
量化经典 博易大师指标公式汇总以及源代码集成二

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量化经典 博易大师指标公式汇总以及源代码集成二量化经典 博易大师指标公式汇总以及源代码集成二 无敌趋势 RSV1:=(CLOSE-LLV(LOW,21))/(HHV(HIGH,21)-LLV(LOW,21))*100; RSV2:=(CLOSE-LLV(LOW,35))/(HHV(HIGH,35)-LLV(LOW,35))*100; J1:=SMA(RSV1,3,1);J2:=SMA(J1,3,1); 趋势线:3*SMA(RSV2,5,1)-2*SMA(SMA(RSV2,5,1),3,1),LINETHICK2,COLORFF84FF; K:SMA(RSV2,3,1...
量化经典 博易大师指标公式汇总以及源代码集成二
量化经典 博易大师指标公式汇总以及源代码集成二 无敌趋势 RSV1:=(CLOSE-LLV(LOW,21))/(HHV(HIGH,21)-LLV(LOW,21))*100; RSV2:=(CLOSE-LLV(LOW,35))/(HHV(HIGH,35)-LLV(LOW,35))*100; J1:=SMA(RSV1,3,1);J2:=SMA(J1,3,1); 趋势线:3*SMA(RSV2,5,1)-2*SMA(SMA(RSV2,5,1),3,1),LINETHICK2,COLORFF84FF; K:SMA(RSV2,3,1),LINETHICK2,COLORWHITE; D:SMA(K,3,1),LINETHICK2,COLORF408F4; DI:IF(趋势线<=10,30,0),LINETHICK2,COLORYELLOW; KI:IF(CROSS(J2,J1) AND J2>85,70,100),LINETHICK2,COLOR00FF00; 强弱界线:49,POINTDOT,LINETHICK3,COLOR99AACC; STICKLINE(趋势线>88,100,趋势线,4,1),COLORGREEN; STICKLINE(趋势线<=10,0,趋势线,4,1),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(COUNT(趋势线85,100,80,4,0),COLORGREEN; DRAWICON(CROSS(趋势线,49),趋势线,1),COLORRED; DRAWICON(FILTER(CROSS(D,K) AND D>88,10),D*1.05,2); DRAWTEXT(CROSS(趋势线,49),47,'转强'),COLORRED; DRAWTEXT(CROSS(49,趋势线),52,'转弱'),COLORGREEN; 粉K线 STICKLINE(CROSS(C,(HHV((H+L)/2,120))),O,C,12,1),COLOR33DDDD; {历史新高:}STICKLINE(HHV(CLOSE,0)=CLOSE,O,C,10,0),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(C>=O,CLOSE,OPEN,8,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(C>=O,CLOSE,OPEN,7,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(C>=O,CLOSE,OPEN,6,0),COLOR0000BB; STICKLINE(C>=O,CLOSE,OPEN,5,0),COLOR0000CC; STICKLINE(C>=O,CLOSE,OPEN,4,0),COLOR0000DD; STICKLINE(C>=O,CLOSE,OPEN,3,0),COLOR0000EE; STICKLINE(C>=O,CLOSE,OPEN,2,0),COLOR0000FF; STICKLINE(C>=O,LOW,HIGH,1,0),COLORRED; 无敌精灵 空方:=(EMA(CLOSE,24)-EMA(CLOSE,4))/2*0.95; 0;多方:=(EMA(CLOSE,4)-EMA(CLOSE,24))/2*0.95; 多头:多方,COLORYELLOW; 空头:空方,,COLORFFFF00; 引路精灵:(多方-空方),COLORRED,LINETHICK2; STICKLINE(多方>空方 ,0,多方 ,0.8 , 1),COLOREEAAFE; STICKLINE(空方>多方 ,0,空方 ,0.8 , 1),COLORFFFF00; STICKLINE(多方>空方 ,0 ,空方 ,0.8 , 1),COLOREEAAFE; STICKLINE(空方>多方,0 ,多方 ,0.8 , 1),COLORFFFF00; DRAWICON(CROSS(引路精灵 ,0 ) ,引路精灵+0.3,1 ); rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs 买卖航标 VAR1:=(CLOSE-LLV(LOW,30))/(HHV(HIGH,30)-LLV(LOW,30))*100; 操盘线:SMA(VAR1,5,1),LINETHICK2,COLORRED; 趋势线:SMA(操盘线,3,1),LINETHICK2,COLORYELLOW; 买入航标:IF(CROSS(操盘线,趋势线) AND 趋势线<25,50,0),LINETHICK2,COLORRED; DRAWTEXT(买入航标>0,50,'买入'),LINETHICK1,COLORRED; 卖出时间:IF(CROSS(趋势线,操盘线)AND操盘线>70,80,100),COLORGREEN; DRAWTEXT(卖出时间<100,80,'卖出'),LINETHICK1,COLOR00FF00; 天风地火 {天风地火 N:1 100 3 M:1 100 30} VAR0:=(3*CLOSE+LOW+OPEN+HIGH)/6; 多头 线:(20*VAR0+19*REF(VAR0,1)+18*REF(VAR0,2)+17*REF(VAR0,3)+16*REF(VAR0,4)+15*R EF(VAR0,5)+14*REF(VAR0,6)+13*REF(VAR0,7)+12*REF(VAR0,8)+11*REF(VAR0,9)+10*R EF(VAR0,10)+9*REF(VAR0,11)+8*REF(VAR0,12)+7*REF(VAR0,13)+6*REF(VAR0,14)+5*R EF(VAR0,15)+4*REF(VAR0,16)+3*REF(VAR0,17)+2*REF(VAR0,18)+REF(VAR0,20))/210,CI RCLEDOT,COLORRED,LINETHICK2; 空头线: MA(多头线,10), CIRCLEDOT,COLORGREEN,LINETHICK2; STICKLINE(多头线>空头线,多头线,空头线,10,10),COLORRED; STICKLINE(多头线<空头线,多头线,空头线,10,10), COLORGREEN; STICKLINE(C>O,O,C,7,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(C>O,O,C,4,0),COLORB0B0FF; STICKLINE(C>O,O,C,2,0),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(C>O,L,H,0.1,0),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(C< O,O,C,7,0),COLORFF2020; STICKLINE(C< O,O,C,4,0),COLORFF6600; STICKLINE(C< O,O,C,2,0),COLORFFCC66; STICKLINE(C< O,L,H,0.1,0),COLORFFCC66; STICKLINE(C=O ANDC>=REF(C,1),O,C,7,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(C=O ANDC>=REF(C,1),O,C,4,0),COLORB0B0FF; STICKLINE(C=O ANDC>=REF(C,1),O,C,2,0),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(C=O ANDC>=REF(C,1),L,H,0.1,0),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(C=O AND CB,(A+B)/2,'?'), COLORFF00FF; DRAWTEXT(A<=B,(A+B)/2,'?'), COLORGREEN; {STICKLINE(A>B,A,B,8,0),COLORFF00FF; STICKLINE(A<=B,A,B,8,1),COLORFF0000;} A15:A-(A1-A*0.997),COLORFF1010; A16:A-(A2-A),COLORFF2010; A17:A-(A3-A),COLORFF3010; A18:A-(A4-A),COLORFF4010; A19:A-(A5-A),COLORFF5010; A20:A-(A6-A),COLORFF6010; A21:A-(A7-A),COLORFF7010; A22:A-(A8-A),COLORFF8010; A23:A-(A9-A),COLORFF9010; A24:A-(A10-A),COLORFFC010; A25:A-(A11-A*0.997),COLORFFE010; STICKLINE(OPEN>=CLOSE ,O,C,9,0 ),COLORAAAAAA; STICKLINE(OPEN>=CLOSE ,O,C,6,0 ),COLORBBBBBB; STICKLINE(OPEN>=CLOSE ,O,C,2.4,0),COLORCCCCCC; STICKLINE(OPEN>=CLOSE ,O,C,1.1,0),COLORDDDDDD; STICKLINE(CLOSE>OPEN,O,C,9,0 ),COLOR6666CC; STICKLINE(CLOSE>OPEN,O,C,6 ,0 ),COLOR7777DD; STICKLINE(CLOSE>OPEN,O,C,2.4 ,0 ),COLOR8888EE; STICKLINE(CLOSE>OPEN,O,C,1.1 ,0 ),COLOR9999FF; STICKLINE(CLOSE>OPEN,OPEN,LOW,0.5,0),COLOR1199FF; STICKLINE(CLOSE>OPEN,CLOSE,HIGH,0.5 ,0),COLOR1199FF; STICKLINE(OPEN>=CLOSE,CLOSE,LOW,0.5 ,0),COLORCCCCCC; STICKLINE(OPEN>=CLOSE,OPEN,HIGH,0.5 ,0),COLORCCCCCC; VAR31:=(ZIG(3, 19)>REF(ZIG(3,19),1) ANDREF(ZIG(3,19), 1)Var1,Var1,REF(Var1,1),5,0),COLOR00ff00; STICKLINE(REF(Var2,1)>Var2,Var2,REF(Var2,1),10,0),COLOR0000FF; STICKLINE(REF(Var2,1) 0) AND (HD > LD)),HD,0),5) ); DMM:=SUM(IF(((LD > 0) AND (LD > HD)),LD,0),5); 神偷线:=(((DMP ) * 100) / TR); 辅助线:=((DMM * 100) / TR); XXX:=(MA(((ABS((辅助线 - 神偷线)) / (辅助线 + 神偷线)) * 100),3)); 奇准:= MA(卖,5); 买卖:=LLV(奇准,10); 底部关注:IF(((XXX > 88) AND (神偷线 < 5.8)),95,50),LINETHICK1,COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(底部关注=95,50,95,1.5,0),COLORYELLOW,LINETHICK1; 急买奇准:IF(LLV((买<买卖),5),75,50),COLORRED,LINETHICK1; STICKLINE(急买奇准=75,50,75,1.5,0),COLORRED,LINETHICK1; 短买奇准:IF(LLV((买<买卖),10),85,50),COLORred,LINETHICK1; STICKLINE(短买奇准=85,50,85,1.5,0),COLORred,LINETHICK1; ADXR:=((XXX + REF(XXX,3)) / 2); VAR1:=MA(LOW,1); VAR2:=MA(HIGH,2); VAR3:=MA(CLOSE,2); VAR7:=REF(VAR3,1); 动向趋势线:XXX,LINETHICK2,COLORFFAA66; 一品操盘 {N:1,8,1;} WR:=ABS(100-100*(HHV(HIGH,5)-CLOSE)/(HHV(HIGH,5)-LLV(LOW,5))); IF(WR>0,WR,0),COLORYELLOW; 涨:CROSS(WR,50),POINTDOT,COLOR0000FF; 强:CROSS(WR,80),POINTDOT,COLORYELLOW; 回:CROSS(80,WR) AND WR>50,POINTDOT,COLORWHITE; 险:=COUNT(WR>60,7)>=5 AND WR>90; 跑:=COUNT(WR>60,7)>=5 AND CROSS(80,WR); 慌:WR<=10 AND WR>0,POINTDOT,COLOR00FF00; 绝:WR=0,POINTDOT,COLORFF6600; 买:REF(WR,1)<10 AND C>REF(C,1) AND C>O,POINTDOT,COLORWHITE; 攻:WR>=90 AND WR<100 OR (H=HHV(H,5) AND H/REF(C,1)>=1.05),POINTDOT,COLORFF00FF; 停:WR=100,POINTDOT,COLORRED; 优选:IF((涨 AND COUNT(WR<=10,6) AND REF(WR,1)>10)*100,100,50),COLORFF6666,LINETHICK2; FLSZ:=V*N>REF(V,1) AND C>REF(C,1) AND C>O; 助涨:(涨 OR 强) AND FLSZ,POINTDOT,COLORFF00FF; DRAWICON(优选=100,50,1); rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs {以下设置副图显示方式} STICKLINE(WR>=50,50,WR,1,0),COLORWHITE; STICKLINE(WR>=90 AND WR<100,100,95,4,0),COLORWHITE; STICKLINE(WR=100,100,95,4,0),COLORFF00FF; STICKLINE(WR<=10 AND WR>0,0,5,4,0),COLORWHITE; STICKLINE(WR=0,0,5,4,0),COLORFF6600; DRAWTEXT(涨,60,'涨'),COLOR0000FF; DRAWTEXT(助涨,25,'?'),COLORFF00FF; DRAWTEXT(助涨,20,'‖'),COLORFF00FF; DRAWTEXT(强,70,'强'),COLORYELLOW; DRAWTEXT(回,50,'回'),COLORWHITE; DRAWTEXT(险,100,'?'),COLOR0000FF; DRAWTEXT(跑,100,'跑'),COLORFFFF00; DRAWTEXT(慌,20,'慌'),COLOR00FF00; DRAWTEXT(绝,20,'绝'),COLORWHITE; DRAWTEXT(买,50,'买'),COLORWHITE; DRAWTEXT(攻,50,'攻'),COLORFF00FF; DRAWTEXT(停,85,'停'),COLOR0000FF; 50,COLORFFFF00,LINETHICK2; 10,COLOR00FF00; 90,COLOR00FF00; ?底部提示:副 Var2:=(CLOSE-LLV(LOW,20))/(HHV(HIGH,20)-LLV(LOW,20))*100; Var3:=SMA(SMA(Var2,3,1),3,1)/28.57; Var4:=EMA(Var3,5); Var5:=3*Var3-2*Var4; AA:=CROSS(Var5,Var3) AND Var3<2.1 and c>o; Var6:=(2*CLOSE+HIGH+LOW)/4; Var7:=LLV(LOW,13); Var8:=HHV(HIGH,13); Var9:=EMA((Var6-Var7)/(Var8-Var7)*100,13); VarA:=EMA(0.667*REF(Var9,1)+0.333*Var9,2); 多:Var9,COLORRED,POINTDOT; 空:EMA(0.382*REF(Var9,2)+0.618*Var9,12),COLORgreen; STICKLINE(Var9>VarA,Var9,VarA,6,0),COLORred; STICKLINE(Var9<=VarA,Var9,VarA,6,0),COLORFFCC66; STICKLINE(AA,0,30,40,1),coloryellow; STICKLINE(AA,16,29,38,0),colorred; STICKLINE(AA,1,14,38,0),colorred; STICKLINE(AA,15,15,40,1),coloryellow; STICKLINE(AA,30,50,10,0),coloryellow; STICKLINE(AA,53,55,10,1),colorred; STICKLINE(AA,57,59,10,1),colorred; rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs STICKLINE(AA,61,63,10,1),colorred; STICKLINE(AA,65,67,10,1),colorred; STICKLINE(AA,69,75,12,0),colorffcccc; DRAWTEXT(AA,85,'底'),coloryellow; 博易顶底王 VAR1:=LLV(LOW,34); VAR2:=HHV(HIGH,30); VAR3:=REF(CLOSE,1); VAR4:=EMA((CLOSE-VAR1)/(VAR2-VAR1),3)*100; 主力:=SMA(MAX(CLOSE-VAR3,0),7,1)/SMA(ABS(CLOSE-VAR3),7,1)*100,COLORRED; CC:主力,COLORWHITE; 散户:=VAR4; VAR5:=(VAR4-LLV(VAR4,21))/(HHV(VAR4,21)-LLV(VAR4,21))*100; Q1:IF(CROSS(VAR5,90) AND 散户<40,18,10); Q2:IF(CROSS(主力,12) AND REF(散户,5)<20 AND REF(散户,3)<20,18,10); P1:IF(CROSS(84,主力),82,90),COLOR99FF33; P2:IF(CROSS(84,散户),82,90),COLORCYAN; VY:=SMA((CLOSE-LLV(LOW,18))/(HHV(HIGH,18)-LLV(LOW,18))*100,5,1); L2:=SMA(0.618*REF(VY,1)+0.382*VY,3,1), COLORFF9900; L3:=MA(L2,5); STICKLINE(L2>L3,L3+2,L3-2,5,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(L2<=L3,L3+2,L3-2,5,0),COLORGREEN; 80,POINTDOT; 50,POINTDOT; 20,POINTDOT; 趋势线(主图) AA10:=MA(C,10); BB10:=ATAN((AA10-REF(AA10,1)))*180/3.1416; STICKLINE(BB10>1 AND AA10>REF(AA10,1), AA10,REF(AA10,1),8,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(BB10<1 AND AA101,AA20,REF(AA20,1),8,0),COLORYELLOW; STICKLINE(BB20<1,AA20,REF(AA20,1),8,1),COLORBBCCCC; 变色主图线 O1:=MA(C,O), LINETHICK1; N1:=MA(C,21), LINETHICK1; rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs M2:MA(C,55),COLOR0080FF; PARTLINE(N1>M2,M2),COLORRED,LINETHICK2; PARTLINE(N1<=M2,M2),COLORGREEN,LINETHICK2; CCI主图K线 TYP:=(HIGH+LOW+CLOSE)/3; CCI:=(TYP-MA(TYP,13))/(0.015*AVEDEV(TYP,13)); STICKLINE(CCI>=0,O,C,4,1),COLORRED; STICKLINE(CCI>=0,O,L,0.1,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(CCI>=0,C,H,0.1,0),COLORRED; STICKLINE(CCI<0,O,C,4,0),COLORCYAN; STICKLINE(CCI<0,O,H,0.1,0),COLORCYAN; STICKLINE(CCI<0,C,L,0.1,0),COLORCYAN; DRAWTEXT(CROSS(CCI,-200) AND CCI>REF(CCI,1),L,'平空'),COLORGREEN; DRAWTEXT(CROSS(200,CCI) AND CCIREF(CCI,1),L,'加多'),COLORYELLOW; DRAWTEXT(CROSS(-100,CCI) AND CCI0,OSC*1.003,OSC*1.003>0),34)/34; VE:=SUM(IF(OSC<=0,OSC*0.97,OSC*0.97<0),34)/34; DRAWTEXT(CROSS(OSCMA,VE),OSCMA,'买'),COLOR0000FF; DRAWTEXT(CROSS(VD,OSCMA),OSCMA,'卖'),COLOR3FEF12; rational concept to allow network more in line with the objective laws of the future development of the city. 1.5.2 planning research areas: throughout the city, with an area of 13,000 km2, cover 2 districts and 8 counties of the city, including downtown and city levels. Planning range: main for City Center City, area for 1268km2, North to cases field Xiang, and Jin Pingzhen, and Gao Dian Zhen, and huangshazhen, and Liu home town North Township territories, East Nan XI Zhen, and Jiangnan East Township territories, South to horse home, and song home, and Li Zhuang Zhen, and South wide town, and Zhao field Street do South administrative border, West to baixizhen, and dish dam town, and thought slope Xiang West Township territories. 1.6 planning target 1.6.1 General target this items research to will Yibin city built Yangtze River upstream chuan Yunnan Guizhou combined Department Regional Center City, support city space of ordered expand for target, reference Yibin city integrated traffic planning (2014-2030 years) and the Yibin City City general planning (2013-2030 years) of research results, using science, and advanced of network research method, building more level, and more mode of track traffic system, Meet at different levels of the city's rail transportation needs and quality requirements. 1.6.2 target 1, refined urban development axis of urban development concepts, judgments, rail-guided downtown from solo to group-development of the network, from one Center to center city with axial development. 2, network planning adapted to Yibin City status and future development needs, demonstrates rational scale of rail transport to meet the needs
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