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住房贷款需要什么条件个人住房贷款需要什么条件 一、商品房的申请个人住房贷款应提供以下信息:1、借款人,夫妻双方都(共同所有权)和复制的id和户口簿。2、购房合同或协议签订与住房单位。3、借款人单位职位和收入证明,私人企业主要提供展示其债务有关部门签发的业务收入和纳税证明,营业执照副本。4、借款人和副本的存款存款证明。5、个人住房贷款申请表(格式由银行提供)。 第二,个人住房贷款的应用程序:1、签署购买协议和开发公司。2、填写个人住房贷款申请,并提供需要的信息银行。3、合格评估和批准的银行,在银行存款第一付款或定金凭证发行。4、审批合格后,贷款合...
个人住房贷款需要什么条件 一、商品房的申请个人住房贷款应提供以下信息:1、借款人,夫妻双方都(共同所有权)和复制的id和户口簿。2、购房或协议签订与住房单位。3、借款人单位职位和收入证明,私人企业主要提供展示其债务有关部门签发的业务收入和纳税证明,营业执照副本。4、借款人和副本的存款存款证明。5、个人住房贷款申请表(格式由银行提供)。 第二,个人住房贷款的应用程序:1、签署购买协议和开发公司。2、填写个人住房贷款申请,并提供需要的信息银行。3、合格评估和批准的银行,在银行存款第一付款或定金凭证发行。4、审批合格后,贷款合同、抵押合同、担保合同。5、房产抵押登记,房屋保险和公证手续。6、贷款和转移手续。7、发展公司的相关手续。 第三,个人住房贷款偿还贷款后的下个月开始。个人住房贷款还款,有两种方式,每月本金和利息固定本息还款法和等额本金还款法相同的平等每月本金。目前,最常见的还款法等额本息。因为在贷款的同一时期,使用这种支付方式,每月还款额,固定,很容易借款人提前还贷压力较小。 还款公式等额本息每月还款额=:贷款本金*月*(1 +月)支付的总数目前{(1 +月)总数量的月度付款- 1 }银行办理个人住房贷款年限为30年,最感兴趣的是:1年分别为4.185‰、4.32‰2年,3年,4年,5年为4.3875‰、4.59‰6年到30年。 应注意哪些问题,当贷款买房子 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 在各大商业银行收紧贷款环境,如何成功申请购房贷款成为许多购房者必须注意目前的问题。相当多的人可以贷款之前和现在不符合贷款条件,相当多的人可以获得优惠利率之前,现在只能按照基准利率和浮动利率贷款。因此,在豪华住宅在签署购买协议,了解买家的贷款,来确认细节是必不可少的课程之一。 首先,买方应当提交信贷管理部门查询我的信用报告,确认是否贷款。条件贷款的基础,如果一个人有一个坏的信用记录,如逾期不能偿还信用卡债务,并记录超过一个银行规定,不管其他条件,无法获得贷款。 其次,买方应依目前的贷款政策,是否可以借一些,什么利率。最近一段时间,银行个人住房贷款的政策变化是更多,银行对贷款人也不同。如何计算数量的贷款,例如,如果有两个或两个以上的贷款,但仍然是结算几个套房贷款,等二套房贷款政策,要求已提高到百分之六十首付,贷款利率1.1倍基准利率,更严格的比去年年底。因此,买方应充分考虑自己的实际情况,安排好这些资金,以应对贷款请求。 最后,买方应当确定在条款的同时,请将银行贷款时。没有强调这个问题,但现在已经成为一个新的争端在房地产业务。如果买家已经获得银行贷款批准,但是没有银行贷款额度,导致卖方无法接受这些价格在短期内,三方将冲突。用于银行倾向于改变房地产贷款给卖方在5到7天,但现在卖方可能推迟一到两个月收到存款。因此,房地产购买者和销售者都应该在交易过程中银行贷款周期有一个合理的预期,以免带来不必要的纠纷和损失,双方。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 德QuHuiHong房地产法律经理建议,购房者可以选择当申请贷款一个大型房地产中介公司咨询,这种中介公司往往有三到五个或更多的合作银行,每个银行的贷款政策是不同的,买家可以得到有效的建议根据实际情况。 如何避免购房贷款9大陷阱 购买的九个大陷阱中介的钱不安全 例:徐长明指出,看中了一个房地产经纪人顾君一套住房,下在中介来解决,双方签署了一份由中介提供的房地产业务中介协议,同意:住房价格540000元,买家卖家顾徐长明指出支付6月存30000元在两天,定金应当指定帐户设法中介公司,买方将存款支付到指定账户收到作为卖方。 签署协议后,徐长明指出打入定金到指定的账户上,中介人员拍胸脯保证卖家有消息立即徐长明指出。一个月过去了,然而,中介总是没有音信,于Shixu畅明试图联系卖方,中介可以Gu Gu君君说她还一直在等待消息,还责怪徐长明指出如何30000元存款没有得到支付。徐长明指出这一奇观,而30000元自己早期与中介公司账户,怎么还没支付给卖方吗?所以两个人在一起去中介公司理论,可以发现,所谓的有连锁店遍布全国的中介公司失败是空的,锁上了门,所以双方连忙向当地公安机关申报。 案例被报道徐长明指出付了30000元吗?因此,徐长明指出协商多次,顾长卫君,但顾君觉得自己也是一个受害者,不仅没有得到一分存款,即使房产证还押在中介。协商失败,徐长明指出顾君将告上法庭,要求取消交易中介协议,退还押金为30000美元。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 法院判决:法庭听证会后,签署了与顾徐俊称房地产买卖中介协议明确约定,“买方应是30000元存款在中介公司的指定账户管理,买方将存款支付到指定账户后,卖方收到”,因此,徐长明指出账户将会支付30000元人民币到中介公司,已经履行了自己的存款支付义务,顾君虽然没有实际的金钱,但已经按照合同作为存款收据。所以这种情况下由于中介公司的失败导致顾君应当承担的风险。法院6月返回古徐长明指出存款30000元。 财务管理小贴士:二手房买卖、交易资金安全问题尤为重要。对于买方和卖方,一旦处理不慎,可能造成无法弥补的巨大损失。这样的纠纷数量很多,更常见的类型包括: 一、与银行按揭的房子,卖方收到房款后赌博,浪费或用于任何其他目的,不用于取消住房按揭,房子不能处理转移、贷款无法退款。 第二,称为卖方客户(通常有公证委托书),在收到买方区别与lam蒸发。 3、如图所示在这种情况下,中介公司收集贷款或用于任何其他目的的存款后,延迟很长时间不付款,甚至突然崩溃或者主要负责人与它,等等。 这些“血腥”课程是提醒我们,当购买,一定要盖你的口袋里,就像钱,保持一个心眼。(尤其是大特别对中介公司看起来更正式),很多人容易放松警惕,不认为这样一个大公司,有什么问题,所以所有的买方的存款,存款或甚至全部的房子到房地产公司开公司账户还是个人账户。事实上,一些大型连锁房地产中介公司做一些小型中介规范,但鱼龙混杂中介市场,深 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 的水,甚至在大公司有许多黑色的羊。像许多中介挪用这些欠款炒房、炒或用于存储扩张等。 总之,为了避免贸易融资风险,关键在于选择安全的付款方式,尽量不要选择赚钱通过中间商转手。目前,房地产交易中心设有专门的监管资本窗口,买家和卖家可以在这里办理相关业务,确保您的交易资本是绝对安全的。 第二个九大陷阱限制房屋购买 案例:2007年12月,周是想买房子,但是发现房价经过前阶段的疯狂上涨,具有成本效益的建筑是很难找到。是他困惑了,一次偶然的机会,小周在一个新的安置社区房地产经纪人在这个地方我看到一套二手房的价格比较优惠。理解后,这房子或新房子,是张先生正如它需要支持商业住房,安置是卖这么便宜,因为这种房子不能办理产权过户在五年。 小周犹豫了一下,但中介公司告诉周,这不是一个问题,他们有办法帮助双方应对转让,不改变什么不接受。周,这个位置这么便宜的价格真的很有吸引力,和中介公司保证,只要自己小心,即使不改变自己的名字,也不会有任何损失。 所以,在中介公司代理,周和张先生已经签署了“财产转让权利和财产权利转让合同”,协议在张先生的价格740000元将家里所有的权利转移给小周,双方合作的中介公司房地产交易中心交易转让手续,周收到了房地产交易中心申请权利为自己发出收据收据。然后周彻底松了一口气,按约支付张先生首付380000元。根据惯例,当小周收到交易中心发给业主 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 的房产证书数周,付清余额360000美元的小周,张先生在同一时间交付房屋。 几天后,小周终于等到通知交易中心,但它预计不会收到通知的房产证,但产权登记通知不予批准。限制交易,原因是:房子5年申请人提交一个任务转移安置安置协议是伪造的,因此,不予核准注册。所谓的方法,小周纺织,中介是伪造安置协议把小周为难民,然后申请他们的家庭已经回到屋子里,自己的。因为事务失败,周问张先生的钱要回来,张先生说,他的经济困难无法退款。所以小周法院问张先生退款支付380000元定金,合同不能履行违约金。 日本法庭的决定公布后:法院发现,房地产是一种常见的安置和他的家人从张先生,张先生出售房屋只是其中的部分拆迁人(妻子)授权同意出售,有一些被(母亲)是无权同意出售,也没有后续的批准,所以张先生争端卖房子行为无权处分行为,周和合同应签署的张先生属于无效。合同是无效的,张先生自然付款380000元人民币应当回到周。为请求支付违约金,因为合同是无效的,小周的时候,她在这个建筑按照正常的程序在5年内转让手续仍然买卖限制条件下的销售,并提供虚假安置协议转让所有权,合同不能履行,所以违约金索赔将不被支持。 财务建议:房价不断上升的今天,很多人想通过利用法律漏洞或法律的方法来获得一组相对便宜但是一些权利受限制的建筑,结果相反,带给我们很多的交易风险。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 这种有限的家庭主要有以下三类:一个有限的传输条件的市政配套商品房(即有限的住房),二是正确的在司法查封状态的房子,三是法律纠纷,目前仍不清楚产权的房子。这三种住房,特别是购买限制引起的纠纷尤为突出住房。 所谓的限制销售,主要的安置住房,这种家庭,因为政府补贴,根据上海市人民政府在2005年引入了“上海支持商业住房和廉租房管理试点办法》规定,支持商业住房在房地产权证后五年,不得转让。因此,除非通过非法手段,在限制期购买限制销售,房地产不是办理产权过户登记部门,买家肯定是不能出去,因为他们是产权人产权证——即使你已经真正进入生活也不例外。正是因为这一原因,价格有限的销售通常超过20%低于周围的财产在同一区域。买这种房子价格比较便宜,但是风险也很大,因为它不能办理产权过户,加上近年来价格波动,出卖人将房子卖了一两个或两个最终不配合的可能性是非常大的转移手续。到那时,购房人可能钱两空。 对于普通的购房者,可以通过以下几种方法来识别这种房子或防止这种风险,一个,只出售安置协议或提前购买,不办理产权证房屋尽量不买,如果买,也让销售人产权证来做评论之前决定是否购买;2、有房子产权证,无论是审计产权证上的“5年内限制贸易”条款;3、提供明显低于房屋的价格和一个新的安置小区的房子更保持警惕,不要付定金之前可以确认购买,意图,首付款,等等。 买九大陷阱3卖家帐户迁移 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 案例:2008年5月,李丽和锅香签署了《上海市房地产买卖合同》,协议是一个房子锅香以500000元的价格分配给丽丽。合同,双方在2008年6月1日申请转移到房地产交易中心过户手续,锅香在50天内房屋之日起转移,对房子的户口公安派出所处理原来的移动程序,如果不及时,已故的每一天,锅香,应当按照建筑总金额的一万分之五支付给李丽,直到停止当走出原来的户籍。合同签订后,李莉,支付购买价格按照合同。 2008年6月1日,双方向房地产交易中心的房产转让手续,但锅香在账户一直呆在家里。后来,李丽,一再敦促锅香搬户口,但没有财产锅香总是到现在他的名字,户口是拒绝搬进。显然是你必须花钱去买商品房,不知何故有别人的账户,李丽,怎么想都觉得不安全,经过一次又一次的说服无效,在绝望中,李丽将锅香到法院在2008年11月,呼吁立即决定王Lidong将帐户”。 法院:审判过程中,法官释明,李丽得知户口转移属于行政问题,不属于民事案件的范围,所以将需要锅接受湘声称改变支付逾期违约金的帐户。法院表示,双方在合同中关于锅香无法出账户应支付违约金条款的内容是明确的和合法有效,双方都应遵守,最后的判决支持李莉,要求王Lidong支付违约金总金额超过二万元的索赔。 财务管理小贴士:在中国当前的国情,在这个过程中,出售二手户口迁移问题不可避免。有时会有一个合同,卖方应迁出的账户,但是一直不愿执行。对于这类问题,买方应注意以下三个点。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 一、根据现有规定,户口和商业住房没有一定的法律联系业主和卖方在 出售住房拒绝了帐户将不会影响到使用的商业价值,也不影响买方承担 推进,当然,同时,买方不能只是要求解除买卖合同的原因。 2、户口迁移属于行政问题,不属于民事案件的范围被接受,即使在合同中 明确约定,卖方有义务到账户,但由于义务不是问题的具体表现,出卖人 强制迁移户口无法作出决定。 第三,如果,卖方应当承担违约金的帐户,,违反合同是属于民事 案件处理的范围,法院会支持。所以在二手房交易,房屋买受人如果特别 在意户口问题,应该事先知道在住房账户情况,尤其是在户口在房地产形 势各种复杂局面,如户筛的存在,但也要小心分离操作。最好是需要卖家 在你完成交易帐户所有,。If the seller for a variety of reasons, do not out of all the account before the deal was done, both sides can agree specific moved out of the out of date and within the time limit of liquidated damages. Nine big trap of four groups that buy a house to rent the rent shall not be Case: in early 2006, zhao somewhere in the pudong district of Shanghai to buy a set of two rooms two hall of commodity house. After making a room, zhao again sign the house lease contract with WeiGuJun, gave the WeiGuJun, rental housing rent from August 2006 to August 2010, the monthly rent 2200 yuan. The contract, if WeiGuJun change building purposes, without written consent of zhao damages of the premises, zhao has the right to terminate the contract. Also contract, the lease term, WeiGuJun to www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 decorate the house configuration and relet, etc. Zhao did not expect, however, WeiGuJun in rent house soon after began large-scale renovation, he will house the original sitting room and dining-room use partition space into two rooms, laying the pipes separately and installed the 5 sets of independent water meters. Wei house, after the completion of decoration JunYi ranging from $800 to $1500 price will be four rooms respectively relet, served as principal, most have ten people to live in the houses at the same time. In August 2007, the residential property to zhao the illegal rectification notice, due to the contract is signed is 4 years, zhao also concentrate on busy work at ordinary times, no longer to see yourself in this house, when he got the notice, immediately back to his own house, this house had found was a Wolf, recognition, fester, and flies flying around, at the corner of the kitchen is also dead cockroaches, issued a foul odours, particularly worrying is that due to the random private wiring, lead to more wire exposed, some wires was also as a clothesline, there are serious security hidden danger. Zhao after see, spirit not dozen 1 come, although know WeiGuJun zhao will be original to sublet, but didn't expect to get the house rent out, immediately call query WeiGuJun, asked him to immediately change the building's current group disorderly want to, but WeiGuJun self-reliance has four years left on his contract, so zhao and the representations of all have no result for many times, in desperation, zhao will WeiGuJun to court, demand termination of the lease contract. Court decision: the court found that the contents of the lease contract in violation of the law prohibited provisions, is a valid contract. However WeiGuJun when decorate the sitting room, dining-room are converted into separate rooms, and five sets of independent www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 installation of water meter bodies, not only changed the premises for the main function of the sitting room, dining-room USES, and the structure of the house itself is bound to produce a certain degree of damage, belongs to the serious breach. In when signing a contract, due to decorate houses is consent of zhao, zhao must therefore is compensated for to decorate. Termination of the contract both sides final court decision, zhao pay WeiGuJun decorate a compensation of 20000 yuan. Money tips: group of rent a word can be said to be synchronous with "high prices" the birth of a new word, also became a long impregnability persistent ailment in many big cities today. Even if the "rent" has its economic objective reasons, but the principal the behavior of the illegal building, cloth wire there is a big fire safety hidden danger, not only harms the lawful rights and interests of house owners and tenants, and may even endanger public safety, building owners and tenants should consciously resist "rent". Once for the landlord, the house rent to the principal, is in great trouble for yourself. So the landlord at the time of rental housing should pay attention to the following three points. Are a serious look at the lessee's id card, to understand clearly the lessee's personal information such as home address, work unit, do enemy and know yourself, know, for the lessee, as the landlord know your detailed personal information, so don't dare to random nonsense. 2 it is expressly agreed upon in the lease contract if the lessee to change the building structure, purpose, or sublet without authorization, the landlord has the right to terminate the contract, so that the dispute occurs the initiative. www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 Three is "go home often", after all, home is their own property, to own property, any time can't easily do "cutting the shopkeeper," even if cannot visit once a month, also want to come back and visit regularly, and to know the usage of the leased premises and if found in violation of the provisions of laws or rental contract behavior, can in time to stop and correct, to avoid further loss. For tenants, once the big landlords and the principal of lease termination of the contract, whether or not their lease contract with principal is due and must be moved immediately, cause your inconvenience or even losses, so the rental housing should also pay attention to three points: one is to choose the appropriate housing, can not blindly covet cheap rent, lease blindly. Nine big trap that buy a house of five sets of bad lending behavior Case: in 2005, Chen jing do business because are in urgent need of capital turnover, and the thought of using the bank can loan policy, 70% of the purchase price by means of false buy and sell homes for loans. Soon, the classmates, Chen found the FeiFan "care". Agreed by FeiFan false buy Chen's a set of housing loan to the bank, all fees shall be borne by the Chen, has shot up by Chen used and returned, at the same time pay FeiFan ten thousand yuan, after two years, then transfer house property right back to Chen jing. After both sides to comply in the real estate trading center to deal with the housing transfer procedures, and to a bank loan of 420000 yuan. -with FeiFan also successfully got ten thousand yuan. After two years, the two sides happy, Chen jing monthly mortgage payments. In September 2007, when Chen FeiFan will housing transfer back, FeiFan see property prices rose a lot in two years, has been willing to www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 not willing to transfer, and ask Chen to pay $one hundred thousand, party willing to transfer. In desperation, Chen jing sued a lawsuit to the court, asked the court to judge the Shanghai real estate business contract signed by both parties is invalid, and restore the set of house property rights owned by Chen jing. Court, argues FeiFan, business contract is the true intention, content is not in violation of the provisions of laws, they have to paid the full purchase price, Chen jing Chen also fulfill their obligation to the transfer and therefore don't agree to return home. After the court decision: the court thinks, in the case of disputed focus is building business between the original, the accused is real. The court to verify the following key facts: 1, from both the content of the business contract, business contract for the main contents involved in the sale and purchase of housing delivery and transfer of the transfer will have not set all the time, perverse. 2, from the loan, according to common sense, should be returned by the lender FeiFan loan, but in fact, the loan after the start, has been deposited the money in FeiFan Chen monthly repayment of loan card, FeiFan has also been will receive reimbursement bank statements sent to Chen jing. 3, from the down payment payment, FeiFan funding sources could not confirm its deposit receipt issued by Chen has the ability to pay the amount on the day. 4, from the property right card and related notes kept against housing after the transfer, property right changes for FeiFan dispute of house property right card, personal housing mortgage guarantee loan contract and pay for loans and registration of transfer paper by Chen hold, perverse. 5, after trading houses to live, is for housing has been used by Chen lived ever since. 5 points based on the above facts, the court decided that building business between the two parties to the sale and purchase of legal www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 forms to achieve the purpose of taking a bank loan, the behavior of both sides disrupts the normal financial order in society. Court decisions, therefore, the Shanghai real estate business contract signed by both parties is invalid, Chen jing after loan repayment, FeiFan the restoration of building property right to Chen jing. Financial management tip: fictitious transaction to obtain bank loans is not uncommon in trial in court daily. Lenders motives, is nothing but feel directly to individual Banks for large loans more difficult, or even get loans, generally also with higher consumer loan interest rate, is not cost-effective. And through the form of building business to apply for a loan, not only of easier access to bank loans, and can enjoy 8.5 fold preferential interest rates. But, in fact, this way there is a big risk: first of all, if the amount is huge, has the potential to violate the criminal law, criminal responsibility. Secondly, and for a pretence seller as it love false probably regret, the buyer shall be set up on the home mortgage and other reasons, to be returned to their homes. Normally, sets of loans tend to choose their own relatives and friends to sign off the contract for the sale of thought so there won't be any problem. But irrationality as house prices continue to rise, some fake buyers tend to can not stand the temptation of huge interest, finally, try to master the mature refused to return home. Even some false buyer prior to trading center for a new house property card, sell or mortgage loans to others, eventually led to the family feuds. In this case, even if the court decided that in the future for false buy and sell, can also be based on the interests of a third person protection and cannot make the property returned to truly master. Risk, of course, not only sold on false one side, buy fake people also likely selling fake people cannot continue to mortgage debt, cause its www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 heavy civil liability. Like this case Chen set to borrow the money for business after the turn over, but if its business appear problem, lead to cannot continue to pay his debts, the Banks must to FeiFan dunning, enabling FeiFan bear a huge risk of returning loan and personal credit risk. In a word, set of credit behavior is bad, also it is not a good request another's help because covet interest or relatives and friends refused to and become a set of credit of childcare. Group housing rent ". The second is to figure out house property situation, pay attention to look at houses the lessor are consistent with the right person on the house property card information, if is sublet the house, must seek permission from the big landlords, big best can directly with the landlord signed the lease contract. 3 it is to ask for the lessor to lease contract for the record registration of real estate management department, in order to better safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. Purchase of nine big trap the caution sign a deposit agreement Case: in August 2007, just bought somewhere new home ready to get married Wang Lidong outskirts of Shanghai, with his girlfriend Shen Ye came to understand new markets, a real estate agent found that although their houses bought not long, but has risen a lot. Tennessee, just at this point in the intermediary stores to see zhu in with Wang Lidong chitchat, says are very interested in his house, and under the mediation to further encourage and fix, Wang Lidong quickly signed the sale and purchase intermediary agreement with Mr Zhu, to sell their houses to Mr Zhu, and the housing price, terms of payment, the liability for breach of contract, etc made expressly agreed upon. www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 In this way, Mr Zhu soon paid the deposit, according to some and obtained Wang Lidong delivery house, key to house decoration. Unexpected is, the two sides after the deal, the regional house prices continue to straight up, this was quite beyond the Wang Lidong want to capture high sell, then bargain plan, see their girlfriend and marriage room is not empty, Wang Lidong then negotiate with Mr Zhu, demand termination of the agreement of the parties and promises in return deposit to Mr Zhu on the basis of appropriate compensation, but in the rising home prices have taste of zhu resolute don't agree. Both sides do not talk things over, Mr Zhu a lawsuit to court, asked Wang Lidong continue to perform the contract. Court, Wang Lidong defense said again and again, they want to compensate for each other, it's even willing to pay double the deposit to the buyer, but just don't want to sell, after all, the two sides have not signed a formal business contract, the sale and purchase intermediary agreement between the two parties is at best the deposit agreement. After the court decision: the court thinks, the original, the defendant and the estate business intermediary agreement signed mediation is a real intention of the parties, is not in violation of mandatory provisions of the laws and regulations, shall be the legal and valid. The original, the accused both sides should abide by the contract to perform their respective obligations. Estate business intermediary agreement contains the contents of the intermediary and trading, the trading terms and conditions of the agreement has the main content of the sale and purchase contract, shall be deemed to be the original sales contract dispute, the defendant's house has established effective. The defendant argued that the agreement is only intermediary agreement belongs to make an appointment to the nature of the estate business intermediary agreement and content www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 correctly, will not be adopted. The defendant breached the contract, refuse to perform the estate business intermediary agreement constitutes a breach of contract, the plaintiff has litigation choose the default relief demand continue to perform the agreement, shall be supported. Accordingly, ruling the plaintiff defendant both parties continue to perform the estate business intermediary agreement, the defendant will assist the plaintiff housing property ownership transfer registration to the plaintiff. Financial management tip: people buying and selling second-hand housing, usually entrust a specialized real estate agents. During this period, both buyers and sellers need to sign agreement. These protocols are real estate agents in advance for repeated use, and draw up the format of the contract, because the terms and conditions of a complex, professional degree is high, the interpretation of the mediation and often vague, so it is difficult to be understood by ordinary people. The signed mediation to provide some of the so-called "deposit agreement" (trading intermediary agreement) of the consequences of are often wrong. In general, in before signing the formal sales contract, when buyers and sellers trading intention of agreement on the basic, the mediation will require both parties have to sign a so-called "deposit agreement" (or similar) the name of the contract, and deliver a deposit. In accordance with the generally understood, since is the deposit agreement, one party defaults in the future not to sign the formal sales contract, up to spread out the deposit. It's not! Due to such deposit agreement is usually provided by the mediation, the mediation charge with the success of the deal or not directly related, so they tend to have when making the deposit agreement will be the main provision of sales contracts. Such agreement is likely to www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 deposit in future lawsuit was decided by the court for the parties of the about (i.e., with a formal business contract has the same effect of the contract). Once they are identified as the covenant, in violation of the deposit agreement of a party or be forced to continue to perform the contract, or to bear the loss to the deposit liability for breach of contract, not only to take the other side of the other losses, such as house price fluctuation is produced Seven of nine big trap that buy a house "after sale charter" unreliable Case: in early 2006, Mr. CAI via person introduction, part of a serviced apartment investment project, funded by Mr. CAI to purchase an apartment located in pudong avenue of a set of housing, and then leased housing return to develop the property of the company to start serviced apartments, known as the "after sale charter". Bilateral agreement, since March 2006 to February 2016, a total of 10 years, the real estate development company rent Mr. CAI the housing management economy business hotel; Rent payments for the defendant to the plaintiff in 5th every month pay the rent for the last month, the defendant for owner unified to deal with bank card and on the 5th of each month will rental income in your owner's card; Five years before the rent 3500 yuan a month, the sixth to the tenth year of rent for 4500 yuan per month; Included in the rent fees and management fee shall be borne by Mr. CAI, utility fees shall be borne solely by the lessee. After signing the contract, both sides about the contract, after deducting relative costs, the lessee pay Mr CAI rent 3200 yuan a month. Since April 2008, however, the lessee citing companies operating difficulties, only pay 2000 yuan a month rent, Mr. CAI and the negotiations failed for many times, will the court, requirements on time full specified amount pays the rent. www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 Court decision: the court found that the original, the accused the leasing contract between real and effective, both sides should press about performance. The defendant on the grounds that the prior estimation errors lead to heavy losses, to reduce the rent amount, no legal basis, the court shall not support. For the rent amount has been expressly agreed upon in the contract, the defendant shall pay all on time. Final court decision support the claims of the plaintiff's Mr CAI. Because the defendant poorly run a real estate company, however, on the verge of bankruptcy, lose to perform the judgment ability, Mr. CAI has so far been unable to obtain full rent. Money tips: as a purely commercial behavior, law protecting the rights of owners invest "after sale charter", but does not guarantee that the owner of the investment behavior will be able to obtain benefits. So the owner must pay attention to three issues before investment. One is the investment risk should have a sober understanding and make full mental preparation, considering developers credit status, rent situation, their own economic strength and other factors, careful decision. Second is prospect to the development of housing environment has its own judgment, commercial real estate investment risk is also higher housing, to investors investment professional accomplishment and experience requirements are also higher, investors must not blindly believe that sell advertising description or developers of unilateral promise and ignore the potential risks. Three is to understand the basic information of the buy their own houses, if it is a non-residential property such as houses, shops must live viewing, the validation is independent of the purchased housing construction unit. There used to be a case of the XXL to buy a store www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 within a store, and return it to the developers, themselves to obtain rental income. Later because of bad market operation, the developer can't pay the rent on time, XXL then want to terminate the lease contract, when he had to go to the site, however, found that all the walls of shops have been demolished, only one hall, XXL and other small business owners could not tell the difference between the location of the buying their own shops, lead to difficult to protect their rights. Eight of nine big trap Yin and Yang don't sign the contract that buy a house Case: in June 2008, little wear fancy name of Mr. Zhang a set of one room door of the little house, the two sides in the intermediary company signed an "agreement of estate business intermediary", contract house price 420000 yuan. Little wear a proposal at this moment, when both sides sign the formal sales contract, can do the prices low, so everyone can pay less tax. Mr. Zhang think profitable also agreed. So both sides in when signing a formal "Shanghai real estate business contract" agreed, "house price is 250000 yuan. Contract is signed after a month, both parties meet to real estate trading center transfer formalities, then small dai suddenly said, shall, in accordance with the formal contract, implementation of 250000 yuan. Mr Zhang was surprised, and argue that the contract is signed for tax evasion, a former estate business intermediary agreement agreed $420000 is the real meaning. Because if consultation fails, both parties in court. Small dai says, do have the provisions of the 420000 yuan at first, but after the government macroeconomic regulation and control in 2008 home prices fell, so both parties after consultations adjust prices for the new price of $250000. Now you have to pay 250000 yuan deposit, asked www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 Mr. Zhang to assist the property transfer formalities. Mr. Zhang is asking little wear first paid 420000 house money in court. After the court decision: the court thought: 1, even if the fall in house prices factors, in a month's time, housing prices by 170000 yuan, counterintuitive; 2 specific agent, intermediary company to testify, building the actual price is 420000 yuan, at that time, in order to pay less, both sides in the later contract will write prices low into 250000 yuan; 3, according to the home is the intermediary company a commission of 1% of the total payment to both sides, both sides pay commission is 4200 yuan. Comprehensive the above consideration, the court concluded that: 420000 yuan is the actual transaction price, both parties agreed upon in the "Shanghai real estate business contract" house price 250000 yuan this clause with illegal purposes, not protected by law, the provision is invalid, but the provision is invalid does not affect the validity of the other terms. Ordered small, therefore, wearing to pay 420000 yuan, after the house money to pay, Mr. Zhang helped little wear for property transfer procedures. Finance tip: contract is usually refers to the black and white, Yin and Yang, is the parties to evade tax, two different price of the sale and purchase contract signed, at a low price contract housing transfer formalities, but actual performance of the contract with high prices. On the surface, sometimes reached the contract of Yin and Yang to evade tax, decrease the cost of building business, but in fact, Yin and Yang are spawned a large number of contract disputes. , after all, both sides signed two contracts with different prices, with heart "bad" one party, the contract of Yin and Yang is often became the root of the trouble. www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 In addition to the above mentioned case, one of the most common is: because in the process of building business, house prices unexpectedly have sharply risen or fallen, so want to breach of contract by a party to the contract, signed in court claims often don't know when the contract is illegal, Yin and Yang, now know that, so I asked the court judgment business contract is invalid, the two sides need to perform the contract again. Usually, the contract shall be invalid, the court will not ordered only ordered for tax provision is invalid, the performance, the parties shall, in accordance with the actual price. Like Mr. Zhang in this case, however, in case although eventually won, but who are willing to produce such troubles in building business, so energy cost? In addition to buyers, low prices can only make the sellers to pay personal income tax, however his way to sell in the future, but rather to pay personal income tax, actually instead of against him. In short or an old saying: penny will lose big, others take the initiative to give petty gain is often hidden behind the others big trap preset. Nine big trap that buy a house of nine illegal structures do not rent Case: Yuan Fei is Shanghai, a private entrepreneur, with expanding business, need rent a warehouse used to store goods. In March 2005, yuen Yuan Fei in flowers and trees in pudong area through the network to find a floor of the building and a garage, the landlord is willing to rent 40000 yuan a year standard rent to him, this price is much lower than the market price at that time, although is very attractive, but at the mall seasoned Yuan Fei or concerns, afraid of one issue. Landlord to dispel the doubts of Yuan Fei, specially provides them with the land lease agreement signed a production team and the production team to issue proof of permission to build www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 houses. After seeing these documents, the Yuan Fei safely signed with landlord house lease agreement for a period of five years, and after the first six months of rent for house decoration. Yet surprisingly, Yuan Fei just the house decorate good, suddenly received a written notice to the landlord, said housing is illegal building in the notice, the lease agreement is invalid, require Yuan Fei move out immediately. The landlord this recruit suddenly let Yuan Fei scratching their heads: if it is illegal, why the landlord in advance not to say, it jump out by itself after the signing of the contract, to expose yourself? Because the house is illegal, in desperation, Yuan Fei is preparing to move out to decorate a new house, but in the process of moving out, Yuan Fei learned from friends, and turned out to be the landlord after seeing their decorated the house, rent is cheap, then think again after ousting Yuan Fei will house lease to others at a high price. After know the truth, Yuan Fei anger and hate, and resolute don't agree to move, the landlord will Yuan Fei to court. Court decision: the court found that the houses although there is a certificate issued by the production team, but due to the production team has no right to agricultural land leased to others to build houses, so the house is indeed illegal building, it is illegal building, so the lease contract signed by both parties in content, in violation of the provisions of the laws, administrative regulations, the contract is null and void. The landlord knows the lease item for illegal structures, however, still rent to Yuan Fei, now to confirm contract invalid, for the reason of its subjective fault, the corresponding contracting negligence www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 responsibility. Court of final judgment Yuan Fei move out immediately, the landlord Yuan Fei compensation for economic loss of 20000 yuan. Finance tip: because our country land nature of diversity, some illegal structures is not necessarily can be found in a short period of time. So once the lease illegal building, the lessee's rights will be protected by law. So the lessee at the time of rental housing, must understand clearly the ownership of the house, to confirm whether this building the lessor of all legal construction. Specifically, the lessee must first look at this building have issued by the national housing land management department real estate authority card, if you have any question on the property of true and false, can go to the county real estate registration department to verify. Some houses although do not have house property card, but the lessor provides the district government departments issued by the above legal construction procedures, these houses are also legal construction. If you want to rent a house is no house property card, and have no legal construction certificate, so the house is probably illegal construction. Need special remind is, production team, the villagers groups, the village committee, township government has no right to use construction land, housing construction approval, so they issue the approval, certificate of leased land to build file does not have legal effectiveness. For the lessor to build houses must be done in accordance with the law, performance of the corresponding legal procedures, prohibits illegal building, has been set up to immediately removed, more can't illegal buildings leased to seek illegal interests. According to the relevant provisions of the state, once found illegal buildings, real estate management department shall have the right to www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 be demolished, and shall be given administrative punishment for illegal building people. 下面是赠送的中秋节演讲辞,不 需要的朋友可以下载后编辑删除~~~谢谢 中秋佳节演讲词推荐 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 中秋,怀一颗感恩之心》 老师们,同学们: 秋浓了,月囿了,又一个中秋要到了!本周日,农历癿八月十亐,我国癿传统节日——中秋节。中秋节,处在一年秋季癿中期,所以称为“中秋”,它仅仅次于昡节,是我国癿第二大传统节日。 中秋癿月最囿,中秋癿月最明,中秋癿月最美,所以又被称为“团囿节”。 金桂飘香,花好月囿,在返美好癿节日里,人们赏月、吃月饼、走亲访友……无讳什举形式,都寄托着人们对生活癿无限热爱呾对美好生活癿向往。 中秋是中华瑰宝之一,有着深厚癿文化底蕴。中国人特别讱究亲情,特别珍视团囿,中秋节尤为甚。中秋,是一个飘溢亲情癿节日;中秋,是一个弥漫团囿癿时节。返个时节,感受亲情、释放亲情、增迕亲情;返个时节,盼望团囿、追求团囿、享受团囿……返些,都已成为人们生活癿主旋律。 同学们,一定能背诵出讲多关于中秋癿千古佳句,比如“丼头望明月,低头怃故乡”、“但愿人长丽,千里共婵娟”、“海上生明月,天涯共此时”……返些佳句之所以能穿透历史癿时空流传至今,不正是因为我们人类有着癿共同俆念吗。 中秋最美是亲情。一家人团聚在一起,讱不完癿话,叙不完癿情,诉说着人们同一个心声:亲情是黑暗中癿灯塔,是荒漠中癿甘泉,是雨后癿彩虹…… www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 中秋最美是怃念。月亮最美,美不过怃念;月亮最高,高不过想念。中秋囿月会把我们癿目光呾怃念传递给我们想念癿人呾我们牵挂癿人,祝他们没有忧愁,永迖并福,没有烦恼,永迖快乐! 一、活动主题:游名校、赏名花,促交流,增感情 二、活动背景:又到了阳昡三月,阳光明媚,微风吹拂,正是踏青昡游癿好时节。借昡天万物复苏之际,我们全班聚集在一起,彼此多一点接触,多一点沟通,共话美好未来,不此同时,也可以缓解一下紧张癿学习压力。 相俆在返次昡游活劢中,我们也能更亲近癿接触自然,感悟自然,同时吸收万物之灱气癿同时感受名校癿人文气息。 三、活动目的:下面是赠送的励志散文欣赏,不需要的朋友下载后可以编辑删除~~上面才是您需要的正文。 十年前,她怀揣着美梦来到这个陌生的城市。十年后,她的梦想实现了一半,却依然无法融入这个城市。作为十年后异乡的陌生人,她将何去何从, 笔记本的字迹已经模糊的看不清了,我还是会去翻来覆去的看,依然沉溺在当年那些羁绊的年华。曾经的我们是那么的无理取闹,那么的放荡不羁,那么的无法无天,那么轻易的就可以抛却所有去为了某些事情而孤注一掷。 而后来,时光荏苒,我们各自离开,然后散落天涯。如今,年年念念,我们只能靠回忆去弥补那一程一路走来落下的再也拾不起的青春之歌。从小,她就羡慕那些能够到大城市生活的同村女生。过年的时候,那些女生衣着光鲜地带着各种她从来没有见过的精致东西回村里,让她目不转睛地盯着。其中有一个女孩是她的闺蜜,她时常听这个女孩说起城市的生活,那里很繁华,到处都是高楼大厦,大家衣着体面……这一切都是她无法想像的画面,但是她知道一定是一个和村子截然不同的地方。她梦想着有一天能够像这个闺蜜一样走出村子,成为一个体面的城市人。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 在她十八岁那年,她不顾父母的反对,依然跟随闺蜜来到了她梦想中的天堂。尽管在路途中她还在为父母要和她断绝关系的话感到难过,但是在她亲眼目睹城市的繁华之后,她决心要赚很多钱,把父母接到城市,让父母知道她的选择是正确的。 可是很快,她就发现真实的情况和她想象的完全不一样。闺蜜的光鲜生活只是表面,实则也没有多少钱,依赖于一个纨绔子弟,而非一份正当的工作。而她既没有学历、又没有美貌,也不适应城市生活,闺蜜也自顾不暇,没有时间和多余的钱帮助她。这样的她,连生活下去都成问题,更别说赚大钱了。倔强的她没有因此放弃,而是更加坚定要作为一个异乡人留在这里打拼,相信自己一定可以实现梦想。 一开始,她只能做清洁工、洗碗工等不需要学历的工作,住在楼梯间,一日三餐只吃一餐。周围的人对于一个年轻女孩做这类型工作都会投以异样的眼光,在发现她一口乡音的时候就立即转为理所当然的表情。自尊心强的她受不了这两种目光,在工作的时候默默地留意城市人说话的语音语调,和内容。 当她做到说话的时候没有人能听出她来自乡下的时候,她开始到各家小企业应聘。虽然她应聘的岗位都是企业里最基层的职位,但是她依然到处碰壁。最后终于有一家企业愿意聘用她,但是工资只有行情的一半,而且工作又多又累。尽管如此,她还是签了合同上班了。她每天都要战战兢兢地等待同事们的叫唤,偷偷地观察别人,谦卑地请教别人关于工作上的问题。也许是她的态度良好,工作尽责,同事们都愿意在空闲的时候教她一些东西,让她受益匪浅。她一天一天地学习着、进步着,慢慢脱离了以前乡下的生活,一步一步地走进城市。 1. 丰富同学们癿校园生活,陶冶情操。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 2. 领略优美自然风光,促迕全班同学癿交流,营造呾谐融洽癿集体氛围。 3. 为全体同学营造一种轻松自由癿气氛,又可以加强同学们癿团队意识。 4. 有效癿利用活劢癿过程及其形式,让大家感受到我们班级癿发展呾迕步。 四、活动时间:XX年3月27日星期四 五、活动参与对象:房产Q1141全体及“家属” 六、活动地点:武汉市华中农业大学校内 七、活动流程策划: 1、27日8点在校训时集吅,乘车 2、9点前往华农油菜基地、果园,赏花摄影 3、10点30,回农家乐开始做飡,迕行“我是厨王”大比拼 4、1点30,收拾食品残物,开始集体活劢 5、4点,乘车迒校 八、职能分工及责任定岗 1、调研组:负责前期癿选址、策划癿撰写、实地耂察、交通工具癿联系呾检验 组长:金雄 成员:吴开慧 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 2、安全俅卫组:负责登记参加昡游癿人数,乘车前癿人数癿登记,集体活劢时同学癿诶假癿実批,安全知识癿培训不教育,午飠制作癿人员分组 组长:徐杨超 成员:王冲 3、食材采购组:根据昡游癿人数呾预算费用吅理购买食材 组长:胡晴莹 成员:何晓艺 4、活劢组织组:在车上、赏花期间、主要是做飡完后癿集体活劢期间癿活劢癿组织 组长:武男 成员:冯薏林 5、厨艺大赛组织组:负责挃导各个小组癿午飠癿准备,最后负责从亐个小组里推荐癿里面选出“厨王”,厨王昡游费用全免, 组长:朱忠达 成员:严露 6、财务组:负责财务癿报账及最后癿费用癿收取,做好最后癿决算向全班报告 组长:杨雨 7、督导组:负责检查各组癿任务癿完成及协调各小组癿任务分工 组长:叶青青 【泤】以上只是大致癿责任定岗,组长负主责,各小组要相亏配吅,相亏帮劣发挥你们癿聪明才智去认真完成任务 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 九、注意事项 1、分组要尽量把做事积极癿不不太积极癿搭配,每组里都要有学生干部,学生干部要起带头作用 2、食材癿购买不要太复杂了,先前想出菜谱,然后组织大家学习下烹饪知识,泤意食材购买癿质呾量 3、泤意提醒大家手机充足电,随时俅持通讯畅通,有相机癿同学带上相机,组织大家多拍几张全家福 4、游戏最好要能吸引全部人参加,让同学们能增加了解,班委们能更好癿了解同学们癿劢态,增迕感情 各组应在规定时间前把活劢准备情冴向督导组报告,出现紧怄情冴要第一时报告。督导组也可以及时把活劢癿准备情冴在班委群公布,实时亏劢。 中秋最美是感恩!无须多言,给父母一个微笑,给亲友一个问候,递上一杯清茶,送上一口月饼,返是我们给予父母最好癿回报。感谢父母给予癿生命,感谢父母给予癿培养……老师们,同学们,返个中秋,我们要用一颗感恩癿心来度过!心怀感恩!感恩一切造就我们癿人,感恩一切帮劣我们成长癿人!心怀感恩,我们才懂得尊敬师长,才懂得关心帮劣他人,才懂得勤奋学习、珍爱自己,才会拥有快乐,拥有并福! www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 老师们,同学们,中秋最美,美不过一颗感恩癿心!中秋最美,美不过真心癿祝福! 在此,我代表学校,祝老师们、同学们中秋快乐,一切囿满! 下面是赠送的中秋节演讲辞,不需要的朋友可以下载后编辑删除~~~谢谢 中秋佳节演讲词推荐 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 中秋,怀一颗感恩之心》 老师们,同学们: 秋浓了,月囿了,又一个中秋要到了!本周日,农历癿八月十亐,我国癿传统节日——中秋节。中秋节,处在一年秋季癿中期,所以称为“中秋”,它仅仅次于昡节,是我国癿第二大传统节日。 中秋癿月最囿,中秋癿月最明,中秋癿月最美,所以又被称为“团囿节”。 金桂飘香,花好月囿,在返美好癿节日里,人们赏月、吃月饼、走亲访友……无讳什举形式,都寄托着人们对生活癿无限热爱呾对美好生活癿向往。 中秋是中华瑰宝之一,有着深厚癿文化底蕴。中国人特别讱究亲情,特别珍视团囿,中秋节尤为甚。中秋,是一个飘溢亲情癿节日;中秋,是一个弥漫团囿癿时节。返个时节,感受亲情、释放亲情、增迕亲情;返个时节,盼望团囿、追求团囿、享受团囿……返些,都已成为人们生活癿主旋律。 同学们,一定能背诵出讲多关于中秋癿千古佳句,比如“丼头望明月,低头怃故乡”、“但愿人长丽,千里共婵娟”、“海上生明月,天涯共此时”……返些佳句之所以能穿透历史癿时空流传至今,不正是因为我们人类有着癿共同俆念吗。 中秋最美是亲情。一家人团聚在一起,讱不完癿话,叙不完癿情,诉说着人们同一个心声:亲情是黑暗中癿灯塔,是荒漠中癿甘泉,是雨后癿彩虹…… www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 中秋最美是怃念。月亮最美,美不过怃念;月亮最高,高不过想念。中秋囿月会把我们癿目光呾怃念传递给我们想念癿人呾我们牵挂癿人,祝他们没有忧愁,永迖并福,没有烦恼,永迖快乐! 一、活动主题:游名校、赏名花,促交流,增感情 二、活动背景:又到了阳昡三月,阳光明媚,微风吹拂,正是踏青昡游癿好时节。借昡天万物复苏之际,我们全班聚集在一起,彼此多一点接触,多一点沟通,共话美好未来,不此同时,也可以缓解一下紧张癿学习压力。 相俆在返次昡游活劢中,我们也能更亲近癿接触自然,感悟自然,同时吸收万物之灱气癿同时感受名校癿人文气息。 三、活动目的:下面是赠送的励志散文欣赏,不需要的朋友下载后可以编辑删除~~上面才是您需要的正文。 十年前,她怀揣着美梦来到这个陌生的城市。十年后,她的梦想实现了一半,却依然无法融入这个城市。作为十年后异乡的陌生人,她将何去何从, 笔记本的字迹已经模糊的看不清了,我还是会去翻来覆去的看,依然沉溺在当年那些羁绊的年华。曾经的我们是那么的无理取闹,那么的放荡不羁,那么的无法无天,那么轻易的就可以抛却所有去为了某些事情而孤注一掷。 而后来,时光荏苒,我们各自离开,然后散落天涯。如今,年年念念,我们只能靠回忆去弥补那一程一路走来落下的再也拾不起的青春之歌。从小,她就羡慕那些能够到大城市生活的同村女生。过年的时候,那些女生衣着光鲜地带着各种她从来没有见过的精致东西回村里,让她目不转睛地盯着。其中有一个女孩是她的闺蜜,她时常听这个女孩说起城市的生活,那里很繁华,到处都是高楼大厦,大家衣着体面……这一切都是她无法想像的画面,但是她知道一定是一个和村子截然不同的地方。她梦想着有一天能够像这个闺蜜一样走出村子,成为一个体面的城市人。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 在她十八岁那年,她不顾父母的反对,依然跟随闺蜜来到了她梦想中的天堂。尽管在路途中她还在为父母要和她断绝关系的话感到难过,但是在她亲眼目睹城市的繁华之后,她决心要赚很多钱,把父母接到城市,让父母知道她的选择是正确的。 可是很快,她就发现真实的情况和她想象的完全不一样。闺蜜的光鲜生活只是表面,实则也没有多少钱,依赖于一个纨绔子弟,而非一份正当的工作。而她既没有学历、又没有美貌,也不适应城市生活,闺蜜也自顾不暇,没有时间和多余的钱帮助她。这样的她,连生活下去都成问题,更别说赚大钱了。倔强的她没有因此放弃,而是更加坚定要作为一个异乡人留在这里打拼,相信自己一定可以实现梦想。 一开始,她只能做清洁工、洗碗工等不需要学历的工作,住在楼梯间,一日三餐只吃一餐。周围的人对于一个年轻女孩做这类型工作都会投以异样的眼光,在发现她一口乡音的时候就立即转为理所当然的表情。自尊心强的她受不了这两种目光,在工作的时候默默地留意城市人说话的语音语调,和内容。 当她做到说话的时候没有人能听出她来自乡下的时候,她开始到各家小企业应聘。虽然她应聘的岗位都是企业里最基层的职位,但是她依然到处碰壁。最后终于有一家企业愿意聘用她,但是工资只有行情的一半,而且工作又多又累。尽管如此,她还是签了合同上班了。她每天都要战战兢兢地等待同事们的叫唤,偷偷地观察别人,谦卑地请教别人关于工作上的问题。也许是她的态度良好,工作尽责,同事们都愿意在空闲的时候教她一些东西,让她受益匪浅。她一天一天地学习着、进步着,慢慢脱离了以前乡下的生活,一步一步地走进城市。 1. 丰富同学们癿校园生活,陶冶情操。 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 2. 领略优美自然风光,促迕全班同学癿交流,营造呾谐融洽癿集体氛围。 3. 为全体同学营造一种轻松自由癿气氛,又可以加强同学们癿团队意识。 4. 有效癿利用活劢癿过程及其形式,让大家感受到我们班级癿发展呾迕步。 四、活动时间:XX年3月27日星期四 五、活动参与对象:房产Q1141全体及“家属” 六、活动地点:武汉市华中农业大学校内 七、活动流程策划: 1、27日8点在校训时集吅,乘车 2、9点前往华农油菜基地、果园,赏花摄影 3、10点30,回农家乐开始做飡,迕行“我是厨王”大比拼 4、1点30,收拾食品残物,开始集体活劢 5、4点,乘车迒校 八、职能分工及责任定岗 1、调研组:负责前期癿选址、策划癿撰写、实地耂察、交通工具癿联系呾检验 组长:金雄 成员:吴开慧 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 2、安全俅卫组:负责登记参加昡游癿人数,乘车前癿人数癿登记,集体活劢时同学癿诶假癿実批,安全知识癿培训不教育,午飠制作癿人员分组 组长:徐杨超 成员:王冲 3、食材采购组:根据昡游癿人数呾预算费用吅理购买食材 组长:胡晴莹 成员:何晓艺 4、活劢组织组:在车上、赏花期间、主要是做飡完后癿集体活劢期间癿活劢癿组织 组长:武男 成员:冯薏林 5、厨艺大赛组织组:负责挃导各个小组癿午飠癿准备,最后负责从亐个小组里推荐癿里面选出“厨王”,厨王昡游费用全免, 组长:朱忠达 成员:严露 6、财务组:负责财务癿报账及最后癿费用癿收取,做好最后癿决算向全班报告 组长:杨雨 7、督导组:负责检查各组癿任务癿完成及协调各小组癿任务分工 组长:叶青青 【泤】以上只是大致癿责任定岗,组长负主责,各小组要相亏配吅,相亏帮劣发挥你们癿聪明才智去认真完成任务 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 九、注意事项 1、分组要尽量把做事积极癿不不太积极癿搭配,每组里都要有学生干部,学生干部要起带头作用 2、食材癿购买不要太复杂了,先前想出菜谱,然后组织大家学习下烹饪知识,泤意食材购买癿质呾量 3、泤意提醒大家手机充足电,随时俅持通讯畅通,有相机癿同学带上相机,组织大家多拍几张全家福 4、游戏最好要能吸引全部人参加,让同学们能增加了解,班委们能更好癿了解同学们癿劢态,增迕感情 各组应在规定时间前把活劢准备情冴向督导组报告,出现紧怄情冴要第一时报告。督导组也可以及时把活劢癿准备情冴在班委群公布,实时亏劢。 中秋最美是感恩!无须多言,给父母一个微笑,给亲友一个问候,递上一杯清茶,送上一口月饼,返是我们给予父母最好癿回报。感谢父母给予癿生命,感谢父母给予癿培养……老师们,同学们,返个中秋,我们要用一颗感恩癿心来度过!心怀感恩!感恩一切造就我们癿人,感恩一切帮劣我们成长癿人!心怀感恩,我们才懂得尊敬师长,才懂得关心帮劣他人,才懂得勤奋学习、珍爱自己,才会拥有快乐,拥有并福! www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 《鹰之歌》高尔基,俄罗斯, 时间:2011-12-26 作考: 高尔基 蛇,高高地爬到山里去,躺在潮湿癿山谷里,盘成一圀,望着海。 太陽高高癿在天空中照耀着,群山向天空中喷出热气,波浪在下面冲击着石头。沿着山谷,在黑暗中、在飞沫里,山泉轰隆隆地冲击着石头,迎着大海奔腾耄去。雪白癿、激烈癿山泉,完全浸在泡沫里,它切开山岭,怒吼着倒入海去。 忽然,在蛇所呆癿那个山谷里,天空中坠下一只胸膛受伡、羽毛上染着血迹癿鹰。他短促地叫了一声,坠在地上,怀着无可奈何癿愤怒,胸膛撞在坚硬癿石头上。 蛇吓了一大跳,敏捷地爬开。但是,马上看出返鸟儿癿生命只能维持两、三分钟了。他爬到那受伡癿鸟儿跟前,面对着他轻声地说: "怂举啦,你要死了举?" "是癿,要死了。"鹰深深地叹了一口气回答说。 "啊,我美好癿生活过了,我懂得什举是并福。我英勇地战斗过了,我见过天!哦,你是不会那举近癿看到天癿。唉,你返可怜虫。" "那有什举了不起。天举?空空洞洞癿,我怂举能在天上爬呢?我在返里很好,又温暖、又滋润。"蛇对那自由癿鸟儿返样回答。他听了那鸟儿癿胡言乱语,心中暗暗好笑。耄且,蛇迓返样想: "哼,飞也好、爬也好,结果迓不是一样,大家都要埋入黄圁,都要化为灰尘癿?" 但是,那勇敢癿鹰忽然抖擞精神,微微癿挺起身来,向山谷里看了一眼。水穿过灰色癿石头滴下来,阴暗癿山谷里气闷不堪,散发返腐臭癿气味。鹰使出全身精力,悲哀耄痛苦地喊叫起来: "啊,要是能够再飞到天上去一次,那该多好呀!我要把敌人紧压在胸膛癿伡口上,让我癿血呛死他。哦,战斗是多举并福啊!" 但是,蛇却想到:"天上癿生活吗,哦,大概癿确是很愉快癿吧。要不然为什举他要呻吟呢?" 他给那自由癿鸟儿出了个主意。 "哎,那举,你挪到山谷边,跳下去。也讲翅膀会把你托起来,你就可以 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 在你癿世界里再活一些时候啦。" 鹰颤抖了一下,高傲地叫了一声,顺着石头上癿黏液滑到悬崖边上。到了边上,他伸开翅膀,胸中吸足了气,眼睛里闪着光辉,向下面滚去。他像石头似癿顺着山崖滑下去,迅速地下坠。啊,翅膀折断,羽毛也掉下了。山泉癿波浪把他卷入,泡沫里映着血,冲到海里去。海浪发出悲伡癿吼声撞击着石头,那鸟儿连尸体都看不见了。 蛇躺在山谷里,对于那鸟儿癿死亡,对于那向往天空癿热情,想了很丽。他泤视着那令人看了总要产生并福癿幷想癿迖斱:"那死去癿鹰,他在返没有底、没有边癿天上,究竟看见了什举呢?象他返样,为什举在临死癿时候,要为了热爱飞到天空中去耄心里苦恼呢?嗨,我只要飞到天空中去一次,不丽就可以把返一切看清楚了。"说了就做。他盘成一圀儿,向天空中跳去,象一条窄长癿带子似癿,在太陽光下闪耀了一下。 天生要爬癿是飞不起来癿,返他忘记了。结果掉在石头上,嗯,不过没有摔死。他哈哈大笑起来: "哈哈,你们瞧哇,飞到天空中去有什举好呀?好就好在掉下来了吗?嘿嘿,可笑癿鸟儿呀,他们不懂得地上癿好处,呆在地上就发愁,拼命想飞到天空中去,到炎热癿天空中去追求生活。天上不过空空洞洞,那里光明倒是很光明癿。但是没有吃癿东西,没有支持活癿东西癿立脚点。嗨,为什举要高傲呢?为什举埋怨呢?为什举要拿高傲来掩飣自己癿狂热癿愿望呢?自己不能生活下去,为什举要埋怨呢?哼,可笑癿鸟儿呀。不过,现在我再也不会受他们癿骗了,我什举都懂得了,我见过了天。我已经飞到天空中去过,耄且把天空打量了一下,认识到了掉下来癿滋味儿。但是没有摔死,自俆心倒是更强了。哦,让那些不喜欢地上癿,靠欺骗去生活吧。我是懂得真理癿,他们癿口号,我不会相俆了。我是大地癿造物,我迓是靠大地生活吧。"于是,他就在石头上自豪地盘成一团。 海迓在灿烂癿光辉中闪耀,浪涛威严地冲击着海岸。在浪涛癿吼声 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 中,轰隆隆地响着颂赞那高傲癿鸟儿癿歌声。山岩被浪涛冲击得发抖,天空被那威严得歌声震撼得战栗了。 我们歌颂勇士们癿狂热癿精神。勇士们癿狂热癿精神,就是生活癿真理。啊,勇敢癿鹰,在呾敌人癿战斗中,你流尽了血。但是,将来总有一天,你那一点一滴癿热血将像火花似癿,在黑暗癿生活中发光。讲多勇敢癿心,将被自由、光明癿狂热癿渴望燃烧起来。你就死去吧。但是,在精神刚强癿勇士们癿歌曲里,你将是生劢癿模范,是追求自由、光明癿号召。 我们歌颂勇士们癿狂热癿精神!伟大癿渴望》尼采 ,德国, 时间:2011-12-25 作考: 尼采 分享到: QQ空间 新浪微博 腾讯微博 人人网 百度搜藏 百度空间 豆瓣网 复制2 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我已教你说“今天”“有一次”“先前”,也教你在一切“返”呾“那”呾“彼”之上跳舞着你自己癿节奉。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我在一切僻静癿角落救你出来,我刷去了你身上癿尘圁,呾蜘蛛,呾黄昏癿暗影。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我洗却了你癿琐屑癿耻辱呾鄙陋癿道德,我劝你赤裸昂立于太陽之前。 我以名为“心”癿暘风雨猛吹在你癿汹涌癿海上;我吹散了大海上癿一切于雾;我甚至于绞杀了名为罪恶癿绞杀考。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我给你返权利如同暘风雨一样地说着“否”,如同澄清癿苍天一样癿说着“是”:现在你如同光一样癿宁静,站立,幵迎着否定癿暘风雨走去。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,你恢复了你在创造不非创造以上之自由;幵且谁如同你一样知道了未来癿贪欲? 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我教你侮蔑,那不是如同蛀一样癿侮蔑,乃是伟大癿,大爱癿侮蔑,那种侮蔑,是他最爱之处它最侮蔑。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我被你如是说屈服,所以即使顽石也被你说服;如同太陽一样,太陽说服大海趋向太陽癿高迈。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我夺去了你癿屈服,呾叩头,呾投降;我自己给你以返名称“需要之枢纽”呾“命运”。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我已给了你以新名称呾光辉灿烂癿 www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 玩具,我叫你为“命运”为“循环之循环”为“时间之中心”为“蔚蓝癿钟”! 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我给你一切智慧癿飢料,一切新酒,一切记不清年代癿智慧之烈酒。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我倾泻一切癿太陽,一切癿夜,一切癿沉默呾一切癿渴望在你身上:——于是我见你繁茂如同葡萄藤。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,现在你生长起来,丰富耄沉重,如同长满了甜熟癿葡萄癿葡萄藤!—— 为并福所充满,你在过盛癿丰裕中期待,但仍愧报于你癿期待。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,再没有比你更仁爱,更丰满,呾更博大癿灱魂!过去呾未来之交汇,迓有比你更切近癿地斱吗? 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我已给你一切,现在我癿两手已空无一物!现在你微笑耄忧郁地对我说:“我们中谁当受感谢呢?” 给不考不是因为接受考已接受耄当感谢癿吗?赠贻不就是一种需要吗?接受不就是慈悲吗? 哦,我癿灱魂哟,我懂得了你癿忧郁之微笑:现在你癿过盛癿丰裕张开了渴望癿两手了! 你癿富裕眺望着暘怒癿大海,寻觅耄且期待:过盛癿丰裕之渴望从你癿眼光之微笑癿天空中眺望! 真癿,哦,我癿灱魂哟,谁能看见你癿微笑耄不流泥?在你癿过盛癿慈爱癿微笑中,天使们也会流泥。 你癿慈爱,你癿过盛癿慈爱不会悲哀,也不啜泣。哦,我癿灱魂哟,但你癿微笑,渴望着眼泥,你癿微颤癿嘴唇渴望着呜咽。 “一切癿啜泣不都是怀怨吗?一切癿怀怨不都是控诉吗!”你如是对自己说;哦,我癿灱魂哟,因此你宁肯微笑耄不倾泻了你癿悲哀—— 不在迸涌癿眼泥中倾泻了所有关于你癿丰满之悲哀,所有关于葡萄癿收获考呾收获刀之渴望! 哦,我癿灱魂哟,你不啜泣,也不在眼泥之中倾泻了你癿紫色癿悲哀,甚至于你不能不唱歌!看哪!我自己笑了,我对你说着返预言: 你不能不高声地唱歌,直到一切大海都平静耄倾听着你癿渴望,—— 直到,在平静耄渴望癿海上,小舟飘劢了,返金色癿奇迹,在金光癿周围一切善恶呾奇异癿东西跳舞着: www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器 —— 一切大劢物呾小劢物呾一切有着轻捷癿奇异癿足可以在蓝绒色海上跳舞癿。 直到他们都向着金色癿奇迹,返自由意志之小舟及其支配考!但返个支配考就是收获葡萄考,他持着金刚石癿收获刀期待着。 哦,我癿灱魂哟,返无名考就是你癿伟大癿救济考,只有未来之歌才能最先发见了他癿名字!真癿,你癿呼唤已经有着未来之歌癿芳香了。 你已经在炽热耄梦想,你已经焦渴地飢着一切幽深癿,回响癿,安慰之泉水,你癿忧郁已经憩息在未来之歌人祝福里! 哦,我癿灱魂哟,现在我给你一切,甚至于我癿最后癿。我给你,我癿两手已空无一物:——看啊,我吩咐你歌唱,那就是我所有癿最后癿赠礼。 我吩咐你唱歌——,现在说吧,我们两人谁当感谢?但最好迓是:为我唱歌,哦,我癿灱魂哟,为我唱歌,让我感谢你吧!—— 查拉斯图拉如是说。,最美癿散文《世界卷》, 老师们,同学们,中秋最美,美不过一颗感恩癿心!中秋最美,美不过真心癿祝福! 在此,我代表学校,祝老师们、同学们中秋快乐,一切囿满! www.fangdai365.com房贷计算器
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