

2018-06-05 20页 doc 54KB 9阅读




赞美家乡的散文诗赞美家乡的散文诗 《赞美家乡的散文诗》 乡情是东港的山,风风雨雨中永远微笑着,卓立着。大孤山的千年古刹静穆庄严,佛.儒.道三教,慰藉着祈祷者的虔诚。 乡情是东港的海,浩浩荡荡的鸭绿江注入其中,孕育出鲜美的海中生灵。放眼南望,甲午风云硝烟散尽,在岁月之岸,用历史教诲后人。 乡情是东港的泉,那清澈透明的咸水,用温暖濯洗疲惫的身心,浇灌游子的梦田。 乡情是东港的岛,岛与岛相依,岛与岛相望,似一颗颗撒落在大海里的珍珠,闪烁着夺目的光芒。看云起云飞,潮涨潮落,听海鸟呢喃,鱼虾击水,沐海风,踏海浪,铺陈着海岛之恋的美丽画卷。 乡...
赞美家乡的散文诗 《赞美家乡的散文诗》 乡情是东港的山,风风雨雨中永远微笑着,卓立着。大孤山的千年古刹静穆庄严,佛.儒.道三教,慰藉着祈祷者的虔诚。 乡情是东港的海,浩浩荡荡的鸭绿江注入其中,孕育出鲜美的海中生灵。放眼南望,甲午风云硝烟散尽,在岁月之岸,用历史教诲后人。 乡情是东港的泉,那清澈透明的咸水,用温暖濯洗疲惫的身心,浇灌游子的梦田。 乡情是东港的岛,岛与岛相依,岛与岛相望,似一颗颗撒落在大海里的珍珠,闪烁着夺目的光芒。看云起云飞,潮涨潮落,听海鸟呢喃,鱼虾击水,沐海风,踏海浪,铺陈着海岛之恋的美丽画卷。 乡情是东港的河,纵横交错间收藏着我的童年记忆,当微风由北向南,吹响黄海的涛声,有一支遥远的童谣飘来,唤醒多少无邪的笑靥。 乡情是我们的大东港,潮汐是你的脉搏,天然不冻是你的气节,一望无际的泥滩是你的妆容,百年风雨,世纪沧桑,一部港口演变史就是一个城市发展史的重要组成。 踏着一万八千年前,新石器时代“前阳人”的足迹,让我们一同倾听来自远古的音符,奏起奋进的乐章,山.海.泉.岛.河.港汇聚成迷人的交响,萦绕在每个东港人的血脉里。 如果说一滴雨点是一滴相思的泪,我不知受了多少哀婉忧伤的痛;如果说雨滴是希望的音符,我不知心海里装载了多少梦想的歌谣;如果说雨点是一句赞颂的诗句;我不知用什么词语来赞美我的家乡~ 我游览过水平如镜的西湖;欣赏过波澜壮阔的黄河。但是家乡的山山水水,花花草草,这些平凡再也不能平凡的事物,却让我难以忘怀。她虽没有北京的壮丽;上海的繁华;桂林山水的秀丽;庐山瀑布的磅礴,可她在我的心中占据着神圣的位置,不管怎样,她还是那么的美,美得那样自然,那样淳朴,令人神往,令人陶醉…… 我的家乡在食用菌之都“古田”,现在往这里一瞧,几条纵横交错的街道,有25层高的摩天大楼,十字街中心的音乐喷泉,学生街的饰品千变万化,琳琅满目,让人看着这个,又摸着那个。 在食用菌市场里有“银耳” “金针菇”等,银耳的胶质子实体呈纯白色或淡黄色,由众多的平伏片状或浪形叶状瓣片聚生成丛,或由瓣片丛聚脑状或瘤状;金针菇是秋冬与早春栽培的食用菌,以其菌盖滑嫩、柄脆、营养丰富、味美适口而著称于世。我们古田还是“水果之乡”哩~有白里透红的桃子,还有甜中带酸的油奈,看了让人垂涎三尺。 走进翠屏湖,映入眼帘的是300多个岛屿嵌在湖中,好像一个个美丽的翡翠嵌在一个大玉盘里。翠屏湖其中“鸟岛” “锁岛” “蛇岛”深受外来宾客的赞赏。鸟岛中有会说话的鹦鹉,有可爱的鸽子,还有百鸟之王——孔雀。它五颜六色的羽毛多么美~锁岛有各式各样的锁,心形的,方形的,菱形的,它们紧紧“锁”住了人们的心。蛇岛有让人害怕的眼镜蛇,有保护庄稼的黄风蛇,还有许多不知名的小蛇。蛇岛里有精彩的演出让游客不由自主地拿出手中的相机,拍下这美好的瞬间。 回望原来的古田,还是坑坑洼洼的土路,没有现在这么壮观的大楼,小河里的水又黑又臭,边上堆满了生活垃圾,山上郁郁苍苍的树木被人们砍去,多么让人痛心啊~ 咦,是什么,使落后的山村成为今天繁荣的城镇,是什么,使社会的经济发展进步得如此之快呢,是这方土地勇敢勤劳的人们~千百年的实践,改革开放的伟大实践,蕴藏着这伟大的力量,形成了海纳百川的包容精神,敢为人先的有力精神,勇敢拼搏的团结精神。 古田,的家乡,我永远的梦,如果我是失根的兰花,那家乡就是我重归大地的力量,家乡装载着我的梦,即使树高千丈,叶落也将归根,时间流逝,但家乡留给我的记忆永不会风化,永永远远不会…… 我的家乡,为我带来了一片栖息的园地,好让我这只受伤的鸟儿安居乐业,为我带来一in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 片晴朗的天空,好让我自由地飞翔,我不知如何回报这片大地,但我愿高声呼喊:古田,我 爱你,永远永远地爱你~ 《魅力迁西》刘华群词 王镭曲 山在飘香,水在飘香, 滦河文化在风雨中传扬。 英勇的大刀,大刀进行曲, 灿烂的岩石闪金光,闪金光。 往昔黄花吐艳的战地, 变成流连忘返的天堂。 啊,诗意山水,画境栗乡, 你的美丽令人向往。 啊,诗意山水,画境栗乡, 你的祝福地久天长。 多少意气风发的儿女, 深情地把你歌唱。 心在飘香,梦在飘香, 绿色家园在岁月中芬芳。 迷人的黄金,黄金万两县, 多情的板栗生产乡,生产乡。 千年文明富裕的大地, 洋溢欢声笑语的海洋。 啊,诗意山水,画境栗乡, 你的美丽令人向往。 啊,诗意山水,画境栗乡, 你的祝福地久天长。 多少意气风发的儿女, 深情地把你歌唱,深情地把你歌唱。 山 居 山泉水甜,小鸟歌甜,昔日荒山尽果园。 退休事闲,建房山前,夫妻山居养天年。 百花齐放,百果争香,蜂蝶飞舞采蜜忙。 树下品茶,园中赏花,外孙绕膝语牙牙。 小犬狂吠,又来宾贵,忙引宅中酒杯对。 我们的家乡在吉林省、在瞻榆镇,这里有纯朴的民风民情,学生们的笔虽然稚嫩,但确饱含深情。请看他 们赞美家乡的诗歌—— 我的家乡 赵悦 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 故乡的杏花 在我心底沁香 故乡的神榆 是我心中榜样 故乡的蓝天 有苍鹰飞翔 故乡的原野 有骏马飞扬 故乡的二中 是知识的殿堂 故乡的孩子 正努力学会坚强 我爱你,我的家乡 韩爽 你是那样的富饶 有满山的大豆高粱 你是那样美丽 有遍地的鲜花绿草 你生机勃勃 白鹤如云 榆树成林 你气象万千 杏花如雨 鱼狍成群 你是那样和蔼,又是那样慈祥 你是那样谦虚,又是那样善良 你是我们成长的摇篮 你是我们梦想的天堂 我爱你,我的家乡~ 我爱家乡 巩尊磊 这里的豆子堆满地 这里的葵花笑弯腰 这里的玉米粗又壮 这里的街道齐又整 这里的汽车排成行 这里的电脑家家有 这里的白鹤画中飞 这里的杏花云中飘 这里的古榆沙中立 这里的芦苇水中傲 这里是我的家乡 美丽而多娇 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 这里是我的家乡 神奇而富饶 瞻榆,我心中的圣土 宋博玉 你是科尔沁草原的一颗明珠 你是东北平原的一道风景 你的玉米香甜可口 你的打瓜遍地都有 你的杏花芬芳如霞 你的古榆参天独立 你就是瞻榆 你就是我心中的圣土 我美丽的家乡 高瑞桐 走过了千山万水 历经了尘世沧桑 你是我美丽的家乡 你 引来成群白鹤 为你舞蹈 为你唱歌 你 滋养了千年古榆 为你守候 为你站岗 你 培育了万亩杏花 为你欢呼 为你开放 我美丽的家乡 你的勤劳与善良 开辟了丰美而富饶的一方 我美丽的家乡 你的坚强与勇敢 塑就了独特的北疆 神榆 刘明月 黄沙难掩神榆志, 晴天可鉴日月心。 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 粗枝浓叶经风雨, 莽原独立笑古今。 古榆赞 高净鹤 神树古榆历百年, 笑看家乡沧桑变。 十里黄沙枝犹茂, 恩泽如雨向苍天。 家乡赞 张悦 向海鹤乡风景美, 瞻榆杏花美如霞。 苍天古榆不服老, 芦苇荡里是我家。 春游所见 董航 放眼春原景色妍, 莺梭织柳碧池边。 风吹田野千畴绿, 日照山庄几缕烟。 牧子骑牛芳草地, 村姑播种杏花天。 小桥流水农家院, 满目春光染青山。 瞻榆杏花春 朱春梅 包拉温都杏花林, 绵延十里啜呼伦。 五月初来花竞放, 风光特致唤游人。 遍布芳丛觉识浅, 递上层楼感悟深。 寻诗觅画君何往, 快赏瞻榆杏花春。 小时候,校园 挂在高高的蓝天上 看见她,听到她 就好像 拥抱着满天的星星,都是 我的向往 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 入学了,校园 挤进了我重重的书包里 也爱她,也恨她 就好像 追随着一条长长的小溪,让我欢乐也 让我迷茫 毕业了,校园 长在了一棵茂盛的大树上 回味她,品尝她 就好像 告别着一位初恋的人儿,竟也令我 黯然神伤 如今啊,校园终于 贴进了我美妙的生活画卷中 无论离她近,也无论离她远 都仿佛 高扬着成熟爱情的风帆,向着那 火红的太阳,在 飞翔 《赞美家乡发展的诗歌》正文开始>> 家乡美 家乡美,最美是那家乡的水 清晨太阳照莲花水中睡 金珠银珠一串串哎 月儿向湖坠 家乡美,最爱是那家乡的水 阿哥水边坐琴声柳树醉 阿姐阿妹洗衣忙哎 笑声多清脆 家乡美,家乡美 最美是那柔柔的家乡水 水边的风儿轻轻吹 天空的燕子悠悠的飞 远方的游子请你快快回 家乡美,最美是那家乡的人 天天都唱歌年年都欣慰 一方水土一方情哎 生在心里的根 家乡美,家乡美 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 最美是那柔柔的家乡水 水边的风儿轻轻吹 天空的燕子悠悠的飞 远方的游子请你快快回 家乡美,家乡美 最美是那柔柔的家乡水 水边的风儿轻轻吹 天空的燕子悠悠的飞 小时候,总是怀疑, 这曲折蜿蜒的道路啊, 怎么会如此的漫长, 让小小的我,永远也走不到路的尽头。 小时候,总是埋怨, 这封闭拥挤的城镇啊, 怎么会如此的狭小, 让小小的我,永远也看不到天的尽头。 小时候的我,很想飞, 总是觉得亲情束缚住自己的翅膀, 总是觉得梦想在关爱中封存, 总是很不耐烦。 长大后,家乡的路,家乡的水 只能在梦中仔细回味。 城市的灯光很明亮, 却独缺了属于我的那一盏。 城市的天空很广阔, 却独缺了替我遮蔽风雨的那一双翅膀。 家乡漫长的路,现在想来, 如丝如线, 系住游子在外飘泊的心。 家乡的城, 若盖若棚, 是游子永远的心灵避难所 岁月已寒, 故乡正农闲。 寒夜中, 这思念, 到林间, 到农田。 手持玉米秸, in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was 捉迷藏, 戏童顽。 北风吹, 雪花飘, 乐悠然。 琅琊山下, 是我的故乡, 我的摇篮。 十里金沙滩, 十里桃花园。 风雨相伴, 多少年, 最难忘记, 暑假里: 树荫下, 捕鸣蝉。 池塘内: 互戏水, 摘蓬莲。 大海边: 迎惊涛骇浪, 扬风帆, 荡渔船。 渔歌中: 到夜晚, 不思还。 梦中多少企盼, 望故乡, 情意绵绵。 故乡风光好, 故乡水亦甜。 何日凯旋, 太阳吟 in the Park below. Center Park of important places, like drug storage district, nursing unit, food storage district, important medical devices equipment between, narcotics and the toxic harmful chemical items, operating room security regional, important management regional,, set variety alarm facilities, through sound light alarm of way released alarm information, told management personnel timely processing police love, while through network communications function achieved and sound video monitoring system, access system of linkage. The system consists of sensors, alarm buttons, control equipment, sound and light alarm devices, electronic display devices, System integrated management system. In the monitoring center to disarm set the precaution areas according to management requirements, centralized alarm management, where you can set the zone type, and customize any number of alarm zones, each zone can contain any number of alarm, according to monitor and operate the regional garrison, alarm points. Making GIS e-alert map, marked on the map all the alarm points, access control, audio and video surveillance, and dynamic representation of the device as a different color ... To alarm system, depending on audio monitoring management system and public broadcast, access system linkage of means on rehabilitation center of patients, and medical personnel, and family, crowd of flow achieved full control, each emergency button, and detector triggered police love signal Shi can and other system linkage management, dang alarm police love triggered alarm Shi, alarm host will to sound light alarm form in monitoring Center issued alarm, while alarm host to monitoring system matrix issued linkage signal, in monitoring center specified monitor Shang automatically switch the alarm regional image, When essential goods and medicines, dangerous goods storage warehouse of access without hospital management authority was
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