

2018-01-07 49页 doc 124KB 203阅读




大学中国近代史纲要试题大全大学中国近代史纲要试题大全 《中国近现代史纲要》题库 第一章 反对外国侵略的斗争 一,单项选择题 1,6月26日是国际禁毒日,我国政府往往在6月3日开始禁毒宣传月活动。它与下列哪一历史事件有着直接的关系( A ) A,虎门销烟 B,鸦片战争 C,第二次鸦片战争 D,太平天国运动 2,下列有关林则徐的评价,不正确的是( D )。 A,是近代中国地主阶级政治家 B,是领导禁烟的民族英雄 C,是近代中国"开眼看世界"的第一人 D,"师夷长技"是为了维护人民利益 3,下列关于《南京条约》内容的表述中,不准确的是( C ) ...
大学中国近代史纲要试大全 《中国近现代史纲要》题库 第一章 反对外国侵略的斗争 一,单项选择题 1,6月26日是国际禁毒日,我国政府往往在6月3日开始禁毒宣传月活动。它与下列哪一历史事件有着直接的关系( A ) A,虎门销烟 B,鸦片战争 C,第二次鸦片战争 D,太平天国运动 2,下列有关林则徐的评价,不正确的是( D )。 A,是近代中国地主阶级政治家 B,是领导禁烟的民族英雄 C,是近代中国"开眼看世界"的第一人 D,"师夷长技"是为了维护人民利益 3,下列关于《南京条约》内容的表述中,不准确的是( C ) A,割香港岛给英国 B,赔款白银2100万两 ,开放广州,厦门,泉州,宁波,上海五处为通商口岸 C D,英商进出品货物应缴纳的税款,中国须同英国商定 4,英国通过《虎门条约》取得了"片面最惠国待遇",这意味着( B ) A,英国取得了在中国东南沿海通商口岸进行贸易的特权 B,其他列强从中国攫取的各项特权,英国可以援例享有 C,英国取得了独占中国内地市场的贸易特权 D,英国取得了与中国共同商定中国关税税率的特权 5,雨果曾愤怒地谴责道:"两个强盗走向圆明园,一个抢了东西,一个放了火……"这两个强盗是( A ) A,英国和法国 B,英国和美国 C,美国和俄国 D,法国和俄国 6,中外反动势力联合镇压中国人民的反抗开始于( A ) A,太平天国运动 B,义和团运动 C,辛亥革命 D,国民革命 7,近代中国海关管理权落入外国人手中,始于( B ) A,中日《马关条约》的签订 B,海关总税务司的设置 C,关税协定权的确定 D,英德借款的签订 8,第二次鸦片战争是第一次鸦片战争的继续,主要是因为( B ) A,背景相同 B,目的和性质相同 C,方式相同 D,发动战争的国家相同 9,"大将筹边尚未还,湖湘子弟满天山。新裁杨柳三千里,引得春风度玉关。"这首诗颂扬了一位晚清名将率军收复新疆,治理边疆的业绩。这位名将是( D ) A,林则徐 B,曾国藩 C,刘铭传 D,左宗棠 10,康有为称严复为"中国西学第一",主要因为他( C ) A,编著《海国图志》,介绍外国史地 B,发起"公车上书",鼓吹变法 C,译著《天演论》,系统介绍西学 D,创办《新青年》,倡导民主 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 二,简答题 1,为什么说鸦片战争是中国近代史的开端 ?中国社会性质发生变化。政治上由战前的独立自主的封建国家变成战后主权遭到严重破坏的国家,经济上由战前的自给自足的自然经济占主导的国家变成战后卷入资本主义世界市场,中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建国家。 ?社会主要矛盾发生变化。由地主阶级和农民阶级的矛盾开始转变为外国资本主义和中华民族的矛盾,封建主义和人民大众的矛盾;而外国资本主义和中华民族的矛盾,成为各种社会矛盾中最主要的矛盾。 ?革命任务发生变化。战前主要是反对本国封建统治;战后,中国人民肩负起反对本国封建统治和反对外国资本主义侵略的双重使命。中国进入旧民主主义革命时期。 ?思想领域发生变化。由战前的闭目塞听,妄自尊大逐步形成一股向西方学习的新思潮。 2,概括说明19世纪中期到20世纪初,中国经济结构的变化。 ?鸦片战争前,中国是个独立的国家,尽管自身孕育着的资本主义萌芽在缓慢发展,但以家庭农业和家庭手工业相结合的自给自足自然经济仍占据主导地位。 ?战后,西方资本主义通过一系列不平等条约,疯狂地向中国倾销商品和掠夺原材料,逐渐地把中国卷入世界资本主义市场,中国自然经济逐步解体,中国社会的经济结构开始演变为半殖民地半封建经济。 ?19世纪六,七十年代,在外商企业的刺激和洋务运动的诱导下,中国民族资本主义产生,中国社会经济结构从此主要由封建经济,外国资本主义经济和中国民族资本主义经济这三部分组成,这是典型的半殖民半封建经济。 三,论述题 1,试论第一次鸦片战争对中国社会的重大影响。 1840年的鸦片战争,是中国由封建社会逐渐沦为半殖民地半封建社会的一个历史转折点。它使中国社会性质开始发生根本的变化。 鸦片战争前,中国在政治上是一个独立自立统一的国家;战后,中国的领土开始被割裂,主权的完整遭到破坏,中国已经丧失独立自立的地位。 鸦片战争前,中国在经济上是自给自足的自然经济占统治地位的国家;战后,西方资本主义国家不断向中国倾销商品,掠夺原料,逐渐破坏了中国自给自足的自然经济的基础,中国逐渐被纳入世界殖民主义体系,日益成为世界资本主义的附庸。 在遭受外国商品冲击严重的五口通商地区,自然经济开始接解体,东南沿海的一些城市(主要是五个通商口岸)于战后迅速畸形繁荣起来,并在中国社会出现了新的社会阶层即买办阶层。随着资本主义国家在五口通商地区投资办企业,中国的无产阶级诞生了。 鸦片战争以前中国社会的主要矛盾是农民阶级与地主阶级的矛盾,战后帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾,封建主义和人民大众的矛盾成为中国社会的主要矛盾,而帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾乃是各种矛盾中的最主要矛盾,从此中国人民肩负起反帝反封建的双重任务,中国的历史进入了民主革命时期。 随着社会政治经济的变化,在思想文化领域也发生了相应的转变。鸦片战争是中国传统文化向近代文化发展的一个重转折点。 2,19世纪末,清政府向帝国主义国家借款与当今引进外资有什么实质区别 结合当今社会现状认识19世纪末,美国"门户开放"和当今中国对外开放之间的不同点,并undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 就此谈谈你的认识。 清政府向列强大借外债是被迫的,是以牺牲中国的经济命脉和政治权利为代价的;当今我国向资本主义国家贷款没有损害中国的主权,是平等互利的。 二者有实质性的区别:?二者的历史背景不同。"门户开放"是在19世纪末由美国提出并得到帝国主义认可的对华侵略政策;对外开放是独立自主的中国为加速社会主义建设而提出的基本国策。 ?二者内容不同。"门户开放"政策是美国承认列强在中国"势力范围"和已取得特权的前提下,要求"利益均沾",中国内地全部开放,以使帝国主义国家都享有投资的权利和利益;对外开放是按照平等互利的原则,引进外国先进科学技术,利用外国资金扩大对外贸易,进行多种形式的国际技术合作。 ?二者后果不同。"门户开放"是美国侵略中国新阶段的标志,使帝国主义在一定程度上形成了宰割中国的同盟;对外开放为我国社会主义现代化建服务,发展了我国的经济,使我国更加强盛。总之,二者的性质截然不同:"门户开放"是帝国主义强加给中国的侵华政策;对外开放政策是中国人民当家作主后,为搞活经济所采取的政策。 认识:?坚持独立自主的外交政策。?坚持中国特色的社会主义不动摇。?扩大对外开放和引进外资有利于社会主义建设,也顺应经济全球化趋势。 第二章 对国家出路的早期探索 一,单项选择题 1,导致太平天国运动发生的主要原因是( B ) A,外国资本主义与中华民族的矛盾 B,封建主义与人民大众的矛盾 C,满族与汉族的矛盾 D,儒家思想与拜上帝教的矛盾 2,1853年太平天国改南京为天京,定为都城,这标志着太平天国运动( C ) A,开始兴起 B,正式建立与清王朝相对峙的农民政权 C,进入全盛时期 D,开始抗击外国侵略者的斗争 3,建立一个"衣食无忧,富足安康"的理想社会,是中国农民几千年来孜孜以求的梦想。19世纪中叶,为实现上述梦想,太平天国颁布的带有空想色彩的农民革命的纲领性文件是( A ) A,《天朝田亩》 B,《中国同盟会总章》 C,《中华民国临时约法》 D,《土地法》 4,中国近代历史上第一次反对国内封建势力和外国侵略势力的斗争是( B ) A,三元里人民的斗争 B,太平天国农民运动 C,义和团运动 D,辛亥革命 5,《资政新篇》较之《天朝田亩制度》更具有历史的进步性,主要是指它( C ) A,更鲜明地提出不许外邦人干涉中国内政 B,明确提出要以法治国,由公众选举官吏 C,主张学习西方,最早提出在中国发展资本主义 D,促使中国近代第一次思想解放潮流的发生 6,《资政新篇》没有实行的根本原因是( D ) A,太平天国是农民革命政权 B,处于紧张的战争环境 C,太平天国未能推翻清政权 D,缺乏必要的社会条件 7,太平天国之所以是中国农民战争的高峰,最主要的原因是( C ) A ,其规模和延续时间均属空前 B,建立了与清政府对立的政权 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model C,制定了比较完整的革命纲领 D,对封建王朝的打击空前沉重 8,据记载,江南制造总局的工人1867年的收入,是同一地区农业劳动力或苦力收入的4~8倍,这一现象可以理解为( B ) A,民用企业利润丰厚,工人福利待遇较好 B,官方重视军事工业,工人收入相对较高 C,招募的工人多来自西方国家,收入自然较高 ,民族资本家为笼络工人,提供相对丰厚的报酬 D 9,甲午战败后,李鸿章伤感地说:"我办了一辈子事,练兵也,海军也,都是纸糊的老虎……不过勉强涂饰,虚有其表。"从他的话中,我们更能看出洋务运动是( B ) A,一次使中国走上了富强道路的运动 B,一次失败了的封建统治者的自救运动 C,一次失败了的资产阶级改良运动 D,一次资产阶级的民主革命运动 10,洋务运动破产的标志是( B ) A,中法战争福建水师的军舰被击毁 B,甲午战争北洋舰队全军覆灭 C,"经远","定远","致远"号被摧毁 D,《辛丑条约》的签订 11,太平天国运动与义和国运动的最主要的不同之处是( C ) A,参加者的阶级属性 B,对中外反动势力的打击 C,对西方文明的态度 D,抗击对象的不同 12,1900年,清政府对于义和团的策略由"剿灭"改为"招抚"是为了( C ) A,消除与义和团的矛盾 B,承认义和团的正义性 C,控制和利用义和团 D,依靠义和团打击帝国主义 13,义和团运动的性质是( D ) A,农民反帝反封建运动 B,反封建的农民运动 C,农民反封建反侵略运动 D,农民反帝爱国运动 14,1902年,北京城一茶馆里四位中国人在聊天,张义说:"我参加过公车上书。"李辛说:"我参加过义和团运动。"王平说:"我家住在东交民巷。"赵洋说:"我在京师大学堂读书。"他们当中谁的话不符合当时的现实( C ) A,张义 B,李辛 C,王平 D,赵洋 二,简答题: 1,太平天国的悲剧说明了什么 与以往农民战争相比,太平天国运动具有哪些新特点 试从历史的角度分析产生这些特点的原因。 说明:由于受阶级和时代的局限,农民阶级不能领导中国革命取得胜利。 新特点:?在反对封建主义的同时,又担负起反对外来侵略的任务,具有反封建反侵略的双重性质。 ?提出的《天朝田亩制度》是中国近几千年来农民反封建斗争的思想结晶,它表明太平天国运动是几千年来中国农民战争的最高峰。 ?太平天国的领袖主张与各国通商贸易,后期又提出了第一个在中国发展资本主义的方案《资政新篇》。 原因:?鸦片战争后,中国社会性质发生变化,开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会国社会的主要矛盾转变为外国资本主义和中华民族的矛盾,封建主义和人民大众的矛盾。 ?鸦片战争后,一股"向西方学习",寻求强国御侮之道的新思想萌发。 2,太平天国运动的性质,历史意义与失败原因。 性质:太平天国运动是中国近代史上规模巨大,波澜壮阔的一次伟大的反封建反侵略的农民undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 战争。意义:它的斗争锋芒直接指向国内封建统治者,同时也打击外国资本主义侵略者,揭开了旧民主主义革命的序幕,达到了旧式农民起义的最高峰。失败原因:客观原因是第二次鸦片战争后,中外反动势力相勾结,联合镇压太平天国运动。主观方面的根本原因在于这是一次没有先进阶级领导的农民战争。农民是由小生产者形成的,它受着落后的生产方式的限制,因而不可能解决其起义斗争中所需要解决的许多重大问题。 3,简述戊戌维新运动的历史意义和失败的教训。 戊戌维新运动是资产阶级改良派发动的以挽救民族危亡和发展民族资本主义为目标的社会改革运动,表现了改良派可贵的爱国主义精神;改良派抨击旧政,倡议民权,主张发展资本主义经济,反映了当时中国社会历史发展的方向;改良派大力宣传西方民主主义思想,对当时知识分子的思想解放和随后的资产阶级革命,起了重要的启蒙作用。 戊戌维新运动失败的教训在于:改良派希望在中国发展资本主义,却又不根本否定封建制度;他们要求中国独立富强,却又对西方列强抱有幻想;他们没有真正的实力,却又完全脱离群众。总之,中国资产阶级的软弱性,妥协性,决定了戊戌维新运动的失败是不可避免的。 三,论述题 1,为什么近代中国只能走革命的道路 在理论上,是由于中国半殖民地半封建社会的性质决定的:(1)近代中国半殖民地半封建社会的特点;(2)半殖民地半封建社会的阶级结构;(3)半殖民地半封建社会的主要矛盾; 在实践上,帝国主义和封建主义相结合,把中国变为半殖民地和半封建社会的过程,就是中国人民反抗外国侵略者及其走狗的过程。(1)林则徐领导的鸦片战争中的抗英斗争。他们虽有强烈的爱国热情,但主要是帮助清王朝,这必然注定要失败;(2)以太平天国和义和团为代表的近代农民运动;太平天国农民战争最早预示了民族矛盾和阶级矛盾刺激下的正在到来的近代社会革命运动。但没有先进阶级领导的农民战争,与自然经济相连的个体农民不可能依靠自己的力量走出封建传统,用一种新的制度代替封建旧制度,它必定要失败。义和团运动与旧生产方式相连,没有先进阶级的领导和科学革命思想的武装,只能从他们熟悉的传统社会里找到落后的思想武器和物资武器,其注定要失败。(3)资产阶级改良派发动的戊戌维新运动。戊戌维新的失败反映了资产阶级的软弱性,他们把实现资本主义的希望寄托在封建开明君主身上,不敢发动工农大众,说明了在中国封建制度下不可能通过改良而变革社会制度。中国要挽救民族危机,唯一的出路在于推翻封建统治,走革命的道路。 到20世纪初,社会主要矛盾,即帝国主义与中华民族的矛盾,封建主义与人民大众的矛盾日益激化,上层统治阶级已经不能照旧维持他们原有的统治,而下层广大的民众已经不能照旧生活下去,革命形势逐步成熟。由此,以孙中山为代表的资产阶级革命派开创了比较完整意义上的近代中国民族民主革命即辛亥革命。 理论和实践证明了,革命是近代中国历史发展的必然。资产阶级革命派不仅揭露了清政府的专制腐败,而且明确提出要用资产阶级民主共和国代替清王朝。 2,如何评价洋务运动 洋务运动是应潮流而动的中国近代化的起步,其积极作用不能一笔抹杀,应予以恰如其分的评价。 19世纪六七十年代,资本主义世界体系在世界范围内初步确立。"。世纪70年代以后,又展开了第二次工业革命,资本主义正处于上升阶段。这是当时世界历史发展的主要潮流。洋务派的开展"洋务",客观上顺应了这股进步的世界潮流。 洋务运动为中国近代化提供了一些新的东西:创办了新的工业;引进并培养了一批专业的技术人才;发展了工人队伍,刺激了民族资本主义的产生;创办新式学堂,对沟通中西文化,undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 学习西方技术,起了重要的作用;派遣留学生出国深造,不少人回国后成为国家的栋梁,留学教育对封建的教育是一个突破;建立了一支近代海军。 评价:从目的上看:有抵御外来侵略的一面,但最终是为了维护清朝的封建统治。从思想倾向上看:主张学习西方技术与顽固派不同,但在维护封建制度上是一致的,因此后来和顽固派勾结攻击维新派。从客观效果看:它没有使中国走上富强道路,但引进西方先进的科学技术,客观上加速旧的封建生产关系的瓦解,刺激新的阶级力量和新的生产方式的出现。民族工业的兴办,对外国的经济势力的入侵有一定的抵制作用。总之,洋务运动是封建中国向近代化迈进的开始。 第三章 辛亥革命与君主专制制度的终结 一,单项选择题 1,促使孙中山由改良走上革命道路的重大事件是( C ) A,公车上书 B,百日维新 C,中日甲午战争 D,八国联军侵华战争 2,中国第一个资产阶级革命团体是( A ) A,兴中会 B,华兴会 C,光复会 D,日知会 3,"三民主义"的核心是( C ) ,驱除鞑虏 B,恢复中华 C,建立民国 D,平均地权 A 4,南京临时政府颁布了《临时约法》的目的之一是限制袁世凯的权力,体现这一目的的规定是( D ) A,主权属于国民全体 B,立法,行政,司法三权分立 C,实行总统制 D,实行责任内阁制 5,南京临时政府成立后,承认清政府与列强签订的一些不平等条约,其目的是( B ) A,打破列强的外交封锁 B,换取列强的支持 C,尽快稳定国内政局 D,争取列强严守中立 6,辛亥革命是20世纪中国历史上第一次巨变。因为它( C ) A,是新民主主义各们的开端 B,是中国现代史的开端 C,推翻了两千多年的帝制 D,颁布《临时约法》,结束了半殖民地半封建社会历史 7,袁世凯和张勋复辟活动很快失败的根本原因是( C ) A,帝国主义国家不支持 B,资产阶级革命派力量的强大 C,民主共和观念深入人心 D,军阀之间的矛盾 8,1912年成立的国民党,其实际主持人是( D ) A,孙中山 B,李烈钧 C,黄兴 D,宋教仁 9,下列对辛亥革命和戊戌变法的描述正确的是( C ) A,都主张平均地权 B,都意图削弱满洲统治者的权力 C,都带有救亡图存的目的 D,都要求建立君主立宪制 10,辛亥革命是中国近代史上一次政治上,思想上的大解放。这里"思想上的大解放"是指( C ) A,结束了2000多年的封建君主专制制度 B,促进了中国民族资本主义的发展 C,使民主共和的观念深入人心 D,沉重打击了中外反动势力 11,辛亥革命后,英美列强积极扶植袁世凯的主要原因是( D ) A,清政府已无药可救 B,袁世凯较清政府更加忠于帝国主义 C,革命党人损害了列强在华的利益 D,认为袁世凯有能力维持中国"国内秩序" undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 12,袁世凯同五国银行团签订的《善后借款合同》主要是为了( C ) A,弥补财政赤字 B,支付外债 C,镇压国民党 D,复辟帝制 13,资产阶级领导的旧民主主义革命连连失败的结果说明( B ) A,中国缺乏民主革命的条件 B,资产阶级不能领导中国革命走向胜利 C,中国社会的主要矛盾的变化 D,资产阶级的革命性不断退化 14,新三民主义发展了同盟会的政治主张,主要表现在( D ) A,彻底否定封建土地制度 B,提出国家主权属于全体国民 C,强调反对国内民族压迫 D,号召反对帝国主义侵略 二,简答题 1,评述孙中山的三民主义。 民族主义包括"驱除鞑虏,恢复中华"两项内容,即推翻清王朝,变半殖民地半封建的中国为独立的中国;民权主义的内容是号召推翻封建专制主义的统治,建立资产阶级的民主共和国;民生主义的具体内容为"平均地权",民生主义或平均地权,是防止资本主义贫富分化的一种社会政策,它反映了孙中山对劳动群众的恳切同情和对世界潮流的敏锐观察,孙中山后来说,民生主义就是社会主义或国家社会主义。 在当时的社会历史条件下,同盟会的纲领确实是一个比较完整的资产阶级民主主义革命纲领。它在与改良派的斗争中,在动员和组织群众推翻清朝统治,建立共和国斗争中,起了巨大的作用,但是,它又是一个不彻底的民主革命纲领,它主张民族主义,但没有明确提出反帝的号召;它主张民权主义,但又不敢依靠广大工农群众;它主张民生主义,但缺乏使农民获得土地的内容。同盟会纲领中的这些弱点,反映了中国资产阶级的软弱性和妥协性。 2,近代中国民族资本主义的特点是什么 造成这种特点的原因是什么 近代中国民族资本主义的特点是:?基础工业薄弱,投资少,规模小;?设备简陋,技术落后;?布局不合理,发展缓慢,力量微弱,始终没能在中国社会 经济中占主导地位。 造成这种特点的原因:?是帝国主义的压迫,外国资本家利用在中国享有的特权, 以雄厚的资本,垄断市场,使得民族资本无法与其竞争;?是封建主义的压迫,官僚资本的特殊地位和经济势力,封建势力的苛捐杂税,使民族资本主义举步维艰。 三,论述题 1,为什么说《临时约法》具有反封建制度的进步意义,而辛亥革命却又没有完成反帝反封建的任务 (1)《临时约法》规定了人民的一些基本权利,特别是用法律的形式确立了民主共和国的国体和政体;同时为限制袁世凯独裁,维护共和制度提供了法律依据;们临时约法》具有资产阶级共和国宪法的性质。 (2)?袁世凯窃夺了辛亥革命的胜利果实,继而确立了北洋军阀的封建统治中华民国只是一个装潢门面的躯壳。 ?辛亥革命没有改变中国半殖民地半封建社会的性质,中国人民仍然处于帝国主义和封建地主统治的奴役之下。 2,资产阶级革命运动为什么没有在19世纪末而是在20世纪初成为中国革命的主流 资产阶级革命思想的进步性体现在哪里 19世纪末没有成为主流的原因:?甲午战争后,中国又面临瓜分狂潮,因而民族矛盾尖锐;undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 由于资产阶级政治上不成熟,尚不能认清清政府的反动本质。?甲午战争后,民族资本主义初步发展,资产阶级上层发展突出,他们对封建势力更有依赖性。故对清政府抱有幻想。?资产阶级特别是中下层发展不充分,故不能形成强大的革命势力。 20世纪初成为主流的原因:?20世纪初,清政府日益成为"洋人的朝廷",国内矛盾更加突出。?清政府破坏,镇压戊戌变法和义和团运动,其反动本质更被人民看清。?民族资本主义继续发展,使资产阶级中下层力量加强。?随着近代教育的发展,大批知识分子接受了革命思想。 进步性:?斗争方式上,主张以暴力手段推翻清朝专制统治。?斗争目标上,要求建立资产阶级共和国。 第四章 开天辟地的大事变 一,单项选择题 1,资产阶级领导的旧民主主义革命连连失败的结果说明( B ) A,中国缺乏民主革命的条件 B,资产阶级不能领导中国革命走向胜利 C,中国社会重要矛盾的变化 D,资产阶级的革命性不断减退 2,国民政府形式上统一全国的标志是( D ) ,南京国民政府建立 B,宁汉合流 C,蒋桂战争结束 D,东北易帜 A 3,到1919年五四运动前,中国的产业工人达到( A ) A,200万 B,100万 C,10万 D,400万 4,下列说法与五四运动无关的是( A ) A,旧民主主义革命的开端 B,是一次彻底的反帝反封建的爱国运动 C,"誓死力争,还我青岛" D,导火线是巴黎和会上中国外交的失败 5,五四运动兴起的根本原因是( C ) A,新文化运动的开展 B,马克思主义的传播 C,北洋军阀的黑暗统治 D,外国资本主义对中国侵略的不断加剧 6,第一个共产主义小组建立地点是( C ) A,北京 B,广州 C,上海 D,济南 7,中国共产党诞生的最主要条件是( B ) A,马克思主义在中国的迅速传播 B,中国工人阶级队伍的壮大,工人运动的发展 C,共产国际的大力援助。 D,具有初步共产主义思想的知识分子的努力 8,宋庆龄说:"孙中山和中国共产党之间具有历史意义的合作不是偶然的,它是当时的国际局势和中国本身的内部条件造成的。"其"内部条件"是指( B ) A,一战后,中国民族工业重新受到列强压制 B,"打倒列强,除军阀"成为全国人民的共同愿望 C,中国共产党总结了经验教训正在积极寻找同盟者 D,国民党是比较革命的民主派 9,国共两党实现第一次合作,建立革命统一战线的标志是( A ) A,中国国民党一大的召开 B,中共二大的召开 C,中共三大的召开 D,黄埔军校的建立 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 10,1918年,孙中山致电新建立的俄国苏维埃政府,"希望中俄两国革命党团结一致,共同奋斗"。这表明孙中山( D ) A,已经接受了列宁主义 B,重视十月革命的国际意义 C,希望在中国建立苏维埃政府 D,准备"联俄" 11,中共三大就国共合作问题决定( A ) A,共产党员以个人身份加入国民党 B,坚持无产阶级在统一战线中领导权 ,帮助国民党改造,使之成为民族资产阶级的政党 D,同国民党进行党外合作 C 12,革命统一战线得以建立的首要前提是( A ) A,当时国共两党的革命对象和革命任务相同 B,中共认识到统一战线建立的必要性 C,国民党是当时比较真正革命的民主派 D,中共领导工农运动的胜利 13,中国人民自近代以来第一次从帝国主义手中收回侵略的权利是( D ) A,关税自主权 B,片面最惠国待遇 C,领事裁判权 D,汉口九江英租界 14,1927年帝国主义之所以积极扶植蒋介石发动反革命政变的原因是( C ) A,蒋介石野心日益膨胀 B,蒋介石和汪精卫争夺权利 C,北洋军阀统治即将北推翻 D,陈独秀对妥协退让 15,大革命时期,国共两党关系发展的转折点是( B ) A,孙中山逝世 B,"中山舰事件" C,整理党务案 D,蒋介石南昌讲演 二,简答题 1,为什么说五四运动是中国新民主主义革命的伟大开端 (1)从时代特点看,俄国十月革命开创了世界无产阶级革命的新时代。五四运动发生在十月革命之后,并受到十月革命的影响,所以,五四运动后的中国革命,已不再是世界资产阶级革命一部分,而是世界无产阶级革命的一部分。 (2)从领导力量看,在五四运动中,工人阶级以独立的政治力量登上中国历史舞台,对运动的发展胜利起了决定性作用。从此,它彻底摆脱了资产阶级和小资产阶级追随者的地位,担起了领导中国革命的历史重担,从而使中国革命性质发生了根本变化,成为新的资产阶级民主革命。 (3)从指导思想看,在五四运动中,一批赞成十月革命的初具共产主义思想的知识分子,在思想上和政治上对运动起了指导作用。他们依据的理论武器,已不再是旧的民主思想,而是马克思列宁主义。 2,为什么说自从有了中国共产党中国革命的面貌就从此焕然一新了 中国有了一个全国统一的,以马克思主义为行动指南的无产阶级政党的领导,改变了过去只有资产阶级政党领导的状况。 中共有彻底的民主革命纲领,改变了过去反帝反封建不彻底的状况,使全国人民有了明确的奋斗目标。 中共成立后,放手发动工农群众,改变了过去资产阶级不敢发动群众的做法。联系中共领导的工人运动,农民运动,建立统一战线等。 中共成立后,改变了过去斗争老是失败的状况,使革命力量不断壮大,最终取得了民主革命的胜利。 中共成立后,把民主革命引向社会主义的方向,开辟了中国革命的新时期。 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 三,论述题 1,旧民主主义革命向新民主主义革命转变的历史必然性。 (1)一战及十月革命改变了人类历史的发展方向,开辟了世界无产阶级社会主义革命的新时代,同时也给中国送来了马克思主义。 (2)一战期间,中国民族经济迅速发展,中国民族资产阶级,无产阶级为革命奠定了经济基础和阶级基础。尤其中国无产阶级队伍随之得到壮大,为民主革命的转机提供了主要条件。 (3)新文化运动进一步解放人民的思想,起了启蒙作用。 (4)五四运动促进了马克思主义在中国的传播,无产阶级登上了历史舞台,斗争性加强,为中国共产党的成立创造了条件;同时这也是中国近代第一次彻底地反帝反封建的群众性爱国运动,标志着中国新民主主义革命的开端。 第五章 中国革命的新道路 一,单项选择题 1,国民革命失败后,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人逐步将革命的重心( B ) ,由乡村转移到城市 B,由城市转向农村 A C,由大城市转向小城市 D,由南方转向北方 2,中国共产党独立领导革命战争和创建人民军队始于( A ) A,南昌起义 B,秋收起义 C,广州起义 D,百色起义 3,中国革命开始由国民革命失败到土地革命战争兴起的历史性转变的标志是( B ) A,南昌起义 B,八七会议 C,秋收起义 D,遵义会议 4,毛泽东关于"枪杆子里面出政权"的著名论断,提出是在( D ) A,三湾改编时 B,古田会议上 C,中共六大上 D,八七会议上 5,大革命给中共最深刻的教训是( A ) A,坚持无产阶级对革命的领导权 B,坚持武装斗争 C,不能相信资产阶级 D,坚持农村包围城市的道路 6,农村包围城市,武装夺取政权道路思想成为全党的指导思想是在( C ) A,八七会议后 B,中共六大后 C,遵义会议后 D,洛川会议后 7,下列关于遵义会议的表述不正确的是( B ) A,事实上确立了毛泽东为核心的正确领导 B,清算了王明的左倾错误路线 C,在危机情况下挽救了党和红军 D,取消了李德的最高军事指挥权 8,遵义会议之所以是中共从幼稚走向成热的标志,主要是因为这次会议( C ) A,使中国革命走上了农村包围城市的道路 B,取消了李德,博古的最高军事指挥权 C,开始独立自主地运用马克思主义原理解决自己的问题 D,结束了王明"左"倾错误在中央的统治 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 9,以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人在农村革命根据地实行土地改革的第一次伟大尝试是颁布了( A ) A,《井冈山土地法》 B,《兴国土地法》 C,《五四指示》 D,《中国土地法大纲》 10,我国农村根据地主要分布在南方,原因是( A ) A,北伐战争的影响 B,北方是军阀统治中心 ,南方地形复杂,便于开展游击战 D,根据地的主要领导大多是南方人 C 11,奠定新型人民军队的基础并由此开始确立了党指挥枪的原则是在( C ) A,八七会议 B,秋收起义 C,三湾改编 D,古田会议 12,1928年,蒋介石建立的南京政权的性质是( D ) A,资产阶级政权 B,官僚资产阶级政权 C,地主阶级政权 D,大地主大资产阶级政权 13,在1928年毛泽东在《井冈山土地法》中规定"没收一切土地"归政府所有,交农民使用;1929年在《兴国土地法》中把"没收一切土地"改为"没收一切公共土地及地主阶级土地";随后规定"田地归耕种的农民所有"。毛泽东屡次修改根据地土地政策的基本出发点是( D ) A,探索适应当时形势的土地政策 B,彻底废除封建半封建的土地所有制 C,纠正土地革命中的"左一右"倾错误 D,调动农民对生产和革命的积极性 14,1931年冬中华苏维埃第一次全国代表大会,召开的地点是( D ) A,井冈山 B,遵义 C,南昌 D,瑞金 15,马克思主义普遍真理同中国革命具体实践相结合的光辉典范是指( D ) A,中国工运第一次高潮 B,革命统一战线建立 C,南昌起义 D,毛泽东领导工农武装割据 16,中共解决中国由新民主主义向社会主义革命转变的重大问题的会议是( D ) A,中共"二大" B,八七会议 C中共七大 D,七届二中全会 二,简答题 1,八七会议的主要内容及历史意义是什么 1927年8月7日,中共中央在湖北汉口召开紧急会议。 主要内容:批判和纠正了陈独秀右倾投降主义错误;确定了开展土地革命和武装反抗国民党反动派的总方针,并把发动农民举行秋收起义作为当前主要任务;选出以翟秋白为首的新的中央临时政治局。 意义:它扭转了党内因革命失败而造成的思想混乱和悲观情绪;它为共产党和全国人民在新时期的革命斗争指明了方向;它是由大革命失败到土地革命战争兴起的历史性转变。但是,会议在反对右倾错误的时候,却助长了党内冒险主义倾向的发展。 2,如何认识"九一八"事变 "九一八"事变后,日本迅速占领东北三省,并于1932年建立了伪满洲国傀儡政权,国际联盟应国民政府的请求派李顿调查团处理,其结果是要求把中国东北三省变为在"国际合作"的名义下,帝国主义列强共同管理的殖民地。 启示:?"九一八"事变是日本对中国发动的侵略战争,是中华民族的大灾难;?"九一八"事变后日本对中国的肆意侵略与蒋介石采取的不抵抗政策密切相关;?牢记"九一八"事变血的教训,警惕法西斯势力死灰复燃,是中日两国人民的共同愿望。 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 三,论述题 1,试述农村包围城市的革命道路理论的主要内容及其历史意义。 答:毛泽东在1928年10月至1930年5月,先后写了《中国的红色政权为什么能够存在》,《井冈山的斗争》,《星星之火,可以燎原》,《反对本本主义》等著作,深刻论述了农村包围城市,武装夺取政权革命新道理论。其内容有: 中国国情为中国革命走农村包围城市道路提供了可能性: (1)中国是一个由几个帝国主义国家间接统治的政治,经济发展不平衡的半殖民地半封建大国。地方性的农业经济和帝国主义划分势力范围的分裂剥削政策,造成了封建军阀之间长期分裂的战争,这是红色政权能够存在和发展的根本原因。 (2)中国红色政权首先发生在那些受过国民革命影响的省份,有良好的群众基础。 (3)全国革命形势的继续向前发展。 (4)相当力量的正式红军的存在。 (5)共产党组织的有力量和它的政策的正确。 中国革命走农村包围城市道路的必要性: (1)中国是半殖民地半封建国家,内无民主制度,外无民族独立,既无议会可以利用,也无组织工人罢工的合法权利。因此,中国革命只能走武装夺取政权的道路。 (2)强大的敌人总是长期占据着中心城市,广大农村则是其统治的薄弱环节。因此,共产党的工作重心必须放在农村,在那里积蓄革命力量,使之成为夺取全国胜利的出发点。 (3)中国革命实质上是农民革命,农民是中国革命的主力军。无产阶级必须派遣自己的先锋队,到农村去开展土地革命,发动和武装农民,建立农村革命根据地,才能迅速发展革命力量,最后夺取全国胜利。 怎样走农村包围城市道路的问题上,毛泽提出"工农武装割据"的基本思想。即在无产阶级的领导下,以武装斗争为主要形式,以农村革命根据地为依托,以土地革命为主要内容。这三者之间互为条件,互相促进,缺一不可。没有土地革命,武装斗争和农村根据地的建设将因失去群众基础而失败;没有武装斗争,土地革命就不能有效地进行,根据地将不能开辟和巩固;没有农村根据的建设,土地革命的成果无法巩固和发展,武装斗争将失去依托而失败。 这条革命新道路的历史意义: (1)是中国共产党人经过二十多年的流血牺牲,千辛万苦探索出符合中国国情的唯一正确的革命道路。历史证明,沿着这条道路,革命就顺利发展;背离这条道路,革命就遭挫折或失败。 (2)是中国共产党人坚持实事求是的原则,一切从实际出发,从中国革命的具体实践中得出来的,是马克思主义中国化的重要成果。 (3)是马克思列宁主义普遍原理同中国革命具体实践相结合的典范,丰富和发展了马克思列宁主义关于武装夺取政权的学说,是对马克思列宁主义理论宝库的独创性贡献。 2,为什么必须坚持无产阶级及其政党在统一战线中的领导权 (l)这是由中国革命的性质和特点决定的。中国革命的性质是无产阶级领导的,以建立新民主主义社会和各个革命阶级联合专政的国家为目的的革命。统一战线是完成革命任务的一种方式,其领导权问题必然是同革命的领导权问题相一致的。所以是无产阶级领导下的革命统一战线。 (2)是由中国无产阶级的优点和中国共产党的性质所决定的。中国无产阶级是中国近现代化社会中最先进,最革命,最有前途的阶级。中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,是以马克思列宁主义为指导的革命政党,党能够掌握社会历史发展的规律,预见运动发展的趋势,能undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 够提出符合实际的代表最大多数人民群众利益的路线,方针,政策。这就决定了中国无产阶级通过中国共产党的领导,才能把全体劳动者和一切爱国者团结在自己周围,组成最广泛的革命统一战线,为实现革命的纲领和任务而奋斗。 第六章 中华民族的抗日战争 一,单项选择题 1,1935年,中国共产党发表《八一宜言》,呼吁各界同胞,党派和军队捐前嫌,抵御外侮,是因为( B ) A, 党修改了民主革命的纲领 B,中国需倾全国力量抗日救国 C,抗日战争全面爆发 D,党重新认识了工农武装割据思想 2,从1931年"九一八"事变到1937年9月第二次国共合作正式建立,中国共产党对蒋介石为代表的大地主大资产阶级的策略经历了( A ) A,由"反蒋抗日"到"逼蒋抗日"再到"联蒋抗日" B,由"反蒋抗日"到"促蒋抗日"再到"联蒋抗日" ,由"反蒋抗日"到"逼蒋抗日"再到"拥蒋抗日" C D,由"反蒋抗日"到"促蒋抗日"再到"拥蒋抗日" 3,1938年,中国存在着的并存政权不包括( D ) A,陕甘宁边区政府 B,东北"伪满洲国" C,重庆国民政府 D,南京汪伪政权 4,中共创建敌后抗日根据地,实质上是( A ) A,协助国民党正面战场抗战 B,收复失地,扩大解放区 C,开展游击战争,壮大革命力量 D,开辟新的战场,进行抗战 5,蒋介石"攘外必先安内"政策的实质是( D ) A,以抗日为最终目的 B,对日不抵抗 先消除内战再全力抗日 D,反共为主要目的 关于平型关战役属性的正确表述是( A ) A,防御阶段配合正面战场的战役 B,防御阶段敌后战场的战役 C,相持阶段配合正面战场的战役 D,相持阶段敌后战场的战役 6,抗战初期敌后游击战争的作用有( A ) A,配合了正面作战 B,抗击了侵华日军的主力 C,对日军后方构成战略威胁 D,彻底粉碎了日军速战速决的计划 7,抗日战争时期敌后抗日根据地的土地政策的实质是( D ) A,克服经济困难的措施 B,变革农村生产关系 C,奠定抗战胜利的基础 D,限制农村的封建剥削 8,以下各项政策中属于加强各阶层人民的团结,巩固抗日民族统一战线的政策的是( D ) A,减租减息 B,精兵简政 C,大生产运动 D,"三三制"原则 9,以下对1938年10月以前国民政府抗战的评价,正确的是( C ) A,消极避战导致大片国土丢失 B,积极反共导致对日作战不力 C,迟滞了日本军队的侵略进程 D,努力奋战保住西部大片国土 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 10,台儿庄战役在中国抗日战争史上的地位是( B ) A,抗战以来中国军队取得的第一次胜利 B,抗战以来中国军队取得的最大胜利 C,是一场著名的敌后抗日战场作战 D,使徐州会战取得胜利 11,正式确定我党建立抗日民族统一战线方针是在( C ) A,遵义会议上 B,"八一"宣言中 C,瓦窑堡会议上 D,洛川会议上 12,西安事变爆发的根本原因是( B ) A,中共抗日民族统一战线政策的推动 B,民族矛盾上升为主要矛盾 C,全国抗日救亡运动形成高潮 D,国民党内部分化加剧 13,西安事变的发生和和平解决,从根本上说是因为( D ) A,国民党内部矛盾的分化 B,张学良的爱国情操 C,中共的高瞻远瞩 D,民族矛盾的上升 14,1940年底使日本帝国主义惊呼:"对华北应有再认识"的战役是(C ) 平型关战役 B,台儿庄战役 C,百团大战 D,枣宜会战 15,豫湘桂战役的结局表明( C ) 正面战场仍是抗战的主要战场 B,正面战场的抗战形势严重恶化 C,英美在华绥靖政策彻底破产 D,国民政府消极抗日导致对日作战不力 16,中国人民近百年来第一次取得的反帝斗争的完全胜利是( B ) 五四运动胜利 B,抗日战争胜利 C,解放战争胜利 D,抗美援朝胜利 二,简答题 1,中国共产党第七次全国代表大会是在什么背景下召开的 大会确立的全党的指导思想是什么 大会召开有什么历史意义 背景:在世界反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争胜利的前夕。 指导思想:毛泽东思想。 意义:?这次大会是党在民主革命时期最重要的一次代表大会 ?是团结的大会,胜利的大会。 ?它为争取抗日战争的胜利和新民主义革命在全国的胜利作了重要准备。 2,抗日战争全面爆发和结束的标志是什么 抗日战争取胜的原因有哪些 这一胜利有何历史意义 爆发:1937年7月7日,"卢沟桥事变"。结束:1945年8月15日,日本宣布无条件投降,9月2日正式签订投降书,抗日战争结束。 取胜原因:?国共两党再次合作,建立了抗日民族统一战线,从而实现了全民族的抗战。?中国军队英勇作战,两大战场互相配合。?中共制定了全面抗战路线,充分发动群众,并制定了正确的作战方针,这对抗战的胜利起了决定性作用。?海外华侨和国际社会的支持。 胜利意义:?是中国人民一百多年来第一次取得反帝斗争的完全胜利。?它大大增强了全国人民的民族自尊心和自信心,为民主革命在全国的胜利奠定了坚实的基础。?中国的抗日战争是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分,中国人民的抗战,对世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了重大贡献。?中国的国际地位空前提高。 三,论述题 1,评述抗日救亡运动。 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 抗日救亡运动是中日民族矛盾激化在社会领域的反应,是日本侵华后中共与爱国民主人士,国民党爱国将领掀起的旨在抗击日本侵略者,反对蒋介石卖国政策的爱国运动。它兴起于日本发动九?一八事变后,发展于日本制造华北事变后的一二?九运动,达到顶峰的标志是西安事变的爆发。 抗日救亡运动兴起的主要原因是:(1)日本帝国主义发动侵华战争;(2)国民政府奉行妥协退让政策,对内镇压,对外妥协卖国;(3)爱国志士以维护中华民族不被侵犯为己任,具有强烈的爱国心;(4)中国共产党的组织和宣传动员。 抗日救亡运动兴起的主要代表有:东北人民的抗日斗争,中国民权保障同盟的成立及斗争,察哈尔民众抗日同盟军的抗日斗争,中华共和国人民革命政府的成立及斗争等。它们的共同点有:(1)坚决抗击日本侵华,反对国民政府对外妥协,对内镇压的反动政策;(2)以有限的组织为主,主体组织松散;(3)在日本帝国主义与国民政府的联合镇压下,大多以失败告终。 抗日救亡运动达到高潮的主要代表有:一二?九运动,西安事变。其共同点有:(1)反对日本侵华,反对蒋介石国民政府的卖国政策;(2)中共发挥了组织领导或动员作用;(3)运动取得了巨大成果。 抗日救亡运动能够发展到顶峰的主要原因是:(1)日本侵华的加剧,中国面临严重的民族危机;(2)中共确立了建立抗日民族统一战线的方针,受到全国人民的的拥护;(3)国民政府推行"攘外必先安内"的反动政策,遭到爱国志士的反对。 抗日救亡运动的影响深远:(1)沉重打击了日本帝国主义侵略者;(2)揭露了国民政府的卖国政策,迫使蒋介石答应停止内战,联共抗日;(3)宣传了中共的政策和主张,使中共得到了更为广泛的支持和拥护;(4)改变了中国的国内政局,促进了国共两党的合作抗日;(5)发扬了爱国主义精神,鼓舞了中国人民的抗日热情 第七章 为新中国而奋斗 一,单项选择题 1,1946年召开的政治协商会议,斗争的焦点是( C ) A,和平建国问题 B,训政和宪政问题 C,政权和军队问题 D,军党分立问题 2,解放战争时期,最早与蒋介石集团决裂的民主党派是( A ) A,中国民主同盟 B,民主建国会 C,中国民主促进会 D,中国国民党革命委员会 3,1946年,面对国民党反动派的全面内战,毛泽东提出的著名论断是( D ) A,"将革命进行到底" B,"兵民是胜利之本" C,"坚决彻底干净全部地消灭一切反动势力" D,"一切反动派都是纸老虎" 4,对第三次国内革命战争反蒋斗争第二条战线的准确表述是( D ) A,国统区的学生运动 B,国统区的工农运动 C,国统区的地下斗争 D,国统区的民主运动 5,中共解决中国由新民主主义革命向社会主义革命转变的重大问题的会议是( D ) A,中共"二大" B,八七会议" C,中共"七大" D,七届二中全会 6,中共七届二中全会上解决的由新民主主义革命向社会主义革命转变的重大理论问题中最重要的—项是( A ) undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model A,明确党的工作重心转移 B,提出促进全国革命胜利的方针 C,规定革命胜利后党的总任务 D,党的工作作风 7,在中共七届二中全会上,毛泽东告诫共产党人要警惕资产阶级"糖衣炮弹"的进攻,提出了"两个务必",主要是因为( D ) A,大陆领土基本解放 B,党的工作重心已经由乡村转移到城市 C,资产阶级准备向党进攻 D,中共即将成为执政党 ,1949年4月,宣告国民党在大陆22年统治覆灭的重大历史事件是人民解放军解放( C ) 8 A,北平 B,天津 C,南京 D,广州 9,近代中国社会最主要的矛盾是( C ) A,无产阶级同资产阶级的矛盾 B,农民阶级同地主阶级的矛盾 C,帝国主义和中华民族的矛盾 D,封建主义和人民大众的矛盾 二,简答题: 1,中国新民主主义革命胜利的基本经验是什么 ?有中国共产党的正确领导。 ?有马列主义毛泽东思想为理论指导。 ?走经过新民主义向社会主义发展的道路。 ?有一支由中共领导的革命军队,开展武装斗争。 ?组织一个由共产党领导的最广泛的革命统一战线。 2,简析人民解放战争迅速取胜的原因。 (1)从国民党方面说,主要是:1,从国民党政治上孤立,丧失民心;2,经济崩溃,物价暴涨;3,军队厌战,士气低落;4,贪官横行,统治腐败;5,美援断绝,蒋桂分裂。 (2)从共产党方面说,主要是:1,有中国共产党的正确领导,有马列主义毛泽东思想的理论指导,走经过新民主主义向社会主义发展的道路;2,有一支人民的革命军队,坚持武装斗争;3,组成一个最广泛的革命统一战线,团结了一切可以团结的力量,共同奋斗;4,得到人民群众的积极支持。 三,论述题 1,试从国际国内两个方面分析新中国成立的背景和条件,并结合史实分析新中国成立的伟大历史意义。 背景和条件:国际方面:(1)二战后帝国主义力量严重削弱。(2)欧亚各国人民民主力量迅速壮大,一批国家走上社会主义发展道路,苏联更加强大。(3)民族解放运动蓬勃发展,亚非拉出现了许多民族独立国家。 国内方面:(1)1949年解放军取得三大战役的胜利,基础上消灭了国民党主力之后,又取得了渡江战役的胜利。人民解放军解放南京,国民党政权被推翻,解放战争即将在全国取得胜利。(2)1949年3月中共召开七届二中全会,为夺取全国胜利,建设新中国,做了政治上,思想上的准备,解决了由新民主义革命转变为社会主义革命的重大问题。(3)1949年9月中国人民政治协商会议召开,会议通过了《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》确定"中华人民共和国"为新中国的名称:国家性质是工人阶级领导的,以工农联盟为基础的,团结各民主阶级和国内各民族的人民民主专政的国家。"共同纲领"还规定了各方面的基本政策,起了临undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model 时宪法的作用。会议还组成了中华人民政府,选举了毛泽东为主席,刘少奇等人为副主席,确定了国旗,国歌和首都。10月1日,中华人民共和国宣告成立。 国内意义:中国人民经过一百多年的英勇斗争,终于推翻了帝国主义,封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治,取得新民主主义革命的基本胜利,中国人民从此站起来了。中国的历史进入一个新纪元;新中国的成立标志着中国从此走上了独立统一的道路,开始了向社会主义过渡的新时期。 国际意义:在占世界人口近四分之一的大国,冲破帝国主义的东方战线,壮大了世界和平,民主和社会主义的力量,鼓舞了世界被压迫民族和被压迫人民争取解放的斗争。 第八章 社会主义制度在中国的确立 单项选择题 1,1949年10月1日,中华人民共和国的成立,标志着我国进入( B ) A,社会主义社会 B,新民主主义社会 C,资本主义社会 D,半殖民地半封建社会 2,祖国大陆完成统一的标志是( D ) A,中华人民共和国的建立 B,土地改革的完成 ,镇压反革命 D,西藏和平解放 C 3,过渡时期中国的社会性质是( C ) A,社会主义社会 B,社会主义初级阶段 C,新民主主义社会 D,资本主义社会 4,党在过渡时期的总路线是( C ) A,社会主义建设的路线 B,社会主义改造的路线 C,社会主义建设和社会主义改造同时并举的路线 D,发展生产的路线 5,我国对资本主义工商业的社会主义改造采取的方法是( B ) 没收 B,和平赎买 C,租赁 D,征收 6,国家资本主义的高级形式是 ( C ) A,委托加工 B,统购包销 C,公私合营 D ,计划订货 7,三大改造基本完成是在( D ) A,1953年 B,1954年 C,1955年 D,1956年 第九章 社会主义建设在探索中曲折前进 单项选择题 1,1956年4月,毛泽东首次提出探索适合我国国情的社会主义建设道路的著作是( B ) A,《关于正确处理人民内部矛盾的问题》 B,《论十大关系》 C,《论人民民主专政》 D,《关于党在过渡时期的总路线》 2,1971年中国在联合国的合法权利得以恢复的主要国际因素是( B ) undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model A,苏联等社会主义国家的支持 B,第三世界的兴起及友好合作 C,中美,中日关系趋向缓和 D,中国的国际威望进一步提高 3,20世纪70年代,中美两国关系开始走向正常化的标志是( C ) A,美国乒乓球队首次访问中国 B,美国国家安全事务助理基辛格秘密访华 C,《中美联合公报》在上海签订 D,两国建立外交关系 undertaking, strengthen the construction of party and Government personnel. To vigorously implement the "capacity building" project, solution engineering immigrants safe haven and other key projects, key projects as the main capacity-building and their own business, Act big, good, capable to do difficult things, high standards and a high level, and constantly enhancing the development of leadership capacity. Focusing on precision of poverty, strengthen the construction of practical personnel in rural areas. Around the development of practice, a village if there are several talents cultivation, processing, marketing, can promote the development of the village, village of JI Zhen an Peng is a People driving a village, Sun Qingyuan back in business as branch Secretary, Ann village has changed dramatically. County Social Welfare Bureau, agriculture Bureau, the Immigration Department (unit) will increase its training of rural talents, pay attention to the strong desire to learn, cultural foundation of "local people" skills training, role play capable drive getting rich, focused on creating a support national policy, Fu Fu and strong talent. With the development of urbanization, especially promotion of hedging relief project, communities of immigrants have been staying, need more community management personnel. The relevant town (Street) to co-ordinate focus on Community Affairs, Social Affairs, public service, protection of migrant people into community, sharing the good life. Laohuzhen Qian BU Zi Cun Jie Qingli, after participating in the e-business training courses throughout the County using learned knowledge of electrical contractor, registered the "Chen of Dongping Lake fish produce" shop, forming a home order online order business model
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