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新编统计学原理练习题及答案1新编统计学原理练习题及答案1 第1章 绪论 一、填空题 1. 统计实践活动中所获得的一系列反映社会经济现象的数字资料和文字材料,称为(统计资料),它是统计工作的(成果). 2. 社会经济统计学的研究对象是社会经济现象总体的(数量特征和数量关系). 3. 根据统计研究目的,对统计工作的各方面和各环节进行的整体考虑和细致安排,称为(统计设计). 4. 在某一研究目的下,由许多单位在(同一性质)基础上结合起来的整体,成为(统计总体). 5. 反映总体单位特征的名称叫(统计标志),它又分为(数量标志和品质标志)两种. 6. ...
新编统计学原理练习题及答案1 第1章 绪论 一、填空题 1. 统计实践活动中所获得的一系列反映社会经济现象的数字资料和文字,称为(统计资料),它是统计工作的(成果). 2. 社会经济统计学的研究对象是社会经济现象总体的(数量特征和数量关系). 3. 根据统计研究目的,对统计工作的各方面和各环节进行的整体考虑和细致安排,称为(统计设计). 4. 在某一研究目的下,由许多单位在(同一性质)基础上结合起来的整体,成为(统计总体). 5. 反映总体单位特征的名称叫(统计标志),它又分为(数量标志和品质标志)两种. 6. 指标是说明总体数量特征的,它一般由(名称)和(数值)两部分构成. 7. 将总体单位标志值加以综合汇总和计算,即求得(统计指标),在一定条件下,统计指标和统计标志可以发生变化,这取决于(统计研究的目的). 8. 可变数量标志和指标名称就是(变量),它按取值的特征不同分为连续型和(离散型). 9. 反映社会经济现象总体规模或成果总量的统计指标,称为(数量指标),说明总体数量关系、社会经济效益的统计指标,成为(质量指标). 10. 统计指标所反映的是(统计总体)的数量特征,数量标志所反映的是(总体单位)的数量特征. 11. 要了解一个地区工业企业产品的生产情况,统计总体是(该地区全部工业企业),总体单位是(该地区各个企业). 12. 首次使用“统计学”这一术语的是(国势学派),标志着社会经济统计学诞生的学派是(政治算术学派). 二、判断与改错题 1. 社会经济统计的研究对象是总体单位的数量特征和数量表现.(? 关系) 2. 总体与总体单位是相依的,没有总体单位,就没有总体.(!) 3. 指标与标志的表现形式完全不同.(? 不完全相同) 4. 变量就是统计指标数值和标志值的统称.(? 统计指标和数量标志名称) 5. 任何统计指标都应该包括指标的名称和指标数值两部分.(!) 6. 说明总体单位数量特征的名称和数值,就是统计标志.(? 统计标志值) 7. 全国在校大学生基本情况调查,总体单位是全国每一所高等院校.(? 全国每一所高等院校的学生) 8. 汽车轮胎的使用寿命是品质标志.(? 数量标志) 9. 把若干统计指标组合起来,就形成指标体系.(? 有机地组合 才) 10. 统计指标体系中的各指标都有一定的联系,数量上都能互相推算.(? 不一定能) 三、选择题 1. “统计”的含义是(B) A. 统计调查,统计整理,统计. B. 统计工作,统计资料,统计学. C. 统计理论,统计方法,统计实践. 2. 进行湖北地区外资企业从业人员调查(B,C) A. 总体是全省的外资企业. B.总体单位是全省外资企业的每一个从业人员. C.全省外资企业从业人员总数是指标. 3. 差异性是统计研究的前提,差异性是指(A) A. 标志的具体表现不同. B. 指标和标志的名称不同. C. 整体单位之间的性质不同. loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the contract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;、Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no-loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum number of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellation-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number self-service card-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: 4. 以全国的每一所高等院校为总体单位,各高等院校的“学生人数”是(A,C) A. 数量标志. B. 数量指标. C.变量. 5. 要调查了解100名工人的月工资收入,每个工人的“月工资”是(A,C) A. 连续型变量. B. 离散型变量. C.随机变量. 6. 以某地区商业企业的全体职工为总体,下列数据中属于统计指标的是(A,C) A. 男职工所占比重63%. B. 某职工的月工资收入为586元. C. 职工月平均工资为598. 7. 指标和标志的区别在于(A,C) A. 说明的对象不同. B. 表现的形式完全不同. C. 表现形式不完全相同. 8. 下列变量属于离散型变量的是(A,B) A. 企业职工人数. B. 某农场拖拉机拥有量. C. 某商店商品零售额. 9. 下列变量属于连续型变量的是(A,B) A. 企业产品的增加值. B. 农副产品的收购额. C. 某县拥有中学数. 10. 下列统计指标中属于质量指标的是(B,C) A. 全国人口总数. B. 全国人口性别比例. C. 人均消费率. 四、统计名词解释 1. 无限总体——总体单位数足够大,以至不能穷尽,或者不必穷尽的总体。 2. 统计设计——根据统计研究目的,对统计工作的各方面和各环节进行的整体考虑和细致安排。 3. 指标体系——若干个相互联系,相互依存的统计指标有机地结合所构成的整体。 4. 离散型变量——取值可以按一定次序一一列举,只取整数的变量。 5. 统计资料——统计实践活动中获得的一系列反映社会经济、文化和科学技术等现象的数字资料和文字材料。 五、简单回答下列问题 1. 社会经济统计的研究对象是什么?它有什么特点? 社会经济统计学的研究对象是社会经济现象总体的数量特征和数量关系。社会经济统计学的研究对象具有社会性、总体性和客观性的特点。 2. 统计活动过程包括哪几个环节?它们之间的关系如何? 统计活动过程包括如下4个环节:统计设计——统计调查——统计整理——统计分析。 3. 什么是统计标志?它与指标有何区别和联系? 标志是说明总体单位属性或特征的名称。 它与指标的区别:说明的对象不同;表现形式不同。 它与指标的联系:指标值是标志值的汇总或计算的结果;研究目的发生变化,指标和标志也回发生变化。 4. 什么是总体和总体单位?它们二者关系如何? 总体是客观存在的,由许多单位在同一性质基础上结合起来的整体。总体单位是构成总体的个别事物或个别单位。 总体与总体单位的关系存在着相依性、相对性和相应变化性。 5. 什么是指标体系? 设计指标体系应该遵循哪些原则? 指标体系——若干个相互联系,相互依存的统计指标有机地结合所构成的整体。 设计指标体系应该遵循客观性、目的性、联系性、可比性、协调性原则。 service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co2ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. - 第2章 统计调查 一、填空题 1. 按调查的范围不同,统计调查可分为(全面)调查和(非全面)调查. 2. 按(组织方式)不同,统计调查可分为统计报表调查和专门调查. 3. 调查表有(单一表)和(一览表)两种. 4. 若统计调查的目的是了解某地区国有企业的生产经营情况,则调查对象是(该地区所有国有企业),调查单位是(该地区每一个国有企业). 5. 按填报单位不同,统计报表可分为(基层报表)和(综合报表). 6. 重点调查是非全面调查,其目的主要在于掌握总体的(基本数量状况). 7. 为了了解总体的基本情况,当总体各单位标志值差异较大时,可以采取(典型调查). 8. (调查时间)是指调查资料所属的时期或时点. 9. 抽样调查的调查单位是按(随机原则)抽取的. 10. 决定典型调查成效的关键是(典型单位的选择). 二、判断与改错 1. 重点调查一般属于经常性调查.(? 一次) 2. 普查、重点调查、典型调查都属于非全面调查.(,普查是全面调查) 3. 经常性调查所取得的资料反映的是现象在某一瞬间的状况.(? 一次) 4. 一次性调查可以定期进行.(!) 5. 人口普查的调查单位和报告单位是一致的.(? 不一致) 6. 调查时间是指调查资料的登记时间.(? 所属) 7. 调查项目是指调查中所要登记的调查对象总体的特征,这些特征,统计上又称为标志.(? 单位) 8. 典型调查与重点调查的区别在于调查单位数的多少不同.(? 调查单位性质) 9. 普查是一种经常性的全面调查.(? 一次) 10. 如果调查对象总体各单位的标志值没有明显的差别,也可以运用重点调查.(? 不能) 11. 调查单位的确定,取决于统计调查目的和调查对象.(!) 12. 重点调查、典型调查和抽样调查都是非全面调查,三者可以互相代替.(? 不能) 13. 调查单位的调查项目与总体指标在概念上是相同的.(? 标志) 14. 重点单位是指调查对象中具有较大标志值的那一部分.(!) 15. 典型调查的典型单位是可以固定的.(!) 16. 重点单位的选择易受调查者主观意识的影响,选出的单位是否有代表性,难以用科学的手段测量.(? 典型) 三、选择题 1. 在下列调查方式中,属于一次性调查的有(B,C). A. 统计报表 B. 抽样调查 C. 普查 2. 统计调查搜集资料的方法有(B,C). A. 统计报表 B. 问卷法 C. 直接观察法 3. 工业企业普查中,每一个工业企业都是(B,C). A. 调查对象 B. 报告单位 C.调查单位 4. 工业企业财产普查中, 每一个工业企业都是(B). A. 调查对象 B. 报告单位 C.调查单位 Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -eview signature: date line cancellationoan rsted. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Lin the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby reque er of yearsloan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no、t loan security;ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases againsloan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co3Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -wer signature: dateCredit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borro-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number selfr Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borroweCredit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. -. unused credit lines, agree to write off loans- 5. 第四次人口普查时点是1990年7月1日零点,普查员于7月5日去某村登记资料,下列情况应该记入“四普”人口总数的是(B,C). A.该村7月4日出生1人 B. 该村7月1日中午死亡1人 C.该村6月29日出生1人 6. 普查规定的标准时点是指(B) A. 调查人员登记工作进行的时间 B. 调查登记的资料所属的时间 C. 调查登记工作的时限 7. 为了了解武汉市集贸市场的交易情况,对17个大型集贸市场进行调查,这种方式属于(B). A. 典型调查 B. 重点调查 C.抽样调查 8. 目前我国对城市居民家庭生活情况进行调查所采用的调查方式是(B). A. 普查 B. 抽样调查 C. 重点调查 9. 工业设备普查中,每一台设备都是(A,B). A. 调查单位 B. 总体单位 C. 调查对象 10. 下列调查中,调查单位与报告单位不一致的有(A,C). A. 人口普查 B. 工业普查 C. 工业企业设备普查 四、名词解释 1. 统计调查——根据统计研究的目的,采用科学的统计方法,有计划、系统地搜集资料的工作过程。 2. 直接观察法——调查人员亲临现场,对调查单位直接进行观察、清点、计数和测量,取得资料。 3. 调查项目——统计调查中所要登记的调查单位的特征,即标志。 4. 重点调查——从调查对象的全部单位中,选择在全局中举足轻重的重点单位进行调查。 五、简单回答下列问题 1. 简述统计调查的基本. 一份完整的统计调查方案,一般包括以下内容: (1)确定统计调查目的.(2)确定调查对象和调查单位.(3)拟定调查提纲.(4)设计调查表和问卷. (5)规定调查时间(6)调查工作组织实施计划. 2. 什么是重点调查和典型调查?它们有何区别? 重点调查,是根据调查目的,从调查对象总体中,选取标志值较大的重点单位进行调查.典型调查,是根据调查目的,从调查对象总体中,选取具有代表性的典型单位进行调查. 它们的区别有两点: (1)调查单位的性质不同,重点调查强调调查单位的标志值所占比重大,典型调查强调调查单位的代表性;(2)调查目的不同,重点调查强调总体数量状况,着眼于排普遍情况,典型调查强调认识总体本质特征及其变化规律,着眼于深入了解和定性调查. 3. 进行普查时应该遵循什么组织原则? 进行普查时应该遵循的组织原则: (1)标准时点原则;(2)短期完成原则;(3)项目统一原则;(4)周期调查原则. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co4ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. 第3章 统计整理 第4章 统计分组和次数分布 一、填空题 1. 统计分组是将统计总体按照(一个或几个重要标志)分为若干部分. 2. 在组距式变量数列中,组距的大小与组数的多少成(反比例)关系. 3. 对连续型变量进行分组,相邻组的组限必须(重合),对离散型变量进行分组,相邻组的组限必须(间断). 4. 在组距式变量数列中,各组上限和下限之间的中点数值称为(组中值),它反映该组总体单位变量值的(一般水平). 5. 某个组距为50的等距变量数列,末组为开口组,其下限为100,则末组组中值为(125). 6. 统计表按内容可分为(主词)和(宾词)两部分. 7. 在变量数列中,次数的相对数形式叫(频率). 8. 统计分组应该保持组内统计单位的同质性,组间统计单位的(差异性). 9. 等距分组一般适于变量值变动(比较均匀)的情况. 10. 统计分组时,最小组的下限要低于或等于最小变量值,最大组的上限要(高于或等于)最大变量值. 二、判断与改错 1. 用品质标志对总体进行分组,也可以形成变量数列.(? 不能) 2. 编制变量数列时,若资料有特大或特小的变量值,则采用开口组比较适宜.(!) 3. 统计表是表现统计资料的惟一形式.(?不是) 4. 工人按工龄分组所形成的分布数列,变量是“工人数”.(!) 5. 计算检查和逻辑检查是审核资料的全面性.(? 准确性) 6. 划分各组界限,就是要在分组标志的变异范围内,划定各相邻组间的性质差异和数量界限.(!) 7. 变量数列中,若有开口组,则这个变量数列是不等距变量数列.(!) 8. 统计表的主词一般在横行标题的位置,宾词在纵栏标题的位置,其位置不可互换.(?可以互换) 9. 变量数列中,大多数组的组距相等,这样的变量数列就是等距数列.(?不是) 10. 某车间男职工30人,女职工10人;工人35人,技术员5人.这是一个简单分组.(? 体系分组) 三、选择题 1. 统计整理的对象主要是(B). A. 次级资料 B. 原始资料 C. 分析资料 2. 对某校学生先按年级分组,再按年龄分组,这种分组是(B). A. 简单分组 B. 复合分组 C. 再分组 3. 当变量的全距一定时,组距和组数(C). A. 关系不确定 B. 有正向关系 C. 有反向关系 4. 某村农民人均收入最高426元,最低270元,据此分6组,形成闭口等距变量数列,则组距为(A). A. 26 B. 156 C. 348 5. 复合分组与体系分组的根本区别在于(A). A. 分组方法不同 B. 分组对象不同 C. 分组标志多少不同 6. 统计分组的对象是(A). unused credit lines, agree to write off loans-Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -eview signature: date line cancellationoan rsted. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Lin the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby reque er of yearsloan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no、t loan security;ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases againsloan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co5Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -wer signature: dateCredit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borro-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number selfr Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borroweCredit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. -. A. 总体 B. 总体单位 C. 指标 7. 将某公司所属3个企业的利润额,人数资料依次排列并求出总和数的统计表是(A). A. 简单表 B. 简单分组表 C. 一览表 8. 把某地区的100家企业分为全民企业,集体企业,个体企业和中外合资企业,这是(B). A. 按数量标志分组 B. 按品质标志分组 C. 进行简单分组 9. 简单分组和复合分组的区别在于(B). A. 总体的复杂程度 B. 选择分组标志的数量多少不同 C. 组数的多少不同 10. 变量数列中的各组可用(A,B). A. 一个变量值表示 B. 两个变量值所确定的范围表示 C. 一个变量表示 11. 组距上下限所确定的区间,是组内变量值的变动范围,它存在于(B,C). A. 品质分布数列 B. 变量数列中 C. 组距数列中 12. 统计资料审核的主要内容是资料的(A,B). A. 准确性 B. 及时性 C.代表性 13. 统计分组是(A,B). A. 在总体内部进行的 B. 对总体而言是分,对总体单位而言是合 C. 在不同总体之间进行的 14. 影响次数分布的因素有(A,C). A. 组距和组数 B. 分组标志的性质 C. 组限 15. 统计表是表现统计资料的最常用的形式,从形式结构上看,统计表一般包括(A,B). A. 标题 B. 指标值 C. 主词和宾词 四、名词解释 1. 统计分组——根据统计研究的目的和任务,按照一个或几个重要标志,将总体分为若干部分. 2. 复合分组——将总体按两个或两个以上重要标志进行重叠式分组的方法. 3. 次数分布——在统计分组的基础上,将总体中的所有单位按组归类整理,形成的总体单位在各组间的分布. 4. 变量数列——将总体按某数量标志分组,将分组后形成的各组变量值及变量值所出现的次数对应排列形成的数列. 五、问答题 1.简述统计分组的作用. 统计分组的主要作用: (1)区分事物的类型;(2)揭示现象的内部结构;(3)探讨现象之间的依存关系. 2. 叙述统计资料整理的基本步骤. 统计资料整理的基本步骤: (1)设计和制定统计资料的汇总方案;(2)审核原始资料;(3)分类分组;(4)编码;(5)汇总;(6)编制统计表. 3.统计分组应该遵循哪些原则? 统计分组应该遵循的原则: (1)组内资料的同质性和组间资料的差别性原则;(2)完备性原则;(3)互斥性原则. 六、计算题 1. 某车间50名职工资料如下,试根据资料按工种,性别进行复合分组,并列表. 1组:10人,工人8人(女性3人),学徒2人(男性); -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co6ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. 2组:14人,工人9人(女性4人), 学徒5人(女性2人); 3组:8人,工人7人(女性2人), 学徒1人(女性); 4组:13人,工人10人(女性5人), 学徒3人(女性1人); 车间管理人员5人(女性1人). 解: 2. 某年第4季度某管理局下属40个企业产值计划完成百分比(%)资料如下: 97 88 123 115 119 158 112 146 113 126 117 108 105 110 107 137 120 136 107 108 125 127 142 118 103 87 115 114 119 105 117 124 129 138 100 103 92 95 127 104 试编制分布数列(连续变量). unused credit lines, agree to write off loans-Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -eview signature: date line cancellationoan rsted. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Lin the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby reque er of yearsloan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no、t loan security;ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases againsloan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co7Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -wer signature: dateCredit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borro-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number selfr Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borroweCredit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. -. 第5章 综合指标(上) 一、填空题 1. 总量指标是一定研究对象总体所达到的规模和总量的表现,其计量单位有(实物),(价值)和劳动量单位. 2. 按(计量单位),总量指标可以分为实物指标和价值指标. 3. 总量指标按反映的内容不同,可以分为(单位总量)和(价值总量). 4. 总量指标的数值,总是随(总体范围)的变化而增减. 5. 相对指标的表现形式有(无名数)和(有名数)两种. 6. 某企业的产量今年比去年增产了2成,即表示产量的(十分之二). 7. 总体中各部分结构相对数之和等于(100%). 8. (总量指标)是计算相对指标和平均指标的基础. 9. 某企业计划甲产品单位成本不变,而实际上报告期产品单位成本下降了2个百分点,则该企业甲产品单位成本计划完成相对指标为(98%). 10. 某企业计划劳动生产率报告期比基期提高10%,而实际上报告期比基期提高了13%,则该项计划完成程度为(102.73%). 11. 反映总体内部各部分数量对比关系的统计指标称为(比例相对)指标. 12. 某地区职工人数1999年底为60万,若从计量单位看,该指标属于(实物指标);若从反映时 间状况看,该指标属于(时点指标). 13. 指标的(可比)性是计算和运用相对指标的前提. 14. 相对指标与总量指标结合运用的方法通常有两种:一是计算相对指标中(分子与分母)的差额,一种是计算每增长1%的绝对值. 二、判断与改错 1. 时点指标值多通过经常性调查获取.(? 一次性) 2. 同一现象不同时点指标值一般不能直接相加.(!) 3. 结构相对指标通常是根据两平均指标或相对指标计算.(? 总量指标) 4. 某企业甲产品平均单位成本计划完成相对指标为105%,则表明该项计划超额完成.(? 未完成) 5. 总量指标可以用无名数表示.(? 不能) 6. 强度相对指标的表现形式只能是有名数.(? 可以) 7. 计算比较相对指标的分子分母只能是两总量指标.(? 可以) 8. 总体单位总量是由总体单位某标志值汇总而求得的.(? 标志) 9. 某村1993年粮食产量较1980年翻了一番,这是比较相对指标.(? 动态相对指标) 10. 价值指标的缺点是综合性能差.(? 实物指标) 11. 同一计划,分别用水平法和累计法考核其完成情况,计算出的计划完成相对指标的结果是相同的.(? 一般是不同的) 12. 总量指标可以具体反映出现象之间的差异、数量的联系程度.(? 相对) 13. 若一个指标是总体单位总量指标,则它不可能成为价值指标.(!) 三、选择题 1. 下列指标中,属于时期指标的是(B) unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co8ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig- A. 1990年末世界人口总数52.9亿人 B. 1990年我国国民生产总值17686亿元 C. 1990年我国人均社会商品零售额731元 2. 为了解某市工业职工收入情况,下列指标中,属于标志总量指标的是(B) A. 该市工业职工50万人 B. 该市工业职工月工资额15000万元 C. 该市工业职工月平均工资300元 3. 计算结构相对指标时,其分子和分母可以是(A,C) A. 时期指标 B. 相对指标或平均指标 C. 时点指标 4. 分子和分母可以互换的相对指标有(A,B) A. 比较相对指标 B. 比例相对指标 C. 强度相对指标 5. 下列指标中,属于强度相对指标的有(B,C) A. 工人劳动生产率 B. 人均粮食产量 C. 零售商业网点密度 6. 某地区工业企业职工人数100万人,随研究目的不同,该指标可能是(A,B) A. 总体单位总量 B. 标志总量 C. 时期指标 7. 某企业计划产量报告期比基期提高5%,执行结果,该项计划超额5%完成,则实际产量报告期比基期提高了(C) A. 5% B. 25% C. 10.25% 8. 某企业1998年完成产值100万元,1999年计划增长10%,而实际完成120万元,则1999年超额完成计划(A) A. 9.09% B. 12% C. 20% 9. 某学校教职工100人,平均年龄37岁,月平均工资400元,则总体单位总量指标值为(A) A.1500人 B. 400元 C. 37岁 10. 某地新生婴儿的性别比为106:100,这个指标属于(A,B) A. 比例相对指标 B. 质量指标 C. 数量指标 四、名词解释 1. 总量指标——表明在一定时间,地点和条件下,社会经济现象规模或水平的统计指标. 2. 相对指标——两个有联系的指标值之比,反映社会经济现象数量对比关系. 3. 标志总量——总体各单位某数量标志值的和. 4. 强度相对指标——两个性质不同,但有联系的指标之比,常用来表明现象之间的强度、密度和普遍程度. 五、简答题 1. 简述总量指标的分类. 按反映内容不同分为:总体单位总量和总体标志总量; 按反映的时间状况不同分为:时期指标和时点之比; 按计量单位不同分为:实物指标和价值指标. 2. 简述时期指标和时点指标的特点. 时期指标是反映社会经济现象在一段时期内规模或水平的统计指标.其特点有: 时期指标值大小与计算期长短有直接关系;不同时期的指标值可相加;时期指标值多通过经常性登记求得. 时点指标是反映社会经济现象在某一时点状况的总量.其特点有: 时点指标值大小与计算时间间隔长短没有直接关系; 不同时点的指标值一般不能直接相加; 时点指标值多通过一次性调查获取. 3. 简述总量指标的作用 展览指标的功能: 认识社会经济现象的起点; 实行调控、管理的依据;计算相对指标和平 Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -eview signature: date line cancellationoan rsted. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Lin the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby reque er of yearsloan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no、t loan security;ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases againsloan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co9Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -wer signature: dateCredit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borro-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number selfr Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borroweCredit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. -. unused credit lines, agree to write off loans- 均指标的基础. 六、计算题 1. 根据五年计划规定,某企业甲产品产量1990年应该达到900万吨,实际执行情况如下 单位: 万吨 月 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 年 1989 60 60 65 68 70 70 75 76 78 76 74 74 1990 79 80 80 80 81 80 82 80 82 79 80 84 试计算该项长期计划的计划完成相对指标及提前完成时间. 解 长期计划完成相对指标值=1990年实际完成产量/1990年计划规定产量=967/900=107.4% 自计划执行开始,从1989年4月到1990年3月连续12个月产量之和达到900万吨, 提前9个月完成. 2. 某管理局所属3个企业资料如下: 填空 单位:万件 1993年 1993年实际 实际产量 计划完成 1992年 1993年 产量是1992 实际产量 计划产量 程度 年的百分比绝对数 比重(%) (%) 甲 60 69 76 23.2 110.1 126.7 乙 120 132 142 43.3 107.6 118.3 丙 80 96 110 33.5 114.6 137.5 合计 260 297 328 100.0 110.4 126.2 结构 计划完成 动态 指标种类 总量指标 相对指标 相对指标 相对指标 3. 某市五年计划规定固定资产投资总额4000万元,实际执行情况如下: 单位:万元 1990 1986 1987 1988 1989 1季度 2季度 3季度 4季度 固定资产投资额 800 850 870 900 190 194 196 200 试计算该项长期计划的完成情况相对指标及提前完成时间. 解 计划完成情况相对指标=计划期内实际完成累计数/计划期内计划规定数=4200/4000=105% 从计划执行开始到1990年第3季度止,实际累计投资达4000万元,提前3个月完成计划. 4. 根据以下资料计算合适的相对指标,进行对比分析: 中国 美国 日本 英国 1990年年中人口总数(万人) 113368 25153 12386 5699 国土面积(万平方公里) 960 936 38 24 人均粮食产量(公斤/人) 360 1024 125 388 人均钢产量(公斤/人) 53 365 870 333 I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co10ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date- 人均原油产量(公斤/人) 123 1665 5 1941 人均电产量(度/人) 490 11598 6147 5416 解 计算强度相对指标和比较相对指标,列表如下: 中国 美国 日本 英国 人口密度(人/平方公里) 118 27 327 233 人口密度比较相对指标(%) 100 23 277 197 人均粮食产量比较相对指标(%) 100 284 35 108 人均钢产量比较相对指标(%) 100 689 1642 628 人均原油产量比较相对指标(%) 100 1354 4 1578 人均电产量比较相对指标(%) 100 2367 1254 1105 Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borroweCredit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. -. unused credit lines, agree to write off loans-Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -eview signature: date line cancellationoan rsted. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Lin the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby reque er of yearsloan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no、t loan security;ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases againsloan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co11Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -wer signature: dateCredit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borro-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number selfr 第6章 综合指标(下) 一、填空题 1. 算术平均数可以反映总体单位分布的(集中趋势). 2. 平均指标反映总体单位数量标志值的(一般水平). 3. 权数的形式可以是(绝对数),也可以是(相对数). 4. (几何平均数)适用于计算平均比率或平均发展速度. 5. 平均指标的基本计算公式中,分子是(标志总量),分母是(总体单位总量). 6. 又组距数列计算平均指标时,通常取(组中值)作为x 参与运算. 7. (平均指标)掩盖了标志值之间的差异程度. 8. 各变量值与其(算术平均数)离差之和为零. 9. 变量值倒数的(算术平均数)的倒数是调和平均数. 10. 如果加权算术平均数中各权数相等,那么它就成为(简单算术平均数). 11. 标志变异指标是反映总体单位标志值之间(差异程度)的统计指标. 12. 全距的缺点是易受(极端值)的影响. 13. (离散系数)是测定标志变动度大小的相对指标. 14. 平均差实质上是一个平均数,被平均的对象是(离差的绝对值). 15. 测定变量数列的集中趋势要计算(平均指标),测定离中趋势要计算(标志变异指标). 加工某产品依次要经过4道工序,每道工序产品合格率分别为99%,98%,99%,96%,则各工16. 序的合格率为99.99%. 17. 对500件产品进行检验,合格品480件,则合格率为(96%),不合格率的方差为(3.84%). 18. 若一批变量中有一个变量值为零,则不能计算其(调和)平均数或(几何)平均数. 19. 平均数为250,离散系数为20%,则方差为(2500). 20. 表示“是、非”标志的形式有两个,通常用(1、0)表示. 二、判断与改错 1. 标志变异指标值越大,说明相应的平均指标的代表性越好.(?差) 2. 众数是变量值最大的数.(? 出现次数最多的变量值) 3. 由组距数列计算的算术平均数有近似值的性质.(!) 4. 全距是最大变量和最小变量之差.(?变量值) 5. 所有的平均数数都是有名数表示的.(? 不都是) 6. 计算算术平均数时,分子和分母资料必须是同一总体的两个总量指标.(!) 7. 影响简单算术平均数大小的因素是变量值和次数.(?变量值) 8. 根据同一资料计算出来的平均差和标准差一定相等.(?不一定) 9. 变量值相同的两个变量数列,它们的平均数也相同.(?不一定) 10. 若两个变量数列的平均差相等,则它们的平均数的代表性也一定相等.(?不一定) 三、选择题 1. 平均指标的基本功能是反映(A,B) A. 总体单位标志值的一般水平 B. 总体单位的分布特征 C.总体的规模 2. 影响平均数大小的因素有(A,B) A. x B. f/?f C.?f -unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co12ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig 3. 某公司所属3个企业报告期实际完成的销售额分别为100万元,120万元,140万元,计划完成相对指标分别为90%,100%,105%,则3个企业计划完成相对指标的计算式为(C) 100120140,,3A. B. (90%+100%+105%)/3 C. 90%100%105%,,100120140,,0.901.001.054. 甲、乙两车间职工的平均工资分别为300元、250元,工资标准差分别为60元、50元,这表明(C) A. 甲车间平均工资代表性好 B. 乙车间平均工资代表性好 C. 两车间平均工资代表性同 5. 标志变异指标中,受极端值影响最大的是(A) A. 全距 B. 平均差 C.标准差 22xxx,,,125,1250,100,6. 已知则可以计算(A,C) ,, ,,50%A. B. C. x,10x,12 7. 计算和应用平均指标时应该注意(A,B) A. 用组平均数补充说明总平均数 B. 极端值的影响 C.总体单位的多少 8. 标准差的计算公式可以变形为(B,C) 2222,,,,xxxfxf,,,,22()xx,A. B. C. ,,,,,,,,,,nnff,,,,,, 9. 要反映社会经济学习中活动过程的均衡性,宜计算的指标是(C) A. 算术平均数 B. 中位数 C. 标准差 10. 由组距数列计算平均数时有一定的假定性,它是假定(A) A. 各组变量值分布均匀 B. 各组次数相等 C. 各组变量值相等 11. 离散系数可以用来比较平均数的代表性,因为它消除了(A) A. 平均数的大小和计量单位的影响 B. 总体单位数的影响 C. 标志值的影响 12. 一组变量中有极端值,,若反映其一般水平较适宜计算的平均指标是(B) A.算术平均数 B. 中位数 C. 调和平均数 2xnx,,,1020,15,12013. 已知,则(A,B) ,, 2x,8,,50%,,4A. B. C. 14. 变量数列的第一组为30~50,次数为10,最后一组为100~200,次数为18,则该数列的全距为(C) A. 8 B. 50 C. 170 15. 一个变量数列直接利用为分组资料计算的算术平均数和先编成单项式数列,再计算算术平均数,其结果(A) A. 一致 B. 不一致 C. 有时一致 四、名词解释 1. 平均指标——反映总体内各单位某一数量标志所取数值一般水平的综合指标. 2. 中位数——将变量数列的所有变量值按大小排列,处在中间位置上的变量值. 3. 众数——出现次数最多的变量值. 4. 标志变异指标——反映标志值之间差异程度的统计指标,包括全距、平均差、标准差和离 Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -eview signature: date line cancellationoan rsted. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Lin the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby reque er of yearsloan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no、t loan security;ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases againsloan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co13Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -wer signature: dateCredit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borro-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number selfr Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borroweCredit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. -. unused credit lines, agree to write off loans- 散系数. 五、简答题 1. 计算和应用平均指标时应该注意哪些问题? 计算和应用平均指标时应该注意: (1) 用组平均数补充说明总平均数;(2) 用次数分布补 充说明总平均数,注意极端值对平均数的影响. 2. 标志变异指标有哪些功能? 测定标志值之间的差异程度,是衡量平均数代表性的依据; 反映社会经济现象活动过程 的均衡性. 3. 简述算术平均数、调和平均数、几何平均数在计算平均指标时的应用条件. 平均指标的基本计算公式是: 标志总量/总体单位总量. 若已知基本公式中的分母资料,即总体总量,则用算术平均数的形式; 若未知分母资料,则用调 和平均数的形式; 若要计算平均比率或平均速度时,则用几何平均数的形式. 六、计算题 1. 甲、乙两个企业职工的月工资水平资料如下: 甲企业 乙企业 月工资(元) 职工数(人) 职工结构比重(%) 150~200 50 5 200~250 80 12 250~300 100 10 300~350 120 20 350~400 200 35 400以上 80 18 试计算两个企业职工的月平均工资. 解 xfxf20225033600f,,元人xxx,,,,,,,321.03(/),336 ,乙甲fff630100,,, 2. 农贸公司4个土产收购点的资料如下: 收购点 收购单价(元/公斤) 收购金额(元) A 1.20 50000 B 1.00 54000 C 1.00 60000 D 1.15 48000 试计算平均收购价格. 解 I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co14ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date- m212000, 元公斤H,,,1.07(/)m197405.8,x 3. 某地区农户的年收入资料如下: 年收入(元) 农户数(户) 1000以下 100 1000~1500 150 1500~2000 300 2000~2500 500 2500~3000 650 3000~3500 540 3500~4000 200 4000~4500 280 4500~5000 180 5000以上 100 试计算中位数Me, 众数Mo. 解 3000,10502Me,,,,25005002846.15,650 ,650500oM,,,,25005002788.46,,,(650500)(650540) 4. 一批产品要依次经过4道工序加工,其合格情况如下: 工序 1 2 3 4 投入产品数(件) 500 480 476 474 合格产品数(件) 480 476 474 470 试计算4道工序的平均合格率. 解 4804764744704G,,,,,98.47% 500480476474 5. 某年级学生统计学考试成绩如下: 成绩(分) 学生数(人) 50~60 5 60~70 25 70~80 30 80~90 40 90~100 20 试计算学生考试成绩的极差,平均差,标准差. -service card-ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day year contract number selfr Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card cancellation application form name of borroweCredit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature: date case, agree to write off loans. -. unused credit lines, agree to write off loans-Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I did not use the loan amount, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -eview signature: date line cancellationoan rsted. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Lin the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank opened credit lines above, is hereby reque er of yearsloan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-Reviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single years of maximum amount a maximum no、t loan security;ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases againsloan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co15Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -wer signature: dateCredit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borro-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. 解 9450115014812.5 ,,,,,,,,,,RxAD1005050,78.75,.9.58,11.11120120120 6. 生产同一产品的甲、乙两个车间的生产情况资料如下: 工人数(人) 月产量(件) 甲车间 乙车间 70~80 8 6 80~90 10 12 90~100 14 12 100~110 10 8 110以上 8 10 试计算两个车间的平均月产量,并比较它们的代表性. 解 47504600,,,,xx95,95.83;125050 2245965047504492004600,,,, ,,,,,,,,12.96,13.20;12,,,,50504848,,,, 12.9613.20,,,,,13.64%,13.77%;.,,,,12129595.83 7. A、B两个品种的水稻在6块田试种,资料如下: 田块 A品种 B品种 编号 田面积(亩) 总产量(公斤) 亩产量(公斤/亩) 总产量(公斤) 1 1.2 420 360 720 2 2.0 760 380 570 3 1.0 400 400 840 4 0.8 380 350 740 5 1.0 360 386 772 6 2.0 800 405 810 比较两个品种水稻产量的稳定性. 解 31204452,,,,xx390,380.19;12811.71 221225900312016963174452,,,, ,,,,,,,,33.73,17.78;12,,,,8811.7111.71,,,, 33.7317.78,,,,,8.65%,4.68%;.,,,,1212390380.19 unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-I do not use credit, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. -service card-tract number selfar concancellation application form name of borrower ID number and credit limit expiration date year month day to year month day yenature: date case, agree to write off loans. Loan review signature: date of record form 16: qilu self credit for credit card Credit loan principal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager sig-unused credit lines, agree to write off loans. -Credit loan principal repayment, your bank credit lines to be cancelled. Borrower signature: date-dit lines to be cancelled. I did not use the loan amount, your bank cre-ature: date agreed to open credit lines. Loan review signature: date line cancellationopened credit lines above, is hereby requested. Borrower signature: date agreed to open credit lines. Customer Manager signer of years in the loan contract are the top line opened, the borrowed and requested your bank loan borrowers: borrowers: ... Borrower name number, line of credit expiry date year month day to year month day maximum numb-ears of maximum amount a maximum noReviewed by: date of record form 9: qilu bank borrowing by single y、ntract, payment; 4, no other major cases against loan security;loan management (post) review: 1, approval criteria have been implemented; 2, the contract is correct; 3, in line with the co16ncipal repayment, agree to write off loans. Customer Manager signature:Credit loan pri-
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