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幼儿园中班科学教案:和纸玩游戏幼儿园中班科学教案:和纸玩游戏 幼儿园中班科学教案:和纸玩游戏 作者:谊若 发布时间:2008-5-24 12:04:16 单位: 来源:北京学前教育网 关键字:幼儿园中班科学教案 活动名称:和纸玩游戏 活动目标 1、感知不同纸张吸水的快慢,能用语言与同伴交流探索的过程和结果。 2、用观察、尝试、探究、讨论的方法客观记录事实。 3、知道爱惜纸张,体验发现的快乐。 活动准备 1、师生家长共同收集宣纸、卡纸、铅画纸、玻璃纸、报纸等。 2、装有颜料的盘子人手一个,抹布若干,记录纸、水盆。 活动过程 一、“花儿...
幼儿园中班科学教案:和纸玩游戏 幼儿园中班科学教案:和纸玩游戏 作者:谊若 发布时间:2008-5-24 12:04:16 单位: 来源:北京学前教育网 关键字:幼儿园中班科学教案 活动名称:和纸玩游戏 活动目标 1、感知不同纸张吸水的快慢,能用语言与同伴交流探索的过程和结果。 2、用观察、尝试、探究、讨论的客观事实。 3、知道爱惜纸张,体验发现的快乐。 活动准备 1、师生家长共同收集宣纸、卡纸、铅画纸、玻璃纸、报纸等。 2、装有颜料的盘子人手一个,抹布若干,记录纸、水盆。 活动过程 一、“花儿朵朵开”,激发幼儿兴趣。 二、初次探索:用比较的方法给宣纸、卡纸洗澡。 1、猜测——两种纸宝宝洗澡后会变成怎样, 2、试验——验证刚才猜想的结果。教师以参与者的身份,通过积极的语言引导幼儿大胆试验 3、讨论小结——你们发现这两种纸在水里的变化有什么不同,为什么,幼儿从吸水快慢、纸张厚薄等角度谈自己的发现。 三、再次探索:看看谁爬的快 1、猜测——哪种纸爬的快,哪种纸爬的慢,将手中的纸分一分,用自己的方法做记录。 2、尝试——进行操作。 3、比比并记录——哪种纸吸水快,哪种纸吸水慢,哪种纸不吸水, 四、拓展经验 1、你知道还有哪些纸,给他们洗澡会怎么样, 2、讨论:洗烂了的废纸有什么用,不烂的废纸又有什么用, customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single X重点领域:健康、社会 X年龄班:中班 活动来源 ?本活动源自《和纸玩游戏》主。进行该活动时,《和纸玩游戏》主题的开展正处于第二个阶段,即“和纸玩游戏”。在此之前,我们已经进行了“阶段一:认识生活中各种各样的纸”的活动。在《和纸玩游戏》主题活动的开展中,孩子们已经探索并发现生活中有各种各样的纸。在他们眼里,玩纸就像玩魔术一样,变化多端又妙不可言。从纸巾、纸盒到纸袋,从书籍、报纸到海报,从折纸、撕纸到剪纸,他们发现了不同的纸的区别,知道了人们是如何制造纸和使用纸制品的。他们还尝试着用不同的纸进行了小制作,如制作小书、用纸进行简单的造型等等。 ?生活中纸无处不在,这样的经验暗示着幼儿喜欢纸的游戏。因此我们结合《和纸玩游戏》的主题,对生活中有关报纸的经验进行延伸,将之引申到肢体教学的内容,引导幼儿发掘身边值得探索的素材。 ?中班孩子已有一定的意识和思维创造能力,但孩子的知识和能力还是在探索与操作的过程中习得的。所以,在本活动的时候,尝试以探索玩报纸为主线,引导幼儿运用报纸玩各种游戏,让幼儿在探索中发现报纸的不同玩法,如报纸可以揉、可以撕、可以折、可以抛、可以跳舞画画等,使幼儿感受到报纸变化多端,非常神奇,是游戏的好材料。 活动目标 ?练习运用报纸玩各种游戏。 ?训练身体大肌肉的运动技能,发展幼儿身体的灵敏性。 ?学习与他人配合进行游戏。 活动准备 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single ?每人两三张报纸。 ?音乐:《进行曲》《水族馆》《和纸玩游戏》。 ?事先让幼儿看过《报纸游戏》(幼儿用书P18)。 活动过程 1(活动导入 玩游戏“报纸变魔术”,引导幼儿把手中的报纸变成一根魔术棒。 2(热身运动 带领幼儿在“进行曲”的伴奏下,利用手中的“魔术棒”变换不同的玩法进行热身:举起魔术棒,变成高人走;放下魔术棒,变成矮人走;立起魔术棒,变成小拐杖;握紧魔术棒,变成小汽车;骑上魔术棒,变成小竹马;摆动魔术棒,向着圆心走。 3(游戏:报纸真好玩 1)引导幼儿探索报纸的各种玩法,老师加以组织和协调,并调动气氛。 师:今天,我们要用报纸来锻炼身体。谁能想出特别的方法? ——幼儿一个人的玩法。 ——两个或多个幼儿一起玩的玩法。对合作良好的幼儿给予积极的鼓励。 ——随时注意幼儿运动的情况,根据具体情况调节运动的强度和练习的密度。 ——注意活动的空间与距离,并提醒幼儿注意安全。 2)鼓励幼儿自由玩报纸。老师及时发现幼儿有创意的玩法,给予鼓励和肯定,并组织幼儿集体学习和尝试。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 4(游戏:南极冰块 1)介绍游戏玩法。游戏情节是:企鹅妈妈带着孩子听《水族馆》的音乐在大海里自由游泳。当音乐停止时,大鲨鱼就冲出来抓企鹅。如果企鹅马上站在冰块上,大鲨鱼就抓不到它了,否则企鹅就被大鲨鱼抓走。 2)老师当企鹅妈妈,幼儿当企鹅,报纸当冰块,另请一老师扮大鲨鱼,开始游戏。 ——每张报纸上站一只“企鹅”。 ——拿走一半报纸,每张报纸上要站两只“企鹅”。 ——再拿走一半报纸,每张报纸上要站四只“企鹅”。 3)当报纸上的人越来越多时,通过启发让幼儿明白:只有大 全。提醒幼儿在保证安全的前提下,还要注意保持身体的平衡。 5(放松活动 幼儿拿报纸表演歌曲《和纸玩游戏》。 活动延伸 1(日常活动 1)在自由活动时间鼓励幼儿与同伴自由交流玩报纸的心得。 2)在户外活动时间鼓励幼儿与同伴合作,继续探索玩报纸的不同方法。 2(亲子活动 幼儿与家人一起玩报纸游戏,并将创新的玩法带回幼儿园和同伴分享,延伸本活动的学习经验。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 活动反思 本活动通过三个分目标对总目标进行分解,并运用五大环节进行突破。为使活动更具趣味性、更适合中班幼儿的发展特点,活动设计以孩子们喜欢的游戏形式进行贯穿,对活动的每一个环节也进行了精心构思与设计。 1(活动导入 为了能使活动自然导入,活动一开始便设计了“报纸变魔术棒”的游戏,这样既可以满足幼儿好奇的心理,又可以把报纸自然带入活动中,使活动环节自然过渡。 2(热身运动 这一环节的热身运动是联系上一环节的魔术棒来设计的。这些运动从表面上看只是带孩子走走跑跑,其实都是根据体育活动中的准备运动来精心设计的,如“举起魔术棒,变成高人走”,这是上肢运动;“放下魔术棒,变成矮人走”,这是下蹲运动;“立起魔术棒,变成小拐杖”,这是腹背运动;“握紧魔术棒,变成小汽车”,这是体侧运动;“骑上魔术棒,变成小竹马”,这是跳跃运动;“摆动魔术棒,向着圆心走”,这既是整理运动,也是集中孩子们进入下一环节的自然过渡。这一环节中,简短的儿歌式语言既能集中孩子们的注意力,也是对孩子们运动的一种指令。运动中老师的语气语调要带点神秘的口吻,让孩子们感受魔术棒的神秘,以激发幼儿参与活动的兴趣。 3(游戏:报纸真好玩 这一部分是本活动的重点,创设了充分自主的活动空间让孩子去探索报纸的各种玩法。为了达成目标,老师把活动进行了层层递进的分解。 1)分层次引导幼儿探索报纸的各种玩法。在这一环节,老师对孩子们的活动提出了由易到难的要求。首先是提出一个人和报纸来锻炼身体,有什么特别的方法;接着两个人合作,又有什么特别的方法;最后三个人以上一起合作,又有什么特别的方法。老师作为一个智慧的发现者,努力寻找方法独特的幼儿,并让他们在集体面前展示,及时肯定他们的创意,调动其他幼儿的独特思考,以寻找更多的玩报纸方法。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 2)引导幼儿体验同伴有创意的玩法。在这一环节,老师是幼儿活动的捕捉者,老师除了要及时捕捉孩子们有创意的玩法,还要及时组织幼儿去体验同伴的玩法,在互动交流中才能唤起幼儿创作的再扩散。同时,创作与体验也是一种相互的过程,在体验他人的玩法时,又启发了自己的思维空间,从而让幼儿感受到了创作与合作的乐趣。 4(游戏:南极冰块 在进行了自由自主的玩报纸游戏后,紧接着设计了一个让全体幼儿合作玩报纸的游戏——“南极冰块”。这个游戏也是上一环节的延续。游戏惊险而又刺激,有放有收。与前面的报纸游戏不同的是:它在让幼儿尽情尽兴地游戏时,还得遵循游戏规则的约束,把活动氛围推向高潮,提升了游戏的乐趣。在这里,老师是幼儿活动的参与者,老师的积极参与能调动幼儿更大的 5(放松活动 经过一场紧张而兴奋的活动后,老师安排了富有诗情画意的放松活动,让孩子们伴着优美的音乐再一次与报纸进行轻松的互动游戏。如撕纸、揉纸、抛纸、和纸一起跳舞等,这些活动孩子们不但熟悉,而且感兴趣,特别符合他们好奇好玩的天性。同时,通过活动也让幼儿进一步了解报纸容易揉皱、容易撕烂、重量轻等特点,从而教育幼儿在日常生活中要爱惜和保护报纸以及其他的纸制品,养成勤俭节约、一物多用、不浪费的环保行为。 当然,活动最大的优点还是做到了少投入,多产出。几张报纸便可以引导孩子去进行多方面的探索,真正体现了“一物多用”的教学特点。另外,活动来源于幼儿的生活,可以最大限度地迁移幼儿的已有经验,大大促进了幼儿学习的积极性。最后,活动充分发挥孩子们的主体作用,真正让孩子们想自己所想,做自己所做,气氛轻松活跃,玩得尽兴尽情,童真童趣尽显其中,真正体现了老师的快乐教学与幼儿的快乐学习。孩子们在这样的环境中学习,身心也得到了健康发展。 温馨小贴士 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 在“南极冰块”的游戏中,请扮演大鲨鱼的配班老师扮演得凶恶一些,并尽量不要抓到幼儿,以增强幼儿游戏的信心,达到“报纸真好玩”的目的。 摘自《走进整合课程教室》幼儿园活动整合课程优秀案例选辑 哇——好神奇呀~ 日期:2008-9-24 6:38:36 点击: 94 作者:幼儿园 来源:教学反思 哇——好神奇呀~ 主题教学活动的开展,即拓宽了孩子们的知识面,又培养了幼儿探索问题、发现问题和解决问题的能力。所以,本学期一开始,在巩固了各方面常规以后,我们便开始了《和纸玩游戏》的主题教学活动。 今天安排的主题教学活动是关于纸的小实验,目的是让孩子了解:纸通过加工或辅助一些材料就可以变得力大无穷,成为大力士;同时,也使孩子的想象力得到发展。 活动开始的时候,我先出示了两张一样大小、同样材质的两张纸让孩子进行比较。待孩子们通过观察和分析,确定了这两张纸是一样的之后。我将其中的一张纸架在两本较厚的书的上面,便给出第一个问题:请小朋友想一想,如果把苹果放在纸的上面,纸会发生什么变化呢,孩子们踊跃回答,有的说,“纸会往下弯和跟苹果一起掉下去”;有的说,“纸还是架在书的上面不会动,苹果会从纸上面滚下来”;还有的说,“因为苹果很重,所以纸会破一个洞”等等。面对这些回答,我没有给出正确的答案,而是请小朋友仔细观察,自己寻找答案。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 于是,我将苹果轻轻地放到纸的上面,孩子们很快就找到了答案。紧接着,我又拿出 了另一张一样大小、同样材质的纸,将纸折成了扇形,又进行提问:请小朋友再动脑筋想一 想,如果把苹果放到这张纸上面,纸会发生什么变化呢,这时,小朋友竟异口同声地回答说, “因为苹果太重了,所以纸会和苹果一起掉下去。”我同样地进行了验证,当苹果稳稳地立在 纸的上面,而纸却丝毫没有变形的时候,孩子们惊呼:“哇——太神奇了~” 孩子们的欢呼,使我感到无比地欣慰。我们想方设法地设计各项活动,目的就是激发 孩子们参与活动的兴趣。我觉得用心开展每一个活动,是非常有价值的。 健康活动:和纸玩游戏 2009-03-15 21:45:32 活动目标:1、通过操作进一步了解不同的纸的特征。 2、锻炼身体动作的灵敏性。 3、体验在游戏中获得胜利的喜悦。 活动准备:儿歌〈和纸玩游戏〉、小鼓、报纸和胶带。 活动过程:1、幼儿看用书,一起学念儿歌〈和纸玩游戏〉,并自编动作配合,例如: ——在纸上画一朵云(做画云的动作) ——剪下了云(做剪的动作) customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single ——揉一揉(做揉的动作) ——再把皱皱的云,撕成一丝丝的雨(做撕的动作) 2、用各种纸练习撕纸,并说一说: ——撕撕看,好不好撕,撕下来的纹路是什么样的, ——如果折出折痕再撕呢,会不会比较好撕,为什么, 3、分组玩踩尾巴的游戏。 请幼儿将撕下来的纸条粘贴成长条,用胶带粘在身后当“尾巴”。 教师击鼓,幼儿用脚踩掉别人的“尾巴”,同时要注意保护好自己的“尾巴”。教师提醒幼儿游戏过程中,不能用手抓、推挤别的小朋友。 主题活动反思《和纸玩游戏》 我们的日常生活中意离不开各种各样的纸了,孩子的日常生活中 充满了和纸相处的经验,从纸巾、纸盒到纸袋,从书籍报纸到海报, 纸不仅是我们物质生活的必需品,也成为我们精神生活的重要载体。 纸在儿童生活中扮演着不可或缺的角色。 在这个单元中,我们带领孩子们与各种各样的纸展开一系列互 动,让孩子从撕帖和折叠中直接去触摸和感受纸的材质,了解不同的 纸各自具有的特色,他们在探索和研究某些纸的来源的同时,也学会 了珍惜省用各种纸,在废纸回收,利用再生纸的过程中懂得了保护资 源,更重要的是孩子们在每个活动中可以真正地和纸玩游戏,他们可 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single 以折一折,玩一玩各种各样的纸,可以开动脑筋想办法让平面的纸站起来,让立体的纸变化出不同的空间,厚的、薄的、粗的、滑的、硬的、软的、大张的或是小张的,这些纸都成为了孩子创作游戏的素材,给孩子们一片尽情想象的空间。 活动《纸飞机》融健康与艺术为一体,幼儿在折纸飞机的过程中,学习歌曲,并在玩纸飞机的过程中模仿歌曲内容,不仅体会了乐句连贯的音乐表现形式,还在活动中学习了用肢体语言表现歌词的内容。 我们在区域中放置了各种各样的纸,提供了剪刀、胶水、浆糊等,幼儿运用纸制作各种好玩的玩具:如汽车、高楼、风筝等,还用彩纸剪贴出了蝴蝶、小草、小花等,我们把孩子们制作的作品贴在主题墙上或放在美工区里供幼儿参观、欣赏。 customer qualification preliminary examination of the material of the borrower for the loan person, determine whether you meet the loan conditions (standard specification for details of the conditions the fifth chapter "5.1 loans and borrower conditions"). 3. agree loan person decides to accept, according to interviews ... First, the jurisdiction of the head office, branches and risk management, operational management should be strengthened on the Bank personal loan monitoring, inspection, management and guidance. Second, related personnel irregularities, according to qilu bank credits operational responsibility and accountability for implementation and the qilu bank employee violations of regulations dealing with regulations and other relevant rules of punishment and accountability. 9. According to file, and related system file 9.1 according to file a, and loan General II, and personal loan management provisional approach 9.2 related system file qilu Bank personal loan management approach 10. records table single records table single 1: personal loan customer talk record records table single 2: personal borrowing applications records table single 3: personal loan income proved records table single 4: personal loan survey declared table records table single 5: authorized Attorney (sample) records table single 6: Personal most high borrowing support with application approval table records table single 7: personal single pen cycle borrowing application approval table records table single 8: drawing applications records table single 9: qilu Bank personal most high borrowing support with single records table single 10: arrived (quality) bet real right proved storage listing records table single 11: stop paid notice records table single
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