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10万左右汽车推荐10万左右汽车推荐 一个汽车销售顾问的选车心得(分享汽车交易内幕) 本人是在一个县级城市的4S店的销售顾问,我们县的经济水平不太高,目前只有三四家4S店,还有两三家正在筹建中,本人经手销售的车辆品牌有6-7种,目前我们公司只有一家4S店,3家直营店,其他的都是二级,具体品牌有上海大众,长安福特,长安马自达,北京现代,吉利帝豪,之前还有长城和BYD,不过后面这两个品牌都退网了,退网的原因就是长城的区域管理太混乱,经常串货,而且价格卖不了太好,BYD退网的原因很简单,车子出的问题太多了,经常有各种莫名奇妙的问题出现,老板不愿意...
10万左右汽车推荐 一个汽车销售顾问的选车心得(分享汽车交易内幕) 本人是在一个县级城市的4S店的销售顾问,我们县的经济水平不太高,目前只有三四家4S店,还有两三家正在筹建中,本人经手销售的车辆品牌有6-7种,目前我们公司只有一家4S店,3家直营店,其他的都是二级,具体品牌有上海大众,长安福特,长安马自达,北京现代,吉利帝豪,之前还有长城和BYD,不过后面这两个品牌都退网了,退网的原因就是长城的区域管理太混乱,经常串货,而且价格卖不了太好,BYD退网的原因很简单,车子出的问太多了,经常有各种莫名奇妙的问题出现,老板不愿意做,嫌麻烦,和BYD同样毛病的还有奇瑞,这两个品牌的“中奖率”比较高,不建议大家购买。在5-8万元得价位,本人推荐长城和江淮这两种品牌,虽然长城的车我们已经不卖了,但是我对长城的车比较信任,在这个价位的车,长城做的很实在,我老爸买的就是长城C30 1.5手动豪华型,这也是这款车型里面性价比最高的车型,而且后排完全是平整的。江淮的和悦曾经是我们的竞争对手,个人也比较推荐这款车,同样也是1.5手动豪华型空间比C30大一点2710的轴距,4轮碟刹,最重要的是后多连杆独立悬挂。 8-10万元级别我推荐凯越,EC7和H6,凯越有很多的缺点,空间小,油耗大,性价比低,韩国大宇的技术等等,但是我还是会推荐凯越,没别的,就因为别克这个牌子,中国人很多不懂车,只认牌子,人在人中长,有时候别人的看法虽然我们不认同但是也不能不考虑,solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 这款车适合平常上下班,一年到头开不了多少公里,又喜欢要面子的人开,怎么样也是个小别克嘛,EC7是国产车里面做工最好的车,记住只是在国产车里面,缺点很明显,品牌不好,优点是外形漂亮,配置高,选EC7千万不要选1.5排量的车,那动力太小,开1.8的舒适型82800性价比高,还有个缺点,手动挡挂倒档的时候比较难挂进去,其他的都还好。如果有人喜欢越野车,手上银子又不多的话可以选择长城的H6,H3,动力,空间,外形,各方面都很不错,不过油耗在这个级别的SUV里面中等偏上,想省油可以买奇瑞瑞虎,小毛病不少,而且那动力会让你很痛苦的,上次我去提嘉年华的时候,有个瑞虎和我飙车,我不知道开了多少码,估计有140左右,因为没有码表的,4000转,瑞虎只能跟在嘉年华屁股后面吃灰。 10-12万级别的车有很多不错的车,注重品牌外形的可以选择大众朗逸,当然后悬挂和性价比的问题你可以忽略了,注重性价比的可以选择经典款的马3和经典款福克斯,这两个车的底盘都是和沃尔沃S40同一个平台的,性能完全不用怀疑,性价比好的车还有明锐和雪铁龙。注重油耗的可以选择卡罗拉,日系车确实比较省油。不过安全性公认的差,车子轻,事故后的维修成本高,当然买了车损险就OK了,关于保险的事情,后面会有详细的介绍。 12万-16万的车很好选择,注重品牌和保值性的还是选择大众,虽然大众有各种各样的问题,比如说DSG,比如说简配,比如说性价solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 比差,比如说加价,态度差等等。但是目前国内品牌最好的还是大众,通用的品牌其次。这两种品牌的车我绝对不会选择,原因很简单,价位偏高,性价比低,我们买大众的车有不少的比例是在广告和宣传上面。有更多的比例在大众这个品牌上面,真正花在车上面的比例太少了,感觉很亏。注重性价比的只有一款车推荐,那就是新款福克斯,新款福克斯的优点太多了,价位适中,底盘悬挂好,全系标配ESP,全新的内饰,弯道扭力智能分配系统,刹车辅助,进气格栅主动关闭,人机交互系统等等。。。我个人很可能在明年3-4月份选择这款车,这款车已经到店,先说说我个人的感觉,在路上开起来很舒服,过减震的时候根本没什么感觉,过弯的时候那叫一个爽啊,可惜虽然厂家给出的1.6排量和老款的1.8的功率和马力几乎是一样的,但是我开起来感觉还是比老款的1.8的稍微肉了一点,而且空间不大尤其是我1米66坐在副驾驶却不能完全打开手套箱,这是目前我感受到得最大的缺点。瑕不掩瑜,油耗很低,我们全程高速平均油耗不超过4毛5,和老款相比,一个天一个地,家用很合适,而且让我欣喜的是,老款的车门是点焊工艺,新款的变成了一体式冲压车门,车门安全性更高了,车身整体的做工有大幅度的改进,轮胎用的是米其林的,这是致胜最顶配才配的轮胎,我还尝试了下人机交互系统,感觉很好玩,要是两个屏幕在大点,4个车窗标配一键式的,在把电动座椅和胎压检测配上,那就完美了,哦对哦了,新款的发动机上面没有了盖子不知道为什么,6速双离合虽然和致胜的不是同样的技术,但是感觉很好,没有出现像DSG的问题。不知道为什么,两厢福克斯很多,三厢只solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 有一辆,我们没有搞到,一级经销商不肯给。 再说说很多人关心的买车注意事项,第一保险,保险走电销(电话销售)好,自己去保险公司保,新车可以打8折,而且电销还能送额外的礼品,新车推荐全保,不要在意这一点保险的钱,保险到用时方恨少,第三者推荐30万以上的,除了自燃险新车没必要保之外,其他的都很重要。如果你到4S店买的保险肯定是不会打折的,投保的公司推荐平安和人保,人保最大,理赔金额高,但是做事很慢,平安做事很快,但是理赔的金额比人保少点,其他的保险公司和这两家暂时没有办法比。按揭买车必须全保,一般4S店都会要求买那种不打折的保险,其实自己买电话销售的保险再按揭也是可以的,这就要看你怎么和他们谈了。第二,经销商都喜欢推荐按揭,因为按揭的手续费什么的都是另外再多赚的,按揭一台车可以多赚3000-5000多。第三,还价,卖车的利润其实不高的,很多车型只能赚2000-3000左右,价格越高的车可让利的空间越大,同一款车型,顶配的车型,利润比低配车型大很多,所以让利空间大,具体车型具体,大家可以多在论坛上看看别人的价格。买车的时候最好什么装修都不要,送的什么8000装修10000装修,成本也就是2000多,这样还会挤压你的还价空间,记住,钱才是最实在的。 第四,买车要看日期,过了半年以上的就是库存车,我们公司有过一台两年整的库存车,电瓶直接就费了,如果车子一关闭就得重新搭电,solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 我们看到的只有电瓶,看不到的呢,两年没开的车比别人开了三年的车车况还要差。第五,合格证的问题,一般正规的4S店都会把合格证抵押,所以星期六星期天都是很难拿到合格证的,星期一到星期五一般当天就能拿到合格证,二级网点的话,合格证是在一级4S店得,所以买了车之后一般要过上2-5天才能拿到。第六,验车,想看看你的车有没有跑过很多公里,看行车电脑是不行的,因为我们会拔码表,:)所以看就要看胎毛,还有胎毛的就是没跑过的车,我曾经看过一台车,不要说胎毛了,就是花纹都被磨的快没有的车被人买了。。。第七,油漆,新车也会有很多地方被磕掉油漆,最容易磕掉漆的地方是两个车门中间的边,我们俗称车门打架,以前致胜就有这个问题,现在好像厂家改进了,基本上没有这个问题,这里赞扬下CA,大家最好对着光线看车子,这样能发现划痕。第八,新车都会有很多塑料袋之类的盖在沙发上,建议大家一定要让4S店全部拆掉,很有可能你就中奖了,座椅脏了什么的,很正常,你车子出了4S店,他们就再不会对此负责的,第九,发票的问题,发票很多4S店会给开低发票,这样会少交很多购置税和增值税,但是保险公司的保险是按照发票价索赔的,比如说盗抢险。所以说具体怎么开发票就看各位的需求了,如果你是单位购车,就需要按原价开发票,否则你怎么报销。。。第十,装修,我个人推荐的装修项目有贴膜,脚垫,座椅套,底盘装甲,发动机下护板,其他的都没什么太大的作用,地胶是个很为难的东西,装的话,容易进水腐烂,味道对人体不好,不装的话又会容易脏,我推荐大家可以买两幅脚垫,一种全包围的御马脚垫,一种全包solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 围的厚的真皮脚垫,除了贴膜让别人装之外,其他的都可以从网上买。第十一,导航,大家不要相信什么原厂导航,后装的导航不可能事原厂的,原车就带的导航也不一定就是原厂的,大家买车一定要买原厂车,仔细看配置,如果你的车子原来就要导航你就要仔细看看,你的配置单上有没有这个选项,如果有,那再看比你第一个配置的车,看看有没有你配置单上应该有,而你的车上却没有的配置呢,如果是的话,就是经销商用低配车,加了导航谎称高配车,第十二,购置税是开票价除以11.7,大概就是85%左右,有些经销商,一般是二级网点,会报10%的购置税,那多出来的0.15就白送给人了。如果大家对选车或者开车有什么问题可以问,我会帮大家解答,如果车子有问题,我也可以找我们店得维修师傅帮忙解答。。。希望大家顶起来,让更多的人能选到自己称心的爱车,能开开心心的把车开回家,少些烦心的事。。。。。 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room 又发现了两个不尽如人意的地方,1,油门反应有点慢,会延迟1-2秒左右,尤其是倒车的时候,2,我本来以为新款福克斯会和致胜和嘉年华一样也是用无盖式加油系统,结果。。。。和老款的一样,还是要拧盖子的,还有,我发现2.0的有发动机盖,怎么1.6的就没有,不知道大家看到的车是不是也是这样,优点也有一个,福特终于大方了一回,以前用的都是纸脚垫,现在驾驶座下面有两个凸起来的东西,随车配了个布得脚垫,有两个孔的,我一套给套上去了,这下比纸的干净多了 不管大家买什么车记着两点 1,一分价钱一分货,2,按自己的需求和承受能力购买 solicited opinions and suggestions Article 265, including: four problems to 171. Deepening special regulation, State line State modified, side check side modified, total solution highlight problem 19 a; to rectification spirit carried out party political life, in-depth carried out heart talk, serious carried out criticism and self-critical; put built chapter State business throughout activities always, full cleanup and established perfect a involved "four wind" aspects of system provides, new 12 items, amendment perfect 15 items, abolition 3 items. Through educational practices, "four winds" problem significantly curb, party members and cadres ' apparent change of consciousness and ability of serving the masses increased significantly. (C) to promote the sustained and healthy development of economy and society. Adhere to the "party-led township, prospering Township, eco-village, projects promoting Township and industrial Township, industry-rich Township, harmony Township, stabilization control" development strategy, take economic construction as the Center, strengthen leadership over the economic work in earnest, closely around the target determined earlier this year to deal with and try to resolve the various adverse factors, pay close attention to the work. Efforts to promoting the construction of major projects. To transportation, water conservancy, urban infrastructure construction, focusing on implementation of a number of industrial structure adjustment and optimization and upgrading of key projects for leading roles; Completed has XX village pass village Highway, and township location lights bright of, and XX meters "beautiful village", and township public rental and Xiang hospitals public rental, and 270 sets rural housing room
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