首页 > 东乡县县城及周边道路改建工程


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东乡县县城及周边道路改建工程东乡县县城及周边道路改建工程 施工组织设计 一、 编制依据及编制原则 1、东乡县县城道路与周边道路连接线改建工程(第一册、第二册) 2、现行城市道路设计规范,公路工程施工技术规程及相应的质量检验评标准。 3、本单位拥有的科技成果、管理水平、技术设备力量,多年积累的公路施工 经验用施工现场及周围环境的调查所掌握有关资料。 二、编制原则 1、单位工程合格率100%。 2、遵循招标文件各项条款要求,严格按照设计标准,现行施工规范和质量检 验评定标准,正确组织施工,确保工程质量合格。 3、根据工期要求,抓住关键线路,合理...
东乡县县城及周边道路改建工程 施工组织设计 一、 编制依据及编制原则 1、东乡县县城道路与周边道路连接线改建工程(第一册、第二册) 2、现行城市道路设计规范,公路工程施工技术规程及相应的质量检验评。 3、本单位拥有的科技成果、管理水平、技术设备力量,多年积累的公路施工 经验用施工现场及周围环境的调查所掌握有关资料。 二、编制原则 1、单位工程合格率100%。 2、遵循招标文件各项条款要求,严格按照设计标准,现行施工规范和质量检 验评定标准,正确组织施工,确保工程质量合格。 3、根据工期要求,抓住关键线路,合理安排施工进度,搞好工序衔接,达到 均衡生产,在保证工程质量、安全的前提下,尽量缩短工期。 4、坚持实事求是的原则,在制定施工中,充分发挥我队专业化、机械化 的施工优势,借鉴以往类似工程施工经验,坚持科学管理、精心施工,确 保高速度、高质量、高效益地完成本段的建设。 5、科学合理配置资源,做到机械化作业、流水作业和标准化作业,合理配备 劳动力资源,加强内部管理,降低工程成本,提高经济效益。 6、在满足业主各种要求的前提下,确保实现进度、质量、安全的预期目标。 二、 工程概述 1、本合同为东乡县县城道路与周边道路连接线改建工程,工程地点位于东乡县境内;包括1条主线,2条支线和29条附线(巷道),(一)主线:起点位于垭口,路面由西向东布设,途经王家村、牟家湾、下王家(其中K1+120.295—K1+328.916、K2+563.136—K3+283.517、K3+845.896—intangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and self-consciousness. Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a well-known city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carry K4+312.549段为完全利用路段,长1.396Km。),终点止于中银小学门口,线路总长4.951 Km。(二)支线1:起点与锁蒿路相接,路线由西南向东北布设,终点于商贸市场南路相接,路线总长0.8 Km,(三)支线2:起点接主线(G213线)K0+600处,路线由东向西方向布设,终点止于张旺家,路线总长7.542 Km,(四)巷道:沿线共有29条巷道(其中王家村10条巷道长:9.358 Km、五号路6条巷道长:0.827 Km、中银小学10条巷道长:2.945 Km、白家沟一条巷道长:0.99 Km、垭口至李家1条巷道长:2.0 Km、张旺家1条巷道长:2.35 Km),巷道总长18.47 Km。本次改建路线总里程为31.763 Km,宽度由2m—11m不等。主线及支线设计技术标准为四级公路;行车速度为20km/h;由于条件限制,所以巷道不做公路等级界定,以满足、方便人们的出行,硬化为主。 2、工程内容 本项目承包范围包括路基、路面、涵洞、交叉工程、安全设施及预埋管线。 3、工程质量:达到合格要求 4、工期:123天 三、工程特点及难点 1、本工程的特点是支线、巷道众多; 2、本公路位于东乡县县城,交通量大; 3、众多支线、巷道,位于县城区,施工时要注意对周围环境的干扰; 4、受企事业单位、居民、地形等限制,本项目路面宽窄不一,但在具体实施时要根据实际情况要使路面宽窄不一处要平缓过渡,不得有锯齿状。 四、施工组织总体布置及规划,设备、人员动员周期和设备、人员、材料运 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ many people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhan2 到施工现场的方法 1、施工组织总体布置及规划 根据合同任务和工期要求,迅速开展前期施工准备,主要为交接桩、组织人员和机械设备进场、编制实施性施工组织设计,全面打好施工基础。施工时合理安排各工序,做好技术交底工作,做到各工序紧密衔接,保证按期完成施工任务。 根据工程环境及工程特点,结合具体的施工管理及工程进度,尽量采用机械化施工,在人、财、物、机、技术等方面进行充足的资源配置,选调精兵强将组建施工队伍。 为安全、保质、保量、按期完成建设工程任务,我公司将贯彻以人为本、科学管理的指导思想。 在施工安排上,以机械化施工作业为主,人工施工为辅,合理配备施工机械设备,减轻作业人员劳动强度、提高工效,同时注重劳动保护和医疗保障工作,保证施工人员的身体健康。 在进度安排上,运用施工流水进度计划技术统筹安排施工进度,科学安排,合理选择施工时间,全面规划,保证重点,充分利用有效作业时间,优先安排控制工程的施工进度,确保工期。 在施工过程中,严格遵照各专业施工规范,实施标准化作业,制定合理可行的技术措施,推广采用新技术、新工艺、新机具、新材料,提高工程质量。 在总体布置时,重视自然环境和生态环境的保护及水土保持,贯彻"预防为主,保护优先"的原则,统筹规划、合理布局、节约用地,尽量减少对环境的影响。 2、设备、人员动员周期 我公司根据对现场的考察情况以及阅读招标文件和对本合同段主要施工工程状况的分析研究,对机械设备和人员投入已作初步计划安排。在接到中标通知书后立即对将投入本项目的施工管理人员、技术人员和施工队伍进行广泛的动员和组织,对将投入本项目的机械设备进行严格的维修和保养。 我们承诺在接到中标通知书三天内即组织首批管理人员、施工准备人员及施工机械进场,搭设各种临时设施,完善驻地建设及前期准备工作,并在7 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 3 - ance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a well3 天内组建好项目经理部,28天内完成驻地建设各项工作。做好各项工程开工前的准备,并根据业主提供的施工作业面作业面制定详细的施工组织设计和施工进度计划,为工程开工创造条件。先期开工的施工人员和设备机械7天内全部进场,其他施工人员和设备机械严格按施工组织计划安排和业主或监理工程师要求,根据施工准备情况,分期、分批以汽车运输的方法抵达现场,各班组作业人员依据工程需要及计划及时进行调整,适时进场到位。 3、各种材料根据工程需要及业主要求进行采购储备 4、设备、人员、材料运到施工现场的方法 (1)设备:所需各种施工机械、设备以公路运输的方式转运至现场。 (2)人员:项目部管理、技术人员分批乘汽车抵达现场,各班组(施工队)在休整地集合,包乘客车抵达现场。 (3)主要材料:本标段所需材料有厂家直接运输到项目部。 五、施工管理机构及施工作业人员、机械安排 1、项目管理机构 根据合同任务和工期要求,立即组织成立施工现场管理机构,全面组织,实施本合同段工程的管理。施工组织机构框图见后。 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhanmany people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-4 项目经理 总工 施技安质实材工术 全检验料员员 员员员员 各施工队、作业班组 2、劳动力组织和人员配备 根据本合同段分项工程施工强度和施工方法,通过计算分析汇总平衡,工种分为技术工和一般普工两种:技术工程主要有施工机械、运输车辆司机、钢筋工、木工、电工、水泥工、电焊工,(人员数量安排详见附表)。 人员安排表 种类 数量 机械工 20 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 5 - e reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carry5 钢筋工 5 木工、模板工 15 电工 2 石工 25 泥水工 15 普工 40 3、拟投入到本工程的机械设备: 为高效、快速、安全的完成合同段内的施工任务,我公司可以随时增添 其他机械设备,保证圆满完成合同段内施工任务。 序 机械设备名称 规格型号 单位 数量 性能 号 1 履带式液压单斗挖掘机 1.0m3 台 3 良好 2 轮胎式装载机 2m3 台 4 良好 3 平地机 120kw 台 2 良好 4 汽车起重机 16t 台 1 良好 5 自卸汽车 15t 台 20 良好 6 光轮压路机 12,15T 台 4 良好 7 洒水车 4000L 台 3 良好 8 强制性混凝土搅拌机 750 台 2 良好 9 发电机 200kw 台 2 良好 10 蛙式夯 200N?m 台 2 良好 11 振动式压路机 18T 台 3 良好 12 电动混凝土切缝机 台 2 良好 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ many people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhan6 13 平板振动器 PZN20 台 3 良好 五、主要工程项目施工方案、方法与技术措施,各分项施工顺序 1、路基土方施工方法 (1)、施工准备 A、对设计文件和招标文件的内容进行全面的现场核对,并对线路控制桩、高程及水准点进行复测,并适量加密控制桩。 B、对路堤填料进行复查和取样试验,测定其最大干密度,最佳含水量、塑性指数或颗粒分析、填料强度等,试验按JTJ051-93规程办理。 C、做好施工临时排水设施,如路堑开挖前在上方做好截水沟。 (2)土方路堑开挖 A、路堑开挖宜采用分层开挖。 B、具体施工方法是:采用挖掘机进行开挖,自卸车和装载机配合作业。 C、修筑路拱、刷刮边坡、整平路基面时,宜采用挖掘机、推土机、平地机配合作业,边坡开挖后,应立即刷坡并砌筑相应的防护工程。 D、路基土方工程施工安全执行JTJ076-95.4.2规程。 (3)、填方施工 A、土层摊铺采用自卸车定点卸土,推土机初平,平地机复平。边角、障碍点人工配合的方式,按照实验所给松铺度进行摊铺。每层碾压前应检查松铺度、平整度、含水量、边线、中线,合格方可碾压。第一遍静压,然后先慢后快,由弱到强,应由边部到中央,由低处到高处纵向推进。横向重叠0.4米,相邻区段纵向重叠1.2米,应达到无漏压,无死角,确保碾压均匀。 B、每一压实层均匀按检验标准检测压实度,合格后方可填筑其上一层。否则应采取措施进行补压,到合格时为准。 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 7 - ect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enh7 (4)、基层级配砂砾石施工 A、下承层验收:在底基层、基层施工前先对已完成的下承层进行检验,合格后再进行底基层基层施工。 B、施工前做好各种实验和技术准备,填写开工申请单等,报送工程师审批。 C、配合比调试按实验配合比,调试好各种材料的用量。 D、在底基层上放样中线、边线,并放样水准高程。 E、在已完路基上做实验段,确定施工配合比,确定标准施工方法,验证施工组织和压实设备等。对施工的试验路段进行检测,验证施工组织、机械设备等施工适合性。 2、5%水泥稳定碎石基层 (1)水泥稳定层的下承层即片石垫层表面应平整、坚实,没有任何松散的材料和软弱地基,如发现低洼和坑洞,应仔细填补及压实,搓板和辙槽应及时刮除。 (2)施工放样: 在下承层上恢复中线,直线段每20米一桩,平曲线段每10米设一桩并 在两侧路基边缘外设指示桩。进行水平测量,并在指示桩上用明显标记 标出水泥稳定层的设计高程。 (3)拌和: 采用拌和机拌和成混合料,用运输车辆运送至施工现场,应根据设计的 配合比进料,并将拌和料搅拌均匀。 (4)摊铺: 摊铺前尘土杂物要清除,并在片石垫层上均匀喷洒一遍清水,以利于上 下层结合。松铺系数1.3-1.35,必要时进行减料或补料工作,纵横断面 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhanmany people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, 8 符合要求,厚度均匀一致。 (5)碾压: 混合料摊铺整平后,先用压路机进行静压4遍,再进行振动碾压2遍, 最后再静压1遍。碾压时重叠1/2轮宽,后轮必须超两段的接缝处,碾 压到要求的密实度,同时没有明显的轮迹。严禁压路机在已完成的或在 碾压的路段上调头或急刹车,保证稳定层表面不受破坏。碾压进程中稳 定层表面应始终保持潮湿,如表面水蒸气较快,应及时补洒少量的水, 不得洒大水碾压。如有弹簧、松散、起皮等现象,应及时翻开重新适量 水泥拌和或用其它方法处理,使其达到质量要求。碾压结束之前,应进 行终平工作,将高出设计标高部分刮除扫出路外,局部低洼处留待铺筑 路面时处理。 (6)养生: 在对稳定层进行厚度、宽度、平整度、高程及压实度检测合格后进行养 生,采用每天人工经常洒水进行养生,始终保持稳定层表面潮湿,养生 期不宜少于7天。养生期内应封闭交通,以免稳定层受损。 3、混泥土路面面层 (1)、施工工序 准备基层 施工放样 立模 砼的拌和 砼运输 摊铺 振捣、整平 真空吸水 磨光 压纹 切缝 养生 拆模。 (2)、施工内容及重点 1)、材料和选择 A、 水泥选用强度高,收缩性小,而磨性强,抗冻性好,标号大于32#的普 通硅酸盐水泥。注意事项:水泥的物理性能和化学成分应符合国家有关 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 9 - ect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enh9 标准的规定。不同标号、厂牌、品种、出厂日期的水泥,不得混合堆放, 严禁混合使用。 B、 砂选择质地坚硬、耐磨、洁净,符合规定级配要求,细度模数宜在2.5 以上。 C、 碎石选择质地坚硬、耐磨、洁净,符合规定级配要求,且最大粒径不得 超过40mm。 D、 水、电由业主提供使用,宜在拌和场设蓄水池,以防水量不足时备用。 2) 立模: ? 、模板的选用 A、 砼路面模板采用22cm钢模板,小弯道等非标准部位采用木模板,其厚度 为5cm(曲线处可减薄到3cm)。 B、 模板应无缺损,有足够的钢度,内侧和顶,底面均光洁、平整、顺直, 局部变形不得大于3mm。振捣时模板横向最大挠曲应小于4mm,高度应与 砼路面板厚度一致,误差不超过2mm。纵缝模板平缝的拉杆穿孔眼位应 准确。 C、 模板周围使用前,应对前次拆下的模板进行检验,如有变形损坏,应整 修至达到要求后才能使用。 ? 立模施工要点: A、 立模前应检测基层的顶面标高和路拱横坡以及基层表层有否磨损破坏 等,否则应整修基层至符合要求才可立模铺筑砼。 B、 立模的平面位置和高程要符合设计要求,基误差应小于砼路面质量验收 的容许误差。 C、 立模时应使钢模向外侧微倾,使钢模内边角支撑震动梁与滚筒,保证摊 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ many people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhan10 铺时路面的平整度。 D、 模板应支立稳固,接头严密平顺。模板的接头以及与基层接触采用砂浆 封堵或用塑料薄膜铺在钢模边,采用塑料薄膜防漏措施时应控制薄膜与 混凝土形成夹层。 E、 浇筑砼前,在模板内侧涂脱模剂(隔离剂)。 3) 砼的拌制和运输: A、 砼的拌和采用双握轴强制搅拌机搅拌,以保证砼的拌和质量。 B、 投入搅拌机的每拌原材料数量,严格按施工配合比搅拌机容量确定,并 称量准确。 C、 搅拌机装料顺序为砂、水泥、石子,进料后边搅拌边加水。 D、 砼拌合物用自卸机动车运输至施工现场进行作业。 4) 摊铺: ? 摊铺前的准备工作 A、 摊铺前先检查模板位置、高程、相邻模板接头处的高差、模板是否支设 稳固,基层是否平整、润湿,模板内侧面是否涂脱模剂,水泥砼板壁是 否涂沥青,以及钢筋的安设和传力杆、拉杆等设置情况,合格后方可摊 铺砼。 B、 检查、维修砼运输通道以及设置安全护栏、并派专职交通指挥人员指挥 交通。 ? 摊铺施工要点: A、 模板边及施工缝处混凝土铺筑应用铁锹(扣锹法)摊铺,禁止抛掷和耧 耙。 B、 每工作班砼的摊铺、振捣、整平、做面应连续进行,不得中断。如因故 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 11 - ect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enh11 中断,应设备施工缝缝,并宜设在设计规定的接缝位置。 5) 振捣、整平的内容和要求: A、 摊铺好的砼拌和物,随即用插入式和平板式振动器均匀地振实。 B、 插入式振动器功率宜采用1.5kw,其作用是振捣密实及起浆。 C、 平板振动器采用2.2kw(采用真空吸水工艺时可用功率较小的平板振动 器)。 D、 振捣时插入式振动器先在模板(或砼板壁)边缘、角隅处初振或全面积 顺序初振一次,同一位置振动时不宜少于20s。插入式振动器移动间距 不大于其作用半径的1.5倍,其至模板的距离不大于作用半径的0.5倍, 并避免碰撞模板和钢筋。然后,再用平板振动器全面往返振捣2遍,板 与板之间宜重迭10-20cm。同一位置的振捣时间,当水灰比小于0.45时 不少于30s,当水灰比大于0.45时不少于15s,以不再冒出气泡并泛出 水泥浆为准。 E、 砼拌和物全面振捣后,再用振动梁进一步拖拉振实并初步整平。振动梁 往返拖拉2-3遍,使表面泛浆,并赶出气泡。振动梁移动速度要缓慢均 匀,不许中途停顿,前进速度以每分钟1.2-1.5m为宜。凡有不平之处, 应及时铺以人工挖填补平。补填时宜用较细的拌合物,但严禁用纯砂浆 填补。 F、 最后用无缝钢管滚杠进一步滚揉表面,使表面进一步提浆调匀调平。 6) 真空吸水施工 ? 基本特点: A、 真空吸水为非必要工序,但在特定优点,本工程水泥砼路面将采用真空 吸水方法,以节约作业时间,提高工作效率。但在高温季节时白天施工 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ many people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhan12 不宜采用真空吸水作业,防止板面过干致使后续作业无法施工。 B、 采用该工艺时,砼拌合物水灰比比常规增大5%-10%,可易于摊铺、振 捣、减轻劳动强度,加快施工进度,并且还可缩短砼抹面工序的等待时 间,降低成型砼的最终水灰比,从而增加了密实性,提高了强度,改善 了抗缩性、抗渗性和抗冻性。 ? 要求: A、 真空吸水深度不可超过30cm。 B、 真空吸水时间宜为砼路面板厚的1.5倍(吸水时间以min)计,板厚以 cm计。 C、 吸垫铺设,特别是周边应紧贴密致。开泵吸水一般控制真空表1min内逐 步升高到400-500mm11g,最高值不宜大于650-700mm11g。计量出水量 至达到要求,并作记录。关泵亦逐渐减小真空度,并略提起吸垫四角, 继续抽吸10-15s,以脱尽作业表面及管路中残余水。 D、 真空吸水后用磨光机进行磨平起浆,并用滚杠拉平,以保证表面平整和 进一步增强板面的均匀性和强度。 7) 板面处理: A、 抹面时严禁在砼表面洒水或撒水泥。 B、 抹面一般分两次进行,第一次在整平后随即进行。驱除泌水并压下石子。 第二次抹面须在砼泌水基本结束,处于初凝状态,但表面尚湿润时进行 C、 砼板面应平整密实,并用3m直尺检查平整度。 D、 抹平台后沿横方向用压纹滚槽器压槽,使路面砼有粗糙的纹理表面。 8) 横向胀缝的施工: o? 设缝情况:胀缝应与中心线成90,缝壁必须竖直,缝隙宽度一致,缝 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 13 - ect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enh13 中不得连浆。缝下部设胀缝板,上部灌封缝料。 ? 胀缝施工要点: A、 胀缝两侧的砼板,一般设滑动传力杆传递荷载。传力杆穿过胀缝板,并 用钢筋支架固定就位。传力杆的一半长度稍多一些(5cm)涂沥青并套 长10cm的塑料套筒,小套筒留3cm空隙,填以纱头。 B、 胀缝封缝槽用切缝机在两侧切出封缝空间2.5cm,后者胀缝两侧砼板平 齐,平整度好。 C、 胀缝板事先预制,采用2.5cm泡沫板。 D、 预制胀缝板嵌入前,使缝壁洁净干燥,胀缝板与缝壁紧密结合,且胀缝 板与基层表面紧密接触。 ? 横向施工缝施工要求: 施工结束时设置施工缝:施工缝宜位于设计所规定的缩缝,各个车道的施工缝应注意避免设在同一个横断面上;施工缝如设于缩缝处,板的1/2厚度位置应增设传力杆。 横向缩缝施工要点: E、 锯缝应及时,在砼硬结后早进行,特别是在夏季施工不可拖延,但也不 能过早,否则砼强度不足会导致粗料从砂浆中脱落。 F、 锯缝宜在砼强度达到5-10Mpa时进行,也可以由工地试锯确定锯缝时间。 9) 砼路面板养护: ? 基本要求:砼板做面完毕应及时养护,使砼中结合料有良好的水化、水 解强度发育条件以及防止收缩裂缝的产生。 ? 养护方法和要点: A、养护时间,一般在14-21d砼强度达到设计要求。 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ many people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhan14 B、 养护期间和封缝前,禁止车辆通行。并设备禁止通行标志及派专职 交通指挥人员指挥交通。 C、黄砂袋覆盖养生是最常用的湿润方法,可保护砼少受剧烈的天气变 化影响。在规定的养生期内要经常洒水,保持潮湿。 10) 模板拆除施工要求: A、拆模时间要注意掌握,拆模过早易损坏砼,过迟则又影响模板周转 使用,一般以不出现损坏砼板的边角为宜。 B、拆模时间应根据气温和砼强度增长情况确定,当采用普通水泥时, 一般的允许拆模时间如下: 昼夜平均气温(?) 5 10 15 20 25 30 允许拆模时间(h) 72 48 36 30 24 18 11) 热季早期收缩裂缝的防止: ? 早期收缩裂缝的防止: A、 砼板在施工期间因收缩产生的裂缝,其裂缝的产生与行车荷载无关。 早期收缩裂缝有两种。产生于砼塑性状态时的常称作“塑裂”,其缝短而 细、细而浅,如及时发现进行再次抹面可以缓解。一般在硬结后终止,危 害较小。另一种产生于硬结以后,通车之前,由剧烈的温度、湿度变化引 起收缩裂缝,常称作“缩裂”,可导致砼板的断裂,危害甚大,成为不合 格的砼板块。 ? 防止早期收缩裂缝的技术措施: (1) 缩小湿度差,湿度差抑止收缩 A、 作业时间避午间气温高峰,起早落夜,例如中12:00-16:00停止浇筑。 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 15 - ect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enh15 B、 作业紧凑,缩短在烈日或旱风下的施工时间。 C、 及时养生,增加洒水润湿次数,确实保证保湿养生,并且养生时间足够 (养生还能增强砼抗裂强度)。 (2) 地方材料应先调查料源,严格控制砂石料的含泥量及级配,并取样实验, 试验合格并经监理认可进料。 (3) 现场设专人收料,不合格的材料拒收,施工过程中如发现不合格的材料 及时清理出现场。 4、涵洞工程 A、施工顺序:施工准备 基坑开挖 尺寸检验 基础浇筑 浇筑管座 安装圆管 洞口附属 检查验收 B、圆管涵施工:本合同段圆涵规格单一,因此在附件有资质的单位定做采购成管,安装用吊车配合人工安装,施工时注意以下事项: (1)圆管成品各部尺寸误差应符合规范要求。 (2)圆管在运输过程中一定要支垫牢固,以免管节磕碰损坏。 (3)各管节接缝及沉降缝要按图纸要求处理,不的渗漏水。 (4)按要求做好垫层,宽度、厚度应符合设计标准。 (5)涵管基的砼的牢固密实,事先必须对涵管的标高、位置及接头检查无误后,放开浇筑。 5、路基防护及排水工程 A、浆砌片石工程 工程施工前,应准确测算出路基边线,采用机械或刷去边坡土方,在刷坡完 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ many people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhan16 成后,在坡面及坡底开挖基槽,基槽底一定要坚实,施工时视其情况,采用人工夯实的方法,以保证基槽底的平整、坚实。基槽整理好后,开始砌筑基础。砌体采用M7.5浆砌片石,砂浆片石砌缝必须饱满,石块间不得直接紧靠,应采用挤浆法,砌体应分成砌筑,每层应大致找平,表面宜用光滑平顺的片石,所用片石必须符合设计要求,片石强度不低于30MPa。勾缝采用M10水泥砂浆。护坡每隔15米设置一道沉降缝,缝内用沥青痳絮或沥青木板条填塞,其深度不小于10cm。 浆砌片石施工工艺框图 不合格项目重做 测量放样 资料整理 不合格项目重做 开挖基坑 资料整理 不合 工程师检查 格项 目重 做 签材检质基土检底测复量审资核 证 查 质查 核 料 材质检查 片质石河质 水质泥配合比选 量 沙量 量 择 资料整理 不合格项目重做 浆砌片石砌体 伸缩缝 浆片砌勾挂调线运 石 缝 平 料 资料整理 不合 工程师检查 格项 目重 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba 做 签砌质体砂标浆各部位尺审资核- 17 - able, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye refl17 证 量 号 寸 料 合格 不合格项目重做 清理场地 B、路基排水工程 (1)本工程路基、路面排水采用现浇C20混凝土施工,王家村段K2+040-K2+550右侧,支线K0+000-K0+800段右采用矩形边沟,王家村段K2+460-K2+560左侧采用直接梯形边沟,五号路段K3+280-K3+780右侧采用梯形边沟。 (2)施工方法 由图纸计算出水沟中桩坐标,采用全站仪进行测量放样,沿路线方向每隔20米打点(弯道位置可适当加密),撒出灰线报验,在监理工程师认可后进行基坑开挖。现浇混凝土边沟基坑开挖采用机械开挖人工辅助,先用挖掘机在灰线内进行粗挖,至基底高程5cm位置时,然后人工清挖休整。当基坑开挖到设计的标高、尺寸时,通知专业监理工程师检查验收。基底及侧面应休整并夯实,经监理验收合格后,方可开始边沟底板模板支设。模板支设根据控制点在边沟基坑底板放出边沟底板 外边线,沿边线支设模板,模板采用木模板,模板支设完成后在模板外侧进行加固,模板支设完成后上报专业监理工程师,经现场验收合格后方可进行混凝土浇筑。本标段采用C20混凝土浇筑,混凝土的塌落度宜控制在14mm,16mm,浇筑时应该设流槽使混凝土由运输车内缓慢流入模板内,减小混凝土对模板的冲击,混凝土振捣时,要振捣均匀,振动棒应保持与模板10,15cm间距,避免振动棒接触模板使模板变形,振捣完后派专人进行收面。边沟混凝土浇筑完成后应立即进行覆盖,在24小时候即可拆除模板进行养生,养生采用土工布覆盖养生,养生周期为7天。 consciousness.-fd sel, consciously in global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative anpeople" and "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness of thedoor must strengthen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood ects the general public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the omy and society, affintangible capital. Good or bad for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of econ ty and life moknown city development concept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safe-in the hearts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellce the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted Questionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhanmany people reflect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carryre comfortable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, 18 六、工期保证体系及保证措施 1、工期保证体系 施工 组建精干项目经理部,并配足配齐施工人员及设备 准备 做好施工调查,编制实施性施工组织设计 按照施工规范、技术标准进行技术交底 技 利用网络计划控制技术,在发生变化时调整关键工序 术 措 施 及时向业主提报施工生产计划及各种报表 运用新工艺、新技术,提高施工进度和质量 提前做好工地料库建设 物资 供应 抓好材料供应、设备的接收、检验及入库等工作 工期全面 控制实现 编制月、旬、周物资供应计划,并根据施工的实际进度情 体系 工期况,及时修正供应计划 目标 提前做好机械设备进场准备工作 机械 管理 根据施工进度计划,合理调配机械设备的使用 认真做好机械设备的保养和定期维护 按期进行施工检查,及时调整施工环节 施工 管理 以科学数据为依据,运用统筹法、计算机进行工序环节管 理,重点控制关键工序施工 及时解决影响进度的问题,调整优化方案,定期进行工程 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 19 - -rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c19 的成本分析 (2)、工期保证措施 1、做到超前计划、超前安排,严格按施工进度计划表,制定切实可行的日、旬、月计划,并落实到人. 2、进行项目经理管理,组织精干人员、科学管理,明确项目经理的责、权、利,充分调动施工人员的生产积极性,合理组织、交叉施工,以确保在预定工期内按时完成本工程施工。 3、组织先进的机械设备,提高生产效率。 七、工程质量保证体系及保证措施 20 质量保证工作体系 质量保证工作体系 思想工作体系 产品形成过程的质量控制体系 组织保证体系 对设计图纸的质量审核 预防为主 项目经理 施工准备阶段的质量控制 质量第一 总工 计材料、设备的质量控制 标满足用户需要 项目技术质检科 量 准 工施工过程的质量控制 化 测量级、实验室 作 质量管理信息系统(即质量的检查与反馈) 使用过程的质量控制 工长、测工、实验 质量管理目标的实现 3、保证工程质量的#管理#和措施 (1) 建立健全各项管理制度 我公司通过多年的工程实践中,建立和不断完善了一整套工程质量管理制度,通过此制度保障,建造了许多优质工程, 在此标段工程实施中,我们继续执行和不断完善以下有效制度。 1) 质量责任制度 2) 质量挂牌奖惩制 3) 开工报告审批制 4) 设计文件复核制 5) 测量双检制 6) 分阶段技术交底制 7) 工程试验检测制 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 21 - oncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peopl21 8) 混凝土施工开盘制 9) 分项工程质量评定制 10) 验工质量签证制 11) 质量教育检查制 12) 事故处理报告制 13) 工程质量定期回访制 (2) 设立质量监查专职人员,制定质量检查监督制度 (3) 每一道工序、每一作业班组指定兼职质量员,将质量缺陷消灭在萌芽之中。 (4) 主动接受建设单位质量监督和监理工程师的监理,积极为现场设计人员和监理工程师的工作生活提供便利条件。 (5) 实施领导挂牌工程,抓点带面,保证全段优工程的实现。 (6) 强化施工过程管理,确保工程质量 ? 对项目主要管理人员选配水平高,经验丰富,业绩优良的人员担任,各项工程安排具备专业资格的专业队伍承担施工。 对施工管理人员和特殊工种工作人员实施持证上岗制度,保证人员素质满足工程创优需要。 ? 施工图纸会审工作,把图纸中存在的问题都汇总出来,再会同设计部门和监理研究解决,以避免不必要的质量事故发生。 ? 对施工的每道工序必须要有施工技术交底书。对施工草图、配料单等,都必须复核无误后再下发。并注意内业资料的收 集整理(签证、变更检查记录、各类报表等)以利于工程竣工后,文整工作的同步结束。 八、冬雨季施工安排 根据公路施工均为自然条件下野外作业,直接受天气影响的特点,能否保质、按期,将受自然因素影响造成的损失减少 到最低的限度,是保证本工程顺利实施的关键,受季风影响,多雨湿润是本合同段的气候特点,根据这一特点,特采取 了以下雨季施工安排: 1、在修建临时设施和临时道路时应充分预见到雨季可能造成的影响和破坏,对于临时仓库、工棚、拌和楼以及临时道路, 在修建时应做到防雨、抗洪、抗风、排水系统畅流、安全牢固,确保台风暴雨来临时不受破坏。雨过后可投入生产。 2、对选择雨季施工的地段和项目进行详细的现场调查研究。 3、路面施工的全过程都要密切关注气象资料情况,不但要专设气象接收机,经常性地保持与气象部门的联系,而且还要 掌握中长期气象变化及雨量分布情况。施工中应保持拌和、运输、摊铺作业班组间的通讯畅通,在气候突变时,立即采 取果断的措施,如停止拌和,尽可能加快摊铺,碾压成形,遮盖等。对于确受影响不能保证质量时,应以质量为重。 4、但具备有足够的防暴雨的物资、器具和设备等物质条件,而且全体施工人员还应有防险意识,确保工程保质、按期完 成。 5、储备足够的工程材料和生活物资。 6、基层施工 (1) 雨后路基表面积水应及时排除、晾晒; (2) 施工中遇雨立即通知拌和厂停止拌和混合料; (3) 注意水泥材料的苫盖防雨、防潮; (4) 及时检测石料、石粉等的含水量,以适时调整混合料。 九、安全生产管理体系及保证措施 22 安全生产管理体系 项目经理 项目总工程师 办公室主任 工程质检部主任 各施工队队长 安全制检工程师 各工班(组)长、兼职安全员 操作人员自检、互检、交接检 2、 保证安全的主要措施 (1) 组织保证措施 A、 建立安全生产领导小组,强调“管生产必须安全”的生产原则,推 行全员安全生产责任制。 B、 各生产单位成立第一负责人为核心的安全领导小组,以管理人员和 专职安全员为骨干,推行全员安全生产责任制。 (2) 管理保证措施 加强宣传教育工作,强化全员安全意识,建立安全保证体系,使安全 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 23 - ect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enh23 管理制度化,教育经常化。 A、 在安排、检查、落实施工任务的同时,必须兼顾和保证安全工作, 把安全贯穿于施工全过程。 B、 坚持定期的安全教育、讲话和检查制度,设立安全监督岗,支持和 发挥群专安全人员的作用。 C、 加强制度建设,和主要负责人员签订安全。 D、 制定安全组织设计,实行安全技术交底制度。 十、环境保护、水土保持体系及措施 借鉴环境管理体系ISO1400系列标准的先进思想和科学方法,编制与施工运作程序相吻合、满足环境主管部门要求、便于业主管理的施工现场环境保护措施,将环境保护工作规范、系统地贯穿施工的全过程,使施工期的环境影响达到相关环境法规、标准的要求。 在施工临时设施的规划时,对临时设施的选址、建设等进行严格的环境影响评估,并采取有效的环境保护措施,避免造成环境破坏;在工程施工期间,对噪声、振动、废水、废气和固体废弃物进行全面控制,对运输作业机械设备进行严格的管理与控制,切实做好施工区域的环境保护工作。 环境保护、水土保持保证体系框图见下页。 1环境保护保证措施 A、成立以项目经理任组长的环境保护领导小组,配备一定量的环保设施和技术人员,认真学习环保知识,共同搞好环保工作,并将环保与文明施工结合起来。 B、重视环境保护工作、加强环境保护教育、贯彻环境保护法规、强化环保管理。 C、生产及生活设施的设置应认真规划、设计,在规划设计中要符合 24 环境保护要求,遵守环境保护法规,在征得当地政府有关部门同意后,报请工程师批准。 D、生活废水经收集、处理后再排放,不得将生活污水直接排入澜沧江水体内。生活垃圾袋并在指定位置堆放,安排专人定期清理,运送到垃圾处理厂。 E、生产废水的处理 ?混凝土拌和系统废水处理 实行雨污分流,完善废水处理系统的污水收集管网,将本工程混凝土系统内经常性排放废水收集后统一处理。 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 25 - able, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye refl25 环境保护、水土保持保证体系框图 环保领导小组 组 长:项目经理 副组长:总工程师 组 员:各科室负责人 副组长: 组员: 环保责任制 环保教育 环保管理体系 环保控制 环保检查 各业务科室 废乱环环环系广三水泥定不 土砍保保保统播工土沙期定各项目经理 废乱活奖管环及教流污检期惩 育 失 方伐动理保黑染查 检粉乱经措教板淤各项目环保员 查 费 施 育 报 尘堆塞 噪乱 音 放 工班义务环保员 表彰、奖、罚责任人 提高预测预防能力 重视环保 奖惩兑现 强化环保意识 保证环境保护 26 废水处理系统污泥进行必要的脱水处理后运至弃渣场堆存。 ?机修及汽修系统废水处理 实施雨污分流,完善废水收集管道,对含油较高的机修废水选用隔油池进行油水分离排放。 系统污泥不得任意堆存,应脱水处理后运至弃渣场处理。 F、空气污染控制 施工期间,遵守中华人民共和国国家标准《环境空气质量标准》(GB3095-1996)的二级标准,保证在施工场界附件的总悬浮颗粒物 3(TSP)的浓度值控制在300μg/m。 施工期间,除尘设备与生产设备同时运行,保持良好的运行状态。 选用低尘工艺,钻孔要安装除尘装置。 混凝土系统配置除尘装置,定期检查除尘装置的运行情况,及时更换和修理无法运行的除尘设备。 用以运输可能产生粉尘物料的敞篷运输车,其车厢两侧及尾部均应配备挡板,可能产生粉尘物料的堆放高度不得高于挡板,并用干净的雨布加以遮盖。 排污量大的车辆及燃油机械设备配置尾气净化装置。 G、噪声污染控制 将动力机械设备合理分布在施工场地,尽量避免在敏感受体附近同时布置或运行多套动力机械设备。 加强设备的维护和保养,各种动力机械设备暂时不用时应关机。 混凝土生产系统的空压机设置消声器。振动大的机械设备使用减振机座降低噪声。 严禁在施工场界内使用气喇叭。 H、施工场地和运输道路经常洒水,尽可能减少灰尘对生产人员和其它人员造成危害及对农作物的污染。 I、报废材料或施工中返工的挖除材料立即运出现场并进行掩埋等处理。对于施工中废弃的零碎配件,边角料、水泥袋、包装箱等及时收集清理并搞好现场卫生,以保护自然环境不受破坏。 J、施工期间保护沿线植被,严禁乱砍乱伐;在指定的位置集中 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 27 - e reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carry27 弃渣,严禁沿线乱取乱弃;施工中处理好与当地居民的关系,营造友好、祥和的外部环境,保证工程项目的顺利进行。 2、水土保持保证措施 A、组织措施 成立以项目经理任组长的水土保持领导小组,配备一定的环保设施和人员,负责本项目工程施工中的水土保持工作。 B、施工场地 自觉保护施工场地周围的林草和水土保持措施,尽量减少对地表的扰动,避免或减少由于施工造成的水土流失 根据施工特点,对施工场地(包括永久、临时场地)事先采取水土保持措施。 采取有效措施做好本标合同范围内工程项目的开挖支护、排水、混凝土浇筑、挡护及排水等工程防护措施。做好混凝土拌和区、工程开挖边坡、施工生活区等临时建筑周围截水、排水,开挖边坡支护、挡护等工程防护措施。 C、 场内交通设施 在弃渣运输时采取防泄漏措施,对出现的部分渣料遗撒情况,进行清理和回收。 由承包人负责修建的场地交通公路边坡采取有效的水土流失防治措施。 D、 渣场 施工中各种建筑垃圾、施工弃渣均需按设计指定的地点堆弃,严禁将弃渣向沟槽、河道随意堆弃,防止弃渣流失。严格控制堆渣程序,保证堆渣边坡坡度 开挖料如临时堆放,选择不易受径流冲刷侵蚀的场地,并在其周边修建临时排水沟引排周末汇水,必要时选择土工布遮盖。 28 十一、文明施工、文物保护体系及保证措施 施工现场配置悬挂齐全规范的牌图,安全警示标志。机械设备停放整齐有序。 施工期间对施工现场范围内的文物予以加强保护,并提前上报有关主管单位进行妥善处理。 施工时对新发现的文物古迹,应即时封闭施工现场,组织人员对其加以保护并立即上报有关主管单位,积极配合相关单位有关文物的保护事宜。 十二、农民工工资保证措施 为预防和解决本项目部劳务企业拖欠农民工工资问题,建立本公 司农民工工资支付长效机制,根据劳动和社会保障部、建设部《建设 领域农民工工资支付管理暂行办法》的规定,制定本预案: 一、公司管理 1、组织机构 成立农民工工资纠纷应急领导小组,下设办公室,负责处理农民 工工资纠纷的应急事件。 本项目农民工工资纠纷应急领导小组 组长: 公司主管领导 副组长:项目经理、总工 成员: 项目部成员 2、劳务工资备用基金管理 建立农民工工资保证金制度,采取一折双卡制。对劳务分包单位 收取劳务工资保证金,在重大节日和遇农民工因工资纠纷上访等突发 事件发生时,专门用于应急支付农民工工资。 3、主要领导和项目经理值班制度 建立节假日项目经理值班制度。节假日期间,项目部要安排领导值 班。重大节假日期间由公司主要领导和项目经理亲自值班。值班期间 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 29 - ect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enh29 值班人员不得脱岗、不得关闭手机。 4、农民工工资纠纷事件报告制度 发生农民工工资纠纷事件时,项目部要在第一时间按以下报告程序逐级上报: 项目部农民工工资纠纷办公室 应急领导小组 县建管局主管部门;应急领导小组在接到情况后同时上报公司农民工应急领导办公室 5、农民工工资纠纷处理程序 (1)劳务人员上访或投诉处理工作流程图 劳务人员上访或投诉 怨或投诉 项目部劳务管理办公室 一般事件 重要事件 处通知责任单位公司应急报告 理 情劳务管理部门 领导小组公司总经理 况报告集团书1小 时内 信访办 面 报联系上访投诉告 者做出响应 报告公司分管领导 落实情况 制定措施 组织公司相 措施实施 关部门参与处理 处结协议 总结预防 劳务人员上访或投诉处理工作流程图 (2)当发生农民工工资纠纷时,项目部要在第一时间(纠纷发生到报告不超过5分钟)按报告程序及时逐级上报,不得出现忽视、 30 隐瞒,甚至纵容或激化矛盾的情况发生。项目经理要及时到达现场亲自处理,各单位应急领导小组要积极协调,做到态度诚恳、用语文明,努力把问题化解在萌芽状态,尽量做到项目的事不出工地,争取化解在公司内部。严禁激化矛盾,造成上访。事件妥善处理后,项目部要将处理情况及时向上一级应急领导小组汇报。 (3)当发生农民工向公司、上级主管部门和政府有关部门电话投诉时,应急领导小组要立即组织项目经理及有关人员调查、落实和处理,三日内将处理情况书面报告连同经当事人签字认可的工资支付表、处结协议或证明分别报送处理投诉的政府有关部门。 (4)当发生农民工到公司等上级主管部门和政府有关部门上访时,应急领导小组要在第一时间向各单位主管领导报告,项目经理应立即组织有关人员迅速赶往事发地协同有关部门将人带回妥善处理,三日内将处理情况书面报告连同经当事人签字认可的工资支付表、处结协议或证明分别报送给上级劳务管理中心和接访的政府有关部门。 (5)当发生农民工闹访或集体上访(5人以上)等影响较大的事件时,公司分管领导和项目经理要立即到达事发地点,并及时向政府主管部门说明情况、表明态度。并尽快平息化解矛盾,将当事人带回妥善处理。各单位于三日内将处理情况书面报告连同经当事人签字认可的工资支付表、处结协议或证明分别报送集团劳务管理中心和政府各有关部门。 (6)项目部在处理纠纷时,确实无能力解决资金问题时,应立即向公司、局领导汇报,根据情况及时做出资金安排。 (7)对个别不讲诚信,恶意讨薪,无理取闹的劳务人员,各单位也要积极应对,妥善处理,并按规定程序上报。要通过提供强有力的证据资料,抵制其不法图谋,排解纷扰,同时积极利用公安、法律、 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 31 - able, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye refl31 公关等手段,依法维护企业的合法权益。 二、签订劳动合同 加强用工登记管理签订各级劳务及用工合同。项目部与劳务公司应依法签订劳务承包合同,劳务公司与劳动者应依法签订劳动合同,并按规定到劳动保障行政部门办理职工录用备案、就业登记。 三、明确工资支付责任 农民工工资支付主体是分包队伍施工企业。项目部未按合同约定与分包队伍结清工程款,致使分包队拖欠农民工工资,项目部先行垫付农民工被拖欠的工资,先行垫付的工资数额以劳务工资保障金为限。 四、加强劳动保障监督 局及公司和项目部依法对支付农民工工资情况进行监督。分包单位拖欠农民工工资,项目部应责令分包单位支付所拖欠的工资;若未按工程承包合同约定支付农民工工资,项目部有权直接支付,在分包单位的工程款中扣回。 五、保障农民工工资的具体采取措施 为保障农民工工资按时发放,分包单位应当在每个月内全部结清,确有困难,也要至少支付农民工工资的85,以上,其余工资的支付不得超过一个季度,为了彻底解决农民工工资拖欠问题,故采取以下措施: 1、工资保障金 对劳务分包单位收取劳务工资备用保障金,在重大节日和遇农民工因工资纠纷上访等突发事件发生时,专门用于应急支付农民工工 32 资。工程竣工验收合格后12个月内如没有拖欠工资的投诉,项目部将本息一并支取。如有工资拖欠,项目部从保障金中划支所欠工资。 2、合同管理制度 项目部实行分包时,要与劳务分包企业签订合同,承担项目建设中发生的工资发放义务与责任,并约定工资备用保障金的数额、退回方法以及发生工资拖欠时的划支方法。 3、工资发放制度 工资发放制度是原则上银行存折发放,必要时采用现金发放。 建立民工记工考勤卡,编制民工工资支付清单,如实记录民工姓名、身份证号码、用工天数、支付单位、支付时间、支付对象、支付数额等情况,并保存二年以上备查。项目部可采用银行存折发放工资,或派专人到工地监督每个月民工工资的发放。应根据签订的集体合同或劳动合同约定的日期按月支付工资,应将工资直接发放给民工本人,严禁发放给班组长或其他不具备主体资格的组织或个人。项目部原则上可采用银行存折发放工资,必要时现金发放,或派专人到工地监督每个月民工工资的发放。一旦出现拖欠苗头,要及时采取措施加以解决,避免事态扩大。 4、建立日常工作机制和监督机制 建立日常工作机制和监督机制。公司加强对项目部的监管制度,促使项目部按时拔付劳务公司工程款,分包单位依法支付农民工工资,落实清欠责任,及时兑现农民工工资。项目部必须于开工前将《民工工资维权告知牌》 设置在项目部农民工工资保障专栏,如有损坏应及时更换。 5、提高农民工的法律维权意识 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 33 - rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c-33 提高农民工的法律维权意识。项目部加强对国家有关法律法规的宣传力 度,进一步提高广大农民朋友的法律法规保护意识。 十三、项目风险预测与防范、事故应急预案 更好的适应法律和经济活动的要求;给企业员工的工作和施工场区周围居民提供更好的安全环境;保证各种应急反应资源处于良好的备战状态;指导应急反应行动按计划有序地进行;防止因应急反应行动组织不力或现场援救工作的无序和混乱而延误事故的应急援救;有效地避免或降低人员伤亡和财产损失;帮助实现应急反应行动的快速、有序、高效;充分体现应急救援的“应急精神”。 2、应急预案原则 (1)、安全第一,安全责任重于泰山;(2)、预防为主、自救为主、统一指挥、分工负责;(3)、以人为本,优先保护大多数人,优先保护贵重财产。 3、可能发生的事故 土方坍塌事故、机械伤人、触电事故、火灾等。 4、应急机构的组成、责任和分工 (1)、应急指挥长:施工组长负责分析紧急状态和确定相应报警级别,根据相关危险类型、潜在后果、现有资源和控制紧急情况的行动类型;指挥、协调应急反应行动;与企业外应急反应人员、部门、组织机构进行联络;直接监察应急人员的行动;最大限度地保证现场人员和外援人员及相关人员的安全;协调后勤方面以支援应急反应组织;应急反应组织的启动;应急评估、确定升高或降低应急警报级别;通报外 34 部机构;决定请求外部援助;决定应急撤离;决定事故现场外影响区域的安全性。 (2)、事故现场副指挥长:总施工长负责所有事故现场操作的指挥和协调;现场事故评估;保证现场人员和公众应急行动的执行;控制紧急情况;现场应急行动的指挥,与在应急指挥中心的反应操作副总指挥的协调;作好应急救援处理现场指挥权转化后的移交和应急救援处理协助工作;做好消防、医疗、交通管制、抢险救灾等各公共救援部门联系工作。 (3)、伤员营救组:引导现场作业人员从安全通道疏散;对受伤人员进行营救至安全地带。 (4)、物资抢救组:抢运可以转移的场区内物资;转移可能引起新危险源的物品到安全地带。 (5)、消防灭火组:启动场区内的消防灭火装置和器材进行初期的消防灭火自救工作;协助消防部门进行消防灭火的辅助工作。 (6)、保卫疏导组:对场区内外进行有效的隔离工作和维护现场应急救援通道畅通的工作;疏散场区内外的居民撤出危险地带。 (7)、抢险物资供应组:迅速调配抢险物资器材至事故发生点;提供和检查抢险人员的装备和安全配备;及时提供后续的抢险物资。 (8)、后勤供给组:迅速组织后勤必须供给的物品;及时输送后勤供给物品到抢险人员手中。 (9)、现场临时医疗组:对受伤人员作简易的抢救和包扎工作;及时转移重伤人员到医疗机构就医。 consciousness.-n global test and planning, effectively enhance the promote the comprehensive improvement of the initiative and selfusly ind "to grasp the environment is to grasp the development, than the development is than the environment consciousness, consciothen the "grasp to create is to grasp the development, grasp to create philosophy is to grasp the livelihood of the people" astrengeneral public's trust, is also related to the development of the local acceleration. The city at all levels of the door must d for the environment, directly determines the city's reputation, reflects the openness of economy and society, affects the gintangible capital. Good or ba - 35 - -rts of the people, let a city for the benefit of the people", "a city makes life better" has become a wellance the public happiness index of inevitable requirement. In recent years, "let the civilization is deeply rooted in the heaQuestionnaire (a) to carry out the creation of the national civilized city outstanding comprehensive remediation, is to enhect our city traffic, city living, there are a lot of problems. We carrye reflable, has become the people's urgent demand. In the past period of time, a city office organization of the masses, many peoploncept. We are looking forward to more environmental health, travel more convenient, living more safety and life more comfortknown city development c35 36
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