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老年人健康知识讲座(调查评估)老年人健康知识讲座(调查评估) 老年人健康知识讲座实施方案 活动目的:通过此次健康教育,向辖区居民讲授如何增强老年人的健康意识,提高老年人的生活质量。减少影响健康的危险因素,从而达到减少疾病发生的作用。 活动主题:关注健康,关爱老人。 活动时间:2012年10月4日10:00 活动地点:大营村 参加对象:部分居民 参加人数:300人 主办单位:大营镇卫生院 活动流程:1、主持人介绍本次讲座的主题及讲座序言,然后邀请主讲人上台。 2、老年人健康知识。 3、总结。 工作安排:1、做好宣传工作,动员全村居民积...
老年人健康知识讲座(调查评估) 老年人健康知识讲座实施 活动目的:通过此次健康教育,向辖区居民讲授如何增强老年人的健康意识,提高老年人的生活质量。减少影响健康的危险因素,从而达到减少疾病发生的作用。 活动主题:关注健康,关爱老人。 活动时间:2012年10月4日10:00 活动地点:大营村 参加对象:部分居民 参加人数:300人 主办单位:大营镇卫生院 活动流程:1、主持人介绍本次讲座的主题及讲座序言,然后邀请主讲人上台。 2、老年人健康知识。 3、。 工作安排:1、做好宣传工作,动员全村居民积极参加本次讲座。 2、做好会场安排工作。 活动负责人:牛宝生 孙超 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 老年人健康知识讲座讲稿 一、老年人的基本健康知识 1、社会老龄化 老年人口系数增加导致社会老龄化。联合国规定: 一个国家和地区,年 满65岁的老年人口占总人口数的7%以上,或年满60岁老年人占总人口数的10%以上,即可定 为老年型社会(社会老龄化)。 中国老年报报道,我国老年人口系数已于1999年10月1日, 10%,已成为老年型社会,预计到2025年我国老年人口系数将达到20%,成为超老年型社会。 二、老年人的生理特点 1、体外形改变 须发—变白,脱落、稀疏;“白头搔更 短、浑欲不胜簪”(杜甫、春望) 皮肤—变薄,皮下脂肪减少,出现皱纹 牙齿—牙龈组织萎缩、牙齿松动脱落 骨—骨骼肌萎缩,骨钙丧失或骨质增生 身高、体重—随增龄而降低 耳—耳屏延长,近80岁的老人耳屏平均延长12毫米 2、器官功能下降 视力、听力—下降(耳蜗与听神经变性?神经性耳聋) 心脏搏出量—减少40%—50% 肺活量—减少50%—60% 肾脏—清除功能—减少40%—50% 脑—脑组织萎缩、脑沟变宽、神经细胞数减少(重量减轻、脑血流量减少、大脑耗氧量?、脑血管阻力?) 胃—胃酸分泌量下降 3、机体调节控制作用降低 动作、学习—速度减慢?操作能力?,反应速度减慢 记忆、认知功能—减弱,人格改变?生活自理能力? 免疫防御能力—降低?易患各种感染性疾病 免疫监视功能—降低?易患各种癌症。 三、老年人的心理特点 1、运动反应时间延长 运动反应包括对剌激的知觉,做出如何反应的决定,以及运动反应动作三个部分。老年人的反应时间一般比年轻人约慢10%—20%。运动反应时间的长短是中枢 神经系统功能状态的一种表现(控制体位、姿势、平衡与移动平衡的机制受损)。 2、学习和记忆能力减退 由于与学习和记忆有关的神经递质随增龄而减少?学习新事物困难?记忆力差(颞叶和海马结构损害)。 40岁以后逐渐减退,50岁到达顶峰—注意力不集中、注意范围缩小、联想缓慢、记忆一老的忘不掉,新的记不住。 3、人格改变 孤独、多疑、自卑、抑郁及情绪 不稳、脾气暴躁等。——由于生物性老化及其在家庭、社会、经济环境中的地位发生改变,——社会心理问题:离退休、丧偶、生活贫困、疾病、死亡等问题常常困惑老年人,使他们陷入特殊的心态。 四、老年人良好健康状态的保护 一个人得病,主要有两个原因,一是内因即遗传基因,二是外因,即环境因素。内因在疾病中所占的作用为20%,外因为80%,故一个人的良好健康状态的保护,可基本概括为十六个字:合理膳食,适量运动,戒烟限酒,心理平衡,这四句话,十六个字,能使高血压减少55%;脑卒中、冠心病减少75%;糖尿病减少50%;for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 肿瘤减少1/3,平均寿命延长10年以上,而且不花什么钱,有专家测算,心血管病预防花1元钱,医疗费省上100元钱。 (一)合理膳食:指热量和营养素达到生理需要,推行膳食金字塔,做到粗细搭配,饮食多样。老年人饮食十要:饭菜要香、质量要好、数量要少、蔬菜要多、食物要杂、菜肴要淡、菜要烂、水果要吃、饮食要热、进食要慢。 健体防病 早起早睡别早吃,休息胃肠好进食人在睡眠时,绝大部分器官都得到了充分休息,而消化器官却仍在消化吸收前一天存留在胃肠道中的食物,到早晨才渐渐进入休息状态。如果早餐过早,就必然会干扰,使消化系统长期处于疲劳应战的状态。所以,老年人最好在早上8点以后吃早餐。合理饮食,健体防病 合理补钙太阳晒,筋骨强健步四海 老年人缺钙会造成很多疾病,最常见的是骨质疏松症和骨折。补钙的最好是从食物中摄取。含钙较多的食物有牛奶、鸡蛋、猪骨头汤、鱼虾、黄豆、萝卜缨、芹菜、韭菜等,其中水产品的钙和磷的比例在1?1—1?2,最适合钙的吸收,应多吃些水产品为好。补钙时莫忘吃醋,醋与食物中的钙能产生化学反应,生成既溶于水又容易被人体吸收的醋酸钙。经常晒太阳也是很好的补钙办法。冬季阳光温暖柔和,适合在户外晒太阳。特别是每天上午9-11时,下午4-6时,阳光以温暖柔和的红外线为主,是一天中晒太阳的黄金时段。 (二)戒烟的好处 专家指出:停止吸烟90%的肺癌可以预防。 专家提示:任何年龄阶段戒烟对健康都有益。 ,、戒烟可以改善心肺功能,促进血液循环,增强活力。 ,、戒烟可以减少呼吸道疾病,不易患气管炎、 肺炎和感冒。 ,、戒烟可以降低胃溃疡的发作机会。 ,、戒烟三个月后可使肺功能逐渐恢复。 ,、戒烟可以使牙齿更洁白,皮肤有弹性。 (三)限量饮酒 饮酒少量是健康只有,饮酒多量是罪魁祸首。长期过量饮酒可造成心脏损害、消化系统损 害,但若适量饮酒可以增加生活情趣。少量饮红葡萄酒可延缓动脉硬化,预防部分心脏病。 酒里面主要成分是乙醇,营养物质极少,但乙醇经过肝脏代谢会转化成热量,大量饮酒会 人发胖,升高甘油三酯并消耗人体维生素B,影响人体的钙的吸收。乙醇在体内戒毒主要在 肝脏进行,肝脏每小时能分解8~10克乙醇。1小杯(约50克)50度的白酒,含乙醇2 克,肝脏就要花2.5小时才能把它分解完。若大量饮酒则可伤肝,还可导致心血管疾病。 因此必须适量饮酒,主要是喝低度酒,如啤酒、葡萄酒;控制每餐饮酒酒精含量不超过15 克(相当于50至100毫升葡萄酒、或一罐啤酒);且勿空腹、勿与碳酸饮料共饮。另 外,孕妇、服药期间的人,以及患肝病、消化性溃疡、心脏病的人都不以饮酒。总之,戒烟 限酒对老年人的健康有非常重要的作用,使老年人自我保健的重要措施。为了老年人的健康 长寿自觉地坚持戒烟限酒吧。 (四)适量运动 传统运动养生法运动量适中,特别是简式太极拳,架式平稳、舒展轻柔、动静相宜、刚柔相济、形气相随,特别适合于中老年人锻炼身体。但是,老年人运动量多大合适呢, for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 60岁的老年人运动时,脉搏的次数为110次,并在运动后一小时内能恢复至正常,说明其运动量是合适的。如果高于110次,运动后一小时不能恢复,说明运动量偏大,应适当减少运动量。中老年人各系统器官的功能逐渐衰退,宜选择较轻柔的运动 夜间白天起床,坚持三个先后“三十秒”,以防摔倒发生意外。睁开眼睛清醒三十秒,坐起三十秒,扶着床边站上三十秒,再行走。 (五)心理平衡 老人应学会三忘 忘老 忘病 忘忧 我们要忘掉昨天,享受今天,展望明天。心理平衡是我们保持良好健康状态的最主要,也是最重要的保障。俗话说“快活似贴药,忧愁是场病”。保持心理平衡,就是掌握了开启健康之门的金钥匙。一个人能否健康长寿,很大程度上取决于其心理是否真正能得到平衡。 (六)老年人的睡眠与健康 1、“早饭吃饱,午饭吃好,晚饭吃少”。晚饭吃饱要影响睡眠,睡前尽量少喝水,否则 小便多会影响睡眠。茶、咖啡是兴奋剂和利尿剂,睡前不宜饮用,热水泡脚有利于睡眠。 2、“定时睡觉”十分重要。科学家认为生物体内有时钟,称生物钟,这是生物为了生存 而产生的进化适应,是生物节奏现象。如果长期不按时作息,就干扰了睡眠生物钟,这时常常会引起失眠,容易导致神经衰弱。 3、睡眠的姿势“立如松、坐如钟、卧如弓”。就是说睡眠以略为弯曲的侧睡比仰卧和俯卧好。仰卧时,两手放在胸前,容易引起恶梦,舌根下坠易造成打鼾、呛咳;俯睡时会影响心肺功能。 4、枕头的高低,以不超过肩到同侧颈的距离为宜。不用枕头,流入头部血流偏多,次晨会头胀、颈酸、眼肿。多数老人患有颈椎病,如颈的姿势不好,会加重颈椎病,造成头痛、上肢疼痛等。 5、失眠怎么办,第一,不要思想负担过重,不要焦燥不安,必须有治愈的信心;第二,找出失眠的原因,去除原因;第三,在医生的指导下用药。药物剂量宜小不宜大,疗程宜短不宜长,安眠药不宜固定一种,应交替或间断使用,以免产生耐药性或中毒。在睡前半小时用温水送药,服药后即上床。晚饭后不要喝茶、咖啡,不要吸烟,不要与酒类或兴奋药一起服。停药要逐渐减量。 四、总结 家庭和社会的关心 老年人生病时需要照顾,经济困难时需要救济,上公共汽车时需要“老弱病残孕专座”,老年人再婚时也需要子女的理解和支持,临终时需要子女和亲人在身边并握着自己的手。家庭和社会的关心是老年人心理保健的外部环境,可促进老年人生活质量的提高。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 老年人健康知识教育讲座活动表 活动时间:2012年10月10日 活动地点: 参加人员:牛宝生 孙超 主办单位:大营镇卫生院 参与人数:150 活动主题:关注健康,关爱老人。 发放资料:300份 活动小结: 2012年10月4日,我院工作人员在大营镇举行老年人健康知识宣教活动,内容丰富多彩。发放次料300多份。 通过此次健康教育、资料发放,使社区居民懂得了如何,减少影响健康的危险因素,对提高老年人的健康意识起到很大的作用。 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 老年人健康知识讲座总结 生命无价,健康第一,为进一步提高居民健康观念和健康知识,提高老年人自我保健意识,倡导科学合理健康的生活方式,营造“关注健康,关爱老人”的氛围。我们对此次讲座作了充分的准备,使居民在老年人健康方面有了很大的启发。 讲座结束后,许多退休老同志向医生请教了一些常见的健康问题,并交流了保健心得,讲座受到了老人们的一致好评。 通过举办此次社区健康讲座,进一步普及了健康知识、加强社区居民自我健康意识,今后,我院还会继续举办此类讲座,为更多的社区居民带来健康福音。 大营镇卫生院 for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet 问卷 一、 你对合理膳食是如何理解的, 二、 为了健康你能戒烟限酒吗, 三、 你能每天坚持煅炼吗, 四、身为晚辈的你,你又是如何去关爱老人, for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet for computer software engineering GB/T50314-2000 of electrical installations code for construction and acceptance of GBJ232- 92 intelligent building weak design construction figure set GJBT-471 2. system description this times engineering weak design including: hours a Kok information facilities system integrated wiring system (containing room network, communications part) wired TV system information guide and the released system hours II Kok public security system fire automatically alarm system (containing public broadcast part) security technology prevention system security monitoring system out entrance control system car library management system hours three Kok building equipment monitoring system hours four Kok information application system queued station ICU visitation system operation the system monitoring and training system call intercom system hours, five hours Kok Kok intelligent integrated system of information system (1) cabling systems (including computer room network, communication component) computer network systems and voice communications systems Center of information on medical floor computer room located in the engine room. Voice communication system using a local telecommunications operator providing voice service, configuration-independent integrated services digital program-controlled switchboards. Operators providing communications ... If any compatibility requirements, by way of increased access to the Communications Board within the chassis to meet
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