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词汇短语大学英语四级考试重点词汇大学英语四级考试重点词汇(四) 大学英语四级考试重点词汇(四) dairy   n. 牛奶场,乳品店;乳制品   adj. 牛奶的,乳品的   dam   n. 堤坝,水闸   damage   vt. 损害,毁损   A lot of houses were damaged by the flood. 许多房子被洪水冲毁了。   n. 毁损;(复数)损坏赔偿金   [难点]   do damage to 对…有损害   damp   adj. 潮湿的,微湿的   n. 潮湿,湿气   darling   n. 心爱的人   dash   n...
大学英语四级考试重点词汇(四) dairy   n. 牛奶场,乳品店;乳制品   adj. 牛奶的,乳品的   dam   n. 堤坝,水闸   damage   vt. 损害,毁损   A lot of houses were damaged by the flood. 许多房子被洪水冲毁了。   n. 毁损;(复数)损坏赔偿金   [难点]   do damage to 对…有损害   damp   adj. 潮湿的,微湿的   n. 潮湿,湿气   darling   n. 心爱的人   dash   n. 猛冲,飞奔   He made a dash for the goal. 他向终点冲去。   the hundred-meters dash 百米短跑   n. 破折号   vi. 猛冲,飞奔   vt. 猛掷,打碎   He dashed the plate to pieces.   data   n. 数据,资料   dawn   n. 黎明   vi. 破晓   The day dawned. 天亮了。   daylight   n. 白昼,日光;黎明   [同]dawn   deaf   adj. 聋的,装聋的,不愿听的   [难点]   turn a deaf ear to 对…置若罔闻   He turned a deaf ear to our requests for help. 他对我们的援助请求置之不理。   debate   n. 辩论,讨论   [同]discussion   [难点]   debate sth. with sb. 与某人辩论某事   debate about sth. 讨论/辩论某事   debt   n. 债务,欠债   [难点]   in debt 负债,欠债   out of debt 还清债务   decade   n. 十年,十年期   decay   vi. 腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰落   n. 腐烂,腐朽;衰败,衰落   [难点]   fall into decay 衰落,衰败   in decay 腐朽   deceive   v. 欺骗,蒙骗   [难点]   deceive sb. Into doing sth. 骗某人做某事   be deceived in sb. 看错某人   deck   n. 甲板;桥面,层面   decorate   vt. 装饰,装潢   She decorated the room with flowers. 她用花装饰房间。   第二十天   decrease   v. 减少,降低   decrease in number 数目减少   n. 减少   [难点]   on the decrease 在减少中   decrease by 减少了   The population of the village has decreased by 150 to 500.   该村人口减少了150,只剩下500人。   deduce   vt. 演绎,推论,推断   deduce a conclusion from premises 从前提推出结论   [难点]   deduce from 由…推论   deer   n.(单复数同形)鹿   defect   n. 缺点,缺陷,短处   [同]fault   defence   n. 防御,保卫;防御物,工事;辩护,答辩   [难点]   in defence of … 保卫…   They decided to fight in defence of their country. 他们决心为保卫祖国而战。   define   vt. 解释,下定义;限定,规定   The powers of a judge are defined by law. 法官的权力法律有明文规定。   definite   adj. 明确的   a definite answer 明确的答复   [同]explicit   adj. 肯定的   [同]certain   definitely   adv. 一定地,肯定地;明确地,确切地   definition   n. 定义,释义,解说   delete   vt. 删除   [同]erase   delicate   adj. 纤细的,娇嫩的;精美的,精致的   jewellery of delicate workmanship 精工镶嵌的珠宝饰物   adj. 病弱的   in delicate health 身体娇弱   adj. 易碎的,需小心照料的;微妙的,棘手的   delicious   adj. 美味的;芬芳的;有趣味的   deliver   v. 解救,释放;投递,送交;发,表达   deliver a speech 发表演说   v. 使分娩,接生   deliver a woman of twins 为一妇女接生双胞胎   [难点]   deliver sb. From … 从…中解救某人   deliver sth. (over)to sb. 把某物交付给某人   delivery   n. 投递,送交   [难点]   on delivery 送达时,交货时   take delivery of 收到   democracy   n. 民主政治,民主主义;民主,民主国家   democratic   adj. 民主的,民主主义的   demonstrate   vt. 说明,论证;表露,显示   [同]   demonstrate against … 示威/反对…   dense   adj. 密集的,浓密的   a dense fog 浓雾   density   n. 密集,稠密;密度   deny   vt. 否认;拒绝给予   [难点]   deny doing ….   It cannot be denied that … / There is no denying the fact that …   不容否认…(我们必须承认…)   depart   vt. 离开,出发   [难点]   depart for 动身去…   depart from 离开,起程   department   n. 部门,系   departure   n. 离开,出发   dependent   adj. 依靠的,依赖的;从属的   [难点]   be dependent on 依靠…,由…决定   [反]be independent of   deposit   vt. 存放,寄存,储蓄;使…沉淀   n. 存款;沉积物;定钱,押金   [难点]   deposit sth. with sb. 把某物寄放在某人处   He deposited the papers with his lawyer. 他将文件交于律师保管。   depress   vt. 使沮丧,使低沉   The failure depressed him. 失败使他郁郁寡欢   vt. 降低,压低;使萧条(不景气)   depth   n. 深度;深厚   a depth of feeling 深厚的感情   derive   v. 取得,得到   She derived great pleasure from her studies. 她从读研究中得到极大的乐趣。   v. 起源,来由(from)   descend   vi. 下来,下降;传下,遗传   This custom descended from generation to generation. 这习俗一代一代传下来。   [同]pass down   [难点]   descend from … 从…下来   We descended from the mountain. 我们从山上下来。   be descended from … 为…的后裔   According to the Bible, we are all descended from Adam. 根据圣经,我们都是亚当的后裔。   descend to (doing)sth. 屈辱到,堕落到   You would never descend to cheating. 你绝不至于堕落到欺骗。   第二十一天   description   n. 描写,形容;种类,式样   [难点]   beyond description 难以形容   The scenery was beautiful beyond description. 这景色美不可言。   give a description of … 描述某事   deserve   vt. 应受到,值得   Good work deserves good pay. 出色的工作应得到好的报酬。   design   n. ,构思   a car of latest design 最新式的车   n. 图案,图样;企图,图谋   a hopeless design 五成功希望的计划   have designs on/against… 企图…   vt. 计划,谋划;设计;预定(目标或对象)   This book is designed for college students. 这本书是预定供大学生使用的。   [难点]   design doing ( to do ) sth. 打算做某事   desirable   adj. 称心如意的;值得向往的   despair   n. 失望,绝望   She killed herself in despair. 她因绝望而自尽。   vi. 失望,绝望   His life was despaired of. 已经无望救活他了。   [难点]   in despair 绝望地   despair of sth. 对…丧失信心   be the despair of… 成为令人失望的人或物   desperate   adj. 绝望的   [同]hopeless   adj. 不顾一切的   He made desperate efforts. 他做孤注一掷的努力。   [同]rockless   adj. 极度渴望的   be desperate for sth. 渴望得到某物   despite   prep. 不管,尽管   He went out despite bad weather. 虽然天气不好,他仍然出去了。   [同]in spite of   destination   n. 目的地,终点;目标,目的   destroy   vt. 破坏,毁灭   The forest was destroyed by fire. 大伙烧毁了森林。   [反]create   vt. 消灭   destruction   n. 破坏,毁灭   [同]downfall   detail   n. 细目,详情;细节,琐事   Don’t omit a single detail. 不要遗漏一点细节。   vt. 详述,详细说明   [难点]   in detail 详细地   Please explain it in detail. 请详细解释一下。   go into details 详细叙述   detect   vt. 察觉,发现   I detected a thief stealing into his house. 我发现小偷潜入他的房子。   [同]discover   vt. 侦查   detection   n. 察觉,发现;侦查   determination   n. 决定,决心   [同]decision   determine   vt. 决定   [同]decide   dial   n. 钟面;刻度盘;(电话的)拨号盘   v. 打电话;拨(电话号码)   He dialed 119 at once. 他立刻拨打119。   dialect   n. 方言,土语   diameter   n. 直径   The tree is one meter in diameter. 这棵树直径达一米。   dictate   v. (使)听写;口授,口述   [难点]   dictate sth. to sb. 向某人口授某事;给某人做听写   He dictated a letter to his secretary. 他向秘书口授信稿。   differ   vi. 不同;意见不合   [同]disagree   [难点]   differ from sth. 不同于…   French differs from English. 法语与英语不同。   differ from sb. on/about sth. 与某人在…方面意见不合   I differ from you on / about this matter. 关于此事,我与你意见不同。   digest   n. 文摘,摘要   [同]abstract   vt. 消化,领悟   You should digest what he said. 你应该领悟他所说的话。   digital   adj. 数字的,数字显示的;手指的   dim   adj. 暗淡的,模糊的   [同]vague   adj. 微弱的,昏暗的   [同]faint   dimension   n.尺寸,尺度;(复数)大小,面积,程度   dip   n. 浸,蘸   v. 浸,蘸   dip one’s pen into the ink 拿钢笔蘸墨水   directly   adv. 直接地;直截了当地;立刻,马上   Come in directly ! 即刻进来!   [同]immediately   conj. 一…就…   Directly I had done it, I knew I had made a mistake. 我一做完这事,我就知道我做错了。   [同]as soon as   第二十二天   dirt   n. 尘,土,污秽物   disadvantage   n. 不利条件;损失,伤害   disagree   vi. 有分歧,不同意   [同]differ   vi. 不一致   [难点]   disagree with sth. / sb. 与…不一致   I am sorry to disagree with you. 很抱歉,我不同意你的意见.   disagree with sb. about sth. 在…方面与某人不一致   disappoint   vt. 使失望;使(计划等)受挫   [难点]   be disappointed at/in sth. 对某事感到失望   be disappointed with sb. 对某人失望   be disappointed of… 没有实现…   disaster   n. 灾难,灾祸   [同]calamity   disc   n. 圆盘;唱片,磁盘   discard   vt. 抛弃,扔掉   discard old beliefs 摈弃旧观念   [同]cast   discharge   n. 卸货,释放   How long will the discharge of the cargo take ? 卸货需要多久?   v. 卸(货物);发射,射出   discharge a gun 开枪   v. 放出,流出;让(某人)离去,解雇   discharge a patient from hospital 让病人出院   [同]dismiss   discipline   n. 纪律;训练   military discipline 军训   n. 惩罚   [同]punishment   discourage   vt. 使泄气   [反]encourage   vt. 劝阻   [难点]   discourage sb. from doing sth. 劝阻某人作某事   The doctor’s advice discouraged him from smoking. 医生的忠告使他不再抽烟.   disgust   vt. 使讨厌,使恶心   His behaviour disgusted everybody. 他的行为使每一个人都厌恶.   n. 厌恶   [难点]   be disgusted at / with / by sth. 对…感到厌恶   in disgust 厌恶地   dislike   vt. 不喜欢,厌恶   n. 不喜欢   [难点]   take a dislike to sb. 厌恶某人   dismiss   v. 解雇,解散   disorder   n. 混乱,杂乱   in disorder 杂乱地   n. 骚动,骚乱;疾病,身体不适   display   n. 陈列,展览   vt. 陈列,展览;显示,现露   disposal   n. 处理,除去   dispose   v. 处理,除掉;安排,布置   [难点]   dispose sb. to do sth. 使某人愿意做某事   dispute   vi. 争论,辩论   We disputed with them about / over / on democracy.   我们与他们辩论民主政治   [难点]   in dispute 正在争论的   in dispute with… 与…争论   dissolve   v. (使)溶解,(使)融化   Heat dissolved the candle into a pool of wax. 热使蜡烛化成一摊蜡.   [同]melt   v. 解散,取消   distant   adj. 在远处的,远的;疏远的,冷淡的   He was distant towards me. 他对我态度冷淡.   [难点]   be distant from 离…远的   be distant towards sb. 与某人疏远   distinct   adj. 不同的;明显的,清楚的   distinction   n. 区别,差别   He is fair to us without distinction. 他对我们很公平,没有区别待遇.   distinguish   v. 区别,辨认,分清   [难点]   distinguish one thing from another 辨别…与…   distress   vt. 使苦恼,使悲伤   I am much distressed to hear that sad news. 听到那个不幸的消息,我很难过   n. 苦恼,悲痛;不幸,危难   distribute   vt. 分送,分配;散布,分布   This kind of plant is widely distributed throughout China. 这种植物在中国有广泛的分布.   distribution   n. 分发,分配;分布   district   n. 区,地区,行政区   disturb   vt. 打扰,妨碍   I’m sorry to disturb you. 对不起,打扰了.   [同]bother   vt. 弄乱,扰乱   ditch   n. 沟,渠道   v. 开沟,修渠   dive   n. 跳水;潜水;俯冲   vi. 跳水;潜水;俯冲   第二十三天   diverse   adj. 不同的,相异的;多种多样的   division   n. 划分,分开   [同]separation   n. 分配,分担;部门;除法   a simple division 简单的除法   divorce   n. 离婚;分裂,裂开   v. 离婚;分开   [难点]   be divorced from sb. 与某人离婚   document   n. 文件,文献,公文;证件   donkey   n. 驴   [同]ass   n. 蠢人   dormitory   n. 宿舍   dose   n. (药的)剂量,一服,一剂   Take three doses a day. 一日服三次   vt. 给(药);(给…)服药   to dose oneself with quinine 服奎宁   dot   n. 点,圆点,句点   vt. 打点于;散布于   a field dotted with sheep 到处是羊的田野   double   adj. 两倍的;双重的;双人的   a double bed 双人床   v. (使)加倍,翻一番   Our income must be doubled. 我们的收入必须增加一倍。   [同]duplicate   [难点]   double up 弯曲身子;把…折起来   doubtful   adj. 怀疑的,可疑的;难料的,未定的   It’s doubtful whether she will succeed. 她会不会成功尚难预料。   downward   adj. 向下的,下行的   adv. 向下地,下行地   dozen   n. 一打,十二个   Pencils are sold by the dozen. 铅笔按打出售。   [难点]   dozens of 很多   I have been there dozens of times. 我已经去过那儿很多次了。   draft   n. 草稿,草图,草案   v. 起草,草拟   draft a speech 拟   drag   v. 拖,拉   Tom dragged a heavy box out of the cupboard. 汤姆把一个重箱子从橱里拖出来。   [难点]   drag out 拖延(时间)   drag sb. into doing sth. 使某人勉强做某事   drain   n. 排水管,下水道;消耗   v. 排(水),放水   Dig trenches to drain the water away. 挖沟排水   drama   n. 剧本,戏剧   dramatic   adj. 戏剧的,剧本的;戏剧性的,引人注目的   n. (复数)表演,演戏   drawer   n. 抽屉   drift   n. 漂流   The boat drifted down the river. 船顺水漂流而下。   [同]float   drip   n. 滴,滴落;水滴   v. 滴下   See if the tap is dripping. 看看水龙头有没有滴水。   v. 漏下   driver   n. 驾驶员,司机   drown   v. (把…)淹死   He was drowned in the sea. 他淹死在海里。   v. 淹没   Cheers drowned his voice. 欢呼声淹没了他的讲话声。   [难点]   drown oneself in 埋头于…   drown out 淹没   drug   n. 药物,药材;麻醉品,毒品   vt. 用药麻醉   drum   n. 鼓;鼓状物,圆桶   drunk   adj. 酒醉的   [难点]   be drunk with 陶醉于…之中   get drunk 喝醉   due   adj. 正当的,适当的   after due consideration 经过适当的考虑   adj. 应得的   The wages due to him will be paid tomorrow. 他应得的工资明天将付给他。   adj. 应支付的;(车、船)预定应到的   n.(单数)应得物   give sb. his due 给某人应得之物   [难点]   in due time 在适当时候   be due to do sth. 预定做…   be due to doing … 由于…   The accident was due to careless driving. 这起车祸起因于驾驶疏忽。   dull   adj. 枯燥的   [同]boring   adj. 阴暗的,阴沉的;迟钝的;钝的   dumb   adj. 哑的,沉默的   dump   vt. 倾倒,倾卸   Where can I dump this rubbish ? 我把垃圾倒在哪儿?   durable   adj. 耐用的;持久的   durable friendship 永恒的友谊   第二十四天   duration   n. 持续,持久   the duration of the war 战争期间   dusk   n. 黄昏,暮色   at dusk 黄昏   [反]dawn   dye   n. 染料;染色   v.(把…)染色   dye a white dress blue 将白衣染成蓝色   dynamic   adj. 动力的,动力学的;有生气的   [同]active
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