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中国电信宽带整合安装软件用户手册中国电信宽带整合安装软件用户手册 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 用户手册 中国电信集团公司 2010年05月 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisi...
中国电信宽带整合安装软件用户手册 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 用户手册 中国电信集团公司 2010年05月 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 目录 1 引言 ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.1编写目的..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2背景 ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3系统要求..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.4文件描述..................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 整合安装使用说明 ................................................................................................................ 2 2.1客户代表输入页面................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 用户输入页面........................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1未注册通行证并且有中国电信固话号码................................................................................................... 4 2.2.2未注册通行证并且用户没有中国电信固话号码 ..................................................................................... 4 2.2.3用户已经注册通行证 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3选择用户套餐类型................................................................................................................................................... 6 2.4选择安装软件............................................................................................................................................................ 7 2.5宽带拨号上网............................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.6获取推广员ID .......................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.7通行证注册 ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.8通行证登录 ................................................................................................................................................................ 9 2.8.1登陆天翼宽带.................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.8.2登陆天翼live................................................................................................................................................... 10 2.9添加天翼live好友 ................................................................................................................................................. 10 2.10查询上报的安装 .......................................................................................................................................... 10 2.11文件拷贝 ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 2.12安装完成 ................................................................................................................................................................ 11 2.13 安装日志 ............................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.14其他功能 ................................................................................................................................................................ 13 3常见问FAQ ..................................................................................................................... 13 3.1必选软件、可选软件、新增安装软件的区别, ........................................................................................... 13 3.2填写宽带账号密码的有什么作用,“使用路由器上网”是什么意思, ................................................. 13 3.3填写用户固定电话号码的作用, ...................................................................................................................... 13 3.4为用户注册通行证的几种方式: ...................................................................................................................... 14 3.5如何注册电信通行证,“已经注册通行证”是什么意思, ..................................................................... 14 3.6为什么要关闭杀毒软件、防火墙及木马防护程序,................................................................................... 15 3.7为什么某些杀毒软件认为整合安装软件是恶意软件, .............................................................................. 15 3.8已设置了添加的天翼Live好友,为什么安装后没有反应,.................................................................... 15 附录 ........................................................................................................................................ 15 附录1:强密码规则 .................................................................................................................................................... 15 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 版本:1.1 文档信息 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 文档名称 LFT-002 文件编号 编制人 保密级别 修改过程 版本号 修改内容 修改人 修改日期 签收人 V1.0 2010-04-26 创建 V1.1 1、增加了1.5节“文件描述”,针对 安整合安装包的文件进行了描述。 2010-05-11 2、更改2.8为“查询上报的安装记录”。 V1.1 2010-05-14 1、增加常见问题章节。 评审过程 版本号 日期 评审者 概述 1 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 1 引言 1.1编写目的 指导客户代表使用中国电信宽带整合安装软件。 1.2背景 a( 系统名称:中国电信宽带整合安装软件; b( 目标用户:中国电信宽带安装客户代表; 1.3系统要求 Windows 2000、Windows Me 、Windows XP、 Windows vista 、Windows7等操作系统 计算机处理器速度为500 MHz或更快。 内存 256 MB以上(推荐使用512 MB)。 安装需要200MB的硬盘空间,安装后,运行最多需要 50MB 的硬盘空间。 1.4文件描述 整合安装如下图: 第 1 页 doc:目录下为个软件的服务条款; Favorites:收藏夹添加项目; Resources:软件安装资源包,所有安装的软件都存放在该目录下; ActReportFix.exe:为修正工具 Config.ini friends.ini setup.ini :为安装需要的配置文件(见第三章节); Antivirus.dat kasearch.dll :为杀毒检测必须的文件; AutoSetup.dll WebService.exe:通行证注册、上报安装记录等等所有与后台接口的实现; setup.exe :为整合安装软件启动文件。 CfgTools.exe :为配置工具。 中国电信宽带整合安装软件用户手册.doc:为给用户和客户代表提供的使用手册。 2 整合安装使用说明 本文档用于指导中国电信宽带客户代表和中国电信宽带用户使用本软件。 首先运行安装包中的setup启动安装过程: 2.1客户代表输入页面 启动安装后如下图所示: of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 在该窗口中填写客户代表的工号、装维手机号码(此手机号码应该提前由各省收集上报到集团运营中心)、用户的宽带账号密码、用户所在地区的长途区号、中国电信固定电话号码;如果用户在使用路由器上网请勾选“使用路由器上网”,否则不勾选。 主界面各项的作用: , 装维手机号码:此项必须填写。此手机号码应该提前由各省收集上报到集团运营中心,并导入 到管理后台中,否则会导致统计数据不准确。整合安装软件安装后,会上报安装数据到管理后 台,上报的信息是以此手机号码来识别装维人员的身份,同时也是装维人员登录管理后台的账 号(管理后台使用见《中国电信宽带整合安装软件管理后台使用手册》)。 , 宽带账号和密码:此项必须填写。天翼宽带安装完成后,要进行拨号上网并上报安装数据,如 果此项没有填写,会导致拨号失败,无法联网,同时也无法上报安装数据。 , 固话号码 ,此处有以下两种选择: , 填写固话号码(宽带+固话的用户,填写时不包括区号):点击下一步后,会进入2.2.1的界 面,让用户设置密码,整合安装软件安装完天翼宽带并拨号上网后会自动用此固话号码注册 通行证,通行证的用户名为:区号+固话号码。 , 为空(只有宽带,没有电话的情况下):点击下一步后,会进入2.2.2的界面,让用户设置密 码,整合安装软件安装完天翼宽带并拨号上网后会自动用此宽带注册通行证,通行证的用户 第 3 页 名为:区号+随机号码。 注:在运行整合安装软件前可能已经通过配置程序(CfgTools.exe)做了基本配置,做过配置的会显示在界面上,点击下一步前以重新输入的信息为准。 2.2 用户输入页面 2.2.1未注册通行证并且有中国电信固话号码 如下图所示: 有中国电信固话号码时,会有一个预期的通行证号码(长途区号,电话号码),用户输入通行证密码并确认密码;请在继续安装前,勾选“我已经阅读并同意中国电信通行证服务条款“,并仔细阅读该,了解相关协议条款。点击下一步继续: 密码输入有强密码检测,详细见附录1 2.2.2未注册通行证并且用户没有中国电信固话号码 如下图所示: of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 用户未注册中国电信通行证,并且没有固定电话号码时,此步骤只需要输入通行证密码,通行证注册时通行证后台随机分配一个电信通行证号码。 密码输入有强密码检测,详细见附录1 2.2.3用户已经注册通行证 如果用户已经注册过中国电信通行证,勾选“已经注册通行证”,如下图所示: 第 5 页 如果用户已经注册过中国电信通行证,请勾选已经注册通行证,该情况下需要用户输入通行证 号或者通行证别名、通行证密码、通行证确认密码。点击下一步继续。 已注册有通行证的用户,填写了通行证号,将使用该通行证添加天翼Live好友。 密码输入有强密码检测,详细见附录1 2.3选择用户套餐类型 根据用户申请的宽带套餐类型选择用户的套餐类型,如下图所示: of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 2.4选择安装软件 该步骤显示了必选软件和可选软件,必选软件不可更改,必须安装;可选软件可以由用户选安装和不安装;同时还可以选择“帮我把电脑的本地IP设置为:“,选择帮我添加天翼live好友。如下图所示: 第 7 页 点击是开始安装软件,整合安装软件会自动判断磁盘空间,从C盘开始,找到一个空间能够满足的本地磁盘进行安装。 2.5宽带拨号上网 如果用户没有使用路由器上网,整合安装软件会帮助用户设置宽带账号密码进行拨号。 拨号完成会检测网络状态,判断网络是否已经联通,检测超时是20秒钟,如果网络还存在问题会提示一下信息: 点击确定进行2.6节的操作,取消需要手动去注册中国电信通行证 如果网络状态正常会进行第2.6节操作。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 2.6获取推广员ID 在整合安装软件首页输入装维的手机号码(必须是电信手机号码),在该步骤将适用装维手机号码获取推广员ID,天翼宽带登陆时将该信息上报到管理后台,管理后台能够根据该信息考核装维人员。 推广员ID获取失败时将有以下提示信息: 注:“装维手机号码号”信息必须填写中国电信手机号码,如果装维人员已经使用手机号码开通过中国电信通行证,管理后台将以此作为统计依据;如果还没有使用手机开通中国电信通行证,管理后台将帮助装维人员开通中国电信通行证,并通过短信等途径将密码告知装维人员。 2.7通行证注册 在网络正常的情况,整合安装软件会自动帮助用户注册中国电信通行证。如果注册失败会提示以下信息: 点击确定重新尝试注册通行证,点击取消跳过通行证注册 2.8通行证登录 2.8.1登陆天翼宽带 通行证注册成功或者用户已经注册通行证号码,整合安装软件会帮助用户登录天翼宽带。 第 9 页 2.8.2登陆天翼live 通行证注册成功,整合安装软件会帮助用户登陆天翼live,如果没有检测到天翼live登录成功将有下面的提示信息: 点击确定继续等待或者等到天翼live登陆成功后点击确定,取消需要手动登陆天翼live,并且会条多添加天翼live好友步骤。 2.9添加天翼live好友 如果整合安装软件检测到天翼live成功登陆,整合安装软件会帮助用户添加天翼live好友和联系人。添加好友和联系人是通过调用天翼live后台接口实现,该接口是一个异步接口,调用成功后需要等待10分钟左右,重新登录天翼live后才能看到添加的好友和联系人。 2.10查询上报的安装记录 整合安装软件将所有的安装软件安装完成后,会向运营中心营销管理后台报告安装记录,如果用户安装了安全专家,同时会向安全专家后台报告安装记录。运营中心后台会提供一个套查询页面,为客户代表和各省、地市管理人员提供上报的安装记录。 上报安装记录将作为业务考核的数据依据之一。因此,客户代表在完成用户安装后,需要打开配置程序查看安装记录是否已上报。如果没有成功上报,则可以手工点击“提交”上报记录。 2.11文件拷贝 最后是文件拷贝。为了方便用户以后自己使用该安装软件,安装的最后将把整合安装包拷贝到用户的电脑。整合安装软件自动判断磁盘空间,从最后一个本地磁盘开始判断,找到一个有足够空间的磁盘进行拷贝,拷贝的文件夹名称为:“宽带软件整合安装” of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 拷贝完成会提示以下信息,以帮助用户记录文件拷贝的目录 2.12安装完成 单击确定完成安装,自动运行【天翼 Live】程序,自动扫描检测系统安全,自动导入Msn用户信息,导入信息后,退出并重新登陆天翼 Live后 ,系统大约在5分钟左右自动生效用户信息列表,下次登陆时无等待自动生效。 如果成功注册了通行证账号,会出现以下提示信息: 1、注册成功或者已经注册通行证,但是全数字。 第 11 页 同时弹出通行证登陆页面,输入通行证和密码登陆后可以修改密码和设置别名方便记 忆。 2、已经注册通行证,并且已经设置别名。 3、没有达到注册通行证条件,注册通行证失败,并且之前也没有注册通行证。 如果上报营销平台安装记录失败提示信息经提示:上报营销平台记录->失败,请装维确认。 点击确定后整合安装软件完成安装自动退出。 2.13 安装日志 整合安装包会记录安装日志,记录主要的操作步骤的结果和状态,以便于问题排查和问题反馈,of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 日志记录在 2.11章节描述的目录下,日志名称是:install.log,如果出现问题可以通过该日志排查。 2.14其他功能 1、 会将当地互联星空设为用户的首页。 2、 将当地电信业务相关的网址添加到用户收藏夹。 3常见问题FAQ 3.1必选软件、可选软件、新增安装软件的区别, 必选、可选软件都必须是已经过集团运营中心适配过的软件(如天翼宽带、天翼Live)。可选软件是用户可选择不安装的,而必选软件是必须安装的。 新增安装软件指各地市自主添加的软件,新增安装软件不需要经过适配,但必须符合的“新增软件安装约束”的要求。即对该软件参数和“下一步”等操作按钮的Title有格式要求。 3.2填写宽带账号密码的有什么作用,“使用路由器上网”是什么意思, 在初始界面中需要填写正确的用户宽带账号密码,在安装天翼宽带完成后,使用该宽带账号密码拨号,使本机达到上网条件。如果宽带密码填写错误,则需要手工重新填写。拨号前如果检测到已上网,则不再进行拨号。 在初始界面中选择“使用路由器上网”,后面将不再进行拨号,也不会自动注册通行证。 3.3填写用户固定电话号码的作用, 在初始界面中,需要填写宽带账号对应的用户的固定电话号码。 拨号上网后,将使用此处填写的固定电话号码作为电信通行证的注册账号。如果此处为空,将使用当前的宽带进行注册通行证(见3.4节)。如果此处填写了内容但不是当前电话号码,会导致注册通行证失败。 第 13 页 3.4为用户注册通行证的几种方式: , 固定电话自动注册通行证 在初始界面中(见2.1节)的“请输入固定电话号码”文本框中,填写当前用户宽带的电话号码,并设置密码(见2.2.1节),待安装完天翼宽带并拨号成功后,会自动注册通行证。通行证的名称为:区号+电话号码。一个电话号码只能注册一个通行证,如果此号码已经注册,会导致本次注册失败。 , 宽带自动注册通行证 在初始界面中(见2.1节)的“请输入固定电话号码”文本框中,不填写任何内容,并设置密码(见2.2.2节),待安装完天翼宽带并拨号成功后,会自动注册通行证。通行证的名称为:区号+6为随机号码。一个宽带只能注册一个通行证,如果此宽带已经注册,会导致本次注册失败。 如果此宽带线路和绑定的固话,任何一种方式已经注册了通行证,都会导致此次自动注册通行证失败。 , 手工注册通行证 在自动注册通行证(包括固定电话自动注册和宽带自动注册)失败(由于网络原因,拨号失败,固话号码填写错误,非本机拨号等原因都会导致失败)的情况下,可以选择手工注册通行证。手工注册请访问: 根据相应提示完成。 3.5如何注册电信通行证,“已经注册通行证”是什么意思, 在“宽带用户激活电信通行证”界面中,需要由用户填写通行证密码。本机拨号上网后,软件将提交期望的通行证号码(用户固话号码)和通行证密码到通行证后台,后台对宽带账号鉴权通过后,将完成通行证的注册。 如果用户已经有了通行证号码,则选择“已经注册通行证”,将不再进行通行证注册,而使用已有的通行证号码登陆天翼宽带。 注意:注册通行证必须在用户本机拨号成功的前提下进行。在局域网环境,非本机拨号的情况下,将不进行通行证自动注册的流程。此外,用户无固定电话号码时将不进行通行证的自动注册。宽带账号鉴权失败或该固话号码已申请了通行证时,注册通行证将失败。 of the contract must be "/"; Seven or one copy of the contract, each contract form, contents and elements; VIII, master/slave contract and complete specification interface, contract number. 5.9 other provisions the Bank supports risk managers, accompanied by professional risk management, such as account managers handle the pre-loan investigation, contracts and other key sectors. Risk managers and other professional accompanied by risk managers, account managers are still subject to these measures (procedures) for the fulfilment of duties, qilu Bank risk managers, risk managers, in accordance with the administrative procedures (trial implementation) called for duties. Risk management risk managers and other professional personnel involved in handling, account manager with double handle. 6. the credit policy of the Bank to support capital uses reasonable and sufficient source of repayment, parties of good credit personal loans. As described in the Bank's credit policy, marketing advice, business management and other documents. 7. process description and control business processes including personal loans loan application, acceptance and investigation, risk assessment and review, loan approval, Contracting, loan origination, loan payments, credit administration and loan recovery and disposal after nine stages. Process input for receipt of the borrower's application, the output of the process for loan recovery. Process description and control of specific requirements are as follows: node operation flow control point 1. loan application 1. loan borrowers applying for the loan. Risk 1: risk Description: loan qualifications did not meet the Bank requirements. Control measures: according to the preliminary information provided by the borrower selected clients shall not be artificially reduce credit terms 编制单位:中国电信上海研究院 中国电信宽带整合安装软件 3.6为什么要关闭杀毒软件、防火墙及木马防护程序, 为减少安装步骤,使操作尽量傻瓜化,在安装中本软件将控制电脑鼠标,进行一系列的自动操作,包括软件安装、填写拨号配置、拨号上网、使用通行证登陆天翼Live等。而杀毒软件、防火墙运行中将弹出提示框,提示用户是否允许该控制操作。此时由于鼠标已被控制,用户无法确认,可能引起误解。因此建议客户代表操作前,先手工关闭防火墙等程序,安装完成后再为用户重新执行运行。建议客户代表根据对话脚本对用户做好相应解释工作。此外,经测试,通常的杀毒软件防火墙,不会对本程序正常执行造成影响。 3.7为什么某些杀毒软件认为整合安装软件是恶意软件, 由于整合安装软件是一个脚本语言,能够模拟键盘鼠标操作;在安装软件时还会检查注册表来获取是否已经安装了将要安装的软件以及版本号,因此某些杀毒软件会认为整合安装软件是恶意软件。该提示不会对用户的电脑造成安全性影响。 3.8已设置了添加的天翼Live好友,为什么安装后没有反应, 能够成功添加好友的前提是:成功登陆天翼live。此外,添加好友过程是一个异步过程,天翼live后台无条件返回成功(有可能会添加好友失败)。并且如果成功添加了好友,也需要在几分钟后重新登陆天翼Live才能看到。 附录 附录1:强密码规则 强密码规则:整合安装仅有简单的强密码规则,如果密码仅有数字或者密码低于8位视为弱密码。 第 15 页
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