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上海小学牛津英语单词汇总上海小学牛津英语单词汇总 小学牛津英语上海版1A 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 书 book [buk] 秋天 autumn ['?:t?m] 尺 ruler ['ru:l?] 爸爸 father ['fɑ:ð?] 铅笔 pencil ['pens?l] 妈妈 mother ['mΛð?] 橡皮 rubber [`rΛb?] 姐妹 sister ['sist?] 钢笔 pen [pen] 自己 me [mi:] 书包 bag [bæg] 自行车 bicycle [`baisikl] 读 read [ri:d] 娃娃...
上海小学牛津英语单词汇总 小学牛津英语上海版1A 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 书 book [buk] 秋天 autumn ['?:t?m] 尺 ruler ['ru:l?] 爸爸 father ['fɑ:ð?] 铅笔 pencil ['pens?l] 妈妈 mother ['mΛð?] 橡皮 rubber [`rΛb?] 姐妹 sister ['sist?] 钢笔 pen [pen] 自己 me [mi:] 书包 bag [bæg] 自行车 bicycle [`baisikl] 读 read [ri:d] 娃娃 doll [d?l] 写 write [rait] 球 ball [b?:l] 画 draw [dr?:] 滑梯 slide [slaid] 唱 sing [si?] 秋千 swing [swi?] 跳舞 dance [da:ns] 气球 balloon [b?'lu:n] 跳远 jump [dзΛmp] 脸 face [feis] 眼睛 eye [ai] 耳朵 ear [i?] mouth [mauθ] 嘴 鼻子 nose [n?uz] 苹果 apple [`æpl] 桔子 orange ['?rindз] 梨 pear [pε?] 柠檬 lemon [`lem?n] 甜瓜 melon [`mel?n] 桃 peach [pi:t?] 芋头 taro [ta:r?u] 月亮 moon [mu:n] 豆 bean [bi:n] 树叶 leaf [li:f] 月饼 mooncake [`mu:nkeik] 小学牛津英语上海版1B of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 叔叔 uncle ['Λ?kl] 年轻 young [jΛ?] 阿姨 aunt [ɑ:nt, ænt] 农夫 farmer [`fa:m?] 奶奶 grandmother ['ɡrænd,mΛð?] 渔夫 fisherman [fi??m?n] 爷爷 grandfather ['ɡrænd,fa:ð?] 老师 teacher [`ti:t??] 青蛙 frog [fr?g] 胖 fat [fæt] 兔子 rabbit [`ræbit] 瘦 thin [θin] 蝴蝶 butterfly [`bΛt?flai] 蛋糕 cake [keik] 鸟 bird [b?:d] 糖果 sweet [swi:t] 蜜蜂 bee [bi:] 冰淇淋 ice-cream ['aiskri:m] 红色 red [red] 果冻 jelly ['dзeli] 蓝色 blue [blu:] 牛奶 milk [milk] 黄色 yellow [`jel?u] 可乐 coke [k?uk] 绿色 green [gri:n] 肉 meat [mi:t] 粉色 pink [pi?k] 鱼 fish [fi?] 紫色 purple [p?:pl] 鸡肉 chicken [`t?ikin] 棕色 brown [braun] 米饭 rice [rais] 桔色 orange [`?rindз] 面条 noodles [nu:dlz] 邮递员 postman [`p?ustm?n] 汤 soup [su:p] 警察 policeman [p?`li:sm?n] 司机 driver [draiv?] 消防队员 fireman [`fai?m?n] 送牛奶的人 milkman [milkm?n] 高 tall [t?:l] 短,矮 short [??:t] 医生 doctor [d?kt?] 护士 nurse [n?:s] 煮 cook [kuk] 老 old [?uld] 小学牛津英语上海版2A -equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 5002for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 箱子 bin [bin] 走 go [g?u] 公园 park [pa:k] 快 fast [fa:st] 道路 road [r?ud] 慢 slow [sl?u] 建筑 building [`bildi?] 冰淇淋 ice-cream [`aiskri:m] shanghai 果冻 jelly [`dзeli] 苹果 apple ['æpl] 在里面 in [in] 小鸟 bird [b?:d] 在上面 on [?n] 比萨饼 pizza [`pi:ts?] 在下面 under [`Λnd?] 饼干 biscuit [`biskit] 铃声 bell [bel] 热狗 hot dog [h?td?g] 星 star [sta:] 果汁 juice [dзu:s] 礼物 present [prez?nt] 水 water ['w?:t?] 树 tree [tri:] 猫 cat [kæt] 风筝 kite [kait] 狗 dog [d?g] 帽子 hat [hæt] 玩 play [plei] 手套 gloves [glΛvz] 跑 run [rΛn] 围巾 scarfs [skɑ:fz] 睡觉 sleep [sli:p] 冬天 winter [`wint?] 游泳 swim [swim] 冷 cold [k?uld] 鸡蛋 egg [eg] 风 wind [wind] 鱼 fish [fi?] 雪 snow [sn?u] 飞机 plane [plein] 灯 light [`lait] 渡轮 ferry [`feri] 领带 tie [tai] 火车 train [trein] 腰带 belt [belt] 出租车 taxi [`tæksi] 袜 socks [s?ks] 小汽车 car [ka:] 衬衫 shirt [??:t] 公交车 bus [bΛs] 连衣裙 dress [dзes] 厢式货车 van [væn] 外衣 coat [c?ut] 女孩 girl [g?:l] 月亮 moon [mu:n] 手 hand [hænd] 黄色 yellow [`jel?u] 停 stop [st?p] 动物园 zoo [zu:] 光 light [`lait] 小学牛津英语上海版2B -2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 5003ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 母鸡 hen [hen] 牙膏 toothpaste ['tu:θpeist] 风 wind [wind] 小鸡 chick [t?ik] 碗 bowl [b?ul] X光 xray [`eks,rei] 鸭子 duck [dΛk] 盘子 plate [pleit] 奶牛 cow [kau] 杯子 glass [gla:s] 绵羊 sheep [?i:p] 叉子 fork [f?:k] 猪 pig [pig] 刀 knife [naif] 马 horse [h?:s] 匙勺 spoon [spu:n] 熊 bear [bε?] 筷子 chopsticks [`t??pstik] 大象 elephant [`elif?nt] 夏天 summer ['sΛm?] 老虎 tiger [`taig?] 太阳 sun [sΛn] 猴子 monkey [`mΛ?ki] 云 cloud [klaud] 熊猫 panda [`pænd?] 热的 hot [h?t] 窗户 window [`wind?u] 海滩 beach [bi:t?] 门 door [d?:] 贝壳 shell [?el]] 床 bed [bed] 沙子 sand [sænd] 房间 room [ru:m] 手表 watch [w?t?] 沙发 sofa [`s?uf?] 时钟 clock [cl?k] 桌子 table [`teibl] 天 day [dei] 灯 lamp [læmp] 晚上 night [nait] 散步 walk [w?:k] 早餐 breakfast [`brekf?st] 跳绳 skip [skip] 午餐 lunch [lΛnt?] 摇摆 swing [swi?] 晚餐 dinner [`din?] 爬行 climb [klaim] 鼻子 nose [n?uz] 飞行 fly [flai] 桔子 orange ['?rindз] 骑 ride [raid] 铅笔 pencil [`pens?l] 水 water [w?:t?] 被子 quilt [kwilt] 脏的 dirty [`d?:ti] 橡皮 rubber ['rΛb?] 洗 wash [w??] 糖果 sweet [swi:t] 毛巾 towel [`tau?l] 树 tree [tri:] 香皂 soap [s?up] 雨伞 umbrella [Λm`brel?] 牙刷 toothbrush ['tu:θbrΛ?] 货车 van [væn] 小学牛津英语上海版3A -equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 5004for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525 Module 1 Unit 1 Here I am I [ai] 我 you [ju:? ju] 你 he [hi:; i:? hi? i] 他 she [?i:? ?i] [??] 她 it [it] 它 Module 1 Unit 2 Greeting apple ['æpl] 苹果 are [a:? ?] 是 bag [bæg] 书 包 cat [kæt] 猫 dog [d?g] 狗 grandma ['grænma:? 'grændma:] 奶奶 Miss [mis] 小姐 Mr /'mist?/ 先生 Mrs ['misiz] 夫人 Module 1 Unit 3 In the classroom a [ei] 一 book [buk] 书 desk [desk] 书桌 elephant ['elif?nt] 象 five [faiv] 五 girl [g?:l] 女孩 hand [hænd] 手 insect ['insekt] 昆虫 name [neim] 名字 no [n?u] 不 one [w?n] 一 pencil ['pensl] 铅笔 rubber ['r?b?] 橡皮 ruler ['ru:l?] 统治者 see [si:] 看见 three [θri:] 三 2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 5005ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730- two [tu:] 二 what [(h)w?t] 什么 yes [jes] 是 your [j?:? ju?] 你的 Module 1 Unit 4 Saying and doing again [?'gein] 再一次 blackboard ['blækb?:d] 黑板 box [b?ks] 盒子 clean [kli:n] 干净的 clock [kl?k] 钟 close [kl?uz] 关 come [k?m] 来 come in 进入 door [d?:? d??] 门 eight [e?t] 八 four [f?:] 四 æm] 阻塞 jam [d? kite [kait] 风筝 late [leit] 晚的 lion ['lai?n] 狮子 look [luk] 看 look at 看 mouse [maus] 鼠 nine [nain] 九 open ['?up?n] 开 please [pli:z] 请 school [sku:l] 学校 seven ['sev?n] 七 six [siks] 六 table ['teibl] 桌子 ten [ten] 十 the [ði:? ði; ð?? ð] 这(那)个 very ['veri] 很 -2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 5006for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730 window ['wind?u] 窗户 Module 2 Unit 1 My friends and [ænd; ?nd? nd] [ænd] 和 baby ['beibi] 婴儿 big [big] 大的 bow [bau] 鞠躬 boy [b?i] 男孩 fat [fæt] 脂肪 he [hi:; i:? hi? i] 他 in [?n] 在……里 mother ['m?ð?] 母亲 orange ['?rind?] 橘子 queen [kwi:n] 皇后 rain [rein] 雨 she [?i:? ?i] [??] 她 short [??:t] 矮的 small [sm?:l] 小的 tall [t?:l] 高的 teacher ['ti:t??] 教师 thin [θin] 瘦的 who [hu:] 谁 Module 2 Unit 2 Feelings an [æn; ?n] 一(个、件……) balloon [b?'lu:n] 气球 cake [keik] 蛋糕 happy ['hæpi] 快乐的 hungry ['h??gri] (饥)饿的 ice-cream ['a?skri:m] 冰淇淋 is [iz;z;s] 是 it [it] 它 sad [sæd] 悲伤的 sun [s?n] 太阳 thirsty ['θ?:sti] 渴 2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 5007ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu- umbrella [?m'brel?] 雨伞 Module 2 Unit 3 Families am [æm??m] 是 ball [b?:l] 球 brother ['br?ð?] 兄 dad [dæd] 爹爹 ear [i?] 耳朵 father ['fa:ð?] 父亲 friend [frend] 朋友 good [gud] 好 grandfather ['grænd?fa:ð?] 爷爷 grandmother ['grænd?m?ð?] 奶奶 like [laik] 像 like to 喜欢 little ['litl] 小的 long [l??] 长的 me [mi:?mi] 我 my [mai; mi] 我的 play [plei] 玩 rabbit ['ræbit] 兔 sister ['sist?] 姐 tail [teil] 尾巴 van [væn] 面包车 with [wið] 关于 X-ray ['eks'rei] ['eksre?] X射线 Yellow ['jel?u] 黄色的 zebra ['zi:br?? 'zebr?] ['zi:br?] 斑马 Module 3 Module 3 Unit 1 My school chair [t???] 椅子 clap [klæp] 鼓掌 classroom ['kla:srum] 教室 crayon ['krei?n] 蜡笔 down [daun] 沿着 -2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 5008for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730 hall [h?:l] 大厅 library ['laibr?ri] 图书馆 office ['?fis] 办公室 pen [pen] 钢笔 playground ['ple?graund] 操场 sit [sit] 坐 sit down 坐下 stand [stænd] 站 stand up 起立 this [ðis] 这 toilet ['t?ilit] 厕所 up [?p] 向上 wave [weiv] 波 Module 3 Module Unit 2 Shopping banana [b?'na:n?] 香蕉 biscuit ['biskit] 饼干 circle ['s?:kl] 圆圈 flower ['flau?] 花 pear [p??] 梨子 shape [?eip] 形状 square [skw??] 广场 star [sta:] 星 triangle ['traiæ?gl] 三角形 Module 3 Unit 3 Parks and playgrounds black [blæk] 黑色 blue [blu:] 蓝色 boat [b?ut] 小船 cloud [klaud] 云 colour ['k?l?] 颜色 green [gri:n] 绿色的 new [nju:] 新的 orange ['?rind?] 橘子 point [p??nt] 指 -2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 5009ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730 red [red] 红色 sky [skai] 天 slide [slaid] 滑行 swing [swi?] 挥舞 that [ðæt] 那 tree [tri:] 树 white [(h)wait] 白色的 Module 4 Unit 1 Animals animal ['ænim?l] 动物 bird [b?:d] 鸟 chick [t?ik] 小鸡 count [kaunt] 数 duck [d?k] 鸭子 find [faind] 找到 gate [geit] 大门 hen [hen] 母鸡 how many 多少 pig [pig] 猪 put [p?t] 放 put on 穿 shoe [?u:] 鞋 sorry ['s?ri] 对不起 they [ðei; ðe] 他(她)们 Module 4 Unit 2 Insects and plants bee [bi:] 蜜蜂 body ['b?di] 身体 butterfly ['b?t?flai] 蝴蝶 fly [flai] 飞行 has [hæz; h?z? ?z? z] 有 head [hed] 头 ladybird ['le?d?b?:d] 瓢虫 leaf [li:f] 叶 leaves [li:vz] (树,菜)叶 -2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50010for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709 leg [leg] 腿 plant [pla:nt] 种植 root [ru:t] 根 Module 4 Unit 3 The park apple pie 苹果派 camera ['kæm?r?] 照相机 chicken ['t?ikin] 鸡 Coke [ k?uk? kuk] [k?uk] 可口可乐 egg [eg] 蛋 photograph ['f?ut?gra:f? -græf] 照片 pink [pi?k] 粉红色的 sandwich ['sænwid?? -t?] ['sænwit?? -d?] 三明治 sweet [swi:t] 甜食 小学牛津英语上海版3B -2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50011ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 镜子 mirror ['mir?] 彩虹 rainbow ['reinb?u] 能 can [kæn] 紫色 purple ['p?:pl] 头发 hair [h??] 紫罗兰色 voilet [v?ilet] 棕色 brown [braun] 山 mountain ['mauntin] 眼睛 eye [ai] 大海 sea [si:] 嘴 mouth [mauθ] 裙子 dress [dres] 不能 can`t [kænt] 女衬衫 blouse [blauz] 灰色 grey [grei] 圆领衫 T-shirt 听 listen [`lis?n] 衬衫 shirt [??:t] 街道 street [stri:t] 雨点 raindrop ['reindr?p] 屋顶 roof [ru:f] 落下 fall [f?:l] 她的 her [h?:] 噪音 noise [n?iz] 笼子 cage [keigз] 卡车 lorry ['l?ri] 飞机 aeroplane ['ε?r?plein] 大声的 loud [laud] 公交车 bus [bΛs] 电视 television ['teliviз?n] 小汽车 car [ka:] 收音机 radio ['reidi?u] 小船 boat [b?ut] 安静的 quiet ['kwai?t] 钻头 drill [dril] 海浪 wave [weiv] 电话 telephone [`telif?un] 鹦鹉 parrot ['pær?t] 听 hear [hi?] 春天 spring [spri?] 柔软的 soft [s?ft] 温暖 warm [w?:m] 硬的 hard [ha:d] 不 not [n?t] 粗糙的 rough [rΛf] 湿的 wet [wet] 光滑的 smooth [smu:ð] 生长 grow [gr?u] 接触 touch [tΛt?] 夏天 summer ['sΛm?] 怎样 how [hau] 凉的 cool [ku:l] 做 does [dΛz] 照耀 shine [?ain] 感觉 feel [fi:l] 贝壳 shell [?el] 玩具 toy [t?i] 帽子 hat [hæt] 菠萝 pineapple ['painæpl] 外衣 coat [k?ut] 热的 hot [h?t] 鸟巢 nest [nest] equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50012for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525- 冷的 cold [k?uld] 秋天 autumn ['?:t?m] 柠檬 lemon ['lem?n] 干的 dry [drai] 甜的 sweet [swi:t] 围巾 scarf [skɑ:f] 酸的 sour [`sau?] 冬天 winter ['wint?] 品尝 taste [teist] 风 wind [waind] 草莓 strawberry ['str?:b?ri] 吹 blow [bl?u] 酸橙 lime [laim] 手套 glove [glΛv] 嗅 smell [smel] 季节 season ['si:zn] 好的 nice [nais] 今天 today [t?'dei] 鱼 fish [fi?] 但是 but [bΛt] 对虾 prawn [pr?:n] 蜥蜴 lizard [`liz?d] 沉默 mum [mΛm] 蛇 snake [sneik] 有 have [hæv] 做 do [du:] 他的 his [hiz] 喜欢 like [laik] 拿 take [teik] 不做 don`t 牙齿 tooth(teeth) [tu:θ] 老虎 tiger ['taig?] 这儿 here [hi?] 长颈鹿 giraffe [dзi'rɑ:f] 狼 wolf [wulf] 熊猫 panda ['pænd?] 去 go [g?u] 猴子 monkey ['mΛ?ki] 在远处 away [?'wei] 这些 these [ði:z] 哪里 where [(h)w??] 自行车 bicycle [`baisikl] 好的 all right [?:l rait] 超级的 super [sju:p?] 床 bed [bed] 娃娃 doll [d?l] 上床睡觉 go to bed 美丽的 beautiful [`bju:tiful] 熊 bear [bε?] 滑板 skateboard ['skeitb?:d] 机器人 robot ['r?ub?t] 我们 we [wi:] 也太 too [tu:] 小学牛津英语上海版4A -2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50013ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci 同学 classmate [`kla:smeit] 肩 shoulder ['??uld?] 跑 run [rΛn] 膝盖 knee [ni:] 跳 jump [dзΛmp] 脚趾 toe [t?u] 游泳 swim ['swim] 手指 finger ['fi?g?] 跳水 dive ['daiv] 手臂 arm [a:m] 飞 fly [flai] 脸 face [feis] 烹调 cook [kuk] 脚 foot [fut] 唱 sing [si?] 圆的 round [raund] 画 paint [peint] 大楼 block [bl?k] 写 write [rait] 累的 tired ['tai?d] 画 draw [dr?:] 吃 have=eat [hæv] 读 read [ri:d] 饱的 full [fu:] 生日 birthday ['b?:θdei] 害怕的 afraid [?'freid] 亲爱的 dear [di?] 发怒的 angry ['æ?gri] 切 cut [kΛt] 厕所 toilet ['t?ilit] ride [raid] 铃 bell [bel] 骑 火 fire ['fai?] 强壮的 strong [str??] 打电话 telephone ['telif?un] 牙齿 tooth [tu:θ] 带来 bring [bri?] 尖的 sharp [?ɑ:p] 引擎 engine ['endзin] 树枝 branch [brɑ:nt?] 消防队员 fireman ['fai?m?n] 勇敢的 brave [breiv] 警察 policeman [p?'li:sm?n] 女警察 policewoman[p?'li:s,wum?n] 急救员 ambulance ['æmbjul?ns] 男人 man [mæn] 老师 teacher ['ti:t??] 医生 doctor ['d?kt?] 牙科医生 dentist ['dentist] 护士 nurse [n?:s] 营业员 shop assistant [??p] [?'sist?nt] 服务员 waiter ['weit?] 女服务员 waitress ['weitris] -equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50014for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525 厨师 cook [kuk] 司机 bus-driver [bΛs-'draiv?] ] 邮递员 postman ['p?ustm?n] 练习本 exercise ['eks?saiz] 农场 farm [fa:m] book [buk] 到处 everywhere ['evrihwε?] 绳子 rope [r?up] 奶牛 cow [kau] 呼拉圈 hoop [hu:p] 绵羊 sheep [?ip] 长方形 rectangle ['rek,tæ?ɡl] 马 horse [h?:s] 大的 large [la:dз] 干草 hay [hei] 小包 packet [`pækit] 谷物 corn [k?:n] 瓶 bottle ['b?tl] 丢下 leave [li:v] 果汁 juice [dзu:s] 垃圾 rubbish ['rΛbi?] 水 water ['w?:t?] 扔 throw [θr?u] 松脆饼干 crisps [krisps] 石头 stone [st?un] 一些 some [sΛm] 追赶 chase [t?eis] 面包 bread [bred] 青蛙 frog [fr?g] 黄油 butter [`bΛt?] 圆木 log [l?g] sugar [`?ug?] 蛾 moth [m?θ] 糖 水果 fruit [fru:t] 树干 trunk [trΛ?k] 牛奶 milk [milk] 主茎 stalk [st?:k] 巧克力 chocolate ['t??k?lit] 面具 mask [ma:sk] 咖啡 coffee ['k?fi] 回答 answer ['ɑ:ns?] 面粉 flour ['flau?] 问题 question ['kwest??n] 超市 supermarket ['sju:p?,mɑ:kit] 获胜 win [win] 书店 bookshop ['buk??p] 游戏 game [geim] 写生簿 sketch-book [sket?buk]] 一副 pair [p??] 太阳镜 sunglasses ['sΛn,ɡlɑ:siz] 鸟舍 aviary ['eivi?ri] 暖房 plant [plɑ:nt] house [haus] 水池 pond [p?nd] 喷水池 fountain ['fauntin] 喂 feed [fi:d] 走 walk [w?:k] 草地 grass [grɑ:s] 摘 pick [pik] 爬 climb [claim] 小学牛津英语上海版4B -fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50015ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708 画笔 brush [brΛ?] 骨头 bone [b?un] 做 do [du:] 孩子们 children ['t?ildr?n] 毡头笔 felt pen [feltpen] 班级 class [kla:s] 旧的 old [?uld] 挖 dig [dig] 颜料 paint [peint] 拖把 mop [m?p] 睡觉 sleep [sli:p] 宠物 pet [pet] 讲话 talk [t?:k] 摇 shake [?eik]] 厚的 thick [θik] 浴室 bathroom [bɑ:θru:m] 薄的 thin [θin] 卧室 bedroom [bedru:m] 那些 those [ð?uz] 餐室 dining-room ['daini?ru:m] 筐 basket ['bɑ:skit] 晚餐 dinner ['din?] 在 后面 behind [bi'haind] 五十 fifty [`fifti] 在 旁边 beside [bi'said] 四十 forty ['f?:ti] 鼓 drum [drΛm] 帮助 help [help] 吃 eat [i:t] 月亮 moon [mu:n] 吉他 guitar [gi`ta:] 拼图板 puzzle ['pΛzl] 洞 hole [h?ul] 餐馆 restaurant ['rest?rΛnt] 音乐 music [`mju:zik] 岩石 rock [r?k] 钢琴 piano [pi`æn?u] 起居室 sitting-room ['siti?ru:m] 八孔直笛 recorder [ri'k?:d?] 士兵 soldier ['s?uldз?] 三角形乐器 triangle ['traiæ?gl] 宇宙飞船 spaceship ['speis?ip] 小提琴 violin [,vai?'lin] 三十 thirty ['θ?:ti] 钝的 blunt [blΛnt] 21-29 twenty-one-29 驴 donkey ['d??ki] 洗 wash [w??] 东西 thing [θi?] 姨,姑 aunt [ɑ:nt, ænt] 瞎的 blind [blaind] 忙的 busy ['bizi] 不能 cannot ['kæn?t] 表兄弟姐妹 cousin ['kΛzn] 狐狸 fox [f?:ks] 盘 dish [di?] 葡萄 grape [greip] 驾驶 drive [draiv] 汉堡包 hamburger ['hæmb?:g?] 擦干 dry [drai] 厨房 kitchen ['kit?in] 家庭作业 homework ['h?umw?:k] 做 make [meik] 字母 letter ['let?] equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50016for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525- 在 上面 above [?'bΛv] 摩托车 motor-bike ['m?ut?baik] 飞行员 pilot ['pail?t] 歌唱家 singer ['sindз?] 学生 student ['stju:d?nt] 叔,舅 uncle ['Λ?kl] 观看 watch [w?t?] 下雨的 rainy [`reini] 下午 afternoon [,ɑ:ft?:'nu:n] 星期六 Saturday ['sæt?di] 在 at(the top of ) [æt] 九月 September [s?p`temb?] 海滩 beach [bi:t?] 星期日 Sunday ['sΛ ndi] 长凳 bench [bent?] 阳光充足的 sunny [`sΛni] 在 中间 between [bi`twi:n] 天鹅 swan [sw?n] 晚上 evening ['i:vni?] 星期四 Thursday ['θ?:zdi] 踢足球 play football [plei'futb?:l] 星期二 Tuesday ['tju:zdi] 靠近 near [ni?] 丑的 ugly [Λgli] 驾船 sail [seil] 天气 weather [`weð?] 庙宇 temple ['templ] 星期三 Wednesday ['wenzdi] 顶部 top [t?p] 有风的 windy ['windi] 起床 get up [get Λp] 点半时间 half(past) [hɑ:f] 几点钟 o`clock [?ucl?k] 说 say [sei] 雷声 thunder ['θΛnd?] 时间 time [taim] 四月 April [eipr?l] 八月 August [?:g?st] 背 back [bæk] 多云的 cloudy [`klaudi] 十二月 December [di`semb?] 小鸭 duckling ['dΛkli?] 二月 February [`febru?ri] 星期五 friday ['fraidi] 一月 January [`dзænju?ri] 七月 July [dзu`lai]] 六月 June [dзu:n] 居住 live [liv] 三月 March [ma:t?] 五月 May [mei] 星期一 monday ['mΛndi] 月 month ['mΛnθ] 十一月 November [n?u`vemb?] 现在 now [nau] 十月 October [?k`t?ub?] 小学牛津英语上海版5A 2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50017ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709- 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 穿过 cross [kr?s] 便宜 cheap [t?i:p] 喝 drink [dri?k] 昂贵 dear [di?] 出去 go out [g?u] [aut] 为了 for [f?:] 吵闹 make a noise 需要 need [ni:d] 意味 mean [mi:n] 盐 salt [s?:lt] 一个 one [wΛn] 制服 uniform ['ju:nif?:m] 或者 or [?] 穿 wear [wε?] 外面 out [aut] 让我们 let us [let] 马路 road [r?ud] 垃圾 rubbish ['rΛbi?] 标志 sigh [sai] 5A-M2 抽烟 smoke [sm?uk] 中文 英文 音标 站台 station ['stei??n] 在(几点) at(time) [æt] 交通灯 traffic ['træfik] 团队组 group [gru:p] light [lait] 家 home [h?um] 地铁 underground ['Λnd?ɡraund] 早上 morning ['m?:ni?] 等待 wait for [weit f?:] 老鼠(复数) mice [mais] 道路方向 way [wei] 在晚上 at night 哪一个 which [(h)wit?] 外面 outside ['aut'said] 巨无霸 Bigmac [bigmæk] 公园 park [pɑ:k] 薯条 French Fries [frent?][fraiz] 方法 way [wei] 胶水 glue [glu:] 是 be [bi:] 麦香鸡 Mcchicken [mek't?ikin] 大头菜 cabbage ['kæbidз] 纸 paper ['peip?] 胡萝卜 carrot ['kær?t] 野餐 picnic [`piknik] 甜食 dessert [di'z?:t] 剪刀 scissors ['siz?z] 不(第三人称)does`t [dΛzt] 胶带 tape [taip] 知道 know [n?u] 蔬菜 vegetable ['vedзit?bl] 点头 nod [n?d] 请求 want [w?nt] 在星期几 on(days of the week) 烤 bake [beik] 土豆 potato [p?'teit?u] 买 buy [bai] 香肠 sausage ['s?sidз] equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50018for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525- 5A-M2 5A-M3 中文 英文 音标 中文 英文 音标 大喊 shout [?aut] 工艺美术品 Art and Craft [ɑ:tkrɑ:ft] 展示 show [??u] 课间 break [breik] 生病 sick [sik] 乘(交通工具) by(bus car etc.) [bai] 茶 tea [ti:] 语文 Chinese [t?ai'ni:z] 颜色 colour ['kΛl?] 碗厨 cupboard ['kΛb?d] 第一 first [f?:st] 天 day [dei] 第二 second ['sek?nd] 英语 English ['i?ɡli?] 第三 third [θ?:d] 风扇 fan [fæn] 第四 fourth [f?:θ] 地板楼层 floor [fl?:] 第五 fifth [fifθ] 百 hundred ['hΛndr?d] 第六 sixth [siksθ] 课 lesson ['les?n] 第七 seventh ['sev?nθ] Maths [mæθs] 第八 eighth [eitθ] 音乐 Music ['mju:zik] 第九 ninth [naiθ] 体育 Physical ['fizik?l] 第十 tenth [tenθ] Education [edju(:)'kei??n] 的 of 四分之一 quarter ['kw?:t?] 邀请柬 invitation [,invi'tei??n] 科学 Science ['sai?ns] 聚会 party ['pɑ:ti] 题目 subject ['sΛbdзikt] 图片 picture ['pikt??] 那么然而 then [ðen] 第十一 eleventh [i'levnθ] 时间表课程表 timetable ['taim,teibl] 第十二 twelfth [twelfθ] 有轨电车 tram [træm] 第二十 twentieth ['twentiiθ] 铅笔盒 pencil case ['penslkeis] 第三十 thirtieth ['θ?:tiθ] 八十 eighty ['eiti] 第二十一 twenty-first 五十 fifty ['fifti] 什么时候 when [(h)wen] 钱 money ['mΛni] 九十 ninety ['nainti] 和谁一起玩 play with [plei][wið] 笔记 note [n?ut] 池溏 pool [pu:l] 七十 seventy ['sev?nti] 规则 rule [ru:l] 六十 sixty ['siksti] 游泳池 swimming pool ['swimi?] 箱子容器 bin [bin] 92 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50019ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525 为什么 why [hwai] 危险的 dangerous ['deindз?r?s] 木条 bar [bɑ:] 产卵下蛋 lay(eggs) [lei] 乡村 country ['kΛntri] 拼写 spell [spel] 公园 park [pɑ:k] 翅膀 wing [wi?] 鳄鱼 crocodile ['kr?k?dail] 成长 grow [gr?u] 如果 if [if] 湿的 wet [wet] 丛林 jungle ['dзΛ?ɡl] 干的 dry [drai] 剥皮 peel [pi:l] 制作 make [meik] 他们(宾格) them [ðem] 用 use [ju:z] 通过 through [θru:] 海洋馆 aquarium [?'kwε?ri?m] 动物园管理员 zoo-keeper['zu:ki:p?] 赶车 catch(bus)[kæt?] 自然的 natural ['næt??r?l] 潜水员 diver ['daiv?] 野生的 wild [waild] 海豚 dolphin ['d?lfin] 往上爬 climb [klaim] 从哪来 from [fr?m] 顶部 top [t?p] 花园 garden ['ɡɑ:dn] 洞穴 cage [keidз] 高的 high [hai] 摇摆 swing [swi?] 岛 island ['ail?nd] 绳子 rope [r?up] 湖 lake [leik] 喂食 feed [fi:d] 潜水员 diver ['daiv?] 水果 fruit [fru:t] 海洋 ocean ['?u??n] 叶子 leaf [li:f] 地方 place [pleis] 跳水 dive [daiv] 植物 plant [plænt] 诗歌 poem ['p?uim] 海豹 seal [si:l] 忙碌的 busy ['bizi] 鲨鱼 shark [?ɑ:k] 选择 choose [t?u:z] 戏院电影院 theatre ['θi?t?] 变成 become [bi'kΛm] 塔 tower ['tau?] 身体 body ['b?di] 访问参观 visit ['vizit] 毛虫 caterpillar ['kæt?pil?] 广场 square [skwε?] 丑陋的 ugly [Λgli] 指出 point [p?int] 蚕茧 cocoon [k?'ku:n] 饭店 restaurant ['rest?rΛnt] 触角 feeler ['fi:l?] 地图 map [mæp] 昆虫 insect ['insekt] 勇敢 brave [breiv] 小学牛津英语上海版5B equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50020for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525- Module,1,Using,my,five,senses, Unit,1,Use,your,eyes!,block,,[bl?k],n.大楼,街区,shadow,,[??æd?u],n.阴影;影子,in,front,of,,在…前面,在…面前,front,,,[fr?nt],a.前面的,flat,,,[flæt],n.公寓套房,strawberry,,,[‘str?:b?ri],n.草莓, cherry,,,[?t?eri],n.樱桃(树),plum,,,[pl?m],n.李子, durian,['du:ri?n],n.榴莲, rise,,[raiz],vi.升起, down,[daun],a./,ad.向下prep.沿着…而下,Unit,2,Use,your,ears~, quiet,[?kwai?t],a.轻声的;安静的,careful,[?k??ful],a.小心的,仔细的,Lady,[?leidi],n.女士,夫人,asleep,[??sli:p],a.睡着的,awake,[??weik],a.醒着的,hammer,[?hæm?],n.锤,榔头,screwdriver,[?skru:?draiv?],n.螺丝起子,both,[b?uθ],a.两个…(都),两者的,musical,[?mju:zik?l],a.音乐的,instrument,,,[?instrum?nt],n.仪器,器械,乐器,bean,[bi:n],n.豆, string,[stri?],n.弦,线,empty,[?empti],a.空的, over,[??uv?],prep.在…的上方,cupboard,[?k?b?d],n.(放食物,衣物,碗碟等的)柜橱,round,[raund],a.圆的,v.环(绕),all,[?:l],a.全部的,所有的(三个或东西以上), Unit,3,,Use,your,hands~, 2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50021ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci- fluffy,[?fl?fi],a.绒毛的, shiny,[??aini],a.发光的;磨光的,有光泽的,parcel,[?pɑ:sl],n.小包,包裹,cushion,[?ku??n],n.垫子,坐垫,tongue,[t??],n.舌头, correct,[k??rekt],a.正确的;合适的,with,[wið,,wiθ],prep.和,跟,同;具有;用;关于;随着,country,[?k?ntri],n.国家;,[the,,]农村,乡村,lost,,,[l?st],a.失去的, shout,[?aut],v./,n.呼喊,呼叫,save,[seiv],vt.救, same,[seim],a.相同的, different,[?difr?nt],a.不同的, beanstalk,['bin.st?k],n.,豆茎, giant,[?d?ai?nt],n.巨人, castle,[?kɑ:s?l],n.城堡, golden,[?g?uld?n],a.金(黄)色的;金的,goose,[gu:s],n.鹅, sell,[sel],v.卖,出售, Module,2,,My,favourite,things,Unit,1,,Animals,in,the,zoo,kilo,[?ki:l?u],n.千克,公斤,corn,[k?:n],n.谷物,小麦;玉米,feed,[fi:d],vt.喂(养), hay,[hei],n.干草, left,[left],a.左边的,ad.在左边,right,[rait],a./,ad.对(的);右(的),up,[?p],ad./a.,向上(的),,prep.,沿…往上,along,[??l??],ad.,向前地,,prep.,沿着,hotel,,,[h?u?tel],n.旅馆,宾馆,酒店,饭店,holiday,[?h?l?di],n.假期,假日,节日,step,[step],n.(脚)步;台阶,cross,[kr?s],v.穿过,交叉, equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50022for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525- branch,[brɑ:nt?],n.树枝, ask,[ɑ:sk],vt.询问;请求,say,[sei],v.说, Unit,2,,Favourite,toys,puppet,,,[?p?pit],n.木偶, dinosaur,[?dain?s?:],n.恐龙, computer,,,[k?m?pju:t?],n.计算机,电脑,Unit,3,,At,home, past,[pɑ:st],prep./,ad.经过,过,find,[faind],vt.发现, inside,[in?said],ad./,prep.在…里面,outside,,,[?aut?said],prep./ad./,a.(在,向)的外面(的),rug,[r?g],n.(小)地毯,毯子,furniture,[?f?:nit??],n.家具, move,[mu:v],v.搬家,移动,roll,[r?ul],v.(使)滚动,roll,over,,,,翻滚, Module,3,,Things,around,us,unit,1,,Colours,around,us,around,[??raund],ad.在周围;到处,tadpole,[?tædp?ul],n.蝌蚪, caterpillar,[?kæt??pil?],n.毛虫,蝴蝶的幼虫,cocoon,,,[k??ku?n],n.茧, Unit,2,Different,noises,humming,['h?mi?],adj.,发出嗡嗡声的,hissing,[hisi?],n.,发嘶嘶声,score,[sk?:],n.得分, goal,[g?ul],n.目标;进球得分;球门,得分,pop,[p?p],n.流行音乐,noisy,[?n?izi],a.嘈杂的,喧闹的,after,,,[?ɑ:ft?],prep./,conj.在…之后,people,[?pi:pl],n.人(们),Unit,3,,What,is,the,weather,like, -res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50023ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer ago,[??g?u],ad.以前, farmer,[?fɑ:m?],n.农场主,农民,build,[bild],vt.建造, temperature,,,[?temp(?)rit??],n.温度,气温,体温,degree,[di?gri:],n.度,度数,millimetre,[?mili?mi:t?],n.毫米, south,[sauθ],n.南(方),南部,north,[n?:θ],n.北(方,部),a.北方(部)的,east,[i:st],adj.,东方的,,n.,东方,west,[west],n.,西,西方,西部,,adj.西方的,, everything,[?evriθi?],pron.每件事,一切,become,[bi?k?m],vi.变成,开始变得,away,[??wei],ad.远处,离开, 上海版小学牛津英语6A Module,1,,relationship, Unit,1,,Meet,my,family, rose,[r?uz],n.玫瑰,蔷薇,estate,[i?steit],n.住宅区,房地产,grade,[greid],n.年级,than,[ðæn],conj.比,meet,[mi:t],vt.遇见;见面,people,[?pi:pl],n.人(们),number,[?n?mb?],n.数字;号码,always,[??:lweiz],ad.总是,usually,[?ju:?u?li],ad.通常,平常,sometimes,[?s?mtaimz],ad.有时,never,[?nev?],ad.从不,Unit,2,Good,friends, together,[t??geð?],ad.在一起,共同,same,[seim],a.相同的,different,[?difr?nt],a.不同的,after,[?ɑ:ft?],prep./,conj.在…之后, -ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50024for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128 height,[hait],n.高度,身高,weight,[weit],n.重量,heavy,[?hevi],a.重的,each,other,[?i:t?,??ð?],互相,share,[?e?],v.分享,weekend,[?wi:kend],n.周末,week,,,[wi:k],n.星期,周,end,[end],n.末尾;尽头,crisp,[krisp],n.,薯片,,松脆物,crisps,[krisps],n.油炸土豆片,dress,up,[dres],穿上盛装,精心打扮,打扮得漂漂亮亮, centimetre,[?senti?mi:t?],n.厘米,unit,3,,Let's,go~, tomorrow,[t??m?r?u],ad.(在)明天,n.明天,fountain,[?fauntin],n.喷泉,aviary,[?eivi?ri],n.大鸟笼,鸟舍,pond,[p?nd],n.池塘,area,[???ri?],n.地区,地域,pitch,[pit?],n.球场,visit,[?vizit],n.参观,访问,拜访,city,[?siti],n.城市,都市,space,[speis],n.太空,museum,[mju(:)?zi?m],n.博物馆,展览馆,dragon,,,[?dræg?n],n.龙,square,[skw??],n.正方形;广场,ferry,[?feri],n.渡船,centre,[?sent?],n.中心,west,[west],n.西(方,部),east,[i:st],n.东(方,部),station,[?stei??n],n.(车)站,台,局,quickly,[?kwikli],ad.快地,notice,[?n?utis],n.通知,welcome,[?welk?m],vt.,/,n./,int.欢迎, 2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50025ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB150 slowly,[?sl?uli],ad.减速地,缓慢地,nut,[n?t],n.干果,果仁,坚果,enough,[i?n?f],ad.足够地,充分地,shopkeeper,[???p?ki:p?],n.(小店)店主,零售商人,today,[t??dei],n.今天;现今,yesterday,[?jest?di],ad.,/,n.昨天,bring,[bri?],vt.带来;把…引来,group,[gru:p],n.组,群,Module,2,,My,neighbourhood,unit,1,,People',jobs, neighbourhood,[?neib?hud],n.四邻,街坊,job,[d??b],n.工作,engine,[?end?in],n.发动机,fire-engine,,n.消防车,spacecraft,[?speiskrɑ:ft],n.航天器,宇宙飞船,farmer,[?fɑ:m?],n.农场主,农民,shop,assistant,[??sist?nt],n.店员,售货员,cook,[kuk],vt.烹调,煮,烧,n.厨师,catch,[kæt?],vt.抓住,赶上,safe,[seif],a.安全的,teach,[ti:t?],vt.教,讲授,dentist,[?dentist],n.牙科医生,postman,[?p?ustm?n],n.邮递员,pilot,[?pail?t],n.飞行员,astronaut,[?æstr?n?:t],n.宇航员,fireman,[?fai?m?n],n.消防队员,waiter,[?weit?],n.(男)侍者,(男)服务员,diver,[?daiv?],n.潜水员,跳水者,driver,[?draiv?],n.驾驶员,司机,fisherman,[?fi??m?n],n.渔民,渔夫,Unit,2,,My,home, tennis,[?tenis],n.网球,court,[k?:t],n.球场, 98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50026for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical- kindergarten,[?kind??gɑ:tn],n.幼儿园,address,[??dres],n.地址, kitchen,[?kit?in],n.厨房, number,[?n?mb?],n.数字;号码,cupboard,[?k?b?d],n.食橱,碗橱,Unit,3,,My,street, tram,[træm],n.有轨电车,jam,[d?æm],n.果酱;拥挤,堵塞,traffic,jam,['træfik,d?æm],交通堵塞,lot,[l?t],n.许多,大量,a,lot,of,[?,?l?t,?v],大量的,许多的,crowded,[?kraudid],a.充(拥)满了的,crowd,[kraud],v.聚集;挤满,poem,[?p?uim],n.诗, litter,[?lit?],n.废弃物;杂乱的东西,垃圾,pavement,[?peivm?nt],n.[英]人行道,journey,[?d??:ni],n.旅行,行程,prince,[?prins],n.王子, minibus,[?minib?s],n.小型公共汽车,Unit,4,,,Rules, zebra,[?zi:br?],n.斑马,斑马线,quickly,[?kwikli],ad.快地;敏捷地,correct,[k??rekt],a.正确的;合适的,belong,[bi?l??],vi.应归入;适应,belong,to,[bi?l??,tu],属于,属于…一员,Module,3,,Food,and,drinks,Unit,1,,Shopping,at,the,supermarket, fridge,[frid?],n.冰箱, rice,[rais],n.稻,米,饭,cupboard,[?k?b?d],n.食橱,碗橱,frozen,[?fr?uzn],adj.,冰冻的,freeze,的过去分词,freeze,[fri:z],v.(使)冻结,(使)结冰,dairy,[?de?ri],a.乳制品的,牛奶的, -ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50027ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128 crab,[kræb],n.蟹, steak,[steik],n.牛排,肉排,鱼排,lemonade,[?lem??neid],n.柠檬水;汽水,special,[?spe??l],a.特殊的,n.特价,offer,[??f?],n.提供, carrot,[?kær?t],n.胡萝卜,onion,[??nj?n],n.洋葱, tomato,[t??mɑ:t?u],n.西红柿,lettuce,[?letis],n.莴苣,生菜,cabbage,[?kæbid?],n.卷心菜,洋白菜,potato,[p??teit?u],n.马铃薯,crisp,[krisp],n.[,pl.]油炸土豆片,snack,[snæk],n.快餐,小吃,点心,can,[kæn,k?n],n.罐(头),list,[list],n.表,目录,名单,bottle,[?b?tl],n.瓶, d?kt],n.产品,product,[?pr? carton,[?kɑ:t?n],n.纸板箱,纸板盒,Unit,2,,Favourite,food,and,drinks,best,[best],a.最好的,ad.最好,最,pancake,[?pæ?ke?k],n.烙饼;,薄饼,pan,[pæn],n.平底锅,盘子,soya,['s?i?],n(大豆,黄豆,soya,milk,,豆浆, cereal,[?si?ri?l],n.加工而成的谷类食物,toast,[t?ust],n.烤面包,吐司,choose,[t?u:z],vt.选择,挑选,sundae,[?s?nde?],n.圣代冰激凌,Unit,3,,Good,food,bad,food,healthy,[?helθi],a.健康的;有益健康的,unhealthy,[?n?helθi],a.不健康的,plenty,[?plenti],n.丰富,充足,大量,yoghurt,[?j?g?t],n.酸奶, -ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50028for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128 lot,[l?t],n.许多,大量,a,lot,of,[?,,?l?t,,?v],大量的,许多的,squid,[skw?d],n.,鱿鱼,cheese,[t?i(:)z],n.乳酪,干酪,pizza,[?pi:ts?],n.意大利馅饼,比萨饼,little,[?litl],a.小的;短的;不多的,French,fries,,,[frent?],炸薯条, bad,[bæd],a.坏的;差的,plate,,,[pleit],n.盘子, slice,[slais],n.薄片, ham,,,[hæm],n.火腿, lettuce,[?letis],n.莴苣,生菜,another,[??n?ð?],a.再一个的;别的,piece,[pi:s],n.片,块, ood,from,other,countries,Unit,4,,F Japan,[d???pæn],n.日本(国家名称),Canada,[?kæn?d?],n.加拿大(国家名称),Australia,[??streili?],n.澳洲;澳大利亚,Thailand,['tailænd],n.,泰国,New,Zealand,[?nju:,?zi:l?nd],n.新西兰,USA,[ju:,es,?ei],n.美得坚合众国,美国,discuss,[dis?k?s],vt.讨论,谈论,论述,mixture,[?mikst??],n.混合;混合物,minute,[?minit],n.分钟, dear,[di?],a.昂贵的,cheap,[t?i:p],a.廉价的,便宜的,great,[greit],a.好极的,menu,[?menju:],n.菜单, Module,4,,Garden,City,and,its,neighbours, Unit,1,,Out,and,about, museum,[mju(:)?zi?m],n.博物馆,end,,,[end],n.末尾;尽头;终止,arrive,[??raiv],vi.到达,到来, res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50029ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer- north,[n?:θ],n.北(方,部)a.北方(部)的,south,[sauθ],n.南(方),a.南方(部)的,east,[i:st],n.东,a.东方(部)的,west,[west],n.西a.西方(部)的,China,[?t?ain?],n.中国,compass,[?k?mp?s],n.罗盘,罗盘仪,needle,[?ni:dl],n.针,针状物,point,[p?int],v.指,指明,指出,Unit,2,,Holidays, brochure,[?br?u??],n.(有插图的)小册子,year,[ji?,,j?:],n.年,年份,trip,[trip],n.旅行,旅游,stay,[stei],vi.逗留;保持,plan,[plæn],n.,snowy,[?sn?ui],a.下雪的;多雪的,inn,[in],n.小旅馆,relative,[?rel?tiv],n.亲属(戚),forecast,[?f?:kɑ:st],n.,,vt.预测,预报,wear,[we?],vt.穿(戴)着,hat,[hæt],n.帽子,coat,[k?ut],n.上衣,外套,scarf,[skɑ:f],n.围巾,shorts,[??:ts],n.短裤,sandal,[?sændl],n.凉鞋,clothes,[?kl?uðz],n.衣服,服装,Unit,3,,Festivals,in,China,festival,[?festiv?l],n.节日,thousand,[?θauz?nd],n.一千(个),thousands,of,,,,数千的,无数,special,[?spe??l],a.特殊的;专门的,decoration,[?dek??rei??n],n.装饰(品);装璜,dragon,[?dræg?n],n.龙, mooncake,['mu:nkeik],n.,月饼, equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50030for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525- lantern,,,[?lænt?n],n.灯笼,提灯,Christmas,[?krism?s],n.圣诞节,glue,[glu:],n.胶,胶水,Unit,4,,Sports,and,activities,sport,[sp?:t],n.运动,activity,[æk?tiv?ti],n.活动,行动,entertainment,[?ent??teinm?nt],n.娱乐,sail,[seil],vi.航行,vt.驾(船);航行,sewing,[?s?ui?],n.缝纫,cinema,[?sinim?],n.电影院,collect,[k??lekt],vt.收集,stamp,[stæmp],n.邮票,camp,[kæmp],vi.野营,设营,volleyball,[?v?lib?:l],n.排球,video,[?vidi?u],n.录像(机),model,[?m?dl],n.模型;模特儿,cinema,[?sinim?],n.电影院,decoration,[?dek??rei??n],n.装饰(品);装璜,relative,[?rel?tiv],n.亲属(戚),lantern,[?lænt?n],n.灯笼,提灯,festival,[?festiv?l],n.节日,spend,[spend],vt.用(钱);花(时间等),packet,[?pækit],n.小包,小盒,match,[mæt?],n.比赛,Module,5,,Change, Unit,1,,Growing,up, born,[b?:n],a.出生的,weight,[weit],n.重量,height,[hait],n.高,高度,身高,then,[ðen],ad.当时;然后,than,[ðæn,,ð?n],conj.比,quite,[kwait],ad.相当,quiet,[?kwai?t],a.轻声的;安静的, ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50031ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128- thumb,[θ?m],n.拇指, pin,[?pin],n.大头针,sword,[s?:d],n.剑,刀,feather,[?feð?],n.羽毛, hat,[hæt],n.帽子(通常指有檐的),fight,against,[??genst],, brave,[breiv],a.勇敢的,too,[tu:],ad.也,还;太,过于;很,非常,poem,[?p?uim],n.诗, Unit,2,,The,weather, weather,[?weð?] n.天气,气象,spring,[spri?] n.春(天),summer,[?s?m?] n.夏天,夏季,autumn,[??:t?m] n.秋,秋季,winter,[?wint?] n.冬,冬季,plant,[plɑ:nt] n.植物, scarf,[skɑ:f] n.围巾(复数scarves),glove,[gl?v] n.手套, boot,[bu:t] n.靴, insect,,,[?insekt] n.昆虫,虫,dangerous,[?deind??r?s] a.危险的,不安全的,typhoon,[tai?fu:n] n.台风, wonderful,[?w?nd?ful] a.极好的;奇妙的,exciting,[ik?saiti?] a.刺激的,令人兴奋的,frighten,[?fraitn] vt.使惊恐,吓唬,sand,[sænd] n.沙, barbecue,[?bɑ:bikju:] n.烧烤野餐,interesting,,,[?intristi?] a.有趣的,引起兴趣的,rhyme,[raim] n.韵,押韵(词),turn,[t?:n] v.转动,n.转向;轮流,begin,[bi?gin] v.开始, win,[win] vi.获胜,赢,take,off,,, 脱下, 2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50032for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ222 Unit 3 Changes in Shanghai town,[taun] n.镇,市镇,few,[fju:] [否]很少(的),几乎没有(的),a,few,,, 有些,几个,building,[?bildi?] n.建筑物,房屋,million,[?milj?n] num.百万,百万个,office,[??fis] n.办公室,factory,[?fækt?ri] n.工厂,制造厂,worker,[?w?:k?] n.工人,劳动者,工作者,builder,[?bild?] n.建筑者;创造者,history,[?hist?ri] n.历史, museum,[mju(:)?zi?m] n.博物馆,village,[?vilid?] n.村,乡村,村庄,boat,[b?ut] n.船,小船,other,[??ð?] a.别的;其余的,noisy,[?n?izi] a.嘈杂的,喧闹的,next,[nekst] a.紧接在后的;紧邻的,change,[t?eind?] v.改变, harbour,[?hɑ:b?] n.海港,港口,airport,[?e?p?:t] n.机场,航空港,Unit 4 How people change teenager,[?ti:neid??] n.(13,19岁的)青少年,adult,[?æd?lt] n.成年人,secondary,[?sek?nd?ri] a.第二的;中等的,primary,[?praim?ri] a.基本的;最初(级)的,must,[m?st] aux.,v.必须, 小学牛津英语上海版6B -res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50033ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer Module 1 The natural elements Lesson 1 Fire natural adj. ['næt??r?l] 自然界的 element n. ['elim?nt] 元素,成分 raw adj. [r?:] 生的,未加工的 history n. ['hist?ri] 历史;历史学 library n. ['laibr?ri] 图书馆,图书室,藏书室 cave n. [keiv] 洞穴,山洞 heat n. [hi:t] 热度,温度,热量 berry n. ['beri] 浆果(如草莓,黑莓,葡萄等) stone n. [st?un] 石头 age n. [eid?] 时代 million n./adj ['milj?n] 百万,百万的 still adv. [stil] 仍然 charcoal n. ['t?ɑ:k?ul] 木炭 gas n. [ɡæs] 气体,煤气,天然气,石油 ['vilid?] 村庄 village n. electricity n. [,ilek'tris?ti] 电力,电流 news n. [nju:z] 新闻,消息,新闻报道 extreme adj. [ik'stri:m] 极度的,最大限度的 danger n. ['deind??] 危险,威胁 warn v. [w?:n] 警告,提醒 wood n. [wud] 木材,树林 cigarette n. [,siɡ?'ret;'siɡ-] 香烟 camp-fire n. ['kæmp,fai?] 篝火,营火 barbecue n. ['bɑ:bikju:] 烤肉; countryside n. ['k?ntri,said] 农村,乡下 helicopter n. ['helik?pt?] 直升飞机 drop v. [dr?p] 滴;落下;空投 match n./v. [mæt?] 火柴;比赛;匹配 without prep. [wi'ðaut] 没有 adult n. ['æd?lt] 成年人 safety n. ['seifti] 安全 -2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50034for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744 fire-safety n. ['fai?'seifti] n. 防火安全 shout v. [?aut] 呼喊;喊叫;大声说 careful adj. ['kε?ful] 仔细的,小心的 should aux. [?ud] 应该;就;可能;将要 poster n. ['p?ust?] 海报,广告;招贴 pack v. [pæk] 包装;捆扎,把…打包 push v. [pu?] (用力)推 throw v. [θr?u] 抛,掷,投,扔: rubbish n. [?r?bi?] 垃圾,废物 smoke v. [sm?uk] 吸烟 Lesson 2 Air breathe v. [bri:ð] 呼吸 survive v. [s?'vaiv] 幸存;活下来 rise v. [raiz] 上升,升起 alive adj. [?'laiv] 活着的;活泼的 keep v. [ki:p] 保持处于某种状态 experiment n. [ik'speriment] 试验,实验 tie v. [tai] 系;约束;打结 balloon n. [b?'lu:n] 气球 lift v. [lift] 举起;提升 square adj. [skwε?] 平方的;正方形的 handkerchief n. ['hæ?k?t?if] n. 手帕;头巾,围巾 string n. [stri?] 线,细绳 corner n. ['k?:n?] 角,角落 object n. ['?bd?ikt] 物体,实体,实物 adult n. ['æd?lt, ?'d?lt] 成年人 parachute n. ['pær?,?u:t] 降落伞 happen v. ['hæp?n] 发生 closed adj. [kl?uzd] 关着的 hit v. [hit] 打,击,打击 gently adv. ['d?entli] 轻轻地;温柔地, heavily adv. ['hevili] 沉重地;猛烈地; matter n. ['mæt?] 事情,情况 2005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50035ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744 cry v. [krai] 哭;叫喊 hurt v. [h?:t] 感到疼痛 construction n. [k?n?str?k??n] 建造物,建筑物 site n. [sait] 位置,场所,地点 dust n. [d?st] 尘土;粉末 burn v. [b?:n] 点燃;烧毁 dirty adj. [?d?:ti] 肮脏的 pollution n. [p??lu:??n] 污染,污染物 power n. [?pau?] 电力 district n. ['distrikt] 区域;行政区;地方 through prep. [θru:] 通过;穿过 like prep. [laik] 像;如同 call v. [k?:l] 叫喊, flyer n. [?flai?] 飞行器 engine n. [?end?in] 发动机,引擎 roll v. [r?ul] 滚动,转动 :w?d] 向前面 forward adv. [?f? flight n. [flait] 飞行,航班 metre n. [?mi:t?] 米 kilometre n. [?kil??mi:t?] 千米,公里 per prep. [p?(:)] 每,每一 however conj. [hau?ev?] 可是,然而 next adv. [nekst] 然后;下次;其次 special adj. ['spe??l] 特殊的,特别的 finally adv. ['fain?li] 最后,最终,终于 most adj. [m?ust] 大部分的,最多的 poster n. ['p?ust?] 海报,广告;招贴 diamond n. [?dai?m?nd] 钻石,金刚石 Lesson 3 Water taste n. [teist] 味道;品味 smell n. [smel] 气味 waterfall n. ['w?:t?f?:l] 瀑布 pump n. [p?mp] 泵,抽水机 ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50036for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128- tap n. [tæp] 水龙头 well n. [wel] 井 around prep. [?'raund] 围绕,在……周围 bath n. [bɑ:θ/bæθ] 沐浴;浴室 again adv. [?'ɡen, -'ɡein] 又,此外;再一次 trip n. [trip] (通常指短途)旅行 back adv. [bæk] 回原处 rest n. [rest] 休息,歇息 sandcastle n. ['sændkɑ:sl] 沙堡 shower n. ['?au?] 淋浴 plastic adj. ['plæstik] 塑料的;塑料制的 broken adj. ['br?uk?n] 破碎的;坏掉的 can n. [kæn] 罐头 seaweed n. ['si:wi:d] 海藻,海草 [f?:k] 叉;餐叉 fork n. newspaper n. ['nju:s,peip?] 报纸 reader n. ['ri:d?] 读者 use v. [ju:z] 使用,运用 litre n. ['li:t?] [计量] 公升 wide adj. [waid] 广泛的;宽的, narrow adj. ['nær?u] 狭窄的 pipe n. [paip] 管子,管道,输送管 reservoir n. ['rez?vwɑ:] 水库;蓄水池 million n. ['milj?n] 百万 first adv. [f?:st] 第一;首先 next adv. [nekst] 然后;下次;其次 then adv. [ðen] 然后;当时;那么 finally adv. ['fain?li] 最后,最终,终于 become v. [bi'k?m] 成为;变得;变成 sir n. [s?:] 阁下,先生 madam n. ['mæd?m] 夫人;女士 Lesson 4 The Earth earth n. [?:θ] 地球;陆地;泥土 -2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50037ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu remember v. [ri'memb?] 想起;记得 forget v. [f?'g?t] 忘记 land n. [lænd] 陆地,地面 ocean n. ['?u??n] 海洋 forest n ['f?r?st] 森林 stream n. [stri:m] 溪流;小河,川 hill n. [hil] 小山,山丘 wood n. [wud] 木材;木制品;树林 question n. ['kwest??n] 问题,疑问;询问 send v. [send] 发送,寄;派遣 answer v. ['ɑ:ns?] (对…)回答,答复 post v. [p?ust] 张贴;公布;邮递;布置 fax n. [fæks] 传真 dictionary n. ['dik??n?ri] 字典;词典 twinkle v. ['twi?kl] 闪烁;发亮 wonder v. ['w?nd?] 怀疑;想知道;惊讶 bright adj. [brait] 光明的,明亮的 starry adj. ['stɑ:ri] 布满星星的; wink v. ['wi?k] 眨眼 kill v. [kil] 杀死 skin n. [skin] 皮肤;外皮 yesterday n. ['jest?di,-dei] 昨天;往昔 really adv. ['ri?li, 'ri:li] 真的吗,(表语气) Module 2 Relationships Lesson 1 Relatives relationship n. [ri'lei??n?ip] 亲属关系,联系;关系 relative n. ['rel?tiv] 亲属,亲戚 dead adj. [ded] 死亡的,死的,失去生命的 cousin n. ['k?z?n] 堂兄弟姊妹;表兄弟姊妹 daughter n. ['d?:t?] 女儿 granddaughter n. ['græn,d?:t?] 孙女 grandson n. ['grænds?n] 孙子 nephew n. ['nefju:] 侄子,外甥 2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50038for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer- niece n. [ni:s] 外甥女,侄女 complete v. [k?m'pli:t] 完成 table n. ['teibl] 表格 only adv. ['?unli] 只,仅仅 member n. ['memb?] 成员;会员;议员 tell v. [tel] 告诉,说 puzzle n. ['p?zl] 拼板玩具 else adv [els] 其他的;别的 say v. [sei] 说,讲 speak v. [spi:k] 说话;演讲;表明;陈述 talk v. [t?:k] 说;谈话;讨论 sometimes adv. ['s?mtaimz] 有时,间或 Lesson 2 Will you be my friend , playtime n. ['pleitaim] 游玩时间,娱乐时间 ?'nait] 在今晚 tonight adv. [t able adj. ['eibl] 能,有能力的 solve v. [s?lv, s?:lv] 解决;解答 might aux. [mait] may的过去式可能;可以 sum n. [s?m] 算术题(的解答) if conj. [if] 如果 promise v. ['pr?mis] 允诺,许诺 hardworking adj. ['hɑ:d,w?:ki?] 努力工作的;不辞辛劳的 keep v. [ki:p] 保持,维持, friendly adj. ['frendli] 友好的;亲切的 helpful adj. ['helpful] 有帮助的;有益的 lie v. [lai] 躺;说谎;位于 yet adv. [jet] 还;但是;已经 botanical adj. [b?'tænik?l] 植物学的 calendar n. ['kælind?] 一览表;日程表 already adv. [?:l'redi] 已经,早已;先前 just adv. [d??st] 只是,仅仅;刚才,刚刚 environment n. [in'vai?r?nm?nt] 环境,外界 pollute v. [p?'lut] 污染;弄脏 2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50039ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu- pollution n. [p?:'lju:??n] 污染 reservoir n. ['rez?vwɑ:] 水库;蓄水池 Lesson 3 Spending a day out together dragon n. ['dræɡ?n] 龙 bay n. [bei] 海湾 village n. ['vilid?] 村庄;村民 north n. [n?:θ] 北,北方 south n. [sauθ, sauð] 南方,南边;南部 east n. [i:st] 东方;东风 west n. [west] 西;西方;西部 stone n. [st?un] 石头 mall n. [m?:l] 购物商场,商店街 department n. [di'pɑ:tm?nt] (专售某类商品的)部门 somewhere adv. ['s?mhwε?] 在某处;到某处 idea n. [ai'di?] 想法;主意 store n. [st?:] 商店 temple n. ['templ] 庙宇;寺院 cycling n. ['saikli?] 骑自行车运动(或旅行) badminton n. ['bædmint?n] 羽毛球 king n. [ki?] 国王 uptown n. ['?p'taun] 住宅区 plaza n. ['plɑ:z?] 广场;市场,购物中心 Module 3 My neighbourhood Lesson 1 What job do you want to do secretary n. ['sekr?t?ri] 秘书 businessman n. ['biznismæn] 商人 bank n. [bæ?k] 银行 clerk n. [klɑ:k, kl?:k] 职员,办事员;店员 assistant n. [?'sist?nt] 帮手,助手,助理 project n. ['pr?d?ekt] 计划;;规划 interview v./n. ['int?vju:] 采访;面试 if conj. [if] 是否 would aux. [wud] 将,将要;愿意 2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50040for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer- Samuel n. ['sæmju?l] 塞缪尔(男子名) Lesson 2 Please visit our school choir n. ['kwai?] 唱诗班;合唱队 information n. [,inf?'mei??n] 信息,资料 board n. [b?:d] (布告)板,(告示)牌 programme n. ['pr?uɡræm] 计划,规划;节目;程序 next adj. [nekst] 下一个的 parent n. ['pε?r?nt] 父亲(或母亲) present n. ['prez?nt] 礼品,礼物 arrive v. [?'raiv] 到,抵达,到达(目的地) entrance n. ['entr?ns] 入口;进入 again adv. [?'ɡein] 又,此外;再一次 route n. [ru:t] 路线 plan v. [plæn] 计划;设计;打算 activity n. [æk'tiv?ti] 活动;行动;活跃 craft n. [krɑ:ft, kræft] 工艺;手艺;技巧,技能 art n. [ɑ:t] 艺术;美术;艺术品 toilet n. ['t?ilit] 厕所,盥洗室 staff n. [stɑ:f] 职员 covered adj. ['k?v?d] 有屋顶的,有盖的 complete adj. [k?m'pli:t] 完整的;完全的;彻底的 upstairs adv. ['?p'stε?z] 上楼;往楼上 downstairs adv. ['daun'stε?z] 在楼下 change n. [t?eind?] 变化,改变;转变;变革 invitation n. [,invi'tei??n] 邀请;引诱 invite v. [in'vait] 邀请 sincerely adv. [sin'si?li] 真诚地;由衷地,诚恳地 video n. ['vidi?u] 视频;录像 delay v. [di'lei] 延期;耽搁 delayed adj. [di'leid] 延时的;定时的 diary n. ['dai?ri] 日志,日记 dairy adj. ['dε?ri] 乳品的;牛奶的;牛奶制的 date n. [deit] 日期;约会 res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50041ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer- Lesson 3 On the way take v. [teik] 占据(时间、空间等);花费 only adv. ['?unli] 只,仅仅;不料 second n. ['sek?nd] 秒 minute n. ['minit] 分钟 hour n. ['au?] 小时,钟头 amount n. [?'maunt] 数量;总额,总数 travel v. ['træv?l] 旅游,旅行 spend v. [spend] 花费(时间、精力等);度过 total adj. ['t?ut?l] 全部的;完全的;整个的 hawker n. ['h?:k?] (尤指沿街叫卖的)小贩 church n. [t??:t?] 教堂 primary adj. ['praim?ri] 主要的;初级的;基本的 secondary adj. ['sek?nd?ri] 第二的;中等的 lesson 4 Rules around us around adv. [?'raund] 在周围,在四周 tidy adj. ['taidi] 整齐的,整洁的 sentence n. ['sent?ns] 句子 switch v. [swit?] 开关;转换 break v. [breik] 打碎,打破 fan n. [fæn] 风扇 front adj. [fr?nt] 前面的;正面的 really adv. ['ri?li, 'ri:li] 真的吗,(表语气) Module 4 Food and drinks Lesson 1 The food we eat spaghetti n. [sp?'ɡeti] 意大利式细面条 steam v. [sti:m] 蒸 steamed adj. [sti:md] 蒸熟的,蒸的 garlic n. ['ɡɑ:lik] 大蒜;蒜头 spinach n. ['spinid?] 菠菜 watercress n. ['w?:t?kres] 豆瓣菜;西洋菜 pea n. [pi:] 豌豆 beef n. [bi:f] 牛肉 -2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50042for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744 tonight adv./n. [t?'nait] 在今晚/今晚 dessert n. [di'z?:t] 餐后甜点;甜点心 mango n. ['mæ?ɡ?u] 芒果 fry v. [frai] 油炸;油煎 fried adj. [fraid] 油炸的,油煎的 boil v. [b?il] 煮沸,烧开 boiled adj. [b?ild] 煮沸的,煮熟的 bake v. [beik] 烤,烘焙 baked adj. ['beikid] 烤的;烘焙的 item n. ['ait?m] 项目,品目 grocery n. ['ɡr?us?ri] 食品杂货店 oyster n. ['?ist?] 牡蛎,蚝 pork n. [p?:k] 猪肉 sauce n. [s?:s] 调味汁;沙司;酱油 mushroom n. ['m??ru:m] 蘑菇 pepper n. ['pep?] 胡椒;辣椒;胡椒粉 lobster n. ['l?bst?] 龙虾[ 复数lobster ] chop n. [t??p] 排骨 curry n. ['k?:ri] 咖哩粉,咖喱;咖哩饭菜 pudding n. ['pudi?] 布丁 seafood n. ['si:fud] 海鲜;海味;海产食品 stall n. [st?:l] 货摊 freeze v. [fri:z] 使…冻住;使…结冰,冻结; froze v. [fr?uz] freeze的过去式形式 frozen adj./v. ['fr?uzn] 冻结的 freeze的过去分词 bar n. [bɑ:] 酒吧 Lesson 2 Barbecues are fun fun adj. [f?n] 有趣的; grape n. [ɡreip] 葡萄 spicy adj. ['spaisi] 辛辣的 meatball n. ['mi:tb?:l] 肉丸子 watermelon n. ['w?:t?mel?n] 西瓜 sour adj. ['sau?] 酸的 res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50043ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer- sweet adj. [swi:t] 甜味的 delicious adj. [di'li??s] 美味的;可口的 tasty adj. ['teisti] 可口的,味美的,好吃的 shall aux. [?æl] 应;会;将;必须 honey n. ['h?ni] 蜂蜜 altogether adv. [,?:lt?'ɡeð?] 完全地;总共,全部地 corn n. [k?:n] (美)玉米;(英)谷物 choose v. [t?u:z] 选择,挑选,选出;决定 Lesson 3 Healthy eating energy n. ['en?d?i] 能量;精力 triangle n. ['traiæ?ɡl] 三角(形) French n. [frent?] 法国人;法语 cream n. [kri:m] 乳酪,奶 jelly n. ['d?eli] 果冻 milkshake n. ['milk?eik] 奶昔 cornflake n. ['k?:nfleik] 玉米片 fat n. [fæt] 脂肪,肥肉 exercise n. ['eks?saiz] 运动;练习;运用;操练 thin adj. [θin] 薄的,瘦的 thick adj. [θik] 厚的 magazine n. [,mæɡ?'zi:n] 杂志 quiz n. [kwiz] (非正式的)测验,考查 habit n.n. ['hæbit] 习惯,习性;嗜好 teeth n. [ti:θ] 牙齿(tooth 的复数) tooth n. [tu:θ] 牙齿 Lesson 4 How do I make it cookery n. ['kuk?ri] 烹饪(术);烹饪业 ingredient n. [in'ɡri:di?nt] 原料;要素;组成部分 tuna n. ['tju:n?] 金枪鱼 paste n. [peist] 糊,面团 pastry n. ['peistri] 制作糕点用的油酥面团 spread v. [spred] 摊开,涂,敷 mix v. [miks] 使混合;掺和,拌和 -2000 8 JB4730-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-equipment 4 HGJ2222002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field -89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-joints, welding engineering 2005 steel fusion welded butt-dis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323tempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutan1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be at-of leadership, along with 50044for acetylene cylinders, illegal carrying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hot 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-98 compressor, fan and pump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG20201-or 5 GB502752009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification f-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T4735 2005 vertical cylindrical-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744 base n. [beis] 基础 another adj. [?'n?ð?] 又一,另一;另外的 other adj. ['?ð?] 其他的,另外的 stick v. [stik] 条状物;棒状物,棍,手杖 trolley n. ['tr?li] 手推车 grate v. [ɡreit] 磨碎,碾碎,擦碎 sprinkle v. ['spri?kl] 洒,撒;下稀疏小雨;喷撒 2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-fication for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH352592 technical speci-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-ting and quality rating of 2 GB11345Ray ligh-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-struction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323r the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the con1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible fo-of leadership, along with 50045ying, using gas cylinders, each operator fined 20 Yuan. Gas bottle without the hotfor acetylene cylinders, illegal carr 2000 construction installation engineering construction standard 7, HG ... Pressure gauges, using an installed spark arrestor-ump installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for lifting 6 HG2020198 compressor, fan and p-2009 mechanical equipment installation engineering construction and acceptance specification for 5 GB50275-1997 steel welded atmospheric pressure vessel 4 GB50231-pecification for construction and acceptance of oil tank 3 JB/ T47352005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded s-98 2 GB50128-ing 1 GB1502000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineer-res of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T47442005 pressure vessel welding procedu-2000 8 JB4730-
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