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舌苔发白不一定就是疾病的表现舌苔发白不一定就是疾病的表现 舌苔发白不一定就是疾病的表现。从中医来看,如果舌苔出现偏厚或者发白等情况,而身体无其他不适症状,一般认为是“上火”的表现。而这种情况还经常会导致口腔里有难闻气味,甚至出现口臭。因此,建议您可以在刷牙时用牙刷轻刷舌苔,在饮食上最好以清淡为主。另外,如果这种情况持续时间较长,就该到医院口腔科看看了,因为舌苔发白也有可能是肠胃疾病表现出的症状。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ 因为与上面重复,所以又查了一些: ...
舌苔发白不一定就是疾病的表现 舌苔发白不一定就是疾病的表现。从中医来看,如果舌苔出现偏厚或者发白等情况,而身体无其他不适症状,一般认为是“上火”的表现。而这种情况还经常会导致口腔里有难闻气味,甚至出现口臭。因此,建议您可以在刷牙时用牙刷轻刷舌苔,在饮食上最好以清淡为主。另外,如果这种情况持续时间较长,就该到医院口腔科看看了,因为舌苔发白也有可能是肠胃疾病表现出的症状。 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++ 因为与上面重复,所以又查了一些: 舌苔过白:多属寒症,薄而滑的多为外感风寒,厚白而滑者多为寒湿或寒痰。但临床上也有里证和热症而见白色舌苔。根据现代舌诊的研究,认为白苔主要可出现于以下几种情况: 第一,白苔除可见于正常无病的人以外,多见于轻病,表证初起,以及疾病的恢复期。因为机里内在的病理改变不明显,所以舌苔的变化也接近正常的薄白舌苔。 , 各种疾病的恢复期,尽管各种疾病在严重阶段可出现黄苔、黑苔或红降剥舌等,但随着疾病好转,脾胃生发之气恢复,舌苔仍可转为薄白色。 一些仅有主诉症状而无器质性病变的疾患,如神经衰弱、肠胃神经官能症等,舌苔发白而薄腻。 疾病早期或局部病灶,未影响全身的局部病变,如青春期甲状腺肿大、外伤、足癣、梅核气、早期的乳房癌、子宫颈癌等。由于早期缺乏症状或病灶局限,尚未影响全身的气血流通而反映到舌上,所以舌苔仍薄白,属于method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 正常范围。但如果疾病发展,舌苔也会出现变化。 表证初起:如上呼吸道感染、急性支气管炎、肺炎的早期等,多见白苔。 第二,白苔可出现于体内有水湿停留或痰饮的病人,临床上常见某些胸水、腹水、慢性肾炎及哮喘、慢性支气管炎、支气管扩张等患者,体内有湿浊或痰饮停积,使舌苔出现厚白或白腻苔。从现代医学角度看,可能是口腔的唾液分泌较多,以及气管内痰液分泌增多,浸软了舌头的角化细胞或角化不全细胞,使细胞肿胀而不易脱落;加上舌组织水肿和淋巴回流障碍,舌面上老的角化细胞不脱而新的角化细胞又增加堆积,所以舌质肿胖,舌苔白厚而腻。 第三,白苔可见各种慢性炎症感染:如慢性盆腔炎、慢性肾盂肾炎、结核性脑膜炎、骨关节结核等。这些患者仅略有低热或无发热表现,由于体内有慢性病灶存在,常使舌苔较正常稍厚,或为薄白腻苔。当体内病变又趋活动或急性发作,例如肾盂肾炎又发高热时,舌苔可迅速由白转黄,或转红绛。 中医书上说: 常言道:每天照一照,有病早知道。一个健康的人,面对镜子看自己的舌头,应当是舌体柔润,舌质淡红,舌面上铺有薄而均匀的颗粒、干湿适中的白苔,此谓“舌淡红,苔薄白”。但是,患病后,舌质与舌苔method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 就会发生变化。因此,经常观察舌象,可以了解健康状况,及时进行自我保健与调理。 中医将舌体分为三部分:舌尖反应心、肺的变化,舌中与舌两边反映肝、脾的情况,舌根提示肾的病变。不过,郭淑云教授说,中医讲的心肝肾功能与西医不同,不必硬套。 舌苔黄、舌质红多是有热,舌苔发黄,舌质红(即舌头红)的人出现口苦咽干,属于有热上火。 心经有热舌苔发黄、舌质红同时伴有心急烦躁、失眠多梦,多是心经有热,病人此时可用些清心火的药。如竹叶、莲子心泡水,当茶每日频饮。睡眠不好可用百合、莲子心、枣仁煮粥喝;口舌生疮可用野菊花60克,浓煎后,每日多次含服。郭淑云说,有位老干部口舌生疮多年,用了很多方法治疗无效,就用这个小验方,一个method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 月即痊愈。 膀胱湿热舌质偏红,舌苔黄腻,病人伴有小便排不净感觉,或尿时感到小便发热,有痛感,多是膀胱湿热,即西医讲的泌尿系感染,可用白茅根、瞿麦、扁蓄等,水煎后当茶喝。 肝经有火舌边红,苔黄偏干,眼睛红赤肿痛,或经常长麦粒肿,为肝经有火,可用酒炮制过的大黄泡水喝。郭淑云认为,大黄性寒 ,有降泄作用,用酒炮制后,可将大黄药力引到头目,泄上焦之火。 肺经有热舌质稍红,苔薄黄为肺经有热,常见于感冒初期,或咽炎患者。伴有大便干结者可用冬凌草、大黄稍加煎煮,每日当茶饮。 咽干肿痛者可用胖大海、麦冬、菊花泡茶,method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of 症状严重者加二花、山豆根、牛蒡子,大 便秘结加大黄。郭淑云教授说,中医有个 理论叫“肺与大肠相表里”,病毒性感冒初 期,通过泄大肠宿便热毒,以消除肺经之 火的方法,往往可以收到不错的疗效。 method of basic operation; including CT, and MRI various contrast, and Image-guided biopsy, ultrasound, etc. (11) teaching, scientific research and training in clinical teaching, written within three years with some level of review or book reports of not less than 1. Four, to read reference books, Journal of internal medicine (medical college planning materials) and of the medical imaging (medical college planning materials); the practical science; the Harrison Science (in English), Chinese Journal of internal medicine series. Surgical surgical specialist refers to the rules complete the medical undergraduate or graduate education Foundation, accepted and adopted surgical specialist training, surgical diagnosis, treatment, prevention and follow-up of common diseases, surgical diagnosis and treatment of rare or incurable diseases, acute and critical illness in emergency and rescue have preliminary knowledge and experience. Surgical specialist training for 3 years. A surgical specialist, training goals through training, trainees to achieve surgical specialist level, with more skilled surgical skills, can guide the teaching of
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