

2018-04-28 19页 doc 255KB 203阅读




手机奥维互动地图使用经验以及操作指南手机奥维互动地图使用经验以及操作指南 手机奥维互动地图使用经验以及操作指南(支持IOS、Android、WP8) 作者:[路游] (@[路游],若介意侵权请联系,告知后立即删除) 来源:新丝路 链接: 从今年3月开始接受小羊军团16期领队培训班培训至今,收获颇多。特别是听了獬豸老师讲的OruxMaps户外全功能地图软件使用,发现手机GPS地图的应用真可谓是户外运动的神器。不过今天的重点不是讲解OruxMaps,有关信息请在大厅搜索獬豸老师的帖子、胡狼老师的帖子和16期领队班狼牙的入门贴子,他们的更加专业。 之所以要...
手机奥维互动地图使用经验以及操作指南 手机奥维互动地图使用经验以及操作指南(支持IOS、Android、WP8) 作者:[路游] (@[路游],若介意侵权请联系,告知后立即删除) 来源:新丝路 链接: 从今年3月开始接受小羊军团16期领队培训班培训至今,收获颇多。特别是听了獬豸老师讲的OruxMaps户外全功能地图软件使用,发现手机GPS地图的应用真可谓是户外运动的神器。不过今天的重点不是讲解OruxMaps,有关信息请在大厅搜索獬豸老师的帖子、胡狼老师的帖子和16期领队班狼牙的入门贴子,他们的更加专业。 之所以要介绍奥维互动地图给大家,是因为目前为止OruxMaps软件只支持Android手机操作系统,我的手机操作系统是Windows Phone 8,无奈之下在网上查找替代品。又无意间,从手机应用商店中发现了另一款可替代OruxMaps的神器——奥维互动地图。它不但支持Android,还支持IOS,Windows Phone等。所以拥有苹果手机的朋友也可以抱着这个地图笑了。 我安装的是Windows Phone 8版本的奥维地图,IOS和Android版本比WP8的功能要多一些,好用一些,不过只要能在WP8上使用我就阿弥陀佛了。废话少说,我用WP8版本演示,先给大家一些截屏,大家大概浏览一下。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 正式介绍开始: 奥维互动地图浏览器是由国人团队制作的一款全功能全平台的地图应用,最新版收录了8大地图数据源,并且还在不断增加。它是一款集定位指南、语音导航、位置分享、轨迹、实时路况等功能于一体的互动地图。软件是免费的,目前来说我使用的免费版本没有任何问题,但是如果成为收费VIP会员将有更多的方便,和更大的云存储空间,后面会谈到。 这里主要讲讲和户外徒步相关的一些功能,分两个部分介绍给大家。其他的功能大家可以自己去实验。 第一部分:软件主要功能介绍,地图选择、定位指南、打点和轨迹。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 上图说明了地图切换的方法。在地图左上角点击“地图设置”图标,然后在“地图设置”中选择地图源,下方的“浏览地图”可以选择在线或离线浏览方式。 大家注意到左边截屏中地图切换按钮下方,显示一个数字13,意思是这个是第13层(级)的图片。点击下方的“-”或“+”可以调整地图层数,数值越大地图细节越清楚。当然,大家如果不停的用手机流量下载地图,没多久手机流量就用光了。如果你的手机包月的数据流量超级大,那就无所谓了。像我这种每个月都精打细算要数数据流量的人来说,下载离线地图就很必要,我下载了乌鲁木齐区域的地图一共441.9MB,还只下载到14层图。到户外没有网络的情况下,也下载不成,所以不管手机流量够不够用,还是先下载离线地图吧。 下面介绍怎么下载离线地图,点击右下角的“更多”按钮。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 上图中的右侧屏幕是下载界面。首先点“选择区域”,通过系统区域菜单找到要下载的区域,然后选择地图类型和级别,选择级数越大地图越多下载时间越长,如果是VIP会员可以提高下载速度,这就是交钱的好处,好像12元钱是3个月的费用,富裕的朋友也可以支持一下。 定位:点击左下角“定位”,如果有GPS信号,就可以找到当前的地图坐标位置。再次点击可以打开以当前位置为中心,手机为方向的指北针。可以很容易知道自己的方位以及朝向。 打点:在地图上按住屏幕2秒,会弹出“打点”的编辑框。该位置将被打上坐标点。请看下面的图片介绍: must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 如图,可以为这个点添加很多属性,比如名称、分组、风格、图标样式,还可以将查看该点 的经纬度和高度,可以分享给好友或做为导航的起点和终点。这个坐标点不想要的话就点最 下面的删除。 GPS轨迹、区域、画线: 点击左侧边上的GPS按钮,在界面中可以开启GPS轨迹。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 将“记录我的轨迹”选中,则开始记录你的位置变化轨迹。在“轨迹显示设置”中可以调整 轨迹的颜色、宽度、透明度以及是否显示轨迹距离。 区域和画线:是自己手绘的点的连线,是出行路线的参考。点击最下方的编辑按钮可以开始 编辑。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 手在地图上画点,然后连成区域或直线。如上图的左边屏幕。 通过以上介绍,大家应该对这个软件的使用已经不成问题。到目前为止,大家就可以拿着手机到户外去实践一下,感受一下软件的强大功能。 有了这个方便的地图,大家一定想知道地图能否互动呢,答案是肯定的。我们可以加好友,和好友对话,发图片、语音;将轨迹、线路、位置点等信息秒传给好友;或分享自己的位置信息给好友;或将这些信息分享到云存储中去,使用不同的设备只要可以安装奥维就可以共享这些数据;我们也可以在Google Earth中导出KML文件,加载到奥维地图里。我在手机和台式机都打开qq,然后将KML文件从台式机传到手机,默认的打开方式就是奥维地图软件,很方便。 大家已经迫不及待了吧~分享是驴们最喜欢的事情,也是最受欢迎的事情。特别是路线轨迹的分享,将给大家带来非常大的方便。那么不罗嗦了,开始第二个部分。 第二部分:地图数据分享之后才有更大价值 首先我们先加好友吧。点击左上角的人像按钮。 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 注册很简单,我就不介绍了,我直接登录就能看到我添加的几个好友。 然后可以点击好友与他交互: must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 大家可以看到与好友可以对话,可以发图片、语音和轨迹文件等。 在好友的个人信息中,我们可以对他的位置、轨迹查看。当然,他要授权给你才能查看。那 么怎么授权给好友我的位置信息呢,看下面的图: must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 我现在点击“位置分享”,在下一个界面选择要分享的好友,然后他就可以看到我的位置信 息了。 至此,最常用的一些功能已经介绍完毕。 大家在使用过程中一定可以找到更方便快捷的方法。希望这篇文章能给大家带来帮助。非安 must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection, 卓系统的手机用户可以抛弃装不了OruxMaps而换手机的想法了,我们找到了一个可替代的 神器~ must strictly enforce the hot examination and approval system, holidays, hot work approval to be upgraded. (2) the fire operation, guardian and extinguishing equipment in place. (3) key parts person regulation: welding site: track guardian, dangerous goods, warehouse: warehouse workers, dormitory: 1, the implementation of points of dormitory culture construction: construction, environmental health into the construction organization design, developed and civilized construction requirements, no rough construction, projects in accordance with the construction programme of the Department organize the implementation, followed by the project leader, the company ... Education or punishment. 1, corrective and preventative measures corrective measures: (1) by the project security officer in identifying causes, in the context of findings make recommendations for corrective and preventive actions. (2) under the present proposal, formulated by the security staff corrective measures, for examination and approval. (3) safety officers monitor the implementation of corrective measures, record the corrective measures process. 2, preventive measures: (1) normal operation safety ensuring system integrity and is fundamental to prevention. (2) implementing a comprehensive, standardized management processes, staff, education workers and enhance awareness of self protection,
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