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苏教译林牛津小学英语单词表苏教译林牛津小学英语单词表 苏教译林牛津小学英语单词表汇总 一,关于本词汇表的说明, A、百度文库和网络上有非常多的小学英语词汇资源,但都是以中文解释的。本词汇表全部引用英英词典对单词的解释,非常有助于学生、家长或者教师查询(可以不用查询英英词典,一本朗文英英词典真重~); B、采用英英对单词的解释的意义或者作用这里就不用多说,只讲一点:如果将小学生送到英美留学,他接触不到中英词典,只会找到英英词典,也只会找到英英解释; C、可能最开始时,还不能用英英解释的方式去理解,但这是方向; D、希望本文作者分享的这份资源对小学...
苏教译林牛津小学英语单词表 苏教译林牛津小学英语单词表汇总 一,关于本词汇表的说明, A、百度文库和网络上有非常多的小学英语词汇资源,但都是以中文解释的。本词汇表全部引用英英词典对单词的解释,非常有助于学生、家长或者教师查询(可以不用查询英英词典,一本朗文英英词典真重~); B、采用英英对单词的解释的意义或者作用这里就不用多说,只讲一点:如果将小学生送到英美留学,他接触不到中英词典,只会找到英英词典,也只会找到英英解释; C、可能最开始时,还不能用英英解释的方式去理解,但这是方向; D、希望本文作者分享的这份资源对小学生能够学会英语思维、在英语学习之路的过程中有一定的帮助~ E、本词汇表采用alphabet的排序方式 (从A-Z)。 F、如果想获取带有中文解释的词汇表,请发信索取,邮箱为2487452826@qq.com。 二,关于小学英语学习的建议及分析, 在中国,小学生很早就开始学习英语;实际上在非英语国家,他们的小学生和我国一样。在学习一门外语时,自己的母语对外语学习的最大障碍,在中国尤其严重,因为东方文化和东西文化基本是冲突的。 但英语,我们却一定要学,而且要花的时间少,效率高,学的好。为了这个简单的目标,以下是在小学生学习英语的基本建议(仅仅是作者给出的建议,如认可,可以参考): A、相对于字母,小学习对图片的兴趣会更大。小时候读小人书,有时可能不认识字,但能够看的懂图画,也读的津津有味。 对于单词学习也是一样,如果一个单词一幅图片,直接将单词和图片关联,减少母语的影响,对快速形成英语思维,提高兴趣有非常大的帮助; B、关于单词的发音。即使学会了英文音标,也可能不能够正确的读出某个单词的发音,更有可能连英文教师的读音也不一定准确。 所以在开始时,尽可以听原版的英文单词发音。 关于以两项,由于其它方面的原因,不能在本文档中提供。同时,我们还有一份关于小学生如何学习英语的建议,以上 如有需要,请与我联系。 除此之外,我们还有非常多的小学生学习的资源可以分享给大家,请发信至2487452826@qq.com索取。 希望本文作者分享对你或者你的孩子在小学英语的学习过程中有一定的帮助~ pronunciatiopropertWord explanation y n a little more or less than the stated number or amount; about adv /?'baut/ approximately adv,prein many different directions within a particular about /?'baut/ p place,around adverb, preposipositioned or moving in or near a place, often without a about tion, /?'baut/ clear direction, purpose or order adjecti ve about prep on the subject of; connected with /?'baut/ a look etc that shows you are not paying attention to or absent adj /'æbs?nt/ thinking about what is happening not in the place where you are expected to be, especially at absent adj /'æbs?nt/ school or work /?'k??di?n US a musical instrument like a large box that you hold in both accordion noun hands ?'k??r-/ /?'dres US noun,vthe details of the place where someone lives or works, that address ?'dres, erb you use to send them letters, emails etc 'ædres/ /?'dres US address noun a formal speech that someone makes to a group of people ?'dres, 'ædres/ the second largest continent; located south of Europe and Africa noun bordered to the west by the South Atlantic and to the east /'afrik?/ by the Indian Ocean prep, /'ɑ?ft? US after conj, following in time, place or order 'æft?r/ adv /'ɑ?ft? US after adv later than someone or something else 'æft?r/ /'ɑ?ft? US after conj at a time which is later than another event 'æft?r/ /,ɑ?ft?'nu?n the part of the day after the morning and before the afternoon noun evening US ,æft?r-/ /?'gen, again adv back to the same state or situation that you were in before ?'ge?n US ?'gen/ /?'gen, one more time - used when something has happened or again adv ?'ge?n US been done before ?'gen/ /?'g?u US ago adv used to show how far back in the past something happened ?'gou/ /'e?p??t US a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for airport noun passengers to wait in 'erp??rt/ album noun a book that you put photographs, stamps etc in /'ælb?m/ all adv completely /??l US ??l/ determ iner, all predetthe whole of an amount, thing or every one of a number /??l US ??l/ ermine r, pron exclamall right not ill, hurt, or upset or not having any problems 0 ation exclamall right safe, well or not harmed 0 ation exclamall right satisfactory, but not excellent 0 ation /?'l?? US along adv going forward ?'l???/ /?'l?? US from one place on something such as a line, road, or edge along prep towards the other end of it ?'l???/ /'??ls?u US also adv in addition to something else that you have mentioned '??lsou/ /'??lw?z, - always adv for ever we?z US '??l- / /'??lw?z, -always adv all the time, at all times, or every time,for ever we?z US '??l- / /'??lw?z, - always adv for a very long time we?z US '??l- / /m, ?m am verb the first person singular of the present tense of the verb be strong æm/ America noun The United States /?'mer?k?/ adj,nouAmerican relating to the US or its people or someone from the US /?'mer?k?n/ n /?nd, ?n used to join two words, phrases etc referring to things that and conj are related in some way strong ænd/ noun,aanimal a living creature such as a dog or cat, that is not an insect /'æn?m?l/ n dj /'ɑ?ns? US answer verb write a letter to the person who has written it 'æns?r/ /'ɑ?ns? US noun,vsomething you say when you reply to a question that answer erb someone has asked you 'æns?r/ /'ɑ?ns? US answer noun a way of dealing with a problem 'æns?r/ ant noun a small insect that lives in large groups /ænt/ determsome, or even the smallest amount or number of or one of any iner, /'eni/ or each pron any event, act or object whatever, or (especially in anything pron /'eniθ??/ questions or negatives) something a hard round fruit that has red, light green, or yellow skin apple noun /'æp?l/ and is white inside April noun the fourth month of the year, between March and May /'e?pr?l/ /? strong ɑ? are verb the present tense and plural of 'be' $ ?r strong ɑ?r/ /ɑ?m US one of the two long parts of your body between your arm noun shoulders and your hands ɑ?rm/ /ɑ?m US verb,noprovide weapons for yourself, an army, a country etc in arm un order to prepare for a fight or a war ɑ?rm/ the use of painting, drawing, sculpture etc to represent art noun /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ things or express ideas art noun paintings, drawings and or relating to object or skill /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ art noun e skill of drawing or painting /ɑ?t US ɑ?rt/ /?z strong as conj because æz/ /?z strong as adv used in comparisons to refer to the degree of something æz/ /?z strong as conj like,in the same way æz/ /?z strong as prep describe the purpose or quality of someone or something æz/ /ɑ?sk US ask verb expect or demand something æsk/ /ɑ?sk US request or invite someone to go somewhere with you or to ask verb come to your home æsk/ /ɑ?sk US put a question to someone, or to request an answer from ask verb someone æsk/ /at strong at perp show place or time or feeling or condition or price æt/ /'??g?st US August noun the eighth month of the year, between July and September '??-/ /ɑ?nt US e sister of someone's father or mother, or the wife of aunt noun someone's uncle ænt/ /'??t?m US the season between summer and winter, when leaves autumn noun change colour and the weather becomes cooler '??-/ used to say that someone leaves a place or person, or stays away adv /?'we?/ some distance from a place or person away adv at a distance (of or from here) /?'we?/ the part of your body that is opposite to the front, from back noun /bæk/ your shoulders to your bottom the inside or outside part of an object, vehicle, building, etc. back noun /bæk/ that is furthest from the front in, into or towards a previous place or condition, or an back adv /bæk/ earlier time backache noun a pain in your back /'bæke?k/ bad adj harmful to eat because of being decayed /bæd/ bad adj (of people or actions) evil or morally unacceptable /bæd/ bad adj low quality; not acceptable /bæd/ bad adj causing or experiencing pain /bæd/ bad adj unpleasant; causing difficulties or harm /bæd/ noun,va container made of paper, cloth,which usually opens at the bag /bæg/ erb top ball noun a large formal occasion where people dance /b??l US b??l/ any object in the shape of a sphere,such as tennis and ball noun /b??l US b??l/ football a small, very thin rubber bag that you blow air into or fill noun,vballoon with a light gas until it is round in shape, used for /b?'lu?n/ erb decoration at parties or as a children's toy /b?'nɑ?n? US banana noun a long curved tropical fruit with a yellow skin -'næ-/ bar noun a counter where alcoholic drinks or food are served /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ bar noun a place where especially alcoholic drinks are sold and drunk /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ bar noun a small block of solid material that is longer than it is wide /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ length of metal or wood put across a door, window etc to bar noun /bɑ? US bɑ?r/ keep it shut or to prevent people going in or out /'be?sb??l US an outdoor game in which players try to get points by baseball noun hitting a ball and running around four bases -b??l/ /'bɑ?sk?t US a container made of thin pieces of plastic, wire, or wood basket noun woven together, used to carry things or put things in 'bæ-/ /'bɑ?sk?tb??l a game played indoors ,each team tries to win points by basketball noun US throwing a ball through a net or ball in this game 'bæsk?tb??l/ /'bɑ?θrum, -a room where there is a bath or shower, a basin, and bathroom noun ru?m US sometimes a toilet 'bæθ-/ /bi strong be verb exist or live or say something bi?/ /bi strong used with a present participle to form the continuous be verb tenses of verbs(being, was were, been) bi?/ noun,van area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a beach /bi?t?/ erb lake bear verb accept, tolerate or endure especially something unpleasant /be? US ber/ a large, strong wild mammal with a thick furry coat that bear noun /be? US ber/ lives bear verb formal to give birth to a baby /be? US ber/ bear verb to carry and move something to a place /be? US ber/ extremely attractive to look at or very good or giving you beautiful adj /'bju?t?f?l/ great pleasure noun,va large rectangular piece of furniture, often with four legs, bed /bed/ erb which is used for sleeping on /'bedrum, -bedroom noun a room for sleeping in ru?m/ a yellow and black flying insect which makes honey and can bee noun /bi?/ sting you /b?'f?? US -perp,adbefore at or during a time earlier than (the thing mentioned) v,conj 'f??r/ /b?'f?? US -before prep in front of 'f??r/ begin verb start to be, do, etc /b?'g?n/ adv,prebehind at the back of or responsible for or the cause of /b?'ha?nd/ p at the side of, next to or compared to another person or beside perp /b?'sa?d/ thing /'bet? US -verb,nobetter improve a situation,to a higher standard or quality un ?r/ /'bet? US -better adj,adv of a higher standard, or more suitable or more suitable ?r/ noun,vbike a bicycle or ride a bicycle /ba?k/ erb /b??d US a creature with wings and feathers that can usually fly. bird noun Many birds sing and build nests, and female birds lay eggs. b??rd/ /'b??θde? US the day that is exactly a year or number of years after a birthday noun person was born 'b??r-/ adj,nouthe darkest colour there is, like night without light or put a black /blæk/ n,verb black substance on something noun,va flat cover made of wool or similar warm material, usually blanket /'blæ?k?t/ erb used on a bed or cover something completely with a thick layer /blauz US blouse noun a shirt for a woman or girl blaus/ /bl?u US move and make currents of air or make a sound by forcing blow verb air out of your mouth blou/ /bl?u US an action or event that causes difficulty or sadness for blow noun someone blou/ /bl?u US blow noun a hard hit with someone's hand, a tool, or a weapon blou/ /bl?u US move or to move something by the force of the wind or a blow verb current of air blou/ adj,noublue having the colour of the sky or the sea on a fine day /blu?/ n blue adj feeling or showing sadness /blu?/ set of printed pages that are held together in a cover so book noun /buk/ that you can read them arrange to have a seat, room, entertainer, etc. at a book verb /buk/ particular time in the future bookcase noun a piece of furniture with shelves to hold books /'buk-ke?s/ /'bukmɑ?k US paper or card that you put in a book to show you the last bookmark noun page you have read -mɑ?rk/ pron,d/b?uθ US both etermi(referring to) two people or things together bouθ/ ner /b?ul US a wide round container that is open at the top, used to hold bowl noun liquids, food, flowers etc boul/ /b?ul US bowl noun a wide round container that is open at the top boul/ /b?ks US a small building or structure used for a particular box noun purpose,=booth bɑ?ks/ /b?ks US a square or rectangular container with stiff sides and box noun sometimes a lid bɑ?ks/ /b?ks US to fight someone as a sport by hitting them with your box verb closed hands inside big leather gloves bɑ?ks/ boy noun a male child or, more generally, a male of any age /b??/ food made from flour, water and usually yeast, mixed bread noun /bri?t?/ together and baked breakfast noun the meal you have in the morning /'brekf?st/ adj,nouBritish relating to Britain or its people or people from Britain /'br?t??/ n /bru?m, broom noun a brush with a long handle, used for cleaning the floor brum/ /'br?ð? US -a male who has the same parents as you or a male member brother noun of a group ?r/ adj,nouthe colour of chocolate or earth or make food brown by brown /braun/ n,verb cooking it brush verb clean something or make something smooth with a brush /br??/ an object that you use for cleaning, painting, making your brush noun /br??/ hair tidy etc, made with a lot of hairs noun,vbus a large vehicle that people pay to travel on or take by bus /b?s/ erb working hard and have a lot of things to do or full of work busy adj /'b?zi/ something /b?t strong used to introduce an added statement, usually something but conj that it different from what you have said before b?t/ /b?t strong conj,prbut except ep b?t/ /'b?t?fla? US a type of insect that has large wings, often with beautiful butterfly noun colours -?r-/ buy verb obtain something by paying money for it /ba?/ according to a particular rule, method, or way of doing by prep /ba?/ things by prep not later than; at or before /ba?/ by prep show or describe the person or thing that does something /ba?/ by prep show how something is done /ba?/ prep,prby near, beside or (in distance or time) past,during /ba?/ ep interjec bye tion,noused when someone leaves or is left /ba?/ un introduce a new subject for consideration or to give further by the way adv information noun,va structure made of wires or bars in which birds or animals cage /ke?d?/ erb can be kept or keey animal in it a sweet food made with a mixture of flour, eggs, fat and cake noun /ke?k/ sugar or cake shape /'kælkj?le?t? calculator noun a small electronic machine that can add, multiply etc US -?r/ a device for taking photographs or making films or camera noun /'kæm?r?/ television programmes camp verb set up a tent or shelter and stay there for a short time /kæmp/ noun,va place where people stay in tents or other temporary camp /kæmp/ erb structures or put up a tent /k?n strong can verb ability,be able to kæn/ a closed metal container, especially a cylindrical one, in /k?n strong noun,vcan which some types of drink and food are sold or put food in erb kæn/ can /k?n strong can verb permit or request something kæn/ a stick of wax with a string through the middle, which you candle noun /'kændl/ burn to give light cap noun protective covering that put on the end or top of an object /kæp/ a type of flat hat that has a curved part sticking out at the cap noun /kæp/ front, and is often worn as part of a uniform a road vehicle with an engine, four wheels, and seats for a car noun /kɑ? US kɑ?r/ small number of people /kɑ?d US a small piece of plastic or paper use for information, card noun money,games and so on kɑ?rd/ a long pointed orange vegetable that grows under the carrot noun /'kær?t/ ground verb,noto have something with you in your pocket, on your belt, in carry /'kæri/ un your bag etc everywhere you go (of a newspaper, radio or television broadcast) to contain carry verb /'kæri/ particular information verb,nocarry hold,take,support,or lift something /'kæri/ un /'kɑ?tn US a small box made of cardboard or plastic that contains food carton noun or a drink 'kɑ?rtn/ /kɑ?'tu?n US an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine, especially cartoon noun one about politics or events in the news kɑ?r-/ /kɑ?'tu?n US a short film that is made by photographing a series of cartoon noun drawings kɑ?r-/ a small animal with four legs that people often keep as a cat noun /kæt/ pet. Cats sometimes kill small animals and birds get an illness, especially one caused by bacteria or a virus or catch verb /kæt?/ get something catch verb hit something, especially unintentionally /kæt?/ catch verb find and hunt a person or animal that is trying to escape /kæt?/ take hold of something, especially something that is moving catch verb /kæt?/ through the air /'sent?,mi?t? centimeter noun a unit of length equal to 0.01 of a metre,abbreviation cm US -?r/ a piece of furniture for one person to sit on, which has a chair noun /t?e? US t?er/ back, a seat, and four legs the position of being in charge of a meeting or committee, chair noun /t?e? US t?er/ or the person who is in charge of it change noun money in the form of coins, not paper money /t?e?nd?/ verb,nochange when something becomes different,such as clothes,,speed /t?e?nd?/ un get or give money in exchange for money, either because verb,nochange you want it in smaller units, or because you want the same /t?e?nd?/ un value in foreign money a game for two players, who move their playing pieces chess noun /t?es/ according to particular rules across a special board chick noun a baby bird, especially a baby chicken /t??k/ a type of bird kept on a farm for its eggs or its meat, or the chicken noun /'t??k?n/ meat of this bird which is cooked and eaten young person from the time of birth until he or she is an child noun /t?a?ld/ adult children noun the plural of child /'t??ldr?n/ China noun the largest country in eastern Asia,Capital: Beijing /'t?a?n?/ china noun a hard white substance produced by baking a type of clay /'t?a?n?/ noun,athe language used in China or people from China or relating Chinese /,t?a?'ni?z/ dj to China /'t??kl?t US a sweet, usually brown, food made from cacao seeds, that chocolate noun 't?ɑ?k?l?t, is usually sold in a block, or a small sweet made from this 't???k-/ choose verb decide what you want from a range of things or possibilities /t?u?z/ /'t??p-st?k US chopsticks noun one of the two thin sticks that you use to eat food in Asia 't?ɑ?p-/ the period of time around 25 December, the day when Christmas noun /'kr?sm?s/ Christians celebrate the birth of Christ a building in which films are shown or the skill or industry of cinema noun /'s?n?m?/ making films cinema noun BrE if go to the cinema, you go to a cinema to see a film /'s?n?m?/ city noun a large important town /'s?ti/ /'klɑ?sme?t a member of the same class in a school, college or, in the classmate noun US, a university US 'klæs-/ /'klɑ?s-rum, classroom noun a room that you have lessons in at a school or college -ru?m US 'klæs-/ adj,verclean not dirty or remove dirt from something /kli?n/ b,noun grow upwards or go up, or to go towards the top of climb verb /kla?m/ something /kl?k US noun,van instrument that shows what time it is, in a room or clock erb outside on a building klɑ?k/ /kl?uz US verb,noclose end or stop something un klouz/ /kl?uz US verb,noclose not distant in position or time,near relationship un klouz/ /kl?uz US verb,nochange from being open to not being open or no open for close un something klouz/ /kl?uðz, kl?uz US the things that people wear to cover their body or keep clothes noun warm klouðz, klouz/ club noun a playing card showing the black sign with three leaves. /kl?b/ an organization of people with a common purpose or club noun interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared /kl?b/ activities /k?ut US an outer piece of clothing with sleeves which is worn over coat noun other clothes, usually for warmth kout/ /k?ut US a piece of clothing with long sleeves that is worn over your coat verb clothes to protect them or to keep you warm kout/ /k?ut US coat noun the fur, wool, or hair that covers an animal's body kout/ /k?ut US thin layer of a paint or other substance pread thinly over coat noun the surface kout/ /k?uld US a common infection especially in the nose and throat which cold adj often causes a cough kould/ /k?uld US adj,nouat a low temperature, especially when compared to the cold n temperature of the human body, and not hot or warm kould/ get things of the same type from different places and bring collect verb /k?'lekt/ them together /k?um US noun,vcomb a flat piece of plastic,used for making your hair look tidy erb koum/ /k?um US search a place or an area very carefully in order to find comb verb something koum/ come verb arrive at or reach a place /k?m/ come verb move or travel towards the speaker or listener /k?m/ come down verb fall to the ground,gets lower if someone comes up to you, they come close to you, come up verb especially in order to speak to you come up verb When the sun or moon comes up, it rises /'k?ntest US verb,noan attempt, usually against difficulties, to win an election or contest un to get power or control 'kɑ?n-/ /'k?ntest US verb,noa competition to do better than other people, usually in contest un which prizes are given 'kɑ?n-/ cook verb prepare food for eating by using heat /kuk/ cook noun someone who prepares and cooks food as their job /kuk/ very attractive, fashionable, interesting etc in a way that cool adj /ku?l/ people admire - used in order to show approval adj,verslightly cold; of a low temperature or slightly cold in a cool /ku?l/ b pleasant way noun,vsuddenly push air out of your throat with a short sound, cough /k?f US k??f/ erb often repeatedly land that is outside towns and cities, including land used for country noun /'k?ntri/ farming an area of land that has its own government, army, etc or country noun /'k?ntri/ the people countryside noun land that is outside cities and towns /'k?ntrisa?d/ a child of a person's aunt or uncle, or, more generally, a cousin noun /'k?z?n/ distant relative /'k?v? US -shelter or protection in an unpleasant or dangerous cover noun situation ?r/ /'k?v? US -verb,noput or spread something over something, or to lie on the cover un surface of something ?r/ a large female farm animal kept to produce meat and milk cow noun /kau/ or Large female adult mammals /'kre??n, -?n a stick of coloured wax or chalk that children use to draw crayon noun pictures US -ɑ?n, -?n/ /'kr?s?? US crossing noun a place where you can safely cross a road, railway etc 'kr??-/ noun,va small round container, usually with a handle, that you use cup /k?p/ erb to drink tea, coffee etc /'k?b?d US -a piece of furniture with doors, and sometimes shelves, cupboard noun used for storing clothes, plates, food etc ?rd/ cute adj very pretty or attractive /kju?t/ /dɑ?ns US verb,noa series of movements and steps that are usually performed dance un to music dæns/ date noun time arranged to meet someone, especially socially /de?t/ a particular day of the month or year, especially shown by a date noun /de?t/ number date noun sweet sticky brown fruit with a long hard seed inside /de?t/ a period of 24 hours, especially from 12 o'clock one night to day noun /de?/ 12 o'clock the next night dear adj costing too much;BrE expensive /di?n/ formal a dear friend or relative is very important to you and dear adj /di?n/ you love them a lot exclamdear used to show that you are surprised, upset, or annoyed /di?n/ ation delicious adj very pleasant to taste or smell /d?'l???s/ a type of table that you can work at, often one with desk noun /desk/ drawers a shape with four straight but sloping sides of equal length, diamond noun with one point facing directly up and the other directly /'da??m?nd/ down a clear, very hard valuable stone, used in jewellery and in diamond noun /'da??m?nd/ industry /'da??ri US a book in which you write down the things that happen to diary noun you each day 'da?ri/ different adj not the same /'d?f?r?nt/ /'d?n? US -the main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or dinner noun the evening ?r/ /'d?n? US -a formal occasion when an evening meal is eaten, often to dinner noun celebrate something ?r/ do verb act or take action /du?/ /'d?kt? US doctor noun someone who is trained to treat people who are ill 'dɑ?kt?r/ /'d?kt? US someone who holds the highest level of degree given by a doctor noun university 'dɑ?kt?r/ a flat object, often fixed at one edge, that is used to close door noun /d?? US d??r/ the entrance of something a bell operated by a button on or next to the door of a /'d??bel US doorbell noun house, which you ring to tell the people inside that you are 'd??r-/ there a large imaginary animal that has wings and a long tail and dragon noun /'dræg?n/ can breathe out fire dragon noun a woman who behaves in an angry, unfriendly way /'dræg?n/ verb,nodress put clothes on yourself or someone else, especially a child /dres/ un clothes for someon of a particular type or for a particular dress noun /dres/ occasion dress verb put clothes on yourself or someone else /dres/ skirt,a piece of clothing worn by a woman or girl that covers dress noun /dres/ the top of her body and part or all of her legs dress verb wear a particular kind of clothes /dres/ to wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on dress up verb someone noun,vdrink drink alcohol, especially regularly or too much /dr??k/ erb noun,v(an amount of) liquid which is taken into the body through drink /dr??k/ erb the mouth,take liquid into your mouth and swallow it /'dra?v? US -driver noun someone who drives a car, bus etc ?r/ a bird that lives by water, has webbed feet or the meat of duck noun /d?k/ this bird a round lump of flour and fat mixed with water, cooked in dumpling noun /'d?mpl??/ boiling liquid used to show that each of two or more people does each other pron 0 something to the other or others ear noun used to talk about hearing /?? US ?r/ one of the organs on either side of your head that you hear ear noun /?? US ?r/ with the top part of a grain plant, such as wheat, that contains ear noun /?? US ?r/ the seeds /'??re?k US earache noun a pain inside your ear '?r-/ /'i?st? US -a Christian religious holiday to celebrate Jesus Christ's Easter noun return to life after he was killed ?r/ eat verb put or take food into the mouth, chew it, and swallow it /i?t/ eighty noun the number 80 /'e?ti/ eleven noun the number 11 /?'lev?n/ else adv besides or in addition to someone or something /els/ noun,vsystem that allows you to send and receive messages by e-mail /'i? me?l/ erb computer the largest country in Britain; population 49,138,831 (2001). England noun /'??ɡl?nd/ The capital is London the language used in Britain, the US, Australia, and some English noun /'??gl??/ other countries English adj relating to England or its people or the language /'??gl??/ /'env?l?up US a flat, usually square or rectangular, paper container for a envelope noun letter -loup/ the part of the day between the end of the afternoon and evening noun /'i?vn??/ night determused to refer to all the people or things in a particular group every /'evri/ iner or all the parts of something /'evrib?di US everybody pron every person -bɑ?di/ everything pron each thing or all things /'evriθ??/ happy, interested, or hopeful because something good has excited adj /?k'sa?t?d/ happened or will happen exciting adj making you feel excited /?k'sa?t??/ a reason that you give to explain why you did something excuse noun /?k'skju?z/ wrong forgive someone for doing something that is not seriously excuse verb /?k'skju?z/ wrong, such as being rude or careless /'eks?sa?z US noun,vphysical activity that you do to make your body strong and exercise erb healthy -?r-/ /'eks?sa?z US an activity or process that helps you practise a particular exercise noun skill -?r-/ /'eks?sa?z US a set of questions in a book that test student's knowledge exercise noun or skill -?r-/ one of the two organs in your face, which you use to see eye noun /a?/ with family noun a large group of related types of animal or plant /'fæm?li/ group of people who are related to each other, such as a family noun /'fæm?li/ mother, a father, and their children verb,nomake air move around by waving a fan, piece of paper etc fan /fæn/ un so that you feel cooler someone who likes a particular sport or performing art very fan noun /fæn/ much, or who admires a famous person far adj,adv at, to or from a great distance in space or time /fɑ? US fɑ?r/ far adv very much, or to a great degree /fɑ? US fɑ?r/ /fɑ?m US farm noun an area of land, used for growing crops or keeping animals fɑ?rm/ /'fɑ?m? US farmer noun someone who owns or takes care of a farm 'fɑ?rm?r/ /fɑ?st US fast adj,adv become or be firmly fixed and unable to move fæst/ /fɑ?st US adj,vermoving or happening quickly, or able to move or happen fast b quickly fæst/ weighing too much because you have too much flesh on fat adj /fæt/ your body the substance under the skin of humans and animals that fat noun /fæt/ stores energy /'fɑ?ð? US -noun,vfather a male parent erb ?r/ adj,noufavourite best liked or most enjoyed or a favourite thing /'fe?v?r?t/ n a letter or message that is sent in electronic form down a fax noun /fæks/ telephone line /'febru?ri, February noun the second month of the year, between January and March 'febjuri US 'febjueri/ feel verb experience a particular physical feeling or emotion /fi?l/ verb,nofeel touch something in order to discover something about it /fi?l/ un an occasion when there are performances of many films, festival noun plays, pieces of music etc, usually happening in the same /'fest?v?l/ place every year a special occasion when people celebrate something such festival noun /'fest?v?l/ asreligious event,often a public holiday /'fi?v? US -an illness or a medical condition in which you have a very fever noun high temperature ?r/ fifteen noun the number 15 /,f?f'ti?n/ adj,noufifth 5th written as a word /f?fθ/ n (a length of) dark plastic-like material which can record film noun /f?lm/ images as photographs noun,va series of moving pictures, usually shown in a cinema or on film /f?lm/ erb television and often telling a story verb,nodiscover, see, or get something that you have been find /fa?nd/ un searching for discover that someone or something is in a particular find verb condition or doing a particular thing when you see or touch /fa?nd/ them verb,noan amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment fine /fa?n/ un for not obeying a rule or law fine adj,adv satisfactory or good or good enough; healthy and well /fa?n/ fine adj very thin or in very small pieces or drops /fa?n/ /'f??g? US -noun,vany of the long thin separate parts of the hand, touch or finger erb feel something with your fingers ?r/ verb,nofinish complete something or come to the end of an activity,end /'f?n??/ un /'fa??fla? US an insect which is active during the night and whose tail firefly noun shines on and off in the dark 'fa?r-/ /f??st US (a person or thing) coming before all others in order, time, first adj amount, quality or importance f??rst/ noun,vfish an animal that lives in water,try to catch fish in water /f??/ erb fish noun the flesh of a fish used as food /f??/ pronoufive the number 5 /fa?v/ n,noun floor noun one of the levels in a building /fl?? US fl??r/ the flat surface of a room on which you walk or a public floor noun /fl?? US fl??r/ space /'flau? US -noun,va coloured or white part that a plant or tree produces flower erb before fruit or seeds ?r/ fly noun a small flying insect with two wings /fla?/ fly verb move or go quickly,wave or move about in the air /fla?/ travel by aircraft, or to go somewhere or cross something in fly verb /fla?/ an aircraft /'f?gi US foggy adj filled or abounding with fog or mist 'fɑ?gi, 'f??gi/ /'f?l?u US follow verb go, walk, drive etc behind or after someone else 'fɑ?lou/ /'f?l?u US follow verb happen or come after something 'fɑ?lou/ something that people and animals eat, or plants absorb, to food noun /fu?d/ keep them alive the part of the body at the bottom of the leg on which a foot noun /fut/ person or animal stands,bottom a unit of measurement, equal to twelve inches or 0.3048 foot noun /fut/ metres, sometimes shown by the symbol ' pay for something, especially something expensive that you foot verb /fut/ do not want to pay for /'futb??l US -a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to football noun carry or kick an oval ball into the other team's goal b??l/ /'futb??l US -a game played by two teams of eleven players who try to football noun kick a round ball into the other team's goal b??l/ /f? strong f?? preposifor because of or as a result of something US f?r strong tion f??r/ /f? strong f?? preposiintended to get or use something, or where something is for US f?r strong tion intended to be used f??r/ /f? strong f?? preposifor used to say what the purpose of an object, action etc is US f?r strong tion f??r/ /f? strong f?? preposiin relation to someone or something,towards; in the for US f?r strong tion direction of f??r/ /f?'get US to be unable to remember a fact, something that forget verb happened, or how to do something f?r-/ /f??k US verb,nofork If a road or river forks, it divides into two parts un f??rk/ /f??k US a tool you use for picking up and eating food, with a handle fork noun and three or four points f??rk/ /f??k US a tool you use for picking up and eating food, with a handle fork noun and three or four points f??rk/ /'f??ti US forty noun the number 40 'f??rti/ pronoufour the number 4 /f?? US f??r/ n, noun /,f??'ti?n pronoufourteen the number 14 n, noun US ,f??r-/ /f??θ US fourth adj coming after three other things in a series f??rθ/ /'frɑ?ns/ or France noun a republic in western Europe;Capital: Paris /'fræns/ free adj costing nothing; not needing to be paid for /fri?/ adj,verfree not doing anything planned or important, or not being used /fri?/ b allowed to do or say whatever you want, or allowed to adj,verfree happen, without being controlled or restricted by anyone or /fri?/ b anything adj,verfree not a prisoner any longer, or having unlimited movement /fri?/ b adj,nourelating to France, its people, or its language or people from French /frent?/ n France /'fra?di, -(of air) clean and cool; found outside rather than in a Friday noun room,in a natural condition de?/ a large piece of electrical kitchen equipment, used for fridge noun /fr?d?/ keeping food and drinks cool someone who you know and like very much and enjoy friend noun /frend/ spending time with /fr?m strong fr?m $ fr?m from prep show the distance between two places strong fr?m, frɑ?m/ /fr?m strong fr?m $ fr?m from prep show the origin of something or someone strong fr?m, frɑ?m/ /fr?m strong fr?m $ fr?m from prep show the place or time where someone or something starts strong fr?m, frɑ?m/ verb,nothe usually sweet-tasting part of a tree or bush which holds fruit /fru?t/ un seeds and which can be eaten the good results that you have from something, after you fruit noun /fru?t/ have worked very hard fun noun experience or activity that is very enjoyable and exciting /f?n/ /'f??ð? US further adj,adv to a greater distance or degree; at a more advanced level 'f??rð?r/ /'f??ð? US help something progress or be successful;advance further verb something 'f??rð?r/ children's activity in which play with toys, pretend to be game noun /ge?m/ someone else etc children's activity in which play with toys, pretend to be game noun /ge?m/ someone else etc an entertaining activity or sport, especially one played by game noun /ge?m/ children, or the equipment needed for such an activity activity or sport in which people compete with each other game noun /ge?m/ according to rules /'gɑ?dn US a piece of land next to and belonging to a house, where garden noun flowers and other plants are grown, and often containing 'gɑ?r-/ an area of grass get verb catch or become ill with a disease, virus, etc /get/ get verb obtain something by finding it, asking for it, or paying for it /get/ get verb understand or hear something /get/ get off verb leave a place, usually in order to start a journey wake up and get out of bed, or to tell or help someone to get up do this /g??l US a female child or young woman, especially one still at girl noun school g??rl/ give verb put something in someone's hand /g?v/ give verb offer something to someone, or to provide them with it /g?v/ /glɑ?s US a small container for drinks made of glass or similar glass noun material glæs/ /glɑ?s US two pieces of specially cut glass or plastic,in order to see glass noun more clearly glæs/ /glɑ?s US a hard transparent material which is used to make glass noun windows, bottles and other objects glæs/ /'glɑ?.s?z/ US two small pieces of special glass or plastic in a frame worn glasses noun in front of the eyes to improve sight /'glæs.?z/ noun,va piece of clothing that you wear on your hand in order to glove /gl?v/ erb protect it or keep it warm /gl?u US verb,no(especially of sth hot or warm) to produce a dull, steady glow un light glou/ (of a person's body or face) to look or feel warm or pink, /gl?u US verb,noglow especially after exercise or because of excitement, un glou/ embarrassment, etc noun,va sticky substance used for joining things together glue /glu?/ erb permanently /g??/ US leave a place, especially in order to travel to somewhere go verb else /go?/ /g??/ US go verb travel or move to another place /go?/ /g?ut US an animal which is related to sheep, which usually has goat noun horns gout/ a journey that you make by walking, especially for exercise go for a walk verb or enjoyment good adj of a high quality or level /gud/ good adj very satisfactory, enjoyable, pleasant or interesting /gud/ informal grandmother,the mother of a person's father or grandma noun /'grænmɑ?/ mother /'græn,m?ð? grandmothenoun the mother of your mother or father r US -?r/ informal grandfather,the father of a person's mother or grandpa noun /'grænpɑ?/ father grandparent/'græn,pe?r?noun one of the parents of your mother or father s nt US -,per-/ a small round purple or pale green fruit that you can eat or grape noun /gre?p/ make into wine /grɑ?s US noun,va very common plant with thin leaves that covers the grass erb ground in fields and gardens græs/ /'grɑ?s,h?p? an insect that has long back legs for jumping and that grasshopper noun US makes short loud noises 'græs,hɑ?p?r/ great adj excellent,(especially spoken)very good /gre?t/ great adj very good or generous in a way that people admire /gre?t/ great adj important or having a lot of influence /gre?t/ green adj of a colour between blue and yellow; of the colour of grass /gri?n/ (especially of fruit) not ripe enough to eat, or (of wood) not green adj /gri?n/ dry enough to use noun,vground the surface of the Earth,soil,an area of land /graund/ erb /gr?u US grow verb gradually become tired/old/calm, etc grou/ /gr?u US increase in size or amount, or to become more advanced or grow verb developed grou/ /gr?u US grow verb make plants or crops develop and produce fruit or flowers grou/ try to answer a question or form an opinion when you are guess verb /ges/ not sure whether you will be correct /g?'tɑ? US -guitar noun a musical instrument with six strings and a long neck 'tɑ?r/ hair noun the mass of things like fine threads that grows on your head /he? US her/ noun, /hɑ?f US exactly or about 51% of an amount, time, distance, number half pronouetc hæf/ n /'hæmb??g? a sandwich consisting of a fried cake of minced beef served hamburger noun on a bun, often with other ingredients US -b??rg?r/ the part of the body at the end of the arm which is used for hand noun /hænd/ holding, moving, touching and feeling things one of the long, thin pieces that point to the numbers on a hand noun /hænd/ clock or watch hand verb give something to someone else with your hand /hænd/ happy adj feeling, showing or causing pleasure or satisfaction /'hæpi/ hat noun a covering for the head that is not part of a piece of clothing /hæt/ /v, ?v, h?v have verb perform the action mentioned,do something strong hæv/ /v, ?v, h?v have verb eat or drink something strong hæv/ /v, ?v, h?v especially BrE used to say that someone owns something or have verb that it is available for them to use strong hæv/ /i, hi strong pronouused to refer to a man, boy or male animal that has already he n,noun been mentioned hi?/ the top part of your body that has your face at the front head noun /hed/ and is supported by your neck noun,vhead someone in charge of or leading an organization, group, etc /hed/ erb head noun the mind and mental abilities /hed/ head verb go towards a particular place, especially in a deliberate way /hed/ headache noun a pain in your head /'hede?k/ receive or become aware of a sound using your ears,listen hear verb /h?? US h?r/ to hear verb to be told or informed (of); receive news /h?? US h?r/ heavy adj weighing a lot; needing effort to move or lift /'hevi/ noun,in/h?'l?u, he- hello terjectiused as a greeting when you see or meet someone US -'lou/ on make it possible or easier for someone to do something, by help verb doing part of the work yourself or by providing advice, /help/ money, support, etc pronou/?, h? strong n, a woman, girl or female animal that has just been her h?? $ ?r, h?r determmentioned or is known about strong h??r/ iner here adv in, at, or to this place /h?? US h?r/ interjechey informal hello /he?/ tion interjecused as an informal greeting, usually to people who you hi /ha?/ tion know adj,nouhigh greater than the usual level or amount /ha?/ n high adj,adv measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top /ha?/ /?m strong pronouhim used, usually after a verb or preposition, to refer to a man n h?m/ determ /?z strong iner, belonging to or connected with a man, boy or male animal his pronouthat has just been mentioned h?z/ n past events considered together, especially events of a history noun /'h?st?ri/ particular period, country or subject history noun the study of past events as a subject in school or university /'h?st?ri/ /'h?bi US hobby noun an activity that you enjoy doing in your free time 'hɑ?-/ /'h?l?di, -de? noun,vholiday leisure time away from work devoted to rest or pleasure erb US 'hɑ?l?de?/ /h?um US noun,athe house, apartment, etc. where you live, especially with home dj your family houm/ /'h?umw??k homework noun work which teachers give their students to do at home US 'houmw??rk/ /h?up US verb,nowant something to happen or to be true, and usually have a hope un good reason to think that it might houp/ /h??s US a large strong animal that people ride and use for pulling horse noun heavy things h??rs/ /'h?sp?tl US a large building where sick or injured people receive hospital noun medical treatment 'hɑ?-/ hot adj having a high temperature /h?t US hɑ?t/ /'h?t.d?g/ US hot dog noun a cooked sausage in a long piece of bread /'hɑ?t.dɑ?g/ noun,vhouse a building which people, usually one family, live in /haus/ erb a wife who manages a household while her husband earns housewife noun /'hauswa?f/ the family income /'hausw??k housework noun the work of keeping a house clean and tidy US -w??rk/ used in questions which ask what an experience or event how adv /hau/ was like how adv in what way; by what methods /hau/ determ iner, hundred noun, the number 100 /'h?ndr?d/ pronou n hungry adj feeling that you want to eat sth: /'h??gri/ /'h?ri US move or do things more quickly than normal or to make hurry verb someone do this 'h??ri/ ice-cream noun frozen sweet food made of milk, cream, and sugar /'aiskri:m/ used when talking about something that might happen or if conj /?f/ be true used to mention fact or situation someone asks about,or if conj /?f/ not certain about ill adj not feeling well, or suffering from a disease /?l/ ill adj not feeling well, or suffering from a disease /?l/ preposiin during part or all of a period of time /?n/ tion preposi in tion, inside or towards the inside of a container, place or area /?n/ adverb preposiin involved or connected with a particular subject or activity /?n/ tion insect noun a small creature such as a fly or ant, that has six legs /'?nsekt/ interesting adj give it your attention because it seems unusual or exciting /'?ntr?st??/ /'?nt?net US -a computer system that allows millions of computer users Internet noun around the world to exchange information t?r-/ pronou(as subject or object) the thing, animal or situation which it /?t/ n has already been mentioned jacket noun a short, light coat /'d?æk?t/ /'d?ænju?ri, the first month of the year, between December and January noun -njuri US -February njueri/ a country in East Asia consisting of four large Japan noun /d??'pæn/ islands,Capital: Tokyo adj,nourelating to Japan, its people, or its language,people from Japanese /,d?æp?'ni?z/ n Japan trousers made of denim (=a strong, usually blue, cotton jeans noun /d?i?nz/ cloth) which are worn informally /d??b US job noun the regular work which a person does to earn money d?ɑ?b/ /d??g US verb,nojog run slowly and steadily, especially as a way of exercising un d?ɑ?g/ /'d??g?? US the activity of running slowly and steadily as a way of jogging noun exercising 'd?ɑ?-/ join verb connect or fasten things together /d???n/ join verb become a member of an organization /d???n/ noun,vthe liquid that comes from fruit and vegetables, or a drink juice /d?u?s/ erb that is made from this jump verb attack someone suddenly /d??mp/ change quickly and often from one idea, place, position etc jump verb /d??mp/ to another - used to show disapproval jump verb increase suddenly by a large amount /d??mp/ verb,nopush yourself suddenly off the ground and into the air using jump /d??mp/ un your legs June noun the sixth month of the year, between May and July /d?u?n/ just now adv a very short time ago just now adv at this moment,at the present time If you keep animals, you own and take care of them, but keep verb /ki?p/ not in your home as pets keep verb have or continue to have in your possession /ki?p/ keep verb if food keeps, it stays fresh enough to be eaten /ki?p/ keep verb (cause to) stay in a particular place or condition,no change /ki?p/ /'ki?p? US -someone who looks after animals or a particular place or keeper noun thing ?r/ keep off verb stop someone else from eating, drinking, or taking it key noun the printed answers to a test or set of questions in a book /ki?/ key adj very important or necessary /ki?/ a small specially shaped piece of metal that you put into a key noun /ki?/ lock and turn in order to lock or unlock a door /'ki?l?u US -kilo noun a kilogram lou/ /'k?l?,mi?t?, kilometer noun a unit for measuring distance, equal to 1000 metres k?'l?m?t? US k?'lɑ?m?t?r/ kitchen noun the room where you prepare and cook food /'k?t??n/ noun,vkite an object which is fly in the air,a large bird /ka?t/ erb noun,vknee the middle joint of the leg, which allows it to bend /ni?/ erb noun,va metal blade fixed into a handle, used for cutting or as a knife /na?f/ erb weapon verb,noknow have information in your mind /n?u US nou/ un know verb to be able to recognize someone or something /n?u US nou/ know verb realize, find out about, or understand something /n?u US nou/ a large area of water surrounded by land and not lake noun /le?k/ connected to the sea except by rivers or streams a device for giving light, especially one that has a covering lamp noun /læmp/ or is contained within something /'lænt?n US -a light enclosed in a container which has a handle for lantern noun holding it ?rn/ /lɑ?d? US large adj big in size, amount, or number lɑ?rd?/ /lɑ?st US last verb continue to exist or continue being good or suitable læst/ adjecti ve, /lɑ?st US last adverb, (the person or thing) after everyone or everything else læst/ pronou n, noun adjecti ve, /lɑ?st US last adverb, (being) the most recent or the one before the present one læst/ pronou n adjecti(happening or arriving) after the planned, expected, usual late ve, /le?t/ or necessary time adverb adjecti late ve, (happening or being) near the end of a period of time /le?t/ adverb verb,nosmile while making sounds with your voice that show funny laugh /lɑ?f US læf/ un or happy laugh verb make unkind or funny remarks about someone /lɑ?f US læf/ /l??n US find out information or news by hearing it from someone learn verb else or reading it l??rn/ /l??n US learn verb get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity l??rn/ adj,nouon or towards the side of your body that is to the west left /left/ n when you are facing north one of the long parts of your body that your feet are joined leg noun /leg/ to leg noun the leg of an animal when it is cooked and eaten as food /leg/ leg noun upright parts that support a piece of furniture /leg/ an experience which teaches you how to behave better in a lesson noun /'les?n/ similar situation in the future a period of time in which a person is taught about a subject lesson noun /'les?n/ or how to do something let verb allow someone to do something /let/ noun,va written or printed message that is usually put in an letter /'let? US -?r/ erb envelope and sent by mail letter noun a sign in writing or printing that represents a speech sound /'let? US -?r/ /'la?br?ri, -a room or building containing books that can be looked at library noun or borrowed bri US -breri/ say or write something which is not true in order to deceive lie verb /la?/ someone lie verb exists, or can be found in that thing, person, or situation /la?/ lie verb to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface /la?/ if a town, village, etc lies in a particular place, it is in that lie verb /la?/ place lie verb to be in or move into a horizontal position on a surface /la?/ the brightness that comes from the sun, fire, etc. and from light noun /la?t/ electrical devices verb,nolight start to burn or to make something start to burn /la?t/ un light adj a light colour is pale and not dark /la?t/ verb,adproduce light which makes an object or area bright or easy light /la?t/ j to see light adj not heavy,not great in strength,not serious ,not servere /la?t/ prep, like such as,as if /la?k/ conj like verb enjoy or approve of something or someone /la?k/ prep, like conj,nosimilar to; in the same way or manner as /la?k/ un line noun a connection to a telephone system /la?n/ an imaginary line on the surface of the earth, for example line noun showing where one country or area of land stops and /la?n/ another begins line noun a long thin mark on the surface of something /la?n/ a piece of strong string, rope, or wire used for a particular line noun /la?n/ purpose line verb form rows along the sides of something /la?n/ a long strong thin piece of material, such as string, that is line noun /la?n/ used to support something give attention to someone or something in order to hear listen verb /'l?s?n/ them waste paper, cans etc that people have thrown away and litter verb /'l?t? US -?r/ left on the ground in a public place determ iner,prlittle not much or enough,not very important or serious /'l?tl/ onoun, noun adj,prolittle small in size or amount /'l?tl/ n,noun little adj young /'l?tl/ live verb (to continue) to be alive or have life /l?v/ a live television or radio programme is seen or heard on live adj television or radio at the same time as it is actually /l?v/ happening live verb if you live in a place, you have your home there /l?v/ live adj not dead or artificial /l?v/ the capital city of the UK, in southeast England on the River London noun /'l?nd?n/ Thames being a distance between two points which is more than long adj /l?? US l???/ average or usual continuing for a large amount of time, or for a larger long adj /l?? US l???/ amount of time than usual try to find something that you have lost, or someone who is look for verb not where they should be loudly adv making a lot of noise /'la?d.li/ verb,nohave a strong feeling of affection for someone, combined love /l?v/ un with sexual attraction verb,nolike something very much or enjoy doing something very love /l?v/ un much below the usual level,small, or smaller than usual, in low adj /l?u US lou/ amount, level, or value noun,vlunch a meal that is eaten in the middle of the day /l?nt?/ erb noun,va device with several moving parts which uses power to do machine /m?'?i?n/ erb a particular type of work /,mæg?'zi?n a large thin book with a paper, and is sold weekly or magazine noun US monthly 'mæg?zi?n/ make verb cause something,cause to be, to become or to appear as /me?k/ make verb used with some nouns to say that someone does something /me?k/ verb,noproduce something, often using a particular substance or make /me?k/ un material man noun the human race /mæn/ man noun an adult male human being /mæn/ /'mæ?g?u US mango noun a tropical fruit with a thin skin and sweet yellow flesh -gou/ determ iner, used mainly in negative sentences and questions to mean 'a many /'meni/ pron, large number of' adj noun,vmap a drawing of a particular area for example a city or country /mæp/ erb /mɑ?t? US an organized event in which many people walk together to march noun express their ideas mɑ?rt?/ /mɑ?t? US March noun the third month of the year, between February and April mɑ?rt?/ /mɑ?sk US something that covers all or part of your face, to protect or mask noun to hide it mæsk/ /mɑ?sk US mask verb prevent something from being seen or noticed mæsk/ the study of numbers, shapes and space using reason and maths noun /mæθ/ usually a special system of symbols May noun the fifth month of the year, after April and before June /me?/ modal may used to ask or give permission /me?/ verb f something may happen or may be true, there is a modal may possibility that it will happen or be true but this is not /me?/ verb certain /mi strong used by the person speaking or writing to refer to himself me pron or herself mi?/ average;the result obtained by adding two or more adj,noumean amounts together and dividing the total by the number of /mi?n/ n amounts express or represent something such as an idea, thought, or mean verb /mi?n/ fact mean adj not willing to give or share things, especially money /mi?n/ mean adj unkind or unpleasant;cruel /mi?n/ /'meds?n US a substance used for treating illness, especially a liquid you medicine noun drink 'med?s?n/ verb,nocome together with someone intentionally or meet /mi?t/ un unintentionally /'memb? US member noun a person or country that belongs to a group or organization -?r/ noun,va white liquid produced by cows or produced by female milk /m?lk/ erb animals and women noun,va deep hole or holes in the ground that people dig so that mine /ma?n/ erb they can remove coal, gold, tin etc mine pron the one(s) belonging to or connected with me /ma?n/ minibus noun especially BrE a small bus with seats for six to twelve people /'m?nib?s/ number or temperatures less than zero,a slightly lower minus adj /'ma?n?s/ standard minus prep reduced by a stated number,INFORMAL lacking /'ma?n?s/ minute adj used in spoken English to mean a very short time /'m?n?t/ minute adj extremely small /'m?n?t/ any of the 60 parts which an hour is divided into,a very minute noun /'m?n?t/ short time /'m?r? US -a piece of special glass that you can look at and see yourself mirror noun in ?r/ /'m?r? US -if one thing mirrors another, it is very similar to it and may mirror verb seem to copy or represent it ?r/ verb,nomiss fail to hit something or to avoid hitting something /m?s/ un verb,nofail to do or experience something, often something miss /m?s/ un planned or expected used as polite way of speaking to young woman when not Miss noun /m?s/ know her name used in front of family name of woman who not married to Miss noun /m?s/ address her politely /'m?dl US a small copy of a building, vehicle, machine etc, especially model noun one that can be put together from separate parts 'mɑ?dl/ /'m?dl US someone whose job is to show clothes, hair styles etc by model noun wearing them at fashion shows or for photographs 'mɑ?dl/ /'m?dl US model noun a particular type or design of a vehicle or machine 'mɑ?dl/ /'m?um?nt moment noun a very short period of time or particular time US 'mou-/ /'m?ndi, -Monday noun the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday de?/ a small brown animal with a long tail, which uses its hands monkey noun /'m??ki/ to climb trees moon noun the round object that you can see shining in the sky at night /mu?n/ a Chinese bakery product traditionally eaten during the moon cake noun Mid-Autumn Festival /'m??n?? US morning noun the part of the day from the time when the sun rises 'm??r-/ /'m?ð? US -mother noun a female parent of a child or animal ?r/ mouse noun a small furry animal with a pointed nose and a long tail /maus/ a small object connected to a computer by a wire, which mouse noun you move with your hand to give instructions to the /maus/ computer noun,vthe part of your face which you put food into, or which you mouth /mauθ/ erb use for speaking verb,nomove change position,a place,an opinion or the way /mu?v/ un move verb go to live or work in a different place /mu?v/ /mju?'zi?m a building where objects of historical, scientific or artistic museum noun interest are kept US mju-/ a series of sounds made by instruments or voices in a way music noun /'mju?z?k/ that is pleasant /m?st strong must verb have to do something because it is necessary or important m?st/ /m?st strong used to show that something is very likely, probable or must verb certain to be true m?st/ /'n??ba? US nearby adj,adv not far away 'n?r-/ noun,vneck the part of the body which joins the head to the shoulders /nek/ erb neck noun the narrow part of something, usually at the top /nek/ need verb have to have something, or to want something very much /ni?d/ situation in which something is necessary, especially not yet need noun /ni?d/ available new adj not yet familiar or experienced /nju? US nu?/ new adj recently created or having started to exist recently /nju? US nu?/ New York noun the largest city in New York State and in the United States 0 nice adj kind, friendly or polite /na?s/ nice adj pleasant, enjoyable or satisfactory /na?s/ night noun the dark part when the sun cannot be seen /na?t/ night noun the time during the evening until you go to bed /na?t/ determ iner, nine the number 9 /na?n/ pronou n, noun determ iner, nineteen the number 19 /,na?n'ti?n/ pronou n, noun determ iner, ninety the number 90 /'na?nti/ pronou n, noun /'n?ub?di US pron,nnobody no one,someone who is not important and has no influence 'noubɑ?di, -oun b?di/ /'n?ub?di US nobody noun someone who is not important and has no influence 'noubɑ?di, - b?di/ /n?uz US the part of a person's or animal's face used for smelling or nose noun breathing nouz/ not adv used to make a word, statement, or question negative /n?t US nɑ?t/ /n?ut US note noun a piece of paper money nout/ /n?ut US note verb notice something,give your attention to something nout/ /n?ut US note noun a single sound at a particular level, usually in music nout/ /n?ut US note verb write something down so that you will remember it nout/ /n?ut US a short piece of writing, short explanation or an extra piece note noun of information nout/ /'n?utbuk US notebook noun a book of plain paper or paper with lines, for writing on 'nout-/ /n?u'vemb?, n?- US the eleventh month of the year, after October and before November noun December nou'vemb?r, n?-/ adv,nonow immediately,at the present time, not in the past or future /nau/ un /'n?mb? US -number noun an amount of something that can be counted b?r/ /'n?mb? US -number noun a word or sign that represents an amount or a quantity b?r/ /n??s US nurse noun a woman employed to look after a young child n??rs/ /n??s US noun,vsomeone whose job is to look after people who are ill or nurse erb injured, usually in a hospital n??rs/ /?k't?ub? US the tenth month of the year, between September and October noun November ɑ?k'toub?r/ /?v, ? strong of prep used to show possession, belonging or origin ?v $ ?v, ? strong $ ɑ?v/ /?v, ? strong of prep showing distance from something in place or time ?v $ ?v, ? strong $ ɑ?v/ of course adv used to say 'yes' or to give someone permission 0 /'?f?s US '??-, office noun a room or part of a building in which people work 'ɑ?-/ interjecoh when you want to get someone's attention /?u US ou/ tion /,?u 'ke? interjecused to show that you agree with something or give OK tion permission US ,ou-/ /?uld US old adj from a period in the past; former ould/ /?uld US something that is old has existed or been used for a long old adj time ould/ /?n US ɑ?n, on prep about a particular subject ??n/ /?n US ɑ?n, show that something is in a position above something else on prep and touching it ??n/ /?n US ɑ?n, used to say that someone continues to do something or on adj,adv something continues to happen, without stopping ??n/ /?n US ɑ?n, on adj,adv if a machine, light etc is on, it is operating ??n/ /?n US ɑ?n, on adj,adv if you have something on, you are wearing it ??n/ to be working at a particular time, especially when you are on duty doing a job which people take turns to do noun, determ one iner, (the number) 1 /w?n/ pronou n determ iner, refer to a particular occasion while avoiding stating the one /w?n/ pronouexact moment n on foot walking, standing /'?unli US conjunused like 'but' to give the reason why something is not only ction possible 'oun-/ /'?unli US show that something is limited to the people, things, only adv amount 'oun-/ /'?unli US only adj show that there is a single one or very few of something 'oun-/ /'?up?n US adj,veropen not closed or fastened,ready,begin b 'ou-/ /? strong ?? conjunor if not,show that a word or phrase means the same as $ ?r strong ction ??r/ /? strong ?? conjunor used to connect different possibilities $ ?r strong ction ??r/ /'?r?nd? US orange adj colour that is between red and yellow '??-, 'ɑ?-/ /'?r?nd? US a round fruit that has a thick orange skin or a colour orange noun between red and yellow '??-, 'ɑ?-/ /'??d? US verb,noorder arrange a group of people or things in a list from first to last un '??rd?r/ /'??d? US verb,noorder ask for something, especially in a restaurant or shop un '??rd?r/ /'??d? US order noun tidy,everything is arranged in its correct place '??rd?r/ determ /'?ð? US iner, other additional to the item or person already mentioned pronou'?ð?r/ n determ /'?ð? US iner, the second of two things or people,different from the other pronouitem '?ð?r/ n determour belonging to or connected with us /au? US aur/ iner /au?z US used to refer to something that belongs to or is connected ours pron with us aurz/ preposi/'?uv? US above or higher than something else, sometimes so that over tion,adone thing covers the other 'ouv?r/ v preposi/'?uv? US across from one side to the other, especially by going up over tion,adand then down 'ouv?r/ v /'?uv? US preposiover if an event or period of time is over, it has finished tion 'ouv?r/ preposi/'?uv? US over tion,adfrom a higher to a lower position; down 'ouv?r/ v /'?uv? US preposiover more than a particular amount or level tion,ad'ouv?r/ v a large black and white animal that looks like a bear and panda noun /'pænd?/ lives in the mountains of China /'pe?p? US -paper noun a newspaper ?r/ /'pe?p? US -thin flat material which is made from crushed wood or cloth paper noun and is used for writing, printing or drawing on ?r/ /'pe?r?nt US parent noun the father or mother of a person or animal 'per-/ /'pɑ?ti US noun,va social event when a lot of people meet together to enjoy party erb themselves 'pɑ?rti/ /'pɑ?ti US party noun a group of people who are involved in an activity together 'pɑ?rti/ /'pɑ?ti US party noun a political organization with particular beliefs and aims 'pɑ?rti/ /pɑ?st US prep, past later than a particular time adv pæst/ /pɑ?st US past adj done, used, or experienced before now,previous pæst/ /pɑ?st US past noun done, used, or experienced before now pæst/ a round fruit with juicy sweet yellow flesh, slightly furry red peach noun /pi?t?/ and yellow skin sweet juicy fruit that has a round base and is thinner near pear noun /pe? US per/ the top noun,vpen an instrument for writing or drawing with ink /pen/ erb pencil box noun a bag or box to carry pens and pencils in /'penslb?ks/ pencil a small device with a blade inside, used for making pencils noun 0 sharpener sharp a person that you make friends with by writing letters, penfriend noun often sb you have never met people noun people in general, or people other than yourself /'pi?p?l/ used as the plural of 'person' to refer to men, women, and people noun /'pi?p?l/ children /p?'hæps, show that something is possible or that you are not certain perhaps adv præps US about something p?r-, præps/ /pi'æn?u US a large musical instrument that has a long row of black and piano noun white keys -nou/ verb,nopick take some things and leave others; to choose /p?k/ un remove separate items or small pieces from something, pick verb /p?k/ especially with the fingers pick up go to the place and take someone away, often in a car 0 pick up lift something or someone up,collect something 0 noun,van occasion when you take a meal with you to eat outside picnic /'p?kn?k/ erb in an informal way /'p?kt?? US -picture noun a drawing, painting or photograph, etc ?r/ a type of food made with meat, vegetables covered in pie noun /pa?/ pastry and baked pig noun a large pink, brown or black farm anima, kept for its meat /p?g/ a large yellow-brown tropical fruit or its sweet juicy yellow pineapple noun /'pa?næp?l/ flesh verb,nothink about and decide what you are going to do,intend to plan /plæn/ un do something a vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one plane noun /ple?n/ engine a tool that has a flat bottom with a sharp blade in it, used plane noun /ple?n/ for making wooden surfaces smooth verb,nocover a metal object with a thin layer of another metal, plate /ple?t/ un especially gold or silver a flat and usually round dish that you eat from or serve plate noun /ple?t/ food on plate noun a flat piece of something that is hard and does not bend /ple?t/ verb,nospend time doing an enjoyable and activity,especially as a play /ple?/ un child verb,noplay take part in a game or other organized activity /ple?/ un play verb perform music on an instrument or instruments /ple?/ /'ple?? US -someone who takes part in a game or sport or plays a player noun musical instrument ?r/ please verb make someone feel happy or satisfied /pli?z/ interjecplease used to be polite when asking someone to do something /pli?z/ tion adj,pre positioplus added to,and also /pl?s/ n,conju nction point noun a particular place or position /p??nt/ point verb direct other people's attention by finger towards it /p??nt/ point noun a small round mark on a plan or map to show position /p??nt/ an exact moment, time, or stage in the development of point noun /p??nt/ something point noun a mark or unit for counting, especially scored in a sport /p??nt/ policeman noun a member of a police force /p?'li?sm?n/ policewoma/p?'li?s,wum?noun a female member of a police force n n/ /'p?pj?l? US popular adj relating to ordinary people, or intended for ordinary people 'pɑ?pj?posl?r / /'p?pj?l? US popular adj liked, enjoyed or supported by many people 'pɑ?pj?posl?r / /'p?ustkɑ?d postcard noun a card that can be sent in the post without an envelope US 'poustkɑ?rd/ pleasant to look at, or attractive or charming in a delicate pretty adj /'pr?ti/ way public adj relating to or involving people in general /'p?bl?k/ public noun describes a place where a lot of people are /'p?bl?k/ verb,nomove something towards yourself, sometimes with great pull /pul/ un physical effort take something out of or away from a place, especially pull verb /pul/ using physical effort a very large orange fruit that grows on the ground, or the pumpkin noun /'p?mpk?n/ inside of this fruit a model of a person or animal that you move by pulling puppet noun /'p?p?t/ wires or strings, or by putting your hand inside it /'p??p?l US noun,apurple a dark colour that is a mixture of red and blue dj 'p??r-/ /p??s US purse noun a small container for money, usually used by a woman p??rs/ put verb move something into the stated place, position or direction /pu?/ to confuse someone or make them feel slightly anxious puzzle verb /'p?z?l/ because they do not understand something a game in which you have to think hard to solve a difficult puzzle noun /'p?z?l/ question or problem quick adj,adv done with great speed, or lasting only a short time /kw?k/ quiet adj making very little noise,having little activity /'kwa??t/ a small animal with long ears and soft fur, that lives in a rabbit noun /'ræb?t/ hole in the ground noun,va competition in which people or animals compete to run, race /re?s/ erb drive etc fastest and finish first one of the main groups that humans can be divided into race noun according to the colour of their skin and other physical /re?s/ features /'re?di?u US -electronic equipment which use to listen to programmes radio noun broadcast diou/ /'re?di?u US -noun,vradio send a message using a radio erb diou/ noun,vrain water that falls in small drops from clouds in the sky /re?n/ erb rainy adj a rainy period of time is one when it rains a lot /'re?ni/ verb,noread look at written words and understand what they mean /ri?d/ un really adv in fact,used to express great certainty /'r??li/ really adv very or very much /'r??li/ receive verb get or be given something /r?'si?v/ shape that has four straight sides, two of which are usually rectangle noun longer than the other two, and four 90 angles at the /'rektæ?g?l/ corners adj,noured of the colour of fresh blood /red/ n relative noun a member of your family /'rel?t?v/ /r?'memb? to be able to bring back a piece of information into your remember verb mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory US -?r/ what is left after everything or everyone else has gone, rest noun /rest/ been used, dealt with, or mentioned verb,nostop working or doing an activity for a time and sit down or rest /rest/ un lie down to relax a food that consists of small white or brown grains that you rice noun /ra?s/ boil in water until they become soft enough to eat verb,nosit on an animal, especially a horse, and make it move ride /ra?d/ un along,travel,journey noun,vring an object in the shape of a circle,surround /r??/ erb verb,nomake a bell make a sound, especially to call someone's ring /r??/ un attention to you or to call someone to help you verb,noring make a telephone call to someone /r??/ un /r?ud US road noun a long hard surface built for vehicles to travel along roud/ /r?ul US roll noun a small round loaf of bread for one person roul/ /r?ul US verb,nomove somewhere by turning over and over or from side to roll un side roul/ /r?ul US a piece of paper, camera film, money etc that has been roll noun rolled into the shape of a tube roul/ noun,va part of the inside of a building that has its own walls, room /ru?m, rum/ erb floor, and ceiling the amount of space needs or opportunity for doing room noun /ru?m, rum/ something a short angry argument, especially between people who row noun /r?u US rou/ know each other well,= quarrel a line of things, people, animals, etc. arranged next to each row noun /r?u US rou/ other cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the row verb /r?u US rou/ water with oars /'r?b? US -a substance used to make tyres, boots etc, which is made rubber noun from the juice of a tropical tree or artificially ?r/ /'ru?l? US -someone such as a king or queen who has official power ruler noun over a country or area ?r/ /'ru?l? US -a long flat straight piece of plastic, metal, or wood that you ruler noun use for measuring things or drawing straight lines ?r/ same adj not another different place, time, situation, person or thing /se?m/ same adj exactly like another or each other /se?m/ /'sænw?d? US sandwich verb to be in a very small space between two other things 'sændw?t?, 'sænw?t?/ /'sænw?d? US two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, vegetables,etc sandwich noun 'sændw?t?, between them 'sænw?t?/ /'sæt?di, -Saturday noun the day between Friday and Sunday de? US -?r-/ saw verb to cut something using a saw /s?? US s??/ a tool that you use for cutting wood. It has a flat blade with saw noun /s?? US s??/ an edge cut into many V shapes /skɑ?f US a piece of cloth that you wear around your neck, head, or scarf noun shoulders, especially to keep warm skɑ?rf/ knowledge about the structure and behaviour of the science noun /'sa??ns/ natural and physical world one of the main periods into which a year is divided, which season noun each have a particular type of weather. In the west, the /'si?z?n/ seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter a place which acts as a base or centre for an important seat noun /si?t/ activity noun,vseat an item of furniture designed for someone to sit on /si?t/ erb a position as a member of a group that makes official seat noun /si?t/ decisions see verb to be aware of what is around you by using your eyes,watch /si?/ see verb meet or come into contact with someone, or to visit a place /si?/ see verb understand, know or be aware /si?/ numbeseventeen the number 17 /,sev?n'ti?n/ r /??l strong modal shall used to say that something certainly will or must happen verb ?æl/ /??l strong modal shall used instead of 'will' when the subject is 'I' or 'we' verb ?æl/ /??l strong modal shall used, with 'I' or 'we', to make a suggestion verb ?æl/ noun,vshape the particular physical form or appearance of something /?e?p/ erb pronoushe used to refer to a woman, girl or instead of 'it' /?i strong ?i?/ n noun,va large boat for travelling on water, especially across the ship /??p/ erb sea noun,vsomething that you wear to cover your feet, made of shoe /?u?/ erb leather or some other strong material /'??p?? US shopping noun the activity of going to shops and buying things ?ɑ?-/ /???t US happening or continuing for only a little time or for less short adj time than usual ???rt/ /???t US short adj small in length, distance or height ???rt/ /???ts/ US trousers that end above the knee or reach the knee, which shorts noun are often worn in hot weather or when playing a sport /???rts/ /??d strong modal should used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do verb ?ud/ /??d strong modal should used to show when something is likely or expected verb ?ud/ /??d strong modal should used instead of 'would' when the subject is 'I' or 'we' verb ?ud/ /'??uld? US noun,vone of the two parts of the body at each side of the neck shoulder erb which join the arms '?ould?r/ /'??uld? US area of ground beside a road where drivers can stop cars if shoulder noun having trouble '?ould?r/ verb,noshout speak with a very loud voice,express strong emotions /?aut/ un noun,vshow make it possible for something to be seen /??u US ?ou/ erb explain something to someone, by doing it or by giving show verb /??u US ?ou/ instructions verb,noshow express ideas or feelings using actions or words /??u US ?ou/ un show verb make it possible for something to be seen or noticed,know /??u US ?ou/ an event, fact etc that shows that something is happening sign noun /sa?n/ or that something is true or exists,= indication sign noun a written or printed mark which has a standard meaning /sa?n/ /s? strong sir noun used as a formal and polite way of speaking to a man s?? $ s?r strong s??r/ /'s?st? US -sister noun belongs to the same group or organization ?r/ /'s?st? US -sister noun a girl or woman who has the same parents as you ?r/ to be on a chair or seat, or on the ground, with the top half sit verb of your body upright and your weight resting on your /s?t/ buttocks the room in a house where you sit, relax, watch television sitting-room noun 0 etc,= living room determ iner, six the number 6 /s?ks/ pronou n, noun determ iner, sixteen the number 16 /s?ks/ pronou n, noun adj,nousixth coming after five other things in a series /s?ksθ/ n verb,noone of a pair of boots with metal blades on the bottom, for skate /ske?t/ un moving quickly on ice the activity or sport of moving around on skates for fun or skating noun /'ske?t??/ as a sport the sport of moving down hills, across land in the snow, or skiing noun /'ski???/ on water wearing skis /sk??t US a piece of outer clothing worn by women and girls, which skirt noun hangs down from the waist like the bottom part of a dress sk??rt/ noun,vto rest your mind and body, usually at night when you are sleep /sli?p/ erb lying in bed with your eyes closed verb,noto move smoothly over a surface while continuing to touch slide /sla?d/ un it, or to make something move in this way a small piece of film in a frame that you shine a light slide noun /sla?d/ through to show a picture on a screen or wall /sl?u US adj,advslow reduce speed or activity, or to make something do this ,verb slou/ /sm??l US adj,advsmall limited in size or amount when compared typical or average ,verb sm??l/ /sm??l US small adj being a very young child that is older than a baby sm??l/ a small informal restaurant where small meals can be eaten snack bar noun or bought to take away /'sn?ub??l US a ball of snow pressed together in the hands, especially for snowball noun throwing 'snoub??l/ /'sn?umæn snowman noun a model of a person made of snow, especially by children US 'snou-/ /'sn?ui US snowy adj with a lot of snow 'snoui/ adv,cobefore you give an explanation for the action just so /s?u US sou/ nj mentioned so adv in this way; like this /s?u US sou/ so adv express the meaning 'in the same way' or 'in a similar way' /s?u US sou/ so adv and for that reason; therefore /s?u US sou/ so adv very, extremely, or to such a degree /s?u US sou/ /'s?uf? US a comfortable seat with raised arms and a back, that is wide sofa noun enough for two or three people to sit on 'sou-/ soft drink noun a cold drink that does not contain alcohol 0 /s?m strong some adv used before a number to mean approximately; about s?m / /s?m strong some adv by a small amount or degree; a little s?m / /s?m strong determa number of people or things or an amount of something, some iner but not all s?m / /s?m strong determused to refer to a particular person or thing without stating some iner exactly which one s?m / used to mean a particular thing when you do not know its something pron /'s?mθ??/ name or do not know exactly what it is sometimes adv on some occasions but not always or often /'s?mta?mz/ son noun your male child,used by a man to a boy /s?n/ soon adv in or within a short time; before long; quickly /su?n/ /'s?ri US used to tell someone that you wish you had not done sorry adj something that has affected them badly, hurt them etc 'sɑ?ri, 's??ri/ feeling sadness, sympathy, or disappointment, especially sorry adj /'s?ri US because something unpleasant has happened or been done 'sɑ?ri, 's??ri/ say words, to use the voice, or to have a conversation with speak verb /spi?k/ someone speak verb give a formal talk to a group of people /spi?k/ special adj particularly important to someone,more than usual /'spe??l/ adj,nounot ordinary or usual, but different in some way and more special /'spe??l/ n important verb,nospend give money as a payment for something /spend/ un spend verb use time doing something or being somewhere /spend/ verb,aduse energy, effort, force, etc., especially until there is no spend /spend/ j more left noun,van object consisting of a round hollow part and a handle, spoon /spu?n/ erb used for mixing, serving and eating food /skwe? US square adj if body is square, it looks broad and strong skwer/ /skwe? US verb,nosquare the result of multiplying a number by itself un skwer/ /skwe? US a flat shape with four sides of equal length and four angles square adj of 90 skwer/ /skwe? US a large open area in the centre of a town or city, usually in square noun the shape of a square, or the buildings surrounding it skwer/ a small piece of paper that you buy and stick onto an stamp noun /stæmp/ envelope stand verb to be in or get into a particular state or situation /stænd/ stand verb support yourself on your feet or be in an upright position /stænd/ stand noun a position or opinion that you state firmly and publicly /stænd/ stand verb rise to an upright position /stænd/ stand verb put into a vertical state, especially by straightening the legs /stænd/ /'ste?pl? US stapler noun a tool used for putting staples into paper -?r/ /stɑ? US a very large ball of burning gas in space which is usually star noun seen from Earth stɑ?r/ /stɑ? US star noun a symbol with four or more points,show their rank stɑ?r/ /stɑ?t US verb,nostart begin doing something un stɑ?rt/ /stɑ?t US begin at one point and then move to another, in distance or start verb range stɑ?rt/ building and the surrounding area where buses or trains station noun /'ste???n/ stop for people to get on or off an organization which makes television or radio broadcasts, station noun /'ste???n/ or the building where this is done a building or place that is a centre for a particular kind of station noun /'ste???n/ service or activity still adv continuing to happen or continuing to be done /st?l/ adj,verstill make something stop moving or become more calm /st?l/ b stomachach/'st?m?k-noun pain in your stomach or near your stomach e e?k/ /st?p US verb,noto not continue, or to make someone or something not stop un continue stɑ?p/ /st?p US to prevent someone from doing something or something stop verb from happening stɑ?p/ a public road in a city or town that has houses, shops etc on street noun /stri?t/ one or both sides /'stju?d?nt US student noun someone who is studying at a university, school etc 'stu?-/ verb,nowatch and examine something carefully over a period of study /'st?di/ un time, in order to find out more about it verb,nostudy learn about a subject, especially in an educational course /'st?di/ un study noun a room in a house that is used for work or study /'st?di/ an area of knowledge which is studied or the thing being subject noun /'s?bd??kt/ discussed subject noun the thing or person that you show when you paint a picture /'s?bd??kt/ subject adj depending on the stated thing happening,affected /'s?bd??kt/ verb,ada subject country, state, people etc are strictly governed by subject /'s?bd??kt/ j another country the person or thing which performs the action of a verb, or subject noun /'s?bd??kt/ which is joined to a description by a verb an area of knowledge that you study at a school or subject noun /'s?bd??kt/ university subject noun a person or animal that is used in a test or experiment /'s?bd??kt/ the thing you are talking about or considering in a subject noun /'s?bd??kt/ conversation, discussion, book, film etc /'s?m? US -noun,vthe season of the year between spring and autumn ,spend summer erb the summer ?r/ sun noun the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat /s?n/ /'su?p?,mɑ?ka very large shop that sells food, drinks, and things that supermarket noun ?t US -people need p?r,mɑ?r-/ sure adj,adv certain; without any doubt,have confidence in and trust /??? US ?ur/ /s??f US surf verb to ride on waves while standing on a special board s??rf/ /'swet? US -a usually woollen piece of clothing with long sleeves which sweater noun is worn on the upper part of the body ?r/ verb,noclean the dust, dirt etc from the floor or ground, using a sweep /swi?p/ un brush sweep verb to move things from a surface with a brushing movement /swi?p/ adj,nousweet very pleasant and satisfying, charming and attractive /swi?t/ n adj,nousweet having a taste similar to that of sugar; not bitter or salty /swi?t/ n verb,noswim to move yourself through water using your arms and legs /sw?m/ un the sport of moving yourself through water using your arms swimming noun /'sw?m??/ and legs to make regular movements forwards and backwards or verb,noswing from one side to another while hanging from a particular /sw??/ un point, or to make something do this seat hanging from ropes or chains, usually used by children swing noun /sw??/ play on by moving it table noun a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs /'te?b?l/ a list of numbers, facts, or information arranged in rows table noun /'te?b?l/ across and down a page used with a noun instead of using a verb to describe an take verb action. For example, if you take a walk, you walk /te?k/ somewhere take verb to move in order to hold something in the hand(s): /te?k/ take verb swallow, breathe in, inject etc a drug or medicine /te?k/ take verb remove something, especially without permission /te?k/ if something takes a particular amount of time, money, take verb effort etc, that amount of time etc is needed for it to /te?k/ happen or succeed take verb travel somewhere by using a particular form of transport /te?k/ take off verb If an aircraft takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly 0 take off verb remove a piece of clothing 0 verb,notalk say things to someone as part of a conversation /t??k US t??k/ un verb,notalk discuss something serious or important with someone /t??k US t??k/ un verb,notalk say words and express thoughts, opinions, ideas etc /t??k US t??k/ un verb,notalk give a speech /t??k US t??k/ un talk about verb discuss something serious or important with someone tall adj of more than average height, or of a particular height /t??l US t??l/ narrow plastic material covered with a special magnetic verb,notape substance, on which you can record sounds, pictures, or /te?p/ un computer information narrow plastic material covered with a special magnetic verb,notape substance, on which you can record sounds, pictures, or /te?p/ un computer information noun,vthe feeling that is produced by a particular food or drink taste /te?st/ erb when you put it in your mouth taxi noun a car and driver that you pay to take you somewhere /'tæksi/ (a drink made by pouring hot water onto) dried and cut tea noun leaves and sometimes flowers, especially the leaves of the /ti?/ tea plant teach verb give someone knowledge or to instruct or train someone /ti?t?/ /'ti?t?? US -teacher noun someone whose job is to teach, especially in a school ?r/ /'ti?p?t US -a container for making and serving tea, which has a handle teapot noun and a spout pɑ?t/ /'tel?f?un US noun,vthe system of communication that you use to have a telephone erb conversation with someone in another place -foun/ /'tel?sk?up a piece of equipment shaped like a tube, used for making telescope noun distant objects look larger and closer US -skoup/ if someone tells you something, they communicate tell verb /tel/ information, a story, their feelings etc to you tell verb say that someone must do something /tel/ say something to someone, often giving them information tell verb /tel/ or instructions numbeten the number 10 /ten/ r, noun a shelter consisting of a sheet of cloth, used especially for tent noun /tent/ camping /t??m US term noun the conditions that are set for an agreement,contract,etc t??rm/ /t??m US a word or expression with a particular meaning, especially term noun one that is used for a specific subject or type of language t??rm/ /t??m US one of the periods into which a year is divided at school, term noun college or university t??rm/ /ð?n strong conj, than used with 'more' or 'less' to compare numbers or amounts prep ðæn/ thank noun grateful and appreciative feelings /θæ?k/ to express to someone that you are pleased about or thank verb /θæ?k/ appreciate something that they have done determ that iner, used to refer to a person, object, idea, etc. /ðæt/ pron /ð? before determthe used before nouns to refer to things or people vowels ði iner strong ði?/ /'θ??t? US -a building or place with a stage where plays and shows are theatre noun performed ?r/ /ð? strong determtheir of or belonging to them,used to refer to one person ðe? $ ð?r iner strong ðer/ /ðe?z US theirs pron of or belonging to them ðerz/ /ð?m strong them pron the object form of 'they' used after a verb or preposition ðem/ then adv in addition /ðen/ then adv next or after that /ðen/ as a result; in that case; also used as a way to an earlier then adv /ðen/ piece of conversation adverb, then adjectiat a particular time in the past or future /ðen/ ve pron,ex/ðe?, ð? US there clamati(to, at or in) that place ðer, ð?r/ on /ðe?, ð? US there adv used to introduce sentences, especially before the verbs be ðer, ð?r/ determ these iner,prthe plural of this /ði?z/ onoun they pron used to state what people in general say or think /ðe?/ used to refer to two or more people or things that have they pron /ðe?/ already been mentioned or are already known about thief noun someone who steals things from another person or place /θi?f/ adj,vera liquid that is thin flows very easily because it has a lot of thin /θ?n/ b water in it thin adj having little fat on your body /θ?n/ thin adj having a small distance between two opposite sides /θ?n/ an idea,action,or fact that someone thinks, does, says,or thing noun /θ??/ that happens an object that you are talking about without saying its thing noun /θ??/ name, or whose name you do not know especially BrE the tools, equipment, clothes etc that you thing noun /θ??/ need for a particular job, sport etc use the brain to plan something, solve a problem, make a think verb /θ??k/ decision, etc think verb believe something or have an opinion or idea /θ??k/ /'θ??sti US thirsty adj feeling that you want or need a drink 'θ??r-/ /,θ??'ti?n numbethirteen the number 13 r US ,θ??r-/ determ /ð?uz US iner, those the plural of that pronouðouz/ n determ iner, three the number 3 /θri?/ pronou n, noun /'θ??zdi, -de? Thursday noun the day between Wednesday and Friday US 'θ??rz-/ a long narrow piece of cloth tied in a knot around the neck, tie noun /ta?/ worn by men verb,nofasten together two ends of a piece of string or other long tie /ta?/ un thin material verb,notie relate to or connect to,special connections with places /ta?/ un tie noun a strong relationship between people, groups, or countries /ta?/ /'ta?g? US -a large wild animal that has yellow and black lines on its tiger noun body ?r/ tin noun a metal container which food can be stored,sold,cooked /t?n/ noun,aa soft silver-white metal that is often used to cover and tin /t?n/ dj protect iron /ta??d US tired adj feeling that you want to sleep or rest ta?rd/ /t? before to prep against or very near vowels tu strong tu?/ /t? before to prep in the direction of vowels tu strong tu?/ /t? before to prep used before a verb to show that it is in the infinitive vowels tu strong tu?/ today noun the present day,the present time /t?'de?/ toe noun one of the five movable parts at the end of your foot /t?u US tou/ /t?'geð? US -when two amounts or quantities are added together, they together adv are combined ?r/ /t?'geð? US -together adv at the same time ?r/ a room with a toilet in it,American Equivalent: bathroom, toilet noun /'t??l?t/ restroom /t?'m?r?u US adverb,tomorrow on or during the day after today -'m??rou, -noun 'mɑ?-/ too adv (especially at the end of a sentence) in addition, also /tu?/ more than is needed or wanted; more than is suitable or too adv /tu?/ enough too adv very, or completely /tu?/ the hard white objects in the mouth, which used for biting tooth noun /tu?θ/ and chewing toothache noun a pain in a tooth /'tu?θ-e?k/ touch verb put your hand, finger etc on someone or something /t?t?/ if two things touch, or one thing touches another thing, touch verb they reach each other so that there is no space between /t?t?/ them noun,va piece of cloth or paper used for drying someone or towel /'tau?l/ erb something that is wet a place where people live and work, containing many town noun houses, shops, places of work, places of entertainment, /taun/ etc., and usually larger than a village but smaller than a city toy noun an object for children to play with /t??/ an object that you buy because it gives you pleasure and toy noun /t??/ enjoyment, especially one that you don't really need the amount of vehicles moving along roads, or the amount traffic noun /'træf?k/ of aircraft,ect a very tall plant that has branches and leaves, and lives for tree noun /tri?/ many years triangle noun flat shape with three straight sides,a musical instrument /'tra?æ?g?l/ noun,van action which is intended to deceive, either as a way of trick /tr?k/ erb cheating someone /'trauz?z US a piece of clothing that covers the lower part of the body trousers noun from the waist to the feet -?rz/ TRUE adj right and not wrong; correct /tru?/ being what exists, rather than what was thought, intended TRUE adj /tru?/ or claimed verb,notry to attempt to do or get something /tra?/ un try verb test something to see if it is suitable or useful or if it works /tra?/ /'ti? ???t US -T-shirt noun a soft shirt with short sleeves and no collar ???rt/ /t??n US an opportunity or a duty to do something at a particular turn noun time or in a particular order, before or after other people t??rn/ /t??n US verb,noturn become, change into or come to be something un t??rn/ /t??n US verb,noturn change the direction in which you are facing or moving un t??rn/ /t??n US verb,noturn to (cause to) move in a circle round a fixed point or line un t??rn/ turn on make a machine start operating by pushing a button,ect 0 TV noun television /,ti? 'vi?/ noun,atwentieth position 20 in a countable series of things /'twent??θ/ dj determ iner, twenty the number 20 /twelv/ pronou n, noun noun,aone of two children born at the same time to the same twin /tw?n/ dj mother determ iner, two the number 2 /tu?/ pronou n, noun uncle noun the brother of someone's mother or father /'??k?l/ /'?nd? US -prep,adbelow or at a lower level than something, or covered by under v something ?r/ up and down from a higher to a lower position repeatedly us pron used by the person speaking or writing to refer to himself /,ju? 'es/ use verb take advantage of a person or situation; to exploit /ju?z/ verb,noput something such as a tool, skill or building to a particular use /ju?z/ un purpose /'ju??u?li, used to talk about what happens on most occasions or in usually adv most situations 'ju???li/ /vɑ?z US vase noun a container used to put flowers in or for decoration ve?s, ve?z/ VCD noun Video CD,Compact Disc digital video very adv to a great degree or extremely /'veri/ a type of underwear, often with no sleeves, which covers vest noun the upper part of the body and which is worn for extra /vest/ warmth a small wooden musical instrument that you hold under violin noun your chin and play by pulling a bow (=special stick) across /,va??'l?n/ the strings verb,nogo and spend time in a place, especially for pleasure or visit /'v?z?t/ un interest /'v?z?t? US -visitor noun someone who comes to visit a place or a person ?r/ /'v?lib??l US a game in which two teams use their hands to hit a ball over volleyball noun a high net 'vɑ?lib??l/ a woman who serves food and drink at the tables in a waitress noun /'we?tr?s/ restaurant /w??k US noun,vwalk to move along by putting one foot in front of the other erb w??k/ /w??l US a vertical structure, often tone or brick, that divides or wall noun encloses something w??l/ a small flat case, often made of leather, that you carry in /'w?l?t US wallet noun your pocket, for holding paper money, bank cards 'wɑ?-/ etc,American Equivalent: billfold /w??m US (especially in children's games) near to guessing a correct warm adj answer or to discovering a hidden object w??rm/ /w??m US warm adj friendly and affectionate w??rm/ /w??m US adj,verhaving or producing a comfortably high temperature, warm b although not hot w??rm/ /w?? US w???, verb,nowash clean something using water and a type of soap un wɑ??/ /w?? US w???, clothes that are to be washed, are being washed, or have wash noun just been washed wɑ??/ if a river, sea etc washes somewhere, or if something /w?? US w???, wash verb carried by the river or sea is washed somewhere, it flows or wɑ??/ moves there /w?t? US act carefully in order to avoid an accident or unwanted watch verb situation wɑ?t?, w??t?/ /w?t? US watch noun a small clock which is worn on a strap around the wrist wɑ?t?, w??t?/ /w?t? US verb,nolook at something for a period of time, especially changing watch un or moving wɑ?t?, w??t?/ /'w??t? US noun,vwater a clear liquid,pour water,give water to drink 'w??t?r, 'wɑ?-erb / /'w??t?,mel?n large round fruit with hard green skin, red flesh, and black watermelon noun US 'w??t?r-, seeds 'wɑ?-/ way noun an action that can produce the result you want; a method /we?/ a particular choice, opinion, belief or action, especially from way noun /we?/ among several possibilities way noun a route, direction or path /we?/ /wi strong we prep all people,I wi?/ /wi strong speaker and at least one other person when considered as a we prep group wi?/ /'weð? US -the temperature and other conditions such as sun, rain, and weather noun wind ?r/ /'wenzdi, -Wednesday noun the day of the week after Tuesday and before Thursday de?/ a period of seven days, especially either from Monday to week noun /wi?k/ Sunday /,wi?k'end weekend noun Saturday and Sunday, or Friday evening until Sunday night 'wi?kend US 'wi?kend/ verb,nowelcome un,intesay hello in a friendly way to someone who has just arrived /'welk?m/ rjection verb,nowelcome to be pleased about and encourage or support something /'welk?m/ un,adj exclamwell used to introduce something you are going to say /wel/ ation well adj in a good way, in a successful or satisfactory way /wel/ well adj healthy; not ill /wel/ well noun a deep hole in the ground from which people take water /wel/ predet ermine/w?t US wɑ?t, what r, used to ask for information or for someone's opinion w?t/ determ iner determ iner, /w?t US wɑ?t, pronouwhat used to ask for information about people or things n, w?t/ exclam ation /w?t US wɑ?t, pronouwhat the thing(s) which; that which n w?t/ adverb, where conjunto, at or in what place,in what situation /we? US wer/ ction determ iner, (used in questions and structures in which there is a fixed) which /w?t?/ pronouwhat one or ones n pronouwhich used as the subject or things you are referring to /w?t?/ n adj,nouwhite of a colour like that of snow, milk or bone /wa?t/ n pronouwhen asking which person or people, or when asking what who /hu?/ n someone's name is /'w?nd?u US one of the separate areas on a computer screen where window noun different programs are operating -dou/ /'w?nd?u US a space or an area of glass in the wall of a building or window noun vehicle that lets in light -dou/ a lot of wind,windy talk is full of words that sound windy adj /'w?ndi/ impressive /'w?nt? US -noun,vthe coldest season of the year, between autumn/fall and winter erb spring ?r/ noun,vwish a desire for something,want to do something /w??/ erb noun,vhope or express hope for another person's success or wish /w??/ erb happiness or pleasure on a particular occasion used with the past simple tense to express regret about a wish verb /w??/ state or situation that exists at the moment /'w?nd?f?l US wonderful adj making you feel very happy,extremely good -d?r-/ /w??d US noun,va single unit of language which has meaning and can be word erb spoken w??rd/ /w??d US word noun a brief discussion or statement w??rd/ /'w??k? US someone who works in an organization and who is not a worker noun manager 'w??rk?r/ /'w??k? US worker noun someone who does a job, especially a particular type of job 'w??rk?r/ /w??ld US world noun the Earth and all the people, places and things on it w??rld/ /w??ld US a group of things such as countries or animals, or an area of world noun human activity or understanding w??rld/ modal used to refer to future time from the point of view of the would /wud/ verb past modal used to refer to an intention from the point of view of the would /wud/ verb past modal would used as a more polite form of will in requests and offers /wud/ verb make marks which represent letters, words or numbers on write verb /ra?t/ a surface write verb to produce a new book, article, poem etc /ra?t/ wrong adj,adv not correct,not working correctly /r?? US r???/ adj,nouwrong not considered morally acceptable by most people /r?? US r???/ n /j??, j?? US year noun a period of about 365 days or 12 months j?r/ /'jel?u US -noun,ayellow (of) a colour like that of a lemon or gold or the sun dj lou/ /'jest?di, -noun,ayesterday on the day before today dv de? US -?r-/ adv,coyet despite that; used to add something that seems surprising /jet/ nj yet adv used to add emphasis to words such as another and again /jet/ yet adv still; until the present time /jet/ /j?, ju strong you pron people in general ju?/ /j?, ju strong you pron used to refer to a person or group of people when speaking ju?/ adj,nouyoung having lived or existed for only a short time and not old /j??/ n /'j?u j?u US a toy made of two circular parts that goes up and down a yo-yo noun string that you hold in your hand 'jou jou/ /'zi?br?, 'ze- an animal that looks like a horse but has black and white zebra noun lines all over its body US 'zi?br?/ an area in which animals, especially wild animals, are kept zoo noun /zu?/ so that people can go and look at them, or study them
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