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山东派少林功夫山东派少林功夫 Essays 山东派少林功夫 SHAOLIN KUNG FU – SHANDONG STYLE 撰文/Findlay A. Nicol 在美丽的河南云台山区,有一个非常人一直跟随着释延林,并且对学校有 吸引人的地方,寒假期间,我在那里度过 着跟 释延林相同的目标——将武术 了整整一个月的时间。虽然身处另一个省 的精髓和 本质教给外国的学生,以 份,这里却与山东有着紧密的联系。2009 及将中国的年 年,一个很有名的功夫老师来到这里,建 立了一所新的学校。如今,这所学校吸引 了来自全世界的200名学徒。...
山东派少林功夫 Essays 山东派少林功夫 SHAOLIN KUNG FU – SHANDONG STYLE 撰文/Findlay A. Nicol 在美丽的河南云台山区,有一个非常人一直跟随着释延林,并且对学校有 吸引人的地方,寒假期间,我在那里度过 着跟 释延林相同的目标——将武术 了整整一个月的时间。虽然身处另一个省 的精髓和 本质教给外国的学生,以 份,这里却与山东有着紧密的联系。2009 及将中国的年 年,一个很有名的功夫老师来到这里,建 立了一所新的学校。如今,这所学校吸引 了来自全世界的200名学徒。这个老师就 是释延林。 这个要追溯到很多年前的山东 邹城。当时,8岁的谢旭勇,释延林的俗 名,开始跟他的叔叔学习功夫。像很多 山东人一样,他的家人致力于武术并鼓 励他在14岁的时候加入少林寺。在少林 寺,谢旭勇因擅长三节棍、朴刀、和动物 摹仿拳法而小有名气。之后,他顺理成 章地成为功夫师父,并渐渐发现少林功 夫越来越有名,来少林寺学习功夫的外 国人也越来越多。于是,他决定帮助外国 人了解武术的真谛,而不是单纯地教给 他们动作要领。为了达到这个目标,他开 始自学英语,这样就可以和外国人直接 交流了。随着时间的推移,他开始花越来 越多的时间教外国人,甚至还开了他自 己的学校专门从事这项工作。 3年前,他将学校搬到了云台山,寻 求更长远的发展。现在,他的学校分两个 层次授课,一个是为中国的孩子们提供 的双语授课环境,从1年级到9年级,同 时也教他们更高级的武术技能。另一个 是为来自全球的学生提供住宿的训练机 构。整个夏天,大约200名外国人来到学 校学习。他们中大部分人是由之前的学生 推荐,以及被释延林和他的师父们常常 去世界各地授课时的个人魅力所吸引而 来到这里。这里所有的老师都是来自于 少林寺,他们中有4个人来自山东,这四个 092 OPENINGS 轻人培育成为熟练掌握英文和拥有精湛功夫技能的有用人才。 很自然 地,学 校 大部 分 的 年 轻 人 都来自河南,但现在也有20个人来自山 东。这说明这里与山东之间的联系还是 很紧密,就连学校的看门人和他兼职厨 师和生活管理员的妻子都是山东人。 我问释延林,今后是否有打算在 山东开设分校,他说在将来还是有可能 的。然而,他的计划并不是赚越来越多 的钱,而是将学校越办越好。特别是为 学生们升级教学设备上,对海外的学生 来说可以算是一种文化冲击。少林功夫 教育据说是很难的,而且设施上也被认 为是简陋的,无论是身体上还是精神上 的训练条件都是非常艰苦的,日常训练 也是如此。有些年长的师父认为没有必 要为外国人改善这些条件,但是释延林 没有同意。他认为,住宿条件应该随着时 代的进步而不断改善,这样可以鼓励学 生们把更多的精力放在训练上。无论是 年轻的学生们还是外国人,学校都希望 他们能自己整理房间、洗衣服,以及为他 们自己的物品和个人卫生负责。事实上, 这有时对那些20岁的外国人来说算是个 打击,对我的师父刚到少林寺时的情况 一样,他也是邹城人,8岁来到少林寺, 那时没洗过任何衣服。学会自立是一个 很好的课程,对我们所有人来说都有好 处,让我们明白这不只是让我们做好自 己的事,还意味着更多。 另外两件学生们学得非常快的事情 是耐心和坚持。或许有些外国人刚来到 这所学校时认为他们会在一个月之内就 变成一位新的功夫明星,但很快他们便 大失所望。那些年轻的中国学生或许幻 想着自己能成为新一代李小龙或者李连 杰,但是他们会很快明白这根本也不可 能。我的师父告诉我,他经过了3年的艰 092 OPENINGS p in the beautiful mountain ar ea y oung students ar e fr om Henan, at pr esent understand T ai Chi w ell enough t o t each of Y u ntai Shan in Henan ther e ther e ar e t w ent y who c ome fr om Shandong; it. I f only m y o w n students w e r e able t o U so the Shandong c onnec tion is still v e r y r ealiz e that learning is a lif e -long journey is r emark able or ganization that I had the pleasur e of spending a month at str ong . And the janit or and his wif e who do and that ther e ar e no w o r t h while shor t cuts! during the wint er holida y . Although the c ook ing and car e f or the daily w elfar e M ost of the f o r eig ners who w e r e ther e locat ed in another pr o vinc e , it has close of the kids are both Shandong people. this wint er came f or one month and ar e no w w ell int o their sec ond or thir d . T ruly , c onnec tions with Shandong . I n 2009 I asked Shi Yanlin if he planned o set up t a w a branch school in Shandong in the futur ell-k no wn K ung fu t eacher mo v e d e Shaolin was not built in a day. her e and set up a new school which no w t o which his r eply was that it might happen I was int e r est ed t o k n o w about the y oung attrac ts up t o 200 students fr om all o v er in the futur e . Ho w e v e r , his business plan students and their ho w their or dinar y the world. This eacher is Shi Yanlin. is not t o make higher and higher pr ofits education fits in with their W ushu training . t but t o make his school bett er and bett er. I n W ell , they f ollo w a normal school da y and T h e s t o r y b e g i n s i n Z u o c h e n g , Shandong sev eral y ears ago when eight- par ticular t o upg rade the facilities f or the use exac tly the same t e x t books as they students t o make it less of a cultur e shock w ould if they w e r e in an y other school . T h e y ear- old Xie X u y ong began t o study K ung only diff er enc es at Y u ntai ar e that they fu with his uncle . Like man y Shandong f or the students fr om o v erseas . Shaolin people his family ar e dev ot ed t o W ushu K u ng fu education is traditionally har d also ha v e special English classes and they and enc ouraged him t o enr ol in Shaolin and c omf or ts ar e inclined t o be f e w . T h e ha v e man y oppor tunities t o prac tic e their T emple when he was 14 and ther e he pr oc ess of ph y s ical and mental training spoken English with f o r eig ners and that became a bit of a star especially with his is based on pr ett y spar tan c onditions they also spend about thr ee or so hours sk ills in thr ee -sec tion-staff and P u Dao as w ell as r egular ex er cise . S ome of the each da y training f or W ushu . T hey ha v e morning training fr om 6:30 till br eakfast and Animal I mitation f o rms . Naturally older generation of t eachers see no need t he became a t eacher and f ound that as o modify an y of this f or f o r eig ners but and also train again in the af t e rnoon af t e r Shaolin Shi K ung fu became mor e and mor e Y anlin does not ag r e e . I n his view , classes . When they c omplet e their middle w ell k n o wn an incr easing number of f school education they will either r eturn t living c onditions should dev elop with the o r eig ners came t o Shaolin t o study . He modern era t o some ex t e nt t o enc ourage o their homet o wns f or S enior M iddle S was det ermined t o help them understand the students t o c onc entrat e on the essential chool education, though man y go t o the M iddle S chool attached t o Jiao zhou Normal the essenc e of W ushu rather than simply basics of their training . Both the y oung mast er the diff er ent mo v ements . I n or der t Univ ersit y , or c o ntinue their education in students and the f o r eig ners ar e expec t ed t o o do this he set about t eaching himself PE c olleges in Shanghai or Beijing , wher e clean their o wn r ooms and wash their o w n English so that he c ould c ommunicat e clothes , t o take r esponsibilit y f or their o w n they ar e v e r y w elc ome because of their with them fr eely . A s time w e nt b y he w elfar e and look af t er their o wn personal advanced skills. spent mor e and mor e time t eaching the f h y g iene . A c tually , this appears sometimes t I also asked m y f ello w students what o r eig ners and ev entually set up his o w n o be just as much a shock f or the t w ent y - y they planned t o do af t er their Y u ntai school which specialized in that. ear- old f o r eig ners as it was f o r m y o w n t experienc e was o v er. S ome w e r e planning t T h r ee y ears ago he mo v ed the whole eacher ther e , Shifu Xie Bo when he first w o c o ntinue their tra v els in China and other operation t o Yu ntai Shan t o dev elop along e nt t o Shaolin, also fr om Z uocheng , lands and some w e r e r eturning t o their a mor e ambitious path. T he school no w homelands t o take up studies at univ ersit y as an eight-y ear- old bo y , nev er ha ving operat es at t w o lev els: a bilingual school f washed an ything in his y oung lif e . Being or get a full-time job. One thing all of them or Chinese k ids fr om Grade 1 t o Grade independent is a good lesson t o learn and ag r eed about: their experienc e in Y u ntai it is also good f or all of us t o understand and their dedication t o their training had 9 which also t eaches them high lev el W ushu sk ills and a r esidential training that it in v olv es a lot mor e than just doing alt er ed their opinions about themselv es establishment that trains students fr om your own thing. and their liv es in wa y s that they c ould ev er y c o ntinent. All the t eachers ar e nev er ha v e imag ined and that they w ould P e rhaps some of the f o r eig ners also “ g raduat e s ” fr om Shaolin and f our all recommend it to their friends. orig inally c ome t o the school think ing that of them ar e Shandong men who ha v e they will bec ome a new K ung fu superstar What did I learn ther e , m y self? W ell , man y things but let me tr y t o explain. One f ollo w ed Yanlin and ar e just as c ommitt ed in a month but they ar e soon disillusioned . as he is t o both the aims of the school – t T he y oung Chinese ma y dr eam of being da y , Shifu Yuan had just g i v en a stunning o t each the essenc e of the wa y of W ushu t the new Bruc e or Jet L ee but they c ome t displa y of leaps and t wists t o illustrat e o the f o r eig n students and t o allo w the o understand quit e quick ly that this will a f o rm with a bullwhip . I n amaz ement, nev er happen. M y Shifu t old me it t ook a student asked him, “Ho w on ear th can y oung Chinese t o dev e lop int o good y o u do that?” C a lmly he r e plied , “I br eath people with fluent English and ex c e llent him thr ee y ears of har d training t o be able t Kung fu skills. o t each K ung fu , another thr ee y ears t o t thr ough m y nose ”. T h at is the spirit of Although, naturally , the majorit y of the each Sandda Bo xing and another six t o Wushu, the spirit of Yuntai Shan. 093 OPENINGS
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