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青少年吸烟英语作文青少年吸烟英语作文 篇一:英语作文有关吸烟有汗健康,生活方式 13期报纸写作 As is known to all, smoking is time that people should quit smoking to save their lives. serious illness, smoking wastes a great deal of money and time, . 吸烟有害健康作文 Recently we hadwhether smoking is harmful or not.化~不同, fr...
青少年吸烟英语作文 篇一:英语作文有关吸烟有汗健康,生活方式 13期报纸写作 As is known to all, smoking is time that people should quit smoking to save their lives. serious illness, smoking wastes a great deal of money and time, . 吸烟有害健康作文 Recently we hadwhether smoking is harmful or not.化~不同, from person to person. Some people are in favor of,支持, smoking. They themselves. They also think will come at once when they are smoking. ,而且,, they even consider it as a symbol(标志) of intelligence,智慧, and maturity(成 熟). others argue that smoking brings nothing but,只 有~只不过, harm. They think that smoking is harmful to the health of smokersare forced to be second-hand smokers.is smoking bad for our body, smoking. 请你根据提示~以“Have a healthy lifestyle”为话 题写一篇10左右的短文~号召青少年坚持健康积 极的 生活方式。 1.许多青少年不注意健康问题~通宵上网聊天、玩游戏, 2.导致的危害:影响视力~身体虚弱~缺乏人际交往。 As we all know, health is very important.study well and enjoy life. However, many of us don’t their health. And we spend too much time watching TV, playing games and chatting all night. First, this may make us. Besides, our bodies become much weaker. Thirdly, we will lose the chance to communicate with otherswe never go out,our In my opinion, we should spend less time in front of the TV or the computer. we’d better go out to take some exercise, play some sports and visit some friends! 篇二:初二英语作文附答案 第四板块 书面达 【2011北京】十、文段表达,15分, 75. 成长中每个人都要面对烦恼~并解决问题。假设你 叫刘明~是美国中学生艾丽的朋友~你收到了她的电子邮件~ 请给她回复~回答她的问题~提出你的建议~并就此事谈谈 你的看 1. 回答她的问题 2. 提出建议 3. 对于此事谈谈你的看法 来信内容简要说明: Alice表示自己的好友Angela问自己借钱~但自己不知 是否该借给她~担心对方可能不能归还。问刘明是否遇到同 样的问题,请刘明给自己一些建议~期待回信。 【解题思路】 依旧牢记"结构、要点、逻辑、语法、亮点"五大要素~审题一定要仔细~看准题目中的要点为:回答她 的问题,提出建议,对于此事谈谈你的看法。 1. 结构、要点 文章第一部分~首先要做的就是在来信中找问题~很明 显~只有一个问句" Do you have the same problem?" ~所以作文中应该开门见山:I have the same problem. / I have never met things like this. 而且~来信的第一句话为" I'm so sad."~ 所以第一部分内容可以表示安慰 " Don't worry" 或者表示理解对方的感受 "I can understand you." 文章第二部分~根据第二个要点~提出建议。可能涉及 到如下几种建议~如: If it's not a lot of money, you can lend it to her.,如果钱不多的话~可以借给她, If she wants to borrow a lot of money from you, you'd better suggest her to ask her parents for help. ,如果她想要借很多钱的话~你最好建议她去问她的父母寻 求帮助, If you decide to help her, then trust her, because she is your close friend.,如果你决定把钱借给她的话~ 就要信任她~因为她是你的好朋友。, 文章第三部分~根据第三个要点~谈谈自己的感受~其 实~也就是回答"why"~即:为什么要给出如上 建议的原因。如: Friendship is more important than money, if your close friend needs help, you are supposed to give him / her a hand and trust him / her. ,友谊 和信任比金钱更重要~如果你的好朋友需要帮助~你应该帮 助他/她~并且给予信任。, We students don't have jobs to earn money but depend on our parents, when we need some money, it's always a better choice to ask our parents for help instead of turn to our friends. Meanwhile, we should be honest to our parents. ,我们学生没有工作~不挣钱~ 需要依赖我们的父母。当我们需要用钱的时候~问父母要总 比问同学借要好。同时~我们应该对父母要保持诚实, 2. 逻辑 如果考生能够找全题目要点~并且按照要点所给顺序写下来~结构清晰~那么逻辑应该是通顺的。因为全文基本是按照如下思路:现身说法~对于对方所遇到的问题表示理解 --- 提出建议 --- 说明感受~即说明所提建议的原因。其中~可以使用大量的逻辑连词和状语从句表示因果、条件、转折等逻辑关系。 3. 语法、亮点 根据题目要求~回信文体形式大体为说明文~议论参半~所以下笔前首先确定文章时态大体为一般现在时态。由于文章话题属于生活化细节问题~所以文章内容一般不涉及难度过大的词或句子~只要句式灵活多变~用词准确、丰富~逻辑通顺~语法完全正确~多用词组~向批卷老师呈现出扎实的语法功底和丰富的词汇量~也就是文章的亮点所在。 One possible version: Hi! Alice, I’m glad to hear from you. Yes, I sometimes have the same problem. I think if she really needs the money, you’d better lend it to her. You don’t need to worry too much. She’ll probably pay you back when she has money. If you don’t lend her the money, I’m afraid you may lose the friend. I think everyone may have trouble in life and we should help each other. So when my friends need money, I will try my best to help them. Maybe I’ll get it back, or maybe I won’t. I hope what I said can help you. Yours, Liu Ming 世界在发展~文化在交融~英语已经成为人们沟通的桥 梁。怎样学好英语是我们一直在求索的问题。几年的学习经 历你一定积累了许多成功的经验~请从听、说、读、写四方 面谈谈你的建议。 要求: 1. 词数:80—100词,开头已给出~不计入总词 数, 2. 字迹工整~语言流畅~表达正确~逻辑清晰。 How to learn English well English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions. One possible version: How to learn English well English is important and useful to us. How can we learn it well? Here are my suggestions. First, we should often listen to the tapes, English songs and programs. Watching English movies is also helpful to us. Second, we should speak English in class as much as possible. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. The more you speak, the fewer mistakes you’ll make. We'd better join the English club and practice with others. Third, we can read more English newspapers and magazines. It’ s good for us. At last, we should recite some good passages and keep diaries. In a word, as long as ,只要,we do more listening, speaking, reading and writing, we will learn English well. 74. 假设你叫张华~是美国中学生鲍勃的朋友。你收到 了他的电子邮件~请给他回复~回答他的问题~提出你的建 议~并就此事谈谈你的看法。 青少年吸烟问题在我国是个严重的问题。据统计~ 12-15岁的中学生约有35%以上的吸烟。一些学生只是好奇~ 而一些学生已经逐渐上瘾。请你对此谈谈看法同时说说吸烟 的危害~并对那些吸烟的学生提出你的建议。 提示语:smoking, serious problem, among teenagers, It is reported, students from 12 to 15, curious(好奇 的), used to, difficult, give up, harmful, pollute One possible version: Smoking is a serious problem among teenagers in China. It is reported that 35% students from 12 to 15 smoke. Some are just curious about it when they see others smoking. Unfortunately, others fall into the habit. And it is difficult to give up. I think it is not right for the students to smoke. Smoking is bad for people’s health. Many smokers died of lung cancer. It also harms people’s mental development, especially for teenagers. Smoking pollutes the air around us, and it can even cause fire. Every year, some people die from the fire caused by smoking and at the same time many buildings are destroyed by the fire. I hope those students who smoke should give up smoking as soon as possible, it is not only good for yourself but also for your family and people around you. You should put your heart into studies, and play ball games with your friends to make yourself a happy and healthy teenager. 75. 今天网络对我们生活和学习的影响无处不在。假设 你是网名Free Dove网络冲浪手~Englishlearner.com是你 时常浏览的一个网站。这次你在上面看到这样两份留言~请 你选择其中一份留言回复~针对她的问题~谈谈你的看法~ 并给出几点建议。 I had the same problem as yours. I don’t think you need to worry too much. I have some good ways for you. First, why not write down the words on a small notebook and go over them every day? I tried it and now I find it difficult to forget the words. You can give it a try. Second, try to use them. If you can use them when you speak or write English, you will remember them better. Last but not least(最后), organize a list of words in a song or a story. It will help you remember them better. I’m sure you’ll find these ways helpful. Hope you’ ll have fun memorizing English words. 115 w Hi! Zhang Hua, I have a big problem these days. I spend much time watching TV in the evening after doing my homework. So I often stay up and get up late in the morning. As a result, I usually have no time for breakfast and feel tired all day. My parents don’t allow me to watch TV now and force me to go to bed before 10:30. That makes me unhappy. I don’t think they understand me. Do you have the same problem? What should I do? I’m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Bob Hi! Bob, I’m glad to hear from you. I used to have the same problem. Cheer up! I’d like to give you some advice. First, stop watching TV and go to bed earlier. Watching TV too much is bad not only for your eyes but also for your study. Second, you’d better get up on time and have breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Finally, you should understand your parents. All parents love their children. If you listen to them, I’m sure you will become healthier and won’t often feel tired. I think it’s important for everyone to keep healthy and good living habits help a lot. I hope what I said can help you. Yours, Zhang Hua 书面表达,9, 假如你是Daniel。请你根据下面的提示内容~给你的笔 友Kitty写一封电子邮件~向她倾述你的烦恼~并请求她的 帮助。词数要求:80词。 1. 着迷于网上聊天~并花费很多时间, 2. 经常回家很晚~不能按时交作业, 3. 父母和老师不喜欢这样~要我放弃这个爱好, 4. 为此常感到有压力~也不知怎么办才好~希望给出一 些建议 Dear Kitty, How time flies! I haven’t seen you for a long time. I am in trouble now. Could you help me with my problem? I love chatting on the Internet. I spend a lot of time talking with others so I go home late every night. I’ m too tired to do my homework and I can’t hand it in on time. Both my teachers and parents don’t like me to do so. They hope I can give it up. I feel stressed and don’t know what to do. Could you give me some advice? Please write to me soon. Best wishes, Yours, Daniel 74. 某英文报纸的“English Study”专栏向中学生征稿~ 要求同学们介绍一下自己英语学习的现状~谈谈对英语学习 的感受~以及进一步提高英语水平的打算。请你投稿。 提示词语:talk about, learn English, useful, important,work hard,improve Dear Li Fei, I’m lucky to have you as my host family. I will stay in Beijing just for two days. I hope to go to your school and study with you. I’m interested in your courses and after-class activities. I also want to know more about Beijing? Could you please show me around Beijing? Would you mind telling me the two-day life and activities? I’m looking forward to your letter. Yours, Jack 某英文报纸就中学生带手机,cell phones,上学话题 征文~请你投稿。 手机在人们生活中扮演着重要角色~许多同学带手机上 学。请你谈谈同学们经常用手机做什么~你有什么体会~你 对正确使用手机有哪些建议。 daily life~convenient~ keep in touch~ pass notes, during the class~ affect ___________________________________________________________________ Cell phones are very important in our daily life. More and more children bring their phones to school. At school, students use cell phones to pass notes, read novels and listen to music. Sometimes cell phones ring during the class. Some people think it’s convenient ,方便的, for students to keep in touch with their parents, so schools should allow students to take cell phones to school. In my opinion, with a cell phone to school will affect the student’s attention, students shouldn’t bring cell phones to school. They should focus on the lessons and other activities in the school. ( 98 words ) 英语老师要组织一个经验交流会~他要求每位同学写一 篇发言稿。内容包括:谈谈你对英语学习的认识~介绍你是 怎样学习英语的~你希望英语老师在课外活动方面开展哪些 活动。 提示词语:important, useful, read, listen, speak, English film… English is used widely in the world. I think it’ s important for us to learn it well. English is one of my best subjects. But at the very beginning, I am not good at it. Then I did a lot to improve my English. Firstly, it's very important for me to listen to the teacher carefully in class and make some notes so that I can go over my lessons later. Secondly, I try to catch every chance to practice listening and speaking, both in and out of class. I’ m not afraid of making mistakes. I try to read more in English. I believe that nothing is impossible if I put my heart into it. I am so interested in English that I hope my English teacher will hold an English party or English corner for us. Then we can listen to beautiful English songs and see interesting English films. I think we can not only improve our listening ability but also have more chances to talk with others in English. 某英文杂志正在举办以“How do you get on well with your classmates?”为主题的征文比赛~ 篇三:英语写作经典句型 英语写作经典句型 1. the + ~est +名词+,that,+主语+ have ever done 1)海伦是我所见到过的最美丽的女孩。 Helen is the most beautiful girl than I have ever seen. 2)张老师是我曾经遇到的最仁慈的教师。 Mrs/Miss Zheng is the kindest teacher that I have ever met. 2. Nothing/Nobody is + er/more than to do 1)没有比接受教育更重要的事。 Nothing is more important than to receive education. 2)没有人比他更适合做这个工作。 Nobody is more suitable than he does the work. 3)我们找不到比这本书更适合的其他书了。 I can’t find a better book than this one. 3. There is no denging that(不可否认的) There is no way of doing sth. There is no possible of doing (much,little) It is impossible to do sth. It is important/necessary for sb. To do sth. 1)不可否认的是~我们的生活品质已经越来越好了。 (that the quality of our life) 2,毫不令人怀疑的是~他帮你们是没有任何其它目的的。 There is no doubt that he helped you out of his kindness but without any ambitions. 3)没有可能在短期抑制对环境的污染。但无论如何~我 们都应该引起对这个问题的关注。 There is no possibility of controlling the environmental pollution.Anyhow much attention should be paid to the problem. 4.the +比较级+主+谓~the +比较级+主+谓… 1)大多数父母认为孩子花在电视上的时间越长~就越浪 费时间。 Most parents do think the longer their children spend in watching TV, the most time they waste. 2)有时候~你写的文章越长~你犯的错误可能就越多。 Sometimes, the longer you write your composition, the more mistake. 3)你与父母沟通越多~你们就能更好地互相理解。 The more communication you have with your parents, the better. 5.more and more / better and better / easier and easier 1)记下了大量的单词后~我觉得英语越来越容易了。 Having remembered a great munber of words, I find that English is easier and easier to learn. 2)地球上的资源越来越少了。为了保护好地球~我们应该 给予地球资源越来越多的重视。 The resourses on the earth are less and less. In order to protect the earth well, we should pay more and more attention to them on earth. 6.The reason why…is…that…(……的原因是…) 1)我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气。 The reason why we should plant more trees is that they supply as much fresh air as possible for us. 2)我昨天缺课的原因是我病得很厉害。 The reason why I missed the lessons was that I was seriously ill yesterday. 3)人们不相信他的原因是他曾经欺骗过无数善良的人。 The reason why people don’t trust him is that he once cheated them too much. 7.as +形/副 as…和…一样 1)男孩选择在网上购书的人数与女孩是一样的多。 The boys who are ordering books on the Internet core as many as the girls. (The number of boys who are ordering books on the Internet is as much as that of the girls. 2)这次社会实践~我们学到的知识与在课堂学到的知识 一样多。 By the social practice, we learnt as much konwledge as we do in class. 8.By doing sth. …can… (借着…能够) 1)通过努力学习~我终于赶上班上的其他的同学了。By studying hard , I catch up with the others of the class. 2)通过在网上购物~他们省下了一大笔钱。 By shopping on the Internet he could save a lot of money. 3)通过卖报~他能养活他自己。 By selling newspapers, he can support himself. 9.be able to =en(转 载于:wWW.cSsYq.cOM 书业网:青 少年吸烟英语作文)able +宾语/to do sth. 1)他在5分钟之内能够做出这道算术题。 He enables himself to work out the maths problem within 5 mimutes. 2)听音乐使我们能够轻松。 Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed. 10.It is time to do sth./for sth./that 从句(从句 的动词为过去式) 1)一整天在校学习后~现在终于是我们回家的时候了。 2)该是当地政府采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候 了。 It is time that the local government took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. 11.Those who…(…的人…) 1)违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。 Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished. 2)那些正在灾区帮助灾民~进行灾区重建的人应该得到 人们的赞扬。 Those who are helping the earthquale hit—areas must be thought lighly of by the people. 3)那些听写不及格的人应该多花时间去记单词。 Those who fail in the dictations must spend more time remembering words. 12.In my opinion / As for as I’m concerned, from my personal point of view (from the point of… /view of sb.)依…看来… 1)据我所知~下列方法对我们有极大的帮助。 As for as I am concerned, the following ways are 2)从他的家人看来~他的负伤应该由司机负责任。 From the point of view of his family, the driver is to blame for his injury.
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