

2017-09-16 27页 doc 78KB 23阅读




质量检查员岗位职责质量检查员岗位职责 一、质量检查员必须认真学习煤矿基建工程有关知识,提高业务素质,以适应工作的要求。 二、坚持随时对工程质量和安全状况进行检查,对查出的一般问题及时纠正,对查出的重大质量问题要及时向科长进行汇报。 三、对基建工程要严格根据设计矿井及国家有关法规、条例、标准进行审核。 四、认真做好质量检查的原始记录。 五、完成领导交给的有关工作任务。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testin...
质量检查员#岗位# 一、质量检查员必须认真学习煤矿基建工程有关知识,提高业务素质,以适应工作的要求。 二、坚持随时对工程质量和安全状况进行检查,对查出的一般问题及时纠正,对查出的重大质量问题要及时向科长进行汇报。 三、对基建工程要严格根据设计矿井及国家有关法规、条例、标准进行审核。 四、认真做好质量检查的原始记录。 五、完成领导交给的有关工作任务。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 值班员岗位责任制 一、听从值班负责人的安排,搞好当班安全运行。 二、严格执行各项规章制度和值班纪律,保持设备完好运行,并保持当班卫生清洁。 三、在值班负责人的领导下,操作、巡视、检查、维护当班设备。 四、认真填写值班记录及运行日志。 五、认真执行“两票”、“三规”。 六、保管好所有钥匙和工具。 七、完成值班负责人交给的其他任务。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 一通三防管理制度 一、认真贯彻执行国家安全生产方针,预防瓦斯事故,保证基建职工的安全和健康,严格严格执行《煤矿安全规程》有关规定,并结合基本建设的施工特点,制定项目部“一通三防”管理制度。 二、项目经理对本项目部通风瓦斯管理负全面责任;生产副经理负责对本项目部“一通三防”设施安装使用工作;技术副经理对本项目部“一通三防”管理负全面技术责任;机电副经理负责对项目部“一通三防” 防爆电气、实施安装调试、检查管理等工作;安全副经理负责检查项目部“一通三防”安全管理工作;驻项目部安监站长负责对本项目部“一通三防”安全监督检查。 三、必须建立、健全以下“一通三防”管理资料及技术档案: (1)通风、瓦斯检查人员出勤管理牌板; (2)局部通风机及风筒管理牌板: (3)通风仪器、仪表及瓦斯检查、监测监控仪器设备管理台帐; (4)通风设施管理台帐; (5)通风系统图; sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden (6)瓦斯监测仪器、瓦斯牌板分布情况示意图; (7)瓦斯检查记录台帐; (8)测风记录; (9)防爆运行检查记录; (10)避灾路线图。 四、施工工作面必须采用机械通风,并按施工组织设计或施工作业规程要求配足风量。 五、瓦斯检查人员及时将实测数据写入瓦斯牌板,并认真填写原始记录;按项目部规定及时填写日报,呈送项目经理及分管负责 人、值班人员审阅并签字。 六、施工项目部设专人每天向公司调度传发瓦斯日报,瓦斯浓度突增并超限时随时向公司汇报。 七、加强机电防爆设备检查、检修,设备完好达到100%。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 项目经理岗位责任制 一、 贯彻执行党和政府有关安全生产的方针、政策、法 令和制度。 二、在经理的领导下分管生产管理工作。 三、执行管生产必须管安全原则,做到在、布置、 总结生产的同时要计划、布置总结安全工作。 四、制定生产计划,布置生产时把安全工作放在首要位 置。 五、监督、检查生产作业中违反安全规定的行为,并提 出处理意见。 六、参加经理组织的安全大检查工作,对查出的问题提 出意见及整改措施。 七、加强管辖范围内职能部门的安全检查、监督工作。 八、参加管辖范围内的安全会议,提出安全建议。 九、参加管辖范围内的安全生产自查和月末质量验收工 作。 十、经常深入现场了解安全质量情况,对照三大规程实施严格的监督检查,发现不安全因素时,及时处理。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 物资供应科岗位责任制 为了切实加强项目物资管理,确保各分部施工生产顺利、及时、准确、合理地组织物资供应,坚持调控有序、高效益、低消耗的原则,确保工程任务需要。特制定本制度: 一、根据工程进度要求,认真组织物资“阳光采购”,在保证原材料质量及工程进度的前提下,确保物资价格的市场最低价和及时供应。 二、采购过程中必须坚持比质、比价、比运距,算成本“三比一算”的原则,坚持做到购货地点公开,采购数量公开,采购价格公开的“三公开”制度。 三、采购的主材必须要有:材质证书、质检证书、合格证书、数量、规格等所需材料,为物资点验提供依据。 四、物质验收应坚持验品种、验数量、验规格、验质量的“四验”制度。如发生短缺或其它情况,应及时做好验收记录,并向供方提出书面说明及时挽回经济损失。 五、严格办理供料手续,发料单是发料的依据,必须注明使用单位及部位,如实填写材料名称、规格及数量,物资主管、分部技术主管、收料人在发料单上签字后,方能作为项目结算材料费的依据。物资部要对项目所发生的材料费用负责。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 外包工管理制度 一、为加强外来务工人员管理,促使煤矿生产合理有序进行,特制定 本制度。 二、外来务工人员须为年满18周岁,持有本人身份证及户籍所在地发放的《外来人员就业登记卡》。 三、煤矿应对外来务工作员所持证件进行严格审核,确保无误后,应带相关证件到本地公安机关劳动用工部门备案认可。 四、应与外来务工人员签订劳动,其中应对双方权利、义务、事故赔偿等内容做出明确规定。 五、要对外来务工人员身体状况进行全面检查,发现在患不宜矿井作业疾病的人员时,应拒绝录用。 六、外来务工人员应具备必要的文化知识及职业技术能力,应配合行业部门对外来人员进行为期一个星期的相关业务、技术上岗前培训,并经考试合格方准上岗,新工人还应由老工人带领实习一个星期方可独立操作。 七、外来务工人员应遵守行业管理要求及本矿相关的制度,服从煤矿管理。 八、外来务工人员应自觉维护本矿秩序的稳定,不得聚众赌sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 博、打架滋事,项目部领导要关心外来职工的生活 。 九、必须为从事井下工作的外来务工人员办理意外伤害保险。 十、必须将外来人员纳入本矿统一管理,对他们和本地职工一视同仁,对在本职工作中表现突出的外来人员应按相关规定予以奖励。 ‘ sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 煤矿安全目标管理制度 为了进一步贯彻落实“安全第一,预防为主”的安全生产方针 ,加强我矿安全生产管理,强化现场管理,狠抓措施,制度落实,明确目标,责任到人,真正把安全工作落实在实处。 一、安全工作目标 1、依法办矿,加强管理,实现安全无事故总目标。 2、安全第一,预防为主,把事故隐患处理在萌芽状态。 3、按章操作,杜绝三违,保证尽量减少或不发生轻重伤事故。 4、杜绝重大伤亡事故。 5、严格按规定设置安全设备,机电设备要杜绝失爆。 6、井下风量要达到要求。 7、通风设施齐全,保证系统达到标准。 8、杜绝三违现象。 二、安全管理目标 1、根据“安全第一,预防为主”的原则,要把安全管理提到主要 议事日程。 2、按照管理生产必须管安全的原则,各级领导要有安全责sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 任制,明确所负职责。 3、各工种人员都要有岗位责任制度,严格按照进行,做到安全工作人人重视。 4、特殊工种人员要配齐,分兵把口负其责,把好安全关。 5、严格执行矿规定的安全检查制度和奖罚制度。 6、严格执行上级要求的各种记录报表和会议制度,保证安全畅通。 7、根据专管群治,全员管理的原则,从上到下形成安全防护网络,保证实现安全目标。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 领导跟班安全检查制度 为了切实搞好煤矿的安全生产工作,狠抓煤矿安全生产的管理,落实煤矿安全生产的具体措施,特制定本公司驻地项目 部领导跟班制度。 一、监督各班开好班前全,根据上班现场实际情况,详细安 排下班的安全生产工作。 二、全面负责我施工范围“一通三防”工作,及时掌握进展情况,及时分析存在的问题,采取措施,保证“一通三防” 工作顺利进行。 三、负责组织、落实矿井灾害预防处理计划及搞好防火、防 尘等工作。 四、对所分管范围内的安全生产、质量负全面责任,当安全和生产发生矛盾时,生产必须服从安全,并对采掘等生产过 程中存在的问题和事故隐患的处理负责。 五、严格按照采掘计划组织生产,不得随意增加采掘工作面, 严禁胡挖乱采,越层越界开采。 六、遵章守纪,狠抓“三违”,用“三铁”精神横扫安全生 产中出现的“三违”现象,确保安全生产。 七、坚持提前入井,工作期间不随便脱岗,跟班每月不少于20班次,加强现场管理,同工人同入井同处理隐患同出坑, 严禁提前出坑。 八、参加各种事故的抢救和追查分析处理工作。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 领导干部值班制度 为进一步强化对安全生产工作的组织、协调,结合矿井的实际情况,特制订本制度。 一、值班人员对矿井当日的安全生产、工作秩序负责。 二、掌握安全生产动态,对安全生产中出现的问题,组织有关人员采取措施,及时处理。对出现的紧急事件立即赶赴现场组织处理。 三、负责对当日出现的安全生产问题组织分析; 四、值班人员实行24小时值班制,并严格每日早、晚两次向公司调度中心进行值班汇报。 五、严格执行领导干部双值班制度。 六、矿值班人员严格执行请销假制度,不得随意缺席,特殊情况须经公司总经理同意方可。 七、严格执行值班交接班制度,做好值班记录。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 值班人员不得出现下列情况: 1、无故不参加值班或值班期间擅离职守的; 2、值班期间不认真履行职责的; 3、对当日安全生产组织协调不力造成影响的; 4、当日出现安全生产责任事故的; 5、不执行矿值班规定的; sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 科室管理制度 一、根据上级文件的规定,我项目部成立相应的科室,并明确其责任和管辖范围(四科一部) 二、各科室再分管经理的指导下开展工作。 三、各科室应配齐相应的工作人员。 四、参加矿组织的各项检查和专题会议。 五、完善本科室的各项管理制度、规程、措施。 六、每月向分管领导汇报工作中存在的问题、计划和作业总结。 七、完善各科室人员的培训和资料建档工作。 八、分管经理按标准对所辖科室进行督促、检查、奖惩。 九、参加班前会、安全活动、安全专题会、组织本科室人员定期学习上级的文件、规程。 十、参加矿井事故的分析会议和事故抢险工作。 福建华星建设工程有限公司 技术副经理岗位责任制 一、贯彻执行党和政府有关安全生产的方针、政策、法令和制度。 二、对全矿的安全工作负技术责任。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 三、在经理的领导下,分管“一通三防”和地测管理及技术措施的制定工作。 四、对本矿的通风设计和作业规程中安全措施进行审查。 五、参加经理有关通风安全会议和司故分析中安全措施的执行审查。 六、组织每月一次对全矿职工的安全技术培训。 七、经常深入现场,检查“一通三防”工儿中安全措施的执行情况,发现问题及时汇报经理并组织处理。 八、协助经理搞好安全技术工作。 九、对矿制定的各项作业中的安全技术措施进行审核。 十、参加经理组织的安全大检查工作,针对查出的问题提出符合实际的安全技术措施。 福建华星建设工程有限公司 机电副经理岗位责任制 一、贯彻执行党和政府有关安全生产的方针、政策、法令和制度。 二、在经理的领导下分管机电管理工作。 三、参加本矿机电方面安全生产的各种会议和机电事故的分析处理工作。 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 四、负责监督检查《规程》和机电方面安全措施的执行情况。 五、在现场检查中发现不安全问题时,要求有关人员采取措施,限期解决。 六、负责管辖范围内人员的技术培训和安全教育工作。 七、参加矿组织的机电安全大检查。 八、及时向经理汇报不符合规定的机电设备和更换计划。 福建华星建设工程有限公司 干部入井带班制度 一、严格按公司发文件的要求进行带班作业。 二、入井带班人员的职则主要是监督安全技术措施是否落实,存在哪些安全隐患,职工是否存在“三违”行为以及生产上、安全上还有哪些需要解决的问题。 三、项目部副队长以上人员包括技术员必须进行下井带班作业,与工人同上同下。其中技术员主要是跟打灰班,以确保工程质量。 四、每月初都要把这个月管理人员入井带班的顺序编排出来,以明确每个人带班的顺序和时间。 五、带班人员升井后,必须到调度室填写带班记录,写明入井时间、带班地点、发现和处理的问题、以及遗留问题的处sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 理意见。不及时填写带班记录按没有入井带班处理。 六、每月底由调度室把这个月管理人员入井带班的情况进行统计,并作为厂务公开的内容进公布。 七、带班人员有事外出或其它原因不能入井带班时,必须向生产经理请假,并协商好代替自己入井带班的人员,不能出现没有管理人员入井带班的情况。 八、无故不入井带班的人员要按旷勤进行罚款。 福建华星建设工程有限公司 调度安全例会制度 为贯彻执行党和国家的安全生产方针,提高煤矿职工的安全技术素质和安全生产的自觉性,确保安全生产之目的,特制定调度安全例会制度。 一、时间安排: 1、每日早8:00召开一次调度碰头会,由调度主任负责召集,经理级及职能科室领导开会。 2、每10天召集一次经理级的安全例会。调度负责召集,由经理级领导和相关科室、生产队人员参与。 二、例会内容 1、由各有关领导对安全生产方面的问题进行总结安排布置,sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 对存在的问题进行针对性的具体落实和处理。 2、调度要协调处理各种例会提出的问题。 三、例会记录 每次有安全例会必须做好记录,由调度员负责。 四、例会检查 安全例会的召开和记录由经理级负责检查,未按规定召开安全例会的进行记录的,每缺一次对负责人分别处以批评和罚款10元的处理。 福建华星建设工程有限公司 安全副经理岗位责任制 一、贯彻执行党和政府有关安全生产的方针、政策、法令和制度。 二、在经理的领导下分管安全工作,并对全矿安全工作负责。 三、参加灾害预防处理计划的编制,监督其执行情况。 四、监督本矿贯彻执行安全生产方针、政策、法令、指示、指令、文件和《规程》等情况。 五、负责每周向经理汇报安全工作开展情况,当本矿发生事故时,及时向经理汇报,并到事故现场参加事故抢救工作。 六、参加组织本矿规定的安全检查和安全会议,针对本矿安sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden 全问题提出改进意见。 七、及时掌握本矿的安全生产思想动向,加强调查研究,定 期组织所管辖人员分析本矿安全生产的情况,提出安全工作 的改进意见,摸清事故隐患,及时找有关人员解决隐患问题。 八、及时向经理汇报有关安全会议、安全检查、指示等情况。 福建华星建设工程有限公司 sampling as routine. The measuring instruments, measurement, instrumentation, testing equipment in accordance with the People's Republic of China Act provided for proofing and testing of measurement, new equipment must have a certificate of competency, standards can be used. 14.2.8 information recorded and saved as a single project, any construction steps must have a technician of construction team leader signature construction logs. It should include: warranty plan work procedures; standard specification for technical procurement specifications; baseline and benchmark measurement records; construction cross section height records; identification of concrete, steel and raw material testing records; records of nonconforming; review of the accident report and record the results. 14.3 each single engineered quality assurance measures 14.3 1, Earth-rock excavation quality control measures during excavation of the site surveyors should be familiar with the drawings and retest before construction surveying control network information provided by owners and the accurate construction lines, excavation of construction must be in strict accordance with technical measures and control. Topsoil dredging must dig to a specified depth, to adopt the necessary measures to prevent the soil from being washed ... 2, construction and living rooms to be built strictly according to the plan, it is forbidden
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