必非得是个奥运选手才能获益。所以选择一项你喜爱的运动并坚持下去吧。除了消除忧虑、迷茫与几磅赘肉以外,你别无所失。 词汇注解 [核心词汇] be on to... 识破/意识到... (to have discovered (a person's) trick, secret.etc)如:The thieves realized that the police were on to them.(贼意识到警察识破了他们。) psychotherapy [ˌsaɪkəʊˈθerəpi:] n 心理治疗,精神治疗 如:monthly psychotherapy sessions.(每月一次的心理治疗时间。) be prone to... [prəun] 易于…的,很可能…的 如:For all her experience, she was still prone to nerves.(尽管有经验,她还是容易紧张。) suicide [ˈsjuisaid] n 自杀 如:The Supreme Court's decisions on physician-assisted suicide.(最高法院关于医生协助自杀的决议。)【2002年考研阅读TEXT4】 therapeutic [ˌθerəˈpju:tɪk] adj 治疗性的 如:therapeutic drugs.(治疗性药物。) proportion [prəˈpɔ:ʃən] n 比例 如:That means a higher proportion of what is in the sea is being caught.(这意味着更多的海里生物正在被捕猎。)【2006年考研阅读TEXT3】 medicated [ˈmedɪkeɪt] adj 用药治疗的 tune out [tju:n] 不理会(to cease to take an interest (in) or pay attention (to))如:many people had tuned out of politics.(很多人对政治不感兴趣。) distraction [dɪˈstrækʃən] v注意力分散,分心;使分心的事物 如:Total concentration is required with no distractions.(要全神贯注,不能有丝毫分神。) resonance [ˈrezənəns] n 共鸣;共振 如:The ideas of order, security, family, religion and country had the same resonance for them as for Michael.(秩序、安全、家庭、宗教和国家这些概念对于他们和迈克尔来说有着同样特殊的意义。) reinforcement [ˌri:ɪnˈfɔ:smənt, ] n 增强,加强,加固 如:I am sure that this meeting will contribute to the reinforcement of peace and security all over the world.(我相信这次会议将会促进世界范围内的和平与安全。) fire off 快速的说出/表达(To utter or ask rapidly) juggle [ˈdʒʌɡl] v 玩杂耍(指连续向空中抛接多个物体);尽力同时应付,尽量兼顾(多件事)如:abandoning the doctrine of "juggling your life".(放弃“活得很累”的教条。)【2001年考研阅读TEXT5】 derive [diˈraiv] v获得,取得,得到 如:Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.(英先生属于那种助人为乐的快活人。) blunt [blʌnt] v 使(情感、感觉、需求)减弱;使迟钝 如:Our appetite was blunted by the beer.(喝啤酒让我们没有了胃口。) vigorous [ˈviɡərəs] adj (体育活动)剧烈的,强度大的,强劲的 如:vigorous exercise.(剧烈运动。) internal [inˈtə:nəl] adj 体内的,内部的 如:If we do not confront and overcome these internal fears and doubts.(如果我们不正视以及克服我们内心的恐惧与疑虑。) endurance [inˈdjuərəns] n 耐力,持久力 如:The exercise obviously will improve strength and endurance.(这种锻炼明显改善体力,增加耐力。) gloomy [ˈɡlu:mi] adj 忧伤的,沮丧的,悲观的 如:we can see that the writer seems gloomy.我们能够看出作者似乎有点悲观。) 【2002年考研阅读TEXT3】 taper off 逐渐减少,(使)逐渐减弱 如:Immigration is expected to taper off.(移民估计会越来越少。) stale [steil] adj 厌倦的,腻烦的 如:I believe in progression, in taking risks, in never getting stale.(我崇尚进取、冒险和永不倦怠。) staleness n overexertion [ˌəuvəriɡˈzə:ʃən] n 用力过度 如:exercise overexertion.(锻炼过度。) workout [ˈwɜ:kˌaʊt] n 体育锻炼,体育训练 如: aerobic workout.(有氧体育运动。) hooked [hʊkt] adj(被…)迷住的;(对…)入迷的 如:Open this book and read a few pages and you will be hooked.(打开这本书读上几页,你就会沉迷其中。) be dependent on... 依赖于... 如:Rich economies are also less dependent on oil than they were, and so less sensitive to swings in the oil price.(富有的经济体对油依赖得比过去也少些,所有对油价的变化不太敏感。) messenger [ˈmesindʒə] n 信使,信差 如:He gave the instruction for the document to be sent by messenger.(他下令由通信员送出文件。) withdrawal [wiðˈdrɔ:əl] n 自闭,抑郁(a pathological retreat from objective reality) vice [vais] n 缺点,瑕疵,缺陷 如:Jealousy is a vice.(嫉妒是一件不好的事。) Olympian [əuˈlimpiən] n奥运会选手 [超纲词汇] melancholy [ˈmelənkəli] adj 忧郁的,悲伤的 如:It was in these hours of the late afternoon that Tom Mulligan felt most melancholy.(傍晚这几个小时里,Tom Mulligan最为抑郁。) Prozac [ˈprəʊzæk] n 百忧解(一种抗抑郁药。) antidepressant [ˌæntidiˈpresənt] n 抗抑郁药 Dementia [diˈmenʃiə] n 痴呆 jockey [ˈdʒɔki] n (赛马)骑师 regimen [ˈredʒəmən] n(为病人规定的)生活规则,养生法 如:Whatever regimen has been prescribed should be rigorously followed.(不管制订的是什么样的养生计划,都要严格遵守。) relapse [rɪˈlæps] v (旧病)复发 如:In 90 per cent of cases the patient will relapse within six months.(90%的病人在6个月内会再次发病。) sedentary [ˈsednˌteri:] adj 久坐的,长期伏案的,少活动的 如:a sedentary lifestyle.(长期不运动的生活方式。) aerobic [eəˈrəʊbɪk] adj 有氧的 如:Aerobic exercise.(有氧运动。) neuroscientist n 神经科学家 accrue [əˈkru:] v (通过自然增长)产生,获得(to come about as a natural growth, increase, or advantage)如:the wisdom that accrues with age.(随着年龄增长而增加的智慧。) cerebral [ˈserəbrəl] adj 大脑的 如:cerebral cortex.(大脑皮质)。 cortex [ˈkɔː(r)teks] n 皮质 neurotransmitter [ˌnjuərətrænsˈmitə] n 神经递质 dopamine [ˈdəʊpəˌmi:n] n 多巴胺 serotonin [ˌserəˈtəʊnɪn,] n 血清素 neurotrophic [ˌnjuərəuˈtrɔfik] adj 神经营养的 如:neurotrophic factor.(神经营养因子。) endorphin [enˈdɔ:fɪn] n <医>内啡肽(体内产生的一种镇痛作用的荷尔蒙。) morphine [ˈmɔ:ˌfi:n] n吗啡 如:Morphine is a drug used to relieve pain.(吗啡是一种缓解疼痛的药物。) geriatrics [dʒeriˈætriks] n老年医学 tonic [ˈtɔnɪk] n滋补药/品 如:Ginseng is generally known for its tonic properties.(人参以其滋补功效而广为人知。) kinesiology [kaiˌni:siˈɔlədʒi] n 运动学 syndrome [ˈsindrəum] n 综合征 如:exam syndrome.(考试综合证。) grouchy [ˈgraʊtʃi:]adj脾气坏并常发牢骚的,好抱怨的 如:Your grandmother has nothing to stop her from being bored, grouchy and lonely.(你奶奶既无聊又孤独,总是没完没了地发牢骚。) sideline [ˈsaɪdˌlaɪn] v 使(运动员)下场,使退出比赛 如:Mercer will have his jaw wired up tomorrow and will be sidelined for six to eight weeks.(默瑟明天要进行下颌骨固定手术,将离开赛场 6至8 个星期。) 难句分析 ①Whether they survey children or adults, researchers find that active people are happier than sofa jockeys, and less prone to depression and suicide. 【句型分析】主干:researchers find that...;Whether they survey children or adults部分为whether引导的让步状语从句,作主句的状语;that active people are happier than sofa jockeys, and less prone to depression and suicide部分为that引导的名词从句,作主句宾语,此名词从句内含有一个并列句active people are happier than sofa jockeys, and less prone to depression and suicide,实际上,less prone to depression and suicide部分句首省略了主语active people以及其对应的系动词 are,句尾省略了than sofa jockeys,补充完整后为:active people are less prone to depression and suicide than sofa jockeys。 【参考译文】无论是对儿童或成人的调查,研究人员都发现活跃的人比老坐沙发的家伙快活,不易患抑郁症或自杀。 【画龙点睛】并列句(并列结构)中,经常会省略在前面分句中已经出现的成分。如:She is singing and dancing.省略了 she is,补充完整后为:She is singing and she is dancing. ②In a study published in the journal Nature, German researchers reported that people who practiced juggling for three months actually enlarged a region of the cerebral cortex that handles the processing of motion. 【句型分析】主干:German researchers reported that...;In a study published in the journal Nature为介词短语,做主句的状语;published in the journal Nature为分词短语,作后置定语修饰a study,实际上,published前面省略了which be结构,补充完整后为In a study which was published in the journal Nature;that people who...processing of motion.为that引导的名词从句,作主句宾语;who practiced juggling for three months以及that handles the processing of motion均为定语从句,存在于名词从句内部,其中who practiced juggling for three months修饰people,that handles the processing of motion修饰a region of the cerebral cortex。 【参考译文】据德国研究人员发表在《自然》杂志上的一篇研究报告说,练习手机杂耍3个月的人竟然扩大了其专司处理运动的大脑皮质区。 【画龙点睛】过去分词作后置定语,实质上是省略了过去分词与被修饰对象间的which/who+be结构。 如:a topic returned to again and again throughout the ‘life’. 补充省略成分后为 a topic which was returned to again and again throughout the ‘life’.(一个在life一书中被反复提到的话题。) ③Five to 10 percent develop “staleness syndrome”, a condition in which even a taper doesn’t ease the depression 【句型分析】主干:Five to 10 percent develop “staleness syndrome”;a condition in which even a taper doesn’t ease the depression是对staleness syndrome的解释,实际上,a condition前面省略了which+be结构,补充完全后为:...,which is a condition in which even a taper doesn’t ease the depression;in which even a taper doesn’t ease the depression为介词(in)+which引导的定语从句,修饰a condition,其中,in与先行词a condition构成搭配in a condition。 【参考译文】5%~10%的人显现出“疲惫综合症”--一种即使减少运动量也不能缓解的抑郁症。 【画龙点睛】介词+定语从句结构有两种常见情况: 一,介词与定语从句内部成分构成固定搭配,然后被提到关系词前面,如:This was a sobering reminder that Darwin’s theory of evolution has not commanded the universal assent to which its early adherents felt it was entitled.(这郑重地提醒了我们,达尔文的进化论还没有得到普遍认同,并不像其早期支持者所认定的那样。) 其中,to 与which引导的定语从句内的be entitled构成固定搭配 A be entitled to B,to 被提到关系词前面。 二,介词不与定语从句内部成分构成固定搭配,而是与先行词构成搭配,如:a condition in which even a taper doesn’t ease the depression. 【句子改写】 1. ..It’s now clear that emotions can affect our physical health... 提取主干:It’s now clear that A(A为一完整句子) 此结构用于表达:现在已经确定的是A 如:It’s now clear that smartphone battery life still stinks.(智能手机的电池确实很糟。) 2. ..The research on mental performance tells a similar story... 提取主干:A tell a similar story 此结构用于表达:A(主语,名词属性)的情况也类似/A与此相似 如:The loneliness of people leads to the popularity of Weixin,and Wechat tells a similar story.(寂寞导致越来越多的人使用微信,同样,也导致越来越多的人使用Wechat。) 3...Researchers have long noticed that active seniors suffer less cognitive decline than sedentary ones... 提取主干:A have long noticed that B 此结构用于表达:A(主语,名词属性)认识到B(一个完整的句子)很久了/A很早就知道到B了 如:People have long noticed that high blood pressure is a leading trigger for heart disease.(人们很早就知道了高血压是导致心脏疾病的一个主要原因。) 4...Exercises that challenge the brain as well as the body may provide further benefits... 提取主干:A may/could/would...(情态动词) provide further benefits 此结构用于表达:A(主语,名词属性)可以/可能/将会...带来更多的好处 如:Driverless cars would provide further benefits beyond safety.(无人驾驶汽车除了安全以外,还有一些其他的优点。) 5...Exercise may be a tonic for the psyche, but that doesn’t mean more is always better... 提取主干:A be a tonic for B 此结构用于表达:A(主语,名词属性)对B(名词属性)有好处 如:Tea is a tonic for high blood pressure.(茶对缓解高血压有好处。)
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