

2017-09-28 12页 doc 39KB 50阅读




喀什经济特区-中国第六个经济特区喀什经济特区-中国第六个经济特区 一(喀什建立经济特区的时代背景 新疆振兴规划和喀什经济特区批建是在我国十一五经济规划调整的大背景下进行的,是经济优化升级和调整、继续西部大开发的重要步骤,是国家民族地区发展政策的具体落实,既结合了新疆和喀什的实际情况,也契合了我国经济发展升级和转移的形势。 2009年是新疆自治区成立六十周年,却发生75恶性事件,新疆成为人们关注的焦点,人们除了关注打砸抢烧事件本身,更多是关心新疆人民的社会经济生活,特别是边疆城市的稳定和发展也是中央政府和社会各界关注的重点。喀什做为我国最西部的边疆重镇,既是...
喀什经济特区-中国第六个经济特区 一(喀什建立经济特区的时代背景 新疆振兴和喀什经济特区批建是在我国十一五经济规划调整的大背景下进行的,是经济优化升级和调整、继续西部大开发的重要步骤,是国家民族地区发展政策的具体落实,既结合了新疆和喀什的实际情况,也契合了我国经济发展升级和转移的形势。 2009年是新疆自治区成立六十周年,却发生75恶性事件,新疆成为人们关注的焦点,人们除了关注打砸抢烧事件本身,更多是关心新疆人民的社会经济生活,特别是边疆城市的稳定和发展也是中央政府和社会各界关注的重点。喀什做为我国最西部的边疆重镇,既是我国的边境贸易城市,同时因为和阿富汗接壤也是我国反恐的主要阵地。复杂的国际背景和深刻的历史根源,所以这里是维护祖国统一、反对民族分裂斗争的前沿阵地。 喀什市周边与多国接壤、少数民族聚居、经济社会总体欠发达,与全国的差距还在拉大。喀什经济综合实力不强,现代工业体系尚未建立,城乡经济处于低层次发展状态;社会事业发展缓慢,文化基础设施落后;社会保障水平总体不高,人均公共服务远低于全国平均水平;劳动者素质低。各类专业技术人才、企业管理人才严重匮乏;维稳形势严峻,境内“三股势力”破坏活动始终没有停止,维护社会稳定任务仍然艰巨。 然而维护祖国统一和社会安定、反对民族分裂和恐怖主义, “发展才是硬道理”,只有经济发展了,新疆人民过上好日子和好生活,才能获得最广大新疆人民的支持,才能彻底消除境内外的民族分裂势力,维护民族团结和社会稳定。 因此,建立喀什经济特区,是经济发展的需要,民族团结的需要,是社会安定的需要。二(喀什地理概况 喀risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 什地区地处欧亚大陆中部,我国西北部,新疆维吾尔自治区西南部。地处在东经71?39′79?52′,北纬35?28′40?16′之间。全区总面积16.2万平方千米,全区总人口376.27万人(2006),其中非农业人口93.6万人,人口出生率10.02‰,死亡率2.61‰,人口自然增长率1.41‰。喀什地区下辖1个市和11个县,喀什市是喀什地区的政治、经济、文化中心,也是新疆唯一的中国历史文化名城。 喀什市总面积554平方公里,辖6乡、2镇、1个场、4街道,总人口60万(含流动人口15万),以维吾尔族为主体的少数民族人口占总人口的82.8,。 喀什是一个多民族聚居的地区,境内主要民族有维吾尔族、汉族、塔吉克族、回族、柯尔克孜族、乌孜别克族、哈萨克族、俄罗斯族等31个民族。31个民族曾在这里繁衍生息,发展经济、文化。在漫长的社会进程中,各个民族互相协作、互相影响、互相融合。 喀什地区处在中亚腹部,受地理环境的制约,属暖温带大陆性干旱气候带。境内四季分明、光照长、气温年和日变化大,降水很少,蒸发旺盛。夏季炎热,但酷暑期短;冬无严寒,但低温期长;春夏多大风、沙暴、浮尘天气。 喀什地区三面环山,一面敞开,北有天山南脉横卧,西有帕米尔高原耸立,南部是绵亘东西的喀喇昆仑山,东部为一望无垠的塔克拉玛干大沙漠。诸山和沙漠环绕的叶尔羌河、喀什噶尔河冲积平原犹如绿色的宝石镶嵌其中。整个地势由西南向东北倾斜。地貌轮廊是由稳定的塔里木盆地、天山、昆仑山地槽褶皱带为主的构造单元组成。印度洋的湿润气流难以到达,北冰洋的寒冷气流也较难穿透,造成喀什地区干旱炎热的暖温带的荒漠景观。而山区的冰雪融risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 水给绿洲的开发创造了条件,形成较集中的喀什噶尔和叶尔羌河两大著名绿洲。境内最高的乔戈里峰海拔8 611米,最低处塔克拉玛干大沙漠海拔1 100米,喀什市城区的平均海拔高度为1 289米。三(喀什区位分析 1(地理位置优越 喀什是中国最西的地市。周边与巴基斯坦、阿富汗、印度、吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦等五国接壤,具有“五口通八国,一路连欧亚”的独特区位优势,是祖国向西开放的重要门户。优越的位置,为发展对外贸易提供了优越条件。 喀什直通中亚、西亚和南亚的伊斯兰世界;西出喀什,取道中亚可前往欧洲,陆路、空中的距离与时间都会大大缩短;随着第二座欧亚大陆桥的建成,喀什正在成为东西物流网络的节点,是中国开拓外部能源资源,开辟中亚、西亚及南亚市场的重要桥梁。 2(喀什地区地域辽阔,自然资源丰富,是中国西部一块待开发宝地。 喀什水土光热、矿产、石油天然气、农副产品资源十分丰富,发展潜力巨大。 喀什土地总面积1394.79万公顷,约占新疆土地总面积的1/2。目前已发现矿产67种,矿产地224处。其中大型矿床12处。其中,石膏储量居全国前茅,蛇纹岩储量居全国第三位。石油、天然气、水泥石灰岩、熔剂灰岩、饰面大理石、花岗岩、磁铁矿、硫铁矿、玉石储量丰富。 3(旅游资源丰富 喀什自然风光奇特、人文景观众多,民族色彩浓郁,是南疆最重要的旅游地区。这里有帕米尔高原,有叶尔羌河,有冰川之父——慕士塔格冰山,有世界第二高峰——乔戈里峰,有“死亡之海”——塔克拉玛干大沙漠,有新疆最大的清真寺——艾提尕尔清真寺,这里还有大型伊斯兰式古建筑——香妃墓、千年佛教遗址——莫尔佛risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 塔、古代“喝盘陀”国的都城——塔什库尔干石头城等历史古迹。所以说,“不到喀什就不算到过新疆”。 4(国家政策的大力支持 继实施西部大开发战略之后,党中央又专门对新疆的发展与稳定作出战略部署,并从各个方面给予倾斜和支持成为特区后,喀什由厅级城市升为副省级城市,将获得更多政治、经济资源,拥有更强的执行效能。喀什将享受产业、税收、金融、土地、外贸等特殊政策。凭藉这些优势,喀什将有机会成为向西出口加工基地、商品中转集散地,以及进口能源和稀缺矿产资源的国际大通道、走出去开发能源资源和开拓国际市场的新欧亚大陆桥,把喀什打造成为中亚经济圈的核心区。 5.基础设施和交通条件不断完善 基础设施建设有了较大改观。喀什机场作为新疆第二大航空港,已完成2亿元投资的改扩建,经国务院批准的喀什口岸机场,与内地主要城市及邻国的通航指日可待。南疆铁路运营良好,铁路、公路、航空“三位一体”的立体交通体系已经形成,古丝路明珠——现代化喀什大放异彩。 除此之外,从市场条件来看,喀什的发展不同于东部和深圳的发展。深圳开放的窗口主要是向内的,是把外部先进的东西引进来;而由于中国的改革开放和经济发展比中亚、西亚甚至南亚快半拍,喀什的窗口则是向外开的。在发达国家市场趋于饱和的情况下,开拓中亚南亚市场会大有作为。 当然,建立特区是喀什发展的机遇,我们也应看到光明道路同时充满挑战和荆棘。 首先,新疆地区恶劣的自然地理环境是阻碍其发展的第一道障碍。新疆地区位于亚欧大陆的腹地,终年降水稀少,水资源严重匮乏;地形多以沙漠和隔壁为主,不宜耕种。沙尘暴是当地十分risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 常见的灾害天气。因此,一方面要克服恶劣的自然环境,另一方面,发展经济还要防止环境污染和生态破坏对环境的不利影响,维护好生态平衡。 其次,新疆地区少数民族众多,民族问一直是影响当地政局稳定的一个重要因素,而稳定的政局对于经济发展至关重要 喀什地区位于中国西陲,地理坐标东经73?20′,79?57′,北纬35?20′,40?18′。东临塔克拉玛干沙漠,南依喀喇昆仑山与西藏阿里地区,西靠帕米尔高原,东北与阿克苏地区柯坪县、阿瓦提县相连,西北与克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州的阿图什市、乌恰县、阿克陶县相连,东南与和田地区皮山县相连。地区辖1个县级市、10个县和1个自治县,地区行署驻喀什市,喀什市是喀什地区政治、经济、文化、交通以及宗教中心,喀什是中国最西边的城市。 喀什经济特区,来自新疆地区代表在2010年两会正式提交的设立提案,2010年5月,中央新疆工作会议上中央正式批准喀什设立经济特区。喀什是中国的西大门,与五国接壤,有6个国家一类口岸对外开放,区位优势明显。喀什经济特区的设立,为实现喀什地区乃至新疆经济的跨越式发展具有重要战略意义。 2010年5月中央新疆工作座谈会议在北京召开,决定举全国之力建设新疆,设立喀什经济特区,率先在新疆进行资源税费改革。5年后全区人均 GDP 将达全国平均水平。喀什将以东有深圳、西有喀什为目标,依托国家批准设立中国,喀什经济特区的特殊扶持政策,面向东亚、南亚、西亚广阔市场,加快超常规发展步伐,努力把喀什建设成为世界级的国际化大都市。 中国经济特区分布 1980年建立4个经济特区:深圳(2020平方公里),珠海(1687.8平risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions 方公里),厦门(1565平方公里),汕头(2064平方公里)。 1988年又把海南岛(现海南省,33920平方公里)作为经济特区。 2010年设立喀什(111794平方公里)经济特区。 特区经济特征:建设资金以外资为主。经济结构以“三资”(外资、侨资、港澳资)企业为主。产品以外销为主。其经济运行机制是在国家计划指导下的市场调节为主。特区经济以发展工业为主、实行工贸结合,并相应发展旅游、房地产、金融、饮食服务等第三产业。 risk managers with two account manager to deal with the above key. Section I of chapter III risk management requirements pre-loan investigation pre-loan investigation should double handle. Pre-loan investigation dominated by field investigations on the ground, while utilizing credit enquiries, telephone enquiries, bank information system query-related personnel, and so on. Interview system of Bank's strict application of the system of personal credit business interview. Investigators should work with borrowers, to the repayment or the guarantor credit business, such as parties and the spouse of confirmed acts such as loans, guarantees, verification of its authenticity and its rights and obligations in the credit business, retain these signed transcript of the interview, from the first step to prevent false loans and other business risks. Investigator should retain the borrower sign a personal loan application, loan applications should be clearly the amount, purpose, duration and other information. Investigators should follow the practice for information collection and verification of data authenticity it carefully, and keep copies, photocopies must be checked against the original agreement, effectively preventing borrowers using false information to apply for credit. Income and occupation, and other key information to verify authenticity investigators should carefully verifying the borrower's income. To income as the main source of repayment, subject to proof of income is required, but should also audit payroll flowing water, and staff than the peer confirmed the authenticity of the same type; operating income as the main source of repayment, and should refer to the working capital loans required to verify real incomes, accuracy; guard no ability to repay or guarantee of the ability of the borrower, guarantor to obtain credit. Given that some products for an object to have a specific professional restrictions
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