

2018-01-07 17页 doc 46KB 19阅读




小游戏进化世界的游戏攻略小游戏进化世界的游戏攻略 共119种 自然元素19种 植物(16种) 海洋生物(11种) 爬行动物和两栖动物(6种) 昆虫(4种) 鸟类(8种) 哺乳动物(38种) 其他物种(17种) 自然元素(19种) 1、气 +火=闪电 +水=雾 +岩石=沙子 +雾=云 +海草=蕨类植物 +鱼=火蜥蜴 +蜥蜴=鸟 +地鼠=蝙蝠 +树=长笛 2、煤炭+鸟=乌鸦 3、黏土+火=砖块 +轮子=陶罐 4、云 +冰=雪 +哺乳动物=羊 5、DNA+水=浮游生物 +阳光=海草 +DNA=病毒 +泥土=蘑菇 6、黑...
小游戏进化世界的游戏攻略 共119种 自然元素19种 植物(16种) 海洋生物(11种) 爬行动物和两栖动物(6种) 昆虫(4种) 鸟类(8种) 哺乳动物(38种) 其他物种(17种) 自然元素(19种) 1、气 +火=闪电 +水=雾 +岩石=沙子 +雾=云 +海草=蕨类植物 +鱼=火蜥蜴 +蜥蜴=鸟 +地鼠=蝙蝠 +树=长笛 2、煤炭+鸟=乌鸦 3、黏土+火=砖块 +轮子=陶罐 4、云 +冰=雪 +哺乳动物=羊 5、DNA+水=浮游生物 +阳光=海草 +DNA=病毒 +泥土=蘑菇 6、黑暗+哺乳动物=黑豹 +鸟=猫头鹰 7、泥土+火=岩石 +水=泥 +DNA=蘑菇 +蕨类植物=树 +苔藓=草 +青蛙=蟾蜍 +蜥蜴=哺乳动物 +哺乳动物=地鼠 +黄鼬=獾 +麝鼠=老鼠 +阳光=黑暗 +狼=狐狸 8、火 +泥土=岩石 +气=闪电 accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and +水=蒸气 +沙子=玻璃 +闪电=阳光 +黏土=砖块 +树=煤炭 +狐狸=小熊猫 9、雾 +水=冰 +气=云 10、冰 +云=雪 11、闪电+火=阳光 +泥=DNA +鱼=鳗鱼 +哺乳动物=黄鼬 12、月亮+哺乳动物=狼 13、泥 +闪电=DNA +沙子=黏土 +火蜥蜴=青蛙 +哺乳动物=猪 14、沙子 +火=玻璃 +玻璃=沙漏 +泥=黏土 +三叶虫=蟹 +火蜥蜴=蜥蜴 +蕨类植物=棕榈树 +花=仙人掌 +草=荆刺 +地鼠=跳鼠 +马=骆驼 +虫子=蝎子 +黑豹=狮子 15、雪 +熊=北极熊 +树=枞树 +狐狸=北极狐 +人类=雪人 16、蒸气 17、岩石 +气=沙子 +海草=苔藓 +浮游生物=三叶虫 +火蜥蜴=陆地龟 +阳光=月亮 18、阳光 +DNA=海草 +草=花 +泥土=黑暗 +岩石=月亮 accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and +花=向日葵 19、水 +气=雾 +泥土=泥 +火=蒸气 +雾=冰 +DNA=浮游生物 +浮游生物=鱼 +三叶虫=虾 +草=芦苇 +鸟=鸭 +黄鼬=水獭 +地鼠=海狸 +花=荷花 +哺乳动物=鲸鱼 +狮子=海狮 植物(16种) 1、 仙人掌 2、 蕨类植物 +泥土=树 +沙子=棕榈树 3、 枞树 4、 花 +虫子=蜂蜜 +沙子=仙人掌 +荆刺=玫瑰 +蜜蜂=蜂蜜 向日葵 +阳光= +水=荷花 5、草 +阳光=花 +水=芦苇 +沙子=荆刺 +哺乳动物=马 6、苔藓 +泥土=草 7、蘑菇 +蟾蜍=毒蕈 8、棕榈树 9、芦苇 +虫子=蜻蜓 +地鼠=麝鼠 10、玫瑰 11、海草 +岩石=苔藓 +气=蕨类植物 12、向日葵 13、荆刺 +地鼠=刺猬 +花=玫瑰 +轮子=木齿铁轮 +鱼=黄貂鱼 14、毒蕈 accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and 15、树 +三叶虫=虫子 +气=长笛 +轮子=手推车 +哺乳动物=黑猩猩 +雪=枞树 +火=煤炭 +地鼠=松鼠 +黄鼬=浣熊 +砖块=房子 16、荷花 海洋生物(11种) 1、 鲶鱼 2、 蟹 3、 鳗鱼 +蜥蜴=蛇 4、 鱼 +气=火蜥蜴 +荆刺=黄貂鱼 +闪电=鳗鱼 +猫=鲶鱼 5、 逆戟鲸 6、 浮游生物 +水=鱼 +岩石=三叶虫 7、 虾 8、 海狮 9、 黄貂鱼 10、三叶虫 +水=虾 +沙子=蟹 +树=虫子 11、鲸鱼 +颜料=逆戟鲸 爬行动物和两栖动物(6种) 1、青蛙 +泥土=蟾蜍 2、蜥蜴 +泥土=哺乳动物 +气=鸟 +鳗鱼=蛇 3、火蜥蜴 +泥=青蛙 +岩石=陆地龟 +沙子=蜥蜴 4、蛇 5、蟾蜍 +蘑菇=毒蕈 6、陆地龟 昆虫(4种) 1、蜜蜂 +花=蜂蜜 2、虫子 +花=蜜蜂 +芦苇=蜻蜓 +沙子=蝎子 accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and 3、蜻蜓 4、蝎子 鸟类(8种) 1、鸟 +水=鸭 +颜料=企鹅 +黑暗=猫头鹰 +猫=猫鹊 +煤炭=乌鸦 2、猫鹊 3、乌鸦 +颜料=喜鹊 4、鸭 +海狸=鸭嘴兽 +颜料=潜鸟 5、 潜鸟 6、 喜鹊 7、 猫头鹰 8、 企鹅 哺乳动物(38种) 1、 北极狐 2、 獾 3、 蝙蝠 4、 熊 +颜料=熊猫 +雪=北极熊 +布袋=树袋熊 5、海狸 +鸭=鸭嘴兽 6、骆驼 7、猫 +鱼=鲶鱼 +鸟=猫鹊 8、黑猩猩 +长笛=人 9、狗 10、小熊猫 11、狐狸 +雪=北极狐 +火=小熊猫 12、刺猬 13、马 +颜料=斑马 +沙子=骆驼 14、人类 +雪=雪人 +病毒=僵尸 +黑豹=猫 +狼=狗 15、跳鼠 +布袋=袋鼠 16、袋鼠 17、树袋熊 18、狮子 +水=海狮 19、哺乳动物 +树=黑猩猩 accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and +泥土=地鼠 +泥=猪 +草=马 +闪电=黄鼬 +云=羊 +蜂蜜=熊 +黑暗=黑豹 +月亮=狼 +水=鲸鱼 20、麝鼠 +泥土=老鼠 +布袋=袋鼠 21、负鼠 22、水獭 23、熊猫 24、黑豹 +沙子=狮子 +人类=猫 25、猪 26、鸭嘴兽 27、北极熊 28、浣熊 29、老鼠 +布袋=袋獾 30、羊 31、地鼠 +芦苇=麝鼠 +荆刺=刺猬 +气=蝙蝠 +树=松鼠 +沙子=跳鼠 +水=海狸 +布袋=负鼠 32、臭鼬 33、松鼠 34、袋獾 35、黄鼬 +泥土=獾 +水=水獭 +树=浣熊 +颜料=臭鼬 36、狼 +泥土=狐狸 +人类=狗 37、袋熊 38、斑马 其他物种(17种) 1、 风笛 2、 砖块 +树=房子 3、 手推车 accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and 4、 时钟 5、 长笛 +布袋=风笛 +黑猩猩=人类 6、木齿铁轮 +沙漏=时钟 7、玻璃 +沙子=沙漏 8、蜂蜜 +哺乳动物=熊 9、房子 10、颜料 +熊=熊猫 +鸟=企鹅 +马=斑马 +乌鸦=喜鹊 +黄鼬=臭鼬 +鲸鱼=逆戟鲸 +鸭=潜鸟 11、陶罐 12、布袋 +熊=树袋熊 +麝鼠=袋鼠 +地鼠=负鼠 +跳鼠=袋鼠 +老鼠=袋獾 +长笛=风笛 13、沙漏 +木齿铁轮=时钟 14、雪人 15、病毒 +人类=僵尸 16、轮子 +黏土=陶罐 +树=手推车 +荆刺=木齿铁轮 17、僵尸 accident occurred, the direct punishment 0.5-10,000 yuan, responsible for the direct responsibility for the accident and the responsibility of leadership, such as concerning administrative sanctions should be dealt with by the personnel Department of the company. (3) personal injury accident occurs, the direct punishment 500-1000, who is directly responsible for the accident responsibility, give notice of criticism and 50-100 economic sanctions against them. (4) to conceal the accident, reported without undue delay or false, to inform the administrative leadership of the criticism, resulting in serious consequences, the pursuit of leadership, along with 500-1000 punishment. (5) significant near miss should be attempted as the case of responsible for the accident and construction team injuries accident penalty provisions, mutatis mutandis. Eight, should perform in the construction standards and specifications, serial number a 1 GB3323-2005 steel fusion welded butt joints, welding engineering-Ray lighting and quality rating of 2 GB11345-89 steel welds manual methods of ultrasonic inspection and testing results for grade 3 GB50236-2002 industrial pipe welding engineering code for construction and acceptance of field equipment 4 HGJ222-92 technical specification for welding of aluminium and its alloys 5 low temperature steel welding procedure 6 SH3525-2004 petrochemical JB/ T4708-2000 of welding procedure qualification for steel pressure vessels 7 JB/4709-2000 8 JB4730-2005 pressure vessel welding procedures of steel pressure vessel NDT 9 JB/T4744-2000 steel pressure vessel products mechanical properties test of welded plate II, mechanical equipment installation engineering 1 GB150-98 2 GB50128-2005 vertical cylindrical steel pressure vessel steel welded specification for construction and
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