首页 > 黎安路疏影路临时施工用电


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黎安路疏影路临时施工用电黎安路疏影路临时施工用电 闵行区沪杭客运专线道路配套工程 (黎安路疏影路) 施工临时用电组织设计 编制 审核 审批 中铁二十四局集团上海铁建工程有限公司 闵行区沪杭客运专线道路配套工程项目部 2010年11月 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for ...
黎安路疏影路临时施工用电 闵行区沪杭客运专线道路配套工程 (黎安路疏影路) 施工临时用电组织 编制 审核 审批 中铁二十四局集团上海铁建工程有限公司 闵行区沪杭客运专线道路配套工程项目部 2010年11月 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 目 录 一、工程概况.......................................................................................................................3 二、施工用电设备统计表 ..................................................................................................3 三、岗位责任制...................................................................................................................5 四、接地与接地装置 ..........................................................................................................5五、安全用电技术措施 ......................................................................................................6 六、安全用电组织措施 ....................................................................................................10 七、电器防火措施 ............................................................................................................10 八、临时施工用电平面布置图 ........................................................................................ 11 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 临时施工用电施工组织设计 闵行区沪杭铁路客运专线道路配套工程 施工临时用电组织设计 一、 工程概况 1、黎安路 本工程起点里程K0+000,终点里程为KO+473.534,其中U型槽范围为K0+180—K0+325,铁路下穿框架范围为K0+232.627—K0+264.627。本立交废弃原有1-5m非机动车道框架,新建1-8.5m框架作为机动车道桥孔,和两个1-5m框架作为非机动车道、人行道桥孔,施工时须将既有黎安路下穿地道进行封闭。 黎安路下穿工程主要施工内容有:铁路框架、引道及排水工程、泵站工程等。 根据现场施工机械用电需要,黎安路分别在铁路东、西侧各设1个300KVA变压器。(具体见黎安路用电平面图附图1) 2(疏影路 疏影路下穿沪杭铁路主线立交桥工程与沪昆铁路相交,交叉处铁路里程为沪昆 0K35+857,道路与铁路框架中心线斜交,法线交角14.9,道路同时下穿沪杭铁路松江特大桥第74孔的40m梁跨。 疏影路既有道路过铁路形式为“L”型,现有1—7.5m框架,本次施工将在既有箱南侧新增一个1—8m框架,道路取直。本工程起点里程K0+220,终点里程为KO+954.796,其主要施工项目有箱涵顶进、引道U槽施工、排水泵站、道路拓宽新建等。 根据施工现场需要,在疏影路东侧铁路西侧设1个1000KVA变压器。具体布置见疏影路用电平面布置图。(附图2) 二、施工用电设备统计表 根据本工程施工机械设备、照明用电等实际情况,考虑到有些设备不能同时启用,所以项目部及现场施工人员必须对施工用电进行调节控制,对设备容量在14kw以上的用电设备必须采取降压启动,再对整个工程的施工用电作综合考虑。 1、 黎安路:实际施工中,钻孔桩、旋喷桩及搅拌桩不会同时施工,故施工中需要最 大电容量为270kw(包含照明用电) 中铁二十四局集团上海铁建工程有限公司1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (1 bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 序号 机械名称 数量 容量 总容量 备注 1 钻孔桩机 4 37kw 148kw 2 高压旋喷桩机 3 90kw 270kw 3 搅拌桩机 2 87kw 174kw 4 交流电焊机 3 12kw 36kw 5 砂浆拌和机 2 3kw 6kw 6 钢筋弯曲机 2 3kw 6kw 7 钢筋切割机 2 2kw 4kw 8 电焊机 2 12kw 24kw 9 泥浆泵 2 22kw 44kw 10 木工压刨机 2 3kw 6kw 11 电动空压机 3 12 木工圆盘锯 2 3kw 6kw 13 照明 4 3.5 14kw 2、疏影路:施工中需要最大电容量270kw(包含照明用电) 序号 机械名称 数量 容量 总容量 备注 1 钻孔桩机 4 37kw 148kw 2 高压旋喷桩机 3 90kw 270kw 3 搅拌桩机 2 87kw 174kw 4 砂浆拌和机 2 3kw 6kw 5 交流电焊机 3 12kw 36kw 6 钢筋弯曲机 2 3kw 6kw 7 钢筋切割机 2 2kw 4kw 8 电焊机 2 12kw 24kw 9 泥浆泵 2 22kw 44kw 10 木工压刨机 2 3kw 6kw 11 电动空压机 3 12 木工圆盘锯 2 3kw 6kw 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 临时施工用电施工组织设计 13 照明 4 3.5 14kw 从上表可以看出,每个立交的最大电容量都在200kw以上,黎安路由于在铁路两侧施工,原有框架拆除,故在铁路两侧采用2个300kw变压器供电。疏影路原有框架不拆除,故在铁路东侧设置一个1000kw的变压器。 3(电力负荷计算 (1)桩机线路(包括钻孔桩旋喷桩搅拌桩机,取最大值) =270kw,需系数KX=0.7,COSΦ=0.8, P=Kx*(/COSΦ)=0.7(270/0.8)=238kw 导线I=238/()=455A (2)施工线路(考虑全部单台机械工作时,按155kw计算) =155kw,需系数KX=0.7,COSΦ=0.8, P=Kx*(/COSΦ)=0.7(155/0.8)=144kw 导线I=144/()=223A 电缆线满足安全截流量。 三、岗位责任制 1、项目经理:为施工用电提供电源,从整体上控制施工用电的安全问题。 2、技术员:根据现场实际情况认真编写施工用电组织设计,并对电工和安全员做好交底工作。 3、安全员:严格按上海市现行的安全生产操作规程及安全生产的要求,向各施工班组做好安全交底工作。及时检查班组的执行情况,做好安全资料。 4、电工:配合项目部制订临时用电施工和编制施工组织设计,按编制方案进行操作;负责施工现场动力、照明线路的布置、检修工作,对现场的各线路电箱漏电保护装置开关等,加强安全检查,发现隐患及时整改;各配电装置、机械设备要按规定分别以接地装置和接零保护装置;发现有人触电,应立即关闭闸刀,根据情况一面进行实地抢救,一面派车立即送往医院抢救。 四、接地与接地装置 1(接地体、接地线均采用人工接地体和人工接地线 2(接地体采用长2.5m,50mm×50mm×5mm的角钢垂直打入地下,直至测试其电中铁二十四局集团上海铁建工程有限公司1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (1 bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 阻值小于10欧姆为止,保护零线采用黄绿双色多股铜线,重复接地点不少于三处; 3(接地体与接地线的连接采用螺栓压接。(见附图3) 五、安全用电技术措施 5.1接地与接零 1)在施工现场专用的中性点直接接地的低压电力线路中,必须采用TN—S接零保护系统(即三相五线制)。 2)保护零线应由工作接地或配电室的零线或第一级漏电保护器电源侧的零线引出;保护零线应与工作接地线分开单独敷设,不作它用,保护零线PE必须有用黄/绿双色线; 3)保护零线必须在配电室(或总配电箱)配电线路中间和末端至少三处作重复接地,重复接地线应与保护零线相连接; 4)保护零线的截面应不小于工作零线的截面,同时必须满足机械强度的要求, 2架空敷设间距大于12米时,采用绝缘铜线截面不小于10mm,采用绝缘铝线不小于 2216mm;与电器设备相连接的保护零线截面不小于2.5mm的绝缘多股铜线; 5)电器设备的正常情况下不带电的金属外壳、框架、部件、管道、轨道、金属操作台以及靠近带电部分的金属围栏、金属门等均应作保护接零; )供电电力变压器中性点的直接工作接地电阻值应小于4欧姆,保护零线重复6 接地电阻应小于10欧姆。发电机电源中性点应作工作接地,其电阻值?4欧姆。 7)用电设备不得一部分设备作保护接零,一部分作保护接地。 5.2配置漏电保护器 1)施工现场的分配电箱和开关箱至少配置两级漏电保护器; 2)漏电保护器应选用电流动作型,一般场合漏电保护器的额定电流动作电流不大于30mA,额定动作时间应不大于0.1s;潮湿和有腐蚀介质场所,其额定漏电动作电流不大于15mA,额定漏电动作时间应不大于0.1s;额定漏电动作电流和额定漏电动作时间乘积的极限为(不大于)30mA.s; 3)开关箱内漏电保护器的选用应与动力设备的容量大小、相数等实际情况相适应、相配合,如三相电动机则应选用参数匹配的三相三线的漏电保护器;照明用电必须与动力用电分开,照明应选用单相二线的漏电保护器。 5.3外电线路的安全防护 1)在建工程的外侧边缘与外电线路的最小安全操作距离,按JGJ46-88的要求如下: 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 临时施工用电施工组织设计 外电线路电压 1KV以下 1-10KV 35-110KV 最小安全操作距离(M) 4 5 10 2)现场机动车道与外电线路交叉时路面与线路最低点的垂直最小距离,按JGJ46-88的要求如下: 外电线路电压 1KV以下 1-10KV 35KV 最小垂直距离(M) 6 7 7 达不到以上规定时必须采取防护措施,如设置屏障,围栏、防护架或网,并悬挂醒目的警告标志。 5.4电箱(配电箱、开关箱) 1)箱体颜色醒目、有门、有锁、有编号、有单位名称。 2)箱体材料应采用薄钢板或玻璃钢,不得使用易燃物品。 3)配电箱和开关箱的设置应遵守“三级配电三级保护”的原则,三级配电即总配电箱—分配电箱—开关箱—用电设备; 4)开关箱距离机具不能超过三米,开关箱实行“一机、一闸、一漏、一箱”保护。 )箱内整洁、各类电器装置灵敏有效,完整无缺、绝缘良好,无外露带电部分,5 且安装牢固,布置接线规范。进、出线口设在箱体的下底面。 6)电箱应设在干燥、通风、常温以及无杂物,无液体浸溅和易受撞击的场所,周围应有足够二人同时工作的空间和通道,并应有防雨措施。 7)固定挂式电箱应装设端正,牢固;下底与地面的垂直距离大于1.3M,小于1.5M。移位立式应装设在坚固的支架上;下底与地面的垂直距离大于0.6M,小于1.5M。 8)分配电箱应装设总隔离开关和分路隔离开关以及总熔断器(或总自东开关和分路自动开关),总开关电器的额定值、动作整定值应与分路开关电器的额定值,动作整定值相适应。动力、照明线路分路设置;并选用合理的额定漏电动作电流的漏电保护器,进行分级配合,严格执行“一机一闸”制,并选用与用电设备相匹配的漏电开关工作保护。 9)四芯电源线的开关箱内严禁配有380V和220V两种电压,且必须装设漏电保护器,其额定漏电动作电流不大于30毫安,漏电动作时间应小于0.01S。 10)箱内工作零线端子板与接地端子板或保护零线端子板齐全,各种电器应首先安装在金属或非木质的绝缘电器安装板上,然后整体与电箱箱体紧固,金属箱体、中铁二十四局集团上海铁建工程有限公司1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (1 bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 金属电器安装板以及箱内电器不应带电金属底座,外壳等必须作保护接地或保护接地。保护地线或保护零线应通过端子板连接。漏电保护器应设在电源隔离开关的负荷侧,熔丝应和用电设备的实际负荷相匹配,严禁用铁丝等非专用熔丝替代,严禁用多股熔丝代替一根较大的熔丝,容量60A以上的可采用铜质保险片。 5.5现场照明 1)照明电压的选择: 一般施工场所:220V 工作手灯、危险场所、无触电保护措施的移动式照明:36V 特别潮湿的场所:12V 2)现场照明灯具一律采用软质橡皮护套线并有漏电开关保护、照明导线不准随地拖拉或缠绑在脚手架等设施构架上。 3)照明灯具的金属外壳、金属支架必须设保护接零。 4)室外照明灯具距地面不得低于3M;室内距地面不得低于2.4M。碘钨灯应固定架设,金属卤化物灯具的安装高度宜在5M以上,灯线不得靠近灯具表面。 5.6支线敷设 1)支线绝缘良好,无老化和破损,穿越便道的电线采用埋地敷设,在便道上开挖小沟槽,电线从够沟槽内穿过,沟槽上方用木板覆盖;穿越既有地道时采用架空线,两边用木制架子支撑,且用绳子绑扎牢固,架空高度满足地道行车要求。 2)导线额定电压应大于线路的工作电压,截面应满足供电容量和机械强度要求,连接和分支处符合绝缘要求。 5.7用电管理 1)制订电器安装和安全操作规程,以及运行管理规定和维护检修制度。 2)应有临时用电工程检查验收记录,接地电阻、漏电开关测试和定期检修记录,电工作业,维修记录和交接班记录。 3)开关电器及电器装置必须完好、无损;装设端正、牢固,不得拖地放置; 4)带电导线与导线之间的接头必须绝缘包扎,带电导线必须绝缘良好;带电导线严禁搭、挂、压在脚手架或其他物体上; 5)配电箱与开关箱应作名称、用途、分路标记;配电箱与开关箱应配锁并有专人负责; 6)室外用电严禁拉设使用花线,严禁使用铜线或其他金属线代替保险丝使用,严禁工人宿舍内乱拉电线、插座、烧电炉电饭煲等; 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 临时施工用电施工组织设计 7)电器装置应定期检修,检修时必须做到: ?停电; ?悬挂停电标志牌,挂接必要的接地线; ?由相应级别的专业人电工检修; ?检修人员应穿戴绝缘鞋和手套,使用电工绝缘工具; ?有组织和专人统一指挥。 5.8各类工程机械及其管理 A、钻孔桩机和旋喷桩机: 1)机体安装平稳、牢固,做好接地保护措施。 2)操纵机构灵活可靠、机体各部件完好无损。 3)操作人员持证上岗,做到定机、定人、准确、及时、如实地做好各项检查工 作。 4)机貌整洁。 B、砂浆拌合机: 1)安装平稳固牢,场地排水良好、无积水、地面整洁,有机棚。 2)无松动或摩擦拌筒现象。 3)拌轴无凝结物,机貌整洁。 C、切断机、弯曲机: 1)机体安装平稳、牢固。 2)传动机构和工作装置螺丝紧固、润滑良好,外露传动部位必须齐全有效,作 业区有醒目警告标志。 3)机体有接地保护,室外作业应搭设机棚。 4)操作人员应经过安全技术培训。 5)机貌整洁。 D、电焊机: 1)机壳完好无损,有防雨、防潮、防晒措施,并备有消防用品。 2)电源、龙头(一、二次侧)接线柱防护罩齐全,一次侧线使用橡皮电缆线长 度不超过5M,二次侧线使用线鼻子。 3)配线不乱拉乱搭,焊钳与焊把连接牢固,焊把绝缘良好。 4)操作人员持有效证上岗。 中铁二十四局集团上海铁建工程有限公司1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (1 bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 5)机貌整洁。 E、水泵: 1)安装稳固,有防雨(冻)措施,多台并列使用间距不小于80CM。 2)电动机轴与水泵轴同心,且轴承润滑良好,联轴节牢固,螺栓紧固。 3)管径较大的进出水管用支架支撑,管路密封,接口严密,吸水管阀无阻塞,无漏;转动部分有防护。 4)电源线无破损,绝缘良好,且有漏电保护。 5)泵体接地(接零)保护安全可靠。 F、气瓶: 1)各类气瓶有明显的色标和防震圈,不靠近热源,不在日光下防晒。 2)防回火装置、减灭器、压力表、安全帽等安全防护装置齐全有效。皮管用夹头紧固,不漏气。 3)氧气瓶、乙炔瓶存放距离不小于2M,使用距离不小于5M,距明火大于10M。 )操作人员持有效证上岗。 4 六、安全用电组织措施 1、建立安全检测制度,从临时用电工程开工开始,定期对临时用电工程进行检测,主要内容是:接地电阻值,电器设备绝缘电阻值,漏电保护器动作参数等,以监视临时用电工程是否安全可靠,并做好检测记录。 2、建立电器维修制度。加强日常和定期维修工作,及时发现和消除隐患,并建立维修工作记录,记载维修时间、地点、内容、技术措施、处理结果、维修人员、验收人员等。 3、建立工程拆除制度。建筑工程竣工后,临时用电工程的拆除应有统一的组织和指挥,并须规定拆除时间、人员、程序、、注意事项和防护措施等。 4、建立安全检查和评估制度。施工管理部门和企业要按照《建筑施工安全检查评分标准》定期对现场用电安全情况进行检查评估。 5、建立安全用电责任制,对临时用电工程各部位的操作、监护、维修分片、分块、分机、落实到人,并辅以必要的奖惩。 6、建立安全教育和培训制度。定期对专业电工和各类用电人员进行用电安全教育和培训,经过考核合格者持证上岗。禁止无证或随意串岗。 七、电器防火措施 7.1电器防火技术措施 1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest 临时施工用电施工组织设计 1)合理配置、整定、更换各种保护电器,对电路和设备的过载、短路故障进行可靠地保护。 2)在电器装置和线路周围不准堆放易燃易爆和强腐蚀介质;不得使用火源。 3)在电器装置和线路相对集中的场所,如配电箱、 发电机旁配置绝缘灭火器材,并禁止烟火。 4)加强电器设备相间和相~地间绝缘,防止闪烁。 5)合理设置防雷装置。 7.2电器防火组织措施 1)认真贯彻上级有关消防工作的批示、规定,将防火安全工作纳入生产、行政管理,做到“五同时”落实谁主管谁负责。 2)部署和组织本单位的防火安全教育工作、动火前开具动火令。 3)建立电器防火检查制度,检查每周一次,主持研究整改火险隐患,发现问题,及时处理。 4)建立易燃易爆物,建立电器防火责任制,加强电器防火重点场所烟火管制。 5)指导对消防器材的配置、维修、保养和管理工作。 6)对本单位的火灾事故,积极组织职工群众加以补救,并按“三不放过”原则查明原因,提出处理意见。 7)班组负责人要严格执行防火规定和制度,落实防火责任。 八、附图 中铁二十四局集团上海铁建工程有限公司1) the code for seismic design of Highway Engineering (JTG 050-2005) the rules for the seismic design of highway bridges (JTG/T B02-01-2008) code for design of highway traffic safety facilities (JTG D81-2006) code for design of urban road project (CTG 37-2012) the city code for seismic design of bridges (CJJ 166-2011) of the engineering construction standard compulsory article (1 bridge section) JGJ59-2011 the standard of construction safety inspection of the construction project of power supply on construction site safety regulations (GB50194-93) of the specification for municipal bridge engineering construction and acceptance (CJJ-2-2008) of the concrete quality control standards (GB50164-2011 the code for engineering survey (GB50026-2007) of the steel specification for welding and acceptance (JGJ18-96) Municipal Code or standard, there is no project, According to norms or standards of highway bridge associated with it. 1.7 project where the relevant departments and local governments on construction safety, site security, health, environmental protection and land tenure and other relevant standards and regulations. 1.8 I construction of similar projects of long-term experience and construction sections and construction site invest
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