

2017-09-17 50页 doc 157KB 12阅读




巴楚县人民医院岗前教育内容巴楚县人民医院岗前教育内容 巴楚县人民医院岗前教育制度 1、医院要对每年新分到岗的职工实行岗前教育。岗前集中培训的时间不得少于一周。 2、岗前职业教育主要内容: (1)政治思想教育。 (2)医疗卫生事业的方针政策教育。 (3)医德规范教育。 (4)医院工作制度、操作常规、医疗安全措施及各类人员岗位职责。 (5)当地医疗卫生工作概况及本院情况。 (6)现代医院管理和发展的有关内容。 (7)院内感染知识学习。 3、岗前教育要由院方考核,合格者方可上岗。 4、未参加集中教育的新上岗职工,要依照本制度进行自学和...
巴楚县人民医院岗前教育内容 巴楚县人民医院岗前教育 1、医院要对每年新分到岗的职工实行岗前教育。岗前集中培训的时间不得少于一周。 2、岗前职业教育主要内容: (1)政治思想教育。 (2)医疗卫生事业的方针政策教育。 (3)医德教育。 (4)医院工作制度、操作常规、医疗安全措施及各类人员岗位职责。 (5)当地医疗卫生工作概况及本院情况。 (6)现代医院管理和发展的有关内容。 (7)院内感染知识学习。 3、岗前教育要由院方考核,合格者方可上岗。 4、未参加集中教育的新上岗职工,要依照本制度进行自学和考核。 5、岗前教育集中培训应与试用期教育结合起来。新上岗的医务人员在试用 期内,进行专业技术培训外,仍需坚持岗位教育培训,并在转正前作出评价。 、由医务科、护理部、后勤、财务等部门实施,人力资源部负责组织。 6 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 巴楚县人民医院岗前培训 一、培训目标: 1、转变观念,使新进员工自觉、主动和愉快地适应医院工作模式。 2、深入理解和掌握角色行为规范,使员工全面知晓每个人该做什么和怎么做。 3、深入掌握本院的医院文化、医院情况、医院精神、目标、服务理念等,共同形成良好的医院品牌形象。培养员工的团队协作精神,使员工个人目标与医院目标相统一。 4、熟悉岗位职责和职业道德规范,促进员工尽快适应医院工作,有利于医院服务水平的提高。 二、培训对象:新招聘和调入的人员。 三、培训时间:医院要对每年新分到岗的职工实行岗前教育。岗前集中培训的时间不得少于一周。 通常采取集中性培训方式,对未参加集中教育的新上岗职工,要依照本制度进行自学和考核。 四、岗前职业教育主要内容: (1)政治思想教育。 (2)医疗卫生事业的方针政策教育。 (3)医德规范教育。 (4)医院工作制度、操作常规、医疗安全措施及各类人员岗位职责。 (5)当地医疗卫生工作概况及本院情况。 (6)现代医院管理和发展的有关内容。 (7)院内感染知识学习。 (8)基本理论及技能。 五、培训考评:岗前教育要由院方考核,合格者方可上岗。岗前教育集中培训应与试用期教育结合起来。新上岗的医务人员在试用期内,进行专业技术培训外,仍须坚持岗位教育培训,并在转正前作出评价。 六、由院办负责组织,医务、护理、后勤、财务等职能主管部门实施,并就时间做出具体安排, joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 七、培训要求: 1、相关人员要按要求参加培训,遵守培训要求,相关部门要严格考勤。 2、培训情况和考试结果作为新进人员签订合约的重要依据。 巴楚县人民医院简介 巴楚县地处天山南麓,塔里木盆地西北缘,东面是阿瓦提县和墨玉县;南面是麦盖提县和皮山县;西面是伽师县、与普湖县、阿图什市相连;北面是柯坪县和阿合奇县相连。交通便捷,有国道314线,省道215线,南疆铁路贯穿巴楚线境内,火车站距县城有5公里。目前巴楚县已成为喀什、克州、和田、西藏阿里地区的交通枢纽,也是南疆重要的客货集散地之一,同时也是喀什地区的东大门,多年来巴楚县一直承担着周边地区的重要医疗任务。 我院位于巴楚县城东区,是全县的医疗技术服务中心。占地面积4万余平方米,业务用房总建筑面积30584平方米;其中门诊大楼2514平方米;急诊、妇科、产科1500平方米;住院部8483平方米;行政办公区1360平方米;感染科住院部903平方米,临检中心1300平方米;供应中心2429平方米,目前13254平方米的门诊综合住院楼正在建设当中。 我院为国家二级甲等医院,编制床位350张,有正式职工273人,其中卫技人员185人;职称结构:高级职称13人;中级职称32人;助理135人;员级30人。学历结构:大学本科10人;大专73人;中专123人;高中6人。我院分设32个科室:临床科有:内科、外科、妇科、产科、儿科等;门诊设有:五官科、眼科、口腔科;医技科室有:检验科、放射科、CT室、B超、心电图、脑电图室、病检科等。我院年门诊量5万人次;接诊住院9千人次,日均住院人数340人左右,全年床位使用率92.3%。 我院连续6年被评为县级先进单位,92年被地区命名为“文明单位”、96年9月被命名为“二级甲等”医院;96年11月被命名为自治区“模范职工之家”先进单位;97年被评为地区精神文明建设先进单位;98年11月被命名为“全国爱婴医院”称号。2000年被授予自治区及文明单位,2002年再次被评为自治区joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding “模范职工之家”先进单位;连续10年被评为“计划生育”先进单位。 根据巴楚县“十二五”经济发展纲要,在“十二五”末,全县整体医疗水平大幅度提高,人民医院充分发挥县中心医疗机构作用,按照“文化建院、依法治院、科技兴院,人才强院”的方针,加强医院管理,促进内涵建设,改进医院服务,规范医疗行为,提高医疗质量,确保医疗安全,控制医药费用,服务人民群众。广泛开展技术交流,每年开展研发医疗技术新项目,成为集预防、医疗、保健、急救、科研教育的综合性医院。 国家卫生部行风建设相关管理规定 医院工作人员守则 1、努力学习政治,刻苦专研业务,做到又红又专。 2、发扬救死扶伤实行革命人道主义精神,同情和尊重病人,全心全意为病人服务。 、带头遵守国家法令,模范地执行卫生法规。 3 4、服从组织,关心集体,团结友爱,勇于开展批评和自我批评。 5、对工作极端负责,严格执行规章制度和操作常规。 6、廉洁奉公,坚守岗位,尽职尽责,自觉抵制不正之风。 7、讲究文明礼貌,积极参加爱国卫生运动,美化环境,保持医院整洁肃静。 医德规范 1、救死扶伤,实行社会主义的人道主义。时刻为病人着想,千方百计为病人解除病痛。 2、尊重病人的人格和权利。对待病人不分民族、性别、职业、地位、财产状况,都应一视同仁。 3、文明礼貌服务。举止端庄,语言文明,态度和蔼,同情、关心和体贴病人。 4、廉洁奉公。自觉遵纪守法,不以医谋私。 5、为病人保守秘密,实行保护性医疗,不泄露病人隐私和秘密。 6、互相尊重,团结协作,正确处理同行同事的关系。 7、严谨求实,奋发进取,钻研医术,精益求精。不断更新知识,提高技术joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 水平。 医德医风管理规定 八不准: (1)医疗机构和科室不准实行药品、仪器检查、化验检查及其他医学检查等开单提成办法; (2)医疗机构的一切财务支出应由财务部门统一管理,内部科室取消与医务人员收入分配直接挂钩的经济承包办法,不准设立小金库; (3)医务人员在医疗服务活动中不准接受患者及其亲友的“红包”、物品和宴请; (4)医务人员不准接受医疗器械、药品、试剂等生产、销售企业或人员以各种名义和形式给予的回扣、提成或其他不正当利益; (5)医务人员不准通过介绍病人到其他单位检查、治疗或购买药品、医疗器械等收取回扣或提成; (6)医疗机构和医务人员不准在国家规定的收费项目和标准之外,自立、分解项目或提高标准加收费用; (7)医疗机构不准违反国家有关药品集中招标采购政策规定,对中标药品必须按采购,合理使用; (8)医疗机构不准使用假劣药品,或生产、销售、使用无生产批准文号的自制药品与制剂。 六项纪律: (1)严禁医务人员收受患者及其家属的“红包”和其他馈赠。医务人员对患者馈赠钱物当时难以谢绝的,必须于24小时内上交医院指定部门,由指定部门及时退还患者。难以退还的,由医院统一处理。对无正当理由逾期不报告、不上交的,视同收受“红包”处理。 (2)严禁医务人员利用职务之便,接受医疗设备、医疗器械、药品、试剂等生产、销售企业或个人以各种名义的回扣、提成和其他不当利益。 (3)严禁医务人员通过介绍病人到其他单位检查、治疗或购买药品、医疗器械等收取回扣和提成。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding (4)严禁医疗机构对药品、仪器检查、化验报告及其他特殊检查等实行“开单提成”办法,或与科室、个人收入挂钩。 (5)严禁医疗机构在国家规定的收费标准和项目之外,巧立名目乱收费。 (6)医疗机构内部一切财务收支由单位财务部门统一管理,取消科室承包的收入分成办法,科室不准设立“小金库”。 八项承诺: (1)拒绝接受患者及其亲友馈赠的“红包”、物品。对患者馈赠的钱物当时难以拒绝的,于24小时内上交本单位指定部门。 (2)拒绝接受医疗设备、医疗器械、一次性卫材、药品、试剂等生产、销售企业或代理推销人员以各种名义、形式给予的回扣、提成和其它不正当利益。发现企业或推销人员有上述行为的立即通报有关部门。 (3)介绍病人到其它单位检查、治疗、购买药品,或介绍他人购买医疗设备、医疗器械等,拒绝收取回扣或提成。 (4)开药、仪器检查、化验检查及其它医学检查等,拒绝收取开单提成。 (5)根据患者病情,规范开药、合理检查,不开大处方,不做不必要的检查。 (6)礼貌接诊,文明待人,热情服务,态度和蔼,不推诿、训斥、刁难病人。 (7)执行医务公开、价格和收费公示制度,尊重患者的选择权、知情权和监督权。 (8)执行患者住院“一日清单制”,不分解收费,不超标准收费,不自立项目收费。 巴楚县人民医院职工行为规范 一、总则: 第一条:为了进一步加强医院内涵管理,规范职工行为,促进医院的持续、稳定发展,建设一支具有较高素质和执业水准的职工队伍,特制定《巴楚县人民医院职工行为规范》 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 第二条:本《规范》是规范、调整、约束全院职工的职业道德,行业作风,行业规范,执业水准的依据,适用于医院全体职工。 第三条:职工必须遵守医院各项规章制度和医疗法律法规,严格执行职工行为规范,职工违反本《规范》中的条例,一律严格按《规范》中的规定做出对应处理。 第四条:职工违纪性质严重,认识态度不端正将报送卫生主管部门接受行政处分,违法涉嫌犯罪移送司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 二、劳动纪律 第五条:按时上班,挂牌上岗,坚守岗位,不迟到、不早退。 第六条:工作时间不得干私活以及从事与工作无关的事情、不得玩电脑游戏,不得串岗或白天不得在值班室看电视,聊天、吃零食等,不得因带人看病而影响工作。 第七条:工作时间工作场地必须着装整洁、仪表端庄。不得大声喧哗、不得醉酒影响工作,诊疗过程中不得抽烟不得接手机。 第八条:不得利用职务之便插队带亲戚朋友看病做检查造成不良影响。 第九条:服从组织和领导安排和调配,积极参加医院或科室安排的院内院外活动及业务活动。 第十条:职工请假必须按照有关规定办理正式手续,未经批准,不得擅自调休和请人代班,一般情况下不得临时请假,未经批准,不得擅自离岗。 三、服务态度 第十一条:尊重患者的人格和权益,语言文明,态度和蔼,举止端正,擅于与病人沟通。 第十二条:任何情况下不得以任何理由与患者发生争执,提倡文明用语,注重与患者沟通解释到位,杜绝服务忌语。 四、职业道德 第十三条:关心医院、热爱医院,自觉维护医院的形象和声益,不做任何对医院声益有影响的事。 第十四条:关心集体,正确处理同事之间的关系,互相学习,团结协作,互相补充,共同进步,不相骂,不打架,不“拉帮结派”。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 第十五条:爱护公物,积极参与医院的民主管理,增加主人翁意识,增强成本意识反对铺张浪费。 第十六条:热爱本职工作,努力钻研业务,严谨求实。 第十七条:积极开展科学研究,不断钻研新的治疗方法,努力提高学术水平。 第十八条:各级各类人员共同认真履行职责,高质量地完成本职工作。 五、职业纪律 第十九条:坚持首诊负责制,不得推诿随意转诊病人,严格遵循治疗常规,严格执行规章制度和操作常规,严防医疗差错和医疗纠纷的发生。 第二十条:不得以工作之便收受任何形式的回扣和礼品,自觉抵制各种不正之风。 第二十一条:不得以工作之便收受患者的钱物和接受患者吃请,更不允许索要,暗示。 第二十二条:未经医院允许不得擅自外出从事医疗业务活动或在家私自行医开业。 第二十三条:不得介绍病人到本县范围内医院或诊所、药店做检查、取药。 第二十四条:任何科室和个人不得无发票收费,私设小金库,私自出售、代售药品。 第二十五条:未经批准,任何科室和个人不得做“人情”检查或减免费用。 第二十六条:不得利用工作之便开具人情处方,不得违反规定开具病假条和病情证明单及与姓名不符的发票。 第二十七条:不得利用工作之便搭车开药,搭车退药和搭车检查。 六、社会公德 第二十八条:廉洁奉公、遵纪守法、不以权谋私和以医谋私。 第二十九条:遵守社会公德,遵守市民公约,争做文明市民,争创文明家庭、文明小区。 第三十条:积极响应政府号召,晚婚晚育、计划生育,踊跃参加抚贫救灾、捐款、义诊等公益活动。 第三十一条:学科学、宣传科学、反对各种迷信活动。 七、违反《规范》的处理 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 第三十二条:经查或经群众患者举报,职工违反《规范》情况属实,将按相关规定分别给予批评教育、通报、经济处罚、暂停职务晋升、当年不予评先进、待岗、报呈卫生主管部门给予行政处分等处理。 第三十三条:违反劳动纪律的处罚: 1、违反劳动纪律按《考勤奖罚办法》进行处罚,如造成医疗纠纷或医疗事故按《医疗纠纷及医疗事故防范处理预案》进行处理。 2、违反请休假规定按《请休假管理办法》进行处理。 八、附则 第三十四条:职工违反医院规章制度按照医院规章制度进行处理,未尽事宜经院办会研究讨论。 医务人员行为规范 各级医师的行为规范 一、门诊医师 1、遵守劳动纪律,不迟到早退,准时或提前恭候病人;坚守工作岗位,要认真、细致、耐心地诊治完最后一个病人才能下班,禁止推拖病人。 2、至少提前5分钟上班,整理好各自的诊台,保持诊室的整洁卫生。 3、开诊时必须着装整齐,禁止在诊室内吸烟。 4、在接诊病人时,不得使用私人通讯工具。 5、严格履行首诊医师负责制,耐心细致地解答病人有关病情询问,规范使用服务用语。 6、重视安全医疗,对危重病人必须优先及时诊治处理,需送急诊留观或住院的病人,医生需亲自护送,并与接收科室做好病情交接手续。 7、为明确诊断或观察疗效时,检查应做到针对性强,不能大包围检查,事先向病人说明检查的必要性,以争取病人的理解和合作,检查结果在不违背保护性医疗的前提下,应及时向病人反馈。 8、诊治病人必须认真细致,按规范书写、记录门诊病历,如经二次门诊不能确诊或三次以上门诊疗效不佳者,应请上级医师复诊或介绍到相关专科就诊,提高三日确诊率和医疗质量。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 9、坚持合理用药、安全用药,严格履行处方权限规定,不得盲目开药,不得滥开大处方、人情方,对与病情无关或超越处方用药规定情况,应对病人做耐心细致的解释,处方字体及医师签名应清晰可认,杜绝不合格处方,药物的用法、注意事项,应详细向病人交代清楚。 二、病房医师 1、按时交接班,上午交接班时间一般不超过半小时,对危重病人要床前交班。 2、病情记录的书写要按规定执行。 3、住院医师上、下午各查房一次。 4、新病人入院后,主管医师应在20分钟以内到达病人床前采集病史。问病史时,态度要和蔼可亲,要先说:“您好~你是刚进院的病人吧,请问你的姓名,我是您的主管医生,我姓*,以后就由我主要负责你的诊断治疗,如果你有什么要求或不适,可以随时找我。”如当时正在交班或查房或抢救其他病人,要先和新收病人打个招呼,了解患者生命体征,说明情况,取得病人的详解,并嘱咐病人:“如有不适,请随时呼叫”。如新收病人为危重病人,则应先行处理,等病情稳定后再做其他工作。新入院病人,原则上应在入院后1小时内能够吃到中成药或西药或静脉用药。 5、主任医师、主治医师对新入院病人第一次查房,住院医师应向病人介绍:“您好~这位是***主任,***主治,他们是我的上级医师,他们同时负责你的诊断治疗。” 6、医生有责任向病人或家属阐明目前的检查结果、诊断及下一步的治疗及检查计划。 7、检查要有针对性,用药合理。使用贵重药品、自费药品,必须向病人或家属说明检查及用药的目的,征得病人或家属同意。 8、对危重、疑难病人,应及时向家属反映病情,加强与病人及家属的沟通。 9、主管医生或值班医生听到病人的呼叫后,要求及时到达病床前。 10、查房时间一律不准接待熟人或非住院病人,平时新收病人时也不能中途接待熟人。 11、手术病人的主管医生,必须按时到达手术室,做好术前准备。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 12、节假日如有需要换药的病人,主管医生应按时回院换药,或交代值班医生代换药。择期手术病人术前住院小于3天。 13、新回来的检验单,主治医生和主管医生下班前应过目,需要立即处理的应及时开出医嘱。病人因故突然出院的,其检验单应由主管医生送到病案室并亲自贴在该病人的病历上。如出院时仍未做的检查项目应及时在医嘱上予以取消。 14、病人出院,科室应提早一天整理好病历,写好出院医嘱,做好结算前准备工作。 15、对诊断不明确或疗效不佳的危重疑难病人,五天内请院内会诊,一周内请院外会诊。 16、病人出院前,主管医生必须向病人或家属说明: (1)出院诊断,是否痊愈; (2)出院后如何正确服药,服药过程中应特别注意的问题; (3)是否需要定期复查,复查的项目; (4)复发或恶化的可能性有多大,有何征兆; (5)日常生活中如何进行自我保健; (6)如出现问题,如何与医生取得联系。 17、病人出院时主管医生或主治医生应送病人到楼梯口,然后和病人说声“再见”。 18、上班时间,不能在办公室吃东西,阅读报纸、看电视,不能利用科室电脑玩游戏、看VCD。 19、在查房时,不得使用私人通讯工具。 20、保持病房的安静,交班、查房及开医嘱时不许大声喧闹,中午14时半及晚上11时之后更要注意保持病房的安静。 三、手术医师 1、对所有手术病人均要进行术前讨论,对疑难病人应组织相关科室参与。 2、对适宜手术的患者,术前向患者及家属说明手术的必要性、手术方案、手术风险、术后并发症等,并请家属签名。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 3、手术前一天麻醉医师主动到病房了解病情,访视病人,以便及早做好麻醉方案前准备工作。同时应主动向病人简单介绍麻醉有关情况,术前、术中及术后可能发生的不适及术后镇痛的处理方法,使病人有充分的心理准备。 4、手术中所有医护人员不能闲谈与病情、手术无关的话题,不能使用私人通讯工具。 5、手术后由麻醉医师亲自护送病人过床,过床时要注意病人的生命体征,并送返病房,必要时护士随同。 四、急诊医师 1、凡急诊病人到诊,急诊科护士先做好接诊和分诊。一般病情病人,值班医生应及时做出处理,危重病人,应就地抢救,立即做出处理。接诊医生应负责登记、写病历,不得推搪病人。 2、病人在候诊、排队、取药、注射时,一旦出现意外情况,急诊科应立即派医生、护士前往现场抢救和处理病人。 3、凡身上无钱的、需要抢救的危重病人,不论其有无偿还能力,一律及时抢救、挽救生命,同时报告医务科及总值班。 4、凡确定为必须快速进行抢救的急诊危重病人,立即开通“绿色通道”,先处理后交费。参加检查、处理的其他非临床科室必须尽快发报告。 5、急诊病人到其他科室作检查、做手术或收入病房,必须有医护人员护送,危重病人必须有医生护送,并做好交接病人工作。 6、急诊病人检查三大常规及生化检查项目应在30分钟内出报告;心电图应在15分钟内出书面报告,有紧急情况应立即口头报告;放射科普通平片应30分钟内出报告。 7、留在急诊科留观的病人,按住院病人对待,建立三级医生查房制。主管医生、主管护士负责制,必须精心医疗,病案齐全,责任落实到人,保证医疗质量。 8、急诊值班人员必须24小时坚守工作岗位,随时应诊。 9、如发生大批伤害的突发事件,如中毒、交通意外、工程事故、意外灾害等,应在紧急抢救的同时报告总值班或医务科,并及时报告业务院长。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 10、严格执行《传染病防治法》和院内感染的登记制度,及时发现、登记和报告疫情。 护士服务规范 护理人员职业道德要求 1、尽职尽责,全心全意 2、文明服务,尊重病人 3、举止稳重,仪表端庄 4、刻苦钻研,精益求精 5、作风廉洁,团结协作 护士规范 热爱本职,自强不息;执行医嘱,准确快捷;三勤四要,五个一样;微笑工作,病人至上;三查七对,保质保量;精益求精,救死扶伤。 1、三勤:手勤——多为病人做好事。脚勤——多巡视观察病情。嘴勤——多宣传卫生常识,多做健康教育和心理护理。 2、四要:(1)仪表要整洁,工作要严肃。(2)要保持环境安静,做到四轻(说话、走路、操作、开关门)。(3)要严格执行各项规章制度和操作规程。 (4)要忠诚老实。 3、五个一样:(1)领导在场与不在场一个样。(2)白天与黑夜工作一个样。(3)熟人与非熟人一个样。(4)检查质量前后一个样。(5)平日与假日一个样。 礼貌服务的基本要求 1、主动:不分种族国籍,一样照顾;不论闲忙,待病人一样细心;不嫌麻烦,方便病人;不怕劳累,优质服务。 2、热情:待人礼貌,面带微笑;态度和蔼,不急不躁;言语亲切,积极关心;工作热心;照料周到。 3、耐心:面色和善,一视同仁;安排细致,有条不紊;想在前面,主动服务;照顾周到,达到要求。 护士上班服务应注意的事项 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 1、“病人为中心,质量第一”,对病人主动、热情、亲切和蔼、耐心真诚、语言要“您好”为先,“请”字开头,“谢”字结尾,微笑服务,不责备病人。 2、迎送用语:病人入院时建立良好关系的开始,护士要起立热情接待,给病人与家属作必要的解释与帮助,并把病人送到病床,病人出院要送至楼门口或电梯口,以送别语与病人告别,如:请按时服药,请定期到门诊复查,祝您早日康复,请慢走,请走好等。 3、实行首问负责制,首见负责制。 4、不吃东西,不打瞌睡,不扎堆聊天,不看专业以外的书报、不看电视,不玩电脑游戏,不做私事,不离岗。 5、尊重病人的风俗习惯和宗教信仰,不对病人的外形评头论足,更不得讥笑、模仿及表现其他怪样的表情,不可以给病人起绰号。 6、应主动与职工和熟悉的病人打招呼,在走廊、过道、电梯或活动场所与病人相遇,应主动礼让,切不可强行超越,如在行进过程中,遇到病人谈话或平行拦住去路,不得从其中间穿过,如果急需通过,应先向对方说声:“请让”,通过后,再回头说声:“谢谢”。 7、做到四轻:走路轻、关门轻、说话轻、操作轻,不在病人面前或病房、办公室内争吵或争论,推车、搬动桌椅、输液架等物品均要轻缓不拖、不拉。 8、对来访者热情详细解答有关的问题。 9、当病人对护士有误会或发脾气时,护士应控制自己的情绪,保持冷静或交由同事处理,自己暂时离开病人,绝不能与病人争吵。 10、上班前不要吃气味强刺激性的食物,如葱、蒜等,更不准饮酒。 11、抢救病人时,由于病人和时间不允许,护士应充分运用体态语言,如镇静的情绪,体贴的神情,熟练的技术,紧张的作风,以体现高度认真负责的行为举止。外伤病人待生命体征平稳后细心为病人擦净身上的血污渍。 12、当护士一人在班并在抢救病人时,另一病人要求帮助做事时,应恳切地说:“对不起,现在正在抢救病人,请稍等,我会尽快来的”。 13、接电话时,电话响铃三声之内应拿起话筒,先说:“您好~”再介绍科室名称,然后询问对方找谁,有什么事需要我帮忙,交谈中态度要和蔼,如果要joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 找的人不在,应客气地告知去向,并询问是否要留言或转告,注意:电话交谈时间不宜过长,放话筒动作要轻,以免引起误会。 14、给每位病人操作前均应说:“对不起,占用您一点时间给您做XX操作”;操作中要询问病人感觉如何,有无不适;操作后说:“操作完了,谢谢您的合作~”,特殊操作或使用特殊药物后注意观察病人的反应。 医院行政后勤人员服务规范 后勤人员服务规范 1、热爱后勤工作,努力学习有关业务知识,熟练掌握本职业务技能,主动为临床一线及医院各部门提供优质、高效服务。做到下收、下送、下修、保证水、电、气正常供应。 2、厉行节约,堵塞漏洞,严防浪费。认真做好设备和物资的计划、审核、采购、验收、入库、保管、发放、报废、清点及回收等工作,为医疗机构当好家、理好财。 3、爱护公物,搞好环境卫生,严格执行污水污物处理规定,保持医院环境清洁整齐优美。 4、做好防火、防盗、防毒等安全保卫工作。 行政管理人员服务规范 1、认真贯彻执行党的卫生工作方针、政策,带头遵纪守法和执行各项规章制度。牢固树立以病人为中心,为医疗第一线服务的思想,带领职工做好各项工作。 2、作风正派,廉洁奉公,以身作则,吃苦在前,享受在后,办事公道,带头抵制和纠正不正之风。 3、尊重知识,尊重人才,任人唯贤。平等待人,团结同志,密切联系群众,倾听群众意见,注意调动群众的积极性。 4、工作认真负责,尽心尽责,真抓实干,密切配合,熟练掌握本职业务,经常深入实际调查研究,了解分析各种信息,做到情况心中有数,决策科学正确,解决问题及时,工作讲究实效。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 5、开拓创新,锐意进取。努力学习,更新思想观念,积极探索,深化改革,加强科学管理,不断提高医院工作水平。 门卫服务规范 1(着装整洁,服务站立,仪表端庄,文明执勤。严格出入人员、车辆的管理,严把物品出门关。 2(礼貌待人,热情服务。耐心地为问询者指点方向,并为病人或家属排扰解难。 3(恪尽职守,维持院内安全和交通秩序,发现问题及时处理和报告。 巴楚县人民医院医患沟通制度 随着医学模式的转化和我国卫生法制建设的不断完善,人民生活水平、文化素质的提高和维权意识的增强,患者想要得到的医疗信息越来越多。因此,加强医患之间的沟通,既能提高患者对疾病诊疗全过程及其风险性的认识,减少医患之间由于信息不对称而产生的矛盾和纠纷,同时,又能增强医务人员的责任意识和法律意识,提高医疗服务质量,使患者及其近亲属学习到更多的健康卫生知识,破除迷信、增进医患互信、科学的战胜疾病。为适应新形势,保护患者合法权益、防止医疗纠纷的发生,维护良好的医疗秩序及广大医务人员的切身利益,确保医疗安全,化解医患矛盾,从更深层次上稳步提升医疗质量,特制定本制度。 一、执行对象:凡是本院职工在为患者提供的各种服务过程中都应当遵守本制度。 二、各岗位人员的医患沟通时机、内容及要求 : 全院所有工作人员除应主动、热情、礼貌、诚恳、语气平缓、满意回答患者及亲属提出的问题,不同岗位尚需与患者及亲属就以下内容进行满意有效的沟通: 1、导医:以主动了解患者当前需要为主要内容并给予满意回答。 2、挂号室:了解患者姓名、性别、年龄、住址等内容。 3、门(急)诊首诊医师:门诊首诊医师依照《首诊医师负责制度》规定接诊。在接诊时,应根据患者的既往病史、现病史、体格检查、辅助检查等对疾病joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 做出初步诊断,征求患者意见,安排其做进一步诊疗,告知患者起居、饮食、活动以及接受诊疗中的注意事项等内容,直至患者满意离去。需要进一步检查或治疗者应简述其必要性、依从性(诊疗活动带来的不便而导致患者依从接受的程度)以及花费情况,并指导患者进入下一个诊疗程序。 4、住院收费处:当患者办理住院手续、补缴预交款、进行结算、查询费用等情况时,如有疑问,住院处工作人员应当耐心解释,消除患者疑问。如有争议,住院处工作人员应当主动与费用发生源工作人员联系,由费用源头给予沟通解释。如系住院处记帐录入错误,应主动赔礼道歉。 5、病区住院期间的沟通 (1)入院时沟通:病区工作人员无论是谁发现患者新来入住,均应主动、热情上前招呼,并联系值班护士予以接待。值班护士接待新入患者后,在安排病床以后及时向患者告知住院须知、注意事项、生活指南等内容,并帮助患者熟悉就餐、用水、入厕等事宜。确定经治医师、责任护士后应当告知患者经治医师、责任护士姓名、称呼,并在床头卡上予以注明。 (2)病区首诊医师:病区首诊医师依照《首诊医师负责制度》接诊。当班医师(含进修、实习、新毕业轮转医师)发现新患者入住护理程序尚未结束之前应主动与患者打招呼,告知住院诊疗程序,消除着急、紧张情绪,取得患者配合,护理程序一经结束,当班医师即开始诊疗程序。接诊前先向患者介绍自己姓名,态度要热情、诚恳。首次病程记录书写完成以后应立即与患者及家属就初步诊断、可能的病因诱因、诊疗原则、进一步检查的内容、饮食、休息、注意事项等进行初步沟通。 (3)急诊入院患者应在护士办理住院的同时即应开始进行诊疗抢救等活动,并及时告知相关内容(诊断、危险、风险、最佳诊疗措施)以及书写危重告知书。危重告知书应由其近亲属或委托代理人签字并同意拟定的诊疗方案。 (4)由于风险、费用等原因患方不同意最佳诊疗方案时应拟定次选方案,并就患方不同意选择最佳方案而选择次选方案由患方签字认可。 (5)入院三天内的沟通:医护人员在患者入院三天内必须进行正式沟通。医护人员应向患方介绍疾病诊疗情况、主要诊疗措施、取得的预期效果以及下一步joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 治疗方案、需要患方在哪些方面予以配合、以及患方对诊疗的意见体验等进行广泛沟通,密切医患关系。 (6)住院期间的沟通:包括病情变化、有创检查及有风险处置前后、变更诊疗方案、贵重药品使用、发生欠费、术前、术中改变手术方式、麻醉前、输血前以及超医保范围药品、项目等时机的沟通。以上情况沟通要及时,消除患方不良情绪对诊疗造成的不利影响。 (7)出院时:医护人员除正常出具出院证、出院记录外,应向患方明确说明患者在院诊疗情况、出院医嘱及出院注意事项,随诊及随访时间。需要时应为患者出具诊断证明以及病历复印件。诊断证明盖章和复印病历应由经治医师负责办理。 6、 医技科室及其他协助诊疗科室的沟通:包括放射科、B超、心电图、检验科、病理科、手术室、康复科、其他门诊专科等。上述科室应主动热情招呼患者进入诊疗程序,说明注意事项,在本科室业务范围内回答患方提问,介绍诊疗目的。沟通口径应与申请医师口径一致,以免引起歧义而导致不良后果。绝对禁止上述科室超过专业执业范围回答咨询。必要时应进行了解患者病史资料的沟通。 7、药房:药房药剂师调配处方时应主动热情的做好窗口接待工作。处方存在问题时应向患者说“对不起,有个地方我看不清楚,我去问问医生,请您稍侯片刻”,征得患方同意后应主动找相关医师进行修改,不可让患者往返纠正。发出药品时应交待清楚每种药品使用方法及注意事项,直到患者满意离去。 8、收费处:参照住院收费处执行。 三、沟通注意事项: 1、沟通应力求使用表达贴切的通俗语言,注意既不能引起歧义,也不能引起患者不科学的幻想。 2、沟通要注意内容的层次性。要根据病情的轻重缓急、复杂程度以及预后好差,由不同级别的医护人员沟通。同时要根据患者及其近亲属的文化程度和要求不同,采取不同方式沟通。如已经发生纠纷苗头,要重点沟通。 3、对带有共性的多发病、常见病、季节性疾病可以进行集体沟通。 4、对于疑难、危重患者,由患者所在科室或小组共同与家属正式沟通;对joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding 于治疗风险大、效果不理想及预后不良者,应由科主任主持科内会诊讨论后由科主任为主集体与患者沟通。 5、对于在医疗活动中可能出现问题的患者,应立即将其做为重点对象有针对性的进行预防性沟通。预防性沟通应记入病程记录,必要时由患方签字。 6、经治医师与患方沟通困难或障碍者应另换其他医务人员(尽可能由上级医师)沟通。 7、诊断不明或病情恶化时科室内医务人员应先进行讨论,统一协调后,再行沟通,避免患方不信任或产生疑虑。 8、沟通时可以借助于实物、图谱、标本、模型等对照讲解,增加患方感性认识,便于患方对诊疗过程的理解和支持。 四、沟通技巧: 与患方沟通应体现尊重对方、耐心倾听对方的倾诉、同情患者的病情或遭遇、愿为患者奉献爱心的姿态并本着诚信的原则进行。同时应掌握以下技巧: 1、一个技巧:多听病人或家属说几句,尽量让病人和家属宣泄和倾诉,对患者的病情尽可能做出准确解释。 2、两个掌握:掌握病情、检查结果和治疗情况;掌握医疗费用给患方造成的心理压力。 3、三个留意:留意沟通对象的受教育程度、情绪状态及对沟通的感受;留意沟通对象对病情的认知程度和对交流的期望值;留意自身的情绪反应,学会自我控制。 4、四个避免:避免使用刺激对方情绪的语气、语调、语句;避免压抑对方情绪、刻意改变对方观点;避免过多使用对方不易听懂的专业词汇;避免强求对方立即接受医生的意见和事实。 joint treatment. In addition to approval of the supervising engineer, two adjacent blocks pouring time interval not less than 72h. (3) pouring layer of Pu material thickness concrete of Pu material thickness, according to mixing, and transport and pouring capacity, and vibrators performance and the temperatures factors determine, general situation Xia, cannot over Xia table of provides concrete pouring layer of allows maximum Pu material thickness (mm) pound real method and vibrators of category allows maximum thickness insert type soft axis vibrators vibrators head length of 1.25 times times surface type in no reinforced or less reinforced structure in the 250 in steel intensive or double steel structure in the 150 attached type plug-in 300 7.3.6 Concrete construction processes, methods based on concrete construction strength arrangement of concrete mixing station, which meets the construction requirements. Concrete construction procedure diagram is as follows: Foundation formwork-and acceptance-? ? face concrete mixing-acceptance-? ? concrete transportation ... Using artificial closed after concrete placing, ф 2 "Shaker vibration compacting. (3) removal and maintenance, mould stripping should be carried out after meet the required strength of the concrete, concrete curing concrete after the 12~18h started conservation, conservation agents approved by the supervision engineer film conservation or covered with straw bags or water conservation, concrete curing time in the 14-21 days, when in dry, hot, extended to 28 days or more. Horizontal construction joint in large volume concrete pouring concrete conservation into the upper phase. (4) construction joint treatment for horizontal construction joint of every warehouse, after the market closed, concrete final setting required by the engineer after cutting hair for concrete surface treatment; for gate dam bottom longitudinal seam, in addition to cutting hair, but should also adopt "staggered" construction and sewn reinforcement is set, to prevent temperature stress of concrete cracking. (5) the cellular concrete defect treatment of concrete surface pitting or other defects by supervision engineer indicates that the repair of the damage. Before the repair parts using a wire brush or pressure rinse clear defects, weak or chipping the concrete surface, rinse, using levels higher than the original concrete strength grade mortar, concrete, or other filler to fill the defect and smooth, strengthen conservation, ensuring that repair materials firm bond. (6) check water, and drainage, and expansion joints and laid pieces 1) check water, and expansion joints: check water of type type, and size, and laid location and material of varieties specifications should meet this engineering construction drawings of provides, metal check water tablets should flat, and clean, and no trachoma and nail hole, copper tablets check water in factory processing forming Hou, shipped to construction site, used double welding
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