

2017-10-14 20页 doc 74KB 27阅读




卫生许可各项制度(理发店、旅馆、歌舞厅、浴室)卫生许可各项制度(理发店、旅馆、歌舞厅、浴室) 理发美容卫生制度 1、申领公共场所卫生许可证、亮证经营~按时复核。 2、保持内部环境整洁~室内无积尘~地面无果皮、痰迹和垃圾。 3、建立卫生管理网络和卫生管理档案~有卫生负责人。 4、从业人员每年进行健康体检~持有效健康证上岗~证件集中保管。 5、从业人员每年进行公共场所卫生知识培训考核~持培训合格证上岗~培训资料、证件集中存档。 6、配置公共用具清洗消毒设施~保持正常使用~理发美容工具、毛巾做到一客一换一消毒~分类存放。 7、地面碎发做到及时清扫~工作台面和理发...
卫生许可各项制度(理发店、旅馆、歌舞厅、浴室) 理发美容卫生制度 1、申领公共场所卫生许可证、亮证经营~按时复核。 2、保持内部环境整洁~室内无积尘~地面无果皮、痰迹和垃圾。 3、建立卫生管理网络和卫生管理档案~有卫生负责人。 4、从业人员每年进行健康体检~持有效健康证上岗~证件集中保管。 5、从业人员每年进行公共场所卫生知识培训考核~持培训合格证上岗~培训、证件集中存档。 6、配置公共用具清洗消毒设施~保持正常使用~理发美容工具、毛巾做到一客一换一消毒~分类存放。 7、地面碎发做到及时清扫~工作台面和理发工具表面无碎发残留。 8、理发人员操作时穿清洁干净的工作服~清面时戴口罩。美容人员在美容前双手进行清洗消毒~工作时要戴口罩。 9、理发用大小围布经常清洗更换保持整洁~脸巾清洁~每客用后清洗消毒。 10、对患有头癣、皮肤病的顾客要配备专用的理发工具~并有明显标志~用后及时消毒~并单独存放。 11、美容用唇膏、唇笔等做到一次性使用~不做创伤性美容。供顾客使用的化妆品符合《化妆品卫生标准》。 responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspections on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood control and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the construction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project construction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and management. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Engineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and preparation of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, quality plans, 宾馆、旅店卫生制度 1、申领公共场所卫生许可证、亮证经营~按时复核。 2、保持内部环境整洁~室内无积尘~地面无果皮、痰迹和垃圾。 3、建立卫生管理网络和卫生管理档案~有卫生负责人。 4、从业人员每年进行健康体检~持有效健康证上岗~证件集中保管。 5、从业人员每年进行公共场所卫生知识培训考核~持培训合格证上岗~培训资料、证件集中存档。 6、设置公共用具清洗消毒间~配置清洗消毒设施~消毒间做到环境整洁~物品摆放整齐有序~污染物品和清洁物品分开存放~标识明显~消毒间内不存放个人物品和与消毒无关物品。 7、被套、枕套,巾,、床单等卧具实行一客一换~长住客床上用品至少一周一换。 8、公用茶具每日清洗消毒。茶具表面保持光洁、无污垢、无油渍、无水渍、无异味。 9、客房内卫生间的洗漱池、浴盆、座便器每日清洗消毒~清扫工具分开~做到无交叉污染。无卫生间的客房~每个床位配备标识明显的脸盆和脚盆。脸盆、脚盆和拖鞋做到一客一换~用后及时清洗和消毒。 10、公共卫生间做到每日清扫、消毒、并保持无积水、无蝇蛆、无异味。 11、有防蝇、蚊、蟑螂和防鼠害的设施~经常检查设施使用情况。 、对旅客废弃的衣物进行登记~统一销毁。 12 13、做好饮用水卫生管理~店内自备水源和二次供水水质符合《生活饮用水卫生标准》~二次供水蓄水池有卫生防护措施~蓄水池容器内的涂料符合输水管材卫生要求~做到定期清洗消毒。 14、加强自然通风~机械通风设施保持正常使用~空调器滤网和电扇叶片定期清洗保洁。 2y plans,paration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualitnd preEngineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization ail conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief on, sogement. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protectistruction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and manact connstruction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the projetrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cood conhe State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flos on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing tproject situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspection responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the 歌舞厅卫生制度 1、申领公共场所卫生许可证、亮证经营~按时复核。 2、保持内部环境整洁~室内无积尘~地面无果皮、痰迹和垃圾。 3、建立卫生管理网络和卫生管理档案~有卫生负责人。 4、从业人员每年进行健康体检~持有效健康证上岗~证件集中保管。 5、从业人员每年进行公共场所卫生知识培训考核~持培训合格证上岗~培训资料、证件集中存档。 6、设置公共用具清洗消毒间~配置清洗消毒设施~消毒间做到环境整洁~物品摆放整齐有序~污染物品和清洁物品分开存放~标识明显~消毒间内不存放个人物品和与消毒无关物品。 7、场所内禁止吸烟~禁烟标志明显~机械通风设施保持正常使用~保证室内空气清新无异味。 8、场所内不使用紫外线灯、滑石粉和有害烟雾剂。 9、茶具、饮具、毛巾做到一客一换一消毒~做到不重复使用~清洗消毒有专人负责~正确~操作。 10、空调器滤网、电扇叶片、座位套定期清洗保持整洁。 11、厕所及时清扫保洁~做到无积污、无异味。 ineeconservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Eng Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil ement.truction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and managion production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project consstructrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cone, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood contStat on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the cording to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspectionsresponsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, ac3,plans aration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualityr: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and prep 公共浴室卫生制度 1、申领公共场所卫生许可证、亮证经营~按时复核。 2、保持内部环境整洁~室内无积尘~地面无果皮、痰迹和垃圾。 3、建立卫生管理网络和卫生管理档案~有卫生负责人。 4、从业人员每年进行健康体检~持有效健康证上岗~证件集中保管。 5、从业人员每年进行公共场所卫生知识培训考核~持培训合格证上岗~培训资料、证件集中存档。 6、设置公共用具清洗消毒间~配置清洗消毒设施~消毒间做到环境整洁~物品摆放整齐有序~污染物品和清洁物品分开存放~标识明显~消毒间内不存放个人物品和与消毒无关物品。 7、营业期间加强通风换气~保持室内空气清新无烟味异味~机械通风换气设施保持正常使用~营业结束后打开门窗进行充分自然通风。 8、保持公共用具清洁~茶具、毛巾、拖鞋、浴衣裤、修脚工具做到一客一换一清洗一消毒~消毒方法正确~操作规范,清洁物品与污染物品分开存放标识明显~外送清洗消毒物品建立管理台帐。 9、浴池每日营业结束后彻底清洗~经消毒后换水~营业期间每日补充2次以上新水~补水量达到总水量20%~浴池清扫及补充新水有台帐记录。 10、更衣室、休闲保健区所用垫巾经常更换~保持整洁。 11、空调滤网和电风扇叶片定期清洗保持清洁。 12、厕所及时清扫保持清洁~做到无污物积留、无异味。 13、禁止患性病和各种传染性皮肤病的顾客进入浴室就浴~有禁浴标志。 4y plans,paration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualitnd preEngineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization ail conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief on, sogement. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protectistruction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and manact connstruction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the projetrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cood conhe State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flos on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing tproject situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspection responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the 游戏室卫生制度 1、申领公共场所卫生许可证、亮证经营~按时复核。 2、保持内部环境整洁~室内无积尘~地面无果皮、痰迹和垃圾。 3、建立卫生管理网络和卫生管理档案~有卫生负责人。 4、从业人员每年进行健康体检~持有效健康证上岗~证件集中保管。 5、从业人员每年进行公共场所卫生知识培训考核~持培训合格证上岗~培训资料、证件集中存档。 6、设置公共用具清洗消毒间~配置清洗消毒设施~消毒间做到环境整洁~物品摆放整齐有序~污染物品和清洁物品分开存放~标识明显~消毒间内不存放个人物品和与消毒无关物品。 7、场所内禁止吸烟~禁烟标志明显~机械通风设施保持正常使用~保证室内空气清新无异味。 8、场所内使用紫外线灯消毒。 9、茶具、饮具做到一客一换一消毒~做到不重复使用~清洗消毒有专人负责~方法正确~操作规范。 10、空调器滤网、电扇叶片、座位套定期清洗保持整洁。 11、厕所及时清扫保洁~做到无积污、无异味。 aration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualityr: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and prepineeconservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Eng Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil ement.truction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and managion production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project consstructrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cone, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood contStat on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the cording to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspectionsresponsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, ac5,plans 卫生行政许可文书 HA-XK5 行政许可审批办理表(一)(附表8) 编号: ?新办 ?复核 ?换证 ?选址及审核 ?竣工验收 申请单位名称: 单位地址: 法人代表/负责人: 申请单位联系人: 联系电话: 申请许可类别: 申报材料初审意见: ?合法 ?规范 ?完整 受理日期: 受理责任人签名: 附:申报材料共 件 页。 申报材料移交承办科室日期: 月 日 接办人签名: 年 申报材料实质内容核实情况: 现场审查意见:,描述现场~经营规模~符合条件的许可项目和依据等, 承办人签名: 年 月 日 承办科室负责人签名: 年 月 日 许可审查科室意见: 许可审查科室负责人签名: 年 月 日 监督所负责人审核意见: 所领导: 年 月 日 卫生局审批意见: 处室负责人: 局领导: 年 月 日 淮安市卫生局制 6y plans,paration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualitnd preEngineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization ail conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief on, sogement. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protectistruction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and manact connstruction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the projetrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cood conhe State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flos on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing tproject situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspection responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the 卫生行政许可文书 HA-XK11 行政许可复核/换证申请表,附表9, 单位名称 法定代表人 详细地址 负责人/业主 联系人 联系电话 原许可证号 已取得健康现有从业 经营面积 证人员数 人 员 数 许可项目 所附资料:(请在所提供资料前的?内打“?”) , 1、卫生许可证原件 页 , 2、法定代表人或负责人资格书面证明或工商营业执照复印件 页 , 3、生产经营场所、设备、布局、卫生设施、工艺流程图 页 , 4、从业人员健康检查和卫生法规知识培训合格人员名单 页 , 5、有效的监(检)测检验报告 页 , 6、企业卫生 页 , 7、卫生行政部门依法要求提供的其他有关资料 页 共 页 承诺保证书 本申请表中所申报的内容及所附资料均真实、合法,符合国家有关规范、标准和规定。如有不实之处,我单位愿负相应的法律责任,并承担由此所造成的一切后果。 法定代表人/负责人/业主(签字): 申请单位(盖章) 年 月 日 淮安市卫生局制 7,plans aration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualityr: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and prepineeconservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Eng Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil ement.truction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and managion production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project consstructrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cone, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood contStat on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the cording to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspectionsresponsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, ac 卫生行政许可文书 HA-XK6 行政许可审批办理表(二)(附表10) 编号: ?变更 ?补证 申请单位名称: 单位地址: 法人代表/负责人: 申请单位联系人: 联系电话: 申报材料初审意见: ?合法 ?规范 ?完整 受理日期: 受理责任人签名: 许可审查科室对申报材料内容核实情况: 承办人签名: 年 月 日 许可审查科室负责人签名: 年 月 日 监督所负责人审核意见: 所领导: 年 月 日 卫生局审批意见: 处室负责人: 年 月 日 淮安市卫生局制 paration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualitnd preEngineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization ail conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief on, sogement. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protectistruction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and manact connstruction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the projetrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cood conhe State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flos on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing tproject situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspection responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the8y plans, 附表11: 受理编号:, , 江苏省公共场所 卫生行政许可申请表 申请单位 江苏省卫生厅制 9,plans aration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualityr: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and prepineeconservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Eng Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil ement.truction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and managion production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project consstructrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cone, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood contStat on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the cording to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspectionsresponsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, ac 申请单位 详细地址 邮 编 联系人 电 话 公共场所经营项目 所附材料:(请在所提供材料前的?内打“?”) ?1、江苏省公共场所卫生行政许可申请表 ?2、法定代表人或负责人资格证明材料 ?3、公共场所经营单位总体平面图和周围环境平面图 ?4、公共场所经营项目布局及卫生设施平面布局图 ?5、卫生设备和消毒、检验设备清单 ?6、卫生行政部门认可的检验机构出具的公共场所卫生检测报告书; ?7、从业人员健康检查、卫生知识培训合格证明材料 ?8、卫生质量控制体系相关材料(包括卫生管理组织、管理制度、卫生安全保障措施等) 本申请表中所申报的内容及所附材料均真实、合法、有效,符合国家有关规范、标准和规定。如有不实之处或侵权行为,我单位愿负相应的法律责任,并承担由此所造成的一切后果。 法定代表人/负责人 申请单位(签章) (签字) 年 月 日 年 月 日 y plans,paration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualitnd preEngineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization ail conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief on, sogement. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protectistruction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and manact connstruction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the projetrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cood conhe State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flos on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing tproject situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspection responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the10 附表12: 卫生设备和消毒、检验设备清单 序号 设备名称 型号 主要材质 生 产 单 位 数量 Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protection, soil ement.truction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and managion production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the project consstructrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cone, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flood contStat on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing the cording to the project situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspectionsresponsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, ac11,plans aration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualityr: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization and prepineeconservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief Eng 附件14: 公共场所发证范围 ,一,宾馆、饭馆、旅店、招待所、车马店、咖啡馆、酒吧、茶座, ,二,公共浴室、理发店、美容店, ,三,影剧院、录像厅,室,、游艺厅,室,、舞厅、音乐厅, ,四,体育场,馆,、游泳场,馆,、公园, ,五,展览馆、博物馆、美术馆、图书馆, ,六,商场,店,、书店, ,七,候诊室、候车,机、船,室、公共交通工具。 12y plans,paration of the construction project of the Department of project construction organization designs, management plans, qualitnd preEngineer: Zhou Lin, with overall responsibility for the project's construction technology and quality control. Organization ail conservation, occupational health and other work carried out to ensure that project management goal be achieved. 4, Chief on, sogement. Responsible for organizing the implementation of monitoring the safety, quality, construction, environmental protectistruction organization, safe and civilized construction, standardization, production scheduling, resource allocation and manact connstruction production, take full responsibility for project construction production; organization and management of the projetrol and safety laws and regulations and instructions. 3, Deputy Project Manager: Vaucanson, organizing and commanding the cood conhe State, ministries, local governments and owners of works civil construction, environmental protection, transportation, flos on a regular basis, developed under the auspices of the improvement programmes and measures. Responsible for implementing tproject situation, the rational allocation of resources required. Organizational security, quality inspection responsibility; implementation of the quality policy and objectives, establish and improve the Organization, according to the
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