

2017-11-24 30页 doc 79KB 21阅读




台车炉、井式炉、箱式炉、铝合金淬火炉——丹阳市高皓炉业有限公司台车炉、井式炉、箱式炉、铝合金淬火炉——丹阳市高皓炉业有限公司 中温翻转式台车炉 中温翻转式台车炉用途:合金钢加热快速淬火用。温度:950? 特点: 1、从炉门开启--台车驶出至池边--台车倾斜、工件全部倾入淬火池的全过程时间大约在1分钟左右。工件入淬火介质时间快,提高热处理工艺质量; 2、中温翻转式台车炉加热温度采用PID过零触发可控硅、高精度智能表控温,控温精度高,温差波动?1?左右。另用圆图自动记录仪记录温度和超温报警,双重控制,确保工件加热不超温;温度根据工艺自行设定; 3、台车倾斜采用电动液压装置,台车倾...
台车炉、井式炉、箱式炉、铝合金淬火炉——丹阳市高皓炉业有限公司 中温翻转式台车炉 中温翻转式台车炉用途:合金钢加热快速淬火用。温度:950? 特点: 1、从炉门开启--台车驶出至池边--台车倾斜、工件全部倾入淬火池的全过程时间大约在1分钟左右。工件入淬火介质时间快,提高热处理工艺质量; 2、中温翻转式台车炉加热温度采用PID过零触发可控硅、高精度智能控温,控温精度高,温差波动?1?左右。另用圆图自动记录仪记录温度和超温报警,双重控制,确保工件加热不超温;温度根据工艺自行设定; 3、台车倾斜采用电动液压装置,台车倾斜平稳,不抖动,倾斜角度大于35?; 4、台车倾斜、台车进出、炉门升降均为电动控制,且设有连锁保护装置,可防止因误操作而产生的故障和事故; 5、中温翻转式台车炉无污染,环保效益好。 中温翻转式台车炉详情登录: 台车炉(可倾式台车电阻炉) 产品用途 RT3系列翻转式台车式电阻炉是国家标准节能型周期式作业炉,超节能结构,节电30%。台车采用防撞击密封砖,自动翻砖机构,自动密封台车和炉门,一体化连轨,不需基础安装,放在水平地面与基础垫铁或膨胀螺丝固定即可使用。主要用于高铬、高锰钢铸件、球墨铸铁、轧辊、钢球、45钢、不锈钢等淬火、退火、时效以及各种机械零件热处理之用。 产品简介 本系列电炉外壳有钢板和型钢焊接而成,炉体底部与台车轻轨连为一体,用户不需要基础安装,只须放于平整的水泥地面即可使用。 炉衬采用超轻质耐火砖作炉衬,相对传统砖式炉膛节能30%左右,采用优质长纤维刺毯、硅藻土砖、蛭石粉为保温材料,炉口采用重质防撞砖、台车面层重质高铝防压砖。电炉炉体与台车之间采用迷宫式耐火材料砌筑外,还用通过自行动作的密封机构来减少电炉的热辐射及对流损失,并可改善炉温均匀性。 加热元件采用高温电阻合金丝绕制成螺旋状,分布在炉侧、炉门、后墙及安放台车搁丝砖上,并用国标插口砖固定,安全简洁。 台车上按装有耐压抗高温的铸钢炉底板,以承载工件之用。为了防止工件加热后产生的氧化皮通过炉底板间的缝隙落入加热元件周围而造成加热元件损坏,因此炉底板与炉体接触处采用插入式接触。为保证正常使用,需要经常吹扫台车炉底板下方的氧化皮,一般每周吹扫一次,吹扫时将炉底板吊起,用压缩空气将电阻丝槽内的氧化皮屑吹扫干净,注意防止氧化皮卡在炉丝内引起短路。 台车式电阻炉的炉门装置由炉门、炉门提升机构和炉门压紧装置组成。炉门壳体由型钢与板材焊接而成牢固框架结构,内用耐火纤维压制模块叠铺而成,要求保温性能好,重量轻等。炉门的提升装置采用电动装置,主要由炉门架、炉门提升横梁、减速器、链轮、传动轴和轴承等部分组成,炉门升降通过减速器上正反传动来带动炉门的升降。炉门提升减速器还配有刹车装置,可以有效防止炉门在升降过程中产生位移。炉门压紧装置采用国内先进的弹簧式压紧结构,当炉子需要提升时,炉门的自重通过杠杆将炉门自动松开,并水平移出一段距离后上升,当炉门下降到位,炉门放下到台车上的滑轮上面需压紧时,由弹簧的弹力再通过杠杆将炉门水平移进到压紧密封状态,此种结构的压紧装置使炉门上的纤维平面与炉口棉之间无摩擦产生,具有安全性能好、使用使命长的特点。 台车框架采用型钢焊接成形,其钢性保证在满负荷下不变形。内用耐火砖砌筑,易碰撞部位和承重部位用重质砖砌筑,增强炉衬结构强度,台车的行走采用自行式结构,由减速机传动链轮带动走轮在轨道上行走。台车密封采用自动迷宫式结构密封,台车进入炉内通过凸轮及滚take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 轮斜面作用,自动升起后进行密封。台车开出,该密封槽自动落下,密封槽内密封砂经加满后即不必经常添加。台车开出,炉门升降均为电动控制,配有电磁制动器,可防止惯性撞击炉体,并且连锁控制,即稍打开炉门后,自动切断加热元件,同时恢复台车行走机构电源。该台车式电阻炉的炉门关闭到位后,自动切断台车行走机构电源,同时恢复加热元件电源。 翻转液压机构:采用电机、柱塞泵、电磁阀、液压油缸等组合成液压动力翻转机构,控制柜电动按钮控制,安装有防过翻装置,保证使用安全和方便。 台车炉(可倾式台车电阻炉)详情登录: 台车炉(高温翻转台车炉) 用途: 高温翻转台车炉主要适用于一般铸件及金属零件进行正火、高温退火、淬火等热处理。 特点: 1、从炉门开启--台车驶出至池边--台车倾斜、工件全部倾入淬火池的全过程时间大约在1分钟左右。工件入淬火介质时间快,提高热处理工艺质量; 2、电炉加热温度采用PID过零触发可控硅、高精度智能表控温,控温精度高,温差波动?1?左右。另用圆图自动记录仪记录温度和超温报警,双重控制,确保工件加热不超温;温度根据工艺自行设定; 3、台车倾斜采用电动液压装置,台车倾斜平稳,不抖动,倾斜角度大于35?; 4、台车倾斜、台车进出、炉门升降均为电动控制,且设有连锁保护装置,可防止因误操作而产生的故障和事故; 5、无污染,环保效益好。 高温翻转台车炉技术参数: 产品名称 型号 额定功率(KW) 额定温度(?) 额定电压(V) 相数 工作区尺寸(mm) 最大装载量(kg) 质量(kg) 高温翻转式台车炉 RTF2-90-12 90 1200 380 3 1300×650×450 2000 5400 RTF2-115-12 115 1200 380 3 1500×800×600 2500 6300 RTF2-210-12 210 1200 380 3 2100×1050×750 5000 11500 RTF2-250-12 250 1200 380 3 2500×1500×1000 7000 14500 台车炉(高温翻转台车炉)详情登录: 大型台车式电阻炉 台车式电阻炉是国家标准节能型周期作业电炉,采用微电脑自动控温柜8段程序热处理工艺曲线高精度控温。主要用于高铬、高锰钢铸件、灰口铸铁、球墨铸铁、轧辊、钢球、破碎机锤头、耐磨衬板淬火、退火、时效以及各种机械零件、模具材料热处理之用。尤其适用于模具、高速钢淬火。 结构简介 台车式电阻炉结构与一般标准型台车式电阻炉相似,外壳由钢板和型钢焊接而成,炉体底部与台车轻轨连为一体,用户不需要基础安装,只须放于平整的水泥地面即可使用,电炉炉衬材料采用超轻质0.6g/cm3微珠节能耐火保温砖砌筑,夹层置超长硅酸铝纤维毡保温,炉壳与炉衬硅酸铝纤维夹层之间填充膨胀至石粉保温,炉口采用重质防撞砖、台车面层重质高铝防压抗冲击砖。 电炉炉体与台车之间采用迷宫式耐火材料砌筑外,还用通过自行动作的密封机构来减少电炉的热辐射及对流损失,并可改善炉温均匀性。 本电炉加热元件均为螺旋状发热体,搁置在炉侧搁丝砖及台车砌体上,加热元件材料为take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 国际通用0Cr27AL7Mo2,元件最高使用温度1400?。 台车上安装有碳化硅炉底板以承载工件之用,为了防止工件加热后产生氧化皮通过炉底板的缝隙落入底部加热元件周围而造成加热元件的损坏,需要经常定期地吹扫台车炉底板下方的氧化皮,一般每周吹扫一次,吹扫时将炉底板吊起,用压缩空气将电阻丝槽内的氧化皮屑吹扫干净。 炉门的升降是通过滚动轮在导轨上,上下滚动而实现的,这样既保证了关闭炉门时炉门砌体与炉体砌体之间的吻合密封,又保证了在开启的过程中不会磨擦损伤砌体,炉门为配重手摇升降,台车运动是由电动机通过蜗轮蜗杆减速机减速,链条传动来提供的,并装有电磁制动器进行适当的调整。 为提高炉温均匀性,电炉采用微电脑8段程序控温,加热元件布置图及接线图,均附在技术文件中,应妥善保管,以便将来维修更换。 台车式电阻炉电炉配套壹台微电脑程序控温柜,对加热进行自动工艺曲线控温和对台车运行控制,电柜装有中园图自动记录仪,主要对炉温进行自动记录和超温报警。 本电炉配套热电偶、补偿导线、分别与电柜的仪表配合使用。 本电炉出厂时配套微电脑程序控温柜、热电偶、补偿导线、炉底板一套。用户自备安装用所有连接导线、埋地下水管等。 大型台车式电阻炉详情登录: 全纤维井式炉 全纤维井式炉主要用于主要用于轴类淬火、正火,加热中温度均匀,工件变形量小。采用承重型耐火砖结构,特大型碳钢类机件的回火均温热处理用。 全纤维井式炉的温度:650?-950? 全纤维井式炉的特点: 1、电炉设有大型通风机装置,提高炉内温度均匀度;(可选) 2、电炉分多区控制,进一步提高炉温均匀性; 3、炉膛内带不锈钢导风桶;(可选) 4、炉盖启闭采用行车起吊或自动液压开闭机构,且带有导向柱,保证炉盖启闭平稳;(或炉盖启动装置:采用液压油缸及液压机械将炉盖由中间向两边开启。) 5、炉盖与炉体采用耐高温纤维棉制作,炉体保温性能好,节约能源,降低生产成本; 6、无污染,环保效益好。 全纤维井式炉详情登录: 大型井式炉 炉体外壳由型钢及钢板焊接而成,内用硅酸铝耐火纤维模块、超轻质高铝泡沫砖砌筑成炉膛.。 波纹带状加热元件通过高铝瓷钉固定于炉衬棉上。 大型井式炉结构主要由炉体、加热元件和温控系统组成。 炉盖的升降均有液压升降机构来完成,其动力由液压装置提供。 当需将炉盖升起时,只要开动液压装置,炉盖即徐徐上升;如需炉盖下降,只要旋松液压装置中内螺纹截止阀,炉盖即缓缓下降。在升降轴处,有两限位开关,当升降轴上升时,下面一个限位开关自动切断加热电源,以免操作发生危险;当炉盖升足时,上面一个限位自动切断液压装置的电源,以防升降轴顶出固定轴发生意外。大型井式炉用于长轴、连杆、索具等悬挂加热型工件的井式炉,加热中温度均匀,工件变形量小。 大型井式炉详情录: 井式电炉 井式炉用途: 井式电炉适用于轴类零件的垂直热处理,可减少弯典变形,650?系列电阻炉适用于回火热处理和轻金属热处理。950?和1200?可适用各种合金钢、不锈钢长轴等零件的淬火、正火、退take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 火、回火等热处理。 特点: 1、650?系列装有气体循环机构,风量大,气密性好,炉温均匀度可达军标、航标1-2级。 2、采用超轻质节能的复合炉衬,节能显著。 3、炉盖采用手动杠杆或电动机械式升降,以减轻劳动力,亦可配自动旋转装置。 4、950?、1200?系列炉膛加热元件优化设置炉温均匀度好,可达航标1-3类要求。 5、可加滴注和通氮气装置达到少氧化效果。 6、1200?系列可采用本公司特制高温合金丝,使用寿命长,丝最高使用温度可达到1300?。 7、炉盖与面板间采用特种密封结构,热损失及气氛损失少,炉气稳定。 8、可配KRL-W微机温控柜上有0.1,0.2级高精度控温 表,加上特殊炉体结构,可满足航标0类(?1.5?) 高精度需要。 9、井式电炉组可按不同工艺需求配置多台井式加热炉、 回火炉、淬火槽、清洗机、组成不同用途的生产线。 10、井式炉机组清洗机设有控温,除油等,确保清洗 洁净,并可配置烘干装置。 11、机组采用微机智能化仪表组成的自动控制中心,可按 工艺要求设置炉温、程序动作、自动跟踪显示,实现 PLC程序控制。 井式电炉详情登录: 铝合金淬火炉 铝合金淬火炉是由加热炉罩和移动式底架组成的。方形(或圆形)炉罩顶装有起重机,通过链条和挂钩可将料筐吊至炉膛。炉罩由型钢支起,底部有气动(或电动)操作的炉门。位于炉罩下方的底架可沿轨道移动、定位,底架上面载有淬火水槽和料筐。生产时,将底架上的料筐移至炉罩正下方,打开炉门,放下链条及挂钩 将料筐吊入炉膛,关闭炉门后进行加热。淬火是地,先将底架上的水槽移至炉罩正下方,然后打开炉门,放下链条,将料筐(工件)淬入水中。 铝合金淬火炉适用于对大、中型铝合金产品零部件的固溶处理及时效处理。 主要技术参数 额定温度 650 ? 控温精度 ?1 ? 有效工作尺寸 由用户提供要求 淬火转移时间 8-12 秒(可调) 淬火槽容积 根据用户要求设计 淬火液温度 60,90 ? (可调) 设备结构 铝合金淬火炉是由炉体、炉体钢支架、可拆式炉顶、炉衬、电热元件、循环风机、导风板、炉底对开式炉门、倍速升降机构、料架、淬火槽、运料车、控制系统及配电柜/控制柜、液压系统等组成。 炉体外壳框架采用型钢焊接成型,内壁采用1Cr18Ni9Ti耐热钢板,内衬采用优质全纤维结构,炉壳内表面贴附一层橡胶石棉板,起到隔热作用并保护炉壳表面不被腐蚀。 加热元件采用加热元件采用0Cr25AL5合金丝绕制成带状,套在绝缘瓷管上,通过不锈圆钢固定于炉壳上,这种结构电阻带悬挂在炉膛四周,有利与热量散发和流通。 热风循环装置由通风机装置和导风板组成,通风机装置安放在炉体顶部,风扇采用1Cr18Ni9Ti耐热钢制作成离心式风叶。导风板采用 1Cr18Ni9Ti耐热钢制成,通过若干个搁杆固定于炉膛内壁上,将电阻带包裹在里面,通过热风循环系统将电阻带散发的热量进行热循环,使炉内温度均匀。通风装置按炉膛容积制作,确保热风循环次数在40次/分钟以上。 底座架是供搁置炉件用的,采用型钢焊接而成。 take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 炉门壳件采用钢材焊接成型,内衬采用优质全纤维结构。 炉门与炉体的密封采用硅酸铝耐火纤维材料。 电炉配有装两辆小车。 提升机构由卷扬机、装料框、提升铰链、滚动轮等组成。 卷扬机安装于底座架一侧,采用低速比减速器,且带有自锁装置,可确保装料框在任何位置停留及减速运行,防止装料框下降时快速撞击淬火槽。 装料框根据用户要求,由型钢制作。 提升装置架采用钢缆牵引。 淬火水池深度超过装料框1.5倍,可确保工件在淬火池得到淬火冷却,淬火水池内另采用电加热管进行加热。并通过测温仪表自动控制。水池有进水口,可冷却水温,池内设有循环水泵进行热水喷射循环,使温度均匀。 炉口四周嵌有耐火纤维棉砂封刀,炉门关闭后与炉口的插刀贴紧,确保无热量散发。 加热元件采用带状电热元件,分别布置在炉膛两侧,材质为0Cr25AL5合金丝,使用寿命长。 铝合金淬火炉各机械传动部分采用连锁控制,即炉门打开后自动切断通风机装置和加热件电源。炉门关闭到位后,才能接通通风机装置和加热元件的电源,防止误操作而发生故障和事故。系统具有声光报警功能。 温控系统采用PID过零触发可控硅,智能表控温。另采用上海大华仪表厂多点自动记录仪记录温度和超温报警双重控制,确保工件不超温,该控温仪还设置了通讯口,可与中央控制计算机通讯,工艺过程的温度控制数值、保温时间等参数由中央控制计算机统一编程、管理。 设备特点 (1)温度均匀度 实现用户要求的温度均匀度,是以循环风机、导风罩板、炉膛结构、电热功率的分配及电热元件的布置、控制方式与过程、炉门结构等关联设计来保证。 2)先进的机械系统 ( 系统的先进性由设计、元器件选型及质量、加工制造质量来保证的。机械系统运行平稳、可靠,设备处于低噪音、低振动工作状态。 (3)完善的控制系统 体现在100,650?均可实现精确控温、系统稳定可靠、操作简便、避免人为误操作、功能齐全等方面。 (4)淬火转移时间迅速、可调 炉底对开式炉门、倍速升降机构、先进的液压机械系统,使得淬火转移迅速、可靠,时间可以根据用户工艺要求调整。 铝合金淬火炉详情登录: 铝合金时效炉 一、 用途 铝合金时效炉(以下简称电炉)主要适用于铝合金材料(摩托车及汽车轮毂等产品)在200?以内的加热。可与铝合金淬火炉配合使用,同时还可作淬火炉使用。 二、 技术规格 名称 单位 参数 kw 60 额定功率 V 380 额定电压 ? 200 额定温度 Hz 50 频率 3 相数 相 take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season Y 连接方法 1 区数 区 kw ?20 空炉损耗功率 h ?1.5 空炉升温时间 t 最大一次装载量 2(含料筐) mm 1700×1600×1500 有效工作尺寸 ? ?5 炉温均匀性 t 4 炉重 三、铝合金时效炉使用条件 1、室内使用。 2、环境温度在–5?—40?范围内。 3、使用地区月平均最大相对湿度不大于85%,同时该月平均温度不高于30?。 4、周围没有导电尘埃、爆炸性气体以及能严重破坏金属和绝缘的腐蚀性气体。 5、无明显震动和颠簸。 四、 结构简介 铝合金时效炉由炉体、炉门、加热元件、通风机构及控制系统等几部分组成。 炉体由型钢及钢板焊接而成,炉体及炉门夹层内填充硅酸铝耐火纤维作隔热之用。 加热元件采用高电阻合金的电阻带,通过专用的挂钩布置在内胆的两侧,与内胆绝缘。 通风机由鼓风机和导风板组成,鼓风电动机与加热元件有电气连锁,只有当鼓风机接通后加热元件才能通电,这样可保证加热元件能在通风循环的情况下工作。 本炉另配有装料筐和进出料车。 五、电炉的使用及维护 1、 操作人员必须了解以下几点: A、 电炉及其辅助设备的结构和性能。 B、 配电系统、控制系统的布置及安全装置的位置等。 C、 操作工艺和安全操作规程。 2、 运行前准备工作 A、 检查设备的电源是否正常。 B、 检查接地装置接线处的接触是否良好。 C、 检查加热元件是否有损坏的地方,各连接处的接触是否良好,有否与炉体及罩壳相接触的地方,并进行电炉的绝缘试验。 D、 检查温控系统是否有不正常的现象。 3、 带有腐蚀性、挥发性、爆炸性气体的工件严禁进入炉体加工,以免影响加热元件和耐火材料的使用寿命及引起爆炸等事故。 4、 电炉不得超温运行,否则会缩短设备的使用寿命。 5、 严禁野蛮操作,工件应轻放,避免冲击。 6、 工件的排放应留有空隙,有利于热量和气氛的流通,使工件受热均匀。 7、 电炉使用时操作人员不得擅自离开岗位,必须随时注意电炉的工作状况是否正常, 8、 电炉在进行装卸工件时,必须先切断加热元件电源,以保证操作人员的安全。 铝合金时效炉详情登录: 全纤维箱式炉 take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 1、 设备用途: RX3系列全纤维箱式炉是国家标准节能型周期式作业箱式炉,超节能结构,采用纤维结构,节电60%。独家生产采用复合式高铝瓷钉组,自动密封炉门。主要用于高铬、高锰钢铸件、球墨铸铁、轧辊、钢球、45钢、不锈钢淬火、退火、时效以及各种机械零件热处理之用。 2、设备简介: 全纤维箱式炉外壳有钢板和型钢焊接而成,炉体底部地基连为一体。 炉衬采用全纤维结构,相对砖式炉膛节能60%左右,采用优质长纤维刺毯为原料,使用专用设备根据炉体制成各种规格,并在加工过程留有一定的压缩量,以保证模块在砌筑完毕后,每块陶瓷纤维块在不同方向膨胀,使模块之间互挤成无间隙的整体,达到完好蓄热效果,而且该产品施工方便快捷,均能直接固定于炉壳钢板的不锈钢锚圆钉上。与其它产品相比优点为低导热,低热容量,优良的腐蚀性能,优良的热稳定性及热抗震性、绝热性,并且锚固件设置于炉体冷面,提高了纤维的耐高温强度。 加热元件采用高温电阻合金丝绕制成带状,分别吊挂在炉侧上,并用高铝瓷钉固定,安全简洁。 全纤维箱式炉炉门装置由炉门、炉门移动机构和炉门压紧装置组成。炉门壳体由型钢与板材焊接而成牢固框架结构,内用耐火纤维压制模块叠铺而成,要求保温性能好,重量轻等。炉门的移动装置采用电动装置,主要由炉门架、减速器、链轮、传动轴和轴承等部分组成,炉门关闭打开通过减速器上正反传动来带动炉门的移动。 炉门移动减速器还配有刹车装置,可以有效防止炉门在移动过程中产生位移。炉门压紧装置采用手轮式压紧结构,,此种结构的压紧装置使炉门上的纤维平面与炉口棉之间无摩擦产生,具有安全性能好、使用使命长的特点。 全纤维箱式炉详情登录: 井式球化退火炉 井式球化退火炉属于退火系列炉型中较特殊炉型,它要求能控制降温速度并少无氧化。 该退火炉的主要性能特点: 1、井式结构;可以深埋地下,占地面积小,适应老厂技术改造。 2、装载量适中,每炉5,15吨左右,与特钢钢丝一个品种10吨左右的批量相适应,批量转运方便。 3、采用电加热,热处理过程实现自动化,热处理工艺可追溯。 4、炉衬全纤维结构,热效率明显提高,高效节能。 5、炉底安装强对流风机,炉温上下均匀性好,精度?5?,实际达到?3?。 6、采用保护气体,实现无氧化热处理,金属损耗少。 7、装填料等操作方便,安全可靠。 井式球化退火炉详情登录: 井式真空回火炉 R,系列井式真空回火电阻炉(以下简称电炉)主要供各种工件在少无氧化气氛中回火、退火之用 本电炉结构主要由炉体、炉胆、炉盖及抽真空装置和温控系统组成。 炉体外壳由型钢及钢板焊接而成,内用硅酸铝耐火纤维模块、超轻质高铝泡沫砖砌筑成炉膛.。 波纹带状加热元件通过高铝瓷钉固定于炉衬棉上。 炉膛内有一耐热板密焊而成的炉胆,被处理工件安放在炉胆内。 在炉盖上装有通风机,用来强制气流循环,以使炉内温度和气体均匀。 take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 井式真空回火电阻炉炉盖与炉胆口法兰密封连接,炉盖上连接真空装置。 温控系统采用,,,可编程控制,具有超温报警,故障自诊断等功能。 井式真空回火炉详情登录: 井式气体氮化炉 RN系列井式气体氮化炉系周期作业式电炉,主要供碳钢机件的气体渗氮等软氮化和硬氮化用。与电炉控制柜配合使用可自动控制及自动记录电炉的温度。 本氮化炉结构主要由炉体、加热元件和温控系统组成。炉体外壳由型钢及钢板焊接而成,内用超轻质高铝泡沫砖砌筑成炉膛.保温层采用硅酸铝耐火纤维、硅藻土(或蛭石粉)散料结构,以提高炉体保温性能, 加热元件安放在搁丝砖上,并有电阻丝小钩使其定位。 炉膛内有一耐热板焊接成炉罐及料筐,被处理工件安放在料筐内。为使被处理工件均匀的与渗碳气体接触,在炉壳上装有通风机,用来强制气流循环,以使炉内温度和气体均匀。在风机轴套上有一防止漏气的密封装置,并采用冷却水冷却。炉盖的升降均有液压升降机构来完成,其动力由10/25液压装置提供。 当需将井式气体氮化炉炉盖升起时,只要开动液压装置,炉盖即徐徐上升;如需炉盖下降,只要旋松液压装置中内螺纹截止阀,炉盖即缓缓下降。在升降轴处,有两限位开关,当升降轴上升时,下面一个限位开关自动切断电动风机电源,以免操作发生危险;当炉盖升足时,上面一个限位自动切断液压装置的电源,以防升降轴顶出油缸发生意外。 本井式气体氮化炉的液体滴入系统备有可进行三种液体同时滴入的滴量器,并可通过流量计及针形阀控制其流量。 在炉盖上方设有水冷却的试样管、取气孔、排气孔,如与红外线CO2分析仪配合及改装,则可进行氮势自动控制的工艺操作。 可根据用户要求设计制造 井式气体氮化炉详情登录: 井式回火电阻炉 RJ系列井式回火电阻炉(以下简称电炉)主要供长型钢(如轴类等)在空气中正火、回火、淬火之用。 本回火炉结构主要由炉体、加热元件和温控系统组成。 炉体外壳由型钢及钢板焊接而成,内用硅酸铝耐火纤维模块、超轻质高铝泡沫砖砌筑成炉膛.。 波纹带状加热元件通过高铝瓷钉固定于炉衬棉上。 炉膛内有一耐热板焊接成料筐,被处理工件安放在料筐内。 在炉壳上装有通风机,用来强制气流循环,以使炉内温度和气体均匀。 炉盖的升降均有液压升降机构来完成,其动力由液压装置提供。 当需将炉盖升起时,只要开动液压装置,炉盖即徐徐上升;如需炉盖下降,只要旋松液压装置中内螺纹截止阀,炉盖即缓缓下降。在升降轴处,有两限位开关,当升降轴上升时,下面一个限位开关自动切断电动风机电源,以免操作发生危险;当炉盖升足时,上面一个限位自动切断液压装置的电源,以防升降轴顶出固定轴发生意外。 井式回火电阻炉详情登录: take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season 台车式淬火炉 一、主要技术说明 1、本台车炉用途: RT3全纤维高温台车式电阻炉是周期作业炉,主要供铸造、锻造、冶金、机械、特殊钢、轧棍、法兰环件、阀门、车桥、等大、中型金属或合金机件在低于额定温度下热处理之用(正火、退火、淬火)。 2、结构简介: (1) 本台车炉由炉体和一个可以移动的台车组成。 (2) 炉体外壳及台车均采用优质钢板和型钢焊接而成。 (3) 加热元件采用首钢产的高电阻合金0Cr27AL7Mo2电阻带布置在炉门、炉侧、炉后墙、台车上。 (4)炉衬采用纯纤维棉,承重部分采用重质耐火砖砌筑,以增强炉衬的结构强度。台车保温层采用硅酸铝耐火纤维、硅藻土保温砖复合结构,以提高炉体的保温性能。 二、本台车炉主要技术特点 本电炉主要由炉体(包括炉门)、炉衬、炉门升降、炉车、炉车传动机构、电加热装置、温度控制及记录系统等主要部分组成。 台车式淬火炉详情登录: take received way, its take received length not is less than 20mm. Plastic or rubber seal piece after cutting hair glue bond, bond length is not less than 200mm, rubber seal should be installed to prevent distortion or tearing. Install good sealing should be fixed and protected. Asphalt seal installation, elevated with concrete, check the paragraph by paragraph, by pouring asphalt and heavy heating before the pouring of concrete. Expansion joint of concrete surface smooth and clean, when there are voids and, in accordance with the regulations, all exposed iron removal. 2) drainage: drainage type, size, location and material specifications shall comply with the provisions of the construction drawings, drain hole position and design position deviation is less than 10cm, inclination of the hole is less than 2%, depth of error not greater than or less than the depth of 2%. 3) embedded parts: embedded parts should be according to the design drawings for the installation before pouring concrete, concrete pouring process dedicated to embedded parts for protection. (8) construction method of concrete part 1) plant lower concrete and construction when excavation to the design of sluice concrete after the elevation, basic cleaning, basic acceptance and artificial groups standing steel profiles, hierarchical fault block placement, height 1~2m. Template with a wood Board Joint rock surface, preventing the loss of liquid. Concrete dump truck 5T material brought on to the site from the mixing station from EX200 long arm backhoe warehousing, labor positions, ф 2 "vibrator vibrating to dense. Artificial water conservation to age. 2) Pier and dam concrete construction manual set set steel template ... Freeze and keep the surface moist; 6) avoid pouring concrete at night in the winter, in case of pouring concrete in the night, the use of color cloth installation insulation shed, Studio adopts electrical heating or charcoal firing method to increase the temperature inside the warehouse; 7) template plus straw bags hung in the side, on the side of the thermal insulation of concrete to prevent Frost cracking; 8) extended striking time 3-5 days; 9) in order to reduce heat loss during transport, take a dump truck to install scaffolding, or direct use of concrete mixing truck haul; 10) in aggregate silos on scaffolding to prevent rain and snow; 11) when the temperature is too low, the suspended concrete construction. (2) in rainy season
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