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幼儿园环境创设对幼儿发展的作用幼儿园环境创设对幼儿发展的作用 《幼儿园教育指导纲要》,试行,明确提出:“幼儿园应为幼儿提供健康~丰富的生活和活动环境~满足他们多方面发展的需要~使他们在快乐的童年生活中获得有益于身心发展的经验~有效地促进幼儿的发展。”心理学研究也表明~环境对人能产生暗示~能起到潜移默化的作用~这种作用十分深刻~表现在幼儿的身上更为突出。为此~幼儿园的环境创设一直十分重要~环境的创设和布置~在很大程度上反映了一个幼儿园的办园理念~园长的管理水平、教师的专业程度。 那么~怎样结合我县实际~创设和优化幼儿园的环境呢,我认为应该从以下方面做起:...
幼儿园环境创设对幼儿发展的作用 《幼儿园教育指导纲要》,试行,明确提出:“幼儿园应为幼儿提供健康~丰富的生活和活动环境~满足他们多方面发展的需要~使他们在快乐的童年生活中获得有益于身心发展的经验~有效地促进幼儿的发展。”心理学研究也表明~环境对人能产生暗示~能起到潜移默化的作用~这种作用十分深刻~表现在幼儿的身上更为突出。为此~幼儿园的环境创设一直十分重要~环境的创设和布置~在很大程度上反映了一个幼儿园的办园理念~园长的管理水平、教师的专业程度。 那么~怎样结合我县实际~创设和优化幼儿园的环境呢,我认为应该从以下方面做起: 一、从“三化”、“一性”做起 第一~儿童化。即环境创设要符合幼儿生理和心理的特点。大家都知道~幼儿以无意注意为主~对色彩鲜艳、形象鲜明、新异多变、生动直观的事物容易引起注意并产生兴趣~根据这一特点~幼儿园的环境布置就应该色彩明亮、谐调~富有童趣~如:户外活动场地色彩鲜艳的大型运动器具~夸张的人物、动物形象等~会使孩子们一进幼儿园就感到愉悦和开心。 第二~艺术化。所谓艺术化~就是指环境的总体布局及所布置的物品都要符合幼儿的审美。著名教育家陈鹤琴先生曾说过:“环境艺术化~是教育的一种手段。”爱美是儿童的天性~幼儿对环境审美的基本要求是一要整洁~二要绚丽多彩。如果幼儿园的户外活动场地不宽敞~但在仅有的场地上经过精心规划~创设了操场、游戏场、草坪、沙地~种植了木本植物、草本植物~美化了走廊的墙壁~使幼儿一to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 进入园内就置身于整洁、幽美的环境中~怡怀愉性~得到一种美的享受~这对培养孩子们健康的审美观~促进理智感和道德感~发展积极良好的情感都有很大的益处。 第三~教育化。马克思曾说过:“人创造环境~同样~环境也创造人”。这里科学地揭示了人与环境之间作用与反作用的辨证关系。“创造人”也就是“教育人”。幼儿园环境的创设应该对幼儿体、智、德、美等有全方位的促进作用。如果能让幼儿一年四季都能看到绚丽的色彩~闻到各种花草的香味~就有利于促进幼儿的视觉、嗅觉、触觉的发展,如果能根据不同季节特征作墙饰布置~可以让幼儿了解四季与农作物、各种植物之间的关系~就能帮助幼儿增加知识、发展智力。如果能引导幼儿参与环境的布置工作~组织幼儿利用废旧物品搞小制作~发动幼儿将家里的五谷、种子、花卉等送给班里~安排幼儿轮流管理“观察角”等~就可以培养幼儿关心集体、勤俭节约的品质和善于动手动脑的能力。 第四~安全性。幼儿缺乏必要的知识和经验~自我保护能力差~所以在环境布置时一定要把安全放在第一位。幼儿园里的一切玩具、设施都不可有尖锐的棱角~大型玩具要注意高度和地面保护装置。这里要特别强调的是~我们不仅要消除那些明显的不安全因素~而且还要注意消除那些隐性的不安全因素~如一些有毒的塑料瓶~不能拿来盛放东西等~注意保护幼儿的身心健康。 二、利用环境促进幼儿发展 从“促进幼儿发展”着眼~积极创设环境。这是幼儿园创设环境的出发点和落脚点。 通过调查、观察我发现:很多幼儿园环境布置表面看来整齐、美观~有的甚至花里唿哨~很具有观赏性~但实用价值不高。原因在于这种环境布置单纯从教师的设想和愿望出to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 发~很少考虑到幼儿的兴趣、需要及现有发展水平~因而环境布置失去了影响和促进幼儿发展的教育价值。 纠正上述偏差的根本办法~是端正环境创设的根本宗旨在于促进幼儿发展~并非为创设而创设~为美观而美观。《纲要》指出:“幼儿园空间、设施、活动材料和常规要求应有利于幼儿的主动探索和幼儿间的交往”。我们应围绕这一要求~着重做好以下几方面的工作。 1.从幼儿的角度~以幼儿的眼光来创设环境。我们可以通过观察询问~提供情境或材料等手段~了解幼儿的兴趣和需要。在墙面装饰中体现幼儿认知特点~色彩上以艳丽的纯色为主,造型以稚拙、简洁为主要表现手法,内容应以幼儿熟悉的东西为主。环境布置还应注重幼儿的年龄差异。小班幼儿活动室墙上布置多种不同情态的拟人化的动物比布置山水画更能引起幼儿的兴趣和喜爱程度,中大班墙面以“我长大了”“升班了”为主题布置~配以自己穿衣服、系鞋带等画面~可以激发他们“自己的事情自己做”的愿望。 2.让幼儿参与环境创设~以小主人的身份与教师合作。环境创设仅仅由教师单方面策划、忙碌、布置好了之后~对幼儿说声“请进”的做法~是会在无形中扼杀幼儿的主体性和参与精神的。教师在创设境的过程中~如果采纳和吸收幼儿的建议~并请幼儿参与环境创设~不仅能给幼儿提供参与活动的机会~满足幼儿自我表现的欲望~而且能发展他们的动手操作能力。如在“动物怎样过冬”活动中~可以让幼儿一起参与布置教室。在一面墙上布置冬天的景象~在大树上挖许多可开关的洞让幼儿自己挑选~剪裁一些旧画册中的各种幼物图片~按过冬的方式~把各种动物图片分别摆在不同的地方。这样的环境布置就大大拉近了与幼儿的距离。 3.支持、启发、引导幼儿与环境互动。环境创设的最终目的是能有效地激发幼儿发现的欲望~探究的兴趣~实现幼to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 儿的主动发展~因此~在环境创设的过程中~我们应把重点放在引导幼儿产生与环境互动的效应上。无论是师生共同准备和创设的环境材料~还是教师根据教育目标提供的环境材料~都应积极支持、鼓励幼儿进行探究和操作活动。在指导幼儿进行探究和操作活动时~我们要转变以往检查者的角色~把精力从检查玩具是否丢了、东西是否乱了、幼儿之间是否发生矛盾了等问题转到关注幼儿的探究、操作活动上来~关注他们的兴趣和需要~正确判断他们现有的发展水平~鼓励他们向更高的水平发展。这样~才能真正发挥环境教育的价值功能~体现《纲要》的精神。 4.让幼儿在熟悉的自然环境中成长 孩子的成长是在活动中实现的~为他们提供熟悉的环境~促使幼儿的学习与探索的主动性最大限度地发挥出来~让幼儿在生活中学习、游戏中成长、锻炼中提高是我们应该关注的问题。 农村相对城市而言~环境方面的差异是不言而喻的。但农村的自然地理、生态环境是农村幼儿园教育取之不尽、用之不竭的宝藏~作为一名农村幼儿教师~应从农村的实际出发~充分利用农村的自然环境和社会条件~引导他们获得有关知识~发展他们的探索能力。 ,1,利用大自然的环境对幼儿进行教育 变幻莫测、奥妙无穷的大自然是幼儿学习的最佳场所。因此我们应积极利用农村的田野这个大课堂对幼儿进行教育。例如:春天开展“美丽的风筝”系列活动~由此来激发孩子们对放风筝的乐趣~让幼儿收集或自制各种风筝并带到幼儿园开个“风筝展”~让幼儿互相欣赏、讨论~然后带领幼儿去田野放风筝~孩子们在快乐的放飞过程中~会知道风筝两边要对称~风筝面与风筝的结构、大小轻重要适合~放飞时需逆向放飞的道理。 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results. 再如~在清明节、端午节的系列活动中~可以先让幼儿了解一些关于清明节、端午节的由来及风俗习惯~然后带幼儿到田野去挖野菜~尝试制作清明粑~包粽子等~有意识地将认识活动与风俗民情的教育结合起来。从而使幼儿进一步了解中华民族的节日。还可以选机会让幼儿参加播种~拾稻穗等劳动。让幼儿认识不同时节里田野间的变化。认识扁担、锄、铲等各种农具及其作用~认识各种农作物~了解季节与植物的关系~激发幼儿的好奇心以及热爱农村~热爱大自然的情感。 ,2,利用本地特有的教育资源开展活动 在教学中~应积极利用本地的教育资源~广泛联系各种适合开展教育活动的场所。如带幼儿到果园、养殖场等农业生产基地参观,带幼儿到米厂去参观碾米机及工人们把稻谷碾成米的过程。孩子对把毛毛的稻谷放进去到出来白花花的大米很感兴趣~鼓励他们大胆地去询问叔叔们~从毛毛的稻谷到白花花的大米需要几个程序。通过请教工人们~使他们明白碾米的过程~回园后~还可以安排他们自己动手搓一搓~削一削的活动~把稻谷碾成米~通过观察比较~使幼儿进一步了解从谷到米的过程~孩子们既获得了科学知识又感受到了农村科技的发展。让幼儿亲身去体验、感觉、观察、探索~把乡土教材与现代科技有机结合起来~使幼儿在具有农村气息的活动中~既感受长辈的聪明才智~又感受现代化科技进步给人们带来的方便~使幼儿的好奇心得到满足~同时培养他们关注环境~爱护自然的情感~让他们进一步感受农村美~在熟悉的环境中学到知识。 to take the lead for rectification. Through the "top-down" action, formation of a higher level with subordinates, mainly Leaders with team members, a grasp of the level, the implementation of the good situation. 5, strengthening publicity, and create atmosphere. Concerned about the education of the whole Party and expectations of the masses, pays special attention to the work of propaganda and public opinion is very important. To intensify propaganda, forms loved by the masses, propaganda of the central and provincial Party committee's decision to deploy, significance of promotional activities, promotional activities of the objectives and requirements, effectiveness of promotional activities experience guide cadres and the masses thinking and action systemTo catch the education to a central and province, city, county Party committee spirit. Attention should be paid to the typical propaganda, propaganda of advanced typical, play a leading role model, and exposure of negative typical, play a warning role. To innovation and public opinion guidance method, positive guidance of public opinion on the net, in order to improve the "learning" education, and actively create a good public opinion environment. "A" study and education, cities and counties have held a special meeting, the introduction of the relevant documents, we want to the counties datum line, fully understand the development of "two a" study and education is of great significance to "learn" study and education as an important political task, cogent accomplish "two school do "To achieve results.
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