

2018-09-09 1页 doc 23KB 24阅读




企业一般安全生产条件动态考核2-2-1安全生产资金保障制度回味鸭血粉丝汤质量手册 企业标准——管理标准 编号:XX 质量手册 (含程序文件) 符合GB/T19001 idt ISO9001:2000 标准 版本:A 修改码:0 受控标识 持有者 登记号 2010-10-28 发布 2010-11-01 实施 公司地址:太仓市回味鸭血粉丝汤位于太平路与惠阳路交叉口 邮编:210002 传真: 电话: 网址: diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment ...
回味鸭血粉丝汤质量手册 企业标准——管理标准 编号:XX 质量手册 (含程序文件) 符合GB/T19001 idt ISO9001:2000 标准 版本:A 修改码:0 受控标识 持有者 登记号 2010-10-28 发布 2010-11-01 实施 公司地址:太仓市回味鸭血粉丝汤位于太平路与惠阳路交叉口 邮编:210002 传真: 电话: 网址: diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second-level disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 目录 页码:1/1 章次 章名 对照标准号 页数 页序 目录 00 1 2 质量手册说明 01 1 2~3 管理者代表任命书 02 1 公司概况 03 1 公司组织结构图 04 1 质量职能分配表 05 1 管理承诺 06 1 以顾客为关注焦点 07 1 质量方针 08 1 人力资源控制程序 09 1 工作环境 10 1 采购控制程序 11 1 测量、和改进 12 1 顾客满意控制程序 13 1 改进、纠正和预防措施控制程序 14 1 质量手册更改记录 1 第一章:质量手册说明 第一节:手册内容 本组织质量管理体系的范围包括公司的宗旨目标,硬件设备,人 士安排,日常工作,食品质量,内外部的审核与改进等和公司发 展有关的各种事宜。 第二节:术语和定义 不合格:未满足要求 缺陷:未满足与预期或规定用途有关的要求 设计和开发:将要求转换为产品、过程或体系的规定的特性或 的一组过程 质量职能:在质量形成的全过程中,为实现质量目标所必须发挥的 质量管理功能及其相应的质量活动 质量方针:由组织的最高管理者正式发布的该组织总的质量宗旨和 方向 第三节:手册的管理 disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher level-clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, ease 1cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory discture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the ks puninee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharltation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (traauscun check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Positio 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy umors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common t2 该手册由各管理层执行,适用与全体公司人员 第四节:手册的修改 质量手册的修改每年进行一次,根据每年的数据分析以及实际经验 提出修改建议,并通过管理者的通过,适用一个月后,方可正式修 改 第五节:手册的标识 第六节:手册的换版和解释权 手册每四年进行一次换版,且最终解释全归本公司所有 第二章:管理者代表任命书 由最高管理者宣布由xxx担任组织的管理者代表,其主要职责有:统管 整个门店的各项事宜,确定组织结构,人员配置,及具体工作的统筹。 第三章:公司概况 不管何时,特别是鹅毛大雪的冬日里吃一碗暖暖的鸭血粉丝汤,入口即化 的鸭血,香糯的鸭肝,很有嚼头的鸭肠和劲斗的粉丝,让老南京都知道,在鸭血粉丝汤没有出来之前,人们喝的是鸭血汤;也就是在清汤里面加入鸭血,撒些香菜、小葱,放点油盐酱醋,内容简单得很,但也是别具风味的一种吃法。 后来,经过无数食者和厨师的不断推陈出新,又在其配料里面添加了粉丝、鸭肫、鸭肝、鸭肠、豆腐等,由以前的清汤变成了高汤,味道就浓郁了许多。鸭血切成薄薄的小方块,鸭肫、鸭肝、鸭肠过沸水捞出来,鸭肝、鸭肫切成小片状,肠断成小节,粉丝温水烫软备用;先把鸭肫、鸭肠先加入煮开的鸭汤里,烧到汤沸成朵朵花儿,再加入鸭肝、鸭血、粉丝、水豆腐几小块、姜汁、榨菜少许、白醋和料酒各几滴,旺火煮上几分钟即可;起锅盛到大汤碗里,最后撒上切碎的小葱和香菜、胡椒粉轻轻一搅,热气升腾,香气就随之在小小厨房内游走。 鸭血的紫红、香菜的青绿,就那么自然贴切地和睦相处和颜悦色,没有红配绿的俗气,没有荤配素的糟糕,却有一份桃红柳绿的素雅。特别是那团粉丝,你用筷子挑起来,沾着一些香菜末,就像风吹杨柳万千条,又像“清明时节雨纷纷”,你还没有吃,就有一种烟雨江南的滋味在心头弥漫。鸭血、香菜、粉丝、青花瓷碗,每一点都对应一个江南的节拍,让我们联想芦苇荡、乌篷船,还有扫叶楼的落叶、秦淮河的柔波,锡剧《双珠凤》和扬剧《探红梅》的胡琴声。仿佛默诵一首李煜的《虞美人》,或重读一回苏童的《枫杨树山歌》,它们的滋味是一脉相承的,都是江南的滋味,金陵的滋味。你真正体验南京秦淮美食文化的精髓。 tem, pal abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous sysnee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natur(trai pse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operationrineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glim1 pe measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee)for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic requirements1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical logical endoscopy and other indications. ogies, curettage, gynecodiagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technol3ions are varied and complex, higherlevel disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestat-treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical seconderipheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, 第四章:公司结构图 总部 门店 店 采 烹 设 监 财 服长 购饪计督务务 部部和部部部 门 门 开门 门 门 发 第五章:质量职能分配表 部门 领导人 主要职责 店长 xxx 负责整个门店的各项事宜,事事监管,时时 关注 采购部门 xxx 负责供方评定及管理,审核合格供方名单, 负责公司物资材料和采购供应,编制采购计 level-clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, ease 1cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory discture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the ks puninee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharltation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (traauscun check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Positio 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy umors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common t4disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher 划; 负责仓库管理,做好物资、成品的贮存 管理工作; 负责公司采购工作,严格按照《采 购控制程序》有关规定执行; 负责了解掌握物资用途及质量标准,采购的 原材料满足产品要求; 负责按计划采购,防止物资由于超储积压造 成变质、失效。 烹饪部门 xxx 保证食品口味的正宗及安全卫生;食品烹饪 的及时准确;每天剩料的正确处理,在安全 卫生节俭的基础上处理好。 设计和开xxx 在研究客户群的同时,随时关注客户需求的发部门 改变,在此基础上不断开发新的菜色菜式, 争取每一步都可以很好的追随消费者的需 求。 监督部门 xxx 负责顾客要求的识别,组织的评审,与 顾客的沟通和联络; 负责公司业务宣传、市场调研、预测,了解 顾客的意见和要求,及时解决产品销售及产 品服务中存在的问题,认真处理顾客投诉, 技术咨询,质量信息等。负责采购物资、生 产过程、最终产品的验证; 负责不合格品的判定,组织相关部门对不合 nee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natur(trai pse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operationrineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glim1 pe measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee)for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic requirements1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical logical endoscopy and other indications. ogies, curettage, gynecodiagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technol5ions are varied and complex, higherlevel disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestat-treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical seconderipheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, tem, pal abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous sys 格品进行处理,并跟踪记录处理结果; 负责 针对产品质量问题,组织制定相应的纠正预 防和改进措施,并分别进行跟踪验证。 财务部门 xxx 日常收银;每天的收入支出统计;门店内外所有财务信 息。 服务部门 xxx 日常营业的服务;及时配合其他部门的调遣。 注:各部门具体工作责任事项如此,但是具体工作中如有需要,部门之间可以互相配合,共同完成预定事宜。 第六章:管理承诺 管理工作的具体负责人应本着公平公正的原则,在严格遵守公司规章的基础上,以公司利益为出发点,合理安排责任范围内的事务争取为公司获得最佳效益。 第七章:以顾客为关注焦点 树立顾客就是“上帝”的理念,一切为顾客服务。连锁企业只有确定了目标市场,才能对商品编配、商店装潢、价格水平、促销做出一致的决策。企业必须评估每个细分市场的吸引力,选择出适合企业的目标细分市场。一个企业只有把顾 ease 1cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory discture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the ks puninee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharltation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (traauscun check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Positio 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy umors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common t6disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher level-clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, 客留住,才能够长久的存在更好的发展。因此顾客就是一切的工作的中心,任何工作的进行都应以顾客为关注焦点。 第八章:质量方针 科学管理、质量第一; 品质纯正,争创名牌; 诚信为本,顾客满意。 第九章:人力资源控制程序 1.目的:对与产品和服务质量有关的人员规定相应岗位的能力要求进行培训,确 保其具备必要的资格和能力胜任本职工作。 2.使用范围:本程序适用于对相关人员岗位能力的要求;培训计划的制定和实施; 培训效果确认;培训考核及相关档案管理;本程序适用于公司所有与 工程质量有关人员的培训。 3.职责: ——确定本部门相关岗位只是背景和技术能力要求; ——负责按年度提出培训需求计划 ——负责进行人员考核并验证培训效果 第十章:工作环境 餐饮业需要的环境不仅仅是卫生,而且需要有祥和温馨静谧的优雅气氛。 只有在这样的环境中,顾客才会愿意长久停留,持久消费,所以对于餐 饮业门店环境十分重要。 tem, pal abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous sysnee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natur(trai pse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operationrineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glim1 pe measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee)for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic requirements1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical logical endoscopy and other indications. ogies, curettage, gynecodiagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technol7ions are varied and complex, higherlevel disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestat-treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical seconderipheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, 第十一章:采购控制程序 1. 目的 本程序旨对于采购过程及供方进行控制, 以期在买卖双方维持良好关 系下, 长期确保所需要原物料等, 以合理价格且适时、适质、适量提供本 企业所需, 以达成生产目标。 2. 适用范围: 本程序适用于企业的所有的采购过程和外包过程,以及过程作业中涉及有 关的单位与个人。 第十二章:测量、分析和改进 1 目的: 规划测量、分析和改进相关的质量系统,持续生产客户非常满意的产品。 2 范围: 包括产品、生产过程、质量管理系统的测量、分析及改善活动的系统规划。 3作业内容: 3.1 策划: 公司管理层规定、策划并实施所需的测量、监控活动,以确保符合规定要 求和获得改进,且应包括确定需求、使用场合,相应的方法包括统计技术。 3.2 测量和监控 3.2.1顾客满意度测量和监控:(参照《客户满意度测量程序》) 设计和开发部门 每定期进行客户满意度调查,并对其结果总结及分析,作为客户对本公司各项管理的衡量指标之一。设计和开发部门在调查前要填写调查计划,交总经理批准。 3.2.12调查可采用走访、传真、E-MAIL或电话询问等方式进行,结果记录在“客 户满意度调查表”中。设计和开发部门对调查结果进行统计,必要时应按《纠正和预防措施管理程序》进行处理,并将信息反馈给顾客。 第十三章:顾客满意控制程序 1. 目的: 通过手机、分析顾客意见和建议,不断改进服务,提高服务质量,确保顾客满意。 2. 范围: cture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the ks puninee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharltation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (traauscun check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Positio 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy umors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common t8disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher level-clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, ease 1cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory dis 适用于公司在服务工作中对顾客意见和反馈信息的手机、整理和处理。 3. 职责: ——设计和开发部门设计征询意见表,并负责组织开展公司的顾客满意率 调查、统计、分析和回访活动。 ——服务部门负责在日常服务中注意倾听、收集顾客对工作的意见,并将意见作出适当的处理 ——监督部门负责接待顾客的来访或投诉并将相关内容转给相关部门 第十四章:改进、纠正和预防措施控制程序 1. 目的 为确保本公司的产品质量、质量管理体系运行的有效性不断地满足顾 客的要求,必须切实做到持续改进。本程序对持续改进的各项活动实 施规范化管理。 2 适用范围 本程序适用于本公司质量管理体系覆盖产品所涉及持续改进的各个方 面,如质量方针、质量目标的实施,审核结果、数据分析、管理评审、 纠正和预防措施及质量改进攻关等活动的管理,以改进质量管理体系 的有效性。 3 职责 门店店长负责在全门店范围内营造持续改进的氛围,对重大改进项目进 行决策。 管理者代表和监督部门是质量管理体系持续改进活动的责任对象及部门。 各有关部门和基层单位负责组织改进项目的实施。 4. 措施和要求 对发现不合格、缺陷的责任部门必须分析原因,及时采取针对性的经济、有效的纠正措施,明确期限及责任者,并对实施结果进行验证。具体流程见本章流程图。 质量手册更改记录 eripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, tem, pal abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory disease 1 ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous sysnee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements disease species cases number natur(trai pse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharks puncture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operationrineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (trainee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glim1 pe measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart auscultation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee)for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Position check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic requirements1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical logical endoscopy and other indications. ogies, curettage, gynecodiagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common tumors; assisted reproductive technol9ions are varied and complex, higherlevel disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestat-treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second 质量手册——更改记录 页码:/ 条款号 更改内容 更改单号 更改日期 连锁经营管理60951P班 陈思思 2010/11/2 cases number requirements disease species cases number natural abortion , Preterm labor 1 outside the pelvic inflammatory discture operation (trainee) 1 newborn recovery operation (trainee) 1 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the ks puninee) 1 double collection diagnosis (trainee) 1 vaginal glimpse device check method (trainee) 1 by vaginal Hou dome loan sharltation (trainee) 1 normal delivery delivered (trainee) 1 perineal side cut and suture operation (trainee) 1 Apgar score (traauscun check four step touch diagnosis method (trainee) 1 pelvic measurement (trainee) 1 stage observation (trainee) 1 tire heart the amniotic fluid embolism in 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations clinical technique name times (?) Positio 1 postpartum hemorrhage 1 3 1 preeclampsia hypertensive disorder of pregnancy umors; assisted reproductive technologies, curettage, gynecological endoscopy and other indications. diagnostic imaging data. Understanding: principles of diagnosis and treatment of common t10disciplines. Neurological diseases with clinical manifestations are varied and complex, higher level-clinical presentation, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention as the main content of a clinical second ... Neurology is the study of the central nervous system, peripheral nervous system and skeletal muscle disease pathogenesis, ease 1
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