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莫言作品的乡土意识莫言作品的乡土意识 摘 要 在当代中国的小说创作中,莫言的小说取得了令人瞩目的文学成就。在莫言的小说中,“乡土意识”作为一个明显的存在已经被很多研究者所发现并讨论。但本文试图在现有的研究基础上,对莫言小说中的“乡土意识”做进一步的剖析与解读。在莫言二十余年的小说创作中,农村题材、农民形象和童年视角屡屡出现,并且小说中的自然环境、故乡景物、动物牲畜等描写都具有高度的拟人化特征,这一切在莫言的笔下变成了具有生命感的鲜活存在。这样独特的写作方式与审美追求与莫言的“乡土意识”紧密相连。本文通过把握莫言小说中所呈现出的“童年记忆”、...
莫言作品的乡土意识 摘 要 在当代中国的小说创作中,莫言的小说取得了令人瞩目的文学成就。在莫言的小说中,“乡土意识”作为一个明显的存在已经被很多研究者所发现并讨论。但本文试图在现有的研究基础上,对莫言小说中的“乡土意识”做进一步的剖析与解读。在莫言二十余年的小说创作中,农村材、农民形象和童年视角屡屡出现,并且小说中的自然环境、故乡景物、动物牲畜等描写都具有高度的拟人化特征,这一切在莫言的笔下变成了具有生命感的鲜活存在。这样独特的写作方式与审美追求与莫言的“乡土意识”紧密相连。本文通过把握莫言小说中所呈现出的“童年记忆”、“故乡情结”、“土地观念”和“天人合一”等重要元素,结合它们的特征与成因进行梳理与,试图论证莫言对于故乡、对于大地的情感与他对于母亲的情感体认是具有一致性的,同时我们也可以看到这种情感对于莫言的价值观具有最根基、最核心的意义。 关键词:童年记忆;土地观念;乡土意识。 village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destination--wearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, long-distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao-cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time, 目 录 一、莫言小说中的“故乡情结”„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 (一)莫言的童年记忆„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„4 (二)故乡在莫言小说中的呈现„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„6 二、莫言小说中的“土地观念”„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 (一)人生与土地„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„7 (二)“天人合一”与“大地之母”„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„8 三、“乡土意识”对于莫言小说的意义„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„10 (一)“乡土意识”作为莫言小说素材的源泉„„„„„„„„„„„„10 (二)“乡土意识”作为构建莫言式民间历史的基石„„„„„„„„„11 (三)“乡土意识”作为故乡、土地与母亲的情感统一体„„„„„„„13 四、参考文献„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„„15 distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Sh-ions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passwearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, S--SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationeace, k foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, pang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rand Wujibuilt, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completeor time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and ed, f9 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reportWorked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 193 rst section marked my draft statement.village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the fi2igrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,ds. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the mcutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goo-hun Tang Qiaoarewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to sanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid f 一、莫言小说中的“故乡情结” (一)莫言的童年记忆 童年是一个人成长的重要时期,人在童年时期就开始了对于世界与自身的感悟与认知。西方精神分析学派尤其认定,一个人的童年经历对于他以后的成人生活具有决定性影响。奥地利的医生兼学者弗洛伊德常常用个体的童年经历来解释其成年以后的异常行为。在他之后的荣格认为:祖先的记忆也存在于今天的我们的头脑中;法国的学者拉康则认为,人不过是在模仿人自身之外的“他者”。一个人对于世界的最初的感受与记忆,以及童年生活的环境与环境中的人,对其往往具有异常深远的影响,这在人的一生中都占有非常重要的位置。一个作家的童年经验与记忆,对于其创作的影响是巨大的。对于莫言,更是如此。 在莫言20岁参军之前,他是个完全在农村里长大的孩子,连热水澡都没有洗过。他的《红高粱》、《天台蒜薹之歌》、《丰乳肥臀》、《檀香刑》、《四十一炮》以及《生死疲劳》都是清一色的农村题材,主要人物也是农民。他的中篇小说中的《司令的女人》、《透明的红萝卜》、《欢乐》、《三十年前一场赛跑》以及短篇小说中的《初恋》、《苍蝇与门牙》也都是地道的乡土小说。 中国乡土小说的开端应该追溯到上个世纪初期,最具有代性的莫过于鲁迅的“乡土小说”。知识分子与农民是鲁迅笔下最常见的两种人物类型。?鲁迅的乡土小说比较有代表性有《阿Q正传》、《故乡》、《祝福》、《离婚》和《社戏》等作品。鲁迅乡土小说中的精神视野处在“乡土生活”的上方,在他的小说中透露出的是“觉悟者”对于“尚未觉悟者”的批判与悲悯,正是所谓的“哀其不幸、怒其不争”;?从文本结构上,呈现出的形态正如学者钱理群所描绘的“看与被看”的二元模式,而在思想层面上则是具有五?四时期的文化特征——“启蒙与被启蒙”的二元模式。鲁迅的乡土小说中描绘出的农民形象与乡村世界,更大程度上是作者以一个“外来者”的眼光,居高临下地审视这片土地上的人和事。? ?鲁迅开创的知识分子与农民两人题材被后来的中国作家一直传承下来,在当代文学中,莫言、贾平凹等人一直是农民题材的孥持者,2008年f}{I连科的长篇小说《风雅颂》则对知识分子做了“另类”的写。 ?关于鲁迅与“传统文化”抗争的情形与思考,以及对于当下人的感召意义,在当代学者众多的论述中,李新宇先生的感悟与思考显得十分独到而且深刻的,他的《愧对鲁迅》一书在众多讨论鲁迅的著作中卓尔小群,观点新锐精准,而且文笔动人,具体町参见李新宇:《愧对鲁迅》,上海三联出版社,2004年。 ?对于中国文化,鲁迅异常清醒,这也造就了他的孤独。当然鲁迅的思想也受到了来自中西方多种思想的影响,参见王富仁:《鲁迅——中国文化的守夜人》,人民文学出版社,2002年。 and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted-n the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longhange angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, thawearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to c--ay swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationbamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorw ility,lished one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immoburance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government estabnd insnot for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, aunty, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior en, Comonths, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August betweduties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few village temples Central Office every day, carry out their 宜顺论文网. Siazhen was sick for a long time,Shun to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang rom Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too latecutters, 1 f-www.13Lw.com 3 而以莫言为代表的当代乡土小说家,则是从作者的乡间生活经历入手,以乡土生活的内部作为出发点。他们的写作姿态并不凌驾于在那片土地上人们的本土逻辑之上,甚至是带有返朴归真式的眷恋以及发自肺腑的崇拜。 在当代乡土小说中,不同作家的作品之间也存在明显的差异。莫言之前的当代乡土小说作家,比如赵树理,他的小说中透露出的是自然而然的、对于农村与农民的亲切。或许正是他的“乡土出身”才使得他能够半自觉地完成了“文艺为工农兵服务”的“最高指示”。他的那些贴近农民生活与顺应农民语言习惯的小说很容易就得到了广大农民的接受与喜爱。此后作家的作品,比如浩然的小说,字里行间都透露着一片欣欣向荣的基调,这或许是那个时代整体气氛的产物。在 与莫言同时期的贾平凹的小说里,体现出了作者则义无反顾地用地道农民习惯与 品性写作,顽固地拒绝了当下日新月异的都市现代化的文明习气,他最近的长篇小说《高兴》亦是如此。 同样是乡土小说,同样是农村题材,莫言小说中的“乡土味”与其他作家的乡土小说相比较而言,则显得更加复杂且又多元化。 二十年的农村生活带给莫言的印象并不是鲁迅眼中的“阿Q精神”与“愚昧不化”,也不是赵树理与浩然的笔下的“津津有味”与“农村新貌”,更不是贾平凹所推崇的非城市化的价值观与生活理念,而是一种眷恋中夹杂着反感,疼痛中伴随着崇拜的、复杂的、爱恨交织的情感。 正如莫言自己所说的那样:“十八年前,当我作为一个地地道道的农民在高密东北乡贫瘠的土地辛勤劳作时,我对那块土地充满了刻骨的仇恨。它耗干了祖先们的血汗,也正在消耗着我的生命„„一切都看厌了,岁月在麻木地流逝着,那些低矮、破旧的草屋,那条干涸的河流,那些木偶般的乡亲们,那些凶狠奸诈的村干部,那些愚笨骄横的干部子弟„„当时我幻想着,假如有一天,我能幸运地逃离这块土地,我决不会再回来。”?莫言接着又说道:“故乡如一个巨大的阴影,依然笼罩着我。两年后,当我重新踏上这片土地时,我的心情竟是这样的激动。当我看到满身尘土、满头麦芒、眼睛红肿的母亲艰难地挪动着小脚从打麦场迎着我走来时,一股滚热的液体哽住了我的喉咙,我的眼睛里饱含着泪水„„那 时候,我就隐隐约约地感觉到了故乡对于一个人的制约。对于生你养你、埋葬着 ?莫言;《超越故乡》,选自《会唱歌的墙》,作家出版社,2005年,第233-234页。 distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Sh-ions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passwearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, S--SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationeace, k foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, pang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rand Wujibuilt, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completeor time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and ed, f9 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reportWorked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 193 rst section marked my draft statement.village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the fi4igrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,ds. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the mcutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goo-hun Tang Qiaoarewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to sanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid f 你的祖先灵骨的那片土地,你可以爱它,也可以恨它,但你无法摆脱它。”? 对于故乡,莫言既有想要远远地逃离开,“决不再回来”的决绝,又有再次返乡时的心中那巨大的感动。这片土地赋予了莫言无法选择的农村生活经历,当他逃离出去后,看到的生活的是另一番景象——城市中的美丽与丑恶(反映在其作品中的有:长篇小说《酒国》、短篇小说《倒立》等),当他回到故乡时,事实上是带有乡村与城市,或者说是传统与现代,两种完全不同的价值观来重新审视这片古老的土地的。于是,在莫言的小说中我们也就常常看到这样两种景象:一种是这片古老的土地所呈现的艰难与痛苦,比如《丰乳肥臀》中的一家人忍饥挨 饿,“母亲”连自己的亲生女儿都无法养活,只好卖给别人,以及上官金章与他的母亲各自忍辱负重历尽千辛万苦的一生。另一种则是在这片古老土地上的那种让我们久违了的血性与豪情,比如《红高粱》里的“我奶奶”的那比男人还坚定果敢的胆魄与气度,再比如一帮土匪豁出去命去跟同本鬼子决战的勇猛。 正是这种对于故乡的爱恨交织的情感,才让莫言的小说显示出了与其他作家的乡土小说截然不同的风貌。 (二)故乡在莫言小说中的呈现 从某种意义上来说,故乡正如一位母亲,不仅赋予了莫言以生命,同时还给予了莫言以无法泯灭的记忆与对于童年生活的怀念之情。这表现在莫言不厌其烦地、一次次将小说的故事发生地设定在了山东高密东北乡;一次次地让他的记忆中的人物与故事在想象中和崇拜中的英雄、传奇进行有机地组合。 不仅如此,在莫言在小说中,“童年视角”也被常常使用,从《红高粱》里的“我”的“自述”到《丰乳肥臀》中的上官金童的“恋乳”,再到《四十一炮》中罗小通跟大和尚的对话,以上皆是如此,此外还有像中篇小说《司令的女人》、短篇小说《初恋》干脆就让“儿童”作为故事的主人公等等。张德培对于莫言的 “童年视角”的使用的论断可谓一语中的,他说:“莫言的小说看到的就是一个 植根于农村的童年记忆中的世界,一种儿童所独有的看待世界的全新目光。”? “童年视角”在莫言小说中的一再被使用,一方面说明了童年记忆对于莫言 来印象十分深刻,一方面也正是在印证,如莫言自己所说的“(莫言)是个在精神 ?莫言;《超越故乡》,选自《会唱歌的墙》,作家出版社,2005年,第233-234页。 ?程德培:《被记忆缠绕的世界——莫言创作中的章年视角》,选自《莫言研究》,天津人民出版社,2006 and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted-n the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longhange angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, thawearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to c--ay swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationbamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorw ility,lished one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immoburance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government estabnd insnot for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, aunty, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior en, Comonths, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August betweduties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few village temples Central Office every day, carry out their 宜顺论文网. Siazhen was sick for a long time,Shun to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang rom Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too latecutters, 1 f-www.13Lw.com 5 年,第130页。 上拒绝长大的孩子”。?而儿童对于母亲的情感需要,正与莫言对于故乡的眷恋具有绝对的一致性。对于一个孩子来说,无论外面的世界多么的五光十色,无论他多么喜爱在外面玩耍,但总是要回家的,回到让他觉得最习惯了的、适应了的环境,回到带给他最初的温暖感与安全感的母亲的身旁。对于莫言,故乡正是在扮演着这样一位母亲般的角色。正如批评家张清华所指出的那样,《丰乳肥臀》的母亲具有“伦理学”与“人类学”的双重意义。?由此可见,莫言在文本中的 “童年视角”,从某种意义上看,正是他“精神恋母”的体现。在这里需要强调 的是,莫言的“精神恋母”情结也同时是具有“伦理学”与“人类学”的双重意义的,而在“人类学”层面上,故乡无疑正是生养并孕育了故乡上的人们的“母亲”。 二、莫言小说中的“土地观念” (一)人生与土地 农民对于土地的依赖与感情,是在祖祖辈辈长期的田间劳作的直接经验中建立起来的。从播种到收割,农民以付出汗水,收获粮食为生。土地直接养育了土地上面的农民。农民在长期的与土地“打交道”的过程中,对土地的特性也非常熟悉,并且也积蓄出了非常深厚的感情。不仅莫言的童年记忆来自那片土地,而且莫言的先辈的生活真实经历与传说中的民间传奇也都来自于那片土地。 莫言在他的《超越故乡》一文中,鲜明地提出“故乡就是血地”的论断。土地作为“血地”,在血缘上与作家是血脉相连的。正像莫言所说的那样:“这地方有母亲生你时流出的血,这地方埋葬着你的祖先,这地方是你的血地。”?这片土地不仅生育了土地上的人们,并且也养育了这片土地上的人们。 在莫言的小说《生死疲劳》中,作者通过西门闹转世为驴、牛、猪、狗、猴以及大头婴儿蓝千岁见证了西门屯在上个世纪后半叶的“山乡巨变”,展现出了农民对于土地的强烈感情。这其中的情感有依恋也有敬奉,有惋惜也有缅怀。在 这风云变化的五十年的光阴中,关于土地的政策与事件深深地影响着中国的农民。土地不仅是农民赖以生存的生产资源,在情感上也是农民的精神母亲。农民 为了维系生计也为了守护情感,在关于土地的问题上,经受了巨大的苦难与艰辛, ?见《四十一炮》后记《述说就是一切》,莫言:《四十一炮》,春风文艺出版社,2003年。 ?张清华:《叙述的极限》,载《当代作家评论》,2003年第2期。 arewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to sanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid fdistance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Sh-ions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passwearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, S--SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationeace, k foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, pang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rand Wujibuilt, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completeor time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and ed, f9 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reportWorked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 193 rst section marked my draft statement.village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the fi6igrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,ds. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the mcutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goo-hun Tang Qiao ?莫言:《超越故乡》,选自《会唱歌的墙》,作家出版社,2005年,第227页。 无数的血汗也都洒在了这片灼热的土地上。 这风云变化的五十年的光阴中,关于土地的政策与事件深深地影响着中国的农民。土地不仅是农民赖以生存的生产资源,在情感上也是农民的精神母亲。农民为了维系生计也为了守护情感,在关于土地的问题上,经受了巨大的苦难与艰辛,无数的血汗也都洒在了这片灼热的土地上。 正如莫言的小说中很多人物都是有生活原型的一样,蓝脸也是其中之一。在莫言的家乡就一位这样的“又臭又硬”的农民老孟,莫言在一次谈话中对老孟做了介绍。此外,在莫言家乡还有一户人家,土改时分得的地,因为县里要修公路占用而坚决不同意,在后来的“十年动乱”期间被人斗死,他的老婆很快也抑郁而终。他的儿子立刻加入到人民公社里了,儿子感觉到真是解放了,马上融到这个集体里去了,一块很高兴的。这个故事应该就是《生死疲劳》中的蓝脸拒绝入社的故事原型。莫言家乡的单干户老孟所坚信的“入社自愿,推社自由”的规 定,也正是小说中蓝脸所坚持的依据。蓝脸对于土地的坚守与信奉正如作者对于土地的观念,表现在小说中所写到的:“一切来自土地的都将回归土地。”? (二)“天人合一”与“大地之母” 所谓“天”,一般观点认为包含着如下内容:1,天是可以与人发生感应关系的存在;2,天是赋予人以吉凶祸福的存在;3,天是人们敬畏、事奉的对象;4,天是主宰人、特别是主宰王朝命运的存在(天命之天);5,天是赋予人仁义礼智本性的存在。另一种观点认为“天”就是“自然”的代表。?“天人合一”有两层意思:一是天人一致。宇宙自然是大天地,人则是一个小天地。二是天人相应,或天人相通。是说人和自然在本质上是相通的,故一切人事均应顺乎自然规律,达到人与自然和谐。 在文学中呈现的“天人合一”主要指的是后一种解释。“天人合一”还是中国古代的重要的审美范畴之一,强调人与自然的相通与和谐,进而达到较高境界的审美体验。? 在莫言的小说里,“天人合一”则是通过“自然”的“人化”呈现出来。所 ?莫言:《生死疲劳》,作家出版社,2006年版,第513页。 ?朱立元:《美学》,高等教育出版社,2002年,第203—205页。 ?李泽厚关于中国美学与审美体验中的“三种层次”有详细的论述,参见李泽厚:《美学三书》,安徽文艺 rom Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too latecutters, 1 f-and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted-n the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longhange angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, thawearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to c--ay swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationbamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorw ility,lished one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immoburance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government estabnd insnot for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, aunty, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior en, Comonths, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August betweduties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few village temples Central Office every day, carry out their 宜顺论文网. Siazhen was sick for a long time,Shun to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhangwww.13Lw.com 7 出版社,1999年。 谓“自然”的“人化”,李泽厚这样解释说:“积淀是一种‘文化一一心理结构’。 亦即所谓‘自然的人化’, 亦即人之区别于动物的‘人性’所在。”?在莫言的 小说中,自然景物不仅是作为常规意义上的“背景”出现,甚至也是作为故事情节中的“见证者"与“参与者”而登场的。在《红高粱》中,红高粱不再是我们通常经验世界里的没有情感的植物,而是作为了一群有血有肉的旁观者而存在。例如像下面这样的描写:“站在河堤上,抬眼就见到堤南无垠的高粱平整如板砥的穗面。它们都纹丝不动。每穗高梁都是一个深红的成熟的面孔,所有的高粱合成一个壮大的集体,形成一个大度的思想。”?不仅如此,红高粱还会随着人们经历一样地具有情绪上的变化与感情上的波动。比如当“我奶奶”经受着身体与心灵的双重疼痛时,高粱米粒仿佛眼泪一般地落下。?小说中的人物经历的喜怒 哀乐与悲欢离合,都被红高粱默默地见证着,它们就像是鲜活的生命体,并且与其中的人物在情感基调上高度一致、相互融合。 “野合”也是莫言小说中的一个重要意象。《红高粱》里在高粱地里“野合” 和“我奶奶”;在《檀香刑》里则是孙眉娘与钱丁在地上的偷情;的“我爷爷” 在《生死疲劳》里莫言则更加干脆地让西门闹转世成的毛驴与母驴在小树林里交配。“野合”在莫言的小说里是情感高度凝聚后的极致化表达,即表达了直通人性深处的最原始的力量,同时象征着其中的人物在最强烈的感情中回归了大自然的怀抱。 莫言小说中的“自然”充分的人化,与莫言的对于乡土的观念有着直接的关系。在莫言看来,土地上的万物都有着生气与情感,它们不断在莫言拟人化的笔端变得鲜活起来,进而与其中的人物达到“天人合一”。在莫言的小说中,自然景物不再是单单的用来交代背景与渲染气氛,而是与人物的经历与心情紧密地联系在了一起,成为了具有生命感的意象,并且实现了人生、大地(自然)与情感的三者的高度统一与凝聚。在莫言的小说中,三者成功地的实现了一体化。 大地这一意象在莫言的笔下,就像是一位母亲。莫言一次次地书写着这片土地的悲欢离合,就像是一个孩子在观看自己的妈妈的喜怒哀乐。在这片土地上有《红高粱》里的抗日战争,有《檀香刑》里的抗德战争,有《丰乳肥臀》中的贫瘠与 ?李泽厚:《论语今读》,安徽文艺}“版社,1998年,第29页。 ?莫言:《红高粱》,选自小说集《民间音乐》,春风文艺出版社,2004年,第68页。 cutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goo-hun Tang Qiaoarewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to sanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid fdistance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Sh-ions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passwearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, S--SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationeace, k foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, pang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rand Wujibuilt, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completeor time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and ed, f9 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reportWorked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 193 rst section marked my draft statement.village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the fi8igrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,ds. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the m ?同上,第104页。 疮痍,更有一系列有血性也有懦弱、有高尚也有猥琐的人们。莫言对于这一切的感情基调,在《生死疲劳》呈现得非常有代表性。 正像莫言自己在阐述《丰乳肥臀》时鲜明地提到的那样:“一旦把母亲和大地联系在一起,我的眼前便一望无垠地展开了东北高密乡广袤的土地,清清的河水在那片土地上流淌,繁茂的庄家在那片土地上生长。既有‘天地不仁以万物为刍狗’,也有‘天地厚德以载万物’。母亲其实也是大地之子,母亲并不是大地,但母亲具有大地的品格,厚德载物,任劳任怨,默默无言,无私奉献,大言希声,大象无形,大之至哉!所以为母亲歌唱必须为大地歌唱,因此歌唱母亲就是歌唱大地!”?在这里,我们便可清晰地看到,莫言对于土地与母亲的情感上的一致与统一,那种悲悯与热爱都是浑然一体的! 三、“乡土意识”对于莫言小说的意义 (一)“乡土意识”作为莫言小说素材的源泉 包含着莫言的“故乡情结”与莫言的“土地观念”两个莫言的“乡土意识” 方面,二者共同作用于莫言的小说创作之中。首先表现在莫言小说中故事的发生地,如《红高粱》、《丰乳肥臀》、《檀香刑》、《四十一炮》等作品都是直接将故事的发生地就选在了山东高密东北乡,莫言在他的小说中一次次“重返故乡”,其次是莫言小说的主人公绝大多数都是农民,像《红高粱》中的余占鳌和罗汉爷爷、《丰乳肥臀》中的上官鲁氏、《檀香刑》中的孙眉娘、《四十一炮》中的罗通,以及《生死疲劳》里的蓝脸和西门闹等等。这些活生生的农民形象一方面来自莫言农村生活中的原型,一方面也来自莫言对于故乡那片土地上的“精神血脉”的追认与缅怀。莫言通过对于“历史”的重新叙述,试图去找回那些我们今日已经久违了的敢做敢为的血性与敢爱敢恨的豪迈,让遮蔽在历史中的民族性的闪光点再次释放出应有的光辉! 此外,莫言的“乡土意识”对于小说创作的影响,还表现莫言对于故乡的“民间资源”的传承与利用。“民间资源”既包括地方的曲艺形式,也包括流传于民间的“传说”。在《檀香刑》中,莫言便将“猫腔"写进了小说。书中的主人公之 一孙丙本原本就是当地唱“猫腔”的,而且唱得非常优秀。“猫腔”在《檀香刑》不仅进入了作品的内容中,还进入了作品的“形式”中,在书中的每一章的开头 to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted-n the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longhange angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, thawearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to c--ay swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationbamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorw ility,lished one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immoburance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government estabnd insnot for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, aunty, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior en, Comonths, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August betweduties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few village temples Central Office every day, carry out their 宜顺论文网. Siazhen was sick for a long time,Shun to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang rom Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too latecutters, 1 f-and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao www.13Lw.com 9 ?莫言:《丰乳肥臀解》,载《光明日报》1995年11月22日。 都呈现了“猫腔”的唱段。特别值得一提的是,民间传说对于莫言小说的影响则非常明显。在莫言的笔端下,民间传说为莫言的想象力插上了一双翅膀,一个又一个魔幻的、传奇的故事涌现在了莫言的小说中。《丰乳肥臀》里,那传奇女侠一般的孙大姑出手不凡,那自称“鸟仙”的上官领弟的怪异行为都有明显“民间传说”的影子。魔幻的情境在莫言的小说中更是比比皆是,《透明的红萝卜》里阳光下的透明的红萝卜,《檀香刑》中有些憨傻但能看清人是什么动物的赵小甲,《生死疲劳》中西门闹的六次转世为各种动物等等,都带有强烈的“志怪”色彩。这些魔幻的内容让故事中的那片土地更加富有神秘感与传奇性的同时,也表露出了作者对于土地与自然的崇敬之情。 在莫言叙述出的一个又一个发生在东北高密乡的故事中,也深切地表达着作者对于那片土地的浓厚的复杂的感情。一方面,莫言为土地带给自己与自己的祖祖辈辈带来的艰辛与磨难而心痛,而一方面莫言也为这片土地上的大开大合的感情与传奇动人的故事而深深感动,并且莫言对于土地还有着敬爱母亲一般的深情。正是在这样的感情的推动下,莫言用他的小说一次次进入由他的“童年记忆”与想象力共同描绘出的世界里。在那些虚拟的世界里,莫言一再地抒发着他真实的感情 (二)“乡土意识”作为构建莫言式民间历史的基石 莫言通过他的一系列小说,不仅描绘了在中国当代文学史中独特的亮丽的山东高密乡的传奇,而且也书写出了非常具有“民间性”的历史图景。 在中国当代文学史上,“新历史主义小说”的出现是上承此前几十年的“革命历史小说”而出现的,二者在创作理念上与美学追求方面都是背道而驰的。?一般认为“新历史主义小说”是指在“正史”的背景下对“历史"进行重新叙述的小说。如余华的《活着》、《许三观卖血记》,苏童的《我的帝王生涯》,叶兆言的《1937年的爱情》等作品。?福柯说,话语背后是权利。在现实的空间里,无论是在书写历史的问题上,还是在文艺创作中的“虚构”历史中,也都同样受制于话语背后的“权利”。由于中国上个世纪80年代中期到90年代的特殊语境,以及大量西方学说与文艺理论的引入,使得“新历史主义小说”的诞生成为了可 ?黄子平:《灰阑中的叙述》,上海文艺出版社,2001年,第2页。 ?洪子诚:《中国当代文学史》,北京人学出版社,2002年,第390页。 -hun Tang Qiaoarewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to sanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid fdistance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Sh-ions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passwearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, S--SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationeace, k foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, pang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rand Wujibuilt, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completeor time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and ed, f9 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reportWorked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 193 rst section marked my draft statement.village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the fi10igrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,ds. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the mcutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goo 能,并且变成了现实。? 莫言的小说呈现出的“民间化历史”表现两个方面,一是鲜活的人物性格更加“组合化”,他们往往有缺点也有优点。这类人物相对于“高大全”的人物更加性格立体,血肉丰满,更加具有“人间性” ?另一方面就是还原“历史真实”,比如《檀香刑》(这部小说中,还有一个隐在的结构,即由官员力量的代表钱丁与赵甲、民变匪的孙丙与纯民间的孙眉娘之间的三角形关系,正好形成一个“官、匪、民”的三元结构)运用“自然主义”的笔法写出的“酷刑”进行了展示。 批评家李敬泽对这部小说给予了非常充分的肯定:“这也是中国精神的一个持久伤口,中国现代民族国家在这个伤口的血泊中建立和成长,它直到现在依然红肿,阵阵作痛。我们被两种不同的自我想象所支配,一种是被侵犯、被剥夺的 软弱和愤怒,另一种则是接受侵犯者与剥夺者的逻辑,终有一日会消除我们的软 弱„„所以,《檀香刑》那个血腥而壮丽的脔肉场面尽管会使神经脆弱的读者感到不适,但却是中国现代精神单一个伟大神话„„它是历史,它是对历史的反抗„„”? 在这段论述中,所谓“它是历史”,指的是小说的“文学真实”中所折射出的“历史真实”。所谓“它是对历史的反抗”,指的正是对“权力话语”书写的“历史”的反抗! 莫言在谈到自己立足于民间立场的写作时,明确地强调:“一个作家为了受到某种褒奖,来讨好某种人某种团体,牺牲自己的东西,当然就不是一种民间写作。民间写作,实际上就是一种强调个性化的写作,什么人的写作特别张扬自己个人鲜明的个性,就是真正的民间写作。”?正是在遵循着这样的“民间立场”的写作原则下,莫言一直坚持着“作为老百姓而写作”。莫言在的小说作品中不 断地描写着属于“民间”的人物与传奇,这些人物与传奇共同创建了一个真正属于“农民、下层人,老百姓”的“民间历史”。 ? ?参见陈晓明:《无边的挑战》,广两师范人学出版社,2004年。 ?需要说明的是,在这类人物之中并小包含反面的一些人物。如《檀香刑》中的赵甲,他既足执行暴力刑法的能手,同足也足最无情的人,被“异化”了的人。关于“异化”概念,从马克思的《1844年哲学经济学手稿》中经卢卡奇(“物化”说)到法兰克福学派一直作为批判现实的重要理论而使用。 ?李敬泽:《莫言与中国精神》,载《小说评论》2003年第l期。 ?莫言,王尧:《莫言、王尧对话录》,苏州大学出版社,2003年,第218—22l页。 rom Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too latecutters, 1 f-and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this short distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted-n the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longhange angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, thawearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to c--ay swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationbamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorw ility,lished one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immoburance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government estabnd insnot for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, aunty, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior en, Comonths, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August betweduties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few village temples Central Office every day, carry out their 宜顺论文网. Siazhen was sick for a long time,Shun to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhangwww.13Lw.com 11 ?同上,第157页。 (三)“乡土意识”作为故乡、土地与母亲的情感统一体 在莫言用他所坚持的“民间立场”创作出的小说中,莫言一直保持着对于故乡、土地与母亲的十分浓烈的深情。这种复杂的炽热的感情来自几个方面,首先就是他自己的经历,尤其是让莫言始终无法忘却的童年记忆,那些疼痛的“饥饿记忆”与“屈辱记忆”带给莫言以深深的“伤害”,这些“记忆”的场景与感受在莫言的小说中不断的以各种面貌出现。可以这样说,对于故乡生活中农民所受到的苦痛,莫言有着十分强烈的切肤之痛的感受,这是也让他始终无法忘却曾经的痛苦的原因。而莫言的生活中所经历的“历史”,也让莫言无法在精神与价值观上给予认同。在小说《丰乳肥臀》的后半部,莫言就是使用了大量的带有荒诞意味的反讽笔调。?其次,莫言在“民间记忆”中深切地体味到了在故乡的土地上的祖祖辈辈艰难的生活与磨难,并且对于祖先的传奇与血性满怀崇敬之心与缅怀之情。这也使得莫言的写作不断地重返“历史”,去再现那些感天动地的爱与恨,那些大开大合的笑与泪。正是这些传奇故事才展开了东北高密乡上属于民间历史的画卷。这种民间历史也正是对于历史真实的还原与反思。正如批评家谢有顺在研究中讨论了《檀香刑》所折射出的“酷刑教育”; ?以及批评家洪治纲也指出了莫言小说内在的文化批判指向。? 在上述两个方面因素之外,在莫言的小说体现出的“乡土意识”之中的情感,正是莫言对于故乡与土地怀有着像深爱着母亲一般的浓厚情感。莫言的母亲的一生所经历的艰难与痛苦,是那片土地上世世代代的人们经受的典型代表。最有代表性的就是在莫言称为自己最重要的作品《丰乳肥臀》中所写的上官鲁氏经历的苦难的一生,正是那一片土地与土地上的人的缩影。在母亲留给的莫言记忆中,最多的便是母亲所经历的艰辛与痛苦。? 当莫言在小说创作时,则把对于母亲的深切同情与自己对于家乡那片土地、 那片土地上的人们以及那片土地上的传奇的情感与体认,充分地融合到了自己的文字之中。就像莫言在阐释《丰乳肥臀》时的所说的那样:“我在《丰乳肥臀》 中描绘了高密东北乡从一片没有人烟的荒原变成繁华市镇的历史。描写着这片土 ?余华的《兄弟》的下部也使用此类手法。 ?谢有顺:《当死亡比活着更困难》,载《当代作家评论》2001年第5期。 ?洪治纲:《刑场背后的历史》,载《南方文坛》2001年第6期。 hun Tang Qiaoarewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to sanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid fdistance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Sh-ions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passwearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, S--SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationeace, k foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, pang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rand Wujibuilt, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completeor time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and ed, f9 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reportWorked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 193 rst section marked my draft statement.village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the fi12igrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,ds. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the mcutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goo- ?莫言:我的《丰乳肥臀》,选自《莫言研究资料》,扬扬编,天津人民出版社,2006年,第55—56页。 地的百年变迁,母亲们和她们的儿女们在这片土地上苦苦地煎熬着、不屈地挣扎着,她们的血泪渗透了黑色的大地„„只要大地不沉就能产生五谷,只要有女人就有丰乳就有肥臀就有母亲人类就能生生不息„„能在这个星球上繁衍不息就大自然的奇迹就是宇宙的至高无上的幸福!” ? 纵观莫言的小说创作,“乡土意识”无疑是作品中呈现出来最直接、最强烈的特征。“乡土意识”不仅作为莫言写作小说的重要资源,也是莫言在建造一幅壮丽的“民间历史”画卷的立足点。 在莫言的“乡土意识”的内部,莫言的“乡土意识”体现在莫言的“故乡情结”与“土地观念”两个方面。通过上述的论述,我们可以发现莫言的“故乡”与“土地”的情感体认都有着对母亲一样的深情。表现在小说作品中,故乡与 土地都是具有生命感的存在,并且同样具有母亲般的繁衍与养育生命的意义。在情感形态与价值判断方面,故乡、土地、母亲之于莫言是具有一致性的,并且莫 故乡、土地、母亲在莫言的价值观与小言对于三者的感受与理解上是完全同构! 说作品中,三者也高度地统一在了一起。在莫言的心中与小说里,莫言都始终虔诚地将故乡、土地与母亲一并供奉在了灵魂的最高处。 distance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted-n the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longhange angles, Shan rugged trails, Sun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passions of the war, thawearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to c--ay swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationbamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, peace, SI an, Guangde, doorw ility,lished one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rank foot disease immoburance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completed Wujiang Government estabnd insnot for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and built, and taught, aunty, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reported, for time rush, prior en, Comonths, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 1939 of 7 August betweduties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the first section marked my draft statement. Worked after a few village temples Central Office every day, carry out their 宜顺论文网. Siazhen was sick for a long time,Shun to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the migrants village Zhang rom Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goods. Siazhen too latecutters, 1 f-and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to shun Tang Qiao to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Shanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid farewell to this shortwww.13Lw.com 13 ?莫言:《丰乳肥臀解》,载《光明日报》1995年11月22日。 四、参考文献 1.李泽厚:《论语今读》,安徽文艺出版社,1998年。 2.李泽厚:《美学三书》,安徽文艺出版社,1999年。 3.黄子平:《灰阑中的叙述》,上海文艺出版社,2001年 4.朱立元:《美学》,高等教育出版社,2002年。 5.洪子诚:《中国当代文学史》,北京人学出版社,2002年。 6.王富仁:《鲁迅——中国文化的守夜人》,人民文学出版社,2002年。 7.莫言:《四十一炮》,春风文艺出版社,2003年。 8.莫言,王尧:《莫言、王尧对话录》,苏州大学出版社,2003年。 9.陈晓明:《无边的挑战》,广两师范人学出版社,2004年。 10.李新宇:《愧对鲁迅》,上海三联出版社,2004年。 11.莫言:《红高粱》,选自小说集《民间音乐》,春风文艺出版社,2004年。 12.莫言;《超越故乡》,选自《会唱歌的墙》,作家出版社,2005年。 13.莫言:《生死疲劳》,作家出版社,2006年版。 14.莫言:我的《丰乳肥臀》,选自《莫言研究资料》,扬扬编,天津人民出版社,2006年。 16.程德培:《被记忆缠绕的世界——莫言创作中的章年视角》,选自《莫言研究资料》,天津 人民出版社,2006年。 17.连科:长篇小说《风雅颂》,2008年。 18.莫言:《丰乳肥臀解》,载《光明日报》1995年11月22日。 19.谢有顺:《当死亡比活着更困难》,载《当代作家评论》2001年第5期。 20.洪治纲:《刑场背后的历史》,载《南方文坛》2001年第6期。 21.李敬泽:《莫言与中国精神》,载《小说评论》2003年第l期。 22.张清华:《叙述的极限》,载《当代作家评论》,2003年第2期。 arewell to this short and memorable life. (J) the siazhen boat buried Japanese morning of October 18, 1937, siazhen sick to sanghai, but resigned from the post office, bid fdistance Lawton regrets, admirable! In November 1939, I was admitted to the Faculty of law, College of law and politics in Sh-ions of the war, than the successful completion of tasks. An old frail, rank, longun and rain on the way, hardship exceptions, if the patriotic and passwearing Bu. At diwei to the important towns of troops is difficult to access, we have to change angles, Shan rugged trails, S--SI an, Guangde, doorway swing, Zhang Zhu to the destinationeace, k foot disease immobility, bamboo car instead of walking outside, square foot (except for myself and 4 guards), the wuxing, pang Government established one years to of work report. Turn back and forth month Shan Road, apart from the Secretary, Mr rand Wujibuilt, and taught, and insurance five aspects important matters, I accordingly detailed narrative finishing written, completeor time rush, prior not for full prepared, had to in way by rank Ann Mr described one years to about people, and fiscal, and ed, f9 of 7 August between, County, and Secretary to I with to Office meeting, for Government established one years to work reportWorked after a few months, I've been buried in the official program, very rigid monotony of clerical career, flavourless. 193 rst section marked my draft statement.village temples Central Office every day, carry out their duties. Correspondence relating to education by the Chief of the fi14igrants village Zhang Shun. Siazhen was sick for a long time,ds. Siazhen too late to escape, jumped ashore Japan catch up with the boat, forcing him to row a boat. Meanwhile caught the mcutters, 1 from Nanxun town jiaxing to Japanese boats, caught dragging behind 3 small boats, loaded with military goo-hun Tang Qiao
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